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An Undergraduate Thesis
presented to The Faculty of College of Teacher Education
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges – Marbel Inc.
Koronadal City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Elementary Education – Generalist



November 2023


The purpose of this study is to determine the reading anxiety and reading

proficiency of Grade 10 students of New Lambunao Integrated School. This study used

a descriptive-evaluative research design in order to determine what intervention plan can

be drawn based on the result of the study. In light of the findings accumulated, the

following conclusions was drawn. The result of the study shows that the weighted mean

of the reading anxiety of the Grade 10 students of New Lambunao Integrated School is

moderate. The reading proficiency of the Grade 10 students of New Lambunao

Integrated School is high, and the students think about the things they will need to do to

learn before they begin studying which indicates that their level of reading proficiency is

high. Given the findings and of consideration of the limitations of the study, it is

recommended that the students were advised to read books and stories as often to

enhance their reading skills. Several books were made to develop the reading skills of

the students available on electronic format that would be beneficial to the students.

Keywords: Reading Anxiety, Reading Proficiency, Intervention Plan



Chapter Page
Rationale 1
Research Objective 2
Review of Related Literature 2
Theoretical Framework 23
Conceptual Framework 24
Significance of the Study 24
Definition of Terms 26
Research Design 27
Research Locale 27
Population and Sample 28
Research Instrument 28
Data Collection 29
Statistical Tools 30
Ethical Consideration 30



Tables Page

1 Level of Reading Anxiety 27

2 Level of Reading Proficiency 29


Figure Page

1 Conceptual Framework 24

A Letter of Permission to conduct the Study 46
B Letter to Respondents 47
C Letter to Validators 48
D Accomplished Validation Sheets 49
E List of Expert Validators 50
F Rating of Expert Validators 51
G Survey Questionnaire 52
H Certificate of Appearance 54
I Certificate of Grammarian 55


Tables Page

1 Level of Reading Anxiety 27

2 Level of Reading Proficiency 29


Figure Page

1 Conceptual Framework 24
Chapter I



DepEd Order No. 21s, 2023's Brigada Eskwela Guidelines requires schools to

remove anything from classroom walls, including traditional instructional posters and

other visual teaching aids, in order to create neat, ordered, practical, and distraction-free

learning environments. The physical learning environment that pupils are exposed to has

a big impact on how well they do academically. In recent years, researchers and

educators have paid more attention to classroom design in especially as they seek to

comprehend the effects of minimalism in learning environments.

Our educational system is constantly changing, whether it is pedagogical,

managerial, or policy-related. The built environment of that system, the school, is slower

and more difficult to adjust to these changes, therefore it is more crucial than ever to

evaluate how their environment is operating to meet their demands in terms of both

practicality and convenience. (Barrett, 2019)

A teacher and her students can more efficiently use class time with the aid of a

well-organized classroom. Traditionally, teachers set up their classrooms so that they

may primarily deliver whole-class instruction. The teacher's desk is frequently at the front

of the classroom in this teacher-centered setting, and the students' desks are arranged

so that they can see the teacher readily. While some teachers would think about keeping

a wall blank in one area of the room, others can make effective use of the wall space

and bulletin boards to give their pupils useful information. It might be simpler for students

to focus in this area if they are easily distracted or feel overstimulated by visual

stimulation. (Peabody College, 2023)


Although the unpredictability in the rapidly changing world, many countries

expect their educational institutions to be ready for the future. Officials in the field of

education implement new measures to meet these demands. The Future Classroom is

one of these transformative changes. These classrooms revaluate the evolving roles of

teachers and students, the conventional classroom design, and offer solutions for 21st-

century learning experiences that are more effective. This study gives educational

leaders the framework they want for imagining future classrooms that are compatible

with 21st-century learning environments is in need for new classrooms along with

technology integration and pedagogy to keep up with the developing world. (Hussain,


Considering the facts presented, the researcher feels the importance of

conducting a thorough investigation and data gathering to identify the Teachers’

Perspective on Classroom Design in Marbel 1 Central Elementary School.

Research Objective

The exact purpose of this study should determine the Perception on the

decoration in terms of financially and emotionally of Elementary Teachers of Marbel 1

Central Elementary School.

Specifically, this study seeks answers the following question:

1. To determine the Millennial Teachers’ Perception on classroom design.

2. To determine the Gen X Teachers’ Perception on Classroom design.

3. To test the significant difference between Millennial and Gen X Teacher on

Classroom Design.


This study used .05 level of significance.

Null Hypothesis (H0)

There is no significant difference in the mean test scores between the Perception

of Millennial and Gen X Teachers on Classroom Design.

Review of Related Literature

This presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher considered

in strengthening the importance of the present study. It also presents the synthesis of

the art to fully understand the research for better comprehension of the study.

Classroom Design

Design shouldn't be static. You should be able to judge the success of your

classroom based on the work and output of your students. Prior to the arrival of the

students, teachers spend time setting up their classrooms, but frequently the layout that

works in September does not function in January or May. It's crucial to regularly review

your design decisions. The design assessment may include a significant amount of

student perspectives. Students can comprehend that design has a purpose when their

opinion is taken into consideration, and the process becomes more open. (Ayers, Et Al.


Students don't perceive the world the same way that adults do. This is especially

true for young pupils, whose diminutive size causes them to view their surroundings very

differently from towering "grown-ups." Teachers should spend time in their classrooms

considering each design element from the perspective of the students. Student

outcomes are the most significant measure of success for anyone working in the field of

education. Funding, teacher professional development, and the use of standardized

exams are all geared toward improving student learning outcomes. Unfortunately,

classroom design, which has a big impact on learning outcomes, is sometimes an

afterthought. Fortunately, attitudes on classroom layout are changing, and teachers are

working to make the best possible learning spaces for a variety of student populations.

(Brosius, Et al. 2019)


The University of San Diego (2023) discovered that kindergarten students who

learned in a well-decorated classroom performed lower on tests than kids in a sparser

environment. Students who learn in more traditional classrooms also tend to perform

better when there are fewer visual distractions. But despite how much we might wish to

make our classrooms lively and engaging, keep in mind that too much of a good thing

can have a detrimental effect on students' performance. Less is more when it comes to

classroom furnishings, and you should even get student input on what they like and

dislike about the space.

The utilization of the physical environment in the classroom has received less

attention in the literature than social and psychological aspects, despite the fact that

research on the physical environment of schools is substantial. The way physical space

is used varies depending on the situation and is vital in a comprehensive learning

environment. An in-depth examination of the specific environments in which teachers

work is necessary for understanding their behaviors and experiences. An in-depth study

of the connections between environment and behavior can be done using the framework

provided by environmental and ecological psychology. The nature of school settings, in

particular the interrelated relationships between people goal-directed behaves and the

behavioral contexts in which these actions take place, has a significant impact on the

quality of school life. How people respond in varied contexts depends on a variety of

factors, including teachers' perceptions of the environment, school size and capacity,

spatial arrangement, and building conditions. (Snow, 2019)

Many educators are concerned about topics like instructional strategies, parental

involvement, and differentiated instruction when it comes to learning. However, a

classroom's design directly influences a teacher's efficacy. The design of a classroom

can affect how effectively pupils learn. It takes more than simply moving seats around to

reorganize a classroom so that desired outcomes can be achieved. The objectives a


teacher hopes to accomplish, their personal philosophy, and certain best practices that

have been discovered in the study should all be taken into consideration while

rearranging the classroom. However, it's crucial to start with a fundamental

comprehension of the factors that affect classroom arrangement. (Loveless, 2023)

In their study, Teachers' Opinions on the Designs of Their Primary Schools,

Barrett et al. (2019), they addressed the opinions of the teachers regarding the physical

environment and amenities of their schools. In contrast to the researchers' examination

and comparison of the spaces as well as their interviews with heads and students,

participants evaluated questions regarding what accounted for a "comfortable built

environment" and "well-functioning spaces." .Although there is a lot of space for

improvement generally, teachers only give their schools a "adequate" rating overall,

there is a lot of diversity on particular topics. Unexpected viewpoints that challenge

conventional wisdom or those that lack a solid consensus in the literature offer insights

into how better schools can be built. The comparison of the teachers' perspectives with

those of the students at the same schools demonstrates the necessity for innovative

designs from designers.

The design of classroom spaces and the impact of these environments on the job

performance of teachers. To assess what happens in classrooms, a number of

constructs have been devised, defined, and used. Some of these components are

physical (layout modes), others are pedagogical (child-centered), and yet others use

data combinations. This allowed for the evaluation of behavior as well as assertions of

attitudes and beliefs regarding the role of the educational environment. These data feed

questions about instructors' awareness of their surroundings, the amount to which this

knowledge influences their teaching, and the degree to which teachers believe they have

control over classroom aspects. (Martin, 2019)


Teachers' stress levels and mental health are two key aspects in their ability to

manage and lead classrooms effectively. In order to deliver its curriculum, services, and

skill mastery to the learners, the Department of Education (DepEd) relies heavily on

teachers. The provision of instruction must continue even though schools are not yet

prepared to adopt. The teachers' professional and personal backgrounds make up their

innate abilities in 21st-century teaching. When placing them in the front lines of the

educational system, the state must take into account their mental health, and education

officials must make sure they have the information, perspective, and technical

proficiency needed to assist students with various requirements. Their mental clarity

should be strong, and their stress level should be manageable (Jimenez, 2021).


Schools are increasingly implementing open and flexible classroom layouts as a

result of global educational changes. A student's behavioral and emotional school

engagement may be influenced by open learning spaces, both directly and through the

encouragement of physical activity in the classroom. Students who attend schools with

open learning environments are frequently encouraged to collaborate with peers,

engage in self-directed learning, and are, ideally, given more freedom of movement. For

teachers, working in open learning spaces typically also entails redistributing roles and

responsibilities towards working as a team sharing space and resources (Hartikainen et

al, 2021).

Although children spend a significant portion of their schooldays in the

classroom, very little study has been done on the impact of school furniture design on

children's behaviour and health. Following the installation of the newly designed decor, it

was discovered that youngsters displayed a moderate but considerable improvement in

on-task behaviour and a noticeable change in space positions. However, these


advantages must be taken into account in light of the strong opinions both for and

against the new furniture. (Knight, 2019)

We have seen that some students find it challenging to combine their theoretical

and technical knowledge of management accounting and apply it to particular scenarios

when taking basic management accounting courses at the undergraduate level. We

made the decision to modify the tutorials' structure and format in order to better assist

students' individual topic discussions. We needed to get through the communication

anxiety we had noticed in order to accomplish this. The modifications to the tutorial

classroom's design seem to have decreased anxiety and boosted involvement since

students felt more at ease discussing the course material. This eventually improved their

understanding of management accounting and their success in the course. (Rae, 2019)

Educational research has recently given more attention to the ideas of future

classrooms, multimedia labs, and active learning spaces. Well-designed primary school

classrooms can improve pupils' learning, according to study based on actual data.

Principals, instructors, and students at schools are also asking for more flexible,

reconfigurable, and contemporary classroom designs that make it simpler to incorporate

technology and active pedagogical methods. A content analysis of the mock-ups was

done as the classroom construction was being videotaped. This article covers the

findings from the data gathered with a particular emphasis on the following areas: core

descriptive ideas of what is imagined to be a future classroom, spatial organization,

physical components, and environmental characteristics. (Pedro, 2019)

The aim of the Gültekin (2021) study, Classroom Teachers' View on the Physical

Learning Environments on Primary Schools in Turkey, is to investigate the opinions of

primary school teachers regarding the physical learning environments of primary

schools. Teachers in urban settings mainly addressed the overcrowding of classrooms

in their responses. However, the responses from the teachers who operate in rural areas

of the country tended to be more concerned with the physical setup of elementary

schools. All participants offered suggestions that included the requirement that primary

schools be more kid-friendly. Primary school physical learning settings must be in line

with contemporary pedagogical requirements.

Academic Success

Many of us spend a lot of time at the start of each new school year planning the

layout of our classrooms, setting up attractive bulletin boards and carefully positioning

desks. However, creating a place is different from decorating. It should instead influence

learning and have a function. The same classroom is frequently recreated by teachers

year after year without considering whether the layout supports students' learning. A

well-designed classroom encourages the development of both process and subject

abilities. We think that when students understand the rationale behind the method, they

are more likely to absorb it. To help their daily activities, classroom teachers could

develop visual aids, which will cut down on their directives. These graphics could be

checklists, visual signals to aid with classroom management, or anchor charts outlining

the steps of everyday routines. (Ayers, Et Al. 2022)

A renewed interest in classroom and school design has revealed how little we

know about the influence of educational settings on the performance of pupils and

educators. This is due, in part, to an absence of study methodologies capable of

controlling the multiple variables inherent in location and education. Another statistical

analysis revealed significant variations in these pupils' performance when compared to

equivalents in more 'conventional' schools. The article concludes with a warning: on

these criteria, classroom design is undoubtedly a factor, but it is likely not the only one.

(Imms, Et al. 2023)


The design of the classroom is an important factor in producing an effective

learning environment. A well-designed classroom may boost engagement, encourage

creativity, facilitate collaborative learning, and boost academic performance. Natural

light, flexible areas, comfortable furniture, strategic use of color, and technology that

enhances learning should all be incorporated into classroom design. According to

research, classroom design has a major impact on student behavior, emotions, and

cognitive processes. As a result, educators and school officials should make classroom

design a priority in their attempts to improve student learning outcomes. It is important to

remember, however, that good classroom design is not a one-size-fits-all strategy.

Different classes and students have different demands, and classroom design should be

adjusted to accommodate those differences. Classroom design should be founded on an

understanding of the learning objectives, student needs, and classroom teaching

approaches. (Rashid, 2023)

The class should be entertaining to look at, comfortable to learn in, and not

boring, claims Widiastuti (2020), because students spend more time in school and are

less likely to grow bored easily. This is so because the classroom has the biggest impact

on students' development and achievement in the classroom.

There has been a lot of research on the evolution of contemporary teaching

approaches in public school, but there hasn't been much drive to change the classroom

setting. Due to widespread misconceptions about how pupils learn and the effects of

classroom design, this has led to a passive paradigm of teaching that has persisted in

education. Before coming to the conclusion that flexibility is essential in pedagogy and

environment, study was conducted on contemporary teaching and learning methods as

well as the aspects of classroom design that could support these processes. This

capstone project found that the best approach to support this and foster more engaged,

student-centered learning is through the classroom furniture. (Fehlandt, 2019)


School Design and Planning Laboratory (SDPL) was used as an appraisal

indicator of school design, and some of its design characteristics, such as open and

functional views, indoor and outdoor spaces, and natural life, were explained to

students. This study looked at the impact of school design on student performance.

Additionally, the average of students' final accomplishment scores—which represents

their performance—was compared to indicators of the educational environment. For

private school kids, the design of the school had a significant role. In fact, the results

showed that the physical features of the classroom and the design of private schools

had a significant impact on students' performance. That is, a conducive learning

environment can spur kids to learn and advance. (Ariani, 2019)

Problem Encountered

Bobo, et al (2021) stated that Classrooms are remarkable places with a lot of

power. It's crucial to keep in mind the specific social-emotional requirements of the

students we work with while setting up a classroom and to consider how classroom

design and layout may be used to create ideal environments for learning where all

students are able to flourish. Opportunities for showing the work of students are

provided by classroom walls and displays. The objects on display in the classroom at the

start of the year can be teacher-made. The objective should be to swap out these

memorabilia with student-created exhibits and work as the year goes on. When students

are given the chance to share their work and contribute to or cooperate on significant

classroom exhibits, they start to take ownership of the space.

The way a classroom is set up has a big impact on how students focus and

interact. Curiosity, artistic ability, and effective learning can all be fostered in a well-

designed classroom. (Loose, 2023)


Based on Rands et. al., (2019), there are several ways in which the design

characteristics of a classroom could result in benefits that foster student engagement.

The design made it possible for students to interact with faculty members and promoted

study habits by reducing the physical barrier between them. Future designs that

integrate the classroom with the environment encourage increased student agency and

responsibility. Future assessments can focus on concrete measures of student learning

and performance by compared students in a classroom with those in "traditional"


The purpose of Barrett study (2019) is to "explore if there is any evidence for

demonstrable impacts of school design on the learning rates of pupils in primary

schools." This topic, namely how tangible physical environments affect individual's

health and wellbeing. Since children spend the majority of their time in one place (the

classroom), there are indicators of their performance that may be used to determine how

well they are doing academically. Additionally, maximizing students' academic success

is a significant social concern.

A variety of factors can influence academic success in the classroom. The design

of a class affects how comfortable students are, how much they interact with their

instructors, and how easily they interact with one another. As a result, rather than being

an afterthought, teachers should consider classroom layout to be a vital component of

attaining their aims. Because the structure of a classroom has a substantial impact on

academic outcomes, it is critical to any teacher's instructional strategy. (Loveless, 2023)

Generally speaking, from the study of Crowford (2019) “How does classroom

design affect Students Learning” tends to suggest that classroom management is

reflected in the architecture of the classroom. It has a significant impact on pupils'

learning, both favorably and negatively. Once they have a better understanding of their

students, teachers should conduct informational research to assist them in deciding what

would work best in their classrooms and what will improve their students' learning.

Additionally, studies show that even the seemingly little details that a teacher would

never notice are crucial. The attitude used by the teacher and the relationship developed

with the students have a lot to do with the way the classroom is set up.

As explained by Konyndyk (2019), there are numerous factors that can affect a

student's success. Numerous of them have been the subject of academic investigations,

including socioeconomic status, personal motivation, and the impact of various teaching

philosophies. The function of classroom design is still regularly neglected or

underemphasized. There have been notable studies that demonstrate how the physical

environment can influence learning, academic achievement, retention, attention, and

motivation, but there haven't been any trustworthy post-occupancy reviews that indicate

how various classroom designs effect student success.

Enhancing student performance is essential for our country to remain

competitive. Scientific studies demonstrate the impact of the physical classroom layout

on student progress. Scientific research demonstrates the unanticipated significance of

symbolic elements in a classroom, such as decor and wall art, in affecting student

progress. Symbols communicate to students whether they are respected as learners and

have a place in the classroom, which has a significant impact on their educational

decisions and success. (Cheryan, Et al. 2019)

In line with Mumford (2019) study, how your classroom is set up can have an

impact on both how you teach and how your pupils learn. In fact, researchers from the

University of Salford Manchester discovered that classroom layout might enhance

students' learning. In the end, there isn't a set way to set up a classroom that works for

everyone. One teacher's methods may not be effective for other educators. Finding the

right classroom layout for you and your students is crucial given the impact that design

has been shown to have on teaching and learning. Who knows, you might even create a

brand-new design that, like flexible seats, upends the status quo.

In order for students to learn in the classroom, it is crucial that teachers not only

lecture the students on the material found in the textbooks but also create a setting that

encourages them to work to the best of their capacity. (Turano, 2019)

A study by Philemon (2021), schools are now held responsible for all facets of

student accomplishment. A productive, successful, and effective classroom environment

is essential to the strengthening of the educational process. Without a productive

classroom environment, teaching and learning cannot be successful. Although there are

differences among teachers in how they run their classes, little is known about the

connection between classroom management methods and student achievement.

Optimizing the classroom environment is one method for raising student achievement in

both private and public schools.

To investigate how significantly the design and construction of a classroom might

influence student learning and the effectiveness of teachers. By designing a classroom,

a teacher can not only positively influence his or her pupils' learning outcomes, but also

significantly boost his or her sense of ownership and satisfaction with work.

(Zimmerman, 2019)

Along with the curriculum and learning objectives, it is important to take into

account the relationship between student involvement and classroom design. According

to the kind of classroom layout—grouped tables or conventional rows—measures of

student engagement in two portions of the same class were compared. According to the

findings, students in lecture-based classes shown greater levels of cognitive

engagement in classrooms set up in traditional rows, but students in group-focused

classes demonstrated greater levels of cognitive engagement in classrooms set up

around grouped tables (Sanders, 2019).


The necessity to adjust learning environments is becoming accepted by

educators. The details of the classroom designs vary depending on the curriculum, class

size, available space, available funds, and other factors. Two elements are prevalent,

though. One is the adaptability to provide active learning settings. Two, the incorporation

of technology that encourages sharing and cooperation. Research highlights the

significance of classroom design. Classroom layout unquestionably has a significant

impact on students' academic achievement and engagement. That example, a youngster

in the best setting would do 50% better than an analogous child in the "poorest" school

environment. This is startling since the influence might be either good or negative. In

fact, the gap between the best and worst-designed classrooms explained a full year's

worth of academic growth (Yale University, 2021)

A well-organized classroom starts with organizing the numerous school

departments in charge of each component of the classroom for efficient operation and

setting guidelines that promote collaboration and teamwork. Good designs for

classrooms are not random. Faculty, students, and administrators need to adopt a

mindset that supports the notion that maintaining classrooms is everyone's duty. General

classrooms are institutional resources that belong to everyone. Design of classrooms

should meet the true needs of the teachers and students who will use the room rather

than simply replicating what was done on previous projects or making compromises that

have a negative impact on the quality of the learning environment. Offices, conference

rooms, laboratories, and other spaces typically have their own advocacy group or

responsible department (Ash, 2019).

Over the past few decades, the sector of education has seen rapid development.

Students' opinions on how a classroom structure should be set up are also impacted by

these changes. To guarantee effective communication and a conducive learning


environment, it is crucial to design the classroom setting to fit the requirements and

perceptions of the students (Ulker, 2019).

Anyone who has ever created an early childhood classroom from scratch or

attempted a general renovation will attest to how difficult the decision-making process

can be. The options we have to make are endlessly varied. The work of designing a

classroom is flawed, and there is no guidebook that applies to all situations. A heart-

centered setting is one that is created with the child's viewpoint and innate needs in mind

(Duncan, 2020)

Some teachers are lucky enough to have a separate classroom where various

student groups can gather. Some classes have their own so-called "home classrooms"

where various professors visit to provide lessons. Throughout the school day, additional

instructors and students circulate, visiting various classrooms for every topic. Interesting

from the viewpoint of the classroom is teaching and learning. Some educators would

assert that, regardless of the setting, they could 'perform the job' just as competently.


(Summary of RRl/RRS 3-4 paragraph)

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored from Gifford (2006), that holds significant relevance in

the exploration of how teachers perceive classroom design. Gifford's comprehensive

study, documented in his authoritative work 'Environmental Psychology: Principles and

Practice’, delves into the intricate dynamics of how individuals respond to and are

influenced by their surroundings. This extensive research offers valuable insights that

shed light on how teachers engage with and interpret classroom design.

Gifford’s research is firmly rooted in the field of environmental psychology, which

constitutes a pivotal discipline devoted to investigating how people interact with their

physical environments. This area of study provides an indispensable framework for

comprehending the ways in which educators perceive and interact with classroom


In 'Environmental Psychology: Principles and Practice,' Gifford explores how

environmental factors, such as the arrangement of space, lighting, color, and spatial

organization, can impact individuals' behaviors, emotions, and cognitive processes. By

scrutinizing the relationships between individuals and their environments, Gifford's work

offers a lens through which we can understand how teachers' perceptions of classroom

design are influenced by the physical attributes of the learning space.

Teachers, as integral components of the educational environment, are not

exempt from the effects of their surroundings. Gifford's research prompts us to consider

how classroom design, including factors like seating arrangements, classroom

aesthetics, and ergonomic considerations, can shape teachers' perceptions and

teaching practices. In essence, it highlights the importance of environmental psychology

in unraveling the complex interplay between educators and their physical learning

environments, ultimately enriching our understanding of how classroom design impacts

the educational experience

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows that the variables are Millennial and Gen X Teachers of the

Perception on Classroom design.


Perception on Classroom Perception on Classroom

Design by Millennial Design by Gen X

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study.

Significance of the Study

According to the researcher, the study's findings will be valuable and significant

to the following individuals.

To the Students. It will provide them valuable information about the common

Perception of the Millennial and Gen X Primary Teachers. This will provide worthwhile

information to the students on how the teachers deal with the new classroom design in

line with their teaching strategies about the Teachers’ Perception on Classroom Design.

To the Teachers. It will provide them with information on the benefits of

designing their curriculum in addressing the Perception Millennial and Gen X of the

Primary Teachers. It will serve as a guide to strengthen and enhance their Perception on

Classroom Design. A teacher, often known as a schoolteacher or educator, is a person

who assists students in gaining knowledge, competence, or virtue.

To the Parents. This study will inform the parents about the Perception of

Millennial and Gen X of the Primary Teachers of their children. It will guide the parents to

help their children connectivity that helps them not only to learn but also give them a

chance to be learners and learning instructors.

To the Researcher. This study will give the researchers further awareness and

ideas about the Perception Millennial and Gen X of the Primary Teachers. It will help

them deeply understand how important Perception on Classroom Design of the Primary


To the Future Researcher. The outcome of this study will benefit from the

findings because they will be more aware of and knowledgeable about the Perception of

Millennial and Gen X of the Primary Teachers. It will assist them in becoming better

analyzers and serve as a future reference for additional investigations. It will increase

their productivity and educational well-being by expanding their knowledge.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally within the context of this study.

Teachers Perception. Conceptually, Teachers' prior understandings and

personal experience impact the ideas or mental pictures they have about their students.

These encounters could be related to their community, jobs, schooling, cultural

background, or past familial connections or custom. The way a person sees the world

and other people depends on all of these factors and more (The IRIS Center, 2023).

Operationally, it refers to one of the inputs of the study.

Classroom Design. Conceptually, it refers to a room, typically in a school, it is

the method of creating an environment that maximizes student achievement by planning,

organizing, and construction. For the optimal learning environment for your kids,

effective classroom design involves a variety of distinct physical factors, such as

classroom layout, seating configurations, lighting, acoustics, furniture, and color. You

can make learning easier, faster, and better for kids than ever before by creating a

classroom environment that is optimized for student achievement. (Portable Partitions

Australia, 2023). Operationally, it refers to one of the inputs of the study.

Millennial. Conceptually, it refers to a demographic cohort or age group,

commonly referred to as Generation Y, who became adults around the turn of the

millennium. On the one hand, there is some evidence indicates millennials are more

altruistic than their evident social media habits would suggest, as they demonstrate a

willingness to change and concern over environmental issues. On contrast, millennials

are frequently characterized in popular culture as self-centered and obsessed with social

media, earning the unflattering nickname, Generation Me (BambooHr, 2023).

Operationally, it refers to the respondent of the study.

Gen X. Conceptually, it refers to is the name given to the 65 million-strong

generation of Americans born between the middle of the 1960s and the early 1980s,

known as Generation X. They are also referred to as the "latchkey generation" because

they were frequently left unsupervised at home after school until their parents returned

from work. In terms of retirement readiness, the generation is on track to become the

first to be less well-off than their parents (Kagan, 2023). Operationally, it refers to the

respondent of the study.

Chapter II


This chapter describes the research design, research method, participants, and

instruments for analyzing the data and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design. This method is

used in determining the Perception of Millennial and Gen X Elementary Teachers. With

the use of this study approach, researchers may examine the links between variables

without interfering with or modifying them, revealing crucial information about the

linkages that underlying various events.

Sarasilla (2023) claims that Descriptive study design is a potent instrument used

by scientists and researchers to obtain knowledge on a certain group or phenomena.

The traits and behaviors of a certain community or subject are accurately and thoroughly

described by this kind of study. Descriptive research enables researchers to learn more

about a particular problem and offers insightful information that may guide future study

by watching and gathering data on the subject.

The goal of correlational research, a type of non-experimental research design, is

to explore statistically significant correlations or links between two or more variables

without making any attempts to modify the variables. By evaluating the degree and

direction of these links, this research technique tries to ascertain if changes in one

variable are related to changes in another one (Fleetwood, 2023)

In a nutshell the descriptive-correlational study method is vital for the discovery

and comprehension of research. Finding links between variables enables researchers to

get important understanding of the innate connections that exist throughout distinct

events. Even though it cannot prove connection, it is an essential first stage in the

research process since it helps to generate hypotheses and informs choices in a variety

of domains. The descriptive-correlational research method is still a vital tool for

researchers trying to understand the complicated web of relationships between variables

as we continue to understand the intricacies of our environment.

Research Locale

The study took place Marbel 1 Central Elementary School. It is located in Manuel

Roxas St, Poblacion, Koronadal City, South Cotabato. Marbel 1 Central Elementary

School is a DepEd Managed partially urban Primary Public School located in Koronadal,

South Cotabato. The research was carried out in Marbel, which is located in Koronadal

City. In the Philippine province of South Cotabato, the town of Marbel holds the

distinction of being a third-class municipality. There are 195,398 individuals living there

at the moment (Philatlas, 2020). This venue was chosen for the research because the

researcher believes that it is the most suitable environment in which to carry out this


Population and Sample

Purposive sampling will be utilized study due to time constraints and the

availability of the respondents. The respondents of this study were the total enumeration

seventy (70) Teachers officially employed this school year 2023 – 2024 at Marbel 1

Central Elementary School.

In the study of Alchemer (2023), Purposive sampling, sometimes referred to as

judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a non-probability sampling technique

where researchers use their own judgment to pick people from the public to take part in

their surveys. As all survey respondents are chosen because they meet a specific

profile, researchers employ purposive sampling when they want to reach a specific

subset of people. Even if the sample population is not statistically representative of the

larger population under consideration, researchers that practice purposeful sampling

carefully plan how they will create their sample population. As the name implies,

researchers deliberately choose to visit this neighborhood because they believe that the

people who live there meet the criteria for the people they need to contact (Bhat, 2023).

Research Instrument c/o

The researcher created a self-made questionnaire for the survey, also known as

an independently developed, which the respondent should accurately answer. Self-made

questionnaire is a survey tool constructed aby the researcher with the intention of

gathering certain information or data from people or subjects for the study.

The first stage is to interview our respondent in order to learn more about them

and to get their comments or suggestions. After gathering the data, particularly through

interviews or vocal responds. The researcher translated and transcribed the response

into constructive sentences. Transcribing spoken information into written text is known

as transcription. The process then moves on to organize the data after transcription. In

order to do this, replies must be categorized, common themes must be found, and the

data must be organized systematically. Validation is a crucial phase in the research

process. By organizing the data, researchers may make sense of the information

gathered, identify trends, and reach meaningful conclusions.

Researchers design questions for their own surveys that are closely related to

their own study objectives. To ensure that the data collected directly addresses their

research questions, they modify the questionnaire to collect information that is especially

pertinent to their study. In some cases, research topics may be extremely specialized or

unique, making it challenging to find standardized questionnaires or surveys that cover

the particular aspects of the study. (Canonizado, 2021).

The questionnaire checklist included questions to measure the Perception on

Classroom Design of Elementary Teachers of Marbel 1 Central Elementary School.

The first step is for respondents to respond to the questionnaire on the level or -

Perception of the respondents using the four-point scale: (4) Strongly Agree, (3) Agree,

(2) Disagree, (1) Strongly Disagree.

Data Collection

In determining the teachers' respondents, the researchers gathered data

regarding the number of Teachers in Marbel 1 Central Elementary School of Manuel

Roxas St., Poblacion, Koronadal City, South Cotabato. The researcher will form the

instrument, and the experts will validate the instrument. The researcher asks permission

through a letter from the school Head to allow the researcher to conduct the survey. As

soon as permission to, the researcher informed consent, and the respondents allowed

the researcher to gather information. She conducted the survey questions for them. The

researcher encouraged the respondents to answer the questionnaire faithfully to


whatever question, and she assured them of data privacy. The researcher also did the

retrieval of data. After the retrieval, the researcher used the Likert scale to solve the data

gathered from the respondents. The researchers look for a statistician who will help her

analyze and interpret results.

Statistical Tool

This study utilized statistical tools to treat the gathered data.

To determine the Perception of Millennial and Gen X Teachers on the

Classroom Design frequency distribution and weighted mean will be used.

To determine the significant difference between the Perception of Millennial and

Gen X Teachers on Classroom design analysis of variance shall be used.

Ethical Consideration

The importance of research ethics in completing the research by appropriate

research guidelines cannot be overstated. In order to maintain the study's ethical

standards, enough time is given to the respondents so they can describe their

knowledge of the research issues. Respondents were advised that participation in the

study is entirely voluntary and that they can decline. The information was collected via a

survey questionnaire. As a result, the responders' privacy is strictly protected. Respect

for the respondent's self-worth is also ranked first. The privacy of those who participate

in the study, individuals and organizations, is likewise protected. On the other hand, any

conversation relating to the research should be conducted with honesty and clarity.

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