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Date 26 March 2020

Audit Standard(s): ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018

Audit Dates: 09-11-2020 – 12-11-2020
Report Date: 17-11-2020
Audit team member(s): Juni Anggreni Simarmata – Lead Auditor
Erwin Gurning – Auditor
Scope of Certification: Engineering, design, procurement and manufacturing of exhaust gas cleaning
Dates for next audit: May 2021

Audit Results:
Based on the results of the audit, the audit team determined that the management system was effectively implemented and
maintained per defined requirements and is deemed capable to achieve expected outputs.

Summary of the evidence relating to Record and checklist covers all areas and procedures. There was no non-conformity on
the audit. Sampled several opportunities for improvement recorded.

Total No. of Nonconformities:

• Major N/C’s: 0
• Minor N/C’s: 0
• Opportunity for Improvement (OFI): Refer to audit notes as the department/activity comments.

Processes / Departments Audited:

Department / Activity: QHSE / Juni AS Time: 13:30 – 15:00

Day / Date: Monday, 09.11.2020 Auditor: Erwin Gurning
Objectives / Targets (2020):
 Maintain of implementation the document (manual, procedures, forms, checklists, records)
 Customer Feedback
 Management of Objectives, target and plan

Documents / Records:
1. QHSE manual CM-MM-01 Edition 3, updated on 26th March 2020
2. Internal & External issues, updated on 26th March 2020
3. Clause 6.1 Address risks and opportunities
[Review and update risks and opportunities of the organization]
4. Clause 6.2 objectives, target and plans
[Review and update objective, target and plan of the organization]
5. Clause 7.5 Documented Information
[some of documents in a few department not registered to master list document and need to register]
6. Clause 9.2 Internal Audit
[Internal audit procedure and all the related forms, implemented 2 times in a year]
7. Clause 10.2 NC and Corrective action
[NC and Corrective action procedure and all the related forms]
8. Clause 9.3 Management Review
[Management Review procedure and all the related forms, implemented 1 in a year]

Department / Activity: Design & Engineering / SH Moon Time: 09:00 – 10:00

Day / Date: Tuesday, 10.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Scrap 7%
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Date 26 March 2020

• Optimal design using NC program

• Reuse SMO 254 Scrap for Scrubber body plate and socket

Documents / Records:
1) Clause 6.2 objectives, target & what plans
[Target for Scrap of 2020: 7%; optimal design using NC program; reuse SMO 254 Scrap for Scrubber body plate and
socket was achieved 100%]
2) Clause 7.4 Prove how the external communication processes
[with e-mail and phone call, attendant meeting with customer]
3) Clause 7.5 Documented Information
[Some of form record not register in master list document]
4) Clause 8.3 Prove the design & development requirements have been met
[Design Procedure and the forms]

Department / Activity: QC / Kimtu Time: 10:15 – 12.00

Day / Date: Tuesday, 10.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Audit with DNVGL
• Scrubber Air Leak Test
• Sea Water Pipe Hydro Test with owner / class

Documents / Records:
1. Clause 6.2 objectives, target & what plans
[Target for FAT: Scrubber air leak test and sea water pipe hydro test with owner/class was achieved 100%]
2. Clause 7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources
[record of calibration certificate, material traceability list, Receiving inspection, pipe inside check]
3. Clause 7.5 Documented Information
[Procedure and related forms already registered to Master List Document]

Department / Activity: Production / Kimtu Time: 13:15 – 15.00

Day / Date: Tuesday, 10.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Complete project as per master schedule

Documents / Records:
1) Clause 6.2 objectives, target & what plans
[According this situation, no target and plan to do]
2) Clause 8.5.1 Prove control of production and service provision
[Production status – progress report; monitoring production schedule based on delivery date from master schedule]
3) Clause 7.5 Documented information
[Procedure and related forms already registered to Master List Document]

Department / Activity: Facility / Erwin Gurning Time: 09:00 – 10.00

Day / Date: Wednesday, 11.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Minimize frequency of interruption of equipment: reducing breakdown and quick repair
• Effective preventive maintenance: reduce repair cost, maximize the useful life of equipment and maximize the
production capacity from the given equipment resources
• Energy control and optimization: Zero waste energy and reduction of energy consumption
• Gas control and optimization: no pipe, valve, connection leaks

Documents / Records:
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Date 26 March 2020

1. Clause 6.2 objectives, target & what plans

[Routine inspection of the equipment, schedule for preventive maintenance, update and maintain critical spare part list,
install dust collector, socialization and implementing saving energy, monitor control and evaluate solar panel
performance has been achieved ]
2. Clause 7.1.3 Prove how determine, provide & maintain the infrastructure for the operation of processes
[Certificate Validated Software Program Machine ]
3. Clause Prove of monitoring & measurement resources (equipment)
[Maintenance Procedure and the forms]
4. Clause 7.5 Documented information
[Procedure and related forms already registered to Master List Document]

Department / Activity: HR / Ruth Murni Time: 10.30 – 12.00

Day / Date: Wednesday, 11.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Less paper
• Online system

Documents / Records:
1. Clause 6.2 objectives, target & what plans
[Less paper and online system have been achieved]
2. Clause 7.2 Prove the competence of person(s) doing work
[Recruitment procedure and the forms]
3. Clause 7.4 Prove the training plan and budget
[Training procedure and related forms]
4. Clause 7.5 documented information
[all documents and records are well registered]

Department / Activity: Technical Support / Febrina Nababan Time: 13.30 – 15.00

Day / Date: Wednesday, 11.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Systematizes the program on scrubbers that have been installed on vessels.

Documents / Records:
1) Clause 6.2 objectives, target & plans
[No commissioning activity because there is no project]
2) Clause 7.4 Prove how the external communication processes
[with e-mail and phone call, attendant meeting with customer]
3) Clause 7.5 documented information
[Procedure already registered]

Department / Activity: HSE / Juni AS Time: 09.00 – 12.00

Day / Date: Wednesday, 11.11.2020 Auditor: Erwin Gurning
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• No work accident which eliminates the work time of the workforce exceeding 2x24 hours and / or the cessation of the
process beyond the next shift

Documents / Records:
1. Clause 6.2 objectives, target & plans
[The target is well achieved]
2. Clause 6.1.2 Hazard Identification Risk Assessment & Environmental Aspect Impact
[HIRA & EAI Recorded and review with all related department on production]
3. Clause 6.1.3 Legal regulations and other requirements
[All Legal regulations and other requirements are recorded and implementation as per related to company process]
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Date 26 March 2020

4. Clause 7.4 Communication

[Daily attendance toolbox talk, attendance induction, HSE poster, HSE sign]
5. Clause 8.2 Emergency Preparedness & Response
[need to do simulation and drill]
6. Clause 10.2 Incident investigation
[closing case of accident to hospital & local department of labor]

Department / Activity: Logistic / Jaka Satria Time: 13.30 – 14.00

Day / Date: Thursday, 12.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Objectives / Targets (2020):
• Correct information regarding docking schedule in order to prepare a shipment arrangement
• Vendor selection to do provide the best cost
• Minimize parsial shipment in order to be able to cut the handling cost

Documents / Records:
1. Clause 6.2 objectives, target & plans
• Correct information regarding docking schedule in order to prepare a shipment arrangement (achieved 80%)
• Vendor selection to do provide the best cost (achieved 80%)
• Minimize parsial shipment in order to be able to cut the handling cost (achieved 50%)
2. Clause 7.5 Documented information
[Document is control Recorded]

Department / Activity: Purchasing / Noviyanti Time: 14.00 – 15.00

Day / Date: Thursday, 12.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Documents / Records:
1. Clause 7.4 Purchasing
[Material request, purchase order]
2. Clause 7.5 Documented information
[Document is control Recorded]
3. Clause 8.4.1 External Provider performance
[Vendor evaluation procedure and related forms

Department / Activity: Store / Johanes Time: 15.30 – 16.00

Day / Date: Thursday, 12.11.2020 Auditor: Juni AS
Documents / Records:
1. Clause 6.2 objectives,target & plans
[Target achieved 100%]
2. Clause 7.1.3 the storage for materials
[by sistem]
3. Clause Prove how maintain documented information for the issue and receipt of material
[Delivery Order Form]
4. Clause 7.2.d Prove the competence of person(s) doing work
[Operating Lisences]

Progress towards continual improvement:

 Continual improvement is conducted through the use of previous audit results, objectives &
targets, corrective actions.
 Use of ERP system 365.
Opportunity for improvement:
Refer to audit notes as the above.

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