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oer: What abou my passport? maunic Oh yes thoy wacko 09 that OK. ‘ici [woul get tressad stout the intra though jt a chan for hero ble a elationship wth you 20 they can ry and match you ajo whic yu ke. So here ae queatons sbou personally hat hey ays ask candidates — fait basic anes And they probably wont ak anything to act ke what your Plans are for be fe sos: Hope not. VmeuWe Anjuay, hae azole of bene to using an agency — fr axa, the nierviow vil be Use because they ge you Ieedback on your performance so ou can Improve next tine. ‘woes: Andtheylihave acess to bs which arent adverse. Vmause Exactly most temporary jbe aren't adverse, ‘wes: And expect ning. temporay job this way lakes a otess ime is much {2sier han rngng vp individu companies vwmunsc Yes indeed. Wel thle PART 2 ‘Good moming My name's Era Mathews, and Im the owner of Mathews sland Holidays, ‘a company sol up by my pare. Thank yu or coming tots presentation, m which | Rope {o nterest you in what wo have oof. Were a sma fama run comnpany, and we bole In the impertanes ofthe personal th, so we don sim to compete wth ther companies an ‘he rumber of customers, Wht ve doe bon a = _lmasLany oar ral alia canary —'o ensure we provide pie! hldays na smal ‘umbor of destinations, whch ave gato know exerely Wo. sta with shay isle ofan olay. Tiss fascinating ind inthe Ih Sea, wth Wiaes othe south, Engtand tothe eas, Stlland to he nor and Nort kland tothe west Our holdey stats n Heysham, where your lau managee wil meet you, hen you! travel by fry othe Ile of Man Sore people prefer to fy Fo Luton stead, and another Popular option so goby rant Liverpool and take a ferry tom there ‘Yeu have five rights nthe hot, an ha rice covers fe breaks and dinners, and hunch fours, and most poopie hay Tuneh in ea or restaurant in Douglas The ree of he hoa induces tho fry to the Ise of Man, al travel on he sland the hota nd he meals ve martianed ier, wo ryt make booking our hotdays as simple ‘nd sr as posible, so unio wih many compares, to price is the same whether ou Book ‘ixmontnsn advance o at Pe lst minuto, and there's ne supplment or ingle rooms (0K, sowhat dose the holiday sonst f7 Well on day one youl arrvein ime fora short Intecucton by your tour manage, flowed by cinnerin the hols. The ding rom looks ‘ut tthe ver coset where owsnto he harbou, and there's usuay plenty of actly ging on. ‘On day two you take the coach tothe smal town cf Peel onthe way cling in athe “TynwaldExibin. These ofan sn par ofthe Unites Kingdom, anit has is own Test 1 or ae ovo on are ars 97

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