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What is the origin of your family?

Write a short history of yourself and your family background over the
last three (3) generations (i.e. 100 years).

Format of writing:

·600-800 words maximum exclude references( Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa

Inggeris )

·Font size – 12

·1.5 spacing

·Font style - Times New Roman or Arial

Born as the youngest child in the family and yet the only daughter. I have three siblings but since last
year,only just two siblings left. Family can be defined as _______.
Back to the topic, I still have both of my parents. My eldest brother was born in 1985 and he died
last year on 13th March 2017 because of heart infection. The day he passed away was the day I felt like
I lost everything because he is my hero. He always pampered me more compared to my second
brother. He always put me as his priority in everything he did and he also never forget me when it
comes to food. Well, I have to accept that he is not here with us anymore. He might not an educated
person but he taught me so many things about life. My second brother was born in 1987 and he get
married in 2013. He have a beautiful wife and a daughter who is about 3 years old. He also plays an
important role in my family because he is the only one left as a son in my family. The highest
education that he went to was STPM(Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia) and with that certificate, he now
works in government sector.
Next, it is about my beloved parents. My dad was born in 1961 and he still works until today. He
works as an executive bank officer. He should have retired at the age of 55 years old but he decided
not to do so because I am still studying. He is a strict person but he have his own goals. He does not
like to waste time because time is gold for him! He usually the one who gives me advices about life
and about my future, well that every father should do anyway. My dad are a mix of chinese and malay
anyway. My mother works as a housewife and she was born in 1960. before she get married, she ever
studied how to be a tailor and until today,she will be the tailor in the house. She is a lovely mother
and I bet every children will say this too about their mother. My mother is always my first priority in
whatever I do. She are a mix of Malay-Brunei.
Having your grandparents in your life is one of unforgettable memories that you will never forget
because when they died, they will remain in your heart and mind. Let’s talk about my grandparent on
my father’s side. My grandmother was dead when I was 5 years old and she died because of some
kind of infections. She worked as a nurse before. As what my father told me, my grandmother was a
strict kind of person and she does not like to see anything that does not in order. Meanwhile, my
grandfather worked as an officer. He died in 2010 when I was 14 years old. My grandfather known as
someone that was too ego in anything but he was kind-hearted anyway. As what the information that
I get,my grandmother have 6 siblings and only one left which stay at Sungai Maong area. My
grandfather have 12 siblings and about 5-6 still alive until today. Some of them look alike my
Lastly, I am going to write about my grandparents of mother’s side. My grandfather works in
private sector before. He died in year 2010 and he is still be missing until today. He is the best
grandfather because he is like a f

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