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intermediate B1

A. Choose a, b or c.
1. Mr and Mrs Grantham really enjoyed the of the old town.
a. tour b. voyage c. expedition

2. My brother wears two pairs of shoes a year.

a. on b. up c. out

3. I love travelling by train. I sit and enjoy the .

a. highlight b. scenery c. schedule

4. It is absolutely for you to take your passport with you.

a. essential b. illegal c. typical

5. I the software on my laptop yesterday and now it’s running much faster.
a. compared b. accessed c. updated

6. Do you know what they use in Indonesia?

a. landmark b. currency c. hassle

7. All flights leave from terminal 2.

a. departure b. interactive c. domestic

8. It was a , but I managed to get to the top of the mountain.

a. courage b. delay c. struggle

9. She gave me the that she didn’t want to talk about the issue in front of the others.
a. impression b. opportunity c. suggestion

10.Have you seen the new stadium? It’s !

a. major b. massive c. frequent

score / 10

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. Listen to the announcement . They’re saying something about our flight. ANNOUNCE

2. The police officer asked Mary to give him a description of the man she saw. DESCRIBE

3. I sent an application to that company but I haven’t received a reply. APPLY

4. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement ? ACHIEVE

5. Coming to this restaurant was because of Mark’s recommendation . RECOMMEND

6. I accepted the job in Paris, but I’m not sure I made the right decision . DECIDE

score /6
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Test - Module 3 intermediate B1

A. Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple, the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect
Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: 1 were sitting (you / sit) there all

2. A: 5 Has Ray called (Ray / call) yet?
B: Yes, he 6 has called (call) about five
B: No. I 2 went (go) to the corner
times so far. The last time 7 was
shop after breakfast.
(be) about ten minutes ago.
A: What 3 did you get (you / get)?
A: 8 Has he said (he / say) what he wants
B: Some carrot and apple juice. to talk to me about?
A: Was it nice? I 4 haven’t tried (not try) it B: No, just that he 9 has tried (try) to
before. reach you and that you 10 have avoided
B: Not really. (avoid) him lately.

A: Oops. score / 10

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets. Add the, than
or as where necessary.

1. The hotel we stayed at wasn’t as exotic (exotic) we expected.

2. Your work is getting better and better (good) every day. Keep it up!

3. Maria completed the exercise more easily than (easily) me. I had trouble finishing it.

4. Eric is working longer (long) hours these days. He wants to finish the project before
the end of the month.

5. That was the most enjoyable (enjoyable) holiday I have ever been on.

6. Jim’s car is as old as (old) Ned’s. They bought them at the same time.

7. We started walking faster than (fast) usual because we didn’t want to be late for the meeting.

8. I find this beach is the most peaceful (peaceful) place on the island. What do you think?
score /8

c. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. This is the first time Alan has tried sailing. BEEN

Alan has never been sailing before.

2. Both Tim and Gary were anxious about the result of the football match. AS

Tim was as anxious as Gary about the result of the football match.

3. It started snowing at 6 a.m. and it hasn’t stopped yet. SINCE

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It has been snowing since 6 a.m.


4. There isn’t a more impressive view on the island. MOST

This is the most on the island.

score /8

Test - Module 3 intermediate B1

Listen and match the speakers 1-5 with the statements a-f.
There is one extra statement which you do not need to use.

Speaker 1 a. I can’t afford to go on my ideal holiday.

b. I prefer to go on a simple stress-free holiday.
Speaker 2
c. I’ve changed my mind about guided tours.
Speaker 3
d. I enjoy meeting new people when I go on holiday.
Speaker 4
e. The best holiday is with friends.
score / 10
Speaker 5 f. There’s no point in going on holiday if you don’t experience something new.

Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.

Exotic Maldives
1. Not all of the islands are
tourist destinations. T
2. January is not a very
The Maldives is the smallest Asian country, with the smallest population and good month to visit the
land area. It consists of a group of 1,192 islands in the Indian Ocean. However, Maldives. NM
only about 200 of them are populated. About 90 of the other islands are tourist 3. You will see different
marine life depending on
The Maldives is a breathtaking tourist attraction, with magnificent blue waters,
the time of year you go.
white sandy beaches and palm trees. It is ideal for people who are looking for
a peaceful place where they can swim in spectacular waters and enjoy calm, NM, F
tropical scenery. You can enjoy the Maldives at any time of the year, because 4. The sea level in the
the mild and warm climate is year-long, with the best time being from December Maldives was lower in
to February. However, from May to November there may also be heavy orms
st and
the past than it is today.
There are thousands of different species of fish and other
underwater creatures to see in the Maldivian waters, so one of the
most popular activities is scuba diving. Many say that the water is
clear enough to see fish passing at a distance of 50 yards! Across all
of the islands, there are many diving spots for those interested in
exploring the remarkable marine life, like sharks, colourful fish and
beautiful corals under the sea.
The Maldives is the lowest country in the world, since it is only 4 feet
11 inches above sea level. One of the greatest dangers is that these
islands are slowly disappearing into the water because of climate
change. As temperatures are rising, the ice at the poles is melting
and as a result the sea level is rising. Scientists claim that in 100 years
many of these tropical islands will no longer exist.

score /8
Test - Module 3 intermediate B1

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Think of an interesting park you have visited and write an article describing it.

Describe the park, say what attracts visitors to it and refer to any other special features.
score / 10

TOTAL scORe / 70

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