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1.1 Introduction

Sound waveis the pattern of disturbance coused by movement of energy travelling

through a medium ( such as air, water or any other liquid or solid matter ) as it propagates
away from the source of the sound. Sound waves are created by object vibrations and produce
pressure waves. The pressure wave disturbs the particles in the surrounding medium, and
those particles disturb other next to them, and so on. The pattern of he disturbance creares
outward movement in wave pattern, like sea water in the ocean. The wave carries the sound
enrgy through the medium, usually in all direction and less intensely as it moves farther from
the source.

In sound waves, there are three types of waves in physic,

1. Mechanical waves
2. Electromagnetic waves
3. Matter waves

Frequency of sound is the number of rarefaction s and compressions that occur per unit
time is known as the frequency of a sound wave.Wavelength is the distance between the
successive and rarefaction is known as the wavelength of a sound wave.Amplitude of sound is
the magnitude of the maximum disturbance in a sound wave.The amplitude is also a measure
energy.Higher the amplitude higher the energy in sound wave
1.2 Probem Background

1.2.1 Mechanical Waves

A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter and is respondible for the
transfer of energy through a medium.The distance of the wave’s propagation is limited by the
medium of transmission.In this case, the oscillating material moves about a fixed point, and
there is very little translation motion. Mechanical waves is the way they are measured which
is given by displacement divided by the wavelength.Two type of mechanical wave which is
longitudinal waves is the movement of the particle is parallel to the motion of the energy and
transverse waves when the movement of the particles is at right angles or perpendiculr to the
motion of the energy.

Diagram 1.2.1 : Mechanical wave

1.2.2 Electromagnetic wave

Electromagnetic waves are created by a fusion of electric and magnetic fields. The
light you see, the colours around us are visible because of electromagnetic wave.
Electromagnetic radiations are composed of electromagnetic waves that produced when an
electric field comes in contact with the magnetic field. The electric field and magnetic field of
an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to each other. They also perpendicular to the
direction of the electromagnetic wave.

Electromagnetic wave travel with a constant velocity of 3.00 x 10^8 ms-1 in vacuum.
They are deflected neither by the electric field nor by the magnetic field. However, they are
capable of showing interference or diffraction. An electromagnetic wave can travel trough
anything-be it air, a solid material or vacuum. It does not ned a medium to propagate or travel
from one place to another. Mechanical wave ( like sound waves or water waves ) on the other
hand, need a medium to travel. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. This means that
they are measured by their amplitud ( height) and wavelength (distance between the
highest/lowest points of two consecutive waves).

Electromagnetic waves passing between two media with different refravtive indicies
wil refract or change direction, de to the change of the speed od light in that medium.
Refraction depends on the indicies of refraction for both media as well as the angle of
incidence of the light onto the secod medium.

Diagram 1.2.2 : Electromagnetic wave

1.2.3 Matter Waves

Matter waves are a central part of the theory of quatum mechanics, being half of wave
particle duality. All matter exhibits wave-like behaviour. For example, a beam of electrons can
be diffracted just like a beam of light or water wave.

Diagram 1.2.3 : Matter wave

1.3 Problem Statement

1.4 Research Objective

i. To determine the frequency of the sound produced by the trompect

ii. To determine the length of the trompet to get the node
iii. To determine the wavelength of the frequency
1.5 Research Question

1.6 Hypothesis

1.7 Definition

There many scientific terms used in the project. For instance frequency, wavelength,
and length. The explanation helps audience to understand the project and presentation

1.7.1 Frequency
The frequency of a wave is the number of the waves that pass a point in a certain
period of the time. Frequency can also described as the number of waves that pass a
point in a second.

1.7.2 Wavelength
Wavelength can be defines as the distance between two successive crests or triugh of a
1.7.3 Period Of Time
The period is defined to be the time it takes for the vibrating object to make one cycle
or oscillation and return to its origanal position.

1.8 Summary

In this chapter,it is shown that is th main topic discussed in this project. It is

due to the study of sound waves of an object. Sound wave occur when there a
vibration in one mediam. The most common wave is the mechanical waves and
electromagnectic wave. It explain diffrent thing between the mechanical waves and
electromagnectic wave. The mechanical wave is occur by a disturbance or vibration
matter whether solid, gas liquid or plasma while the electromagnectic wave is occur
when an electric field couples with a megnetic field.
Investigation of this sound wave is carried out by using the trompet to find the
correct value for the nodes. Appreciation of development of science tehnology and
creation of scienties are expressed through this project.Many researchees and
information are found before carrying out this project of investigation. In addition, a
good fundamental knowledge about sound wave is compulsory in this project.



2.1 Theory

The components of theory are concepts (idelly well defined) and principles.

Theory providdes concepts to name what we observe and to explain relaitionships

between concepts. Theory is a tool that enables us to identify a problem and to plan a means
for altering the sitution.

2.1.1 Resonance

Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when the macthing vibrations of another

object increase the amplitude of a object’s oscillations. A standing wave is linked with
resonance and is the result of two individual waves with macthing freqencies and moving in
opposite trajectories interfering with one another. In a standing waves, there is an increase in
the amplitue of the oscillation. Standing waves have nodes and antinodes.

Resonance is the occurence of a vibrating object causing another object to vibrate a

higher amplitude. Resonance happens when the frequency of the initial object’s vibration
matches the resonant frequency or natural frequency of the second object. The second objects
vibrates or oscillates at a higher amplitude as a result of resonance.

Imagine a column of air that is open at the top but closed at the bottom. Suppose a
tuning fork or other suitable single-frequency sound source excites this column of air. The
column will resonate (you will hear a loud sound) when the tuning fork source excites the air
column at one of its natural (resonant) frequencies. The resonant frequency of the column
occurs when its length L is such that a displacement anti-node1 occurs at the open end where
air molecules are free to vibrate, and a node occurs at the closed end where the air molecules
are not allowed to vibrate.

2.1.2 Standing Waves

A standing wave is a wave where the overall pattern does not appear to move. For
standing wave to form on a string, the basic condition that must be met is that both ends of
the string must be fixed in place, never moving themselves. This means that for a string
stretched out horizontally, the vertical displacement of each of the two ends of the string must
always be zero! In a standing wave, the locations of the string that never move are called
nodes, while the locations on the string where the vertical displacement will reach its greatest
value are called antinodes.

Diagram 2.1.2 : Standing Wave

Using the condition that there must be a node located at each end of the string for a standing
wave to form on it, let us construct a relationship between the length of the string and the size
of the waves that can form standing waves on that string. Let the length of the string be , then
the largest wavelength that will allow for our condition to be met is a wave that is twice as
long as the string itself, = 2 which will result in a standing wave with 1 loop to form on the
Diagram 2.1.2 : 1 Fundamantel Frequency

The speed of a wave is given by the product of its wavelength , and its frequency .

Inserting 2 in for the wavelength, and then solving for the frequency gives.

This equation gives us the fundamental frequency, or the first frequency that will cause a
standing wave to form on the string. This frequency is also called the first harmonic.
Now let us repeat this process to find the second largest wavelength that will form a standing
wave on the string of length . The second largest wavelength that will meet the condition of
nodes being at both ends of the string is one where its wavelength is equal to the length of the
string itself = , which will cause a standing wave with 2 loops to form on the string. Inserting
this into the equation for the speed of a wave, and solving it for the frequency we obtain:

2.1.3 Sound Wave

A column of air could be forced to vibrate by an external vibrating source if the natural

frequency of the air is the same as the frequency of the vibrating source. Resonance is said to
occur at that instant. Resonance could be produced by placing a vibrating tuning fork or any
vibrating source at the opening of a column of air. Figure 8 shows the minimum length of the
column of air that could resonance with the vibrating tuning fork. The stationary wave
formed in the column of air is said to be at the fundamental.

Diagram 2.1.3 : Sound Wave

If £ is the length of air column that resonance at frequency f and ε is the end correction,
therefore the vibration at the fundamental satisfies

2.2 Related Research

2.2.1 Principals of Sound wave

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