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The 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation represents an important

moment in the history of collaboration between two dynamic regions. For me it
represents a partnership built on shared values, mutual respect, and a commitment
to overcome common challenges. It also shows the depth of the relationship which
gives both sides benefits from cooperation in various fields, including trade,
education, investment, and culture.

The golden opportunities in the context of sustainability and security, particularly in

agriculture supply chains, this anniversary provides an opportunity to reinforce the
commitment to sustainable agriculture practices, technology transfer, and knowledge
sharing, which are essential for food security and the well-being of our communities.
It also will give me opportunities to gain new networking from different countries.

2. Generation Z leaders in both ASEAN and Japan commonly face a set of complex
challenges in the realm of community development and social issues :
● Climate Change : climate change is a pressing global issue. Generation Z
leaders must find innovative ways to cope with its effects and promote
sustainability. This includes raising awareness and implementing eco-friendly
practices at the community level.
● Mental Health : mental health issues are on the rise, increased by factors like
COVID-19 pandemic and social media issues. Generation Z leaders should
prioritize mental health awareness and support services in their communities
to address these growing concerns.
● Globalization and Technological Advancement : have brought both
opportunities and challenges to these leaders. The fast-paced nature of
technological advancements can create disparities in access to resources
and opportunities .
● Cultural Diversity : Both ASEAN and Japan are culturally diverse regions.
Generation Z leaders need to navigate cultural differences and promote
inclusivity to build harmonious and resilient communities.
● Poverty, inequality, and access to education continue to persist in many
communities across ASEAN and Japan. Generation Z leaders must grapple
with these issues while also adapting to the evolving landscape of work,
which is increasingly digital and interconnected.

3. ASEAN Generation Z leaders need a multifaceted skill set and knowledge base to
address social challenges :
● Leadership : Developing leadership skills, problem solving, and
innovation.These can help leaders build strong partnership and know how to
find creative solutions to complex social issues.
● Technological Proficiency : familiarity with digital technologies, digital tools,
and platforms is crucial. These technologies can optimize resource use and
enhance productivity.
● Cross-Cultural Competence : leaders should be culturally sensitive and
proficient at working across borders. Effective collaboration is vital for
addressing complex issues.
● Mental Health Education : knowing the basics of mental health, recognizing
signs of distress, and knowing how to provide support and resources for
mental health issues is critical.
● Environmental and Global Awareness : understanding knowledge about
environmental issues and global trends is vital for addressing climate change
and also enabling leaders to make informed decisions and engage in
international cooperation.

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