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Presented to:

The Faculty of Alameda National High School

Igbaras, Iloilo

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in

Practical Research 2


April Jane Eucare

Jake Obien

A number of individuals contributed to the researcher's success while in pursuit in personal goal, for

without them this academic paper would not be realized.

First and foremost, the almighty God for providing the researcher's guidance, perseverance, and

abundant blessing that made this study successful.

To their Practical Research 2 teacher Mrs. Desiree E. Esteba, for the guidance support to this study, for

her patience, motivation and immense knowledge.

To the Grade 7 Charity Learners who participated to this study for giving their time to help us answer

this study.

To our parents who always give us support including to financial assistance for the materials of this

Background of the Studyw

Feeding program is a therapeutic feeding program programs are intensive medical and nutritional

treatment regiments that occur when the number of severely undernourished individuals cannot be

treated adequately with the given capacity of local health facilities ( R.E.James,2011). Feeding program

helps to provide health support especially for children. It gives nutrients that they need.

In todays time, feeding program helps a lot. Most of learners became more physically and mentally

healthy because of this program. Some of the school used it to improve the academic performance of

their learners to have more better result.

Because of the foregoing observation the researchers wants to know the effect of feeding program to

the malnutrition of Grade7 learners in Alameda National High School

Statement of the Problem

What is the major effect of feeding program in the nutriention of every learners in grade 7 of Alameda

National High School?

What are the most vulnerable age to this program?

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focusing the effects of feeding program especially in the case of malnutrition every


This study will be participated by the Grade7 learners of Charity in Alameda National High School. This

will be conducted in the school year of 2023-2024.

Significance of the study

The results of this study will be useful for the following:

Department of Health. The department of Health or DOH will have information in the outcome of

programs in school.

Department of Education. The department of Education or DepEd will be able to get information in the

health of every learners.

Teachers. The teachers will be able to give assistance and explain the importance of feeding programs

for their learners.

Students.The student will have more knowledge of what is feeding program and how does it helps them.

Definition of Terms
Malnutrition - The condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals

and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ

function.( The Jhons Hopleins University,2023)

- It was used in the study as the disease that every learners get when they are

lack in nutrients to their body.

Feeding Program - Therapeutic feeding programs are intensive medical and nutritional

treatment regiments that occur when the number of severely undernourished

individuals cannot be treated adequately with the given capacity of local

health facilities.( Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustain ability 2019).

- It is the program needed to avoid micro dificiencies in every learner's health.

Mental Health- Includes our emotional, phychological, and social well-being. It affects how

we think, feel, and act. ( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

- In the study this is the mental state of the learner that determines if they are

mentally healthy or not.

Undernourished- Supplied with less than the minimum amount of the nutrients or foods

essential for sound health and growth. ( Merriam-Webster, 2023 )

- In the study, undernourished means that a learner doesn't get the

exact/minimum amount of nutrients they need.

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