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1. _____________ Jason is looking for advice on how to practice English at home because he
wants to get better at it. 1. [UC] 2. -ise (vi.) 3. advice on 4. 正式 &上對下
2. _____________ The f_____er president attended the National Day celebrations to show his
love for the country. former current 電流/水流/流動著 : 活在 = in office 執政
Henry showed his test result to me. to 對象 (朝向的概念)
The celebrations are to show his love for the country. 給國家的愛
3. Studies indicate that eating various vegetables and fruits can promote good health.
= diverse = a variety of
4. _____________ After the global summit, the r_____p between this nation and its neighbors has
improved. relationship

be related to 對象 = be relevant to relatives 親戚

5. _____________ Natural disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes, might do damage to

our living environment. hurricanes do harm to 對象

6. _____________ Although it is clear that Lisa’s plan to sell the product is not going to work, I
respect her for sharing her ideas with me. 1. respect 人 for 事情
2. pay respect to 人 向~人致敬
7. _____________ When Joy studied in New York, she faced many challenges.
8. _____________ Students in this international school come from a variety of backgrounds, so
they can learn about different cultures from each other.
9. _____________ Mary has spent a lot of time learning Spanish in order to communicate with
locals when visiting Spain this summer.
Contact 人 聯絡 in contact with 人 communicate with 人
保持聯繫 keep in touch with 人

10. _____________ The speaker i______ced us to new ways of using active body language.
11. _____________ Bob missed my calls, so he might send me a message later.

text vt. 傳文字 He’s texting his girl friend. 教科書 textbook

12. _____________ Political figures have to present a good image and keep their word to win the
hearts of the people. = promise and realize
13. _____________ Angela caught a bad cold, so the doctor strongly a_____sed her to stay home
and rest.

14. _____________ These videos of World War I are of great value = valuable to the studies of
15. _____________ By listening to the conversation between the police and the suspect, we found out
that the suspect had been in communication with the victim. contact 有接觸

16. _____________ Tom works very hard in order to find ways to deal with the issue of bad
working conditions.
17. _____________ Daniel impressed everyone in his class with his excellent Spanish speaking
18. _____________ Cindy found some problems at the third stage of the homework, so she had to do it

19. _____________ Office workers always need to strike a balance between work and life.

20. _____________ Don’t worry. With everyone’s help and support, the problem will be solved
sooner or later.
21. _____________ The steak was so juicy and tender that even my grandmother could eat it
without difficulty.
22. _____________ Sophie has been dreaming of setting up an organization to promote zerowaste
23. _____________ ̇Mike’s classmates were chatting loudly during the break, so he couldn’t focus on
reading. Concentrate on

24. _____________ Nancy and Chris exchanged their phone numbers and arranged to have lunch
together. exchange ….with 人
25. _____________ Joshua and Sue are members of different p_____al parties but remain very
good friends.
26. _____________ Climbing Mount Everest is truly an impressive achievement that you can
boast 吹噓 for a lifetime.
27. _____________ The laborers held a demonstration 示威遊行 (strike 罷工) against the long
working hours and bad working conditions.
28. _____________ The president of the university invited the foreign students to share their life
stories to encourage cultural diversity. biodiversity 生物多樣性
29. The only solution to this problem is for the couple to sit down and talk things out. 講開
30. The smartphone company’s sales declined this year as it no longer produced high-quality


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