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Grammar: Using Prepositions

Prepositions: The Basics

A preposition is a word or group of words used to link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
Some examples of prepositions are single words like in, at, on, of, to, by and with or phrases such as in front of,
next to, instead of.

Prepositions in English are most frequently dictated by fixed expressions. While there are some general guidelines
to follow, many prepositions are used idiomatically with certain verbs. In these cases, it is best to memorize the
phrase instead of the individual preposition.

A Few Rules for Usage

Although there are hardly any rules as to when to use which preposition, most commonly prepositions define
relationships between nouns and locate words, actions or ideas in a particular time or place. To remember the
role of prepositions, notice that ''position'' appears in the word ''preposition''!

The following tables contain rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English:

Prepositions – Time

English Usage Example

 months/seasons  in August/in the summer
 years  in 1985
in  time of day  in the evening
 centuries and historical periods  in the 19th century
 after a certain period of time  Mystic Market closes in two hours.
 time of days  at 2:30
 noon, night, and midnight  at night
 names of mealtime  at breakfast
 age  I learned how to use a computer at 12.
on  days of the week  on Friday
  I have been a student since 2004.
from a period of time up to the present
(when it started)
for  how long a period of time has been  I have been a student here for 2 years.
 the beginning and end of a period of  My appointment is from 13:30 to 14:00.
 a period of time up to a specific point in  I cannot go dancing until I finish reading this chapter.
 in the sense of ''at the latest''  You must return your book by April 21st.
by  
due date My essay is due by the end of the week.

Adapted in part from George Yule’s Oxford Practice Grammar. Advanced, Oxford, 2006, pp. 124-137 and
1 http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammar/prepositions by Guillaume Filion © 2017, the CAC,
University of Victoria. This copy is solely for the use by a student, staff, or faculty member. Any other use may be
infringement of copyright if done without securing the permission of copyright owners.
Grammar: Using Prepositions

Prepositions – Place (Location and Direction)

English Usage Example

 in class/in Victoria
 when something is in a place, it is inside it  in the book
(enclosed within limits)  in the car/in a taxi
 You look serious in this photo.
 located at a specific place (a point)  at the library
at  for events  at a concert/at a party
 place where you are to do something  at the cinema/at school/at work
typical (watch a movie, study, work)
 being on a surface (not enclosed)  I left the keys on the table.
 for a certain side (left, right)  Go down this hall to the end, turn right, and it's
the third door on your left.
on  
for a floor in a building My apartment is on the fourth floor.
 for public transport  I forgot my phone on the bus.
 for television, radio  You can hear my brother on the radio.
 moving toward a specific place (the goal or
to  Every morning, I take the bus to campus.
end point of movement)
 I used carrots from my garden.
from  for the origin or starting point  I received a suspicious email from my bank.
 I will be on vacation from July 31 for a week.
towards  movement in direction of something  I suddenly saw a dog running towards me.
 There is a coffee shop across the street.
across  movement from one side to another
 I swam across the lake.
 I entered the room through an open window.
 movement from one side to another but
through  You have to go through the kitchen to get to the
''in something''
 a place ''in the middle'' of two or more  I was standing between my friend and his parents.
separate people or things  The gap between the rich and poor keeps growing.
 France is among the countries of Western Europe.
 a place ''surrounded'' by more than two
 Among the advantages of exercising regularly are
among people or things together as a group (in the
lower risks of depression and a better quality of
sense of ''included in'')

Adapted in part from George Yule’s Oxford Practice Grammar. Advanced, Oxford, 2006, pp. 124-137 and
2 http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammar/prepositions by Guillaume Filion © 2017, the CAC,
University of Victoria. This copy is solely for the use by a student, staff, or faculty member. Any other use may be
infringement of copyright if done without securing the permission of copyright owners.
Grammar: Using Prepositions

Prepositions - Connections

English Usage Example

 between two noun phrases to show that the  The keyboard of my computer is pink.
first belongs to or is part of the second
 to say how people are related  Richard is the son of Audrey/He is a good friend of
 Between two noun phrases when the second is  I spilled coffee on the computer with a pink keyboard.
a particular feature of the first  I think Sarah is studying with Tara/I went to a workshop
with  to say that people or things are together with my friend.
 My roommate killed a spider with a book.
 for the specific thing used to perform an action
 when we want to describe an action in a more  My roommate saved my live by killing the spider.
general way

Prepositions in Academic Writing

Here are the prepositions most frequently used in academic writing, with some explanations for their use:

English Usage Example

 For topics (in the sense of ''with regard  She was the author of many books about the history of
to/concerned with'') ancient Egypt.
 with a purpose/giving a reason (associated with  The concept of class is important for understanding
for an action; shortened form of ''for the purpose how society works.
of'')  Theories about strategies for linking nouns and verbs
 The meaning is often hard to guess from the individual
from  the origin, cause or agent of something
 inclusion, location or position within a time  You can see this in works by contemporary authors.
period or limits
 Many engineers proceed on the assumption that the
on  the basis for something
digital age is unique.
 belonging to, relating to, or connected with  The results of the investigation are still relevant.
 describe a relation/causation  The root of the problem is the absence of any evidence
of supporting our thesis.
 the origin, cause, motive or reason of  Henderson discovered that the king died of poisoning
something by analyzing blood samples.
 According to folklore, he was killed by strangulation by
by  describe a direct cause or agent
the Mad King when he protested the new tax.

Adapted in part from George Yule’s Oxford Practice Grammar. Advanced, Oxford, 2006, pp. 124-137 and
3 http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammar/prepositions by Guillaume Filion © 2017, the CAC,
University of Victoria. This copy is solely for the use by a student, staff, or faculty member. Any other use may be
infringement of copyright if done without securing the permission of copyright owners.
B2 Word Formation WF004

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. ____________ are warning about the effects global warming will have on us. (SCIENCE)
2. Matt quickly came to the _________________ that Jane was not telling the truth.
3. The _________________ of our flight was delayed due to fog. (ARRIVE)
4. Both teams gave a wonderful _________________ in the match. (PERFORM)
5. Easter Island is famous for its _________________ statues. (ASTONISH)
6. The woman was hit so hard that she lost _________________. (CONSCIOUS)
7. For their own _________________ the visitors of zoos are kept at a distance. (SAFE)
8. You should take the antibiotics for a whole week so that it is _______________. (EFFECT)
9. Jane has been suffering from headaches _________________. (LATE)
10. Most people believe that it is _________________ that UFOS exist. (PROBABLE)
11. Chris accepted the doctor’s news although it was very _______________ to hear. (PAIN)
12. The first settlers came from _________________ islands of the Pacific. (DISTANCE)
13. This area is very dry, and _________________ is very difficult. (FARM)
14. Divers went down to a _________________ of over 50 metres. (DEEP)
15. The book contains a ________________ of anecdotes from the past decades. (COLLECT)
16. Jack, who was an excellent shooter, _________________ missed his target. (REPEAT)
17. My teacher has been putting together _________________ articles for the yearbook.
18. _________________ farmers in Japan have figured out a way to produce square-shaped
watermelons. (INNOVATE)
19. We had _________________ in deciding who would be the best for the job. (DIFFICULT)
20. Even _________________ people can’t buy everything. (WEALTH)
21. If you plan your trip carefully you will have an _________________ time in China.
22. There have been _________________ sightings of the Loch Ness monster over the past
decades. (MYSTERY)
23. European _________________ arrived in Asia in the 15th century. (SAIL)
24. Imagining all the places you can visit will add a _________________ touch to your
journey. (MAGIC)
25. The hotel offers a _________________ view of the sea. (SPECTACLE)
1. You must find the tickets soon. ………………………………………………………...
2. Turn the radio down, please. …………………………………………………………
3. Tidy your room. ………………………………………………………..
4. Could you post the letters, please? …………………………………………………………
5. Why don’t you see a doctor? ………………………………………………………...
6. You have a bad cough. I think you should stop smoking.
7. Why don’t you clean your shoes? ………………………………………………………..
8. Brush your teeth, will you? ………………………………………………………..
9. We have guests today. Shall we make a cake?
10. We should invite Mary to the party. ………………………………………………………

D) Follow the example and do the same using YET:

Example: She has been in the shop. (buy anything)

- She has been in the shop but she hasn’t bought anything YET.

1. I’ve written to them three times. (not reply)

2. I’ve asked you again and again. (not do it)
3. I lent him $10 last month. (not give it back)
4. He lost his pen a week ago. (not find it)
5. He borrowed my book last year. (not give it back)
6. She went to New York six months ago. (not return it)
7. She gave me $2 a week ago. (not return it)
8. I finished reading my library books a long time ago. (not change them)
9. She went to the bus-stop half an hour ago. (the bus / not come)
10. He’s still studying that lesson. (not learn it)

D) Fill in the blanks with ALREADY or YET:

1. He hasn’t called us ……………………………… .

2. They have ………………………………… sent the letter.
3. John has ……………………………… bought the tickets for the football match.
4. We have ……………………………….. been to Mexico three times.
5. You haven’t visited Tokyo ………………………………… .
6. Has John bought a new car ………………………………….. ?
7. The plane has …………………………… left.
8. Has she done it …………………………….. ? No, not …………………………. .
9. A: Haven’t they arrived ………………………………. ?
B: Oh, yes. They have ………………………………… arrived.
10. Hurry up! The class has ……………………………… started.
11. Be careful! They have ………………………………… painted the door.
12. Haven’t you read the book ………………………………. ?
E) Follow the example and do the same using JUST:

Example: he / go out
- What has he JUST done?
- He has JUST gone out.

1. She / leave the room

2. they / watch the news
3. I / finish homework
4. he / put on the jacket
5. she / catch a fish
6. he / call a taxi
7. you / write a letter
8. the girl / burn the cake
9. the teacher / walk out
10. the dog / see the cat
11. Jane / turn the TV off
12. the boys / eat dinner

F) Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PRESENT PERFECT:

1. ……………………….. Tim ………………………. (finish) his work yet?

2. ……………………….. he ………………………… (finish) it ywsterday?
3. They ……………………………………. (just / go) out.
4. They ……………………………… (go) out a minute ago.
5. …………………… Ann …………………………. (study) yesterday afternoon?
6. …………………… you …………………………. (send) the letters yet?
7. …………………… she ………………………….. (call) him a week ago?
8. They ………………………………………. (not / see) the film yet.
9. The train ……………………………………………… (just / arrive).
10. ………………………. you ……………………………. (ever / be) in a TV studio?
11. …………………… you and Tom ………………………… (enjoy) the party last night?
12. …………………… you ………………………………. (not / finish) school last year?
13. I ………………………………………. (lose) my dictionary. I can’t find it anywhere.
14. His hair looks short. He ………………………………………….. (have) a haircut.
15. When ………………………………………………. (he / give up) smoking?
16. Jane …………………………………….. (buy) her car two weeks ago.
17. My bicycle isn’t here. Somebody ……………………………………………. (take) it.
18. Why ……………………………………… (Jim / not want) to play tennis last Friday?

All Tenses: Fill in the correct form

1. When we reach Land’s End we ____________________ 1,500 km. (walk)

2. I just remembered that I ____________________ the rent yet. I’m surprised that the landlord
____________________ me up and reminded me. (not pay, not ring)
3. It’s a beautiful drive. I am sure you ____________________ the scenery. (enjoy)
4. The car ____________________. If you get in Tom and I ____________________ you a push. (not
start, give)
5. I put the five-pound notes into one of the books; but the next day it ____________________ me
ages to find it because I ____________________ which book I ____________________ it in. (take,
forget, put)
6. He ____________________ the bagpipes since six this morning. He ____________________. (play,
just stop)
7. My son ____________________ work yet. He’s still at High School. – How long
____________________ at school? - He ____________________ there for six years. Before that he
____________________ five years at primary school. (not start, he be, be, spend)
8. Mary: I wonder what he ____________________ now. Ann: Well, his girlfriend
____________________ from Japan too, so I suppose he ____________________ Japanese. (say,
come, speak)
9. When I first met him he ____________________ architecture. (study)
10. While we ____________________ someone ____________________ into the house and
___________________us this note. (fish, break, leave)
11. It won’t be easy to get out of the country .The police ____________________ all of the ports.
12. If I catch some fish, ____________________ them for me? (you cook)
13. He ____________________ to come. (not forget)
14. It ____________________ for the last two hours so the game ____________________ (rain, be
15. When I ____________________ him he ____________________ a picture of his wife. –
____________________ it? (see, paint, you like)
16. The car had nobody I it but the engine ____________________. (run)
17. Tom can’t have the newspaper now because his aunt ____________________ it. (read)
18. This shop ____________________ for good next Monday. (close)
19. Where ____________________ tonight? – I ____________________ out with Peter. (you go, go)
20. At 3 a.m. Jane ____________________ up her husband and said that she ____________________
that someone ____________________ to get into the house. (wake, think, try)
21. When you see me next time I ____________________ my new sunglasses. (wear)
22. This bike ____________________ in our family for the last 14 years. My father
____________________ it for the first five years, then my brother ____________________ it and I
____________________ it since then. (be, use,ride,have)
23. Some time ago I ____________________ that our mayor ____________________ to go to Iceland.
What ____________________ to do there? (read, want, he want)
24. You see, Doctor, she ____________________ ill two days ago and since then she
____________________ anything. I’m sure she ____________________ several kilos. (fall, not
eat, lose)
25. Most people ____________________ at work when the fire ____________________. (be, start)
26. After five years of travelling through Asia I ____________________ back to Europe next week. I
____________________ the flight (go, already book)
27. I saw him when he ____________________ the house. I ____________________ at the corner
when he ____________________ by. He ____________________ a word and I
____________________ a word either. (leave, just stand, pass, not say , not say)

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