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Objective: The students will be able to analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and
practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors.

Subject: Health

Grade Level: Grade 8

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science - Human Reproduction and Development
2. Social Studies - Gender and Society
3. Values Education - Respect for Self and Others

Review Motivation:
1. Show a short video clip or documentary about the importance of understanding attitudes
and practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors.
2. Conduct a class discussion about common misconceptions and stereotypes regarding
3. Share personal stories or experiences that highlight the influence of attitudes and
practices on sexual behaviors.

Activity 1: Factors that Affect Attitudes and Practices

Materials: Chart paper, markers, handouts

1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Provide each group with chart paper and markers.
3. Instruct the groups to brainstorm and list down factors that can influence attitudes and
practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors.
4. After completing the list, each group will present their findings to the class.
5. Facilitate a class discussion to analyze and categorize the factors mentioned.
6. Distribute handouts for individual reflection and analysis.


- Participation in group discussion and brainstorming (5 points)
- Quality of factors listed (10 points)
- Presentation of findings (5 points)

Assessment questions:
1. What are the factors that can influence attitudes and practices related to sexuality and
sexual behaviors?
2. How do these factors affect individuals' decision-making regarding their sexual behaviors?
Activity 2: Case Study Analysis

Materials: Case study scenarios, worksheets

1. Provide each student with a case study scenario.
2. Instruct the students to analyze the factors that may have influenced the attitudes and
practices of the individuals in the case study.
3. Students should complete the worksheet by identifying the factors and explaining their
impact on the individuals' behaviors.
4. After completing the analysis, students will share their findings with a partner or in small
5. Facilitate a class discussion to discuss the different perspectives and interpretations of the
case studies.


- Analysis of factors influencing attitudes and practices (10 points)
- Explanation of the impact on behaviors (10 points)
- Active participation in class discussion (5 points)

Assessment questions:
1. What factors influenced the attitudes and practices of the individuals in the case study?
2. How did these factors affect their sexual behaviors?

Activity 3: Real-Life Application

Materials: News articles, laptops or tablets

1. Assign each student to find a news article related to attitudes, practices, or sexual
2. Instruct the students to read the article and analyze the factors discussed in the article.
3. Students should write a reflection paper discussing the factors identified and their
potential impact on individuals' attitudes and practices.
4. Facilitate a class discussion where students can share their reflections and discuss the
different perspectives presented in the articles.


- Analysis of factors mentioned in the article (10 points)
- Reflection on the potential impact of these factors (10 points)
- Active participation in class discussion (5 points)

Assessment questions:
1. What factors were discussed in the news article?
2. How do these factors potentially influence individuals' attitudes and practices related to
sexuality and sexual behaviors?

Analysis: The activities provided opportunities for students to analyze and understand the
factors that affect attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors.
Through group discussions, case study analysis, and real-life applications, students were
able to identify and evaluate the impact of these factors.

Abstraction: Students learned that attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual
behaviors are influenced by various factors such as cultural norms, social expectations,
personal values, and peer pressure. They understood the importance of critically analyzing
these factors to make informed decisions and promote healthy behaviors.

Application: To apply their learning, students could be given a real-life problem such as
developing a campaign or intervention to promote positive attitudes and practices related
to sexuality and sexual behaviors among their peers.

Assessment: Teachers can assess the learning of students by evaluating their participation
and contributions during class discussions, analyzing their completed worksheets and
reflection papers, and conducting oral presentations.

Assignment: As an assignment, students can be asked to create a poster or infographic

that highlights the factors influencing attitudes and practices related to sexuality and
sexual behaviors, along with strategies to promote positive behaviors.

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