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Nguyen Vinh Dat 2052948

Ho Chi Minh - 2023

Table of Contents
I/ INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Reason for conducting report ..................................................................... 5
1.2 Objectives of report ..................................................................................... 5
II/ LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................... 5
2.1 What is green products ?................................................................................. 5
III/ METHODOLOGY............................................................................................. 6
3.1. Reason to choose method ............................................................................... 6
3.2. About the interviewees ................................................................................... 6
3.3. Questions structure ........................................................................................ 6
IV/ INTERVIEW ...................................................................................................... 7
Interviewee 1: Anonymous 1 ................................................................................. 7
Interviewee 2: Anonymous 2 ................................................................................. 8
Interviewee 3: Anonymous 3 ................................................................................. 8
Interviewee 4: Anonymous 4 ................................................................................. 8
Interviewee 5: Anonymous 5 ................................................................................. 9
V/ CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 9
V/ REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 10


The success and final outcome of our project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people while I was working on it. First and foremost, I would like to express my
heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Lai Van Tai, my Strategic Management Instructor, for providing
me with this wonderful opportunity as well as helpful instruction throughout the course.
After a period of study and research, as well as learning from textbooks and articles,
especially with the enthusiastic assistance of Dr. Lai Van Tai, I was able to improve and
complete the individual assignment in Strategic Management. Sincere gratitude to the
lecturers of the Strategic Management class at HCMC University of Technology, as well as
other sources of knowledge and materials provided outside of the school, for providing
basic knowledge of the subject and assisting in the completion of the assignment.


The report was created primarily with information from Strategic Management textbooks,
my group report and information acquired through the internet, as well as personal
knowledge and experience.

Environmental protection in general and green products in particular, a seemingly simple

concept when appearing a lot everywhere, especially in recent years, green products are
gaining more and more popularity. more attention. Currently in 2023, humanity is
developing more and more and achieving a lot of great achievements and promises to go
even further in the future. However, no matter how strongly and modernly developed, the
environment is always the basic and core factor for the survival of the whole society.
Therefore, knowledge about environmental protection, especially the application of green
products, must always be at the forefront to maintain and develop a sustainable and
civilized society. Small businesses as well as individuals must have a certain green
development strategy in their business to move towards sustainable development and make
good contributions to themselves, their families and society.


1.1 Reason for conducting report

The green products, the production of environmentally friendly products is
directly impacted by consumer purchasing habits. With the current era's climate
change, population growth, and exhaustion of natural resources, new technologies,
techniques, and methods are used to produce goods with lower energy consumption,
greater environmental compatibility, and safety for both nature and humanity.
Products that are environmentally friendly do not damage the environment during
production, use, or disposal. The term "green" refers to things made by humans or
their actions in a way that is gentle to the environment. Green products, also referred
to as eco-friendly products, are typically made from non-toxic, locally sourced,
sustainable materials.
The evidence that supports the growth of environmentally friendly products is
the rising number of consumers who are willing to pay more for these kinds of
goods. Numerous businesses including Vinamilk are producing non-
environmentally friendly products in order to offset the rising demand for
purchasing environmentally friendly goods. Vinamilk must conduct extensive
market research before switching from conventional to environmentally friendly

1.2 Objectives of report

The objective of the report is to analyze in detail the green strategy to convince
that green strategy is a suitable direction for Vinamilk to adapt well with the market.
Also recommend the ways how to use strengths of the organization in getting
advantages of exploiting opportunities as well as preventing threats from business


2.1 What is green products ?

A green product is one that is environmentally friendly and made to have as
little of an impact as possible throughout its entire life cycle and even after it
completed its purpose. Typically, green products can be distinguished by their focus
on minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. They are produced using
non-toxic materials and eco-friendly processes, and they have received certification
from reputable agencies like Energy Star, Forest Stewardship Council, etc.
The term "green products" refers to a product that has at least one of the
following characteristics:

 Gro Grown without the use of harmful chemicals and under sanitary
 It is recyclable, reusable, and biodegradable in nature.
 Eco-friendly packaging is included.
 utilizes the fewest resources
 Is eco-efficient
 Has a low or no carbon footprint
 Has a low or no plastic footprint


3.1. Reason to choose method

For my research paper, I used the qualitative method. Qualitative research is
more targeted. If I want to compare productivity across an entire organization, all
parts, process, and participants need to be accounted for. Qualitative research can be
far more concentrated, sampling specific groups and key points to gather
meaningful data. Therefore, this method made it simple for me to describe, analyse
and gain a comprehensive understanding of 5 students' perceptions on green
products in general and green products of Vinamilk in particular.

Face-to-face interviews are often seen as the gold standard for qualitative data
collection, as they offer the opportunity to build rapport with respondents and gain a
deeper understanding of their experiences and perspectives. In addition, they can
provide important information about nonverbal cues that may not be captured
through other methods, such as surveys or focus groups.

3.2. About the interviewees

Selected students must be currently studying or have completed a course in
Strategic Management. At the same time, they also have knowledge about the green
products. I will select 5 qualified students and send them interview invitations. I will
flexibly change the time, place and method of interview depending on each person.
The interviewer's information will be anonymized to make the interview as honest
as possible.

3.3. Questions structure

Question 1:
First, I would give a hypothetical situation and let them give their opinion, the
situation is:
“You are a normal consumer and you have 2 different dairy products of the same
quality, the 1st product is packaged in less environmentally friendly packaging with

a cheaper price, the second product is packaged in new packaging that is more
environmentally friendly but has a higher cost. Which product will you choose ?”
I will have them answer the situation, so that I can give the most accurate initial
Question 2:
After that, I will determine how well these students understand about green
products based on the definition of green products
Question 3:
Next, based on the criteria, definition of green products and my own opinion, I
will ask them how do they feel about replacing less environmentally friendly
products with green products ?
Question 4:
From the gradual change to using green products instead of less environmentally
friendly products, I would ask them about the people or businesses they think will
be affected ?
After naming a few people or businesses that will be affected, I will ask them who
will be negatively impacted and who will benefit


Interviewee 1: Anonymous 1
Q1: So far, my family and I have been used to using products that
have not been optimized for environmental protection. However, when I was
old enough to realize the importance of environmental protection, I began to
pay more attention to the use of environmental protection products. So I will
choose to use the 2nd product even if it is more expensive.
Q2: In my opinion, green products are simply products that contribute
to protecting the environment and improving the living environment.
Q3: As I said in the first question, I am a supporter of applying green
products to replace less environmentally friendly products, so I fully support
Q4: It this is generally more ethical, so if you look at it from afar, the
environment will be the one that will improve the most, from there, everyone
on this earth will benefit, but in terms of Economically, it is possible that
brands will have some difficulty in applying these new green products to the
market at first, and consumers may be more or less unfamiliar with this
change. However, these difficulties will only appear initially, when
businesses and consumers begin to get used to these green products,
everything will be fine..
Interviewee 2: Anonymous 2
Q1: I will simply choose the 2nd product, because I am aware of the
importance of protecting the environment.
Q2: Green products are a sustainable products designed to minimize
the negative impact on the environment.
Q3: Of course I will support this
Q4: The object that benefits the most will probably be the
environment. Consumers may be slightly negatively affected by having to
use products that are a bit more inconvenient. Manufacturers will have two
sides to the problem, if they implement effective marketing campaigns to
promote these environmental protection products to the right customers, they
can explode in sales.

Interviewee 3: Anonymous 3
Q1: For now i would choose to use the first product because products
like this will be more popular than green products. Therefore, products will
be much more diverse with cheaper prices, more versatile and easier to use
and buy. So I will still choose to use the first product. However, in the future
when green products start to catch up with current products, I will think
about switching to green products.
Q2: In my opinion, green products are simply products that protect the
environment. In addition, it also has a bit of moral value, not just a product.
Q3: I think this replacement is necessary, surely in the future I will
experience more of these green products, if the quality is good, I will
gradually replace the old ones.
Q4: In my opinion the most affected person is probably the consumer
because they may have to use a product of poor quality with a rather high
price, manufacturers will also be under a lot of pressure to create really good
products that are environmentally friendly and affordable.

Interviewee 4: Anonymous 4
Q1: Which product I choose may depend on and on the product type,
if it is products that I have used for a long time and am used to using it I
would not choose an alternative, however if those are unimportant products, I
will gladly replace them with environmentally friendly green products.

Q2: Green products are products that are popular among consumers
because they contribute to environmental protection during production, use,
and disposal. Green products are generally organic, ecological, recyclable,
and energy-saving.
Q3: Of course I will support it. For a better future.
Q4: Here both the consumer and the producer can get different
positives and negatives depending on the circumstances. If you know how to
take advantage of this future trend, businesses can boom.

Interviewee 5: Anonymous 5
Q1: Currently, I am one of those people who is very active in
protecting the environment, and I am also a vegetarian, so I will definitely
choose the second product.
Q2: In my opinion, green products are all kinds of products that help
protect the environment.
Q3: like I answered in the first sentence, I will definitely support.
Q4: In my opinion, everyone will benefit because our living
environment will be greatly improved.

Through the 5 interviewees and my personal opinion, who made this report, we
can see that:
In general, everyone gave relatively similar answers about being
environmentally conscious. Thereby, it can be seen that protecting the environment
is something that everyone on this earth is responsible for. Not only for our own
future, but also for the future of those we love and the future of the next generation.
Typically, many businesses like "Vedan", "Formosa",... are boycotted because of
their unethical activities that cause serious environmental pollution. From there, we
can suggest directions for businesses in general and Vinamilk in particular in the
present and future. It is doing business activities towards the environment, towards
true values and spreading good positive values to the community. It may not be
explosive and powerful in the short term, but in the long run, this is a sustainable
development and it will bring more value to the business. At the same time, the
good image of humanity and the more and more beautiful life of mankind will be
the invaluable value they have.


Das, P. (2019, August 28). What Is A Green Product? - Examples, Advantages, &
Challenges. Feedough.

J. (2023, January 12). What are Green Products? - Definition - oboloo. Oboloo.

M. (2022, May 22). What Is Green Product? Types & Examples. SEOAves.


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