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Canadian Natural


30 Years of Premium Value
• Background
‒ In our last meeting, we discussed the results obtained from Phase 1 foam pigging & Pathfinder run. Pathfinder was the first step to further
understand CI-11 pipeline geometry and anomalies within the pipeline. While Pathfinder served to provide valuable data on the pipeline, more work
is required to establish more detailed data on the anomalies found within the pipeline during Phase 1 in conjunction with ILI tooling bore passing
‒ We will focus on the most intrusive anomaly detected in phase 1 which is Dent 3 measuring 304mm ID. As discussed in our previous meeting it is
key we understand more on Dent 3 anomaly dimensions before committing to running the MFL ILI tool. The following options were discussed
 Option 1 – Continue with current plan. A progressive cleaning campaign followed by a MFL ILI however, tools will be more bespoke and trials
may be required.
 Option 2 – As above, plus inclusion within the same campaign of a high resolution calliper tool before the modified MFL ILI tool.
 Option 3 – Run a high resolution calliper tool as a stand alone campaign. Increase accuracy on measured restrictions and dent geometry. Then
use this information to downscale the level of modifications required on the MFL tool and requirement for trials.
‒ Budget vs Actuals

Original Plan
Budget Actuals
Phase 1 - Pathfinder Campaign $439,769 $494,223
Phase 2 - Standard MFL Campaign $559,978 N/A
Total $999,747 $494,223
Contingency $1,099,722
Remaining Funds on current GTA Addendum $605,499

• Pigging Strategy Options
‒ Option 1 – Continue with current plan. A progressive cleaning campaign followed by a MFL ILI however, tools will be more bespoke and trials may
be required. Additional cost in addition to approved GTA Addendum = $271,110.
 Enabler 1: Propipe water trial to confirm bore passage of mechanical pigs.
 Enabler 2: Rosen input to confirm MFL modifications to pass restriction.
 Risk: Dent length is not known. For trials we would assume dent length equal to tool length. This will be sufficient for confirming bore passage
but not sufficient to confirm no MFL speed excursions which would have an impact on data quality and tool damage. Risky option, hence not
‒ Option 2 – As above, plus inclusion within the same campaign of a high resolution calliper tool before the MFL ILI tool. Additional cost in addition to
approved GTA Addendum = $428,410.
 Enabler 1: Same enablers as option 1.
 Enabler 2: Rosen input to confirm standard High Resolution Calliper tool can pass restriction.
 Risk: Effort and cost may be wasted redesigning the MFL tool if the dents / restrictions are not as aggressive as recorded by the pathfinder.
Risk of wasted effort, cost is high compared to other options. Option considered but not preferred.
‒ Option 3 – Run a high resolution calliper tool as a stand alone campaign. Increase accuracy on measured restrictions and dent geometry. Then use
this information to downscale the level of modifications required on the MFL tool and requirement for trials. Additional cost in addition to approved
GTA Addendum = $393,197.
 Enable 1: Rosen input to confirm standard High Resolution Calliper tool can pass restriction.
 Risk: Increase in schedule in comparison to option 1 and 2. Also it assumes no significant modifications to the MFL. Less risk and cost is
comparable to other options. This option is preferred.

Option 3
• Option 3 Budget
Option 3 Additional Cost
Phase Total Comments
Phase 1 - Pathfinder Campaign $494,223 Completed
Phase 2 - Standard High Res Calliper Tool $453,986 New Campaign
Phase 3 - Standard MFL Tool $544,711 Standard MFL Tool
Project Total $1,492,919 N/C
Additional Cost to Addendum $393,197 N/C
Threat: This cost estimate assumes the use of a standard MFL tool for Phase 3.

• Worst case budget if threat materialise i.e. MFL modifications and trials required.
Option 3 (MFL Modifications and Trials required)
Phase Total Comments
Phase 1 - Pathfinder Campaign $494,223 Completed
Phase 2 - Standard High Res Calliper Tool $478,689 New Campaign
Phase 3 - Modified MFL Tool + N2 Trials $903,154 MFL Mods + Trials
Project Total $1,876,066 N/C
Additional Cost to Addendum $776,344 MFL Mods + Trials

Opportunities and Prerequisites
• Opportunity
‒ Phase 2 includes the launch of a gauge plate pig. It is proposed to launch this pig ahead of mobilising the high resolution tool to potentially reduce
conservatism in the restriction picked up by the pathfinder. This could remove the requirement for the calliper tool to be used if the restrictions are in
fact debris on the bottom of the pipeline and save approximately 70% of the cost for Phase 2.

• Prerequisites Prior to moving to Options 3

‒ Gas reinstatement. Minimum Gas Rate required 7mmscf/d.
‒ Above ground tracking of remaining bend radius that have not been quantified by the pathfinder.
‒ Keller Gauges to be installed to allow to build up pressure trends of the behaviour of the entire pipeline system.
‒ Petroci to sample and analyse black powder received @ Lion Gas terminal.
‒ Once gas flow allows Petroci to run an interim pigging campaign, foam pigs up to gauge plate cup pig c/w Pipeline Data Logger.
 We will require onsite services at Kraffi. Estimated duration based on 7 pigs is 14 days.
‒ Non Intrusive UT Flowmeter installation to verify gas rates.
‒ Update GTA Addendum with revised budgetary estimates.

CI-11 Pipeline Pigging & ILI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
ITEM Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24
Phase 1 - Foam Pigging and Phase 1 January to July 23
Pathfinder Survey
Ship Pathfinder Tool to CDI (ATA Carnet) Complete
Phase 1 Pigging - Foam and Pathfinder Complete
Run Pathfinder service tool for data collection Complete
Assess data from Pathfinder tool for input into
mechanical pig design and ILI tool design.

Phase 2 - Foam pigging, cup

gauge plate/ PDL, ROSEN
Phase 2 August to November 2023
XGP Tool
Petroci Increase Gas export from Kraffi In progress
Run Interim Pigging campaign Pending
Run ROSEN XGP Caliper tool Pending
Phase 3 - Mechanical
Phase 3 December 23 to June 2024
Pigging & ILI tool run
Design and build cleaning and MFL-A ILI Tool Pending

Ship MFL-A ILI tool to CDI (ATA Carnet) Pending

Mechanical pigging & ILI tool run Pending
ROSEN issue interim Report Pending
ROSEN issue final report Pending
Life of Field / Pipeline Assessment Pending
Revision: 016

Critical Path Activity
Activities to be progressed by temp support


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