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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan


CONTRACT: 6312010794



Dorsch Gouppe


Musaied Bin Hafeedh Contracting & General Transport .

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

Document Information
Item Information
Document Owner Musaied Bin Hafeedh Contracting & General Transport
Issue Date 21/02/2022
File Name Project Emergency Response Plan

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

Document Approvals
Role Name
Prepared By: Mr. Asad Mehmood (HSE)

Reviewed By: Mr. (HSE Manager)

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan


FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL is committed in protecting the safety, welfare and interests of its Client,
Employees, Stake Holders and the Public. This Plan addresses the challenges and responsibilities of pre-event
mitigation and post-event recovery in addition to preparedness and response. It is established under and is in
accordance with Local Legislations, DM RF and statutes of Authorities for Emergency Management. This plan
will be implemented in the event of an emergency. The purpose of this plan is to provide the framework for
an effective system of emergency management, utilizing an all-hazards approach. It clarifies the following

1. Reduce the vulnerability of personnel, public and other involved parties;

2. Reduce the vulnerability to Assets and property as a whole;

3. Prepare for prompt and efficient response and recovery;

4. Respond to emergencies using all systems plans and resources available;

5. Recover from emergencies by providing for the rapid and orderly start of rehabilitation; and

6. Provide an emergency management system embodying all aspects of pre-emergency

preparedness and mitigation, as well as post-emergency response and recovery.

With the knowledge that the most timely and appropriate responses can best occur when a well-
documented plan has been implemented and understood.

Personnel and units assigned with specific emergency responsibilities must have a working knowledge
of functions and actions; to be prepared to act in accordance with a plan when emergencies occur.


The main objective of this Emergency Response Procedure is:

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Emergency Response Plan

To provide instructions for prompt response to possible emergencies and incidents during
operation, maintenance and construction activities.

• To provide instructions for the effective control of emergencies arising out from explosions or fire
within the main building and in the fenced off areas where the works are executed

• To provide a clear chain of command in the case of an emergency, including alerting Dorsch
management and other authorities as appropriate.

• To provide instructions and procedures for evacuation of the affected areas, define tasks of
personnel directly dealing with emergencies and establish procedures for safe rescue operations
and treatment of casualties.

• To restore a normal and safe situation in the least possible time.

• To provide instructions for communication and reporting to FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL, the

local authorities involved and the public.

• To define the basic training requirements for emergency services and

FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL / Sub-cons’ staff authorized to deal with


This ERP applies to all personnel of FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL and Sub-con, on site delivery
personnel and other involved parties for the Project. It is obligation of to ensure that this ERP and all
the relevant additional information is provided to all Sub-con personnel, briefed to visitors and
delivery personnel and that they are aware of the instructions and directives of this ERP. It is FREESIA
ELECTROMECHANICAL responsibility to ensure that the necessary emergency response information
(e.g. emergency contact numbers, list of first aiders and first aid centre location, escape routes, etc.) is

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

displayed in visible locations in all the areas where the work is executed, including construction site
and site offices. FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will also ensure that sufficient number of trained First
Aiders are present at site for every 50 employees. FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will maintain the
emergency response information up to date as required as the work progresses


4.1 Incident

An event or chain of events, which has caused or could have caused fatality, injury, illness and/or
damage (loss) to assets, the environment, FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL reputation or that of third

4.2 Emergency

A sudden, abnormal or unplanned situation that requires immediate attention and may endanger
human life, the environment or have an adverse effect on FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL or third
party assets. An emergency can be associated with a major hazard as identified in Master Risk
Assessment, including but not limited to oil spills, fire / explosion, medical treatment case, and third
party intervention.

4.3 Emergency Organization

Covers all those individuals involved in the Project’s emergency preparedness and therefore able to
recommend and implement proposals for improvements. ERP (Emergency Response Plan). A facility
(FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL, s) specific Emergency Response Plan that is executed and
coordinated by FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL ERT (Emergency Response Team).

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

4.4 Hazard

Any substance, physical effect, or condition with the potential to cause harm to people, cause damage
or loss of assets / property, to the environment and to adversely impact on FREESIA

4.5 Major Accident

Is an “Uncontrolled Occurrence” in the operation of a site, which leads to severe or catastrophic

consequences to the people, the assets, the environment and FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL
reputation. The consequences may be immediate or delayed and may occur outside or inside the site.
There will be generally a high potential for escalation.

4.6 Near Miss

An unplanned event, which is something that happens, that is having the potential for serious
personal accident or environmental related incident. This includes: injuries could have occurred but
did not, events where a safety barrier / safety function was challenged, events where potential
environmental damage could result.

4.7 Onsite Emergency

An emergency that occurs inside the project site, that has onsite consequences only, and that can be
controlled by the onsite emergency response organization, but possibly also requires external aid (e.g.
Public Departments).

4.8 Offsite Emergency

An emergency that occurs in the project site but because of its magnitude has offsite and onsite
consequences, and that requires the involvement of external entities (including Mutual Aid).

4.9 Unsafe Act

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

A behaviour that makes it possible something could happen but is not happening yet (for instance:
tampering a valve or device by unauthorized person, not wearing protective goggle while on welding)

4.10Unsafe Condition

A condition that makes it possible something could happen but is not happening yet (for instance: the
piece of iron left by a technician on a scaffold with no protection to avoid falling).

4.11Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

A project specific Emergency Response Plan that is executed and coordinated by onsite Emergency
Commander (Project Manager / his designee (Assistant. Project Manager)).


Is the planned method of leaving the work place or the project premises in the event of any


5.1 Project Manager (Emergency Commander)

Project Manager (Emergency Commander) will be completely responsible for executing the entire
construction works with a great safety and implementation of ERP system whenever necessity occurs,
his responsibilities include but not limited to the following:

1) Provision of adequate resources in terms of personnel, time and finance for implementation of
the requirements for providing an emergency response service on site.

2) Active participation in the scheduling and enactment of drills and exercises.

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

3) Monitoring the arrangements through the HSE Officer to satisfy that the services are satisfactory
and adequate for the needs of the project.

4) Directing all Key Personnel and line supervisors to check and assess the damage or loss of property
and also take measures to rectify any unsafe conditions before resuming the activities once after
an emergency is normalized.

5) Control of the emergency situation as an Emergency Response Chief / Emergency Commander.

The Project Manger shall authorize Assistant Project Manager or any other competent person to
handle the emergency situation in his absence.

6) The Project Manager shall coordinate the incident investigation and will chair the incident
investigation team.

5.2 Project HSE Officer (Emergency Coordinator)

Project HSE Officer (Emergency Coordinator) will be responsible to carry out all the regular HSE
activities as well as coordinate to ensure whether the relevant provisions are in place to mitigate any
emergency and his prime responsibilities during the emergency shall include but not limited to the

5.2.1 Responsibilities on Emergency Preparedness

1) Arranging and maintaining the assembly points

2) Arrangement, through site management for the resources for conducting head counts.

3) Setting up drills and exercises in coordination with DORSCHHSE Department to evaluate the
effectiveness to improve ERP.

4) Prepare / review the effectiveness of site emergency plan and keep updating the ERP as required.

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

5) Coordinating the Emergency Teams in emergency situation as coordinator.

6) Ensure that all available emergency response equipment is maintained.

5.2.2 Responsibilities during an Emergency

In the event of any emergency the Project HSE Officer or a competent member of the HSE department
shall take the following actions with full assistance from other members of the Project Management

1) Evaluate the scale of the incident (assess the severity of emergency) and decide whether
additional resources are required to adequately deal with it.

2) Liaison with site supervision for withdrawing / suspending all work permits.

3) Give direction to the site emergency response teams.

4) Liaise with site supervision for the mobilization of any plant and equipment necessary for dealing
with the emergency.

5) Make the area safe by setting up barriers or other means for preventing unauthorized access.

6) Prepare a full Emergency Completion / close out Report.

7) Emergency Area Controller will be responsible to ensure the overall control of the area under

His responsivity during an emergency situation. The Emergency Area Controller will

Process the first hand information received from the On-Scene commander (Field Supervisor)

And provide the necessary support to control and mitigate the situation.

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

5.3 Field Supervisor (On-Scene Commander)

FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will carry out construction works at various locations within the project
limits as well as outside the fenced areas. Each construction task / job will be carried out by a team
headed by a related discipline Filed Supervisor. Each Field Supervisor will be trained to act as an On-
Scene Commander during the emergency scenario. These Field Supervisors (On-Scene Commanders)
will be trained to effectively handle the emergency activities.

The Field Supervisor (On- Scene Commander) responsibilities includes the following:

1) Passing the information to the concerned superior and HSE Officer of the emergency at the
earliest opportunity with the best available method.

2) Ensure all emergency response equipment is well maintained, and maintains a list of call out
personnel and emergency services and agencies.

3) Maintains a list of competent personnel that are responsible for responding during an emergency

4) Leads or advice on technical aspect of emergency response requirements.

5) Specified muster point shall be verified by on- Scene Commander to ensure all of his personnel
has safely evacuated their respective working areas.

5.4 Fire Fighting Team

1) Fire Fighting Team will be responsible to help rescue the injured personnel, tackle and manage
promptly the fire incident or prevent the spreading of fire until further assistance arrives.

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

2) Know and understand the site layout, locations of firefighting equipment’s, exits and entries,
building configuration and the like and familiarize them, to respond quickly in case of any fire or
related emergencies.

3) The maintenance of firefighting appliances shall be the responsibility of the HSE Officer(s) of the
area who shall make arrangements to recharge the used fire extinguishers or other fire
equipment, keep them in readiness for use in case of emergencies.

4) Shall be Competent and keep his knowledge up to date regarding the firefighting equipment’s,
also to gain experience in the practical application to get himself familiarize and mentor others.

5.5 Rescue Team / First-Aid Team

Rescue Team (First-Aid Team) is a team that will be responsible for rescue operation in accordance with
the trained procedures. Emergency Commander or Emergency Coordinator as appropriate will
nominate and appoint competent personnel for rescue team. The Rescue team shall be composed of
First aider(s) and a dedicated Emergency Vehicle Driver on field for first response.

1) Rescue Team shall be fully trained in different rescue techniques and procedures e.g. removing a
victim from electrical sources, different types of handling techniques, first aid etc.
2) The team shall be responsible for recovering a casualty and getting them to the Medical centre
without aggravating his injuries.

3) The First-Aid Team shall also assist in rendering aid to injured parties under the supervision /
guidance of registered If nursing staff is not available the leader of the First-Aid Team shall take
charge by administering first aid and sending injured or sick person(s) for further treatment to the
nearest emergency hospital.

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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

4) The Rescue team shall manage the emergency situations properly, and the actions listed below
shall be followed.

• Send for assistance and if an additional ambulance or other emergency transport is required.

• Take over management of patient and stabilize patient.

• Assess the situation for further medical assistance:

- Minor Case: Transfer patient to First-Aid Room for further treatment

- Major Case: Transfer patient to Hospital for further treatment

5) Remain with the patient up to reaching Hospital and until Emergency Room personnel take over.

6) Ensure all emergency response equipment is ready for use at all times.

7) Arrange for continuous first aid training for site first aider

5.6 Site Security Personnel

In emergency situation, Site Security personnel will be responsible to control the entry and exit of
emergency personnel and vehicles and also to coordinate safe evacuation of the personnel out from
the site. Security Personnel will also be responsible to provide necessary guidance for emergency
equipment, in coordination with on-scene commander (if requested to do so).

5.7 Sub contractor’s Personnel

FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will ensure that all the sub-con personnel are aware of this procedure.
FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will also ensure that the Sub-con personnel are adequately trained to
carry out emergency response and evacuation in a safe manner and are aware of site emergency
response plan. Sub-con staff will be bound to follow all the instructions served by the FREESIA
ELECTROMECHANICAL during the emergency situation as per this Emergency Response Procedure.

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Emergency Response Plan



6.2.1 Category '0' - Minor Incident

An emergency condition, possibly involving personal injury or damage to property, which can be
handled effectively by FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL personnel on the spot is classified as Category '0'
and referred to as a Minor Incident. In most cases the emergency will be over before reports reach site
management. Minor Incidents include minor injuries that can be managed by FREESIA

6.2.2 Category '1' - Serious Incident

When an emergency condition, which may involve injury, fatality or serious damage to property and
which is beyond the resources of personnel on the spot, can be handled effectively by site emergency
services it is classified as Category 1 and referred to as a Serious Incident.

6.2.3 Category '2' - Major Incident

An emergency condition involving injury, fatality or major damage to property or the environment
beyond the resources of the site emergency services is classified as Category '2' and referred to as a
Major Incident. Assistance from external services are required.

6.2.4 Category '3' – Disaster

An incident which escalates beyond the immediate resources of external aid and site emergency
services, which involves or threatens large scale injury, multiple fatalities or extensive damage to

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Emergency Response Plan

property and which may threaten the civilian population is classified as Category '3' and referred to as a


Various emergency situations may be encountered during the execution of operation and maintenance,
Construction works. A broad classification of the types of emergencies during Construction includes
(but not limited to) the following:

6.2.1 Serious Work Incident

A serious incident is any incident that involves either serious injury requiring urgent medical aid, or
involves entrapped persons whose health or safety is in immediate danger.

6.2.2 Non-Work Medical Emergency

A non-work medical emergency is any situation where a person through illness requires urgent
evacuation to intensive or specialist medical care.
6.2.3 Fire Emergency

Is any occurrence of fire that cannot be quickly brought under control by use of a hand held fire

6.2.4 Environmental Emergency

An environmental emergency is any situation where there is a serious risk to the environment,
project employees or the public due to spill or leak of a hazardous substance

6.2.5 Emergency Rescues from Confined Spaces

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Emergency Response Plan

An occurrence where person(s) have either

Medical emergency, which has to be dealt

Excavations, trenches, pits etc.

6.2.6 Violent Conduct

A serious work emergency or non-work related with from a confined space i.e., inside – pipes,

Violent Conduct includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, threats, physical attack, property
damage, arson and includes acts of violence committed by Al Dhafra, Sub-con’s, Vendor’s employees
and any workers, visitors that are present during execution of works at site.

6.2.7 Incidents involving unauthorized visitors / Trespassing

Trespassing includes any unauthorized personnel / public entering into or onto a work or living place
without the consent of the concerned person in authority. When unauthorized personnel enter into
the critical or sensitive working areas without a concerned person’s permission which may lead to a
confrontation and / or an emergency situation arises

6.2.8 Sudden Illness

Sudden illness can be considered collapse, heart attack, respiratory attack or poisoning.

6.2.9 Chemical Spills

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Emergency Response Plan

Chemical spills involving bituminous compounds, fuel and lubricant oils, paint and surface
preparation compounds, sealants and mastics, etc.

6.2.10 Fire

Fires involving construction equipment, materials, bituminous compounds, fuel, lubricant oils,
welding or Cutting gases, general combustibles and electrical equipment within offices, stores, open
yard storages and welfare facilities.
6.2.11 Explosion

Explosion means involving fuel and welding gas cylinders and pressurized systems.

6.2.12 Electrocution

Personnel are exposed to the electrical shocks while working with live electrical appliances or by
coming in contact with the equipment or other objects from where the current is leaking.

6.2.13 On-Site Vehicle Incidents

Incidents involving trucks, trailers, heavy equipment or passenger vehicles. Particularly those that are
reversing or operating in restricted areas and/ or on inclined or soft ground.

6.2.14 Natural Calamities

Usually caused by heavy rains, floods, sand storms, lightning, and extremely hot and humid

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Emergency Response Plan


FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will handle any emergency situation which may arise during the
execution of the construction works at various areas such as at site office, work area and storage area
of the project.
The following general emergency instructions shall be applicable and followed to handle any
emergency situation that may arise.

• In the case of any emergency, this Emergency Response Plan shall be fully applied in conjunction with
that of DORSCH procedures.

• As for instruction, the person identifying the emergency and / or raising the alarm shall call the
Emergency Commander / Emergency Coordinator / On Scene Commander and inform about the
situation in place.

• Once confirmed the Field Supervisor (On-scene commander) shall inform other relevant personnel in
the area and coordinate the evacuation.

• For Construction incidents such as crane incidents, scaffolding collapse etc., the field Supervisor shall
isolate the area and await others to respond, while being safe.

• In case of an emergency the other personnel shall implement the following;

1) Leave the construction site in safe conditions (turn off and / or disconnect all electrical tools and
appliances, turn off open flames such as cutting, welding equipment’s, park safely switch of
Engines of vehicles and equipment’s.

2) Evacuate through the safest route to the designated muster points provided and demarcated at
strategic points throughout the site.

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Emergency Response Plan

3) Await further instructions from the Emergency Commander / Emergency Coordinator / on scene

• In the case of any emergency, all permits to work shall be considered automatically suspended /

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Emergency Response Plan


FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will establish all the necessary emergency equipment and
communication facilities at various work area of the project site area. The strategic locations of
installation of these emergency equipment’s shall be in line with Project HSE Plan. The locations of the
emergency equipment and facilities will be identified in an Emergency Layout Plan and will be posted at
appropriate places at the site. The information on this Layout Plan will be updated as necessary.
During construction phase and other phases of the project portable sirens and megaphones will be in
use by the Emergency Management Team to direct personnel accordingly. FREESIA
ELECTROMECHANICAL will regularly inspect and maintain this emergency equipment for its effective
functioning during usage.
The emergency equipment and facilities to be established by the FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL shall
include the following:

• Temporary Lightings.

• Megaphones

• Cellular Phones for communication.

• Portable Fire Extinguishers

• Trained and Certified Fire Fighters

• Qualified First Aiders (as required).

• Adequate number of First Aid Kits.

• Safe Assembly Points (muster points)


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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL will list out all the personnel that will be involved during the emergency
scenario and maintain active until completion of the Project. The preliminary list of personnel to be
contacted during the emergency shall be as shown below; the names of the personnel and their contact
numbers will be revised and updated as and when required.

Site Emergency Contact Numbers

POLICE Abu Dhabi - UAE 999



FIRE Abu Dhabi - UAE


CONTRACTOR: Musaied Bin Hafeedh Contracting & General Transport

PROJECT MANAGER MR. Ahmed Sayed 00971 50 8293243

PROJECT ENGINEER MR. Mehmood Al Habshi 00971 50 1746144

HSE ENGINEER MR. Asad Mehmood 00971 56 2580158

FIRST AIDER Mustafa Abdel Aziz 050 8269884



Abu Dhabi - UAE will schedule and conduct emergency evacuation drills for the construction site as well as
for the temporary offices area at least quarterly once. The necessary preparation shall be made to
ensure that the emergency simulation of a selected "scenario” is performed successfully. Necessary
trainings and briefings shall be given to all relevant parties prior to the execution of the emergency
simulation at site. Attendance and headcount shall be recorded to monitor the number of personnel

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Emergency Response Plan

involved and also information from such drills will be utilized for evaluating the effectiveness and
preparedness for the management of any real emergency situations.

10.1 Mock-up Drill Scenarios

I. Fire Emergency

II. Medical Emergency

III. Environmental Emergency

IV. Other unforeseen Events.

All emergency drills shall be recorded and reported officially to assess the entire simulated event and the
effectiveness of the Emergency Management Organization. Accordingly, the ERP shall be updated to
address any lapses as documented in the mock drills report.


Emergency Commander will constitute a team of experts to close out all the incidents that may occur in
the project during execution of the works. The incident close-out shall be performed and reported as per
approved procedure and documentation format. The copy of the report will be forwarded for DORSCH
Consultant review and subsequent closeout, once the corrective and preventive measures are deemed


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Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Emergency Response Plan

FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL HSE personnel will ensure that all the concerned personnel (FREESIA
ELECTROMECHANICAL, Sub-conn and visitors) on site will receive an orientation and / other specific
trainings in respect of the actions to be carried in the event of an emergency situation occurs during the
course of their work execution.
FREESIA ELECTROMECHANICAL HSE Induction training shall cover as a minimum the following:

● Project HSE Requirements and emergency procedures

● First Aid

● Fire prevention and protection

● Hazards, health and hygiene

● Work permits system

● Accident / Incident Reporting

● Environmental topics

● Health topics

● Use of PPE

● Use of proper tools and equipment

● House keeping

● Waste disposal

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Emergency Response Plan

12.1 External Training

● Only Trained and experienced persons shall be appointed as First aiders, fire wardens. HSE Officer shall arrange

for following training by UAE Registered and approved third party to provide training to employees on
following areas,

● First aider

● Fire warden


● Project manager / HSE Officer shall ensure at least one trained first aider for 50 workers and fully-stocked First

Aid kits are available at every shift. Details of First aider shall be submitted to HSE department for necessary

● First aid boxes shall be provided at work site as per the legal requirements. First aid boxes provided work areas

shall be sealed and location demarcated and marked with First Aid Box signs to demarcate the location.

● Content of first aid boxes shall be as per the minimum legal requirements.

● Emergency Contact numbers of the First aiders shall be displayed in prominent locations

● No medicines / medication are permitted to be kept / stored in the first aid box.

● Supervisor shall maintenance of the first aid box and monthly re-stocking against a contents list, if required.

Information on first aid to employees,

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Emergency Response Plan

● Displaying signs showing;

● the location of first aid boxes

● the name of the person responsible for administering first aid the location of the accident book and forms

● Accidents, which require first aid treatment will be reported recorded and investigated

● Only specified first aid supplies will be kept. All boxes will be suitably marked.


Contact No: 05

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Emergency Response Plan


Internal External

Police 999

Decide whether
First Aider external support
Decide is required or
whether managed with
Rasheed Ambulance 998
Doctor Internal
examination Fire warden resources
Dhabi UAE

Fire 997

Traffic Control First Aider Traffic Control Fire warden

Resume Work /
To Rest Area

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