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JUL - SEP 2023
Spring Pte Ltd (“Spring”) entered into a contract with Uber Design Pte Ltd (“Uber”)
to renovate its office. Under the terms of the contract, Uber was to provide interior
design and space planning services as well as project management of the renovations.

The contract stated that the project was to be completed in 4 months starting from 1
February 2023. The agreed contractual sum was $200,000. Under the terms of the
contract, Spring was to pay Uber the following:

Stage of Work Completed Percentage of the Contractual Sum

On signing the contract 10%
Completion of hacking works 10%
Laying of water pipes 10%
Completion of cabinetry works 20%
Handover of the unit 50%

The renovations proceeded smoothly at first. Spring paid Uber up to 50% of the
contractual sum according to the different stages set out in the table. However, after
that, Uber persistently had trouble getting workers and eventually handed the office
back to Spring on 31 May 2023, unpainted. All other works in the contract were
completed. Uber told Spring to find a painter to finish the paintwork and requested
payment of the balance 50% of the contractual sum.
Spring wanted to move into their office as soon as possible so reluctantly accepted
back the keys to the office. Spring then approached Nihon Paint who quoted them
$10,000 to paint the entire office.

Spring was rather unhappy and approached you to get your advice. Advise Spring on
the following:

(a) Define “discharge of a contract” and briefly explain FOUR (4) ways that a
contract may be discharged.
(10 marks)

(b) Discuss the LEGAL PRINCIPLES concerning the above case study, APPLY the
legal principles, and CONCLUDE on whether
(i) the contract between Spring and Uber was discharged; and
(ii) Uber could recover any money from Spring.
(35 marks)
NOTE: You are NOT required to discuss discharge by breach for part (b).

Performance Guide for Students:

Marks will be awarded for:

(i) Content:
a. Clear usage, statement, and explanation of relevant legal principles
b. Original, clear, logical and convincing discussion on the application of the laws
to the facts
c. Statement of Conclusion
d. Appropriate referencing (in‐text and list of references)
(ii) Number and quality of references: At least 5
(iii) Organization of answer and writing style (including spelling, grammar, syntax etc).
Please make sure you use the “Grammar and Spell check” functions to check your

Up to 5 marks will be awarded towards (i), (ii) and (iii).

(5 marks)
(Total Marks: 50)

INSTRUCTIONS for Continuous Assessment 2: Individual Assignment

• Deadlines and Guidelines are provided on the course Canvas site

• This is an Individual Assignment marked upon 100 marks.
• Weightage for Continuous Assessment 2: 40% of the total marks for this module, with
30% being allocated for the written component while 10% is allocated for an
individual oral presentation.
• Assignment should be type‐written using 12 pt ARIAL font and 1.5 line spacing.
• Word limit is 1200 words (excluding words in references) and must be printed at the
end of the assignment.

CA Submission

• CAs must be submitted online via the Canvas portal.

• Deadlines, instructions and detailed guidelines are provided on the course CANVAS
• Please read the instructions and guidelines provided on the CANVAS
portal and in this document carefully.
• Ignorance of specific directions mentioned in these documents will not be considered
as a valid reason and which will lead to mark deductions and may lead to failure in the
CA component of this course.
• If you have further queries, please read the FAQ. If after you have read the FAQ, you
need assistance on CANVAS submission, please email or call
6248 9393 Option 4. For non-CANVAS issues please email for DMS
students or for DACC, DIB and DBF students. Please email with your
Mymail account. Email from other addresses will not be entertained.

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