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Original Research

Proton MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Routine

Isabella M. Burtscher, MD, PhD* and Stig Holtås, MD, PhD

In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) addresses brain has by tradition, and based on the well-suited
metabolic pathways and their steady states in different MRS properties of brain tissue, been one of the organs
tissue types. The brain has by tradition, and due to tech- most studied by MRS. Furthermore, a number of dis-
nical limitations in other organs, been one of the tissues eases of the central nervous system (CNS) or systemic
most studied by MRS, and both 1H- and 31P-MRS have been
diseases showing CNS involvement can often not be
used. Although 31P-MRS is outstanding for the evaluation
diagnosed sufficiently by means of noninvasive imaging
of sources of metabolic energy in the brain, 1H-MRS has
become the major clinically applied method in neurospec- techniques, due to lack of or simply uncharacteristic
troscopy, as it provides information on markers of neuro- structural abnormalities. As the discussion of all or-
nal function, myelin, cell membranes, and metabolic ac- gans possibly evaluated by MRS in clinical routine
tive compounds. Furthermore, MR sensitivity is much would be beyond the scope of a single review, we focus
greater for protons than it is for phosphorus and 1H-MRS, on neurospectroscopy and diagnostic insights into di-
therefore allowing better spatial resolution. This review verse neurological problems provided by MRS applied
focuses on neurospectroscopy and diagnostic insights into as a clinical tool.
diverse neurological problems provided by 1H-MRS applied
as a clinical tool. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;13:
560 –567. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Index terms: proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy; brain;
disease; in vivo; human The results of an MRI examination are images repre-
senting the proton (1H) content of the examined tissue
INTRODUCED TO MEDICINE in the early 1980s, mag- displayed as slices of the body anatomy with a spatial
netic resonance (MR) has proven to be a valuable tool in resolution as low as approximately 1 mm3 and the sig-
the evaluation of anatomy, physiology, and biochemis- nal mainly arising from water and fat. In spectroscopy,
try of the human body. In contrast to MR imaging (MRI) MR signals corresponding to biochemical compounds
and MR angiography (MRA), both focusing on human investigated are presented as peaks (also called reso-
morphology, in vivo MR spectroscopy (MRS) addresses nances) in MR spectra illustrated in Fig. 1. Depending
metabolic pathways and their steady states in different on the addressed nucleus, different compounds can be
tissue types (1– 6). The fields of application for MRI detected. 1H, also used in MRI, and 31P are the most
expanded rapidly during the last decades and finally frequently used nuclei in clinical MRS; however, even
cover all major tissues and organs of the body. Al- C, 15N, 19F, and 23Na are assessable by MRS. Giving
though MRS can theoretically be applied to almost all insights into the energetic pathways, including, e.g.,
human organs, which is shown by the numerous re- ATP and phosphocreatine (PCr), 31P-MRS is outstand-
search publications in the field of MRS, the use of the ing for the evaluation of sources of metabolic energy in
technique is, in clinical routine, still restricted to a few the brain. Nevertheless, 1H-MRS has become the main
organs and a selection of diseases represented in the clinically applied tool in neurospectroscopy, as it pro-
studied tissues. Restrictions are mainly of a technical vides information on markers of neuronal function, my-
nature and will partly be overcome by the introduction elin, cell membranes, and metabolic active compounds,
of more powerful magnets and software solutions ap- as well as the fact that the MR sensitivity is much
plicable for clinical routine. greater for protons than it is for phosphorus and allows
The introduction of MRS to clinical neurospectros- for better spatial resolution.
copy went parallel to the tremendous development of Spatial resolution in in vivo 1H-MRS is limited, and
MRI applications in the field of neuroradiology. The spectra are usually acquired from a localized area ob-
taining single (single-voxel spectroscopy (SVS)) or mul-
tiple voxels (multivoxel spectroscopy, also referred to as
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Lund, Lund,
chemical shift imaging (CSI)) on the order of 1– 8 cm3.
Sweden. The acquisition of localized spectra is of special impor-
Part of the illustrations were presented in a lecture at the 6th Annual tance in focal or heterogeneous lesions where it allows
Meeting of ISMRM, Sydney, 1998, morning categorical course, by I.M.B. the separate evaluation of morphologically normal and
*Address reprint requests to: I.M.B., Department of Radiology, Univer-
sity Hospital, S-22185 Lund, Sweden.
pathologic-appearing parts in and adjacent to brain
E-mail: lesions, as well as the comparison to the contralateral
Received July 28, 2000; Accepted December 28, 2000. hemisphere.
© 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 560
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Proton MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Routine 561

Figure 1. Metabolic compounds de-

tected by proton MRS at different echo
times. A: TE ⫽ 270 msec (PRESS se-
quence); reading from right to left, the
three main resonances NAA (2.0 ppm),
Cr (3.0 ppm), and Cho (3.2 ppm) are ob-
served. B: TE ⫽ 20 msec (STEAM se-
quence); with main additional reso-
nances at 3.6 and 4.0 ppm (mI) and at
2.6 ppm (additional NAA peak) and a
cluster of small peaks at 2.2–2.4 ppm,
consistent of Glx, which is mainly de-
tected in pathologically altered tissue,
e.g., in hepatic encephalopathy (not

To be able to acquire signals representing metabolic Total creatine (Cr), as well as phosphocreatine (PCr),
compounds of interest, the brain water resonance, the is a marker for brain energy metabolism and displayed
main signal source in 1H-MRS, has to be suppressed, at 3.0 ppm in the proton spectrum. Cr concentrations
as the water signal is much larger than the desired are comparable for different locations throughout the
signal of investigated brain compounds and their reso- brain and relatively resistant to changes. Therefore, Cr
nances would literally drown in the water peak. Special is used as the internal standard to which resonance
water suppression pulses are added to the pulse se- intensities of other compounds are normalized. How-
quences. ever, alterations in Cr levels occur, e.g., in trauma,
Besides localization and water suppression, shim tumors, and hypoxia. Cr, PCr, Cho, and myo-inositol
procedures represent one of the major challenges in (see below) are also recognized osmotically active me-
clinical MRS, as the separation of interesting reso- tabolites (7).
nances requires a field homogeneity exceeding stan- Lactate (Lac) is not seen in the spectrum of a healthy
dards known from conventional MRI. Although shim human. Pathologic accumulation (resonance at 1.3
procedures are often automated, manual shimming ppm) of this end product of anaerobe glycolysis indi-
might still be necessary in, e.g., short TE experiments, cates that oxidative metabolism is unable to meet en-
which allow the detection of compounds with short T2 ergy requirements. Neurological diseases accompanied
relaxation times, as discussed in the section below. by positive lactate findings in MRS are, e.g., hypoxia,
ischemia, epilepsy, tumors, and mitochondrial diseases
Potentially MR-visible lipids in normal brain tissue
Main resonances observed in a proton MR spectrum
are bound to macromolecules in membranes and mye-
(Fig. 1) are (5,7–12) N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), and a
lin and therefore invisible. Due to severe pathologic
neuron marker observed at 2.02 ppm in the spectrum.
disruption of such structures, increased lipid turnover
A decrease of the compound is seen in processes involv-
leads to more mobile lipids, yielding detectable lipid
ing neuronal loss or damage, such as neoplasm, epi-
lepsy, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, hypoxia, and de- signals at 0.9 and 1.3 ppm (8).
mentia (13–16). Compared to the many diseases The glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln) resonances
leading to decreased NAA, cases with a pathologically are often summarized as a multiplet, Glx, at 2.2–2.4
increased NAA resonance, such as Canavan’s disease ppm. The signal from normal brain tissue is weak, and
(17), occur rarely but are nonetheless well known. short echo time studies (10 –20 msec), studies at higher
Physiologically increasing NAA levels can be seen in field strength (ⱖ1.5 Tesla), or 13C or 15N studies are
brain development and maturation in the infant preferable to achieve a closer look at Glx turnover. Glu
(18,19), and they can represent axonal recovery follow- is a neurotransmitter, a redox marker, and, when oc-
ing neuronal damage (14). curring in pathologically increased concentrations, a
Choline (Cho), as well as choline-containing com- neurotoxin. Gln is an astrocyte marker (5,7).
pounds, has its main resonance at 3.2 ppm. It is often Myo-inositol (mI) is an astrocyte marker and os-
referred to as a cell membrane and myelin marker. The molyte, and its resonance, preferably evaluated with
major cerebral choline compound, phosphatidylcho- short echo times, appears at 3.6 ppm in the proton
line, is partly MR invisible, and stored in cell mem- spectrum (5,7).
branes, myelin, and other cerebral lipid pools. Its visi- Further metabolites, such as amino acids and ace-
ble form is released from them under diverse tate, will be referred to in the text below.
pathological conditions, such as acute myelin break- Although MR spectra, as any MR image, can be read
down and increased cellular density (5,7,15). visually, quantitative information on concentrations of
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562 Burtscher and Holtås

observed compounds and metabolite (compound) ratios and complementary to that provided by MRI. Compared
permit a more precise and reproducible interpretation to space-occupying brain lesions, many patients pre-
of MRS data and should therefore be obtained (19,21– senting seizures do not show any MRI-detectable, mor-
23). Furthermore, clinical data and morphologic infor- phological alterations of brain parenchyma. Spectros-
mation based on computer tomography (CT), MRI, sin- copy provides the possibility of obtaining information
gle-photon-emission computer tomography (SPECT), on cerebral metabolism based on the evaluation of
and positron emission tomography (PET) have to be static metabolic abnormalities, primarily through the
taken into account when interpreting MR spectra, as NAA resonance, and on dynamic changes associated
pathologic entities easily differentiated on clinical or with the activation of anaerobic glycolysis through the
morphological bases can be impossible to differentiate lactate resonance (14,24,25).
by MRS alone. Also, age differences and concentration Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is well studied by MRS,
differences for the observed compounds throughout the focusing on lateralization of the seizure (14,26 –29).
brain have to be considered (7,18,19). Measurements of NAA in epileptogenic regions have
consistently shown decreased NAA levels that represent
neuronal dysfunction and neuronal loss. MRS localizes
MAIN CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF PROTON MRS unilateral seizure foci in concordance with EEG and
OF THE HUMAN BRAIN clinical recordings with high precision. However, MRS
In Europe, a developed part of the world with a high also demonstrates the presence of a high proportion of
standard of health care, several CNS diseases and sys- bilateral abnormalities (28), which can be difficult to
temic diseases with CNS involvement remain major observe with other techniques. MRS revealed both de-
causes of disability or death. More sophisticated diag- creased NAA levels to be present even in the absence of
nostic methods are solicited to identify, characterize, any MRI-visible abnormality and possible improvement
and classify these diseases to provide a diagnostic basis of NAA levels in the remaining temporal lobe after suc-
for new and/or standardized therapy regimens. cessful resection of the epileptogenic temporal lobe (30).
MRS is one of these sophisticated methods adjusted Based on these findings, NAA decrease is thought to
to the diagnostic challenges represented by diseases partly reflect neuronal dysfunction associated with the
like epilepsy, cerebral space-occupying lesions, MS, de- epileptic state rather than neuronal loss associated
generative diseases, and metabolic diseases. The im- with, e.g., hippocampal sclerosis. An increase in cho-
pact of these diseases on society both from economic line-containing compounds in the epileptogenic region
and humanitarian points of view can be imagined, con- might be associated with a reactive gliosis (24). In tissue
sidering some of the following incidence and prevalence directly involved in seizure activity, the metabolic de-
rates. mands may exceed the capacity of the tissue to provide
The mean incidence rate of epilepsy in Europe is the required energy by oxidative metabolism, leading to
50/100,000; however, regional differences occur, and regional accumulation of lactate as a result of activated
the prevalence is 6 –7/1000. Among space-occupying anaerobic glycolysis. This local increase in lactate can
lesions, brain tumors have an incidence rate of 15/ persist for several hours and may be used as a more
100,000 (prevalence of 60/100,000). Although brain direct marker of seizure activity (7,25,31). Figure 2 il-
tumors represent about 10% of neoplasm in adults lustrates spectral abnormalities and asymmetries in a
(higher percentage in children) and two-thirds of brain patient presenting with partial status epilepticus and
tumors are benign, highly malignant astrocytomas are electroencephalographically and clinically determined
the fourth leading cause of cancer mortality in men and unilateral epileptogenic focus.
women between 15 and 34 years of age and the fifth
leading cause in men between 35 and 54 years of age. Cerebral Space-Occupying Lesions
Other space-occupying lesions, such as brain ab-
scesses, are rare in developed countries. MS shows Cerebral space-occupying lesions can easily be de-
high regional differences in incidence (3/100,000) and tected and visualized by means of diagnostic tools, such
prevalence (between 50 –100/100,000; 70/100,000 in as MRI, CT, and SPECT. However, as visualization itself
central Europe) with the highest rates in the northern is often not sufficient for discrimination of different
parts of the United States, Canada, central and north- lesion types, MRS can add another dimension to differ-
ern Europe, southern Australia, and New Zealand. For ential diagnosis by providing biochemical profiles of the
degenerative diseases, exact prevalence and incidence lesions.
rates are often unknown. A total of 5%–7% of the pop- Comparable to the diversity of tumor types, a variety
ulation over 65 years of age suffers from Alzheimer’s of different spectroscopic methods has been suggested
disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in for differential diagnosis of brain tumors. Starting with
Western industrialized countries. Parkinson’s disease the interpretation of metabolite ratios and quantitative
shows highest prevalence rates in northern parts of MRS data acquired by means of single-volume spec-
America and Europe (200/100,000 in central Europe) troscopy measurements covering large and heteroge-
and incidence rates of 20/100,000. neous parts of the lesions, several spectral character-
istics could be associated to different tumor groups,
although large overlaps, questioning the specificity,
were observed (8,32– 41). Consistent findings were the
Spectroscopy findings in seizures illustrate that MRS decrease and ultimately loss of NAA resonances in tu-
can provide valuable information that is different from mors derived from other-than-neuronal tissue and an
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Proton MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Routine 563

Figure 2. Partial status epilepticus. A: NAA is decreased and lactate slightly increased ipsilateral to the electroencephalographi-
cally determined epileptogenic focus (right, frontocentral) in an adult with partial status epilepticus. MRS localization scout
image (B) with measurement area and voxels represented by the spectra outlined in A and C. The contralateral brain tissue does
not show any spectral alterations (C).

increase in choline-containing compounds represent- gaged by T2-weighted lesions in MS patients, changes

ing increased cell turnover, cell density, and gliosis (Fig. in normal-appearing WM might be more significant
3A). Lactate, mobile lipids, choline, and NAA levels were for the chronic functional impairment of the patients
furthermore used for malignancy staging (41– 44), and than abnormalities in the lesions. Fu et al (58)
the occurrence of alanine was associated with menin- showed that changes in NAA in normal-appearing
giomas (34). More sophisticated evaluation of spectral WM correlated better with functional impairment
data using neuronal networks and automated pattern than those in T2-weighted lesions. MRS may be used
recognition showed promising results and, although for detection of axonal damage and demyelination in
their clinical implication still is limited to a few research MS and might be the only noninvasive method to
centers, will certainly contribute to an increased repro- evaluate future treatment targeting axonal injury and
ducibility of true differentiation of cerebral tumors in demyelination.
the future (45–54). CSI allows the observation of spec-
tral alterations in heterogeneous parts of space-occu- Degenerative Diseases
pying lesions based on increased resolution and more
efficient data acquisition regarding the number of vox- Although often diagnosed based on clinical findings,
els per examination time. The information provided several neurodegenerative diseases show MRS-detect-
can, as illustrated in Fig. 3, be used for differential able metabolic changes, which can contribute to the
diagnosis of focal vs. infiltrating tumors and ring-en- differentiation of different groups and subtypes of these
hancing tumors vs. abscesses (55,56). diseases, as well as to the monitoring of progression in
certain diseases or their response to therapy.
AD shows, as other types of dementia, decreased NAA
levels (1,7,16,25). Differentiation might, however, be
Acute and chronic functional impairment in MS re- possible when utilizing information from short TE ex-
sults from multiple mechanisms, including demyeli- aminations revealing, e.g., increased mI in AD, com-
nation, conduction block, and axonal injury. The pared to increased Cho in multi-infarct dementia (7).
main spectroscopic finding in MS lesions is decreased Parkinson’s disease challenges MRS, due to technical
NAA. However, early increase in Cho and lactate, as limitations in spatial resolution necessary for the as-
well as early, transient decrease in Cr, can be ob- sessment of brain tissue involved in Parkinson’s dis-
served (15,25,35,57,58). In chronic lesions, Cr levels ease (e.g., substantia nigra) and in management of sus-
normalize while NAA levels stay low, representing in- ceptibility effects caused by excess of iron in these
complete recovery of axonal injury. Studies using regions. However, preliminary results from Holshouser
short echo times showed increased mI (59) and lipid et al (60) indicate a decreased NAA/Cho ratio in the
signals. Detecting decreased NAA levels even outside striatum in a treatment subset of patients.
lesions visualized using T2-weighted MRI, MRS In Huntington’s disease (HD), MRS reveals reduced
proved to be more sensitive in the detection of tissue NAA/Cho ratios and increased lactate in the cortex and
abnormalities in MS than conventional MRI. Consid- basal ganglia in symptomatic HD patients. Increased
ering the low percentage of white matter (WM) en- lactate levels detected by MRS guided the choice of
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Figure 3. CSI can contribute to differential diagnosis of ring-enhancing lesions, such as infiltrating brain tumors (high-grade
glioma in AA), focal metastases (adenocarcinoma metastasis in BA), and abscesses (CA) by the detection of spectral alterations
in heterogeneous parts of the space-occupying lesions. The spectra representing the cystic parts of the lesions allow the
differentiation of the abscess (CB) from the glioma (AB) and the metastasis (BB) based on the combination of the detected
resonances of amino acids (2.4 ppm; 1.4 ppm, alanine; and 0.9 ppm), acetate (1.9 ppm), lactate (1.3 ppm), and mobile lipids (0.9
ppm) in the spectrum of the abscess. In comparison, the spectra representing the cystic necrosis of the glioma (AB) are
dominated by a lactate peak, and the cystic part of the metastasis shows lactate and an unassigned peak at 2.0 ppm, not
consistent with NAA. Spectra from the boarders of the cysts show, due to partial volume effects, a combination of the resonances
representing the cystic components and surrounding contrast-enhancing tissue with increased Cho/NAA (AC, BC, and CC).
Normal-appearing tissue outside the lesions in metastases (BD) and abscesses (CD) do not show any major spectral alterations.
However, normal-appearing tissue surrounding a glioma might show increased Cho and decreased NAA (AD), representing the
infiltrative growth of the glioma.
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Proton MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Routine 565

Figure 4. Decreased NAA and a minor

lactate peak (inverted due to acquisition
with TE ⫽ 135 msec) following asphyxia
are seen in the MR spectrum (B) from a
voxel covering the basal ganglia (out-
lined in A) in a 2-day-old boy (gestational
age, 41 weeks).

treatment, and reversion of increased lactate following terns, and spectral information always has to be inter-
coenzyme Q treatment can be monitored (61). preted in conjunction with clinical findings and case
MRS utilized in other neurodegenerative diseases history. Some of the specific changes recognized as
showed decrease in NAA and increase in Cho and mI in characteristic for a particular metabolic disease when
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (7,62) and strong interpreted on the basis of the individual case are: ele-
lipid-triglyceride signal in central pontine myelinolysis vated lactate and sometimes decreased NAA in mito-
(CPM) consistent with histological evidence of lipid- chondrial disorders (Fig. 5) (5,7); elevation of Glu, de-
filled macrophages at the site of myelinolysis (7). pletion of mI, and reduction of Cho (in WM) in chronic
hepatic encephalopathy (66); reduced Cho and mI in
Hypoxia hypo-osmolar encephalopathy (7); increased NAA in
Canavan’s disease (17); increased glycine in nonketotic
General biochemical reactions underlie the major spec- hyperglycinemia; and elevated phenylalanine in phe-
tral alterations detected by 1H-MRS following hypoxia nylketonuria (5). MRS may also be used for monitoring
based on, e.g., asphyxia (Fig. 4), near-drowning, car- the therapeutic intervention on the abnormal metabo-
diac arrest, respiratory failure, stroke, TIA, or trauma lism in some of these disorders, as, e.g., in hepatic
(5,7,63– 65). At the expense of accumulation of lactate, encephalopathy with normalization of Glu, mI, and Cho
anaerobic glycolysis meets energy requirements when after liver transplantation (5,7).
O2 is insufficient, which also leads to increased Glx in
short echo time studies. Decrease in NAA reflects neu-
ron dysfunction and axonal injury, and NAA levels can CONCLUSIONS
continue to decline several days after the acute insult to
the CNS. Increased Cho levels can be observed in asso- MRS is an interesting and expanding branch of radiol-
ciation with diffuse axonal injury and myelin and mem- ogy and neuroradiology in particular, and acquisition of
brane breakdown/turnover. Also, changes in Cr may clinical MRS data has during the last decade become
occur after hypoxia, as O2 is insufficient. MRS may be convenient from a technical point of view. Interpreta-
used for prediction of impaired neurologic function tion of standard examinations has been made easier by
based on NAA and lactate levels and for monitoring the accessibility of extensive research reports on MRS
therapeutic intervention in, e.g., the acute phase of and separate sessions focusing on clinical MRS at in-
stroke. ternational and clinical, as well as technical, MR meet-
MRS has already great clinical impact in localization
Metabolic Diseases
of foci and brain damage in epilepsy and represents a
In metabolic diseases, inherited or acquired, the chal- valuable complement to conventional imaging tech-
lenge for MRS is most often not the detection of the niques, such as CT and MRI. MRS is superior to MRI in
primarily underlying metabolite, protein, enzyme, or the differential diagnosis of untreated bacterial ab-
transmitter, but the visualization of the secondary scesses vs. other space-occupying lesions and in the
changes caused by the pathophysiological mechanisms detection of tumor growth in morphologically normal
and expressed as neuronal dysfunction/damage, de- tissue. The possibility of a noninvasive evaluation of
myelination, gliosis, or accumulation of vast products. metabolic abnormalities provided by MRS allows, in
Only a limited number among the variety of metabolic comparison to MRI and CT, in many cases of metabolic
diseases evaluated by MRS show specific spectral pat- diseases, a more accurate differential diagnosis and
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566 Burtscher and Holtås

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