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The students will verify, evaluate, and use results in a purposeful way. This
includes analyzing and interpreting data, making predictions based on observed
pattern, testing solutions against the original problem condition and formulating
additional questions.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student be able to:

1. Distinguish Aquaculture to Agriculture.

2. Value the importance of Aquaculture in the Society.
3. Perform an activity which can describe outcomes of a self-interest
strategy versus a cooperative strategy for managing renewable

Aquaculture is the controlled cultivation and harvest of aquatic animals and
plants. There are many similarities between aquaculture and agriculture, but there
are some important differences as well. Aquaculture, like agriculture, is necessary
in order to meet the food demands of a growing global population with
diminishing natural fisheries stocks. Unlike land under cultivation, the world’s
oceans, lakes, river and streams are usually public or common resources,
managing these common resources is often problematic.

Prior knowledge
The students may think that:

Aquaculture is just a way of culturing of fish or natural natural bodies of water

and serve as hobby or as source of income.

New Knowledge
The students will realize that:

Aquaculture can help overfish species recover, employ people, feed a growing
population and help our local, regional and national economy.

References: AQUACULTURE SCIENCE – Parker Rick et. al.




Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

I. Introduction

Good Morning Class!

Good morning Ma’am!
How’s your day?
We’re fine Ma’am
Yesterday, we discussed the “the
history of aquaculture in the world” (Students raising their hands)

What have you learned?

Ma’am I learned that Aquaculture

began in China around 3500 B.C. and
Chinese developed the use of
Yes, Francis
aquaculture, means the art of
growing more than one species at a
Very good Francis!

Maam, the Romans practiced both

So, who practiced to culture trout and
freshwater and saltwater aquaculture.
mullet in both freshwater and saltwater
Fish such as trout and Mullet were
raised in ponds called “stews”.

Thank you my dear students for the

good answers. Now we can proceed to Yes Ma’am we’re ready!
our new lesson, are you ready class?

Our lesson for today is about

Aquaculture and global common. So
(Student raising their hands)
class, what do you think this all about?
Any idea?

I think our lesson for today is about

Yes Mary
Aquaculture practices Ma’am.

Ma’am, For me it is about the present

status of aquatic environment and
Okay, another one how aquaculture can help to recover
the species from to much stress that
cause by humans.

Very good class, so let’s find out what

Ma’am based on what I read
really our topic is all about
Aquaculture, like Agriculture is the
cultivation and harvest of plants and
Class, I have question… Are
animals for human use. In essence,
Aquaculture and Agriculture similar?
aquaculture and agriculture are both
Yes, Bianca

Very good Bianca, In addition on what

Bianca said, Aquaculture is framing in
(One student raising his hand)
water, therefore requires different set
of knowledge, skills and technology.

Yes, Jake I’ve got a question Ma’am, which is

more difficult to do Aquaculture or

Class, aquaculture and agriculture are

both hard to do, they just differ in
terms of Culturing/cultivating plants
and animals and the environment of
I see, thank you Ma’am
course in Aquaculture it means on
water while agriculture it is on land. But
if you have the knowledge and skills
everything will be easy to do.

Class, aquaculture takes place in three

general aquatic environments these

1. Warmwater Aquaculture- is culturing

plants and animals which thrive in warn
and freshwater.
(Students listening to the discussion)
2. Cold water Aquaculture-is culturing
species in cool freshwater.

3. Mariculture-(marine culture) is
culturing plants and animals which are
accustomed to living in a saltwater or
brackish environment.

Which aquatic species are cultured in The aquatic species culture or thrive
warm water/Freshwater? in warm water are catfish, crayfish ,
bait-fish, sport-fish and ornamental
Yes, Mary fishes.

How do you say that these species can Because these species Ma’am their
be culture in warm water/ freshwater biology is to thrive in fresh water or
environment? warm water environment, they
cannot live in a aquatic environment
which has high tolerant of salinity like
sea or brackishwater.

Very good Mary!

How about in Cold water environment?

Anyone? Okay no one raises their (the students are thinking and no
hands, so class the species that we can one raises their hand)
culture or thrive in cold water are trout
and salmon because they can tolerate
the low temperature of the water and it
is also in their biology.

Ma’am, we can culture oyster, clams,

For the last aquatic environment, what mussels, and seaweed in marine
are the species that can be culture in waters. They can be culture in Marine
marine environment and why? waters because they can tolerate the
high salinity of the sea.

Very good class, now that we know the

three general aquatic environments
and the species which can thrive or
culture in these environment. Who do
you think practices aquaculture and
why? So I have a slide here

(Teacher showing the PowerPoint slide)

Who wants to read the Public Sector/ (one student read the
Restoration Aquaculture? Public/Restoration Sector)

Thank you James! Because Ma’am if the aquatic species

continue to deplete the aquatic
Why do you think some official are resources like salmon will be
attempting to protect a potentially threatened and extinct, there will be
threatened species such as the Atlantic no atlantic salmon that will be seen
Salmon? What is your idea class? in the rivers or streams.
Exactly James, because if the
threatened species become extinct in
the future there will be no Atlantic
Salmon that can be catch, so we need
to protect those species that are
threatened so that they can produced
more for our generation.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources is one of the examples of a
public sector because they are
responsible for the development,
improvement, management and
conservation of fisheries and aquatic
resources in the Philippines.

So, what else do you think is an

example of Public Sector in the

Department of Environment and

Yes, Bianca
Natural Resources Ma’am.

Yes Ma’am they can help in

Very good, DENR is also responsible for
restoration of aquatic resources or
the conservation, management,
threatened species because I believe
development, and proper use of the
that they have some programs which
country’s environment and natural
engaged in helping the aquatic
environment to be productive again,
I’ve read an article about a private
Do you think private sector can help
company who planted mangrove in
the restoration of aquatic species or
Siargao, and we all know that
threatened species even their main
mangroves serve as nursery ground
motive is for profit? How?
for fishes.

In addition to that, not just because (student reading handout of the

their priority is for profit it is not different stages for aquaculture)
necessarily that they cannot help the
aquatic species to be restored. They
help in terms of culturing aquatic
species like Tilapia, Bangus, Seaweed
and other species because of that they
help the economy to progress by
exporting these product in the other
country and supply the necessary
needs of the community or the society

Now, that we know the 2 sectors for

aquaculture let us know the the
different stages for Aquaculture for
Finfishes and shellfish. I have here

(Asking one student to distribute the


Now, that you have your handouts i

want you to read it aloud in the class
and give your own idea that stages and
what comes to your mind whenever
you heard that word.

(The reading session took 10 minutes)

Okay class, I’ll give you 5 minutes to

(Students grouped their selves into 4)
review the handouts that I gave to you
and after that I want you to group
yourselves into 4 groups.

Did you group yourselves into four? Yes Maam!

Are you ready?

(Teacher giving instruction to the class)

Okay class now that you have your

groups I want you to form a circle and
answer this activity sheet. The points or
score that you will get from this activity
(Student Activity Sheet)
will be added in your next activity later.

I’ll give you 5 minutes to answer your

activity sheet.

(After 5 minutes)

Class, are you done?

Yes Ma’am we are done!
Okay let see which group got the
highest score

(Teacher checked the work of 4 groups)

Class, are you excited for the result of Yes Ma’am we are excited to know
this activity? whose group got the highest score.

Group 3 got the highest score, they got (the students did the clap for the
7 out of 10 give them a very good clap! groups who got the highest scores)
The second group got the highest
score is group 1, they got 6 out 10, give
them a good clap. And group 2 and
group 4 got the same score 5 out of 10
give them a good clap. I hope that in
our second activity group 2 and 4 will
get a highest score. You can do it class!

Now, that were done with our 1nd

activity we will proceed in our next
activity but before that I want you to
give a short information that is
essential for us, that can also help you
in our next activity.

II. Interaction (Student Handout Picture)

Now our next activity will be (The students starts the Activity)
aquaculture and the global common. I
will give you hand outs again and we 1st Trial
will use peanuts and bowls. Each group
has their own bowls of peanuts. But Group 1: Harvested all the fish inside
before that I will discuss the ground the bowl no fishes left in the sea
rules for this game. Group 2: Harvested 10 fish inside the
bowl 6 fishes are left in the sea
Ground Rules: Group 3: Harvested 6 fish inside the
• The object of the game is to harvest bowl , 10 fishes are left in the sea
as many fishes as possible from the sea Group 4: Harvested 8 fish inside the
• At carrying capacity, there are 16 fish bowl, 8 fishes are left in the sea
(peanuts) in this sea (bowl). For every
fish each student harvests, he/she will 2nd Trial
receive one point . the more fish you
harvest , the more points you will Group 1: No fishes were added
receive. Group 2: 6 fishes were added with
• When the game begins, you may the total of 12 and they harvested 10
harvest all the fish, some of the fish or fishes
none. Group 3: 10 fishes were added to the
• You will have 2, 20 second trials in sea with the total of 20 they
which to harvest fish. You will be harvested 12 fishes
notified when to start and stop each Group 4: 8 fishes were added to the
trial. sea with the total of 16 fishes and
• If the fish remain in the sea after each harvested 8 fishes
trial, a new fish will be added for each
one remaining. If there are four fish left,
four more can be added. But for each
new trial. The total number of fish in
the sea cannot be more than the
carrying capacity of 16 fish.
Now that you know the rules let’s start
the game

Hello Class, our game is done. Did you

enjoy catching fish in the sea?
Yes Ma’am, we enjoyed the game!
Now let’s go to our discussion about
the game that we did.

Ma’am we had 16 points in the first

trial but

Ma’am we got 20 points because in

the second trial we had 12 fishes
What were the maximum numbers of
points achieved by individual? Any Ma’am, our group got 18 points
group? Group 1? Group 2? Group 3? cause in second trial 10 fishes were
added so it helps us to get fishes

Ma’am. We got 16 points as well as

group one

Why were the fish only replaced if For me Ma’am it stimulates the
some remained in the bowl after trial? natural condition; if all fishes are
harvested no additional fish will be
Yes Jake! born.

Very Good Jake!

Why is the population of the sea

limited to 16 fish? What do you think
class? No idea Ma’am

Carrying Capacity represents the

maximum number of organism that can
be supported by the ecosystem.
If a group don’t use a cooperative
strategy they will come up with a
wrong strategy because some of the
What happens when members of a
group idea is not consider, it will be
group do not use cooperative strategy?
just a one sided decision. We must
use a cooperative strategy so that
Yes Mark
you will be success in the activity like
in the quote “two heads is better
than one”

What do you think was the best

strategy for harvesting this commons?

Very good class! Ma’am harvest 8 for each trial

How does aquaculture relate this

common dilemma?

Yes bianca

Very good Bianca!

Ma’am, If we culture more aquatic
species and catch less wild species,
My last question from this activity,
depleted fish stocks will begin to
Aquaculture alone will not solve the
commons dilemma why?

Yes James

Very Good James!

For me Ma’am Global population is
In addition to that, National and still rising, cooperation is needed
International regulations are needed, between different nations ,
many aquatic species which are being corporations, fisherman and
overharvested are not currently being aquaculturist.

Transition statement:
Very good! I hope you learned a lot in
our discussion that overharvesting has
a great impact in our aquatic
environment, Aquaculture helps to
recover the aquatic species that being

III. Integration

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