Desrisseaux: ND RD

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Mancos Library District Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting 211 W. First St.

August 24, 2011 AGENDA: 6:00p.m. I. Call to order 6:01PM Il. Roll call Kathy Merrill, Bob Wilson, Darrel Ellis and Sadie Rose Pace -Sadie as proxy for Clara Martinez Julia Whelihan, Kate Kearns, and Charlene Swansen III. Amendments to the agenda IV. Minutes of the previous meetings for action A. *July 28, 2011 Regular meeting Kathy moves to accept the minutes for July 28, 2011, Sadie seconds. The floor is opened to discussion, all approve, none opposed, the motion passes. B. *August 2, 2011 Special Board Mtg-Director Hiring Kathy moves to accept the minutes for August 2, 2011, Sadie seconds. The floor is opened to discussion, all approve, none opposed, the motion passes. C. *July 26, 2011 Special Board Mtg- Lee Hallberg Interview V. Recognition of visitors 1. Danielle Desrisseaux VI. Correspondence 1. September Southwest Days September 22nd and 23rd will bring Shelley Walchak Senior Consultant with Colorado Library on the week of September 21st to meet with the Board and Staff. VII. Financial reports A. *Approval of August bills Darrel moves that we accept the August bills, Kathy seconds. The floor is opened to discussion. The board is per-approving the Renaissance Faire checks which will be overseen by the Board Treasurer and Financial Committee. All approve, none opposed, the motion passes. B. Financial Report Mancos Library Financial Report August 25, 2011 by Treasurer Kathy Merrill There is not a lot new to report this month. Here is a brief recap of my budget projections for the rest of 2011 and 2012: I expect us to end 2011 with a budget surplus of about $17K. This is the amount of beyond budget County tax monies I am expecting us to receive ($10K payment to adjust to county error in 2010 + $7K if we receive 99% instead of 97% of what we are owed). Our beyond budget expenses (D&O insurance, additional PV costs, Director search, additional Director salary, computer maintenance) are about balanced with our additional revenues (electricity savings, REC, interim team savings). In order to keep within these projections, it is essential that staff hours return to their budgeted level next month. A budget surplus of $17K in 2011 would allow us to end the year with about $59K in nonrestricted funds: $15K in our MVB CD and $44K in our checking account. We need about $38K in our checking account to get us through the lean tax months of January and February.

I expect our 2012 budget to have about $10K less in County tax revenues than our 2011 budget number. A larger loan payment and higher Director salary are only partially balanced by electricity savings, REC and no PV expenses. If we institute the proposed health care plan for employees, we will be short about $20K next year. We can spend this years surplus of $17K, but it would be best to save some of it so that we are able to enter 2013 with a contingency CD in addition to the needed pad in our checking account. I would like us to raise at least $10K in additional funds in order to accomplish this. We should be receiving estimates of our County tax income for 2012 in the next week or so. I will meet with Patsy early in September to work on an amended 2011 budget and draft 2012 budget to present to the Board next month. **On August 24 the library received a certification of valuation by the Montezuma

County Assessor. According to this form, the total assessed valuation in the library district for 2011 is $51,276,210. This is down from last year's valuation of $53,564,260, a decrease of about 4.3%. Based on the figure we received today, the library can expect total property tax income of $307,657 in 2012. Compared with $334,866 in our 2011 budget, this is a shortfall of $27,209. The calculations in my August 25 report were based on a shortfall of around $10,000.
Vlll. Report of librarian
Interim Team Report August 2011 All IT members eagerly anticipating Lees September 1st start date. *Julia week vacation from Aug. 2-8th, reported back to work on Aug.9th. *Kate had a week vacation August 9th-15th *Southwest Days Library Staff Training-planned and purchased. *Shelley Walchak to conduct a training for Dept Heads, in Sept. *Victoria started LSSC program (Library Support Staff Certification) with a class to fulfill her Administration requirement. Through a scholarship, she register for Teamwork and Communication course through the University of North Texas. *Charlene attended Master of Library and Information Science Orientation at University of Wisconsin-Madison and began Distance Learning Program. *Renaissance Faire, August 20-21, Staff and Faire Manager working on final wrap-up. *Victoria and Lee attending the all-expenses paid BEST Conference hosted by the Colorado State Library August 24-26, BEST stands for Broadband, E-Rate, and Sustainable Technology conference. Financial Oversight Budget & Bills Victoria. Monthly billing and payroll is continuing to move smoothly. Victoria submitted Quarterly Reports last month to the appropriate State and Federal entities. Patsy was able to place Victoria as a proxy on the credit card, so she will be calling and asking questions regarding certain fees charged, requesting our points to be converted to cash, and transferring the account from Patsys name to Lees. Member Issues Kate Long letter from Marty Stecher about MPL policies. Staff feels that we have done everything we can to educate him on the need for policies/procedures and therefore do not need to respond to his latest correspondence. Mr. Stecher continues to practice respectful behavior while in MPL. PV Project/Audit/Director Search Event Coordinator Julia *PV Project completed. Audit completed. Director Search Coordinator complete. *Planning for Open House for public. Date set for Sept. 21. Working with Jeff Burman w/ Sustainable Living Technologies for presentation and registering our system with SunPower so that public can access our solar system for the open house. Board Liaison/Legal Issues Charlene

*Agendas for Reg board meeting and special board meetings. *Employee Benefits proposal with K. Merrill expanded to include FSAs and re submitted at August Board Mtg. *Introducing Lee to community - Dept heads will plan with Lee to finalize timeline. Victoria business & technology including local Chamber of Commerce, Charlene - school, preschools, Home school communities, Kate - Town Board, Julia - Facilities Contractors *Communications Trainers, proposal deadline was August 15th selection made. Final plan for Trainer to be discussed and date of workshop to be announced. *Received Ltr from M Stecher in response to the two letters I sent him this summer. Shared with B. Wilson and dpt heads, will share with M Green if deemed appropriate. At this time no plans to continue a correspondence with him. Department Heads Report CirculationJulia, Judy Campbell of SCEP has approached us regarding placing another Senior Citizen employee at MPL. We have discussed the challenges of doing this with certain components of our work flow, and Julia will speak with Lee to make him aware of this offer, as he may be approached as well. FacilitiesJulia, *The MPL will be highlighted with its PV project iin the Empire Electric Colorado Country Life Magazine in Sept. issue. *Holly Cruser is able to obtain certain items through her discount for the Fall bulb planting that the MPL Friends gave monies toward. *A laborer, Farrell, working with Holly in our second phase of landscaping he is being paid through a private donor. Will discuss with Lee to get these transactions properly accounted for. There is an area in the yard that has standing water and new trees are not draining probably brainstorming solutions to prevent loss of any more trees. *A family has been approached as a donor to finish the remainder of the bill $500.00 for photovoltaic project. Julia will get a new plaque for the Solar Project donors once family makes decision. Adult Programming-- Kate *Growing Roots book talk and some Farmers Market folks talk on Thursday, Sept 22. *Constitution Day on September 17th. We have 50 pocket constitutions to hand out. *Banned Book Week is September 24th-Oct 1st. Will do a display and show a film. *Community Cinema Series resumes September 15th with showing of Pray the Devil Back to Hell. *Great Decisions Series resumes on September 26th. *Movie license - Kate will present to the Friends of MPL at September meeting to ask for $. The umbrella makes it possible for MPL to show all types of movies, inside the Library only. *Kate work with Lee on some Teen programming,similar to what he did for Bayfield. *Programming Procedures are out for correction. *Looking for a speaker who can address the issue of solar energy possibilities in our area during the time of the BTOP and solar panel debut (Tech Launch, Sept. 21st). MPL hiring the Solar Roller from the Durango Discovery Center. Inter Library Loan (ILL)--Kate Continues to be very busy both borrowing and lending. All of our stats are up from last year. Technology DepartmentVictoria Petersen *MPL PCC/PV /Strategic Plan Community Launch -(Strategic, Friends, Solar, Technology). Working title for this event and these services is Mancos Library Public Computing Center. Wed., Sept. 21st. *BTOP Grant: All technology items are in queue for set-up for preparation for our launch date on Sept 21st. Future reporting in 2011 and 2012 will detail patron/member numbers for classes, techrelated questions, and other small business and job search numbers. *Workforce Grant: Computer has been ordered and will be arriving shortly. Jodi Foster of the state Workforce office will be visiting the Library to meet with Victoria on the 31st of August; Jodi will be

touring our library, as well as discussing further Workforce details of this grant and program to help Mancos community members to find jobs. *Computer Workshops: Tech Connect Series: September, Social Media Integration; Patron Computer Series: Aug. 31st-E-mail for Newbies. The Tech Connect for August was LinkedIn for Professionals; taught at no cost by Perry Lewis of Back Alley Concepts. *Technology Maintenance: After the Barracuda went down for the second time this year, and had to be replaced under warranty, Victoria will be researching other options that would integrate with our system, be reliable, as well as be cost-effective. Youth ServicesCharlene, *SRP is wrapping up, bingos are coming in. *Gaming Daze will restart in September as a drop in after school program on Wed. afternoons 3:30-5:00. *Outdoor Adventures (twice a week after school program) We have been waiting for word from Anshutz, and they will make their decision in the fall, we are in the running. *Western week planning/prepping has begun. *Movie opportunities are beginning to be planned into youth programming. *Teen has asked about more varied platform computer gaming opportunities. *Science exhibit considered and application to STAR to be submitted by Sept 2nd. *Little People story time start up on Sept 3rd along with a parent organized/library supported home school hour. *Teen gaming ideas shared by area teens for new programming discussion initiated *Welcome back to School programming discussions Collection DevelopmentCharlene *Adult collection new book order complete *New Mystery Section in Adult Fiction continuing to be organized *Magazine Area new organization and procedures in place (Cataloging) Summer catch up accomplished on donations and work on newest acquisitions beginning.

lX. Reports of officers and committees

Board Recruitment Report Interview with Danielle Desrisseaux 8-16-11 On 8-16-11 Kathy Merrill and Sadie Rose Pace interviewed Danielle at the Millwood Junction for her interest in the Mancos Public Library Board of Trustees. Kathy and I both wrote up our impressions and recommendations for the Board. From Kathy Merrill 8-17-11 Danielle is articulate and committed to the community. Her reason for wanting to be on the Board is a good one: to make the library stronger to benefit the schools and the community. She has experience in community governance as Chair of the Accountability Committee for the public schools. She would like to participate in grant writing. While she has no experience with grants, she has written and edited proposals for contracts in her work. She is also interested in reviewing and updating library policies. She would like to work to strengthen our ties with the public schools. While she is not interested or experienced in financial matters, she can read a spreadsheet and would be willing and able to take part in financial oversight as a board (not finance committee) member. She does not want to get involved in staff issues. I think she would make a good board member. I believe she would be conscientious, able to work well with the group, exhibit good common sense, and push us in new directions rather than just accept the status quo.

From Sadie Rose Pace 8-17-11 I agree with Kathys impressions. I found Danielle to have a firm grasp on what it means to advocate for the library within the community be it through Public Relations, Fundraising, raising general awareness and providing an active and vocal role as a Board member when needed. She expressed and interest in helping the library run well and grow as well as growing and maintaining a relationship with the Mancos School District. As a user of the MPL she seems to understand the needs of a distinct faction of the community and may have a different viewpoint than many of the Board members. I was impressed by the questions she asked about Board roles and governance, and her apparent readiness to learn more about the laws we follow. I believe that she would be a good Board member and remain involved and attentive to the upcoming tasks facing the MPL.
A. *Board Member Appointment Darrel moves to approve Danielle Desrisseaux as a member of the Mancos Public Library Board of Trustees, Kathy seconds. The floor is opened to discussion, all approve with Sadie acting as Clara's proxy, none opposed. The motion passes. B. *Approve Director Contract Sadie moves that we approve the Employment Contract for Lee Hallberg as the Director of the Mancos Public Library, Darrel seconds. The floor is opened to discussion, all approve with Sadie acting as Clara's proxy, none opposed. The motion passes. C. Technology Launch Sept 21st Report 1. The staff discusses the different exhibits that will be displayed. Primarily the BTOP grant will be presented by Victoria and there will be a presentation about the Photovoltaic project. In addition, this will be a good way for Lee Hallberg to be introduced to the community. D. *Employee HRA & FSA 1. Darrel moves to table discussions regarding Employee HRA and FSA until the September meeting, Kathy seconds. The floor is opened to discussion. All approve, none opposed, the motion passes. X. Old Business 1. No old Business XI. New Business 1. Discussion from staff regarding their plans for Lee's first days as director as well as Kathy making herself available for questions and assistance. A. Staff Plans for New Director XII. Public Comment 1. Question from Danielle regarding policies already set in place and plans for the September 21st event. Adjournment 7:57PM NEXT MEETING: Sept. 29, 2011 at 6:00pm **amended 9-3-11

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