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Activity # 1

Name: Ericka Mae P. Mateo

Date: June 07, 2022

A. Read the title below. Does it ask the basic question about the research title?

"The Effects of Parental Reading Socialization and Early School Involvement on

Children's Academic Performance: Panel Study ofPrimary School Pupils in
Netherlands" -

Read the introduction then answer the questions that follow.

Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative pathology—

(Zhao, Tan, Lau, Au, Li and Luo, 2008; Damiano, Snyder, Strausser and William, 1999;
Kluding and McGinnis, 2006; Michell, Lewis, Foltynie, Barker, 2004; Mont 2009)
which is characterized by rigidity, tremors andbradykinesia (Damiano et. al, 1999;
Michell et. al, 2004). PD is the 3rd most common neurologic disorder among elders
(Ignatavicius and Workman, 2006). Approximately 317, 065 of the 86 million
population of the Philippines suffer from Parkinson's Disease (U.S Census Bureau
International Database, 2004). As the elderly population grows, PD continues to be a
challenge confronting care professionals (Fisher, 1999). Due to rise of the prevalence
of PD, there had been several studies conducted focusing on the pharmacologic,
surgical and genetic interventions. Although pharmacologic therapyis the mainstay of
intervention for the condition, the value of non-pharmacological therapies as adjunct
management is accentuated to address the associated disabling symptoms (Gage and
Storey, 2004). Recreational activities may come in the form of traditional arts.
Traditional arts aredefinedas "arts that have been practiced for at least three
generations, including art forms from precolonial and colonial periods, actively
practiced by artists and craftsmen in the country, and passed on to other
practitioners" (Respicio 2007 cited by Loza de' Guzman and Jose, 2008). Traditional
Filipino Arts (TFA) make use of indigenous art materials, which according to Loza et,
at. (2008), are given little attention for possible rediscovery and utilization. Little is
known about the significance of TFA as a therapeutic recreation for elderly
individuals. In the effort of understanding the lived experience of an elderly
individual with PD, this study aims to gain insight into her experience in learning TFA.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that specifically explored the
therapeutic effect of TFA in elderly individuals with PD. Furthermore, to improve
health care delivery to older adults with P D, it is important for the nurse to
understand the patient's experience of the said intervention.

1. What is the problem?

-the problem here is the Parkinson's Disease (PD) .

2. Why it is a problem?
-It is a problem because Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive,
neurodegenerative pathology, and PD is the 3rd most common neurologic disorder

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among elders (Ignatavicius and Workman, 2006). Approximately 317, 065 of the 86
million population of the Philippines suffer from Parkinson's Disease (U.S Census
Bureau International Database, 2004).

3. How it should be solved?

Traditional arts can be used as recreational activities. Traditional arts are
described as "arts that have been practiced for at least three generations, including
precolonial and colonial art forms, actively practiced by artists and artisans in the
country, and passed down to other practitioners" (Respicio 2007, quoted by Loza de'
Guzman and Jose, 2008). According to Loza et al., traditional Filipino arts (TFA) make
use of indigenous art materials. (2008) have received little attention in terms of
potential rediscovery and use.

4. Why it should be solved?

Despite the fact that pharmacologic therapy is the basis of treatment for the
condition, the need of non-pharmacological therapies as adjunct care is highlighted
to address the disorder's disabling symptoms (Gage and Storey, 2004)

5. What is the purpose of the study?

-The Purpose of the study is to obtain insight into an elderly person with PD's
experience studying TFA in order to better understand her lived reality. To our
knowledge, to look into the therapeutic effects of TFA in older people with
Parkinson's disease. Furthermore, it is critical for the nurse to understand the
patient's experience with the intervention in order to enhance health care delivery to
older persons with P D.

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Activity # 2

Name: Ericka Mae P. Mateo

Date: June 07, 2022

A. Explain how to conceptualize a research topic.

1. Finding your focus

To conceptualize your research topic you must know which aspect of your
discipline interest you most, what have you observed that you have questions about,
and lastly what articles have you read that have raised questions in your mind.
Finding your focus keep you manageable and flexible.

2. What are the gaps in the literature?

-The gaps in the literature are by topic, methods, populations. The gaps in the
literature refer to missing pieces or insufficient data. These are areas where more
research is needed because they are unknown, under-explored, or obsolete.

3. Where to start?
-When you pick your topic, it's not set in stone. Picking and adjusting your
topic is an integral part of the research process! Where to start is you must read, you
must search detailed literature, attend seminars, conferences, and watch
presentations, dicuss your subject area with peers, and you must listen to others and
ask questions for other opinions.

4. Refining research topics

-Here in refining a research topics you might discuss with fellow researchers,
discuss with stakeholders, assess what is most critical to learn and assess research
sources if it is available.

B. Read the sample statement of the problem.Statement of the Problem The main
objective of this research undertaking was to conduct an assessment on the
implementation of SBM Program in Public Elementary Schools in the District of
Bacolor, Pampanga. More specifically, the study attempted to answerthe following

1. How do the stakeholders assess the six dimensions of School Based

Management Program by School?

1.1 School Leadership

1.2 Internal Stakeholders
1.3 External Stakeholders
1.4 School Management Process

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1.5 Resource Management and
1.6 Performance Accountability

2. How do the stakeholders assess the implementation of SBM dimension by school?

3. Are there significant relationships between and among the respondent group's
assessment on the different dimensions?

4. What are the issues and concerns on the SBM implementation?

5. What improvement plan be developed to achieve the SBM standards? Samonte, E.


 What is the main problem?

- the main problem here is that How do the stakeholders assess the
implementation of SBM dimension by school

•What are the minor or specific problems?

- the minor or specific problems here is that are ther significant relationships
between and among the respondent group's assessment on the different
dimensions, are the issues and concerns on the SBM implementation, and what are
the improvement plan be developed to achieve the SBM standards? Samonte, E.

C. Read the Background of Study then complete the table below.

Title: School-Based Management of Selected Public Secondary Schools in the City

Division of in Cavite

Background of the Study

To achieve the Education For All (EFA) objectives by 2015, the Department of
ducation is pursuing policy reforms under the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
(BESRA). Key Reform Thrust (KRT) of BESRA is School-Based Management (SBM).
SBM underscores the empowerment of key stakeholders in school communities to
enable them to actively participate in the continuous improvement of schools
towards the-attainment of higher pupil/student learning outcomes.

The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 provides the legal basis for
the decentralization of basic education management and governance to the level
closely to the learners. The school and community (Republic Act 9155).

The Department at Education has stepped up its efforts to decentralize

education management a strategy that is expected to improve the department's
operating efficiency and upgrade education quality. The DepEd is now accelerating
the implementation of School-Based Management (SBM), a key component ofBasic
Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA). With SBM as the key provider of
education, the school will be equipped to empower its key officials to make informed

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and localized decisions based on their unique needs toward improving the
educational system.
A decision as to where and into what aspect of school management and
processes a school and its stakeholders may start to build upon, as prescribed in the
SBM Scale of practice, makes assessment imperative. Assessment is also important to
determine the directions of improvements to attain the mature level of SBM practice.

Identify the background and setting by answering all of the questions about
the topic.
Questions Answers

D. Formulate the hypothesis.


1. What is the personality profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Dominance


2. How is the disc personality profile of the respondents related to their

performance in chemistry?


1. Is there a significant difference between the anxiety levels of the respondents
living in a dormitory and those who are not?


2. Is there a significant difference between the quality of life of the respondents

living in a dormitory and those who are not?


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