Lesson 4.3 Week 7 Solutions

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2e (24 410) 4 oy P, cna Ane n= (2121 + 16)(F,) 2e(aes Wy > Net Arem (Tensile rupture strength on net effective area d ae cat 4) (0-68) > AMY P,- @ODe +H (b) Shear rupture strength on effective area 1d ce App ae Oe ot (©) Bearing strength of surface (This is bearing ‘on projected rectangular area behind bolt.) 1 en Aa an (A) Tensile yielding strength in gross section PROBLEM 1 — Using the NSCP Specification, determine the size of rod of A36 steel to support a tensile voted HEMMER. FS one eg Par PT VOL fus 40d MPa ac asy + 16 (98) Pu jad kv Py > O78 Ab Fu pus 078 (0-75) Ab Fa 0 1ag xiv? = 0-78 (0-73) Ab (am) Ap = %%0 neg” Apz Vd 88 A ; oot Lyat l= 29-47 am % [95 0m (Using mul vigle of Va") CLR FOD Using AS DS Pus 0-75 Ab Fy Pas 0:78 Av Fu 0-97 Av Fu 2.00 Pre Abt 4d > os kN Po oS aw? = 0-975 Ab (400) L Aye God wm TA _ gd wn™ A gx) 29062 2 093 % [as mm (aso) v z och As 1% oe Teivstng Area © HSCS) £195 DL dece Geant) AST + 240) (49:5) aw”? = 60a ev DL rutin) » re 88 CLS) KW” 2 A768 WN wee DF bebe 2 va Gates) e228) sane eal (ORFS) pultoiai) = Meces + ares 7 (FaTl ww Ly = Bea CeCe) aw? aa.ta HO 1 Dele = 4768 » wel ) + 7n we ee = 77.008 kN CAD) wee we (8) Wen «2 wee aaa wl (ened) Pat 0-15 Av Fu Pye 0-73 (0-78) As) (FD gaan x10? = 0-79 (475) (AL) (48) Ay © 190-75 wn™ Using ASD: wear 1% 6% kN + Pa Pas Qn. osha te 2 Zz Pat 6-979 Ay Fu is ot x10? = O° 275 Ae (408) Ap wa0e 3 ds [BD . 209 «lima We + 2042 wear 14 (22) = 2894 KH av 94 x 1022 0-78 (075 Av) (40) ge lawn eee an 8 68 (4) aw? = 0. 975 Ay 400) Ape 100.90 wm? 5 de | SEED = 2a em ay lromm A= Ve inch PROBLEM 3 ~ Determine the tensile strength and the allowable strength of the 20-mm thick single flat 248 MPa, F, =400 MPa, d= 32 mm, b=S0 mm, and a = 40mm. a) Based of tensile cupture ‘eyebar shown FASE stool F, = (Creits to Engr. 30), ‘at verb} T be = 2b + ASD Pa = Pa iy d = 200) 4 Ie Le 7 = OG mm 7 alae Ite} aye oe An = BG (20) (7) 2240 ral 7 Pne An Fu 2 2 443 EN Pn > 2240 (40d) X10 LRFO = Pq, = 346 KN Pus OyPa = 0-78 (846) = G72 en b) Based on Shear Fuptuce ASO: Pq = Pa Ast = 2a + 4) he 2 oe Pa = Baned 2 2(ad)( ao + >) a = Beep A240 ym * o. Ast Fu oe (arad) (400) %& w 327.60 KN Po °) Based on Oe Ph = 1 Fu Arb ve (400) (92) (28) xv 4G0.%0 KN ring Strength d) Based on Gross Tensile ¥ Pn Fy AD = 94% (192) (20) x10 = 654.72 EN Governing Loads: Asp: 240-40 kN 945.60 EN LAD = Pa = 268-8 KN LREO: Pus O Pr Pus O78 (e276) Pu = 409.20 led ASD;Pq = Pa oO Paz 460-80 a = 240.4 &N LAFO: Paz O Pn Ruz 0-79 (402-8) = 245. Go ken tlding ; aso: Pas En le = Gd472 G7 = 997.05 kN urro: Puz & Pn Puz 0-40 (654.72) 2 984,15 en

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