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Parliamentary Language:
- Delegates are expected to use respectful and diplomatic language during debates.
- Insults, offensive language, or derogatory comments are generally not allowed.

10. Role of the Chairperson:

- The chairperson is responsible for maintaining order, enforcing the RoP, and facilitating the debate.
- The chairperson does not participate in the debate and remains neutral.

It's important to note that the specific Rules of Procedure can vary from one MUN conference to
another, as different conferences may adopt their own variations or adaptations. Delegates should
review the conference-specific RoP provided by the organizers to ensure they understand how the
conference will be conducted. Familiarity with the RoP is crucial for effective participation in Model
United Nations simulations.
Committee: United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

Topic: Addressing Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

The United Nations General Assembly has convened to discuss the urgent issue of climate change and
environmental sustainability. The international community is deeply concerned about the
environmental challenges facing our planet, including rising global temperatures, deforestation, and
pollution. Delegates will work together to propose practical solutions to combat climate change and
promote sustainable environmental practices.

Country Assignments:
Assign each student in your class a specific country to represent during the simulation. Try to include a
mix of countries from different regions of the world.

Simulation Scenario:
1. Opening Session: Begin with an opening session where each delegate briefly introduces themselves
and their country's stance on the issue.

2. Debate and Collaboration: Encourage delegates to share their country's views on climate change and
environmental sustainability. Discuss the importance of cooperation and finding common ground.

3. Proposal Development: Delegates should work together to draft a simple resolution addressing
climate change and environmental sustainability. The resolution can include practical steps countries
can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect natural resources, and promote sustainability.

4. Resolution Presentation: Delegates take turns presenting their resolution to the committee. Each
presentation should include the rationale behind their proposals and the expected outcomes.

5. Debate and Amendments: Allow for debate and the opportunity to propose amendments to the
resolutions. Amendments should be relevant and enhance the resolution's effectiveness.

6. Voting: After sufficient debate, hold a vote on the proposed resolutions and any amendments.
Resolutions that receive a majority of votes are adopted.

7. Closing Session: Conclude the simulation with a closing session where delegates reflect on the
experience, discuss what they've learned, and express their commitment to addressing climate change
and environmental sustainability.

Tips for a Successful Simulation:

- Emphasize the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and active participation.
- Encourage students to research their assigned countries' policies and positions on climate change.
- Promote respectful and constructive debate.
- Keep the simulation simple and focused on the main topic.

This beginner-friendly MUN simulation is designed to introduce students to the basic principles of Model
United Nations while addressing a globally significant issue. It allows students to practice research,
public speaking, negotiation, and collaboration skills in a supportive classroom environment.

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