Final Religion Module 7

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Senior High School

Introduction to World
Religions and Belief
Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Comparative Analysis of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam
Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Comparative Analysis of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
First Edition, 2020

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Senior High School

Introduction to World
Religions and Belief
Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Comparative Analysis of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
learn the World Religions and Belief Systems. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
This module is about Comparative Analysis of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the uniqueness and similarities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam;

2. provide evidence that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share common roots
from Patriarch Abraham; and
3. justify that Judaism, Christianity and Islam as monotheistic religions have
largely influenced the world today.

What I Know

Read each statement carefully. Choose the best answer from the pool of words in the
box that fits the given description. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

A. Burka B. Hijab C. Hinduism D. Insha’ Allah

E. Islam F. Jews G. Khadija H. Muhammad
I. Patriarch J. Polygyny K. Predestiny L. Purdah
M. Quran O. Ummah P. Yom Kippur

1. A partnership wherein a man has many wives.

2. An expression which shows the Muslims’ belief that everything that happens is
willed by God.
3. A system of society wherein the father or eldest male is considered the head of
the family and lineage is traced through the male line.
4. Belief that all events are determined in advance by divine will or fate.
5. Chosen people of God.
6. Considered the last prophet or “Seal of the Prophet in Islam.

7. Concept of equality among all races, ethnicities, and genders
8. Day of Atonement for the Jews.
9. Holy Book of Islam.
10. Head covering used by Muslim women.
11. Islamic practice of strict veiling.
12. Long and loose covering used by Muslim women to hide their body, including the
13. Muhammad’s first wife.
14. Oldest among three Abrahamic religions.
15. Youngest of the Abrahamic religion.

Lesson Comparative Analysis of

1 Judaism, Christianity, and

In previous lesson, you have been introduced to the teachings and core
beliefs of the second largest group and one of the fastest growing religions in
the world—Islam. You have learned how and why Muslims adhere strictly to
their faith as they universally follow the “Five Pillars of Islam.” Here, we will
study how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam manifest uniqueness and
similarities—as well as their relevance in the world today.

What’s In

Directions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are known as the Abrahamic religions.
Using the ideas that you have learned from the previous lessons, list down four
similarities and differences of the three Abrahamic religions. Use a separate sheet of
paper for your answer. (Jose and Ong, 2016 p. 105)

Abrahamic Religions Similarities Differences




What’s New

Directions: Read the quotation below and answer the questions that follow. Explain
each in atleast two to three sentences. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

“It doesn’t matter what religion

you believe in; what matters is
you believe that people with
different religions can live with
peace, love and harmony
-Dexie Peach

Guide Questions:

1. What does the quotation mean to you?


2. What are the most important ideas and values embedded in the quote?

What is It


Acording to Jose & Ong, the three Abrahamic religions—Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam— all originated from a region we now call Southwest Asia.
They are also called Semitic religions since they came from an area where people
speak the Semitic languages, particularly Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic. Judaism
originated from a land called Canaan; Christianity began in Palestine while Islam
developed in Arabia. Looking back at the history of the three religions, we can see
that they share commonalities in certain beliefs such as belief in the same Patriarch
and other prophets; angels as messengers of God; heaven and hell; and judgment
day, among others.
JUDAISM • Oldest among the three Abrahamic • Believe in one God or
religions. Monotheism
• Around 3,500 B.C.E (Israel) • Believe in Creation.
• The patriarch of this family was • One of the most
Abraham, a nomadic shepherd who important
entered into a covenant with God— commonalities is the
that being the “Father of All Nations” belief in Abraham as
and heir to the Promised Land, which the patriarch of the
was Canaan. (Patriarchy is a system of three religions---the
society wherein the father or eldest “Father of Many
male is considered the head of family Nations” for
and lineage is traced through the male Judaism,
line.) Christianity, and
CHRISTIANITY • Second oldest religion Islam. He was the
• Around 33 C.E (Palestine) ideal follower of God
• Christians trace their origins to Jesus for the three
Christ, born around 4 B.C.E. while religions, for he
the area was under the Roman followed God’s will
Empire. unconditionally,
ISLAM • Youngest of the Abrahamic religion even to the extent of
• Around 622 C.E (Arabia) sacrificing his own
• It originated from Mecca, which is son when God
found in the Arabian Peninsula, with ordered him to do
Muhammad, considered the last so. In short, Jews,
prophet or “Seal of the Prophet. Christians, and
Muslims trace their
• Islam means “submission” or
common ancestry to
surrender and is also related to
salaam, the Arabic word for “peace”.


FOLLOWERS Jewish People Christians Muslims

KEY PERSON/PEOPLE Abraham and Jesus Mohammad
HOLY BOOK The Torah The Bible Koran
HOLY PLACE Western Wall Mecca
PLACE OF WORSHIP Synagogue Church Mosque
PRINCIPAL SECTS Reformed, Protestant, Sunni, Sufi
Conservative, Catholic,
Orthodox Orthodox


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a lot in terms of morality and ethics.
First, the emphasis on the worship of one God as the basis of morality. Second, the
concern for others as a manifestation of one’s love of God. Judaism and Christianity
share the Ten Commandments as the written code of morality, with emphasis on the
avoidance of committing murder, adultery, and theft. Meanwhile, based on the
Quran, Islam emphasized the need to possess traits such as holiness and
righteousness as guidelines in becoming morally good. Adherence to religious laws
is also important and may pave the way for the eternal salvation or damnation of the
soul, with emphasis on the judgment day as a way of ensuring that people obey the
will of God. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe that God is the only source of
forgiveness for humanity and only those who follow the righteous path will go to
heaven, while those who lived a life away from God will go to hell. (Jose and Ong,
2016, p. 109)


According to Jose and Ong (2016), all the three religions believe that the main
purpose of life is to worship and serve God, follow God’s will, and show this love of
God by sharing it with other people and helping the ones in need. Since we are all
created in God’s image, our purpose is to live according to God’s ways, and even
though we cannot imitate Him absolutely, we need not to worry for He is always
willing to forgive us of our sins. We should all strive to become worthy caretakers of
everything that God created and assist in implementing His divine plan. Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam also believe that the purpose of life is to serve and love God,
for it is the primary purpose in which we are created in the first place.


Jose and Ong mentioned that all three religions (Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam) believe in predestination.


Judaism believes in predetermination, which means that it is God who decides

on a person’s basic lifespan, wealth, and opportunities, but on the other hand, it is
still humanity’s free will to be the deciding factor. A person’s duty is to overcome evil
by choosing goodness in everything he or she does. To allow people to choose
goodness over evil, God put them into different situations in life. The main reason
why God do this is for them to serve Him according to their destiny. In that sense,
God allows certain people to be rich and some to be poor. This tests the poor to rise
above the economic challenges they are encountering and to still do good and serve
God, while this puts the rich in an easier situation to serve God, and if they fail to
do so despite their advantageous circumstances, all the more they will be punished.
In short, God places each and every one in different situations to challenge them to
do their best in serving Him no matter what their circumstances are. Similarly, one’s
lifespan is predetermined by God, but one’s lifestyle will be the deciding factor on
whether God’s plan will succeed or not. God may prolong a wicked person’s life to
give him/her more time to repent, or He may take it away even before his/her
predestined time of death in order for him/her to stop doing wicked things. Thus, a
good person’s time on earth may be taken away earlier than God’s plan so that
he/she will no longer fight the evil in himself/herself, or He may prolong his/her life
so that he/she will continue to do good things for others. In the Hebrew Bible, it is
written that, “There was the righteous man who perished in his righteousness, and
there was the wicked man who lived long in his evildoing” (Ecclesiastes 7:15).


Christianity has a similar concept of destiny. God wanted all humanity to be

saved, for God created hell not for humans but for Satan and his demons (2 Peter
2:4). Therefore, it is humanity’s predestine to be saved. (Predestination refers to the
belief that all events are determined in advance by divine will or fate.) But since God
also gave us free will, it is up to us to claim that salvation. For Roman Catholics,
doing good deeds will merit salvation, while for Protestants, faith in Jesus Christ and
accepting Him as his/her Savior will earn them eternal life. In the story of creation,
Adam and Eve were predestined by God to live in paradise forever. But their free will
made them choose the path of disobedience. Therefore, in Christianity, God may have
the best plans for us, but our actions and decisions determine whether His plans will
materialize or not. Salvation lies in our own hands because of free will. Parents set
the rules for their children, but it is the children’s choice if they will follow or not.
And even if they are led astray because of not following them, they are always willing
to accept and forgive their children until they make the right choice in life. Similarly,
God may have planned the best for us even if we do not follow His plan, He is always

willing to forgive us and give us another chance to start anew, until we discover the
right path to righteousness and salvation.


In Islam, predestination is more emphasized than in Judaism and

Christianity. We have mentioned in the previous subtopic that the three Abrahamic
religions are unanimous in their belief that humanity was created to serve and love
God. In fact, this is the reason why Islam is considered not only as a religion but as
a way of life, and the life of a Muslim revolves around the worship of Allah. Just like
in Judaism and Christianity, Muslims believe that they are given free will by God
which allows them to live their lives as they wish. But unlike Judaism and
Christianity wherein free will might lead people to disobey God’s plan, in Islam even
the decision they make out of free will is governed by God’s will. Muslims believe that
if something is not meant by God to happen, it will not happen no matter how hard
we try to make it happen. And if something is willed by God to happen, it will happen
no matter how hard we try to prevent it from happening. Everything, even bad things
such as massacre, torture, and disease, although not created by God, are allowed by
God to happen for a certain purpose which only Him comprehends – (112 Abrahamic
Religions); it may be to teach people a lesson, or to punish them for their
wrongdoings, or to serve as a warning for other people to repent. Belief in predestine
also encourages humility, one of the traits which is valued in Islam. The notion that
everything is attributed to God hinders one from bragging about one’s achievements
in life by attributing it to God’s divine plan for him/her.


As mentioned by Jose and Ong (2016), it is equally important to look at how

the Abrahamic religions view women. After all, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all
came from places where patriarchy or the rule of the father is the norm. In the
Hebrew Bible, there are passages which show low regard for women, such as the
passage wherein women were viewed as unclean or impure for 40 days after giving
birth to a baby boy, and 80 days for the birth of a baby girl. Christianity, although it
traces its roots to the patriarch Abraham, tends to have a higher regard for women,
as shown by Jesus’ use of women as positive examples in most parables. Islam, with
its belief in Ummah or the community of believers that is supposed to promote
equality among all races, ethnicities, and genders, is supposed to have a high regard
for women. Now, let us take a deeper look on how these religions view women.


Judaism, originating from a patriarchal society, propagates an unequal view

of men and women. Because of the belief that men are superior to women, women
were excluded from the priesthood and from numerous religious duties. This is also
because of their “’natural” child-rearing functions (http://
Sexuality.html). Aside from the impure state attributed to women when giving birth,

women are considered impure for about half of each month because of menstruation.
Divorce is also allowed in Judaism, with men easily divorcing their wives.


Christianity is supposed to have a more positive regard for women, if we are

to analyze how Jesus treated women. In the New Testament, Jesus spoke frequently
to women and allowed them to be included in his followers. He also preached that
men and women have the equal capacity of eternal salvation of the soul, and advised
that everybody, regardless of sex, should not let domestic chores hinder them from
serving God. Historical developments after the death and resurrection of Jesus,
however, changed the course of Christianity’s positive view of women, for after the
conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine, it was the Roman Empire that
became responsible for the formation of the Christian Church, using the Roman
political structures as its model, which were very hierarchical and patriarchal. Thus,
the role of women in the Catholic Church was downplayed, to the extent of excluding
women from priesthood.


In theory, Islam treats men and women equally, for it is stated in the Quran
that men and women are equal in the eyes of God and are expected to fulfill the same
duties, such as prayer, worship, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca. It is
also stated in Islamic law that women should be given dowry or property given by the
husband upon marriage, and that they have the right of inheritance and property
ownership. There were also women political leaders in the history of Muslim
expansion in West Asia and even in Europe. However, certain Islamic practices
contradict the claim that Islam has a high regard for women. Some of these practices
are the limited access to education, seclusion, strict veiling, polygyny (polygyny refers
to a partnership wherein a man has many wives. This Islamic practice originated
from Muhammad who decided that men should be allowed to have more than one
wife to accommodate the widows and orphans of those who died in the wars
participated by the Muslims), slavery, and concubinage, or the practice of having
In Islam, men are allowed to have up to four wives as long as they can support
them financially and guarantee that they be treated equally. Meanwhile, women are
allowed to have only one husband and if they are caught with another man, in some
societies the punishment is public execution by stoning to death. It is also a practice
in some Islamic societies that when a woman is raped, she must produce four
witnesses to prove that she was indeed raped, and failure to do so would invalidate
her case and penalize her by lashing in public. Strict veiling is also an issue raised
by feminists against Islam—some societies require only the hijab or head covering
worn in public by Muslim women; some require the burka, or a long, loose garment
covering the whole body from head to feet. The practice of purdah or strict veiling of
women in Islam is symbolic of their subordination and literally inhibits their social
mobility. In general, women are treated as subordinate to men in the three
Abrahamic religions; they only differ in the levels of women subordination. It is ironic

that religions that have claimed to liberate people from oppression but fail to do so
with their own women. Feminists have been critical of this low status accorded to
women in religions and there are clamors for the status of women in religions to be


It goes without saying that the major world religions discussed in this module
have become influential in the world up to the present time. Two of these
monotheistic religions remain the most popular religions in the world in terms of
number of adherents, with Christianity as the most popular, followed by Islam. Thus,
the cultures which developed in these societies are heavily influenced by their
religious doctrines and beliefs, especially since these religions are not only treated as
religions but as ways of life. In fact, it has even been predicted that the conflict among
civilizations would be based primarily on religion (Huntington 1996). Aside from this,
these religions provide societies with public morality, which aids the state in
maintaining peace and order among its citizens. Political configurations in certain
regions of the word are also based on religion, such as countries in West Asia which
are predominantly Islamic. Certain historical developments such as the holocaust,
crusades, and holy wars have also been attributed to religion.

What’s More


Directions: Using Venn diagram, compare the Abrahamic religions. Fill in at least
four information in each religion. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.



What I Have Learned

I’EMOTICON MO! Draw smiley emoticon if the sentence is true. If not, draw
a sad emoticon. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

____1. Polygamy refers to a partnership wherein a man has many wives.

____2. The exclusion of women in priesthood is a proof of Roman Catholicism’s
patriarchal nature.
____3. Abrahamic religions are considered as a polytheistic religion.
____4. It was the Roman Empire which became responsible for the formation of the
Catholic Church that is why it took the hierarchical and patriarchal structure
of the government.

____5. In Islam, the concept of ummah encourages humility because it reminds
Muslims that everything happens according to God’s plan.
____6. Christians believe that because of pre-destiny, people are partly responsible
for their salvation.
____7. In Judaism, God allowed people into different situations in life to enable them
to choose goodness over evil.
____8. All three religions believe that the main purpose of life is to worship and serve
God, follow God’s will, and show the love of God by sharing it with other people
and helping the ones in need.
____9. Charity is important in Islam that is why Muslims practice Salat, or
____10. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe that God is the only source of
forgiveness for humanity and only those who follow the righteous path will
go to heaven.

What I Can Do

ESSAY. Write an essay with at least 300 words on how the position of women in the
three Abrahamic religions may be improved. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
Rubric for Scoring


Organization The concept was clearly 10
and creatively conveyed.
Content Concepts are clearly used 5
and explained.
Presentation The idea was clearly 5
presented based on the
words used.
Total = 20


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of these religions is the oldest?

A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Judaism

2. All three religions believe in ______________.

A. Animism B. Purgatory C. Predestination D. Wudu

3. Which is not true about the views on women in Muslim community?

A. In Islamic law, women should be given dowry or property from the husband
upon marriage.
B. The practice of purdah or strict veiling of women in Islam is symbolic of their
subordination and literally inhibits their social mobility.
C. Women are not treated as subordinate to men in the three Abrahamic religions
D. Women are allowed to have only one husband.

4. It is a veil covering the head and face, but not the eyes, usually worn with loose
black garment.
A. Burka B. Chadar C. Hijab D. Niqab

5. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, came from ________________.

A. Matriarchal Societies C. Oligitarian Societies
B. Patriarchal Societies D. Wegalitarian Societies

6. Allof the three religions believe that the main purpose of life is _______________.
A. to worship and serve God
B. follow God’s will
C. show the love of God by sharing it with other people and helping the ones in
D. All of the above

7. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe that God is ____________________.

A. only source of forgiveness for humanity
B. only those who follow the righteous path will go to heaven
C. those who lived a life away from God will go to hell
D. All of these

8. A general term that means to cover or veil and most commonly refers to a
headscarf that covers the hair and neck, but not the face.
A. Burka B. Chadar C. Hijab D. Niqab

9. Christianity was formed around 33 C.E. in ______________.

A. Arabia B. Jerusalem C. Israel D. Palestine

10. The word “Islam” is Arabic word which means________.

A. Peace B. Submission C. Surrender D. All of these

11. He is considered as the last prophet or “seal of the Prophet”.

A. Abraham B. Allah C. Ishmael D. Muhammad

12. The Holy book of Islam is ___________.

A. Bible B. Quran C. Torah D. Tripitaka

13. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a common belief in ___________.

A. Ethics B. Morality C. Predestination D. All of these

14. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all origanated in ______________.

A. Africa B. Asia C. America D. Europe

15. Which of the following is not an Abrahamic Religion?

A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Judaism D. Islam

Additional Activities

POSTER – MAKING. Make a poster showing commonalities among the three

Abrahamic religions and how influential they are today.

Rubric for Scoring

ORGANIZATION The concept was clearly and
creatively conveyed. 10
CONTENT The illustrations were appropriate to
the theme. 5
VISUAL The idea was clearly presented based
PRESENTATION on the pictures and words used. 5
Total= 20

What I Know What I have Assessment
1. J Learned 1. D
2. D 2. C
3. I 1. ☹ 3. C
4. K
2. 😊 4. D
5. F
6. H 3. ☹ 5. B
7. O 4. 😊 6. D
8. P 7. D
5. ☹
9. M 8. C
10. B 6. 😊
9. D
11. L 7. 😊 10. D
12. A 8. 😊 11. D
13. G
14. C 9. ☹ 12. B
15. E 10. 😊 13. D
14. B
15. B
Answer Key

Ong, Jerome A. and Jose, Mary Dorothy DL. Introduction to World Religions and Belief
Systems. Araneta Ave., Quezon City. Vibal Group Inc., 2016


Retrieved September 16, 2020

Retrieved September 16, 2020

Retrieved September 16, 2020

Retrieved September 16, 2020

Retrieved September 16, 2020

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Nueva Ecija
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Email address: muñ


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