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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

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Cultural proximity bias in AI-acceptability: The importance of being human

Annie Tubadji *, a, Haoran Huang b, Don J Webber c
Swansea University, UK
University of the West of England, UK
University of Sheffield, UK


JEL classification: Artificial intelligence (AI) can generate a greater number of recombinations of ideas than humans can, and hence
Z10 AI-produced creative products could be seen as embodying more innovation and surprise which are worth higher
J23 economic value. Yet the lack of human emotionality embedded in an AI product deprives it of an essential
‘humanness’ to which people attach important cultural value. As the overall value of a product is a sum of its
economic and cultural values, we assessed the demand differential and quality perception asymmetry of creative
products, specifically music compositions, that have been created by humans and AI separately. We conducted a
survey with a quasi-experimental design and found that respondents reveal lower valuations towards music
Creativity generated by AI and will moderate their evaluations of quality away from AI- and towards human-generated
Cultural proximity compositions when the type of composer is known. The demand for creative goods is sensitive to consumers’
Cultural value perceptions of cultural proximity to humanness that determine the acceptability of AI products.

“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required ation of goods and services, which Throsby (2001) defines as the value
to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run” H. D. Thoreau, perceived by the consumer in addition to the economic value of mate­
Walden rials necessary for its production. This article seeks to identify whether
demand functions only include objective attributes of innovative prod­
1. Introduction ucts, in which case AI and human innovations could have equal value to
the consumer, or whether the contribution of human time embodied in
One of the fundamental characteristics that remains unattainable for goods and services and delivered by humans have their own cultural
AI is the ability to relate to human emotions, and above all the ability to value, in which case human-generated products could have a greater
have appropriate intuitions about moral attitudes and values, i.e. the cultural value relative to AI-generated equivalents even when their
essence of being human. Marx (1867, p.130) shed light on the fact that objective attributes appear indifferentiable or inferior.
“all commodities are merely definite quantities of congealed labour-­ The fear of and enthusiastic support for artificial intelligence (AI)
time” and Lutz (1995) appreciated that what people ultimately value is reflect fast thinking about AI. How AI affects human opportunities in the
the time and dignity of their human life. Economic research rarely labour market will depend on whether AI possesses technologies that
considers the role of human dignity in economic behaviour because it is complement human creativity or whether AI possesses the full set of
assumed to be self-evident in a human reality, but this is becoming an human characteristics and becomes a true substitute (Korinek and Sti­
increasingly pertinent issue that is challenged at the dawn of the AI glitz, 2017). Yet, even though AI ostensibly increases efficiency, para­
revolution. From an evolutionary economics perspective, the cost of doxically AI seems to be associated with stagnating growth (Brynjolfsson
crafting creative outputs is not only money but also time, which is et al., 2017). Labour economics has contributed prolifically to our un­
scarce, not substitutable and irrecoverable, i.e. the time of a human life. derstanding of the interplay between AI and economic development (i.e.
This valuation of the time of a human life underpins the cultural valu­ Autor et al., 1998; Levy and Murnane, 2004; Brynjolfsson and McAfee,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Tubadji), (D.J. Webber).
Received 1 October 2020; Received in revised form 19 June 2021; Accepted 4 August 2021
Available online 2 September 2021
0040-1625/Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

2011; Katz and Margo, 2012; Michaels et al., 2014) and the substitut­ can be expected to perceive that human-made goods possess a higher
ability of AI for humans within tasks (Autor, 2013; Autor and Dorn, cultural value relative to AI alternatives.
2013; Arntz et al., 2017; Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2017) or within oc­ From Adam Smith through to moral philosophy and to modern
cupations (Fry and Osborn, 2017). This can be summarised as a fear that models of trade flows, the role of cultural proximity (i.e. the preference
education can no longer shield people in the labour market in the new AI for things closer to your own identity) is a well-known natural charac­
era (Busemeyer, 2012). However, labour economic concerns regarding teristic of human socio-economic behaviour (Zhou, 2011; Tubadji and
AI are likely to be driven by pure human fear, as people who are more Nijkamp, 2015; Fisman et al., 2017). Keynes (1930, 1936) and Feduzi
likely to be affected by AI are found to be more concerned about AI and (2010) argued that cultural proximity acts as a weighting of people’s
its impact on the labour market (Emmenegger, 2009; Mau et al., 2012; preferences that is integral to the human utility function and biases the
Dekker et al., 2017). rational function of choice that focuses on objective product attributes.
The literature also documents that fear of AI, especially experienced Although AI-generated products may incur lower production costs and
by workers afraid of losing their jobs, instigates bounded human have better objective performance attributes relative to
behaviour due to technological anxiety (Arntz et al., 2016, 2017; human-produced alternatives, the lack of cultural proximity of an
Gregory et al., 2016; Mokyr et al., 2015; Autor, 2015). It is surprising, AI-generated product may lead consumers to discount it. The literature
therefore, that the literature has paid little attention to consumers’ in marketing and management has broadly attempted to document this,
technological anxieties towards AI-produced goods, and the differences but the experimental designs are rarely sufficient to identify the effect,
in the elasticity in demand between AI- and human-generated goods the economic implications are largely under-estimated, and there is in
(Bessen, 2018). Where consumers’ technological anxieties have been the practice insufficient awareness of the economic consequences for AI
foci of attention, there has been only partial recognition of peoples’ producers. Our study addresses this gap, by offering a carefully tailored
needs for empathy in sectors such as health care (Fogel and Kvedar, experimental design that allows us to precisely identify the role of the
2018; Levy, 2018) and findings are generally inconclusive about the role importance of being human in the utility function of the consumer and
of cultural value in shaping demand and choice.1 Rather than recog­ the discrimination against AI-produced services associated with the
nizing the importance of humanness in the utility function, economic same customer’s taste.
debate is dominated by discussions about the importance of AI for To test this hypothesis we focus on a particular creative good,
socio-economic welfare that are grounded on speculations that AI will musical compositions: music is known to be an especially important
ensure economic opportunities for universal income and an utopian life artistic expression of human imagination that affects the state of the
where machines work while people experience leisure time and nurture human brain and the development of human cognition (McCarthy,
their creative abilities. However, this utopia depends on the respon­ 1985; Karageorgis et al., 1999; Jourdain, 2008; Rose et al., 2019). We ran
siveness of demand to AI-produced goods and services and does not a survey embedded with a quasi-experimental within-group design to
consider only economic value. collect primary data that reflects respondents’ preferences for the nature
This study is also the first to focus on the reasons for demand resis­ of a music composer (human versus AI). We then analysed the compo­
tance towards AI-generated goods when goods embody human crea­ nents of the utility function by comparing responses collected when the
tivity. There is a relatively new stream of contributions on the role of AI- respondent was and was not informed whether the composer was human
acceptability, as a different determinant of AI-adoption, that has its own or AI. Our results indicate that knowledge of a composer being an AI
role beyond the AI-product quality (Nadarzynski et al. 2019). Our novel rather than a human resulted in a lower utility and decreased preference
contribution to this stream of literature is that we identify precisely for the AI product, which highlights the importance of cultural prox­
through a special experimental design a particular type of cultural bias imity to the consumer and the evolutionary human need for
driven by the perception of the importance of being human, and we human-produced creative products. Moreover, this cultural valuation
analyse the latter from the point of view of its economic mechanism and bias towards the humanness of the creative product was expressed in a
socio-economic implications. Namely, we propose that there is a strong readjustment of analytical thinking by participants rather than being a
evolutionary mechanism favouring cultural proximity in economic simple fast thinking effect.
choice, which stimulates as a ‘home bias’ in consumer choice. We argue The remainder of this paper has the following structure. Section 2
that the preferences for human-made products reflects a cultural prox­ presents a review of the literature on the degree of complementarity of
imity between human consumers and producers, which can be explained humans and AIs in tasks, occupations and the creative sector and the
by the recognition that humans use their time to express their sublime importance of cultural proximity bias that underpins choice. Section 3
emotional essence in a creative product. Thus, every consumer’s utility details a Culture-Based Development (CBD)-inspired hedonic valuation
function contains not only objective economic values relating to the model, where the utility derived from a creative product is explained by
production cost of a good, but also cultural economic values relating to individual taste, product attributes, and cultural proximity. Section 4
the human time and sentiment embodied in the good, with cultural describes the estimation strategy, and Section 5 summarises the results.
economic value being especially relevant for creative goods (Throsby, Finally, Section 6 presents a discussion of the generalizability of the
2001; Turner and Lourenço, 2012). When human-made and results, outlines implications of including cultural proximity in a con­
AI-generated goods compete in tandem, a novel situation appears where sumer’s utility function, and explores the consistency of translating this
the cultural value of both types of products differs due to the identity of utility into explicit preferences and choices.
the products’ producers. Consumers have a higher cultural proximity to
human producers because of their human identity, and therefore they 2. Artificial intelligence, creativity and cultural proximity

Labour economics research into the effects of AI assesses whether AI

is either a valid substitute or a complementary tool for human labour.
Some studies (e.g. HSBC, 2018) suggest that people prefer interaction with Although at this early stage it is difficult to test empirically the validity
AIs over humans in areas like healthcare (specifically when receiving heart
of any AI-related claim, research has narrowed to two types of studies.
surgery) and yet prefer to trust humans over AI robo-advisory services when
On one hand, the observed substitution of human labour by AI in specific
receiving advice about banking decisions; other studies explain these findings
by suggesting that interaction with humans on personal finance issues is an tasks is used to validate claims that AI has efficiency gains in the pro­
exception that is conditioned by social capital and local cultural milieu (Tubadji duction process (Arntz et al., 2017) and justifies further technical in­
et al., 2019). In general, the literature overlooks the importance of human novations and more R&D (Cockburn et al., 2018). On the other hand, the
interaction and maintains that preference for human interaction reflects responsiveness of demand to AI-related innovations is analysed and
old-fashioned fears. forecasts made concerning which sectors will experience greater

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

AI/human substitution (Fry and Osborn, 2017) with preferences for AI highest quantity of expressions of cultural and social norms and attitudes.
being captured using survey instruments albeit typically ignoring Artists supply entities that require material inputs (reflected in eco­
mechanisms that underpin demand profiles. nomic value) and anticipate supernormal profits associated with the
Demand profiles for AI-generated goods may differ from demand product’s social desirability (reflected in cultural value) (Snowball,
profiles for human-generated goods due to the hitherto underappreci­ 2008). Mechanisms that conceive cultural value vary across products
ated cultural valuation underlying informed convictions that shape but include status symbols (Veblen, 1899; Belk, 1988, 2016; Luna-­
market behaviour. Efficiency is important and a necessary element of Cortes, 2017), altruistic needs incorporated in corporate social re­
creativity, but the quality and value of creativity is shaped by and re­ sponsibilities (Porter and Kramer, 2019), and uniqueness of expression /
flects cultural values that are determined by social and cultural forces ideas / experiences that make the product more desirable (Holler and
encapsulated in the notion of cultural proximity.2 Cultural proximity is a Peters, 1999; Marciano and Moureau, 2013).
natural element that orchestrates economic choice and reproduces Consumers’ demand is driven primarily by basic needs (Farber et al.,
evolutionary mechanisms that set boundaries for economic behaviour in 2002) but intrinsic and extrinsic needs informed by cultural values also
the forms of tastes and needs. Thus, tastes for AI-related goods cannot induce demand. The extrinsic drive for demand is motivated by social
safely disregard or perturb culturally proximate factors simply to desirability, which will bestow social attractiveness to the individual
conform to pre-AI expectations. possessing the good through magical contagion (i.e. if you possess a
socially desirable product then you are a socially desirable person;
Fernandez and Lastovicka, 2011). Intrinsic cultural motivations also
2.1. AI efficiency and product quality underpin demand and constrain choice by steering emotions relating to
urgency and time scarcity (Westbrook and Oliver, 1991). Monetary
Novelty is risky, and the natural evolutionary emotion of fear asso­ payments are palpable representations of power to exchange in the
ciated with uncertainty affects the adoption rates of previously untried market that are obtained in return for time and energy sold in the market
and untested goods. Prospect theory shows us that fear is a very as labour (Marx, 1867) and the purchased product reflects that solidified
powerful driver of choice, with the negative influence of fear being twice time and creative energy of the human labourer that produced the good.
as strong as the influence of positive expectations (Kahneman and The solidified time and creative energy of the human labourer becomes
Tversky, 1979) and with people generally preferring what they already especially pertinent in creative art products because the cultural value of
have (the so called endowment effect; Thaler, 1980). Very often people art is a public expression of the strength of the emotions that we can
disregard creative ideas due to their bounded rationality (Shackle, 1949; relate to, and that are embedded in an artwork by another human being.
Beck and Katz, 2001) with consumer behaviours inhibited by culture to The more scandalous the emotion then the more rare and culturally
make behaviour predictable, and with behaviours being learned and valuable the item becomes.5
heuristic to save energy, save time, enhance efficiencies, and regularise Price assessments that focus squarely on stated preferences and
experiences. willingness to pay skew the focus towards an economic value of life. In
Novelty in the arts and creative sectors is well known to be a victim contrast, the valuation of time and dignity are cultural values that
of what Baumol and Bowen (1966) call the cost disease,3 where over people handle separately in their mental accounting. Although Throsby
time art has experienced increasing costs without concomitant im­ (2002) contends that a product’s economic and cultural values should be
provements in productivity.4 Increasing rates of innovation by AI may considered concomitantly in a consumption function, in practice this is
be very beneficial to creative industries, but only if cultural value is problematic because a willingness to pay survey could identify the
incorporated into AI-generated products. economic value but the cultural value of the product needs to be ques­
For the last two or three decades, AI developers have questioned tioned separately if demand behaviour is to be predicted with accuracy
whether AI can create products as good as humans (e.g. to generate (Khalid and Helander, 2006). For example, a rational modern person of
products that are so surprizing that it can trigger emotion as art is supposed average market experience would consider the economic value of
to do); some have argued that AI can even exceed human capabilities and genuine leather boots to be higher than the price for faux leather boots
generate surprising results (see Marsden 2000). The true question, how­ and may be still be willing to pay more for genuine leather based on their
ever, especially from an economic market perspective, is whether humans market experience; however, this will not reflect the cultural value the
can ever view AI products as truly creative, irrespective of the quality of person bestows on animal life and the person may still be inclined to
the AI products, as there seems to be a bias favouring human creativity. prefer faux leather rather than genuine leather.6
This bias appears even among the AI developers and their perceptions of The essential element of cultural value is that it triggers consumers’
what is creative (Audry and Ippolito 2019), and this bias which determines emotions and thus every consumption of a product that contains cultural
the acceptability of the AI on the market with the bias being towards the value is an expression of bounded rationality, where magical beliefs
human creator (see for example Morley et al., 2021).
Meanwhile, the price of creative goods reflects two issues: economic
value, which depends on material and functional attributes, and cultural 5
The relationship between rarity and cultural value is non-linear and defined
value, which reflects how people perceive the importance of the good in
by inflection points. First, the more scandalous an idea is then the less it is
their social context (Throsby, 2001). We argue here that the demand for
acceptable to society, because greater association with scandalous ideas
any good contains elements of both economic and cultural value, and this is decrease social desirability. Gradually, however, the spread of the scandalous
only especially visible in the consumption of art products that embody the idea reaches a tipping point, where the scandal begins to be perceived as a
novelty, which then becomes socially desirable for a certain group where this
scandal has cultural meaning. From this point onwards, the spread of the
Cultural proximity is the reverse of cultural distance. scandalous idea amplifies the popularity and increases the demand for the
The essence of this cost disease is essential in understanding economic fashionable novel scandalous idea. However, once the number of people
phenomena more broadly and is part of the discussion surrounding the Balassa- accepting the idea as socially desirable reaches a threshold and the accept­
Samuelson effect and purchasing power parity that remains largely unex­ ability of the idea spreads virally among the entire population, so the economic
plained. See Tubadji and Nijkamp (2018) for a discussion of the connections cost increases with scale but the cultural value decreases due to a reduction in
between culture and the Balassa-Samuelson effect. novelty.
4 6
Empirical support for the existence of the cost disease was provided by Even if a questionnaire on willingness to pay tries to distinguish between
Felton (1994). Frey (1996) claimed that although the disease persists for con­ aspects of fair prices and willingness to pay, simply using the phrase ‘price’ will
ventional arts venues, innovation in the festival sector manages to overcome bias the respondent towards thinking of economic value rather than cultural
this disease. value.

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

enact socially desirable contagion through the possession of socially disciplines (McPherson et al., 2001; Jacquemet and Yannelis, 2012;
desirable goods (Shweder, 1977). Emotion, as known from social psy­ Monier, 2012).
chology and Sigmund Freud, is a disturbance of the status quo percep­ Our cultural proximity is greater towards other humans than it is
tion of reality and a registration in our cognitive system that something towards AI. Even if AI passes the Turing test (Turing, 1950) and even if
novel is at stake and demands our attention (Rieff, 1956; Turner, 2006). AI can be made to be lifelike, it is undeniable that human life is naturally
We do need to give attention to novel triggers because they may generated, whereas AI is generated by people and will remain artificial
represent danger, so a pure survival need naturally explains our interest (rather than natural). Thus, due to cultural proximity concerns, humans
in novelty. The extent of social desirability embedded in a novelty is will logically prefer ‘natural’ human interaction and products over
signalled to us from our group and reflects the partial or extensive social ‘artificial’ alternatives when otherwise they could be viewed as being
perception that the novelty could be a benefit or a threat to our survival. equivalent. While one may perceive gradations of proximity between
In other words, novelties embodied in a product stir emotions while oneself and other human beings, one will perceive categorical difference
social desirability associated with the product confirms this emotion as a between human and artificial entities even if the entity has otherwise
positive feeling. AI is undoubtedly superior to humans in identifying human characteristics.
new combinations of attributes, and hence can create more novelties Thus, it is not simply the novelty generating potential of AI that is
(Hutter, 2011), but this does not mean that the novelty will be socially important for the contribution of AI to creative industries, as it is also the
desirable. cultural distance between the consumer and the AI- and human-
generated products that will affect the relative demands for their
goods. Recent research alludes to the possibility of this link with Fogel
2.2. Cultural proximity bias in the perception of quality and Kvedar (2018) and Levy (2018) both finding that people do not
want AI in the health services where social compassion is of high
The AI-related literature which stumbled over the puzzle of human emotional value; these authors also predict that AI will be used less in
perceptions was prominently seen from the perspective of law and de­ health services despite greater efficiency gains. People tend to report
cision making (Schafer 2016). The so-called asymmetric relationships higher sensitivities to AI in money investment decisions than in health
literature, which explores fuzzy sets and alike, applied economics and surgery operations, but this might reflect money being a solidified form
management contributions and delved into how human’ perceptions of of time. Research into the utility function of robo-advisory services in
fairness can be achieved by a machine in a way that is closer to human the banking sector shows that AI is acceptable only when social capital is
judgement (Waldfogel 1998; Subramani and Venkatraman 2003; Fung lower in the context of the individual (Tubadji et al., 2021).8
et al. 2006; Frye et al. 2019). In this study, we pose a related yet different The next section proposes a model that can be used to assess the
question. We want to know how big the cultural human bias towards an importance of the supplier of creative products being human since the
AI-driven product is once we hold the performance of the AI as fixed. above literature review suggests that being human may play an impor­
This is a important question from an economic point of view, because tant role in the utility function relating to the consumption of a creative
although the AI product quality depends of the performance of the AI, product. The proposed model can also assess how people culturally
market adoption of the AI product depends on the consumer’s percep­ value the artistic creativity embedded within a product when that
tion, which is not necessarily identical to product quality, especially in product is generated by an AI rather than a natural human intelligence.
the crucial initial stages when the AI product appears on the market. An
over-estimated expectation of market demand based on 3. A hedonic valuation model of the demand for AI
quality-judgement might lead to over-investment and over-optimistic
expectations for financial returns, which will ultimately lead to an It is not a trivial task to model theoretically the utility function, but
AI-investment bubble that can disappoint and destabilize the value-free economics is no longer the best option for economic analysis
AI-investing market for a long time. This can be avoided if the planning since the tools and methods for positive study of utility have increased
for the consumers’ perceptions of AI are correctly factored into model­ significantly since the 1930s. Nowadays, a Culture-Based Development
ling the market response to AI creative products. The latter de­ (CBD) value free analysis of values (i.e. empirical identification of the
velopments can affect greatly the impact of AI on employment, justly effect of a cultural value) is the modern approach in economic analysis
dealt with as a key AI-related question by Frey and Osborne (2017), and (see Tubadji 2020). We propose a CBD hedonic valuation model9 that
reflects a dimension of the social desirability of AI-creativity. represents an individual’s utility attained from an AI-generated creative
The social desirability of a choice is a function of what Adam Smith product. As with every hedonic model, our CBD model has two parts.
explains in his Theory of Moral Sentiments as a cultural distance. Ac­ First is the objective characteristics (in this case music characteristics
cording to Smith, if I like a cultural good (e.g. a poem or a piece of classified according to standard music theory), which for music are
music) and then you experience and enjoy it, so your positive experience melody, harmony, rhythm, comprehensiveness, and overall performance
will enhance my utility from consuming it: you, as an individual, will (Toch 1948; Henkin 1955). Second is the taste for each component,
become socially more desirable if your taste is increasingly understood which we hypothesize as an existing hedonic taste for the importance of
to be only a relatively small cultural distance (and hence a high cultural being human, which we capture appropriately thanks to the unique
proximity) from my own taste. This cultural proximity effect is so strong
that it can create cognitive dissonance or cognitive consonance.7 The
importance of such homophily is renowned in sociology and related 8
Further research needs to identify whether positive effects from using AI
declines expeditiously after its initial adoption in all types of social capital
7 9
Smith also explains with examples how physical distance is inversely Hedonic valuation models are a widely accepted in economics approach
related to social desirability and cultural value. For instance, it is socially with a long tradition for studying customers’ self-reported utility and willing­
desirable to be compassionate towards people suffering from an earthquake on ness to pay (see Lang and Jones, 1979; Ekeland et al. 2002; Metzner and Kindt
the other side of the world, but if you experience a contemporaneous paper-cut 2017). They are applied in a variety of cases, especially for modelling
then your own mild suffering will be more important to you because the social non-direct property characteristics that are effecting housing prices, such as
desirability to be compassionate to their suffering will be diminished due to ecological aspects of air quality (Bayer et al. 2009), green areas (Morancho
muffled social pressures and a lack of cultural proximity. 2003), and others.

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

experimental design built into our survey design. Thus, our CBD hedonic 4.1. Experimental design
model can be stated as follows:
( ) This study sought to recruit a balanced number of self-declared ex­
VAIi = f Tastei , Quality of Creativityij , CPij . (1)
perts and non-experts on music in order to gain insight into cognition-
free and emotion driven cultural valuations of the creative aspects of
where i and j signify respectively the individual and cultural group to
music. The sampling strategy followed a convenience sampling
which the individual belongs, and VAIi is the valuation of an AI product,
approach12 using music-relevant groups on Facebook, music-related
which reflects the genuine psychological experienced utility10 that the
forums on the Internet, and a random sample of a UK university’s stu­
individual derives from the product. We intentionally avoid willingness
dents and staff. The data collection was launched on Saturday 30th
to pay variables because measurement errors in willingness to pay
March 2019 and remained open for the duration of a weekend and into
values will be associated with the errors in the income variable. Instead,
Tuesday, thereby encompassing an 85 hours window. During this time
we use the respondent’s reported experienced utility, measured on a 10-
960 responses were collected of which three were incomplete, and this
point Likert scale. As we know from behavioural economics, people act
sample size is greater than the recommended size for such an investi­
not upon their objective interests but upon their bounded rationality
gation. Nevertheless, there will always be questions regarding saturation
driven by their experienced and remembered utility of an activity and
and pragmatism, so we suggest that future research should replicate our
then expect the same utility from similar activities. Choice and action
study to identify the stability, validity, and generalisability of the
are bounded, and perhaps irrational. They are driven by experienced
utility and not only by the objective outcome of utility maximization
The questionnaire in our online survey followed a quasi-
(Kahneman et al., 1997; Kahneman and Krueger, 2006). Hence, it is
experimental within-group design. In the first stage, respondents were
pertinent to assess the extent that humans’ valuation of AI products will
supplied with four pieces of music without any information about the
be bounded.
nature of their composers and then they were asked to evaluate the
Tastei is a vector of personal characteristics including demographic,
music according to the main known objective components of music
economic, and human capital characteristics that shape an individual’s
(melody, harmony, rhythm, comprehensiveness)13 and rank their
tastes. Since Scitovsky (1976), a wealth of consumer research has
overall performance. Next, the respondents were informed that some of
explicated that demographic and economic characteristics possess
the samples were produced by an AI and they were asked to predict
crucial explanatory power of an individual’s tastes and preferences.
which of the music samples might have been generated by an AI. Next,
Quality of Creativityij is a vector of objective product attributes that can
the respondents were provided with the correct information about
reflect technical efficiency levels, and in our case of musical compositions
which two of the four sets of music were generated by the AI. The re­
these include melody, harmony, rhythm, comprehensiveness, and overall
spondents were given the opportunity to listen to the compositions again
performance. Finally, CPij is a vector of cultural proximity which takes
and were then asked to re-rank their views of the overall performance of
the value of 1 (one) when there is higher proximity (i.e. when the
each composition. The experiment aimed to detect whether there is a
composer is of the same identity as the consumer – i.e. human) and equal
significant change in the valuation of music before and after the
to 0 (zero) when the composer is of a different nature than the consumer
respondent is aware of the nature of the composer.
(i.e. an AI ‘composer’). CPij positively (negatively) effects choice when
the individual comes from the same (different) cultural identity.11
Finally, this model is essentially a type of Culture-Based Development 4.2. AI music synthesis: Generating the treatment in the experimental
(CBD) model, as it is inspired by the CBD framework (see Tubadji, 2013, design
2014), which suggests that human economic choice is driven by indi­
vidual and aggregate effects of culture. The individual effect of culture in The treatment in our experimental design relies on an evaluation of
the model above is the component of individual taste (Tastei), while the AI synthesized music – first without knowing that the composer is an AI
aggregate effect of culture is the group identity difference between the and then re-evaluating it after the information has been provided. The
respondents to our survey and the composers of the piece of music (CPij). reason for this treatment reflects the essence of our research question.
The application of technology for the purpose of music creation has been
4. Data and method around for decades, and it greatly enhances composer capabilities and is
a tool that allows them to realise their imagination. AI developers debate
Primary data were collected using a questionnaire where individuals whether AI can be as creative as a human. Instead, our main concern,
were asked to objectively and subjectively evaluate musical compositions
generated by human and AI composers. The questionnaire and de­
scriptions of the full set of variables can be found in Appendices 1 and 2. 12
Our convenience sampling essentially is motivated by the same reasons as
snowball sampling technique is used in hard to reach populations (see Bier­
nacki, and Waldorf 1981; Faugier and Sargeant 1997). In our case, given that
there were no funds for in lab experiments and MTurk or alike sampling ser­
vices to be employed, the only way to create the experimental conditions
necessary for identifying taste in our analysis is to carry a survey with in-built
See Berridge and O’Doherty (2014) for the distinction between experienced experimental design and disseminate it online. Meanwhile, convenience and
utility and decision utility. snowball sampling spread through networks which resembles the natural
This cultural proximity effect has a spatial consequence as explained in the spread of the adoption of technology. Thus, the sampling technique should be
works of Akerlof (1997) and Inglehart and Welzel, (2010) that illustrate the role especially appropriate to recreate realistic conditions to the questions of in­
of cultural proximity for clustering in space due to the sharing of similar cul­ terest in our study – the way that the customer network will respond to the
tural attitudes, which is consistent with Adam Smith’s (1759) explanation of substitution between human and AI producers.
the importance of homophily and cultural distance in determining economic Toch (1948) and Henkin (1955) established these as the main components
behaviour. Smith (1759, part 3, chapter 1) states that a geographically distant of music in music theory.
event (e.g. fatalities due to an earthquake on the other side of the world) will
evoke less intense concern than the accidental personal loss of a finger of one’s

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

which is in line with Audry and Ippolito (2019) and the very insightful differences because we ask the respondent to evaluate the same pieces of
recent book by Hidalgo et al. (2021)14, is what happens when AI’s music before and after knowing the nature of its composer. We compare
creativity and art creativity are placed together. Whether AI can produce the evaluations of the same piece of music before and after the treat­
creative products is a question of human perception about what crea­ ment, and capture empirically music piece evaluation differences using
tivity is, as allude by Audry and Ippolito (2019). People, and even de­ fixed effects.
velopers themselves, disagree on whether AI creativity can be simply
labelled as creativity, even when it is very surprising as an outcome. In 4.3. Empirical strategy
order to disentangle human’s perception of creativity from the quality of
the AI creative product, we need to synthesize AI music and see how the The methodology included three steps. First, we sought to identify
evaluation of it changes when the perception that it is produced by a the determinants of the overall valuation of the compositions and
human or an AI composer changes too, but without changing the quality establish whether individual cultural tastes play a role in the valuation
of the music itself. The best way to do this is to see how the evaluation of of the music components. Second, we analysed the effect of information
the very same piece of music changes when we change only the re­ about cultural proximity (i.e. the nature of the composer) using data on
spondent’s perception about whether the music is composed by a human the respondent’s re-evaluation of the same music samples. Third, we
or an AI. This approach disentangles empirically the question of quality established whether the respondent’s re-evaluation was consistent with
from the cultural question of the perception of the composer, and inform their original valuations of the objective music components.
us whether there is some importance of being human associated with We began by estimating a reduced form version of model (1) by
defining creativity itself. drawing on the four responses about the perceived value of the four
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the increasing capabilities in compositions and by assuming their independence, using OLS with
computing power and algorithms has allowed a growing number of robust standard errors. This approach enabled us to analyse the valua­
platforms to be developed for musical composition15. Commercially, AI- tion of the compositions without controls for knowledge of the
powered music composers have demonstrated considerable success, composer, and hence we initially exclude information on cultural
with AVIA becoming the first AI to be recognised by SACEM, which proximity, such that:
allows its composition to be protected by copyright. Other AI-powered
platforms, such as Jukedeck, are operating as opensource, and we VAIi = β1 ∗ Tastei + β2 ∗ Qualityof Creativityij + ei (2)
used this algorithm in our research. The Judedeck algorithm is of high
quality, verified by the fact that it has been acquired by ByteDance, the This empirical test aims to establish whether the relative valuations of
parent company of TikTok (Reuters, 2019). Indeed, there is a growing human- and AI-made music are affected by the same music components,
demand for music creations, with fast pace social media platforms such and this baseline information will help to identify whether objective and
as TikTok in need of cheap, reliable ways of generating high-quality rational decisions exist and hence whether human and AI creativity can
music. Moreover, there is similar demand for fast-paced, low-cost be substitutes or complements in the creative market.
music production for film, game, and other types of entertainment that Using the experimental design embedded in our data collection
requires music accompaniment. In the last few years, AI-powered plat­ process, we next assess the valuation of the performance by both the self-
forms have made significant progress, allowing them to create person­ declared experts and non-experts before and after the information on the
alised music in which the user can specify the length, speed, mood, key nature of the composer was released. We applied a difference-in-
signature, instrumentation, and style. It even allows users to train the differences approach with the full sample of reported valuations,
algorithm itself through the uploading of preferred influential sound­ where the treatment effect was identified as an interaction between the
tracks, and the algorithm then creates similar music in seconds. treatment (i.e. the provision of information about the nature of the
Although we feel confident that the quality of the music synthesized by composer) and the category of composer (i.e. AI- versus human-
our AI algorithm is of sufficiently good quality so that it does not place it composed music), such that:
at an inferior position relative to the human synthesized music alter­ diff VAIi = β1 ∗ Tastei + β2 ∗ Quality of Creativityij + β3 ∗ AI + β4 ∗ Afteri
native, the design of our study corrects for any remaining quality
+ β5 ∗ AI ∗ Afteri + ei
Hidalgo (2021) is a recent cutting-edge contribution that indeed compares
the attitude of humans towards machines and humans in terms of the mistakes The interaction term AI*After captures whether the valuation of AI-
done by both types of ‘suppliers’. This research demonstrate that when it comes generated music was evaluated significantly differently when the
to mistake again a higher importance is given by customers to human mistakes respondent became aware of the composer-type.
while AI mistakes are taken more lightly – apparently as expected from prospect A deeper look at the descriptive statistics suggest that the re-
theory – the importance of being human magnifies the positive and negative evaluations of whether the respondent liked the music were non-
effects relate dto being human. Apparently, in line with prospect theory, linear, with some respondents’ evaluations increasing, some
negative effect is even more prominent, so punishment for human mistake is decreasing, and others not changing. Thus, a linear OLS-based differ­
also more prominent than for AI just as the appraisal for human creativity is ence-in-differences estimation may not capture the effect of the treat­
higher for humans. The comparison of positive and negative intensity of the
ment accurately, so we adopt two alternative approaches to expose the
human proximity bias as well its dynamics over time are fruitful avenues for
true result.
future research.
Companies, such as leading company AVIA, Amper Music and Jukedeck can
First, model (1) was estimated using separate Probit models for each
analyse the patterns of tens of thousands previous musical composition in hours of the groups of respondents who decreased, did not change, and
and uses deep neural networks to create music in seconds (Zulic, 2019). In the increased their valuations respectively, such that:
case of AIVA, it stores more than 30,000 music in a MIDI format, which includes
increase diff VAIi = β1 Tastei + β2 Quality of Creativityij + β3 AI + e (4)
all technical aspect of the music. Using a recurrent neural network, AI-powered
algorithms such as AIVA can understand the patterns and styles of its databases
increase diff VAIi = β1 Tastei + β2 Quality of Creativityij + β3 AI + e (5)
and create its own prediction of the next possible notation. With powerful
computational processors, AIVA can continuously test its notation predictions
repeatedly across a large database in hours and create its own set of rules to
decrease diff VAIi = β1 Tastei + β2 Qualityof Creativityij + β3 AI + ei (6)
match the style of music. Moreover, using Nvidia GPUs, the company plans to
give AIVA the ability to perform plagiarism checks of its creation across large
spectrums of existing music (Zulic, 2019).

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

This approach enabled distinct comparisons of the factors that deter­ towards a solo pianist (as music samples 1 and 2) or dance music (as in
mine increases and decreases in valuations. It also helped to identify samples 3 and 4)).16
whether these reactions were due to cultural proximity and hence Our main interest in these estimations was whether indifference
whether changes in choice were away from or towards the AI-composer between the valuations of AI- relative to human-generated compositions
irrespective of whether the respondent’s original valuation was elicits any difference in the utility of the two products. The results point
favouring AI compositions. to a slightly higher importance of individual tastes that are exhibited
Second, a Multinomial Probit (MNP) model was estimated by oper­ when evaluating human compositions (samples 1 and 3) while AI-
ationalising model (1) using the form: compositions seem to be preferred for objective quantifiable charac­
teristics reasons. However, self-declared music experts seem to dislike
diff VAIi = β1 Tastei + β2 Quality of Creativityij + β3 AI + ei (7) significantly the AI composition (sample 4) even after controlling for its
objective characteristics (melody, harmony, etc.). These results indicate
In our MNP estimation of model (7), the dependent variable has a value that AI-compositions seem unable to address important qualitative and
equal to 1 (one) if the respondent’s valuation decreased after the pro­ emotional needs in the consumer’s utility function even when the
vision of information regarding the AI-composer, a value equal to 2 respondent is not aware that the product has been generated by an AI.
(two) if there was no change in this valuation, and a value of 3 (three) if This evidence suggests that AI and humans are complements, and that AI
there was an increase in the valuation of the composition after receiving could boost the technical side of the creative process, although AI is not
information that the music was composed by an AI. This approach al­ a full substitute due to the appeal of human creativity.
lows us to consider the joint probabilities between the three different The second step in this study explores the effect of cultural proximity
groups of responses to the treatment. on the operation of the utility function. Initially, we used a standard
Finally, we focused only on the composition re-evaluations using the difference-in-differences approach, where we have two groups (AI- and
unbiased original evaluations of the quality of the creative product as human-composed music) and a treatment (providing the information
determinants as used in model (2), such that: about the nature of the music: AI- versus human-composed music). The
reranked VAIi = β1 Tastei + β2 Quality of Creativityij + ei (8) effect was explored first using OLS via the interaction between the AI-
group and the information about the nature of the AI, as in model (3).
This final approach enables us to identify three concerns. First, it enables However, we identified from the descriptive statistics the presence of
us to identify which components of taste and quality contributed more to non-linearities in the effect of the treatment on the change in the valu­
the triggering of cultural proximity bias in the utility functions. Second, ation of the music (model (3)), and hence we split the reactions to the
it allows us to identify whether people exhibited stronger reactions to treatment into three distinct linear responses (increases, no change, and
AI-generated compositions or whether the cultural proximity effect ap­ decreases) and assessed each group of responses separately in a Probit
pears in the valuation of both human and AI compositions. Third, it model in order to determine what characteristics drove the particular
helps us to distinguish between two things: (i) whether the respondent’s type of response. These results are presented in Tables 2 and 3 with
re-evaluation was entirely an emotional fast thinking bias towards the Table 2 revealing the results from the OLS and Probit estimations and
human producer and unrelated to the objective analytical valuations of Table 3 presenting the proportions of the three responses to the AI-
the composition or (ii) whether the re-evaluation was a deep reflection related information.
and an upgrade of the respondent’s valuation and an unbiased percep­ The difference-in-differences estimations, shown in Table 2, reveal
tion of quality. that the treatment effect of informing the respondents on the nature of
composer has a statistically significant and positive effect on the eval­
5. Results uation of human-generated music relative to music generated by the AI.
However, the interaction effect between the two variables suggests that
Our study assesses whether there is a cultural proximity bias in the treatment effect is not statistically significant, and so we are unable
musical composition utility functions, and to cultural goods more to present evidence which implies that the provision of information on
generally. The regression results presented in Table 1 illustrate that in­ the nature of the composer leads to a systematic decrease in the evalu­
dividual tastes do play a role in assessments of the quality of music ation of the samples; nevertheless the AI-compositions received more
compositions, but tastes respond asymmetrically to different types of frequent inferior evaluations, which suggests that respondents on
musical compositions. Preference for classical compositions predict a average adjusted their responses in favour of the human composers
higher preference for piano compositions, which were the instrument of when re-evaluating the compositions. This conclusion strengthens
choice in samples 1 and 2. Individual tastes for pop and electronic music, through inspection of the Probit marginal effects estimates. As shown in
being male and younger all predict greater preference for samples 3 and Table 2 columns 2 – 4, AI compositions experienced sharp falls in
4, which were dance music compositions. These results suggest that evaluations due to the treatment, there was no change in preferences
people do not have significantly different utility functions but rather towards AI when the evaluations were driven only by individual tastes,
that different types of creative products trigger different components of and the increase in evaluations were noticeably in favour of human-
a universal utility function. generated compositions, thereby eliciting a significant negative effect
Music characteristics were consistently important factors that shape
people’s preference for particular compositions, and this result is
consistent across all types of music although rhythm seems to have the
lowest level of importance in determining the composition’s value. We cross-checked whether the self-reported utility levels consistently
These results demonstrate that objective and quantifiable product transformed into extrinsic preference. We test this in two ways: (i) through a
characteristics are distinctly different from the subjective qualitative Probit model where the dependent variable is a dummy variable that is equal to
1 when the person purported to prefer the human version of the solo piano
aspect of music. Subjective aspects of music preference trigger a uniform
music or the human version of the band disco music. We explored the re­
valuation response across different types of music, while objective
spondent’s individual tastes and the reported evaluation they gave to the music
product characteristics trigger different types of personal tastes (such as characteristics for the two compared samples; (ii) we directly regress the
preference for the human composition over the AI composition on the reported
preference for the two compared samples. These results are presented in Ap­
pendix 2. The self-reported utility of the respondents seems consistently
transferred into extrinsic preferences when the person is unaware of the nature
of the composer.

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

Table 1
Determinants of Valuation before Information about AI – Utility – OLS
dep. var. like_sample1 (Human) like_sample2 (AI) like_sample3 (Human) like_sample4 (AI)
coef. t-value coef. t-value coef. t-value coef. t-value

age -0.002 -0.37 -0.006 -1.27 -0.015 -2.70 ** -0.007 -1.65

male -0.225 -2.03 * -0.135 -1.32 0.358 2.93 ** 0.059 0.57
pop 0.169 1.52 0.083 0.83 0.568 4.86 *** 0.322 3.04 ***
rock -0.024 -0.21 0.074 0.70 0.030 0.24 0.041 0.39
hiphop 0.011 0.10 0.052 0.51 -0.142 -1.17 -0.021 -0.19
electronic 0.004 0.03 0.050 0.51 0.525 4.57 *** 0.203 2.02 *
r&b 0.027 0.22 0.043 0.40 0.059 0.47 0.139 1.30
indie 0.098 0.92 0.009 0.09 -0.134 -1.19 -0.155 -1.53
classical 0.250 2.40 * 0.168 1.77 -0.112 -1.00 0.003 0.03
easy 0.371 3.06 *** 0.117 1.03 0.051 0.38 -0.085 -0.65
jazz -0.104 -0.70 -0.128 -0.92 0.043 0.27 0.015 0.10
income 0.032 1.30 0.007 0.30 -0.004 -0.16 0.015 0.71
musician_self-identified 0.041 0.29 -0.156 -1.30 -0.178 -1.15 -0.256 -2.11 *
music_family 0.035 0.34 0.103 1.09 -0.037 -0.31 0.032 0.31
low_edu_music 0.022 0.20 -0.011 -0.11 0.008 0.07 -0.118 -1.11
melody_sample 0.142 3.56 *** 0.218 5.94 *** 0.199 5.25 *** 0.296 6.57 ***
harmony_sample 0.174 4.53 *** 0.157 4.10 *** 0.198 5.42 *** 0.132 3.20 ***
rhythm_sample 0.065 2.04 * 0.072 2.16 * 0.024 0.74 0.119 3.10 ***
overall_sample 0.338 8.04 *** 0.323 6.25 *** 0.358 8.00 *** 0.358 8.56 ***
coherent_sample 0.167 5.00 *** 0.145 3.57 *** 0.138 3.66 *** 0.043 1.23
constant 0.359 1.17 0.560 1.95 0.057 0.17 -0.171 -0.69
N 957 957 957 957
R-sq 0.47 0.55 0.55 0.60

Note: The table presents a hedonic valuation model, where individual utility (liking) derived from the particular sample of music is explained by the personal
characteristics of the person approximating their taste, the characteristics of the creative piece itself evaluated by the respondent in terms of melody, harmony, rhythm
as well as overall performance (reflecting fast thinking) and coherence (reflecting deeper thinking evaluation of the piece of music). The table presents a specification
for every sample, estimated using OLS with robust standard errors.

Table 2
Size of effect of valuation after info re AI – Diff in Diff & Probit
method Diff-in_Diff Probit
dep. var. like_all change_decrease change_no change change_increase
coef. t-values dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value

age -0.008 -4.07 *** 0.0004 0.47 -0.000001 0.00 -0.001 -0.62
male 0.045 1.07 -0.033 -1.70 0.0003 0.02 0.039 1.98
pop 0.255 6.12 *** -0.042 -2.17 * 0.003 0.28 0.038 1.95
rock 0.025 0.56 -0.015 -0.74 0.027 2.14 * -0.013 -0.64
hiphop -0.016 -0.37 0.016 0.81 -0.018 -1.48 0.004 0.19
electronic 0.193 4.56 *** -0.041 -2.12 * -0.011 -0.92 0.053 2.73 **
r&b 0.017 0.37 -0.009 -0.41 -0.017 -1.29 0.026 1.23
indie -0.039 -0.96 -0.005 -0.26 0.008 0.65 -0.003 -0.13
classical 0.038 0.95 0.032 1.73 -0.014 -1.20 -0.016 -0.84
easy 0.078 1.56 -0.022 -0.94 0.010 0.66 0.011 0.47
jazz -0.080 -1.41 0.042 1.61 -0.005 -0.30 -0.038 -1.42
income 0.016 1.72 0.0004 0.10 -0.0001 -0.06 0.0001 0.03
musician_self-identified -0.141 -2.66 ** 0.010 0.40 -0.005 -0.34 -0.006 -0.23
music_family 0.002 0.05 -0.006 -0.29 0.002 0.13 0.006 0.30
low_edu_music -0.104 -2.43 * 0.054 2.69 ** -0.022 -1.76 -0.028 -1.40
melody_sample 0.192 12.48 *** -0.029 -4.66 *** 0.004 1.13 0.023 3.73 ***
harmony_sample 0.156 10.43 *** -0.017 -2.73 ** 0.001 0.35 0.015 2.35 *
rhythm_sample 0.073 5.48 *** -0.010 -1.84 0.001 0.23 0.010 1.73
overall_sample 0.366 21.55 *** -0.064 -9.81 *** 0.003 0.66 0.064 9.79 ***
coherent_sample 0.126 8.88 *** -0.010 -1.72 -0.002 -0.47 0.012 2.05 *
AI -0.737 -11.90 *** 0.135 5.36 *** -0.008 -0.52 -0.127 -5.00 ***
after 0.180 3.37 ***
treatment_effect -0.081 -1.11
constant 0.633 5.19
R-sq 0.4913
N 7656 3828 3828 3828

Note: The table presents first a difference in differences test using the full dataset, then the changes before and after the information about which compositions are AI-
generated are grouped into decreasing the evaluation after the information, not changing one’s evaluation and increasing ones evaluation for the sample after the
information. The first specification is an OLS with treatment effect capturing the interaction between the piece of music being AI generated and the time being after the
announcement which piece of music is AI-generated. Marginal effects at means for probit estimations are presented in the last three specifications.

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

Table 3 intentionally seeking justification to support human composers. This

Non-linearities in the change of re-ranking - % Respondents illustrates how people might be driven initially by fast thinking and
Reranked - Like Obs. Mean St. Dev. Min. Max. respond more to their overall perception, but their natural cultural
proximity to the human composers is not a bias but a natural need for
change_increase 3840 0.46 0.50 0 1
change_no change 3840 0.12 0.33 0 1 humanness which is ingrained in their culturally learned analytical
change_decrease 3840 0.42 0.49 0 1 valuation of the world. People do have a desire to prefer human nature,
and when they think analytically they can identify whether a product
Note: The table presents percentage of respondents who respectively decreased,
didn’t change or increased the evaluation of a sample after the information
matches what human nature is supposed to be and reflected in our
about the nature of its composer (human vs AI). learned categorization and qualification of music creativity. In the
particular case under analysis, people sought and behaved as if the
provision of information enabled them to identify more successfully the
of the treatment towards AI compositions. Hence, evaluation adjust­
exact match between their analytical reasoning about music and their
ments in response to knowledge of the nature of the composer were
cultural bias towards human made creativity.
consistently in favour of the human composer and against the AI
6. Discussion
To add precision to the results based on our Probit estimations, we
estimated a Multinomial Probit, and the corresponding results are pre­
The current study has a generalizable key message for businesses to
sented in Table 4. These results confirm our previous findings in two
adjust their expectation to the realistic rates of acceptance and adoption
ways. First, the importance of the cultural proximity of being human is
that the AI technology is likely to have. AI-produced goods and services
confirmed, as the respondents react to the treatment information by
may become better performing than human-made ones. Yet, the results
decreasing their evaluation of AI composed music and/or by increasing
of our study suggest that besides objective characteristics, what will play
their evaluation of the human composed music. Those who decreased
a key role in the customers willingness to adopt and pay for AI goods and
their evaluations of AI music less were likely to be people with prefer­
services is not only the objective characteristic of the good or service but
ences for pop or electronic music, and such individuals were more likely
also the taste for the importance of the human nature of the work
to increase their evaluation in favour of human compositions. This is a
embodied in the product.
particularly intriguing result because pop and electronic music could be
Economics would classify such a behaviour as discrimination (Arrow
interpreted as having a qualitative distinction between more human-
1972, Becker 1957, Baert and De Pauw 2014, Busetta et al. 2018).
and AI-generated music.
Specifically, in Becker’s (1957) sense, one type of discrimination is the
Fans of pop and electronic music were more responsive to the in­
discrimination driven by a subjective taste in favour (or against) a
formation treatment than the aficionados of the classical music. We
particular identity, which is expressed by the higher (or lower) will­
interacted these types of tastes with the AI dummy variable in order to
ingness of the customer to pay for an identical good or service when it is
understand whether the response of the two different types of music was
associated with this identity (see Becker 1957: pp. 13-16). Thus, the
in two different directions. The interactions were not significant, indi­
results of our study can be understood as the customer’s willingness to
cating that the two personal types were both equally responsive to the
negatively discriminate against the AI products based on the taste to
treatment and did not differ in terms of perceiving AI as a substitute.
associate some importance related to the condition of the producer
Instead, both pop and classical music fans exhibited sensitivity to the
being a human.
cultural proximity of the composition.17 We interpret these results as
We are able to create unique experimental conditions for capturing
evidence in favour of the claim that while tastes for complementarity
this taste for discrimination driven by the importance of being human by
may differ between consumers, they do exhibit a general cultural
keeping the objective characteristics of the good evaluated fixed and
proximity towards human compositions. This raises important questions
triggering changes in the taste component by providing additional in­
as to whether the market will adapt its taste to the supply of AI-
formation about the AI nature of the composer. Since the experiment
generated creative products or whether there will be a significant
built into our survey design entails evaluation of one and the same music
backlash from consuming not entirely diffused AI-generated products.
entity twice, the two evaluations differ only in the additional informa­
Finally, in a third step we explore how the determinants of the initial
tion about the AI nature of the composer and any difference between the
valuation of the music (reported before the release of the nature of the
two evaluations is driven by the taste for AI versus human identity. A
composer) relates to the change in the rank of the valuations once the
difference in the self-reported utility cannot be driven by objective
nature of the composer was released to the respondents (with samples 2
characteristics, as they remain the same, hence the taste for being
and 4 being generated by the AI). These results are shown in Table 5 and
human is what can only explain the difference in self-reported utility.
most of these specifications reveal an inferior level of importance of
Meanwhile self-reported utility is deeply related to the willingness to
personal tastes and instead changes in the rankings seem to be in
pay and it is known that the latter can be derived from the former (see
response to the characteristics of the music. Initially the lack of infor­
for instance McFadden, 2012).
mation on the nature of the composer resulted in neutral valuations of
Lower willingness to pay for a product because of its AI-nature im­
the samples of music as comparable units of musical creativity, but in the
plies that business expectations and plans based solely on the objective
re-ranked evaluations (after the respondents were informed about the AI
characteristics of the AI-product or service will lead businesses to
nature of samples 2 and 4) the respondents gave more weights to the
overestimate the expected returns from their AI-related investments.
more filigree characteristics of the music while the importance of the
Further, case-based research will be necessary for establishing what is
overall presentation decreased. We interpret this as a desire to support
the degree of taste for discrimination against the AI-nature in every
the more culturally proximate human-composer with people trying to
market. In line with Becker (1957, p. 17; 75-77), it will be necessary to
think more analytically rather than following their emotions and hence
estimate the ratio between the improvement of characteristics (in terms
of substitution between AI and human) and the magnitude of effect
bestowed by the customers to the taste for the importance of being
17 human in each market. That will allow businesses to arrive at a realistic
These results are not entirely surprising since it is known that in the elec­
tronic music world a practice known as ‘humanizing’ of the electronic sound is estimation of the market will respond to the AI-product and how much
being introduced to make the music more appealing and responding to the of a price adjustment the customers will demand in their willing to pay
needs of the consumer. There is even a 2010 US patent for humanizing elec­ for the AI-product.
tronic music (Patent No.: US 7,777,123 B2, under the name of Hunnig et al.)

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

Table 4
Size of effect of valuation after information regarding AI – Multinomial Logit
method Multinomial Logit
dep. var. change_decrease change_no change change_increase
dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value

age 0.0004 0.49 0.0001 0.17 -0.0006 -0.60

male -0.033 -1.71 -0.004 -0.34 0.037 1.92
pop -0.042 -2.14 * 0.003 0.24 0.038 1.98
rock -0.014 -0.73 0.028 2.09 * -0.014 -0.69
hiphop 0.016 0.81 -0.019 -1.45 0.003 0.17
electronic -0.042 -2.12 * -0.012 -0.88 0.054 2.73 **
r&b -0.009 -0.40 -0.017 -1.18 0.026 1.20
indie -0.005 -0.25 0.007 0.56 -0.002 -0.13
classical 0.032 1.68 -0.015 -1.18 -0.017 -0.89
easy -0.023 -0.95 0.011 0.66 0.012 0.51
jazz 0.043 1.62 -0.004 -0.22 -0.039 -1.43
income 0.0003 0.08 -0.0004 -0.14 -0.0001 -0.01
musician_self-identified 0.010 0.38 -0.005 -0.27 -0.005 -0.20
music_family -0.006 -0.30 0.000 0.01 0.006 0.31
low_edu_music 0.055 2.65 ** -0.024 -1.75 -0.031 -1.48
melody_sample -0.030 -4.69 *** 0.005 1.24 0.024 3.84 ***
harmony_sample -0.017 -2.71 ** 0.002 0.50 0.015 2.36 *
rhythm_sample -0.010 -1.84 0.001 0.16 0.010 1.71
overall_sample -0.065 -10.14 *** 0.001 0.17 0.064 9.72 ***
coherent_sample -0.010 -1.73 -0.002 -0.52 0.012 2.02 *
AI 0.136 5.37 *** -0.007 -0.40 -0.129 -5.03 ***
N 3828 3828 3828

Note: The table present the marginal effects at means from multinomial logit model estimation, where dependent variable is the decrease (category 1), no change
(category 2) or increase (category 3) of one’s evaluation of a sample of music after having received the information whether it is a human composition or an AI-
generated one.

Table 5
Determinants of valuation after info about AI – OLS
dep. var. rerank_like_sample1 (Human) rerank_like_sample2 (AI) rerank_like_sample3 (Human) rerank_like_sample4 (AI)
coef. t-value coef. t-value coef. t-value coef. t-value

age -0.011 -1.74 -0.010 -1.56 -0.007 -1.05 -0.005 -0.89

male -0.177 -1.37 -0.209 -1.66 0.356 2.66 ** 0.260 2.11 *
pop 0.051 0.41 0.096 0.78 0.369 2.84 ** 0.398 3.14 ***
rock -0.086 -0.65 0.208 1.55 0.055 0.39 -0.114 -0.89
hiphop -0.017 -0.14 -0.044 -0.35 0.012 0.09 0.033 0.26
electronic 0.033 0.26 0.037 0.29 0.519 3.87 *** 0.178 1.37
r&b -0.049 -0.35 -0.147 -1.09 -0.101 -0.67 0.132 0.98
indie 0.141 1.18 -0.002 -0.02 -0.118 -0.94 -0.148 -1.21
classical 0.246 2.06 * -0.046 -0.40 -0.079 -0.62 -0.190 -1.50
easy 0.080 0.55 0.183 1.20 0.005 0.03 0.000 0.00
jazz -0.037 -0.21 -0.227 -1.36 -0.126 -0.74 -0.075 -0.42
income 0.045 1.61 0.007 0.23 -0.009 -0.31 0.029 1.13
musician_self-identified -0.120 -0.73 -0.284 -1.75 -0.146 -0.86 -0.088 -0.58
music_family -0.062 -0.51 -0.060 -0.49 -0.003 -0.02 -0.027 -0.23
low_edu_music -0.194 -1.59 -0.311 -2.50 ** -0.057 -0.42 -0.062 -0.46
melody_sample 0.160 3.20 *** 0.140 3.10 *** 0.138 3.28 *** 0.284 5.38 ***
harmony_sample 0.253 5.26 *** 0.100 2.21 * 0.138 3.44 *** 0.040 0.78
rhythm_sample 0.076 2.06 * 0.063 1.56 0.084 2.20 * 0.076 1.72
overall_sample 0.296 6.08 *** 0.421 7.61 *** 0.416 8.35 *** 0.435 8.80 ***
coherent_sample 0.217 5.52 *** 0.062 1.31 0.133 2.96 ** 0.049 1.24
constant 0.395 1.11 1.946 4.81 *** 0.074 0.22 -0.045 -0.14
N 957 957 957 957
R-sq 0.44 0.37 0.48 0.48

Note: The table presents an OLS estimation with robust standard errors of the re-ranked valuation (liking) of a sample of music after the information whether it is
human-made or AI-generated composition. The explanatory variables are the same as in the initial valuation model in Table 1. The purpose is to establish whether there
is a change between factors that determine the uninformed and informed valuation (i.e. valuation before and after the information regarding the nature of composer i.
e. human or AI-generated composition) of the samples.

7. Conclusion products do not involve a human component in their creation, and

therefore lack the cultural value of being associated with humanness.
Creativity is the ability to recombine ideas, and since artificial in­ What remains unclear in the literature is whether consumers differen­
telligence can generate much more numerous recombinations than the tiate between creative goods that have been generated by AI and
human brain in an identical period of time, so AI is more efficient in humans depending on the perception of cultural value. To fill this gap in
generating a creative output from an economic efficiency perspective. the literature, this study examined consumers’ perceptions towards
However, creative goods and services also contain cultural value, which creative products, specifically music compositions, before and after re­
relates to human emotions, morality, experiences, etc., and pure AI spondents become aware that the creative good was produced by a

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

human or an AI. The results illustrate that people show preference for human prod­
This study identified two pathways in which the utility function ucts over AI products due to cultural proximity with humanness. How­
seems to reveal the propensity towards what is a human-generated ever, this does not guarantee that human-generated products will not be
product and away from an AI-made product, and these are both asso­ substituted by AI-generated alternatives in the creative sector, as it il­
ciated with cultural proximity. First, our results illustrate that there is a lustrates that at this point in time the AI technology has not become a
genuine desire to re-adjust the reported satisfaction with a creative full substitute for the human factor for production. Our results do
product away from an AI-made product in favour of a human-made indicate that people would defend the humanness, since there appears to
alternative. Second, this re-evaluation seems to rely on deep analytical be no objective reason for the change in rankings revealed in this study;
thinking since it leads to a significant unbiased improvement in the re­ people may continue to defend the humanness when they are informed
ported perception of the overall quality of the human-made creative that a product is not of human nature. AI technology has the potential to
product. The latter indicates that even if AI is more economically pro­ be diffused invisibly in other products and may increasingly penetrate
ductive and efficient, since AI remains unable to fully substitute for human life without triggering the cultural proximity preference.
humanness, so over-optimistic manufacturers’ investments in AI-based Further research should consider resampling of the population,
production may face a severe unexpected lack of demand for their cre­ generate further analyses of the differences between treated and non-
ative goods. treated groups, and examine the cultural proximity reaction to AI in
Our findings confirm the claims of Fry and Osborn (2017) of a lack of different geographical contexts. Further disentanglement of the cultural
substitutability between humans and AI in the creative sector. However, proximity mechanism and greater understanding of the cause(s) of the
unlike previous studies on the matter, we do not base our findings on objective lack of humanness in the AI-generated product could enable
respondent’s predictions but rather on the psychological mechanisms the use of neuro-economic approaches to respond to consumption
and comparison between characteristics of seemingly substitutable asymmetries across the human-AI continuum.
products generated by AI and humans. Our results are consistent with
Turner and Lourenço (2012), who found that cultural proximity matters CRediT authorship contribution statement
in the context of creative products, and Monier (2018), who identified
that cultural proximity, and specifically social capital, governs even Annie Tubadji: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
moral acts of philanthropy. Thus, our findings contend that cultural Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Haoran
proximity is conflated with consumers’ sense for the value of ‘human­ Huang: Data curation, Investigation. Don J Webber: Writing – original
ness’ and the interaction of these two factors matters in consumers’ draft, Writing – review & editing.
utility function when relating to AI- and human-produced goods.

Appendix 1: Descriptive statistics.

Model Component Variable Definition Obs Mean Std. Min Max


Valuation of Artificial Intelligence (VAI) like_sample1 Likert-scale evalutaion of sample 1 957 5.85 1.99 1 10
like_sample2 Likert-scale evalutaion of sample 2 957 6.13 1.96 1 10
like_sample3 Likert-scale evalutaion of sample 3 957 5.28 2.34 1 10
like_sample4 Likert-scale evalutaion of sample 4 957 5.15 2.18 1 10
pref_1 Stated preference for sample 1 over 2 957 0.40 0.49 0 1
pref_3 Stated preference for sample 3 over 4 957 0.54 0.50 0 1
rerank_like_sample1 Likert-scale evaluation of sample 1 after info on AI 957 5.95 2.25 1 10
rerank_like_sample2 Likert-scale evaluation of sample 2 after info on AI 957 6.21 2.09 1 10
rerank_like_sample3 Likert-scale evaluation of sample 3 after info on AI 957 5.55 2.45 1 10
rerank_like_sample4 Likert-scale evaluation of sample 4 after info on AI 957 5.26 2.32 1 10
Taste age real age of the respondent 957 26.67 10.54 14 72
male dummy variable equal to 1 if respondent is male 957 0.66 0.47 0 1
pop dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for pop 957 0.46 0.50 0 1
rock dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for rock 957 0.65 0.48 0 1
hiphop dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for hip- 957 0.38 0.49 0 1
hop music
electronic dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for 957 0.34 0.47 0 1
electronic dance music
r&b dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for R&B 957 0.29 0.46 0 1
indie dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for indie 957 0.47 0.50 0 1
classical music dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for 957 0.46 0.50 0 1
classical music
easy dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for easy 957 0.17 0.38 0 1
jazz dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported taste for jazz 957 0.13 0.33 0 1
income self-reported income category, where 4 is anchored as 957 4.93 2.24 1 10
national minimum wage level
musician self- dummy variable equal to 1 for self-reported status of a 957 0.79 0.41 0 1
identified professional musician
music_family dummy variable equal to 1 if there is another member in the 957 0.66 0.47 0 1
family also playing music
(continued on next page)

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

(continued )
Model Component Variable Definition Obs Mean Std. Min Max

low_edu_music denotes people with no, limited or only basic understanding 957 0.45 0.50 0 1
of music theory
Quality of Creativity melody_sample1 evaluation of the quality of sample 1 with regard to melody 957 4.62 1.93 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
harmony_sample1 evaluation of the quality of sample 1 with regard to 957 5.03 1.95 1 10
harmony (Likert-scale from 1-10)
rhythm_sample1 evaluation of the quality of sample 1 with regard to rhythm 957 4.70 2.10 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
overall_sample1 evaluation of the quality of sample 1 with regard to overall 957 6.32 1.92 1 10
presentation (Likert-scale from 1-10)
coherent_sample1 evaluation of the quality of sample 1 with regard to 957 7.22 1.96 1 10
coherence (Likert-scale from 1-10)
melody_sample2 evaluation of the quality of sample 2 with regard to melody 957 5.22 2.17 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
harmony_sample2 evaluation of the quality of sample 2 with regard to 957 5.39 2.04 1 10
harmony (Likert-scale from 1-10)
rhythm_sample2 evaluation of the quality of sample 2 with regard to rhythm 957 5.13 2.24 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
overall_sample2 evaluation of the quality of sample 2 with regard to overall 957 6.84 1.75 1 10
presentation (Likert-scale from 1-10)
coherent_sample2 evaluation of the quality of sample 2 with regard to 957 7.29 1.77 1 10
coherence (Likert-scale from 1-10)
melody_sample3 evaluation of the quality of sample 3 with regard to melody 957 5.15 2.15 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
harmony_sample3 evaluation of the quality of sample 3 with regard to 957 4.83 2.19 1 10
harmony (Likert-scale from 1-10)
rhythm_sample3 evaluation of the quality of sample 3 with regard to rhythm 957 6.03 2.27 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
overall_sample3 evaluation of the quality of sample 3 with regard to overall 957 6.17 2.04 1 10
presentation (Likert-scale from 1-10)
coherent_sample3 evaluation of the quality of sample 3 with regard to 957 6.74 2.00 1 10
coherence (Likert-scale from 1-10)
melody_sample4 evaluation of the quality of sample 4 with regard to melody 957 5.48 2.00 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
harmony_sample4 evaluation of the quality of sample 4 with regard to 957 4.95 2.11 1 10
harmony (Likert-scale from 1-10)
rhythm_sample4 evaluation of the quality of sample 4 with regard to rhythm 957 5.84 2.08 1 10
(Likert-scale from 1-10)
overall_sample4 evaluation of the quality of sample 4 with regard to overall 957 6.13 1.97 1 10
presentation (Likert-scale from 1-10)
coherent_sample4 evaluation of the quality of sample 4 with regard to 957 6.57 1.97 1 10
coherence (Likert-scale from 1-10)
Cultural Proximity (cultural distance of AI dummy variable denoting that the sample is generated by 3828 0.50 0.50 0 1
degree 1 - human vs non-human) artificial intelligence (AI)

Appendix 2: Determinants of valuation before info about AI – Preferences – Probit.

dep. var. pref_sample1 pref_sample3 pref_sample1 pref_sample3

dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value

like_sample1 - - - - 0.256 14.71 *** - -

like_sample2 - - - - -0.231 -13.19 ***
like_sample3 - - - - - - 0.191 10.64 ***
like_sample4 - - - - - - -0.191 -10.28 ***
age -0.002 -0.80 -0.001 -0.49 - - - -
male 0.008 0.19 0.084 1.98 - - - -
pop 0.032 0.80 -0.014 -0.31 - - - -
rock -0.026 -0.63 -0.040 -0.90 - - - -
hiphop 0.025 0.59 0.037 0.81 - - - -
electronic -0.057 -1.38 0.090 1.97 - - - -
r&b 0.038 0.85 -0.058 -1.25 - - - -
indie 0.088 2.22 * 0.050 1.22 - - - -
classical -0.009 -0.23 0.013 0.30 - - - -
easy 0.102 1.96 -0.014 -0.28 - - - -
jazz 0.024 0.42 -0.047 -0.86 - - - -
income 0.011 1.15 -0.003 -0.29 - - - -
musician_self-identified -0.024 -0.44 -0.029 -0.49 - - - -
music_family -0.023 -0.55 -0.010 -0.22 - - - -
low_edu_music -0.008 -0.18 0.005 0.11 - - - -
melody_sample1 0.051 3.17 *** - - - - - -
harmony_sample1 0.067 4.00 *** - - - - - -
rhythm_sample1 0.044 3.13 *** - - - - - -
(continued on next page)

A. Tubadji et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121100

(continued )
dep. var. pref_sample1 pref_sample3 pref_sample1 pref_sample3
dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value dy/dx z-value

overall_sample1 0.105 6.47 *** - - - - - -

coherent_sample1 0.103 7.04 *** - - - - - -
melody_sample2 -0.066 -4.59 *** - - - - - -
harmony_sample2 -0.055 -3.31 *** - - - - - -
rhythm_sample2 -0.044 -3.09 *** - - - - - -
overall_sample2 -0.104 -5.31 *** - - - - - -
coherent_sample2 -0.054 -3.42 *** - - - - - -
melody_sample3 - - 0.063 4.73 *** - - - -
harmony_sample3 - - 0.033 2.23 * - - - -
rhythm_sample3 - - 0.039 2.86 ** - - - -
overall_sample3 - - 0.122 6.63 *** - - - -
coherent_sample3 - - 0.088 5.29 *** - - - -
melody_sample4 - - -0.073 -3.77 *** - - - -
harmony_sample4 - - -0.028 -1.48 - - - -
rhythm_sample4 - - -0.032 -1.84 - - - -
overall_sample4 - - -0.117 -5.64 *** - - - -
coherent_sample4 - - -0.077 -4.12 *** - - - -
N 957 957 957 957

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tural economist teaching economics and research methods. Annie has previously worked
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at: University of West of England, Bristol, the UK; University of Bologna, Italy; University
intelligence (AI)-led chatbot services in healthcare: A mixed-methods study. Digital
of the Aegean, Greece; Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany; as well as
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Bulgaria (as part of the EU-NSRF Strategic Team 2007). She is the holder of the Shackle
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Scholarship at St. Edmunds, Cambridge University, the UK, for 2015-2016.
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researcher of policy-relevant, social science issues. Specifically he is interested in research
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that puts people and social issues (rather than money) at the core of economic concern.


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