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6 Experiment 2 : Modification of Musical Instrument by Adjusting the length of


The pitch produced influenced by the length of pipe

3.6.1 Aim

To study the relationship between the length of trumpet and the pitch and frequency
produced by a trumpet.

3.6.2 Inference

The frequency of sound produced by the trumpet increases gradually based on the
increasing length of the trumpet.

3.6.3 Hypothesis

The frequency of sound produced by the trumpet increases when the length of the
trumpet increases.

3.6.4 Variable

Manipulated variable : Length of trumpet, l

Responding variable : Frequency of sound, f
Constant variable : Current supply to the blower, I

3.6.5 Apparatus and Materials

Apparatus and materials needed are shown in below :

(i) Trumpet
(ii) Meter ruler
(iii) Blower
(iv) Tuner (android app)
(v) Decibel meter (android app)
(vi) Audio frequency counter (android app)
(vii) Plasticine
(viii) Adhesice tape

3.6.6 Design of Experiment

Diagram 3.2 : Apparatus have been set up

3.7.7 Procedure

1. The apparatus is setted up as shown in Diagram 3.2. Use a meter ruler to

measure the
length of trumpet and the distance of the trumpet to the mobile phone.
2. Start with the horn with the length 15 cm.
3. The blower is turned on to produce a constant air blow through the horn.
4. The length of the horn is extended gradually by pulling it gently.
5. The Tuner application is used for listening to the note produced by the horn.
6. Pause when the horn produces a clear note and does not exhibit any rattling or
7. The note (e.g., C, D, E, F, G, A and B) is identified and the frequency and
decibels corresponding to the sound emitted are recorded.
8. The length of the horn and the distance between the horn and the tuner,
audio frequency counter or decibel meter phone is recorded by using the meter
9. Steps 4 is repeated for multiple horn lengths to determine the range of notes

3.8 Ways to Analysis Data

From the graph, plotting the gradient of the graph indicates the relationship between
the length of the trumpet and the y-intercept of the graph indicates the frequency, Hz
produced by the trumpet. By referring to the table of musical notes of each octave, we can
determine the sound produced by the trumpet of its corresponding musical notes and the
corresponding length of the trumpet to produce that sound.

3.9 Assumption and Limitation

The assumptions and limitations are shown as below:

(i) The rate of flow of the air is constant
(ii) There is no noise in the surroundings when the sound produced is recorded by
(iii) The temperature and pressure of air is in standard condition
(iv) Measure of frequency is taken accurately.
(v) No energy loss to surroundings when resonance occur

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