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Name: Steven Lloyd M. Balinas TRANSLATION OUTPUT Date: June 6,2023

BAELS 3-1 3: Score: /50
Instructions: Translate the follow passage from the Holy Qur'an from English to Filipino using Formal
Equivalence, "as literally as possible but as free as necessary". Write your translated text and
translation notes on a piece of paper, take a clear picture, and insert in the attached document. Save
your document as ENLS 135 Output 3 BAELS 3-1 Surname_Given Name (accepted file types are
.docx, .gdoc, and .pdf). (Under “Translation Notes”, write how you decided on how to translate certain
words or phrases [especially the highlighted terms]).
Source Text:
The Birth of Jesus Christ
(Surah 19 [“Maryam”] vv. 26-40)

And remember Maryam in the Book; when she went away from her family to a place towards east. So
there she screened herself from them; We therefore sent Our Spirit towards her - he appeared
before her in the form of a healthy man. [Angel Jibreel – peace be upon him.] She said, "I fly for
refuge of the Most Gracious from you - if you fear God."
He said, "I am indeed one sent by your Lord; so that I may give you a chaste son."
She said, "How can I bear a son? No man has ever touched me, nor have I been unchaste!"
He said, "So it is; your Lord has said, ‘This is easy for Me’; and in order that We make him a
sign for mankind and a Mercy from Us; and this matter has been decreed."
So she conceived him, and she went away with him to a far place. Then the pangs of childbirth
brought her to the base of the palm-tree; she said, "Oh, if only had I died before this and had become
forgotten, unremembered." (The angel) Therefore called her from below her, "Do not grieve - your
Lord has made a river flow below you. And shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards you - ripe fresh
dates will fall upon you. Therefore eat and drink and appease your eyes; so if you meet any person
then say, ‘I have pledged a fast (of silence) to the Most Gracious - I will therefore not speak to any
person today.’ "

So carrying him in her arms, she brought him to her people; they said, "O Maryam, you have
indeed committed a great evil!" "O sister of Aaron, neither was your father an evil man nor was your
mother of poor conduct!"
Thereupon she pointed towards the child; they said, "How can we speak to an infant who is in
the cradle?" The child proclaimed, "I am Allah’s servant; He has given me the Book and made me a
Herald of the Hidden (a Prophet). And He has made me blessed wherever I be; and ordained upon
me prayer and charity, as long as I live. And has made me good to my mother and not made me
forceful, ill-fated. And peace is upon me the day I was born, and on the day I shall taste death, and on
the day I will be raised alive."
This is Isa, the son of Maryam; a true statement, in which they doubt.
Translated Text:
Translation Notes:

For the first highlighted word which is “Maryam” I have come up to translate it as “Maria” as it is
common for Filipino translation and pleasing to read or hear.

Next is “She screened herself”, as I analyze the text I came up to translate it as looking at her inner

For the pronouns “We, ”Us” and “Our”, I respected the text to stay in its concept that there are two
or more persona involved in here, which were God the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son.

For “Jibreel” I translated it as Gabriel

For the word “dates” I didn’t even know what that fruit is and haven’t seen or heard of it before,
that’s why I just translated it as dates as well but read it syllabically as da-tes.

Herald of the Hidden – I just have a quite hard time to translate it because this is not common term,
as I have researched I came up to translate it as “Tagapamalita ng Nakatagong Katotohanan”

Ordained is also a considered as holy word or special and I came to translate it as “itinalaga”.

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