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Company Profil e

Helon Explos io n-Proof E lectric Co., Ltd. is a national high & new tech no logy e nte rprise, w hi c h is located in
the produc ti on base of China explos io n-proof electric app liances-Yueq in g, Z hej iang, wi th an occupa tion of over
50, 000m 2 and an edifice of over 100, 000m 2 . Our company has been aut horized by IS09001 , ISOI4001 and
OJISAS 1800 I certificates, as well as expo rt entitlement, and part of products have autho rized by ATEX and IECEX.
Meanwhile, Helon is a qualified sup p lier for S in opec, CNPC, CNOOC, CNAF, etc. an d has a c lose coope ration
w ith many international en terprises, trading companies and research institutions.
Helon is member of Ch in a's Exp los ion -proof E lec tr ical Equ ipmen t Standard izati on Technical Commi ttee
(SAC/TC9), the v ice director of the explosion- proof electr ic app li ances branch of Ch in a Electrical Equipment
Industrial Assoc ia t io n (CEE IA) , a uni t of qualifie d indus tr ia l produc ts with AA level and au th orized by China
E lect ri c Equ ipment Industry Assoc iat io n w ith cred ib le qua nt ity. The company w ins some honora ry t itles, such as
Zhej ia ng techno logy-based medium -sized enterprise, Zhejiang model ente rprise to patents, ZheJ iang high-tec hno logy
R&D cente r,bank's AAA leve l credibl e ente rp rise a nd contract and accredit honoring unit , etc.

We manufacture w ith advanced equipment and such a utomatic and sem i-automatic tec hnology as d ie-casting,
machining, spray coa ting, e tc. The test ing cente r has equ ipped w ith a la rge amount of advanced test equ ipmen t,
including distribution photomete r, high -low tempe ra ture a lternating tempe rature humidity trial chamber, salt sp ray
tria l-box, du st trial c hambe r, protection tria l equ ipment, etc. Our company is one of the manufacturing companies
w ith the most advanced eq ui pme nt and excel lent ou tfi ts.

Produ ct
Our compa ny has a st ro ng technical force, as well as a group of seconda ry and senio r tech nic ians, cooperating
w ith many na ti onal research ins t itut io ns. The exp losion-proofp roducts we've developed a re of an advanced level
among similar products in do mes ti c, honored with more than 90 kinds of patents. What's mo re, amo ng these prod uc ts
(of al l-plastic, sta in less steel , cast a luminum, etc.) w ith novel s tructure, s tab le performa nce and strong function, the
energy-efficie nt lamp is listed in " Na ti onal To rch Program" and the automat ic s uspended exp losion lamp is listed in
"National Spa rk Program", and they well meet the requireme nts of exp losion-proof, anti -co rros ion, green, energy-
saving, ultra-long life (50,000 to I 00,000 hours),etc., to be lead ing products in exp losion-proof lighting and electric
app li ances fie ld.
We manufacture to meet the necessities in th e following indus tr ies, such as petroleum, chem ical. meta llurgy,
e lectrici ty, sh ipping, medicine, textile, wine -making, aerospace, military, fire- fighting, etc. by our hundreds of
exp losion-proof products.

We a im a t " Making quality goods of exp los ion-proof, building eternal bran ds of exp losion-proof" . We expect
to coopera te w ith people of a ll ci rcles heartily, looking for a vigorous and prosperous future mutually.
IECEx Cenific8t; ---
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Technology Impetus the world

Advanced producti on equipment, professional techn ica l personnel, scienti fic manufact-uring process,
enforce the 1809001 quality standard strictly, the" management, quali ty, efficiency" is always throughout the
each link in operation.

CD Die-casting shop ® s urface impeller blasting treatment shop ® CNC machining center
@ Metalworking shop @ laser cutting machine ® CNC planer type milling machine
@ Bakelite shop Q)laser bending machine @ Automatic plastic spraying works hop
<D Die casting plastics shop @ Fitter shop @ Assembly shop
@ Mould shop
The Perfection Because of Our Manufacturing

CD Hydraulic pressure testing @ Sand and dust test room @ Omnibus test room
~ Leaf of the fan dynamic balancing testing ® Protection test room @ Lamp and Lanterns aging test room
~ Leaf of fan over-speed testing (j9) Resistance testing @ Rubber hardness testing
@ Concussion testing
@ Salt atmosphere test room
® Electric parameters testing @ Integrating Sphere
@ Electricity performance checkout @ Load testing ® Dark chamber
(!) High and low test @ High-voltage testing @> Lamp and lanterns' light distribution curve testing
HLBDOS-Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum alloy enclosure, high pressure electrostatic plastic @ 112 G Ex db op is 11 C T6/T 5 G b
sprayed surface, stain less steel exposed fastener; @
LED lightings 112 D Ex tb op is 111C T800C Db
<>Toug he ned g lass stands 4J impact ;
<> Si licon rubbe r sea ling strip;
@ 112 D Ex tb op is 111C T950C Db

<> Separate light source cav ity, electri cal a nd wiri ng cavity,
just open the wiring cavity whi le connecting wire; Zone I and Zone 2
<>T he lamp body use wi reless co nn ect ion structure with zone 2 1 and zone 22
installation accessories, all insta ll ation mode accessories
can be interchangeable and universal, easy fo r installation
and mai ntenance;
<> Several Cree LED, long li fe span up to 50000 hours;
<> Wide vo ltage inp ut(90-305V), constant power ou tput, T 6(T80"C ): -40"C.;; Ta.;; +~O'C
COS CD ;;.0.95, own constant flow, open c irc uit, sho rt
T 5(T95"C):-400C.;; Ta.;; +550C
ci rcui t, surge protection and so o n func tion;
<> II type lamp has a larger range of illum ination; *: Proposed while ord ering
<>T-type LED a ngle: 30°, 45°, 60°;
( I Type) <> Installation Mode: G-Pendant pole type, X-Cei ling type,
D3-Pendant cha in type,
Dl - Pendant chai n type(Open side cover), B-Wall type
(adjustable angle), B 1-Wall type 30° ,
B2-Wall type 90°, F-Flange type, h- Fence type;
(II Type) <> Entry T hread: G3/4, NPT3/4, M25 x 1.5;
<> Rated Vo ltage(Y): 220/230*/240*;
<> Rated Power(W): 20, 25, 30, 45, 50, 60, 70, 85, I00, 120.

Net cover optional A-I

HLBDOS-T Series explosion-proof <> Alum inum alloy e nclosu re, high pressu re e lectros tat ic @ 11 2 G Ex d b op is 11C T6rT5 Gb
plastic sprayed su rface, sta inless steel exposed fastener;
LED lightings(Projecting type) @ 11 2 D Ex tb op is 111C T80"C Db
<>Toughe ned glass stands 41 impact ;
<> Si li con rubber sea ling strip; @ 11 2 D Ex tb op is 111C T950C Db
<> Se pa rate lig ht sou rce cavity, and wi ri ng, .iust ope n the
wiring cavity wh il e connecting wire; Zone I and Zone 2
<>T he lam p body use w ireless co nn ect io n structu re wi th Zone 2 I and Zone 22
installa ti on accessories, all installat ion mode accessories
can be inte rchangeable a nd universal, easy for installation
and maintena nce; IP66
<> Several Cree LED, long life span up to 50000 hours;
<> Wide vol tage input(90- 305 Y), constan t power ou tput,
T6(T800C) :-~OCC .;; Ta.;; +~OCC
COS<D ;;.0.95, ow n co nstant tlow, o pe n circ uit , sho rt
circ uit, surge protection a nd so o n functi on; T 5(T95"C):-400C .;; Ta.;; + 550C
<> LED angle: 30° ,45°, 60°;
<> Installation Mode : T- fl ood light; *: Proposed while ord ering
<> Entry Thread: G3/4, NPT3/4, M25x 1.5;
<> Rated Yol tage(Y) : 220/230*/ 240*;
<> Rated Power(W): 20, 25 , 30, 45, 50, 60, 70, 85, I 00, 120.

Net cover optional A -2

HLBTSS-Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum alloy enclosure, high pressure electrostatic plastic Ex d 11 C T 51T4G b
sprayed surface, stain less stee l exposed fastener; Ex tD A21 IP66 T95/TI 300C
LED lightings (projecting type)
<>Toug he ned g lass stands 4J impact ;
<> Si licon rubbe r sea ling strip; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Separate light sou rce cav ity, electrical a nd wiri ng cavity,
just open the wiring cavity whi le connecting wire; Zone 2 I and Zone 22
<> Several Cree LED, long li fe span up to 50000 hours;
<> Wide vo ltage inp ut(90-305YACIJ 27-250YDC), co nstan t IP66
power ou tput, COS CD ;;.0.95, own constant flow, open
circu it, short circuit, surge protection and so o n func ti on; T5(T95"C):-·lO'C .;; Ta.;; + 400C
<> LED a ngle: 30°, 60°, 90°;
<> Installatio n Mode: G-Pendant pole type, B-Bracket type, T 4(TI300C):-40CC.;; Ta.;; +55CC
F-Flange type, h- Fence type;
<> Entry T hread: M25x 1.5, M20x 1.5,• I'T3/4,NPT 1/2;
<> Rated Vo ltage(Y): I I 011 20/220/230/240/277;
<> Rated l'ower(W): 150, 200, 240.

Net cover optional

HLBD06-F Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum alloy enclosure, hig h pressure electrostatic plastic Ex d IIC T6/T5iT4 Gb
sprayed surface, stain less steel exposed fastener; Ex tO i\2 11P66T801T95/Tl30"C
LED lightings <> Toughened glass stands 4J impact ;
<> S ilicon rubber seal ing strip ; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Separate light so urce cavity, electrical and wiri ng cavity, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
j ust open the wiring cavi ty wh ile connecting wire;
<> Several osram or philips LED, lo ng life span up to 50000
hours; 150,200\V:
<> Wide voltage input(90-305VAC/ 127-250VDC), constant T6 (T80"C) -40"C :;;;Ta:;;; +40"C
power output, CO SCI> ;;< 0.95, ow n co nsta nt flow, ope n
T5 (T95"C) -40"C :;;;Ta:;;; +55"C
c irc uit, short circuit, surge protection and so o n function;
<> Lamp has a larger range of illuminati on; 240,300\V :
<> Installation Mode: G-Pendant po le type, B-Bracket type,
T5(T95"C):-40"C :;;;Ta:;;; +40"C
F-F lange type, h- Fence type;
<> Entry Thread: M25x 1.5; T4(T 130"C):-40"C :;;;Ta:;;; +55"C
<> Rated Voltage(V) : 110/1 20/220/230/240/ 277,
<> Rated Power(W): 150, 200, 240, 300.
Net cover optiona l A-4
<> Aluminum alloy enclosure, high pressure electrostatic plastic Ex d II CT6 Gb
HLBD56-Series explosion-proof
sprayed surface, stain less steel exposed fastener; Ex tO i\2 1 IP66 Tso ·c
LED lightings <>Toughened glass stands 4J impact;
<> Silicon rubber seal ing strip;
<> Separate light sou rce cav ity, and w iri ng, j ust ope n the
wiring cavi ty while connecti ng wire; Zone I and Zone 2
<>The lamp body use wireless con nec tio n struc ture w ith Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
installation accessories, all insta ll ation mode accesso ries
can be intercha ngeable and universa l, easy for installatio n IP66
and maintenance;
<> Several LEOs, li fe span up to 50000 hours; • : Proposed ,~h ile ordering
<> Anti -dazzle reflecto r, large illumination angle, and even
<> Wide vo ltage inpu t( 150-260V), consta nt power ou tput ,
COS CD ;;< 0.95, own consta nt flow, open ci rc ui t, short
circuit, su rge protectio n and so on function;
<> Installation Mode : G-Pendant pole type ,
D 1- Pendant chain type( Open side cover),
13 1-Wall type30° , B2-Wall type90° ,
F-F lange type, h- Fence type;
<> Entry Thread: G3/4, N l'T3/4, M25x 1.5;
<> Rated Voltage(V) : 220/230*/240*;
<> Rated Power (W): 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, I 00, 120,
<> Charging ti me: 24h;
Net cover optional <> Emergency time: 60, 90m in . A-5
HLBD57-Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum a ll oy e nclosure, high p ressu re e lectrostat ic Ex d II C T6 Gb
plasti c sprayed surface, sta inless steel exposed fastener; Ex tD i\21 I P66 TSO"C
LED lightings(Radar sensing distance) <> Toughened g lass stands 4J impact;
<> Silicon rubber sea ling s trip;
<> Separate light source cavity, e lectrical wiring cavi ty,
just open the wiring cav ity whil e connect ing w ire; Zone I and Zone 2
<> The lamp body use w ireless connection structure with Zone 21 and Zone 22
installation accessories, all installation mode accessories
can be interchangeable and universal , easy for installation IP66
and ma inte nance;
<> Several L EOs, life span up to 50000 hours;
<> Ant i-dazzle reflector, large illumination angle, and even • : Proposed '~hi lc ordering
<> Adhes ive sea ling custom ized power supply, wide voltage
inp ut, constant power ou tp ut, COS<D ;;.0.95, own
constant flow, o pen circu it, short circui t, surge protection
and so on fu nction;
<> Intelligent dimming : perception of personnel or equipment
aner being moved with in the scope of mon itoring, the
brightness turn to 20% ( 0%) - 100 % range o f lighting
regulation instantly, person nel or equipment left after
de laying 3D-120s, the lamp brightness restore to 20% ( 0% ) ;
<> High induction ranges : the detection zone over a radius
of I 0 meters , sensitive sensor radius of more than 5
meters, sensors angle than d egrees;
<> Lighting sensors s tatus is not affec ted by ambient
temperature, ligh ting, noise, dust, smoke , ra in or snow
and so on envi ronment ;
<> Insta lla tion Mode: G-Pendant po le type,
X-Cei ling type, D3-Pendant cha in type,
D 1- Pe nda n t cha in type (Open s ide cover) ,
F-Flange type, h- Fence type.
B-Wall type( adjustab le ang le), B 1-Wa ll type 30°,
B2-Wa ll type 90°;
<> Ent ry Thread: G3/ 4, NPT3/4 , M25X 1.5;
<> Rated Voltage(V): 220/ 230*/240*;
<> Rated Power (W) : 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100;
<> Charging time: 24h;
<> Emergency t ime: 60, 90m in.
Net cover optional A-6
HLBDSS-C/D Series explosion-proof O Aluminum alloy enc losure, high pressure electrostatic Ex d II C T6 Gb
plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener; Ex tO i\2 1 I P66 T80"C
LED lightings
O Anti-dazzle cover, 360 degree ill uminat ion angle, and
even lum inance; Zone I and Zone 2
O Silicon rubber sealing strip; Zone 21 and Zone 22
O Air coo ling shroud , sma ll size, light weight;
O C-type Lamp: Separate source cavity, wiring cav ity, IP66
just open the wiring cavity wh ile connecting wire;
O O-type Lamp: Separate light source cavity, elect rical *: Proposed wh il e ordering
and wir ing cavity, just open the wiring cavity wh ile
connecting wire; The lamp body usc wireless connection
structure with ins ta llation accessories, a ll installation
mode accessories can be interchangeable and universal ,
easy for insta llation and main tenance;
O Several LEOs, li fe span up to 50000 hours;
0 Wide voltage input( 150- 260V), constant power output,
COS<!> ;;.:0.95, own constant t1ow, open circuit, short
circ uit, surge protect ion and so on function;
0 Installation Mode: G-Pcndant po le type,
X-Ceiling type, 03-Pendant chain type,
D 1- Pendant chain type( Open s ide cover),
F-F lange type h- Fence type,
B- Wall type( adjustable angle), B 1-Wall type 30° ,
(HLBD55-D) B2-Wall type 90° ;
0 Entry Thread: G3/4 , NPT3/4, M25X 1.5;
O Rated Voltage (V): 220/230*/240*
O Rated Power (W): 20, 30, 40, 50:
O Charging time (h): 24 :
O Emergency time: 60, 90min.
Net cover optiona l A-7
BYS51- Series explosion-proof light 0 Stands 7J shock GRP enc losure; T8/TS tube:
fittings for fluorescent lamp 0 Stands 4J shock PC lamp cover, an ti-dazz le des ign; I8x( 1- 2)/3(\x( 1- 2)
O Silicon rubber sealing strip; Ex de mb II C T 4 Gb
O Cen tra l locking fine mul ti - po int locking; Ex tDA2 1 IP65T80C
0 Explosion-proof e lectron ic ballast, own short circu it
and open circuit protection function, wide voltage ( 150-
LED Tube:
250V) input, and constant power output, COS<!> ;;.:0.98;
9x( 1- 2)/ 18x(l - 2)
O Optional exp los ion-proof LED tube;
Ex de (mb) II C T6 Gb
0 Built-in safety interlock switch, the cover off automatically
0 Installation mode: G-Pendant pole type, X-Cci ling type, Ex tO A2 1 IP65 T80"C
B-wall type, 0- Pendant chain type,
F-F lange type, h- Fence type; Zone I and Zone 2
0 Inlet and outlet : <ll26mm/M25x 1.5; Zone 21 and Zone 22
O Rated Voltage (V): 220, 230*, 240*;
O Power(w)* number of tube: IP65
T8: 18X( I- 2)(J), 36X( I- 2)(J),
*: Proposed while ordering
T5: 14X( 1- 2)(1), 28 X( I- 2)(J),
~otc: Sec P22 for explosion-proof
LED: 9 x( l - 2)(J), 18x( l- 2)(J);
O Charging time/emergency time: 24h/90m in. LED tubes
HLBYO 1-Series explosion-proof O Alu m inum alloy enc losure, Both ends of the cover ExnRIICT6Gc
LED lightings(AL) high-pressure e lectrostatic p last ic - sprayed surface; Ex tDA2 1 IP66T80"C
O Toughened glass stands 4J impact, stain less stee l
exposed fastener; Zonc2
O Silicon rubber sealing strip; Zone 21 and Zone 22
O Scve ral LEOs , li fe span up to 50000 hours;
0 Constant power supply ,wide voltage ( 150- 260V) input, IP66
constant power ou tput, COS<!> ;;.:0.95;
0 Installation Mode: G-Pcndant pole type, X-Ce iling type *: Proposed'' hile ordering
B-wall type, 0- Pendant, cha in type, F-F lange type,
h- Fence type, Z-derrick type;
0 Anti-fa lli ng safety device is optional;
O Entry Thread: G3/4, M25 x 1.5;
0 Rated voltage(V) : AC220/230*/240*, DC24*/36*;
0 Rated Power(W): I 0, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50;
O Charging time : 24h;
0 Power (w)/cmergency time: 12( 15/20)/90min,
25(3 0/30T)/60(90m in), 40/4 5( 60min ), 50/35( 50m in).
A -9

HLBY02-Series explosion-proof light <> Steel She ll, high voltage electrostatic sprayed surface, T5!T8 tube:
or stain less stee l plate cas ing, exposed fastener ; Ex c mb II C T-1 Gb
fittings for fluorescent lamp (Clean)
<>Toughened glass stands 41 impact; Ex tDA2liP65T80 'C
<> Special- open lid and hinge structure;
<> Silicon rubbe r sealing strip;
Explosion-proof LED tube:
<> Explosion-proof e lectron ic ballast, own short ci rcui t
and open c ircu it protecti on function, wide vo ltage Exclc(mb) IICT6Gb
( l 50- 250V) input, and cons tant power o utput, Ex tDA2liP65T80 'C
cos q, ;;.o.98;
X-ceil ing type <> Optional exp losion-proo f LED tube; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Insta ll ation Mode: X-ce iling type, Q-cmbed type; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Inlet: q) 25.5mm/M25x 1.5;
O Rated Vo ltage: 220, 230*, 240*;

: O Power(W)* number of tube :

T5: I 4 x( I - 2)(1), 28X( l- 2)(1),
T8: l8X( I - 2)(1), 36X( J- 2)(1):

*: Proposed wh ile ordering

Q-cmbed type LED: 9x( I - 2)(1), l8X( J- 2)(1): Note: Sec P22 for explosion-proof
<> C harg ing time: 24h; LED tubes
<> Emergency time: 90/ 120min.
BAYSl-(E) Series explosion-proof light 0 Alum inum a ll oy enclosure, high pressure electrostat ic T8 Ballast:
fittings for fluorescent lamp(AL) plastic sprayed surface, stain less steel exposed fastener; Ex d c II B T5 Gb
<> Toughened glass tube; Ex tO J\2 I I P66 T95"C
<> Special Lamp holder , quickly replace the, ba llast;
<> In sta llation Mode: G- Pendant pole type TS/LED tube:
X-Ceil ing type B-wa lltype 0- Pendant cha in type Ex de II B T6 Gb
F-Fiange type h- Fence type T-adjustable type; Ex tO J\2 1 I P66 T80"C
0 Entry Thread: G l/2;
O Rated Voltage (V): 220/230*/240*; Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22
0 Powcr(W)*n umber of tu be :
T8: 18X I (J), 18X2(1), 36 XI (J), 36X2(1), IP54, IP66*
T5: l4x I (J), 14x 2(J), 28 x I (J), 28 x2(J ),
LED: 9x l (1), 9 x2(1), I 8x I (1), I 8x2(1); *:Proposed while ordering
<> Charg ing time/emergency time: 24h/90min.
A- ll
BAD82-Series explosion-proof lightings 0 Aluminum a ll oy enclosure, high pressure electrostatic Ex cl ll CT4 Gb
plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener; Ex t DJ\21 IP66T l 30"C
0 Prism anti-gla re toughened glass stands 41 impac t;
<> Silicon ru bber sea li ng ring; Ex ell! C T3 Gb
O S epa rate light source cavi ty, electrical and wiring cavity, Ex t DJ\21 IP66T I95"C
just ope n the wiring cavity while connect ing wire;
0 The lamp body use w ireless con nec tion structure with Zone l and Zone 2
Zone 2 I and Zone 22
installation accessories, all installation mode accessories
can be interchangeable and Lmiversal, easy for installation
and ma inte nance;
O High pure reOector and lampshade , surface anodized ; T4(T l 30°C ): :;; l50W
<> Bu ilt in e lectric ballast, with Compensat ion Capac itor T3(T l 95"C ): ;;. Nl50, 175, 250,
cosq, ;;.: 0.9 : 400\V
O BAD82-X usc xenon lamp lighting, long life up to over
I 0000 hours, co lor rendering over 80, high efficie ncy, *:Proposed \\h ilc ordering
energy sav ing and env ironme nt friend ly;
O BAD82-T use Ceramic meta l ha lide light source, long
life up to l 2000hours, co lo r rendering over 80, hi gh
efficiency over 87, low rad iat ion, high effic iency and
energy sav ing;
0 Automatic suspe nsion security structure fast and safe
replacement of light;
0 Insta llation Mode: G-Pendant pole type, X-Ceiling type,
03- Pendant chain type, F-Fiange type, h- Fence type,
B-wa lltype(adjustable angle),
B I -wa lltypc30°, B2-wall type 90°;
0 Entry Thread: G3/4, NPT3/4, M25X 1.5;
O Rated Voltage (V): 220/230*/240*;
0 Rated Power (W):
Meta l halide lamp: 70, I 00, I 50, I 75, 250, 400:
Hi gh Pressure Sodium Lamp: 70, I 00, II 0, 150, 250, 400:
High pressure mercury lamp: 80, 125, 175,250, 400:
Xenon light: 50, l 00, I I 0;
Net cover optional Ceramic meta l halide light: 35, 70, I 50. A-12
BAD83-Series explosion-proof lightings <> Alum inum alloy enc losu re, high pressure e lectrosta tic Ex d IICT6Gb
p lastic sprayed surface, sta inless steel exposed fastener Ex tO A21 IP66 T80'C
<> Prism ant i-glare toughened glass stands 41 impact; Ex d IIC T4 Gb
<> Sil icon rubber scaling strip;
ExtDA21 IP66TI30 C
<> Separate light source cavity, electrical and wiring cavity,
just open the wir ing cavity while connecting wire; Ex d IIC T3 (ib
<> The lamp body usc wire less con nec tion struct ure with Ex tDA21 IP66 Tl95 C
installation accessories, all installation mode accessories
can be interchangeable and universal, easy for installation Zone I and Zone 2
and maintenance;
Zone 21 and Zone 22
<> Automa tic suspension security structure, fast and safe
replacement of light source;
<> Metal ha lide lamp 70, IOOW with eme rgency fi tting IP66
<> Insta llation Mode:G-Pendant po le type, X-Ceiling type,
D3- Pendant chain type, F-Fiange type, h- Fence type, T6(T80 C ) : Energy-saving light ,
B-wall type( adjustab le ang le),
B !-wall type30°, B2-wall type 90°, M-road street type;
<) Entry Thread : G3/4 , NPT3/4, M25 x 1.5; T4(TI30 'C ): :;;; 150\V
<> Rated Vo ltage(V): 220/230*/240*; T3(TI9S 'C ): > ISO, NI50W
<> Rated Powcr(W):
Metal halide lamp: 70, 100, I SO, 175, 250, 400: *:Proposed while ordering
High Pressure Soditun Lamp: 70, I 00, II 0, 150, 250, 400;
High pressure mercury lamp: 80, !25, 175, 250, 400; Note: Ballast additionally of HID
Sel f- mercury lamp: 125, 160,250, 450; lamp
Energy-sav ing light: 8, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 32, 36,
45 , 55,65,68, 80, 85;
LED: 5, 7, 9, I 0.5, 13;
Inca ndescent lamp: 25, 40, 60.
Net cover optional A- 13
BAD52(56)- Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum a lloy enc losure, hi gh pressure e lectrostatic BAD52(56) :
plastic sprayed surface, sta inless steel exposed fastener; Ex d l!Bil!C T6 Gb
lightings Ex tO A21 IP66 T80 C
<> Toughened g lass cover;
<:> Si lico n rubber sea li ng ring; Ex d l!Bil!C T4 Gb
<> Special structure, qui ck change light so urce; Ex tDA21 IP66TI30 'C
<> Installation mode: G-pendant pole type, X-ceil ing type, Ex d l!Bil!C T3 Gb
a-handheld type, b-hanger type, B !-wall type30° , Ex tDA21 IP66TI95 'C
B2-wall type 90° , F-F iange type, h- Fence t ype;
<> Entry Thread: G3/4; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Rated Vo ltage (V): 220/230*/240*/36*; Zone 21 and Zone 22
(BAD 56) <> Ra ted Power (W):
Meta l hal ide lamp: 70, I 00, I SO, 175, 250, 400;
High Pressure Sodium Lamp: 70, I00, I I0, ISO, 250, 400; T6(T80 'C ): Energy-saving light
(BAD 52-a)
Self-ballas ting mercury lamp: 125, 160, 250, 45 0; T4(TI30 'C ): :;;; 125\V
High pressure mercury lamp: 80, 125, 175, 250, 400; T3(TI95"C ): ~ I SOW
Energy-sav ing light: 15-45, 55, 85 , I 05 ;
*: Proposed "'hilc ordering
(BAD52) Incandescent lamp: 40, 60, 100, Voltage:36V: 40, 60.
(BAD52-b) A- 14

HLBT03-Series explosion-proof LED <> Aluminum alloy enclosure, high pressure electrostat ic @ Il2 G Ex db eb op is liB T6/T5 Gb
tloodlights p lastic sprayed surface, stai nless steel exposed fastene r; @ II2 G Ex db cb op is IIB+H2 T6/f5 Gb
<> Toughened glass stands 41 impact; @ II2 D Ex tb op is IIIC TSO C Db
<> Silicon rubber sealing strip; @ II2 D Ex tb op is IIIC T95 'C Db
<> Several LED, life up to over 50000 hours;
<> Wide voltage ( 180- 265V) input, constant power output, Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22
COS¢ ;;;,0.98;
<> Direct supp ly of LED photoe lectric module structure, IP66
separated optica l lens, main cav ity, an d connect ion
T6(T80 C ): -40 c:;;; ra :;;;+40'C
cavity, just open the connection cavity while connecting;
TS(T95 C ): -~o c :;;;ra :;;;+ss·c
<> Modul e structure, assemb led as needed;
<> Special angle adjusting mechan ism, user can adjust the *: Proposed while ordering
irradiation angle on the spot;
<> Installation Mode: B-stanchion type, M-street lamp type
<) Inlet: ¢ 26mm/M20 x 1.5/M25 x l .5;
<> Rated Vo ltage(V): 220/230*/240*;
<> Rated Power (W): 50, I00, ISO, 200, 250.


HLBT53- II Series explosion-proof <> Alum inum alloy enclosure, high pressure electrostat ic Ex d c liB T6 Gb
plast ic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener; Ex d e IIB"- H2 T6 G b
LED floodlights Ex t D A2 I IP66 T80"C
<> Toughened g lass stands 4J impact;
<> S ili con rubber sea ling strip;
<> Separate light source cavity, electrical and w iring cavity, Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 2 I and Zone 22
just open the cavi ty while connecting wire;
<> Several LEOs, Ii fe up to over 50000 hours;
<> Wide voltage ( I 50- 265V) input, constant power output,
COS CD ;;.0.95; ' : Proposed w hil e ordering
<> Secondary optica l design ofre flector,even illum inat ion;
<> Special angle adjusting mechanism, user can adjust the
irrad iatio n angle on the spot;
<> Installation Mode: B-stanchion type, M-strect lamp type;
<> En try Thread: G3/4:
O Rated Voltage (V): 220/ 230*/ 240*:
<> Rated Power (W): 75, 90, I 00, I 35, I 50, 180, 200.
A-1 6
BAT51-Series explosion-proof <> Alum inum alloy enc losure, high pressure electrostat ic Ex d II B T3 Gb( ~ 400W)
plastic sprayed surface, s tainless steel exposed fastener; Ex d II C T3 Gb( ~ 400W)
<> Toughened g lass sta nds 4J impact; Ex t D A21 IP66 TI 95"C(~ 400Wj _
<> S ili con rubber sca ling strip; Ex d II B T .:1 Gb(xe non lamp)
<> High l igh t body hor izonta l rotated 360 degrees and Ex d II C T -1 Gb(xe non lam p)
elevation adjustable within .,-90 - -60"C; Ex tD A2 I IP66 T I 30"C(xcnon lamp)
<> High pure aluminum reflector, anodic oxidation on the
surface, high g listen rate; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Projection d istance greater than I 50 meters; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Installat ion Mode: X-ceiling type , S-seat type;
<> En try Thread: G3/4, NPT3/ 4, M25X 1.5; IP66
<> Rated Voltagc(V): 220/ 230*/ 240*;
<> Rated Power(W): ' : Proposed w hile ordering
Metal ha lide lamp: 70, I 00, I 50, 175, 250, 400;
High Pressure Sodium Lamp: 70, I 00, 11 0, I 50, 250,
Xenon lamp : 50, 70, 100.
A-1 7
BAT52-Series explosion-proof Ex d(e) li B T-1 G b( ~ I SOW)
<> Aluminum a lloy enc losure, h igh pressure e lectrostatic
tloodlights Ex d(e) II C T-1 G b( ~ I SOW)
plastic sprayed surface, sta inless stee l exposed fastener;
<> Toughened g lass sta nds 4J impact; Ex t D A2 I IP66 T I 30"C( ~ I SOW)
<> T he lamp body can be installed horizon tally or wa ll - Ex d(e) li B T3 Gb( ~ 400W)
mounted, adjustable from 4 5- 90° ; Ex d(e) II C T3 Gb( ~ 400\V)
<> T he side opening, quick rep lacement of ligh t sources; Ex tD A2 I IP66 TI 95"C( ~ 400W)
<> High orange diffuse reflection plate can make light
soften, large irradiat ion angle; Zone 1 and Zone 2
<> Installation Mode: B-stanchion type, M-strect lamp type; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
(B-S tanchion type) <> Entry Thread: G3/4;
<> Rated VoltageV): 220/230*/ 240*; I P66
O Rated Power (W):
Metal ha lide lamp: 70, 100, I 50, 175, 250, 400: ' : Proposed w hile ordering
High Pressu re Sod ium Lamp: 70, I 00, I I 0, I 50, 250,
(M-Strcet lamp type) 400.
Net cover optiona l A-1 8
BAT52- II Series explosion-proof <> Square stainless steel enclosure, nice figure and stainless Ex nR II T4 Gc( ~ 250W)

tloodlights (Stainless steel enclosure) stee l out fas tener; Ex tD A2 I I P66 TI30"C( ~ 250W)
<> Toughened g lass sta nds 4J impact; Ex nR II T3 Gc(400W)
<> Sili co n rubber sea ling strip; Ex tD A2 1 I P66 TI90"C( 400W)
<> T he lamp body can be insta lled hor izontall y or wall- Ex nR II T 2 Gc( I OOOW)
mounted, adjustable from 4 5- 90° ; Ex tD A2 I I P66 T 290"C( I OOOW)
<> High orange diffuse reflect ion can make li gh t soften,
large irrad iation angle;

Zone 2
<> Inl et: <D 26mm/ M25x 1.5;
Zone 2 I and Zone 22
<> Rated voltage(V): 220/230*/ 240*;
O Rated Powcr(W): IP66
Metal ha lide lamp: 175,250, 400, 1000;
' : Proposed while ordering
High Pressure Sod ium Lamp: I SO, 250, 400 , I 000.

BAZSl-Series explosion-proof ballasts <> Aluminum a lloy enc losure, high pressure elect rostat ic Ex d II C T6 Gb
plastic sprayed surface, sta inless stee l exposed fastener; Ex ID A2 1 IP66 T80"C

<> Sil icon rubber sca ling s trip;

<> Upon reques t w ith compensator COS <P ;;:0.9; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Entry Thread: G3/4; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

<> Rated Voltage (V): 220/230*/ 240*; IP66

<> Ra ted Power(W):
•. Proposed whi le orde ring
Meta l ha lide lamp: 70, 100, 150, 175, 250, 400:
High Pressure Sodium Lamp: 70, I 00, I I 0, 150, 250, 400:
High pressure mercury lamp : 80, 125 , 175, 250, 400.

A -20

BAKSl-11 E Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum alloy enc losure, high pressure electrostat ic Ex d II C T6 G b
Ex ID A2 1 IP66 T80"C
tank inspection vesellight fittings plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener;
<> Toughened g lass stands 4J impact; Zone I and Zone 2
<> LED lighting, li fe span up to 50000 hours; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Built-in Switch is optional , touch on, off delay shutdown
these two control modes, 5, lOm in delay time ;
<> Used for chem ical react ion vesse l, or a sma ll range for · . Proposed "hilc ordering
spot Iigh ting;
<> Entry Thread: G 112;
<> Rated Voltage(V): 12/24/36/11 0/ 220/ 230*/ 240*;
<> Ra ted power (W): 6, 9.

LED A -21
BBJ-Series explosion-proof audio <> Alum inum a ll oy enclosure, high pressure electros tatic Ex d ib II C T6 Gb
and visual caution spotlight fittings plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener; Ex ID A2 l IP66 T80"C
<> Toughened g lass s tands 4J impact
Zone I and Zone 2
<> Audib le and visual alatm, the lamp own red, blue, yellow, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
green co lor for yo ur option;
<> LED li ghting; IP66
<> Entry Thread: G3/4;
' . Proposed "hilc orde ring
<> Ra ted Voltage(V): AC/ DC: 12/ 24;
AC: 361110/ 220/ 230*/240*;
<> Vo ice Strength( dB): 90 , I 05;
<> Rated power(W): 5.

( lltype/ IOSdB)

( I t)•pe/90dB)
Net cover optional A -22
BBJ-JD Series explosion-proof <> Aluminum alloy enclosure, high pressure electros tatic Ex d II C T6 G b
Ex ID A2 1 IP66 T80"C
caution spotlight fittings plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener;
<> Toughened g lass s tands 4J impact;
Zone I and Zone 2
<> LED li ghting; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Entry Thread;
<> Rated voltage(V): AC/DC: 12/ 24; IP66
AC:36/l l 0/ 220/ 230*/240*;
· . Proposed whi le ordering
<> Ra ted power(W): 5.

Net cover optiona l A -23

BHZD- Series explosion-proof caution 0 Aluminum Alloy enclosure, with high-pressure electron ic Ex d JJ C T6 Gb
plastic sprayed surface; Ex tD A2 1 I P66 T80"C
spotlight fittings
O Toughened glass covers wh ich can work nom1ally under
ra in snow, hail and sun exposed tough env ironment; Zone I and Zone 2
O High brightness LED, li fe span up to 100000 hours; Zone 21 and Zone 22
O Automa tic ligh t control switch cont rol, a utomati c
open ing nights and foggy, a utomaticall y shut down; IP66
O Mone obstac le lights when working, it is necessary to
synchronize the signal cab le connected, that is ab le to *: Proposed w hil e ordering
realize synchronous flash ing, also can be made wireless
sync h ro ni zation mode up on request or provi de a
centra lized contro ller;
0 Entry Thread: G3/4;

Lighting Rmed Voltage Rated P<>wer Peak

source type fV ) (W) lnten:-.ity Intens ity
<08 >200cd Low i nte n~i ty
LED 2 30' :5:i24 > IOOOcd Low lig.Ju inten:-.ity
Ei40 >2000cd Medime light intenJ>ity

Xenon Light 220 <;;50 >20000cd llig.h light inte1t-.ity

HL-BLZD- I 10 E4W-BDJ01 Series O Aiuminum alloy enc losure, high pressure e lectrostat ic Ex e ib q IJ C T4 Gb
plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener; Ex tD A21 IP66 T80"C
explosion-proof exit light fittings
O Toughened glass stands 4J impact;
Zone I and Zone 2
O Customer can choose guide symbo l wh ich can be
Zone 21 and Zone 22
c ustomized based on needs;
O High brightness LED, li fe span up to 50000 hours ; IP66
0 The Lamp is a constant-light lamp, bu ilt- in maintenance-
•: Proposed v. hilc ordering
free battery, it will charge automatically in the normal
power supply,and it wi ll li t wh ile accident or power
fai lu re self-test function, automatic d ischarge once a
0 Annual inspection functions, other year from the power
to the sta te of emergency to automatically discharge
term inat ion, and then automatica lly restore the main
power status;
0 Entry Thread: G3/4, NPT3/4, M25X 1.5;
O Rated vo ltage (V): AC 220/230*/240*;
O Power: 4W;
Type G(l) Type II(R)
O Charg ing time: 24h;
O Emergcncy time: ;;.: 120min.
Type 1(0)

HL-ZFZD-E6W-BDJ 05-Series 0 Aluminum alloy enc losure, high pressure electrostat ic Ex d c ib q II C T4 Gb
explosion-proof emergency plastic sprayed surface, sta inless steel exposed fastener; Ex tD A?. I IP66 T80"C

light fittings O Toughened glass stands 4J impact;

O High brightness LED , li fe span up to 50000 hours ; Zone I and Zone 2
O Specially used for emergency , built-in lithium battery, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
dynamic c harg in g under normal conditions of
transm ission, emergency lights will lit automatica lly IP66
when power failure or power outage accident;
*: Proposed while ordering
0 With overcharge and over d ischarge, short ci rcuit
protect ion performance;
O Self-test function automa tic d ischarge month;
0 Annua l inspection functions, every other year from the
main power to the state of emergency to automatica lly
d ischarge termina ti on, an d t hen automa tical ly the
main power;
0 Entry Thread: G3/4, NPT3/4 , M25X 1.5;
O Rated vo ltage(V): AC220/230*/240*;
O Charging time: 24 h;
O Lighting power/emergency time: 1.5Wx2 ;;.:90min.

BAJ 52-Series explosion-proof <> A luminum all oy enc losure, high pressure e lectrostatic Ex d II C T6 Gb
emergency fittings plastic sprayed surface, stainless steel exposed fastener; Ex tD J\2 1 I P66 TSOOC
<> Built-in lithium battery, dynamic charging under normal
Zone I and Zone 2
conditions of transmission, emergency lights will lit
Zone 21 and Zone 22
automatically when power failure or power outage accident;
<> Entry Thread: G3/4; IP66
<> Charging time: 24h;
*: Proposed w hil e ordering
<> Rated Voltage: 220/230*/ 240*;
<> Emergency time (V): 30, 45 , 60, 90;
O Rated power(w) emergency time
Metal Halide Lamp: 70, 100, 45or30m in;
Energy-saving lamp: 32, 36, 45, 55/60or90min;
LED Lamp: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, I 00/60or90m in.


Explosion-proof street lamps O Steelpipc and cable wiring; Ex d(e) IIB III C T6 Gb
<> High quality steel plate made lamp pole, con ica l rod or Ex tD A2 1 IP66 T800C
(Lamp pole)
hexagonal pipe structure, internal and external hot-dip
Ex d(c) IIB/II C T 5 Gb
z inc treatment and high -voltage e lectrostatic plastic Ex tD J\2 I IP66 T95 0C
sprayed s urface;
<> Three lamp po le types, inc luding s ingle arm (type A), Ex d(e) IIBIII C T 4 Gb
Ex tDJ\2 1 IP66T I300C
equal length double ann (type B), unequal length double
arm (type C) etc; Ex nR II C T6 Gc
<> Various specifications of lamp po le height are customized Ex tD J\2 1 IP66T80°C
accord ing to user requ irements (standard 6-metcr). Ex nR IIC T 4 Gc
<> Rated voltage(V) : 220 , 230*, 240*; Ex tD J\2 1 IP66T I300C
<> Rated powcr(W) :
Ex de (mb) II C T41T6 Gb
LED: 60, 75, 85, I 00, 120, 150, 200, 250; Ex tD A2 1 I P66 T 1300C/T800C
Metal hal ide lamp: 70, I 00, 150, 175, 250, 400;
High pressure sod ium lamp: 70, I 00, II 0, 150, 250, 400; Zo ne I an d Zone 2
Hi gh pressure mercury lamp: 80, I 25, 175, 250; Zone 2 1 and Zo ne 22

Self-ballasting mercuty lamp: 125 , I 60, 250. IP 65 , IP 66

*: Propo:-cd "hilc ordering


BGD-Series explosion-proof <> Light po le: high quality carbon steel plate after Ex d e JIB IIC T4 T3 Gb(floodli ght l
Ex tDA21 IP66 TJ30"C{f)95"C(IIoodlighll
high pole lamps processing bending, automatic we lding mold ing,
hot dip zi nc corros ion treatment; E' de JI B( Jl1) T6 Gb(l ED floodlight)
<> Explosion -proof distribution control system: Explos ion E' tDA2 1 IP66 TSO"C(LED floodlight)
- proof control box is fixed at the bo ttom of the lamp
Ex nR JIC T4TYT2 Gc( llood light)
pole, bui lt- in lighting and motor control system, dual
[', tD A21 IP66 TI JO"C(fJ95"C/
c ircuit power supply;
T290"C( Iloodlightl
<> Explosion - proo f automatic lifting drive system, hook
sys tem, s teel cab le guide pulley sys tem, g uide and Ex c1 JIB T4 T3 Gb(projcct lamp)
brake system, lightning grounding device; Ex i.l JIC T3 Gb(projcct lamp)
Ex tD A2 1 IP66 TJ30"C.rrt 95'C! project lamp>
<> All mechanica l transmiss ion parts are non -e lectrica l
exp losion -proof treatment;
Zo ne I an d Zone 2
<> Rated voltage (V): 220, 230*, 240*, 380, 41 5; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Rated power (W) :
IP 66
Proj ect lamp~400W, F l ood light~ IOOOW,
*: Proposed whi le orderi ng
LED floodlight~60, 75, 85, 100, 120, 150,200, 250W.

BM(D)X51(52)-Series explosion-proof <) Copper-free alum inn ium; powder coated surface; @ 112 G Ex de II BIJJC T4Gb
protected distribution box <) The electric box is explosion proof type, and the junction
. ..• i .. .Q box is increas ing type;
@ 112 G Ex de II BIIIC T5iT6Gb


• • '\:--
liD .·
• <) Bui lt-in high breaking capacity miniature circuit breakers,
such as iC65, S200, and leakage circuit breakers, MCCB,
@ 112 D Ex tb IIIC T80"C Db IP66
@ 112 D Ex tb IIIC T95"C Db IP66

.. ,,
. ~ ••• .Mi
• ,,
AC con tactor, therma l relay, contro l bullons, control
switches, s ignal lamps and terminals, etc;
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22

<) Ways of installation:
G-Surface type( standard) L-Pedestal type( optional); IP66
l!'!tl Iilli
<) Inlet and omletthread:M 16-M I lOx 1.5, G I/2- G4;
-20"C ~ Ta ~ +55"C
!HI 0 Rated vo ltage: Max.415V AC;
-40"C ~ Ta ~ +55"C
O Rated current: Max.250A.


HLDP03-Series Explosion-proof <) Copper-free aluminnium; powder coated surface; @ 112 G Ex db II B T6;T5Ff4 Gb ,
electrical apparatus (Control <) Silicone rubber seal; @ 112 G Ex dbl iaiibl ll B T6iT5T4 Gb ,
<) Exp losion-proof enc losure, with h inges. Built-in
distribution system) @ 112 G Ex db II B+H2T6;T5.T4 Gb,
high break ing capacity min ia ture c ircuit breakers,
such as iC65, S200, and leakage c ircuit breakers, @ 112 <I Ex db[ia ibl ll B- H2 T6l f5T4 Gb ,
• • • • & • • •

~., ~ -~ . MCCB, AC contactor, therma l relay, contro l buttons,
control switches, s ignal lamps, surge protection device,
voltmeter, ammeter and term ina ls, etc.;
@ 112 D Ex tb IIICT80.T95;TI30 'C Db

Zone I and Zone 2

Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

...," i
" ..
04& • <) Ways of installation:
Surface type( standard), Pedestal type( optional); IP66, IP67

-. ij _..,
7" i
.6) -; ~0

·e -
<) Inlet and outletth read:M 16-M90x 1.5, NPT 1/2- 3;
O Rated vol tage: Max.ACIOOOV/ DCI500V;
T6/T5 -20"C- +60"C, -40"C- +60"C
T5/T4.-20"C- +40"C, -40"C-+ 40"C
• 0 • Q .a " e &> <) Rated current: Max.I200A;
<) Enclosure Size(mm): Note: Control bullon. switch, signal
282X21()XI70, 35()X2 10XI70, 433 X3)0X280, lamps, please refer to E- 11- 16
563 X433X280, 720X563 X28(), 720x563 X3 50. in P24- 26.
(With hinge) B-2
BM(D)X52-P Series explosion-proof <) Steel turntable and stent, the surface is high-pressure Ex de II C T6 Gb
lighting (Power) distribution boxes e lectrostatic spray; Ex tD A2 1 JP66 T80"C
(Cable reel for maintenance) <) There is an interlock between the explosion-proof socket
and the plug, which can be inserted and removed only Zone I and Zone 2
after the power is off; Zone 21 and Zone 22
<) The cable is tightened and re leased by the turntab le, it is
very convenient to rely on the bracket and the travel ing
wheel when moving;
<) Rated voltage (V): 24, 36, II 0, 220, 230, 380, 415,
500, 690;
<) Pin Rated Current (A): 16;
O N umber of poles: l P + N + PE, 3P + PE, 3P + N + PE.


BM(D)X52- Series explosion-proof O G RP antistat ic she ll, sta inless steel exposed fasteners, Exdc II CT4Gb(80- 250A)
anti- fall-off structure; Exde II CT6Gb( 1- 63A)
illumination(Power) distribution boxes
O ln c reased safety she ll, bu ilt-i n exp los ion- proof Ex tD !1.21 IP66 T80"C
components: circu it breakers (with leakage protection),
Zone I and Zone 2
AC contactor, therma l relay, disconnect ing sw itch,
Zone 21 and Zone 22
control bullon;
O Sili co ne rubber sea l;
O S witch can be equipped with metal handles and pad locks
upon request; No te: Sec P22- 27 for interna l
O ln let and outlet thread: Gl/2 - G2, M l6 - M63 x l. 5; components
0 Rated voltage (V): 220, 230, 240, 380, 4 15;
O The total switching current (A): ,;;: 63,,;;: 100,,;;: 250;
0 Branch current (A): ,;;: I 00;
O Enc losure S ize (mm):340x220x 159,
34()X340X 159,
BDX52-SQ 68()X340X 159.
BM(D)X52-g Series explosion-proof O Stainless stee l shell, stain less stee l exposed fasteners; Ex de II C T4 Gb(80<250A)
O lncreased safety shell, built-in exp losion-proof Ex de II C T6 Gb( I- 63A)
illumination(Power) distribution boxes
components: c ircuit breakers (with leakage protect ion), Ex tD A2 1 IP66 T80"C
AC contactor, therma l relay, d isconnecti ng switch,
Zone I and Zone 2
control button; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
O S il icone rubber sea l;
O Switch can be equ ipped with metal hand les and pad locks IP66
upon request;
0 Rated voltage (V): 220, 230, 240, 380, 4 15; Note: Sec P22 - 27 for interna l
O The total switching current (A): :s; 63, :s; 100, :s; 250;
0 Branch current (A): :s; I 00;
0 Enc losure Size(mm): 180x290 x 154,
BM(D)X52-g BDX52-gQ 727X36QX (54. B-5
PXK-Series positive pressure explosion- O Shell material: stee l, high-press ure electrostatic spray Ex d c ib mb px II C T4 Gb
proof power distribution cabinets on the surface, or stain less steel, stainless steel exposed Ex d c ib mb pz II C T6 Gc
fasteners; Ex ibD mD p D tD A2 1 I P66 TSO"C
O Sil icone rubber sea l;
O Bu ilt- in components: instrumentation, ana lytica l
instruments, disp lay instruments, monitors, high-power Zone I and Zone 2

[ ~ ]I
inverter and genera l electrical components; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

0 Form: box. p iano table and cabinet structure, the cabinet
is divided into the upper and lower structure, left or
right structure or one structure; lp66
O Positive pressure cabinet explosion-proof control

•- system, wit h modu lar, standardized structure, d ig ita l

integrated control, a key operation, easy to operate;
0 Provide remote power transm ission, alarm and power-
1'\ote: Sec P27 - 30 for internal
off s igna l passive contact;
O Passive sw itch contacts: SA 250VAC, 28VDC;
0 Control system rated voltage (V): AC220/230/240/380/4 15
O Air inlet thread: NPT3/8. B-6
HLDPOS-Series Explosion-proof <> Copper-free a lum inn ium; powder coated surface; @ 112 Ci Ex db II B T61TS Gb
electrical apparatus (Control loop <> Silicone rubber seal; <G) 112 G Ex db II B..-H2 T6iT5 Gb
opening and breaking) <> Explos ion-proof enc losure, with hinges. Buil t- in high © II~ D Ex tb Il K' T80iT95"C Db
break ing capacity min iature circu it breakers, such as
iC65, S200, and leakage circu it breakers, MCCB and
Zone I and Zone 2
0 0 term inals, etc.;
® Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Ways of installation:

o[® ®
Surface type(standard), Pedesta l type( optional);
<> Inlet and outlet thread:M 16-M90x 1.5, NPT I/2- 3;
O Rated voltage: Max.ACIOOOV/DCISOOV;
O Rated current: Max.800A;
IP66, IP67

T6/T 5.-2 O"C- + 60"C- -~O"C- + 60"C

<> Enclosure Size(mm):

282X21 Ox 170, 350X2 1Ox 170, 433 >< 350X280,
® 0 E?;- 563 X433x280, 72()><563 >< 280, 720>< 563 X3 50.

HLDP06-Series Explosion-proof <> Copper-free alum innium; powder coated surface; @ II 2 G Ex db II B T61T5 Gb
electrical apparatus(Control <> Sil icone rubber seal; @ 112 G Ex db II B+H2 T6iT5 Gb
<> Explos ion-proof enc losure, with hinges. Built-in high @ 112 D Ex tb II IC T80JT95"C Db
motor system)
break ing capacity min ia ture c ircu it breakers, such
Zone I and Zone 2
as iC65, S200, and leakage c ircuit breakers, AC
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
contactor, them1al relay, control buttons, control switches,
signal lamps, surge protection device and term inals, etc.;
IP66, 1?67
<> Ways of installation:
., ( 0 Surface type(standard), Pedesta l type( optional);
<> Inlet and outlet thread:M 16-M90x 1.5, NPT I/2- 3;
T6 TS: -20"C- +60"C, -40"C- +60"C

i - i O Rated vol tage: Max.ACIOOOV/ DCISOOV ;
-., i - i O Rated current: Max.200A;
<> Enclosure Size(mm):
35QX2( ()X (70, 433X35()>< 28(), 563 ><433 X28(),
72()X563 X28(), 72()X563 >< 350.
HLDP07-Series Explosion-proof 0 Aluminium alloy;powder coated surface; @ 112 G Ex db II 8 T6 Gb ,

electrical apparatus (Control circuit) O Silicone rubber seal; @11 2 G Ex db I ia,ib l ll B T6 Gb,
0 Explosion-proof enclosure, with hinges. Built-in control @11 2 G Ex db II 8 - Hc T6 Gb,
e & • e buttons, con trol switches, signal lamps, potentiometer @ 112 G Ex db [ialiblll B+H2 T6 Gb ,
-®----- \ voltmeter, ammeter and term inals, etc.; @11 2 D Ex tb IIIC TSO'C Db
<> i i i i ) • 0 Ways of installation:Surface type( standard);


e iiii ~( o
i i i i ti
_e. -----
j) • • • •
, "
0 Inlet and outlet thread:M 16- M90 x I.S, NPT 112- 3;
O Rated voltage: Max.ACIOOOV/DCJSOOV;
0 Rated current: 63A;
0 Enclosure Size( min):
21 0><282>< 170,
21 0><3SOx I70,
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

IP66, IP67

-20"C- +60"C
® .,
S63><720><280, S63><720><3SO. -40"C- +60"C
Note: Sec P24 - 26 for internal
(With hinge) components B-9

HLBX02-Series Explosion-proof O The enclosure is made of stain less s tee l plate, and @ II 2 G Ex db cb JJC T6 Gb
the stainless steel exposed fasteners, anti-fall ing structure; @ 112 D Ex tb JJJC T80 C Db
Control stations O lncreascd sa fe enclosure, bu il t-in exp los ion-pro
of components, (control button, change-over sw itc h, Zone I and Zone 2

(](] signal lamp, potentiometer, voltmeter, ammeter, etc.) and

0 The joints of enclosure and cover use silicone rubber seal;
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

IJiJIJW 0 Stainless steel can be installed according to the requirements;

O Can be installed on the panel or remote contro l;

fjijijfj 0 Ways of installation:

G-Surface type, L-Pole type ;
Max.-40 C ~+ 70 C

.. O lnlct and outlet thread: M 16- M63 x I.S, G J/2-G2;

0 Rated voltage: 220, 230, 240, 380, 4 1S;
>.lore: Sec P22 - 24 tor internal
O Rated current: 6tVIONI6A;
0 Enclosure Size(mm): ISOx I80><9S, IS0><240>< 9S,
180><290><9S, 260>< 290><9S, 260><360><9S,
360>< 360><9S, 360>< 360>< 1SO. B- 10

HLBX03-Series Explosion-proof O GRP(glass fi bre-re inforced polyester resin), a nd the @ 112 G Ex db cb IIC T6Gb
stainless steel exposed fasteners, anti-falling structure; @ 112 D Ex tb III C T80"C Db
Control stations O lnc reased safe enclosure, bu ilt- in explosion-proof
components, (control button, change-over switch, signal
Zone I and Zone 2
lamp, potentiometer, vo ltmete r, ammeter, etc). and
tenninals; gu ide rai l structure; Zone 21 and Zone 22
0 The joints of enclosure and cover use silicone rubber seal;
O Can be installed on the panel or remote control; IP66
0 Ways of installation: G-Surface type, L-Pole type;
0 In let and outlet thread: M 16- M40x I.S, G 112-G 1114; Max.-40"C ~ 1 70"C
0 Rated vo ltage: 220/230/240/380/4 1S;
O Rated current: 6NIOA/16A; Note: Sec P22 - 24 for internal
0 Enc losure Size(mm): I30>< I SOx I06, 130><220>< I06, components
I78 ><260>< I06, 220>< 340>< I06, 340.S><340.Sx IS9,
340.S>< 68 J. Sx IS9.

B-1 1

HLBXOS-Series Explosion-proof O GRP(glass fibre-reinforced polyester resin), and the @ 112 G Ex db cb IIC T6Gb
stainless steel exposed fasteners, anti-falling structure; @ II 2 D Ex tb III C T80"C Db
Control stations O lncreascd safe enclos ure, bui lt- in explosion-proof
components, (control button, change-over swi tch, signal
Zone I and Zone 2
lamp, po tent iome te r, voltmete r, ammeter, etc). and
Zone 21 and Zone 22
tenn inals; gu ide rail structure;
0 The joint~ of enclosure and cover usc silicone rubber seal;
O Can be installed on the panel or remote control; IP66
O Ways of installation: G-Surface type;
0 Inlet and outlet thread: M 16-M2Sx I.S, G 112- G3/4; Max.-4o·c ~ 1 7o·c

0 Rated voltage: 220/230/240/380/41S;

O Rated current: 6tVJONI6A; Note: Sec P22 - 24 for internal
0 Enc losure Size(mm): 8S x I07><73, 8Sx 139>< 73, components
8Sx 18S><73.
BXK- II Series explosion-proof <> Cast a luminum alloy shell, the surface of high-pressure Ex d c II C T6 Gb
control boxes(AL) electrostatic spray, sta inless steel exposed fasteners, anti- Ex tD A2 1 1P66 T80"C
fall-off structure;
<> Si licone rubber seal
Zone I and Zone 2
<> Built-in explosion-proof component~: control switch, control
Zone 21 and Zone 22
bullons, lights, potentiometers, ammeter, tachometer, etc;
<> Built-in stain less stee l hinge, easy install at ion an d
ma intenance;
<> Insta llation: G-hang ing, L-vertica l;
<> Inlet thread : G 112- G 11/2, M 16 - M50 x 1.5; l'otc: Sec P22 - 2-ltor internal
<> Rated vo ltage (V): 220/230/240/380/4 15; components
<> Rated curren t (A): 6, I 0;
<> Enclosure s ize (mm): 12Sx 170 x98,
(With hinges) 145 X220X98, 170X280X98.

B- 13

BZA53-Series explosion-proof control <> Cast a luminum shell, the surface of high -pressure clec- Ex d c II C T6 Gb
buttones(AL) trostati c spray, stainless steel exposed fasteners; Ex tD A21 IP65 T80"C
<> Si licone rubber seal;
<> Bu ilt-in exp los ion-proof button, ammeter, etc.; Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22
<> Inlet thread : G3/4 ;
<> Spec ification: - I, - IS, -2, -3, -2A:
<> Rated voltage (V)/Rated current (A):
AC220/230/240V/3.SA, AC380/41 5V/6A,
DC24V/0.4A, DC60V/0.9A,
DCIIOV/1 .6A, DC220V/0.2SA.

- IS

B- 14
BZM-10 Series explosion-proof O Cast a lu minum shell, the surface of h igh-pressure Ex c1 c II B T6 Gb
lighting switches e lectrostatic spray, sta inless stee l exposed fasteners; Ex t D A2 1 IP65 T80"C
O Silicone rubber seal;
Zone I and Zone 2
0 Flameproof swi tc h buil t-in components;
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
O lnlet thread: G3/4;
O Rated vo ltage (V): 220/230; IP65
0 Rated current (A): I 0;
0 Number of po les: I P + PE.


dLXK-D C Series explosion-proof O Cast a lum inu m shell, the surface of h igh-pressure Exd II CT6Gb
electrostatic spray, stain less stee l exposed fasteners; DIPA20TA ,T6
position switches
0 Inlet thread: G 112;
O Rated vo ltage (V): AC: 24/36/1 10/ 127/220/380, Zone I and Zone 2
DC: 12/24/36/ 11 0/220; Zone 20. Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
0 Rated current (A): 5.


B- 16
HLBSPOl-Series Explosion- proof <> A lum inium alloy;powder coated surface; Ex d II CT6 Gb
<> With the interlock funct ion, after the switch in the
plug and sockets Ex tD i\2 1 I P66 T80"C
socket cavit y is broken , the plug can be pulled out
after t he plug is inserted into t he cav ity, the switch
can be c losed; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Plug and con tact performance is rel iable, t he socket
Zone 21 and Zone 22
s leeve is equi pped w ith a flexible leaf spr ing s leeve,
so that the p lug has self-cleaning features , a small
contact res istance and low temperature rise, reducing IP66
the insertion force;
<> Socket has a pad lock, can be locked when no t in use, -60 C-+55'C
the socket can not be opened;
<> Inlet thread : 16A-3, 4 poles: M25 x 1.5, N PT3/4 ,
16A-5 poles and 32/\: M32 x 1.5, NPT I.
63A: socket-M40 x 1.5, NPTII/4,plug-M50 x 1.5, NPT I I/2;
125A: socket-M63 x 1.5, NPT2,plug-M50 x 1.5, NPT II/2;
<> Number of poles: 16/32/\- 3, 4, 5 poles, 63/125/\-4, 5 poles;
<> Rated voltage (V): II 0 - 130, 220 - 250, 380 - 4 15,
480 - 500, 600 - 690;
<> Rated current (A): 16, 32, 63 , 125.
B- 17
BCZ8060-Series explosion-proof <> GRP antistatic shell, sta inless steel exposed fasteners; Exdc ii CT6Gb(l6, 32A)
anti-corrosion plug and sockets <> With the inter lock function, after t he swi tch in the Ex tD i\2 1 IP65 T80"C
socket ca vit y is broken , the plug can be pulled out
after t he plug is in serted into the cav ity, the sw itch Ex d c II C T5 Gb(63A , 125/\)
can be c losed; Ex tD i\2 1 I P66 T80"C
<> Plug and contact performance is reliable, t he socket
s leeve is equi pped wi th a flexible leaf spr ing s leeve,
so that the p lug has self-cleaning features , a small Zone I and Zone 2
contact res istance and low tempera ture r ise, reducing zone 21 and zone 22
the insertion force;
<> Socket has a pad lock, can be locked when no t in use,
the socket can not be opened; IP65
<> Inlet thread : 16A: M25 x 1.5, 32A,
M40 X 1.5, 631\, M50 X 1.5;
<> Number of poles: 3, 4, 5 poles;
<> Rated voltage (V): II 0 - 130, 220 - 250, 380 - 4 15,
480 - 500, 600 - 690;
(Plug ) (M-Panel -t ype socket)
<> Rated c urrent (A): 16, 32, 63, 125.
B- 18
AH- Series explosion-proof <> Cast alum inum alloy shell, the surface of high-pressure Exd II CT6Gb
Ex tD i\2 1 IP66 TSO "C
junction boxes e lect rostatic spray, s ta inless steel exposed fasteners;
<> Inlet thread : Gl/2 - G2, M20 - M63 x 1.5, NPTI/2 - 2;
Zone I and Zone 2
<> Specifications: I way, 2way, 3way, 4way, angle 2way; Zone 21 and Zone 22
<> Rated voltage (V): 220/230/240/380/ 415;
<> Rated current (A): 20.
A B c

D E All-G3/4d
C- l
HLBH31(32)- Series explosion-proof <> Cast aluminum alloy she ll , the surface of high-pressure @ II 2 G Ex db IIC T6Gb
terminal boxes elect rostatic spray, sta inless steel exposed fasteners; @ Il 2 G Ex ib II C T6Gb
<> Inlet thread: NPT I/ 2 - 11/2, M20 - M50x 1.5
@ Ill G Ex ia IIC T6Ga
<> Specifica ti ons: I way, 2way, 3way, 4way, angle 2way;
~ II2 D Ex tb II IC T80 "C Db
<> Rated voltage (V): 220/230/240/380/415/ 500
Intrinsic safety: ~ 36V;
-60"C ~ Ta~ + 55"C
<> Rated current (A): I 0, I 6, 20:
Intrinsic safety: ~ 5A. Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 0. Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22
IILBI I0-M25d IP66
IILBI I J] - NPT3/4d
BJX-Series explosion-proof <> Cast a luminum alloy shell, the surface of high-pressure Ex d 11 B T6 G b
terminal boxes electrostatic spray, stainless stee l exposed fasteners; Ex d 11 c T6 Gb
<> Silicone rubber seal Ex tD 11.2 1 JP66 T80 "C
<> Inlet thread: G I / 2 - G4 / M 16 - M I I 0 x 1.5;
<> Rated voltage (V): 220/ 230/ 240/380/41 5/500/690; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Ra ted curren t (II.): I 0, 20, 32, 63, I 00, 125, 200 , Zone 2 I and Zone 22
300, 400;
(ll ll) (llll)
<> Enc losure Size(mm): I 65x 165 x I I 6. 2 I Ox230 x I 29, IP66
230X270X I 29, 300 X 3 70 XI 60,
560X 560X197.

( II C) (IIC)

HLDPll- Series Explosion-proof <> Cast aluminum alloy shell, the surface of high-pressure @ 112 c; Ex db II B T61TS/T4 Gb
electrical apparatus (For cable electrostatic spray, stainless stee l exposed fasteners; @ 1!2 G Ex db II B- H2 T6'T5iT4 Gb
connection) <> Sil icone rubber seal; @ 112 D Ex tb IIICT80ff95 T I30"C Db

<> Inlet thread: M 16-M90x I .5, NPT 1/ 2 - 3;

Zone I and Zo ne 2
<> Rated voltage (V): 220/230/240/380/4 15/500/690; Zone 2 I a nd Zone 22
<> Rated current (A): I 0, 20, 32, 63, I 00, 125, 200,
IP66, IP67
300, 400,630;
<> Enclosure Size( mm): 282 x 2 10 x 170, 350 x 2 I0 x 170, T6(r5 -20"C- +60"C, -40"C- +60"C
433 X 350 X 280, 563 X 430 X 280, T5([4 -20"C- +40"C, -40"C- +40"C

720 X 563 X 280, 720 X 563 X 350.

(With hinge) C-4

HLBH16-C Series explosion-proof <> Stain less steel shell; Ex d II C T6 Gb
Ex tD !1.2 I IP66 TSO "C
terminal boxes(SS) <> T hread structure, easy to open the lid;
<> Silicone rubber seal;
Zone I and Zone 2
<> Inlet thread: G 112- 4, NPTI / 2- 4, M 16- M 110 x 1.5; Zone 21 and Zo ne 22
<> Rated vo ltage (V): 220/230/ 240/380/41 5/500/690;
1 66
<> Rated curren t (/1.): I 0, 20, 32, 63 , I 00 , 125,200,300,400; P
<> Enc losure Size(rnm): 220 x 220 x 150,
330 X 330 X 180,
450 X 450 X 200.


eJX-Series explosion-proof <> Cast a lum inum alloy shell, the surface of high -pressure Ex c II CT6 Gb ( o;;: 40!1.)
terminal boxes (AL) electrostat ic sp ray, stainless s teel exposed fasteners, Ex tD !1.21 IP66 T HO "C
ant i- fall -style structure; Ex c II CT5 Gb ( ~ 63/1.)
<> Silicone rubber seal; Ex tD !1.2 1 IP66 T HO "C
Ex c II CT4 Gb ( o;;: 400!1.)
<> Inlet thread : G I / 2 - G4, M 16- M I I Ox I .5;
Ex tD !1.2 1 IP66 T HO "C
<> Rated vo ltage (V): eJX-i a: .,;: 24;
Ex ia II CT6 Ga (5!1.)
eJX: 220/ 230/240/380/4 I 5/ 500/690;
Ex tD !1.2 I I P66 T HO "C
<> Rated curren t (A): eJX-i a: 5;
eJX: I 0, 20, 32, 63, I 00, 125, 200, 300, 400;
Zone 0, Zone I a nd Zone 2
<> Enc losure Size(mm): 125x 170x98 , 140 x I 40x 124,
Zone 21 and Zone 22
(eJX-) 145X220x9H , 2JO x J40XI 24,
170x280x9H , 210 x210XI 24, IP66
300X2 )QX)24, 300X300XI27,
4 30X30QX204, 560X430X200.
HLBH02-S Series explosion-proof <> Stainless stee l shell, stain less stee l exposed fasteners; @ II2 G Ex eb II C T6iT5/T4 Gb
terminal box(SS) <> S il icone ru bber sea l; (G III GExia II CT6Ga
<> According to the requirements can be bu ilt-in stain less @ II2 G Ex ia II C T6 Gb
@ 112 D E.x tb IIIC T80 C /T95 C 'fl30 C Db
stee l hinge, easy insta llation and maintenance;
<> can be transferred to the lock or padlock on request;
Ex cb T6 for Tarnb :-~O"C--40"C;
<> in let th read: G 112 - G2 , M 16- M63 x 1.5;
TS for Tarnb:-40"C-+55"C;
<> Rated vol tage (V): 220/230/240/380/4 15/S00/690;
T4 for Tamb:-~O"C-+40/5S"C
<> Intrins ic safety : ,;: 36V;
Ex ia T6 for Tamb:-40'C-+40.-l5 55.· 60"C
<> Rated current (A): I 0, 16,20,25,32,50,63, I 00, 12S, 142;
<> Intrins ic safety : ,;: SA;
Zone 0 , Zone I and Zone 2
<> Enc losure Size(mm) 130 x 130 x 9S, 130 x 180 x 9S,
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
JS Q X 240 X 95, 240 X 240 X 95,
290 X 180 X 95/ 154, 290 X 260 X 95/ JS4, IP66
360 X 260 X 95/ 154, 360 X 360 X 95/ 154/232,
727 X 360 X 95/ 154/232/276, 727 X 727 X I 54/276.

HLBH03-Series explosion protected O G RP a ntistatic shell, stain less stee l exposed fasteners, (G II 2 G Ex cb I IC T6/T5 Gb
terminal box(GRP) anti- fall-style structure; @ II 2 D Ex tb III C T80/T95° C Db
<> Built-in term inals; @ II I G Ex ia II C T6 Ga (SA)
<> Silico ne ru bber sea l; (G II 2 G Ex ib II C T6 Gb (SA)
<> In let and outlet thread: G 112- 02, M 16- M63 x 1.5; @ II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80 "C Db

<> Rated vol tage (V): 220, 230, 240, 380, 4 15, 500, 690;
<> Intrins ic safety : ,;: 36V;
-40 o C ~ Ta ~ + 40 15S/65170 o C
<> Rated current (A): I 0, 20, 32, 63, I 00, 125, 142; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Intrins ic safety : ,;: SA; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

<> Enclosure Size(mm) 130x I SOx I 06, 130x220x I 06, Zone 0 . Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
178 X260X106, 340X220X I06/ 159,
681 X34QXJS9, 34QX34QX 159/202. IP66

HLBHOS- Series explosion protected <> Polyam ide plastic shell, stainless steel exposed fasteners, @ II 2 G Ex eb II C T6 Gb
terminal box anti- fall -type structure; ® II 2 D Ex tb II IC T80 "C Db
<> Sili cone rubber seal; @ Ill G Ex ia II C T6 Cia (SAl
<> A type: buil t- in open pressure-type termina ls; @ 112 G Ex ib IIC T6 G b (5A)
<> Standard : built-in term inal block; @ II2 D Ex tb IIIC T80 "C Db
<> Inl et thread: M 16/20/25/32 x 1.5;
-40 o C ,;: Ta ,;: ..- 40155/60 '70 o C
<> Rated vol tage (V): 220/380/ 500;
(A type) <> Rated current (A): 20, 5 ( ia); Zone I and Zo ne 2
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
O She ll s ize (mrn): 95 x 95 x 63;
Zone 0, Zone I and Zone 2
125 X 125 X 70. Zone 2 1 and Zone 22


BHC- Series explosion-proof <> Cast a luminum alloy shell, the surface of high-pressure Ex e II C Gb
electrostatic spray, stainless stee l exposed fasteners; Ex t D A20 IP65
wiring boxes
<> Thread size: G 1/2 - G4;
M20 X I. 5- M63X I. 5 sha ll be cus tom ized; Zone I and Zo ne 2
NPTII2 - NPT4 sha ll be custom ized; Zone 20. Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Code: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.
A B c D IP65

E F G 1-1
BMG- Series explosion-proof <> Cast aluminum alloy she ll, the surface of high-pressure Ex d II C Gb
electrostat ic spray;
seal bushings <> Thread specificat ions of Ll , H, P: G I/2- G4, Ex tD A20 I P66
NPTI /2- 4;M 16- M I lO x 1.5;
Thread spec ifications of Lll : G 1 12~G2, NPT I/2- 2;
M I6- M63 x l. 5. Zone I and Zone 2
StCL'I pipe
Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22


Form: L- vertica I
(L I) (L II) H-horizontal


(II) (P)

isolated scaling

BMG-1 1 BMG-P C- 11
BNG- Series explosion-proof <> Connect ing pipe ma ter ia l: stain less stee l, w it h wire Ex d II C Gb
flexible conduits bra ided rubber; Ex tD A20 IP65
O BNG-s: the product is composed of high quality carbon
Ex c II C Gb
stee l made internal and externa l thread pipe connector Ex tD A20 IP66
and lined reinforced steel wire mesh tube rubber conduit.
BNG-g: the product is composed of internal and external

- sta inless steel th read p ipe connec tor, sta inless steel
bellow, sta inless steel mesh tube and etc.
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

<> Thread speci fications: G I/2- G2, NPT I/2 - 2;

M 16- M63x 1.5. IP65 , IP66
C-1 2

BHJ- Series explosion-proof <> Carbon s teel, ga lva nized surface, or sta inless steel; Ex d II C Gb
<> Thread specificat ions: G I/2- G4, NPTI /2-4; Ex tD A20 IP66
active pipe connectors
M 16 - M II 0 x 1.5, can be customized.
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

A ll c
BGJ- Series explosion-proof <> Carbon s tee l, ga lvan ized surface, or sta inless steel; Ex d II C Gb
<> Thread specificat ions: G 1/2 - G4, NPT I/2- 4 ; Ex tD i\20 I P66
connectors(Pipe, Reducer)
M 16 - M II 0 x 1.5, can be customized.
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20. Zone 21 and Zone 22

A ll c
BDM-7 Series explosion-proof cable 0 Engineering plastic materia l; Ex c II C Gb
cable glands <> Thread size: M 16 - M63 x 1.5. Ex tD J\20 IP66

Zone I and Zone 2

Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22


C- 15
HLBMOl/02-Series explosion-proof O Matcria l: Brass (s u rface can be n ickel -p lated) or Ex c II C Gb
sta inless steel; Ex tD i\20 IP66 / 67
cable glands(Unarmored)
0 Mechanical cable c lamp ing device, single ring structure;
O Thread specifications: G 1/2- 02, NPTI/2- 2; Zone I and Zone 2
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, can be customized. Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

-40 "C ~ Tscrv icc ~- 100 "C

-60 "C ~ Tscrv icc ~ - I 00 "C

IP66, IP67


HLBMOS/06-Series explosion-proof O Materia l: Brass (surface can be n ickel -p lated) or Ex c II C Gb
stain less s teel; Ex tD i\20 IP66
cable glands( Armored) 0 Mechan ical cable c lamp ing device, single ring structure,
su itable for armored cable clamp ing;
Zone I and Zone 2
O Thread specifications: G 1/2- 02, NPTI /2- 2;
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, can be custom ized. Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

-40 "C ~ Tscrv icc ~ + I 00 "C

-60 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ + I 00 "C


HLBM06 C-17
HLBM07/08- Series explosion-proof 0 Material: Brass (surface can be nickel-plated) or stainless Ex d II C Cib (G thread not appl icab le)
cable glands(Unarmored) stee l; Ex c II C Gb
O Mechan ical cab le c lamping dev ice, single ring structure; Ex tD i\20 IP66 / 67
O Thread specifications: 01/2- 0, NPT I/2- 2 ;
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, ca n be custom ized. Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

-40 "C ~ TsCr\'iCC ~ - I 00 "C

-60 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ - I 00 "C
IP66, IP67

HLBM09/ 10-Series explosion-proof 0 Material: Brass( surface can be nickel-plated)or sta inless Ex d II C Cib (Ci thread not applicable)
cable glands(Unarmored) stee l; Ex c II C Cib
0 Mechanica l cable c lamping device, double ring structure; Ex tD i\20 IP66
O Thread specificat ions: 0112- 02, NPTI /2- 2;
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, can be custom ized. Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22

-40 "C~ Tscrv icc ~ + 100 "C

-60 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ + 100 "C
IP66, IP67

HLBM13/ 14- Series explosion-proof <> Material: Brass(surface can be nickel-p lated)or stainless Ex d II C Gb (G thread not applicable)
cable glands(Armored) steel; Ex e II C Gb
<> Mechanical cable clamping device, double ring stmcntre, Ex tO A20 IP66 I 67
su itable for armored cable clamping;
<> Thread specifications: G 1 12~02, NPTI/2- 2;
Zone I and Zone 2
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, can be custom ized.
Zone 20. Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

-40 OC:o;; Tserv icc:o;;- 100 OC

-60 OC:o;; Tserv icc:o;;- 100 OC


HLBM15/ 16-Series explosion-proof <> Mat e ria l: Brass (surface can be n ic ke l-pla ted) or Ex d II C Gb (G thread not applicable)
stainless stee l; Ex e II C Gb
cable glands( Unarmored) <> Packing sea l cab le, mechan ica l cable clamp ing device, Ex t O A20 IP66
s ingle ring structure;
<> Thread spec ifications: G l/2- G2, N PT I/2- 2;
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, can be customized. Zone I. Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

-40 OC:o;;Tscrvice:o;; + 100 OC

-60 OC:o;; Tscrvice:o;; + 100 OC

HLB MI6 C-21

HLBM17/18-Series explosion-proof <> Ma teria l : Brass (surface can be n ic kel -plated) or Ex d II C Gb (G thread not applicable)
stainless stee l; Ex e II C Gb
cable glands( Armored)
<> Packing sea l cable, mechanica l cable clamping device, Ex t O A20 IP66
s ingle ring structure, suitable for armored cable c lamp ing;
<>Thread spec ifications: G l/2-G2, NPT I/2- 2;
Zone I and Zone 2
M 16 - M63 x 1.5, can be customized.
Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22

-40 OC:o;;Tscrvice:o;; + 100 OC

-60 OC:o;; Tscrvice:o;; + 100 OC

li LBM -17 IP66

li LBM -18
MFB-1 Isolation sealant <> Has good Ocx ibil ity, good anti-aging, high temperature
does not now, not brittle at low temperatu res;
<> Fo r metal, ca ble j acket, etc, has good adhesion, also
has a good air tightness;
<>Taste less, non-tox ic, non-corrosive, convenient for
construction and maintenance;
<> In the p ipe or cable w iring project, has good sea led
isola tion fire, water-proof effect.
A, B-type Packing <> Has the characte rist ics of wate rproof and e ndurance;
<> Non-corrosive, easy to operate, convenient constmction;
<> A, B two kinds of fi ller mixed curing, higher strength;
<> In the s teel p ipe or cable, wire wir ing project, play
iso lation sea l, fire , the ro le of an ti- smoking, and
explosion-proof isolat ion sea led box support ing the
use of better resu lts can be achieved.

l111\ HEL;N

HLBM41-Series explosion-proof <> Materia l: cast a luminum alloy, carbon s tee l, b rass @ II 2 G Ex db II C Gb
@ II 2 G Ex cb II C Gb
stopping plug ( ni cke l-plated) or stainless steel; @ II I D Ex ta Ill C Da
<> No tlange structure, hexagonal fastening; Zone I and Zone 2
<>Thread spec ifications: NPT I/2- 4. Zone 20. Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
-20 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ - I00 "C
-60 "C~ Tscn•icc ~- 100 "C
IP66, IP67
HLBM42-Series explosion-proof <> Mater ia l: cast a lum inum alloy, carbon s tee l, brass @ 11 2 G Ex db 'I C Gb (G th~ad not applicable)
(nickel-plated) or stainless stee l; @ II 2 G Ex cb II C Gb
stopping plug @ Ill D Ex ta II C Da
<> Hexagonal flange structure;
<> Thread specifications: G I/2- G4, NPTI /2- 4 Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22
M 16 - IJO x 1.5.
-20 "C~ Tscrv icc ~ .,_ 100 "C
-60 "C~ TsCr\' iCC ~ + 100 "C
IP66. IP67

HLBM43-Series explosion-proof <> Mater ial: cast alum inum alloy, carbon s teel , b rass @ 112 G Ex db II C Gb (G tlm-ad not apphcablc)
(nickel-plated) or stainless stee l; @ II 2 G Ex cb II C Gb
stopping plug @ II I D Ex ta Ill C Da
<> Round tlange structure;
<> Thread specifications: G I/2- G4, Zone I and Zone 2
MI 6 - IJO x 1.5. Zone 20. Zone 2 1 and Zone 22

-20 "C ~ Tscn icc ~ + I00 "C

-60 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ + I00 "C
IP66, IP67 C-27
Ex e II C Gb
HLBM44-Series explosion-proof <> Material: ny lon plastic;
Ex tD A20 IP66
stopping plug (Plastic) <> Thread s ize: M 16 - tv163 x 1.5.
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 20, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
-20 "C ~ Tscrvice ~ + 85 "C
-40 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ + 85 "C

Lock nut <> Material: carbo n steel, stainless steel or brass (surface IP66
<> Thread size: GI/2- G4, M 16 - 110 x 1.5.

Sealing washer <> Use d for the seal be tween the hea d and the shell,

waterproof a nd dustproof;
<> Mater ia l: red fiber (GFK), po ly tetrachlorethy lene;
<>Specifications: G 1/2, M 16- M25 for selection.
Earth lug <> Material: Brass;
<> Provide a ground connec tion between the cable gland
and the equi pment.

Specification( G) 112 314 I 11:4 1112 2 21 12 3 4

Rated shorJ-c ircuit
current per second 314 4 5.4 7.2 I 0.4 I 0.4 I 0.4 10.4 10.4

Shroud <> Material: neoprene or PVC;

<> sui table for a variety of specifications HLBM series
explosion-proof cable c lamp sealing j o ints with the
appearance of pro tection.
Compression nut <> Material: cast a luminum alloy, ca rbon steel, sta in less
steel or brass (surface nickel plating);
<> In the cab le rout ing dev ice, play a role of cable seal
<> thread s ize: G I/2- G4, M 16- 11 Ox 1.5.

BGJ- II C Bulkhead connector <> Material: Z inc alloy, equ ipped with hard plastic ring, to
protect the cable insulation;
<> It cons ists of body, lock nut and rubber seal r ing.
<> Wear plate joints p lay the role of connecting stee l pipe
and cab le tray.
Nominal diame1er
(mm) 15 20 25 32 40 50 70 80 100

Pipe 1hread(G) 112 3/4 I 11 '4 I 112 2 2t•2 3 4

Protective hole <> Material: zinc alloy, lined wi th hard p lastic reta iner;
<> It is usually used with stee l tube to protect the ou ter
protective layer of wi re and cab le.
Nominal diameter
(mm) 15 20 25 32 40 50 70 80 100

Pipe thread(G) 112 3/4 2 1'2 3 4

C-3 5
Pipe clamps <> Materia l: steel (nicke l-p lated) or stainless stee l;
<> suitab le for the installation of lamps in the field;
<> Specifications: G 1/2 - G4.

U-type pipe elamps <> Materia l: round (galvan ized surface) or sta inless steel;
<> Card s ize: G I/2 - G4 .

BT35- Series explosion-proof <> Air duct material is stee l, the surface of high-pressure Ex d li B T4 Gb
elec tros tati c spray, or FRP, sta inless s tee l exposed
axial fans
fasteners; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Products from the explos ion-proof motors, b lades,
ha ir drye r, protective net enc losures and other
<> Low noise, low energy consumpt ion;
O ln add ition to vent ila tion, exhaus t purposes, but a lso
in the longe r exhaust p ipe spacing insta lled in series
to improve the pressure inside the pipe;
<> Installation: G-fixcd L-post D- pipe type B- wall;
<> Inl et thread: G3/4 , M24 - M36;
<> Cable routing;
<> Rated vol tage (V): 220/380;
<> Machine number: 2.8, 3. 15, 3.55, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.6, 6.3,
7. 1 8 9, 10, 11.2. D-1
BFS- Series explosion-proof <> Air duct material is stee l, motor, fan mater ia l is cast Ex d li B T4 Gb
exhaust fans aluminum alloy, the surface of high voltage electrostatic
spray, stainless stee l exposed fasteners; Zone I and Zone 2
<> By the exp losion-proof motors, bla des, ha ir d ryer,
protec tive net enclosures and other components;
<> Installat ion: G-fixcd L-post D- pipe type B- wall;
<> Inl et thread: G3/4 ;
<> Rated vol tage (V): 220/380;
<> Power (W): 220V: 180/350/650, 380V: 180/300/ 550;
<> Blade di ameter (mm): 300, 400, 500, 600.

BFS- D F Series explosion-proof <> Door mater ia l is steel, the surface of high-pressure Ex d li B T4 Gb
electrostatic spray, stain less stee l exposed fasteners;
exhaust fans (Square)
<> By the explos ion-proof motors, blades, noodles door, Zone 1 and Zone 2
protective net, louver and other components;
<> Blinds for the a lum inum a lloy, the su rface anodized; IP54
<> With damp ing device;
<> Inl et thread: G3/4 ;
<> Rated vol tage (V): 220/380;
<> Power (W): I 80;
<> Blade di ameter (mm): 300, 400.
BKF (G) R-Series explosion-proof <> Specification: Ex d c ib mb II B T4 Gb
air conditioners • Wall type: Ex d c ib mb II C T4 Gb

BKF( R)-3 5/0, BKF(R)-50/0,

Zone I and Zone 2
• Floor type: -7"C ~ Ta ~ +43"C
BKG(R)-50/0, BKG(R)-7 1/0,
BKF( R)- 122/0;
0 Wall type Input power(P): l .5P, 2P, 3P;
0 Floor type Input powcr( P):2 P, 3P, 5P;
0 Rated vol tage

HL0211-Series explosion-proof O Transpa ren t materia l: PC, an ti-glare trea tment, bo th Ex d II C Gb
LED tubes ends of the material is a luminum alloy;
O Buil t-in LED, li fe expectancy;;. 50000 hours; Zone l and Zone 2
0 Buil t-in power supply, w ide voltage input ( 180- 265V),
constant power output, COS<D;;. 0.95, w ith cons tant *Required when ordering
cu rren t, open c ircu it, short c ircu it protect ion;
O Color temperature 5000K;
0 Matching w ith the explosion-proo f she ll supporting the
use, can not use a lone;
O Rated vol tage (V): 220/ 230 *1240 *;
O Rated power (W): 9, 18.
B i- p in / S ing le - pin( op ti ona l) E- 1
HLE03-Series explosion-proof O Cast alum inum a lloy shell, the surface of high-pressu re (G II 2 G Ex db II B Gb
enclosures model electrostat ic spray, sta inless steel exposed fasteners ; ®II 2 D Ex tb Ill C Db
O Si li cone ru bber sea l; (G II 2 G Ex db II B + H2 Gb
• • • 0 O Shell cover: with glass window, threaded ho le; (G II 2 D Ex tb Ill C Db
;O i i i i - O ln lct th read: M 16- M90 x 1.5, N PTI / 2 - 3; - 20 "C~ Ta ~ .,. 60 "C
&i il i i ) -20 "C~ T,ervicc ~ + 100 "C

O Shell size (mm): 282 x 210 x 170,350 x 2 10 x 170,
e i i i i -( o -40 "C~ Ta~ + 60 "C
"i i i i ci 433 X 350 X 280, 563 X 430 X 280, -40 "C~ T,ervicc ~ + 100 "C
ii i i - . 720 563 280 , 720 563 350.
-.AJ -----
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22
IP66, IP67

(With Hinge)
Explosion-proof Electrical accessories O S hell materi al: engineering plastics; (G II 2 G Ex cb II C Gb

0 Matchi ng with the exp losion-proof shell suppotting the use,
® II 2 D Ex tb Ill C Db
can no t use a lone;
0 Attachment code:
O (A I)Sp ring-retu rn contro l button : Spring-return con tra Zone I and Zone 2
I control button; Zone 21 and Zone 22
O (A2)Doub le control button: Spring-return control button,

(AJ /02) (AJ /03) (AI/22) (A I Encloser) (A2)

I control button element has the function of 2 contra

I buttons; -40 "C ~ Tscrvicc ~ -'- 80 "C
O (A3)Mushroom turn-to-release emergency control button :
Rotary resetting control button; self- locking;
O (A4)Mushroom head button:Spring-return control button;
(IILO IOI -AR) ( IIL0\02-LG) (IIL0\02-L R) (A3 Enc.loser) (A3E)

O (YO)Emergency button with key:Locked when push, IP66
un locked by key;
O (Y I) Key-operated control button :
Rotate to lock; release with key Two-p lac e sw itch
function: can be turned withi n 90 degree;
(YO) (A3) (A4/2 1) (A4/81)
Sl-4>38 Three-place switch function : can be turned w ithi n
Operaling handle 125 degree;
0 <1> 38, <1> 65 , Sq uare Operating handle:
l.lwo-place switch function: can be turned within 90 degree;
2. T hree-place switch fimction: c<m be ttm1ed within 125 degree.
0 H LOI 02 shade color: red, green, yellow, white, blue;
O Ca n be marked on the box w ith the request;
0 Ho le size (mm): <1> 30.3.
S2- q, 65 Opetatmg handle S3-Sqoare Y !-Key-operated
(Can w-ith padlock) o~leratmg handle control bunon
HLO 10 1-Series explosion-proof <> Materia l: engineering p lastics; HLO IOI-00:
button/switch modules <> Plate front type,guide structure; @ 112 G Ex db cb II C Gb
-40"C :;;Ta :;;; +70"C(6A) 1 60"C ( I OA)
<> Plate front type, plate back type (HLO I 0 1-M)must be
-40"C:;; Tscr\'icc .;; +85"C
matched w ith the matching explosion-proof shell used
together, can not be used a lone; HLOIOI -O MO:
<> Board after the cable type (H LOI OI -MD) can be used @ 11 2 G Ex db cb IIC Gb
--W"C :;;Ta :;; + 70"C(6i\)1+65"C ( I OA)
a lone;
-40"C .;;Tsct-v icc :;; +85"C
<> Max imum vo ltage (V): 4 15V;
<> Maximum current (A): I 0; HLOIOI -0/ 0 MDO:

I <> Number of poles: I (2); @ 112 G Ex db cb II C T61T5 Gb

@ 112 D Ex tb III C TSO.·T 95 C Db
6A :-40"C:;;Ta:;;+S5"CI65"C
. I OA:-40"C .;;Ta .;; + 50"C/55"C
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 21 and Zone 22
IP66 E-4

HLO 102-Series explosion-proof signal <> Material: engineering plastics ;; HLO I02-00 :
lamp modules <> Shade materia l: PC; @ 11 2 G Ex db cb IIC G b
<> Shade co lor: red, green, ye ll ow, white, blue;

-40"C :;; Ta :;; + 70"C
<> Bui lt-in LED , li fe expectancy;;. 50000 hours; -40"C :;;Tscrvicc .;; + 85"C
<> Plate front type, guide structure;
HLO I02-0 M0:
(HL0102-LG) (HL0102-LR)
<> Plate front type, plate back type (HLO I02-M)must be
matched w ith the matching explosion -proof shell used
@ 11 2 G Ex db cb IIC G b
together, can not be used alone; -40"C :;; Ta.;; + 70"C
--lO"C :;; Tscrvicc:;; + 85"C
<> Board after the cable ty pe ( HLOI02-MD) can be used
alone; HLOI02-00M D0 :
<> Rated voltage (V): AC/ DCI2- 36,AC/ DC48 - 127, <b) 1!2 G Ex db cb IIC T6/T5 Gb
AC220- 415, DC220 - 250; @ II2 D Ex tb IIIC T80/T95 'C Db
<> Outpu t power (W): < I . -40"C :;; Ta :;; + 5 5"C/65"C
Zone I and Zone 2
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
HL0101-A Series explosion-proof <> Material: engineering plast ics; HLOIO I-A000:
button with signal lamp modules <> Shade co lor: red, green, ye ll ow, white, blue; @ 112 G Ex db cb II C Gb
<> Bui lt-in LED , life expectancy;;. 50000 hours; -40"C:;;Ta :;; + 70"C(6i\)!+60"C( I OAl
<> Plate front type, guide structure; -40"C .;; TSCI'V icc.;; +85"C
<> Plate fron t type, p late bac k type (H LO I 0 l-AM) must
be matched w ith the matching explosion-proof shell HLOIOI-A00M0:
used together, can not be used a lone; @ 112 G Ex db cb II C Gb
<> Board after t he cable type ( H LO I 0 l - AM D) can be -40"C .;; Ta .;; + 70"C(6A )l-65"C( IOA)
used alone; -40"C .;; Tscr\ icc .;;+ 85"C
<> Button/switch max im um voltage (V): 415V,
Maximum current (A): 10; HLOIO I-A0 0 0 MD0:
<> Contact form: HLOIOI-A is a pair of or2 pairs of contacts, @ 112 G Ex db cb II C T6/T5 Gb
HLO I 0 l-AM (M D) is I normally open or! normally @ II2 D Ex tb IIIC T80/T95'C Db IP66
closed; 6 A :-40"C.;;Ta .;; +55"C/65"C
<> Ind icator Rated Vo ltage (V): AC/DC 12 - 36, I OA:-40"C .;;Ta .;; +50"C/55"C
AC/ DC48 - 127, AC220 - 4 15, DC220 - 250;
Zone I and Zone 2
(M) (MD) <> Ind icator output power (W): < I;
Zone 21 and Zone 22
<> Ho le s ize (nun): cj> 30.3.
IP66 E-6
8098-Series explosion-proof <> Material: engineering plast ics; 8098-:
<> Bui lt-in sing le lap (S), multi-turn (M) potentiometer; Ex d c II C Gb
potentiometers Ex tDJ\2 1
<> Plate front type is rai l strucntre;
<> Plate front type, plate back type (8098-M) should be IP20
matched with the matched explos ion-proof enclosure,
and can not be used alone;
Ex J c II C Gb
<> Plate back type (8098-MD) can be used a lone;
Ex t DJ\2 1
<> Main technica l parameters; IP20, IP65 (head)
Model name Rated Power(W) Resistance(K 0 )
I, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
8098- 1s I Ex d c II C T6 Gb
200,500, 1000,2000
Ex tD J\2 1 IP66 T80 "C
I, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, IP65
8098-2S 2 200,500, 1000,2000

8098-2M 2 I, 2, 5, I 0, 20, 50, I00 Zone I , Zone 2 I Zone 21, Zone 22

IP65, IP20
<> Hole s ize (mm): cj> 30.3.
1111\ IXPlO~IOH·PitOOF

8008/2-Series explosion-proof <> GRP shell; Ex d c IIC Gb

anti-corrosion control switches <> Matching with the explosion-proof shell supporting
the use, and can not be used alone; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Rated vo ltage (V): 230/380/4 15;
<> Rated curren t (A): I0;
<> Pole number: 2/4;
Sl l Sl2 Sl3
<> Handle code: S II- cj> 38 opera ting handle,
S 12- cj> 65 operating handle (with padlock),
S 13-square operating handle;
<> Hole size (mm): cj> 30.3.

80081'2 TWl) pole.s switches 8008/2 Four pole.~ switche.s


8008/2- II Series explosion-proof OShell material: engineering plastics; Ex d c IIC Gb

<> Switch for the mo ther block structure, each pair of
anti-corrosion control switches contacts are independent, can be composed I00 kinds Zone 1 and Zone 2
of electrical con tac t form, meet various requirements
of users;
<> Matching with the explosion-proof shell supporting the
use, not alone;
<> Rated vol tage (V): 230/41 5;
S21 S22 S23
<> Rated current (A): I0, 16;
<> Pole number: 2, 4, 6;
<> Handle code: S21- 4> 38 operat ing handle,
S22- 4> 65 operating handle( with padlock),
S23-square operating hand le;
<> Hole size (mm): <1> 30.3.


HL0109- Series explosion-proof <>Shell material: engineering plastics; ® 112 G Ex cb II C Gb

ammeters <> Matching wi th the explosion-proof shell supporting the
use, not alone; protection grade of the cavity can reach -25 'C"'T:-.crvicc"' + 80 'C
IP66 after equipped with HLOI08-4&n 2 explosion-proof
-45 'C"'T:-.crvicc"' + 80 "C
Zone I and Zone 2
<> Frequency: 45H z...60Hz;
<> Power consumption: <0.6VA;
<> Ammeter overload rate: 5 times;
<>Specifications: 48 type, 72 type;
<> Accuracy: 1.5;
HL0108 HL01 09
<> Range: 0-1 A, 0-SA, 0- 1OA;
<> Range(A): I, 2.5, 5,10, I 5, 20, 25,
30,40, 50, 60,75, 100 etc.;
<>Secondary current: SA/ IA.

HL0105- Series explosion-proof <> Material: aluminum or stainless steel; @ 112 G Ex db IIC Gb
switch button model <> Button contact modu le with self-cleaning function; @ 112 D Ex tb IIIC Db

<> Button contacts for the modular card, up to 6 groups;

- <> Button contact modul e with the bullon head buckle

structure, easy disassembly,Can be ro tated to adjust Zone I and Zone 2

I J LJ IU the same direc tion, easy wiring; Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
<> Flameproof enclosure should be used in combinatio n,
ca n not be used alone; -40 'C"'T:-.crvicc"' + 100 'C
(A I/0 1) (A I/21) (AI/4 1) (A I/6 1) (A I/81) (A3 Encloser) <> Max imum voltage/maximum curren t: 690VAC/2A;
., <> Rating: Ui = 690V, lth = lOA; IP66

-8 8 6 ;l <> Button head code:

- - --
A ]-sta ndard bu tton, A3-emcrgency stop bu tton,
A4-mushroom head bu tton, B 1-knob,
YO-key mushroom head bullon, Y 1-keyed knob;
<> Thread: M32 x 1.5;
(J\3) (A4/21) (J\4'8 1) ( Il l) (YO) (Y I) <> Accord ing to the requirements can be marked with a
box or protective cover.

© Ill iii E-ll

HLOlOS-A Se ries e xplosion <> Aluminum a lloy or sta in less stee l enc losure, equipped @ H2 G Ex db HC Gb
with bultons and indicator modules;
-proof switch button mod el @ H2 D Ex tb [[[C Db
<> Polycarbonate injection molding transparent parts ;
<> Button contact module is equipped with wiping action to
realize the self-cleaning fi.mction; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Button contacts and indicator are equ ipped with Zone 21 and Zone 22
modu lization card ins ta lled, which is very s imp le and
flexible to install. The switch contacts can be added up to -40 "C.;; Tscrvicc .;; + I 00 "C
<> Sets modules as required;
<> Button contact module and button operation head adopt
buckle strucntre, which is very simple and flexi ble for
disassembly and assembly. After the instal lation o f button
contact modu le and button head, the button contact and
indicator modules can be rotated and adjusted in the same
direction, making wiring more convenient and;
<> It shall be equipped with flame-proof box, and not be used
alone in the explosive gas and combustible dLL~t environment;
<> Button rated capacity: AC-15: 120V/8A, 230V/6A, 400V/
4A,690V/2A; DC-13:2\1/SA, 125\1/ I.IA, 250\1/0.SSA;
<> Button rated value :Ui=690V lth= IOA;
<> Indicator rated power(W): ~ I;
<> Indicator light source: LED;
<>Tem1inal wire diameter: 0. 5~2.5mm';
<> Thread: M32 x I .5.
E-1 2

HLOlOS-Bl Series explosion <> A luminum alloy or sta inless stee l enc losu re, equipped @ H2 G Ex db II C Gb
with buttons modules; @ H2 D Ex tb [[[C Db
-proof switch button mod el
<> Button contact module is equipped with wip ing act ion
to realize the self-cleaning funct ion;
<> Button contacts is equ ipped with modu liza ti on ca rd Zone I and Zone 2
installed, which is very s imple and flex ib le to insta ll , Zone 21 and Zone 22
and ca n be added up to 4 sets modules as required;
<> Button contact module and button operation head adopt -40 "C,;; Tscrvicc ,;; + 100 "C
buckle structure, which is very simple and flexible for
disassembly and assembly. 1P66
<> It shall be equ ipped w ith the flameproof box, and not be
used alone in the exp losive gas and combustible d ust
<> Switch handle: two position, three position, three position
le ft and right self-reset, three pos ition right reset;
<> Rated capacity : AC- 15: 120V/8A , 230V/6A, 400V/4A ,
690V/ 2A; DC- 13 :24V/5A, 125V/ I.IA, 250V/0.55A;
<> Rated va lue :Ui=690V It h= IOA;
<>Terminal w ire d iameter: 0.5- 2.5mm' ;
<>T hread: M32 >< 1.5.
E- 13
HL0103-D Series explosion-proof <> A lum inum alloy or stain less stee l enclosure ; Ex d II B Gb
<> Equi pped w ith potentiometer; Ex tDA2 1
potentiome ter <> Threaded one-piece structure, easy and quick installation Ex d II C Gb
and main tenance; Ex tDA2 1
<> It sha ll be equipped w ith the flameproof box, and not be
Zone I and Zone 2
used alone in the exp losive gas and combust ib le dust
environment; Zone 21 and Zone 22
<> Single tu rn rated power: 2W,
Value: I, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,200, 500, 1000, 2000 H2;
<> Multi turn rated power: 2 w, resistance: I, 2, 5, I 0, 20, IP66
so, 100 kn;
<> Thread: M32 x 1.5.
E-1 4
HLO 106-Series explosion-proof <> S hade material: PC; @ H2 G Ex db HC Gb
signal lamp model <> S hade co lor: red, green , yellow, wh ite, blue; @ H2 D Ex tb III C Db
<> LED indi cator, long life;;;. 50000 hou rs ;
<> Flameproof enc losure shou ld be used in com bination, Zone I and Zone 2
can not be used a lone; Zone 21 and Zone 22
<> Can be marked on the box w ith the request;
<>Thread: M32 x 1.5;
-40 'C.;; Ta ,;; + 60 "C
<> Code I Rated vo ltage (V):
-40 "C .;;Tscr\'iCC .;; + I 00 "C
OI /AC/ DC6, 02/ AC/ DC12, 03/ AC/ DC24,
04/ AC/ DC36 , 0 5/ AC/ DC48 , 06/ AC/ DC II O, IP66
07/ AC/ DC 127, 08/ AC/ DC220, 09/ AC220, I 0/ AC380; Note: Tc:,t report available .
<> O utput power (W): .;; I .
E- 15
HL0107- Series explosion-proof <> Shade material: PC; <Q 112 G Ex db cb IIC Gb
<> Shade color: red, green , yellow, w hite, blue;
signal lamp model <Q 112 D Ex tb III C Db
O Shell Material: Anodized aluminum a lloy surface , or
stain less stee l;
Zone I and Zone 2
<> Built-in LED, long li fe;;. 50000 hours;
<> Supporting the use of exp losion-p roo f enc los ure, ca n Zone 21 and Zone 22
not be used alone;
<> T hread: M32 x 1.5; -40 "C ~ Ta ~ + 70 "C
<> Code/ Rated vo ltage (V): -40 "C~ Tsen· icc ~ + 100 "C
OI /AC/ DCI2 - 36, 02/ AC I DC48 - 127,
03/AC220 - 415, 04/DC220 - 250;
IP66 , IP20
<> Output power (W): ~ I;
<> Can be marked on the box with the request. E-1 6

8051- (L) Series explosion-proof <> GRP she ll; Ex d c II C Gb

anticorrosion circuit breaker <> Built-in Schne ider iC65 series of sma ll c irc uit breakers,
a s hort ci rcui t, overload protection; Zone I and Zone 2
<> According to the requiremen ts can be with leakage
pro tection; IP20
<> Shell has a main terminal contacts, electrica l accessories
contacts and operating hand le;
<> 1-type product module can be padlocked;
( I) <> Matchi ng with t he exp losion -proof she ll supporting
t he use, can not be used a lone;
<> Rated voltage (V): 220 - 250, 380 - 4 15;
<> Rated current (A): I, 2, 4, 6, I 0, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63;
<> Po le number: I P, 2P, 3P, 4P, I P + N, 3 P + N;
<> Drain electrode number: 2PL, 3PL, 4 PL.
( I)
8052-Series explosion-proof O GRP she ll; Ex d c II C Gb
AC contactor <> Bu ilt-Schneider AC contactor or mechan ical interlock;
O She ll has a ma in con tac t, coi l contacts and aux ili ary Zone I and Zone 2
<> Matching with the explosion-proof s hell suppo rting IP20
t he use, can not be used a lone;
<> Rated voltage (V): 380;
<> Coil vol tage (V): 24 , 48 , 11 0,220 - 230, 380 - 400;
<> Rated current (A): 9, 12, 18, 25, 32.

E- 18

8053-Series explosion-proof <> GRP she ll; Ex d c II C Gb

<> bu ilt -in the rmal re lay, with the motor overload and
anti-corrosion thermal relay
phase failu re pro tection; Zone I and Zone 2
<>shell has a main terminal co ntacts , aux iliary contacts
and current re lease adjustment axis; I P20
<> matching with the explosion-proof she ll supporting the
use, can not be used a lone;
<> Rated voltage (V): 380;
<> therma l relay sett ing range (A): 0.1 - 0. 16, 0. 16 - 0.25,
0.25- 0.4, 0.4- 0.63, 0.63- 1, 1- 1.6, 1.6- 2.5, 2.5- 4,
4- 6, 5.5- 8, 7- 10,9- 13, 12- 18, 16- 24 , 23- 32.
8054-Series explosion-proof motor <> GRP she ll; Ex d c II C Gb
protector <> Built-in mo tor protect ion switch, w it h over-current
tripping, short-circu it tripping and phase loss sensitive Zone 1 and Zone 2
features and can configure the undervo ltagc tripping
module; JP20

·· ....
<>shell has a main terminal contacts, aux iliary co ntacts,
operating hand le and current re lease adjustment ax is;
<> Match ing with the explos ion-proof shell supporting the
use, can not be used alone;
<> Rated voltage (V): 380;
<> Overload release setting range (A): 0.1- 0. 16, 0.1 6-D.25,
:---.... 0.25- 0.4, 0.4- 0 .63, 0.63- 1, 1- 1.6, 1.6- 2.5, 2.5- 4 ,
4- 6.3, 6.3- 10, 10- 16, 16- 20, 20- 25.
8055-Series explosion-proof O GRP shell; Ex d c II C Gb
intermediate relay 0 Bui lt-i n small relays, in the control circuit to contro l a
variety ofcoils and a~ a signal amplification and transmission; Zone 1 and Zone 2
O Shell with term inal contacts and coi l contacts;
0 Matching with the explos ion-proof shell supporting the IP20
usc, can not be used alone;
0 Rated vo ltage (V): AC24- 220/240, DC24- I 0011 10;
0 Fixed co il voltage (V): AC: 12/24/36/ 10011 10/220/240;
DC: 12/2411 00/ 110;
O Contact capacity: SA, DC24V/ AC220V.
E-2 1
8056-Series explosion-proof O GRP shell; Ex d c II C Gb
anti-corrosion time relay O Bu ilt-in time relay, de lay contro l in the control circuit;
O She ll with terminal contacts, coil contacts and time to Zone I and Zone 2
adjus t the shaft;
O Match ing with the explos ion -proof shell support ing
the use, can not be used a lone;
0 Rated vo ltage (V): AC24 - 220/240, DC 12 - I 00/ II 0;
O Co il voltage: AC: 24/36/4 8/ 100/1 I 0/220/240
DC: 12/24/ 100/1 10;
O Contact capac ity: SA, 250VAC;
O Time spec ifica tions: O.S, I, S, 10, 30, 60, 120 S,
3, 5, I 0, 30, 60, 180 m in.

8057-Series explosion-proof O GRPshell; Ex d c II C Gb
anti-corrosion surge protector O bu ilt- in surge protector to protec t the low- voltage
d istribution system to prevent the impact of trans ien t
Zone I and Zone 2
surge voltage due to ind irect lightning or sw itching
O Suitable for TN-C, TN-S and Tt systems; IP20
O She ll with terminal contacts;
0 Matching wi t h the exp losion-proof she ll supporting
the use, not alone;
O Ma in technica l parameters.

Max imum
IOKA 20KA 40 KA 65KA 80KA 120KA
discharge current
discharge current.
IP, 2P,
Pole I P, 2P, 3P, 4P, I P+N, 3P+N
3P, 4P
HL0231-PM Control device for O She ll ma terial: sta inl ess steel, the surface brushed; Ex d c ib mb [pxl II C Gb
O Pane l installat ion (Concealed): and pressu re cab inet Ex ibD mD [pDf tD/\21
pressurized distribution boxes
cabinet inlay one, s imp le and fine appearance;
O Silicone rubber seal, high and low temperature
Zone I and Zone 2
res istance, aging resistance;
O Bu i lt- in exp los ion-proof: cont ro l modu le, display, Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
pressure sensors, solenoid va lves, etc.;
O Modu lar, standardized structure, d igi ta l i ntegrated

[ ~ ]I
contro l, powerful funct ion, parameters (s uch as
pressure, ventilati on time, etc.) can be set on the pane l *: Required when ordering.
operation, fast and convenient, shorten the del ivery,
easy insta ll ation and ma intenance, and has a password
lock function to prevent non-profess ionals m isuse, a
key mode of operat ion, easy to operate;

•- 0 Wi th automatic contro l, to provide remote power, alarm

and power-down signals (each of a pair of passive
contacts), powerful function, d igita l integrated contro l,
spring-loaded termina ls screwdriver with wrenching,
w iring more convenient;

O Color display, Ch inese or English display opt iona l,
display flow parameters, pressure parameters, working
cond itions, waming messages and operating conditions;

~ ;
O lt can be used with exp los ion-proof pressure re lief
device, flame arrester, explosion-proof flow sensor,
explos ion-proof sound and light alarm, etc.
O Rated vo ltage (V): 220, 230, 240;
O Passive sw itch contacts: SA 250VAC, 28VDC;
O Power in let/cab le diameter: M20x 1.5/ 4> 10- 4> 14mm;
0 Passive switch inlet/cable diameter: M 12x 1.5/ 4> 4- 4> 8mm;
O lnle t thread: NPT3/8. E-24
HL0231-VM Control device for O Shell materia l: stainless stee l, the surface brushed; Ex cl c ib mb lpx lll C Gb
pressurized distribution boxes <> Device box cover with bui lt-in sta inless steel hinge, Ex ib D rnD I pDitD A21
anti-fall stainless steel fastening screws, easy insta llation
and maintenance; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Wall-mounted ins tall at ion, insta lled in t he pressure
Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
cabinet si de of the cabinet, saving cabinet space,
d isassemb ly, easy maintenance , s imple and fine
<> Silicone rubber seal, high and low temperature resistance,
aging resistance ; *: Required when ordering.
<> Built-in exp los ion-proof: contro l modu le , di splay,

• I~
pressure sensors, so leno id valves, etc .;
0 Modu lar, standardized stmcture, digital integrated control,
mr powerfu l function, parameters (such as p ressure,
ventilation time, etc.) can be set on the panel operat ion ,
fast and convenient, shorten the de livery, easy ins ta-
llation and maintenance, an d has a password loc k
function to prevent non-professionals misuse , a key
mode of operation, easy to operate;
0 With automatic control, to provide remote power, alarm
and power-down signa ls (each of a pair of pass ive
contacts), powerful function, digital integrated control,
sp ring-loaded termina ls screwdriver with wrenching,
wiring more conve ni ent;
<> Co lor di splay, Ch inese or Eng lish disp lay opt ional ,
di splay flow parameters, pressure parameters,
wo rking cond ition s, warning messages and operating
condi tions;
0 It can be used with explosion-proof pressure relief device,
flame arrester, explosion-proof flow sensor, explosion -
proof sound and ligh t alarm , etc.;
0 Rated voltage (V): 220, 230, 240;
<> Passive swi tch contacts: SA 2SOVAC/28VDC;
0 Power inlet/cable d iameter: M20 >< 1.5/ 4> I 0- 4> I 4mm;
0 Passive switch inlet/cable diameter: M 12>< 1.5/ <1> 4- <1> 8mm;
O in let thread : NPT3/8.
HL0231-VM-A Control device for O Shell materia l: stain less stee l, the surface brushed; Ex de ib mb lpxlll C Gb
pressurized distribution boxes <> Device box cover with built-in stainless steel hinge, Ex ibD rnD lpDJ tD A21
anti-fall stainless stee l fastening screws, easy installation
and maintenance , s imple and fine appearance; Zone I and Zone 2
0 Wall-mounted, ins talled in the pressure c hamber vice Zone 2 1 and Zone 22
0 cavity, d isassemb ly, easy maintenance;
<> Silicone mbberseal, high and low temperature resistance,

aging resistance;
0 Built-in explosion-proof: control module, display, pressure *: Requ ired when ordering.
sensors, solenoid va lves, etc.;
0 Modular, standardized structure, digital integrated control,
power fu l function paramete rs (such as pressure,

•- ventilation time, etc.) can be set on the panel operation,

fast and convenient, sho rten the de li ve ry, easy ins ta-
llation and maintenance, an d has a password lock

8 •
func tion to prevent non-professionals misuse, a key
mode of operation, easy to operate;
0 With automatic contro l, to provide remote power, alarm
and power-do'vn signals (each of a pair of passive contacts),
powerful function, dig ital integrated cont rol, sp rin g -
loaded term ina ls screwdriver with wrench ing, wiring
more conven ien t;
<> Co lor disp l ay, Ch inese or English disp lay optional,
di sp lay flow pa ram e ters, pressure parameters,
working cond itions , warn ing messages and operat ing
condi tions;
0 It can be used with explosion-proof pressure relief device,
flame arrester, exp losion-proof flow sensor, explosion-
proof sound and ligh t alarm , etc.;
0 Rated voltage (V): 220, 230, 240;
<> Passive swi tch contacts : SA 2SOVAC/28VDC;
<> Power inlet/cable d iameter: M20 >< I.S/ 4> I 0- <j> 14mm;
0 Passive switch inlet/cable diameter: M 12>< 1.5/ 4> 4- <1> 8mm;
0 Inlet thread : NPT3/8.
HL0231-VM-B Control device for O Shell materia l: stain less steel, the surface brushed; Ex d c ib mb I px I ll c Gb
<> Device box cover with built-in stainless steel hinge, Ex ibD mD (pD I tD /\21
pressurized distribution boxes
anti-fa ll stainless steel fastening screws, easy installation
and maintenance; Zone 1 and Zone 2
<> Wall-mounted, installed in the pressure cabinet side of zone 21 and zone 22
the cabinet, savin g ca bine t space, the fron t display,
numerical disp lay will be intuiti ve, simple and fine
<>Silicone rubber seal, high and low temperature resistance,
• : Required when ordering.
aging resis tance;
<> Buil t- in explosion-p roof: control module, display,
pressure sensors, solenoid valves, etc .;
<> Modular, standardized structure, digital integrated control ,
powerfu l function, parameters (such as pressure,
venti lation time, etc.) can be set on the panel ope rat ion,
fast and convenient, shorten the delivery, easy insta l-
lation and ma intenance, and has a password lock function

•- to prevent non-professiona ls misuse, a key mode of

operation, easy to operate;
<> With automatic control, to provide remote power, alarm
and power-down signals (each ofa pair of passive contacts),
I powerful function, digi tal integrated control, sp ring-
loaded terminals screwdriver with wrench ing, wiring
more convenien t;
<> Co lor di sp lay, Chi nese or English dis play optional,
d isp lay flow parameters, pressu re parameters,
working conditions, warn ing messages and operating
condi tions;
<> It ca n be used with explosion-proof pressure relief device,
flame arrester, explosion-proof flow sensor, explosion-
proof sound and light alarm, etc.;
<> Rated voltage (V): 220, 230, 240;
<> Passive swi tch contacts: 5/\ 250VAC/28VDC;
<> Power inlet/cable diameter: M20 x 1.5/ 4> I 0- 4> 14mm;
<> Passive switch inlet/cable diameter: M12x 1.5/ 4> 4-4> 8mm;
<> Inlet thread: NPT3/8.
HL0231-BP Control device for O Shell materia l: stain less steel, the su rface brushed; Ex d c ib mb (pxl ll C Gb
pressurized distribution boxes <> Device box cover with built- in stainless steel hinge, anti - Ex ibD mD (pD I tD /\21
fall stainless steel fastening screws, easy installation and
ma intenance; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Top-mounted, saving cabinet space, disassemb ly, easy Zone 21 and Zone 22
ma intenance, simple and fine appearance;
<> Silicone rubber seal, high and low tempcrarure resistance,
aging resistance;
<> Bui lt- in explos ion-proof: con tro l module, display, • : Required when ordering.
pressure sensors, solenoid valves, etc .;
<> Modular, standardized structure, digital integrated control,
powerfu l function , parameters (such as pressure,
ventilation time, etc.) can be set on the panel operation,

I fast and convenient, shorten the delive ry, easy instal-
lation and ma intenance, and has a passwo rd lock f
uncti on to prevent non-profess ionals misuse, a key
mode of opera tion, easy to operate;
<> With automatic control, to provide remote power, alarm
and power-down signals (eac h of a pair of passive
contacts), powerful function, dig ital integrated con tro l,
spring-loaded terminals sc rewdriver with wrenching,
wi ring more convenient;
<> Colo r di splay, Chinese or Engl ish disp lay op tional,
di splay flow parameters, pressure parameters, worki ng
conditions, warning messages and operating conditions;
<> It can be used with explosion-proo f pressure rel ief
device, flame arres ter, explosion-proof flow sensor,
explosio n-proof sound and light alarm, etc.;
<> Rated voltage (V): 220, 230, 240;
<> Passive swi tch contacts: 5/\ 250VAC/28VDC;
0 Power inlet/cable diameter: M20 x 1.5/ 4> I0- 4> 14mm;
<> Passive switch inlet/cable diameter: M12x 1.5/ <1> 4-<j> 8mm;
<> Inlet thread: NPT3/8.

HL0232-01 Positive pressure type <> Injection molding GRP enclosure, fine appearance; Ex c ib mb IIC Gb
explosion-proof control module <> Automatic control, remote power transmission, alarm and Ex pDA21
power off signal (each I pair electrical independent contact),
powerful, digital integrated control; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Patented modular, standardized stntcture, spring term inal Zone 21 and Zone 22
screw with free spanner press type wiring, easy installation
and maintenance; ; IP20
<> Used with explosion-proof pressure sensor, explosion-proof
!low sensor, explosion-proof electromagnetic va lve,
explosion-proof sound and light alarm;
<> Rated voltage (V) : 220,230,240;
<> Electrical independent contacts: SA 250VAC/28VDC.
HL0232-02 Explosion-proof <> Injection molding GRP enclosure, fine appearance; Ex d c II C Gb
<> Built- in color screen, display pressure, flow, warning Ex pD A21
display screen
information and operation , color disp lay intui ti ve and
readable, convenient on-site adjustment and processing; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Parented modu lar, standardized stn1cture, small size, light Zone 21 and Zone 22
weight, easy installation, fine appearance.

HL0232-05 Explosion-proof flow <> Brass enclosure, nickel plated surface, excellent corrosion Ex ib IIC Gb
resistance performance, fine appearance; Ex pD A21
<> Detect the flow rate when purging, and ensure that
venti lation rate to meet the design requirements; Zone I and Zone 2
<>Standardized, modular structure, small size, easy install- Zone 21 and Zone 22


HL0232-06 Explosion-proof pressure <> Aviation alumimm1 enclosure, anti<nrrosion surfuce treatment,
relief device fine appearance;
<> Prevent the pressure inside the cabinet is too high to !lush
cabinet or damage components (such as touch screen), and
ensure the safety of the cabinet or components;
<> Modular, standardized stmcture, small size, easy installation.
Two kind~ of pressure are available for choice.

HL0232--07 Explosion-proofFiameArrester <> Aviation alum inum enclosure, ant i-corrosion surface
treatment, fine appearance;
<> Direct exhaust of venti lated positive pressure cabinet on
site to ensure site safety;
<> In let and outlet of the air vollunc with vern ier device, more
accurate and convenient adjustment;
<> Modular, standardized structure, small size, adjustable air
volume (ventilation type), easy installation.
HL0232--03 Explosion-proof Pressure Sensor <> Injection mo lding GRP enclosure, fine appearance; Ex ib IIC Gb
<> Detect the micro differential pressure inside the positive Ex pD A21
pressure cabinet, reliable and stable perforn1anoe imported
component; Zone I and Zone 2
<> Modular, standardized structure, small size, space saving, Zone 21 and Zone 22
separate shell protection to prevent extrusion and collision,
easy installation.

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