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2019 Edition

Results Footprint


MOZAMBIQUE 25 June 1975

Mozambican metical (MZN)

Knowledge Management Environmental Sustainability Technology, Innovation & Digitalisation

Human Capital and Institutions Development Industrialisation Economic Integration

Agenda 2063 Inclusion of indigenous food in Africa’s nutritious food

Mozambique is among 31 African countries to have shared their first national basket
progress report on Agenda 2063’s first Ten-Year Implementation Plan. The A knowledge compendium of integrated best practices and approaches for
first-ever continental report assesses progress made at the national, regional inclusion of indigenous food in Africa’s nutritious food basket was developed
and continental levels towards achieving Africa’s developmental goals. The from 12 countries, including Mozambique
report was launched at the 2020 January AU Summit by President of Côte
d’Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara. Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA)
» Strengthening maternal and child feeding.
African Biosafety Network of Expertise » 12 participating countries, including Mozambique, have finalised and
» Establishment and strengthening of biosafety and security systems in 17 validated national nutrition action plans.
countries, including Mozambique.
» Capacity strengthening seminar for members of the National Biosafety Strengthening Africa Medical Health Regulation
Committee were undertaken. » Domestication of AU Model Law on Medical Products to improve access to
» Capacity strengthening seminar for members of the National Biosafety safe and high quality medicines.
Committee were undertaken » 28 countries, including Mozambique, are at different stages towards
domesticating the AU Model Law on Medical Products. 14 Member States
African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators are implementing the Model Law.
Initiative (ASTII)
High-level qualitative data was collected on the status of the economic Job creation toolkit for infrastructure projects
subsector innovation (public and private). The PIDA job creation toolkit was launched. The toolkit estimates, amongst
others, direct, indirect and induced jobs in job years during the preparation,
Grow Africa construction and O&M phase.
» Boosting private sector participation in Africa’s agricultural transformation.
» Support was provided towards the establishment of country agribusiness Renewable Energy
partnership frameworks (CAP-F) in 11 countries, including Uganda » To increase deployment of renewable energy technologies, especially
mini-grid solutions to accelerate universal energy access while increasing
Elaborating Scope and Baseline productive capacity, resilience building and human wellbeing.
» A detailed appraisal of national and regional industrialisation policies and » High-impact micro-grid projects in 11 countries, including Mozambique,
plans. were identified where energy accessibility is the lowest.
» 33 national and four regional industrialisation policies/plans in COMESA,
SADC, EAC and ECOWAS (including Mozambique) were appraised. The Sustainable Land Management
report will be launched in 2020. 26 Countries, including Mozambique, pledged to restore 125 million
hectares to reduce land degradation and desertification; create sustainable
Eradication of TB and prevention of occupational lung jobs; and improve food security and resilient communities
diseases in vulnerable population
» A total of 11 occupational health service centres providing TB screening
and diagnosis services, HIV testing; silicosis screening and diagnosis; and
links of ex-mine workers to compensation funds are now operational in
eight countries, one of which is in Mozambique.
» Cross-border disease surveillance zones (e.g. on cholera, foot and mouth
disease, leptospirosis and rabies suspected outbreak) were established
to support surveillance along the shared borders of a Southern African
countries, including Mozambique.
» Data was collected in Mozambique on the potential role and value addition
of the private sector in controlling TB.

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Mozambique on Implementation of Agenda 2063

Performance Assessment

2 5% 28% 11% 0% 0% 42% 4 5%


As As As As As As As
pira tion 1 pira tion 2 pira tion 3 pira tion 4 pira tion 5 pira tion 6 pira tion 7

Areas where significant progress has been made Performance on Goals

39,2% A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being

for All 74%
Well Educated Citizens and Skills revolution
Net enrolment in Percentage of 39.2% of the seats underpinned by Science, Technology and Innovation 60%
primary school the population with in national
recorded at 100%, access to electricity parliament are held
Healthy and Well-Nourished Citizens 0%
surpassing almost doubled from by women
the 2019 target the 2013 value Transformed Economies and Job Creation 6%
Modern Agriculture for increased productivity 0%
Blue/ ocean economy for accelerated econ. growth 0%
Areas where progress has been slow
Environmentally sustainable climate resilient
economies and communities 0%
20,2% 1,2% 22% United Africa (Federal or Confederate) 0%
Key Continental Financial and Monetary
Institutions established and functional 83%
Total tax revenue as The contribution of Secondary school
a percentage of GDP the fisheries sector enrolment rates World Class Infrastructure criss-crosses Africa 2%
dropped from 23.3% to GDP dropped stood at 22%, falling
Democratic values, practices, universal principles
in 2013 to 20.2% in from 1.5% to 1.2% far below the 2019 of human rights, justice and the rule of law entrenched 22%
2019 between 2013 and target of 68.4%
Capable institutions and transformed leadership
2019 in place at all levels 0%
Peace, Security and Stability are preserved 0%
Areas of Support to Accelerate implementation of
Agenda 2063 A Stable and Peaceful Africa 0%
A Fully Functional and Operational African
Increasing enrolment rates at secondary school level Peace and Security Architecture 0%
Promoting measures that boost the contribution of African Cultural Renaissance is pre-eminent 0%
manufacturing to the GDP
Full Gender Equality in All Spheres of Life 35%
Strengthening the fisheries sector
Engaged and Empowered Youth and Children 56%
Undertaking interventions that boost the contribution
of tax revenue to the national GDP Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-
existence 7%
Africa takes full responsibility for financing her
development 58%
0-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49%
50-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100%

Source: Mozambique, Ministry of Economy and Finance

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