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American Fisheries Society Symposium 73:619–648, 2010

© 2010 by the American Fisheries Society

Lethal and Nonlethal Effects of Predators on Stream

Fish Species and Assemblages: A Synthesis of Predation
David J. Hoeinghaus*,1
Division of Biology, Kansas State University
104 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA
Fernando M. Pelicice
Núcleo de Estudos Ambientais (Neamb), Universidade Federal do Tocantins
Porto Nacional, Tocantins 77500-000, Brasil

Abstract.—Ecological communities are structured by a combination of stochas-

tic and deterministic processes, the latter including both abiotic factors and biotic
interactions such as predation. Many studies, mostly in relatively stable ecosystems
such as lakes, have demonstrated top-down effects on community structure and
function. Communities or species in dynamic nonequilibrium ecosystems such as
streams may also respond strongly to predation pressure. In this chapter, we review
experimental research on effects of predation on fish assemblages in lotic systems,
focusing on developments in the decades since Matthews and Heins (1987). Direct
experimental evidence indicates that predators strongly affect lotic fish assemblages
via direct and indirect pathways of lethal and nonlethal interactions. Across stud-
ies, predators consistently reduced prey density, caused changes in prey habitat use,
and decreased prey activity levels. Predators may also affect aspects of prey life his-
tory and reproduction in streams, and the presence of multiple predator species
may result in prey risk enhancement. Our review identified five areas needing ad-
ditional research that may lead to further advances in stream fish community ecol-
ogy: (1) linking predation experiments with theoretical models of fish assemblage
structure and function, (2) quantifying functional traits of predators and prey, (3)
manipulating whole assemblages and testing multispecies interactions, (4) under-
standing the role of predation in human-modified ecosystems, and (5) application
of analytical approaches that facilitate integration among these areas of research as
well as with observational field studies.

* Corresponding author:

Present address: Department of Biological Sciences and
the Institute of Applied Science, University of North Texas,
1155 Union Circle #310559, Denton, Texas 76203, USA

620 hoeinghaus and pelicice
Introduction for a change in the “initiator” species (e.g., den-
sity of a predatory species) to cause a change
Ecological communities are structured by a in the “receiving” species. Wootton (1993,
combination of stochastic and deterministic 1994b) describes indirect interactions as ei-
processes, the latter including both abiotic ther linked chains of direct interactions (inter-
factors and biotic interactions such as preda- action chains; Figure 1b) or changes in inter-
tion. Predators, simply defined as animals that actions between two species mediated by the
kill and eat other animals, are a common fea- presence of a third species (interaction modi-
ture of ecological communities and perform fications; Figure 1c). Although several slightly
myriad functions through a combination of different definitions of indirect interactions
direct and indirect effects on prey species, exist (e.g., Miller and Kerfoot 1987; Strauss
their potential competitors, and resources. 1991; Billick and Case 1994; Wootton 1994b;
Direct and indirect effects of predators inter- Abrams 1995), of consensus across defini-
act with abiotic drivers and may be spatially tions is that indirect interactions require at
and temporally important in structuring vari- least three participating species (or functional
ous aspects of prey populations, communi- groups), in contrast to direct interactions that
ties, and ecosystem processes. occur between species pairs. Trophic cascades,
The simplest and most obvious effect of keystone predator effects, and exploitive com-
predators on their prey is through direct le- petition are all examples of density-mediated
thal (consumptive) interactions that affect indirect interactions, and trait-mediated indi-
prey abundance, size structure, and assem- rect interactions are due to phenotypic chang-
blage structure. However, predators may also es in one of the interacting species (reviewed
affect prey through nonlethal (nonconsump- by Wootton 1994b; Werner and Peacor 2003).
tive) interactions, which result in changes in Indirect effects often result from a combination
behavior, habitat and resource use, growth, of lethal and nonlethal predator–prey interac-
and aspects of life history. Nonlethal interac- tions and may be comprised of both density-
tions are easily overlooked, yet may enhance and trait-mediated effects (Werner and Peacor
or obscure effects of lethal interactions, and 2003; Peckarsky et al. 2008).
effects of predator intimidation may greatly Natural communities typically have multi-
exceed consumption (Ripple and Beschta ple predator species that often differ function-
2004; Preisser et al. 2005; Creel and Chris- ally, such as in body size and aspects of foraging
tianson 2008; Preisser and Bolnick 2008). mode. Rather than exhibiting independent lin-
Throughout this chapter, we refer to pairwise ear effects, the presence of multiple predators
interactions between a predator and its prey may have nonlinear impacts on prey species
or potential prey as either lethal or nonlethal (reviewed by Sih et al. 1998; Schmitz 2007).
direct interactions (Figure 1a). That is, the combined effect of multiple preda-
Predators may exert indirect impacts on tors on a prey species is either less or greater
their prey or other food web components via than the expected effect given the simple com-
density or trait-mediated interactions among bination of the independent predator effects.
two or more other species (Figure 1b–h). Ac- For example, the presence of multiple predator
cording to Abrams (1995), indirect interac- species may facilitate overall prey capture effi-
tions are those that require a change in some ciency or result in lower prey capture efficiency
property of a (or many) “transmitter” species through interference among predators (Figure
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 621

Basic forms of direct and indirect interactions

a) Simple direct interaction b) Interaction chain c) Interaction modification

Commonly investigated indirect interactions

d) Exploitative competition e) Apparent competition f) Trophic cascade

g) Indirect mutualism h) Indirect mutualism
(interference) (exploitation)

Direct interaction
B C B D Interaction modification
Indirect interaction

Figure 1. Basic forms of (a) direct and (b, c) indirect interactions, and (d–f) five commonly investi-
gated indirect interactions. Letters represent species, solid arrows represent direct trophic interactions
and direction of energy flow from resource to consumer, the dashed arrow indicates an interaction
modification of one species on the direct interaction between two other species, and dotted arrows
indicate direction of indirect interactions between species pairs in interaction chains. Interactions may
be lethal (consumptive) or nonlethal (e.g., shifts in habitat use). Adapted from Figures 1 and 2 in Woot-
ton (1994b).

2). From the prey’s standpoint, emergent mul- have received far less attention in this regard
tiple predator effects are either risk-enhancing because the role of biotic interactions, includ-
or risk-reducing, and outcomes of multiple ing predation, is often assumed to be minimal
predator interactions may be predicted based in comparison with abiotic factors because of
on functional characteristics of predators and the dynamic (nonequilibrium) nature of these
prey (e.g., habitat use and foraging mode; systems (reviewed in Matthews 1998; Jack-
Schmitz 2007; Figure 2). son et al. 2001). Abiotic factors surely play an
To date, the majority of research on preda- important role in organizing aquatic commu-
tor–prey interactions has focused on relatively nities in lotic ecosystems, but it is likely that
stable ecosystems such as lakes because biotic direct and indirect effects of predation interact
interactions are expected to more strongly with abiotic factors to affect stream fish com-
affect communities in equilibrium systems munities at a variety of spatial and temporal
where environmental conditions are compara- scales (e.g., Gasith and Resh 1999; Power et al.
tively benign (Krebs 2001). Lotic ecosystems 2008). Evidence of predation as contributing
622 hoeinghaus and pelicice

Figure 2. Predicting and testing for multiple predator effects. Predictions may be derived for multiple
predator effects (a–d) based on aspects of prey and predator habitat use and predator foraging modes
(adapted from Schmitz 2007). Range (narrow or broad) and overlap of habitat use is indicated by
the relative height and position of the shapes representing prey (rectangle) and predators (ellipses).
Shading of predator ellipses indicates similar or divergent foraging modes. Two different null models
(e) and two experimental designs (f) have been used to test for multiple predator effects. Effects (e.g.,
percent mortality) of individual predators (Pa, Pb) on a shared prey species are represented by gray
bars, and black bars represent the expected effect of both predators together based on (e) the additive
(Add.) or multiplicative (Mult.) models, and (f) the additive (Add.) or substitutive (Sub.) experimental
designs using the multiplicative model. 13 and 23 indicate the density level. Note that the additive null
model can yield an expected effect that exceeds 100%, a problem that is corrected in the multiplicative
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 623
to observed spatiotemporal patterns in fish as- the paucity of studies at larger scales in lotic
semblage structure, habitat use, distribution, systems. Although effects of predators on prey
and life history is common in observational fishes may have important indirect effects on
studies (e.g., Fraser and Sise 1980; Reznick other species of the fish assemblage and other
and Endler 1982; Power 1984; Gilliam et al. food web compartments, our review focuses
1993; Fraser et al. 1995; Rodríguez and Lewis on lethal and nonlethal direct interactions of
1997; Fraser et al. 2001; Magalhães et al. 2002; predators on lotic fish assemblages or species
Layman et al. 2005; Hoeinghaus et al. 2007; because studies explicitly testing or quantify-
Reyjol et al. 2008; Walsh and Reznick 2008; ing indirect interactions within lotic fish as-
Pelicice and Agostinho 2009), and many stud- semblages are lacking (but see Harvey 1991;
ies have experimentally demonstrated strong Blanchet et al. 2008). Previous research dem-
effects of predation on invertebrate and ver- onstrating trophic cascades in lotic systems is
tebrate assemblages across a diversity of lotic a notable exception (e.g., Power et al. 1985;
systems (e.g., Stein and Magnuson 1976; Pe- Power 1990; Flecker and Townsend 1994;
tranka 1983; Flecker and Allan 1984; Power et Forrester et al. 1999; Gelwick 2000; Wood-
al. 1992; Nystrom and McIntosh 2003; Fairch- ward et al. 2008); however, as our focus is on
ild and Holomuzki 2005). lotic fish assemblages and not lotic ecosystems,
Matthews (1998) noted that of the 30 we do not review the trophic cascade literature
contributions in Community and Evolution- herein. We did not endeavor to review stream
ary Ecology of North American Stream Fishes fish responses to chemical cues from predators
(Matthews and Heins 1987), only the papers by (kairomones) or alarm cues from injured prey
Fraser et al. (1987) and Schlosser (1987a) ad- at this time, but refer the reader to reviews by
dressed the role of predator–prey interactions Chivers and Smith (1998) and Brown (2003)
on stream fish assemblages. In this chapter, we and studies by Blanchet et al. (2007), Scheurer
review experimental research on effects of pre- et al. (2007), and Sunardi et al. (2007a) for
dation on fish species and assemblages in lotic some recent examples. Similarly beyond the
systems, focusing on developments in the de- scope of this review were prey learning and ef-
cades since Matthews and Heins (1987). Several fects of acquired predator recognition on the
generalities may be gleaned from these studies, outcome of predator–prey interactions (e.g.,
yet our review also identifies many areas need- Mathis et al. 1996; Brown and Godin 1999;
ing additional research that may lead to further Haberli et al. 2005).
advances in stream fish community ecology.
General Overview

Review of Experimental Research Given the aforementioned scope of our review,

the following sections are based on 43 studies
Scope and Limitations
(Table 1) identified via database searches and
Predator–prey interactions are inherently local cited reference searches. Table 1 is a represen-
in scale, but resulting direct and indirect effects tative compilation of experimental research
of predation may cascade across larger spatial directly manipulating predator–prey fish in-
and temporal scales. Because the majority of teractions in lotic systems or on lotic fish spe-
previous experimental research was conducted cies in stream mesocosms over the past three
at small scales (e.g., riffle-pool segments), our decades. Experimental duration ranged from
review retains this bias for no better reason than several days (most studies) to as long as several
Table 1. Summary of experimental studies of predator–prey interactions in lotic fish assemblages.
Prey response Predator treatment
a b c d e
Reference Latitude Venue Environ Type N species Taxa N speciese Typef Emergentg
Fraser and Cerri 1982 Temp M HC HU, DL 2 (indiv) Fish 1 P/A –
Cerri and Fraser 1983 Temp M RD HU 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Power et al. 1985 Temp F – MO, SI, HU, 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Gilliam and Fraser 1987 Temp M RD MO, RU, FR 1 Fish 1 DN –
Fraser et al. 1987 Temp F+M HC, RD MO, SI, HU, 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Reznick and Bryga 1987 Trop F – SI, LH 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Rahel and Stein 1988 Temp M – MO, RU, AR 1 Fish, 2 (both) P/A N
Schlosser 1987b Temp M HC MO, SI, HU, 3 Fish 1 P/A –
RU (indiv)
Schlosser 1988a Temp M HC MO, HU, RU 1 Fish 2 (indiv) P/A N
Schlosser 1988b Temp M HC MO, SI, HU, 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Schlosser and Ebel 1989 Temp F+M HC MO, SI, HU, 3 Fish 1 P/A –
RU (indiv)
Reznick et al. 1990 Trop F – SI, LH 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Harvey 1991 Temp F FL MO, DN, SI, 5+ (comb) Fish 1 P/A, DN –
Harvey and Stewart 1991 Temp F HC, FL MO, SI, 3 (indiv) Bird, 2+(comb) AM N
hoeinghaus and pelicice

Angermeier 1992 Temp M HC, FL MO, SI, RU, 3 (indiv) Fish 1 P/A, DN –
Fraser and Gilliam 1992 Trop F+M – MO, SI, HU, 2 (both) Fish 1+ P/A, DN N
Greenberg 1994 Temp M FL MO, HU, RU 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Brown and Brasher 1995 Temp M – SI, HU, RU 2 (both) Fish 1 P/A –
Fraser et al. 1995 Trop F+M – MO, HU, DS, 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Grossman et al. 1995 Temp M TM RU, DL 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Lohr and Fausch 1996 Temp M – MO, HU, RU 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Greenberg 1999 Temp M FL MO, HU, RU 2 (both) Fish 1 P/A –
Allouche and Gaudin 2001 Temp M HC, FL HU, RU, FR, 1 Bird 1 P/A –
Table 1. Continued.
Prey response Predator treatment
a b c d e
Reference Latitude Venue Environ Type N species Taxa N speciese Typef Emergentg
Gilliam and Fraser 2001 Trop F+M HC, FL SI, MV, SE 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Reinhardt et al. 2001 Temp F – MO, SI, GR 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Schaefer 2001 Temp M FL, OT MV 3 (both) Fish 1 P/A –
White and Harvey 2001 Temp F HC MO 1 Fish 1+ P/A –
Bryan et al. 2002 Temp M – MO, RU, AR 1 Fish, 2+ (both) P/A Y
Skalski and Gilliam 2002 Temp M RD MO, FR, GR 1 Fish 1 DN –
Glova 2003 Temp M – MO, HU 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Steinmetz et al. 2003 Temp F – DN, SI 5+ (comb) Bird 2 (comb) DN N
Fraser et al. 2004 Trop F+M – RU, FR, GR, 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Harvey et al. 2004 Temp M HC MO, RU, AR 1 Fish 2+ (both) P/A Y
Layman and Winemiller 2004 Trop F – DN, SI, DL 50+ (comb) Fish 7 (comb) P/A N
Magoulick 2004 Temp F – DN, SI, RU 4+ (comb) Fish 1 P/A –
Greenberg et al. 2005 Temp F – GR, OT 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Knight and Gido 2005 Temp M HC MO, HU, RU 4 (both) Fish 1 P/A –
Nilsson and Persson 2005 Temp F – GR 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Fraser et al. 2006 Trop F – SI, MV, DL 1 Fish 2 (both) P/A N
Nannini and Belk 2006 Temp F+M – MO, HU, RU, 2 (both) Fish 1 P/A –
Sunardi et al. 2007b Temp M – HU, FR, AR, 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Blanchet et al. 2008 Temp F FL AR, GR, DL 1 Fish 1 P/A –
Steinmetz et al. 2008 Temp F – MO, SI 2 (comb) Fish, 2+ (both) P/A Y
Latitude: Temp = temperate, Trop = tropical.
Venue: F = field, M = mesocosm, F+M = both field and mesocosm components.
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages

Environmental treatments: HC = habitat complexity/cover, FL = water flow/volume, RD = resource density, TM = temperature, OT = other.
Response: MO = mortality, DN = density, SI = size structure or comparison, HU = habitat use (macro), RU = refuge use (micro; including depth), DS = disper-
sal (landscape), MV = movement (macro), FR = foraging rate/time, AR = activity rate, GR = growth, LH = life-history traits/reproduction, DL = diel comparison,
SE = seasonal/temporal, OT = other (e.g., courtship, escape response).
Number of species: comb = combined, indiv = individually, both = combined and individually.
Type of predator treatment: DN = density, P/A = presence vs. absence (including exclusion experiments), AM = ambient (environment manipulated).
Emergent impacts of multiple predators tested?: Y = yes, N = no.
626 hoeinghaus and pelicice
years (e.g., Reznick et al. 1990). A variety of ex- with field studies increasing in prevalence (Ta-
perimental designs were used, including field ble 1). The majority of studies evaluated the
enclosures and exclosures, stream mesocosms response of a single prey species, and of those
with constant or variable environmental con- studies that examined responses of multiple
ditions and complexity, and combinations of prey species, the majority were either exam-
field and mesocosm components (Table 1). ined on an individual species level or all spe-
Cursory evaluation of Table 1 identifies a cies combined (i.e., very few studies examined
few trends in experimental design and venue the combination of individual and combined
across studies over time (Figures 3 and 4). First, responses; Figure 4c, Table 1). Most studies
temperate systems have received considerably examined effects of the presence or absence of
more attention (Figures 3, 4a), and with the a single predator species (rather than changes
exception of Layman and Winemiller (2004), in predator density), which were almost exclu-
even the tropical studies were from small head- sively fish (Figure 4d–f). Only three studies
water streams with low species richness. Meso- (<7% of the total) tested for emergent impacts
cosm studies are slightly more common overall of multiple predators (Table 1; Figure 4d; but
(Figure 4b), but there may be a temporal trend see also Rahel and Stein 1988).

= single prey sp., single predator sp.

= mul�ple prey spp. (combined), single predator sp. Magoulick
= mul�ple predator spp. (combined)
Steinmetz et al.
= mul�ple predator spp., tested for emergent impacts
bold = manipulated predator taxa other than fish
Glova Steinmetz et al.

Schlosser (b) Skalski & Gilliam Blanchet et al.

Schlosser (a) Bryan et al. Sunardi et al.

Grossman et al.

Rahel & Stein White & Harvey Nannini & Belk

Brown & Brasher

Schlosser Harvey & Stewart Schaefer Nilsson & Persson

Power et al. Schlosser & Ebel Greenberg Knight & Gido
et al.

Temperate Cerri & Fraser Fraser et al. Harvey Greenberg Harvey et al.

Fraser & Cerri Gilliam & Fraser Angermeier Lohr & Fausch Greenberg et al.
& Gaudin

1980 1990 2000 2010

Tropical Reznick & Bryga Fraser et al. Gilliam & Fraser Fraser et al.

Reznick et al. Fraser et al.

Layman &
Fraser & Gilliam

Figure 3. Timeline of predator–prey experiments in lotic fish assemblages. Studies above the timeline
are from temperate regions and those below the timeline are from tropical regions. Shapes, shading
and text styles distinguish experiment characteristics as depicted in the legend. Note that studies con-
ducted with multiple prey and/or predator species combined may also have run independent experi-
ments for each species separately (e.g., as necessary for testing for emergent impacts). See Table 1 for
more detailed summary information for each study.
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 627

Figure 4. Classification of predator–prey experiments in lotic fish assemblages according to (a) latitude,
(b) experimental venue, (c) number of prey species or taxa examined, (d) number of predator species
or taxa included, (e) predator taxa used, and (f) type of predator treatment (P/A = presence/absence).
Total percent across groups may slightly exceed 100% as several studies included multiple experiments
that differed in design. For experiments with two or more prey species (designated as 2+), those that
manipulated predator–prey interactions on an individual species basis are shown in addition to the
total. For predator treatments with two or more species (designated as 2+), those studies that explicitly
tested for emergent impacts of multiple predators are shown in addition to the total.

We identified 14 broad classes of response vestigation (Figure 5). Most studies measured
variables measured across studies (Table 1), multiple response variables, and 30 of the 42
which differed greatly in their frequency of in- studies measured three or more of our broad
628 hoeinghaus and pelicice

Figure 5. Percent of studies that measured each prey response category. The total across response
categories exceeds 100% because most studies measured multiple response variables (Table 1).

response classes (Table 1). Mortality, micro- aspects of experimental design (i.e., field exclo-
habitat/refuge use, macrohabitat use, and size- sure of predators in natural prey assemblages
structure or body-size contrasts were the most versus stocking of prey fish into experimental
frequently employed response variables, with treatments). Across studies measuring prey
each measured in 44–58% of all studies (Figure fish mortality rates or density, the presence
5). Approximately 26% of all studies examined of predators significantly reduced prey popu-
diel variation in response variables. Growth lations compared to no-predator controls,
rates were measured in nine studies, and eight increased prey fish density in predator exclu-
or fewer studies examined effects of predators sion experiments, or decreased prey density
on prey foraging rates, activity rates, and life in predator addition treatments in field set-
history attributes, among other factors. tings. Significant variation in the effectiveness
of predators to reduce prey populations was
Mortality and Density mediated by predator and prey identities and
Perhaps the most obvious and easiest to mea- body size, habitat depth and complexity, and
sure effect of predators on their prey is through predator density.
direct lethal interactions, namely consump- Studies demonstrating variation in pre-
tion. Fittingly, the most frequently examined dation rates as a function of predator or prey
response variable in the experimental studies identity and body size are common. Schloss-
reviewed, along with refuge use, was mortality er (1987b) found mortality rates of juve-
rate (Figure 5; Table 1). Effects of predators on nile smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu,
prey fish density were only examined in about hornyhead chub Nocomis biguttatus, and
9% of the studies; however, the limited use of white sucker Catostomus commersonii to differ
this comparable response variable is related to among species by as much as 10 individuals
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 629
per 48 h in the presence of a single adult small- contrast, exclusion of piscivorous birds, great
mouth bass. In the same experimental system, blue herons Ardea herodias and belted kingfish-
Schlosser (1988a) found that mortality rates ers Ceryle alcyon, resulted in higher densities of
of brassy minnow Hybognathus hankinsoni dif- larger central stonerollers Campostoma anoma-
fered greatly between treatments with adult lum and striped shiners Luxilus chrysocephalus
creek chub Semotilus atromaculatus or small- in prairie streams (Steinmetz et al. 2003).
mouth bass (the more successful predator), The ability of predators to reduce prey
and that mortality rates of small hornyhead populations also may vary in relation to the
chub (60–65 mm) were more than three times availability of instream cover, water depth, or
higher than large hornyhead chub (100–110 current velocity, but the importance of these
mm) in the presence of adult smallmouth environmental variables in mediating preda-
bass (Schlosser 1988b). Similarly, Magoulick tor–prey interactions appears to be dependent
(2004) observed a size-based shift in prey on the identities of the predator and prey spe-
densities in response to the addition of large- cies. For example, Harvey and Stewart (1991)
mouth bass Micropterus salmoides to stream found mortality rates of central stonerollers
pools, with smaller size-classes exhibiting the in stream pools frequented by green-backed
greatest changes in densities. Even prey species herons Butorides striatus and raccoons Pro-
with similar morphologies and ecologies may cyon lotor to be mediated by water depth and
respond differently to predation threat, result- the availability of shelter. Survivorship was
ing in different mortality rates (Nannini and four times greater in deep pools (40 cm) ver-
Belk 2006). Like the above studies on temper- sus shallow pools (10 cm) without shelter
ate assemblages, Fraser and Gilliam (1992) and comparable among deep pools and shal-
observed lower mortality of comparatively low pools with shelter. Similar to a conceptual
larger guppies Poecilia reticulata than giant riv- model by Power (1987), Harvey and Stewart
ulus (also known as killifish) Rivulus hartii in (1991) suggested that larger prey fish are at
the presence of predatory trahira Hoplias ma- greater predation risk from terrestrial preda-
labaricus in tropical streams of Trinidad. Also tors such as wading birds and mammals in
in the tropics, but conducted in a much more shallow water, whereas smaller prey fish are at
species-rich lowland river, Layman and Wine- greater predation risk from piscivorous fish in
miller (2004) found that exclusion of a guild deeper water. White and Harvey (2001) found
of large-bodied piscivores from sandbank hab- mortality of prickly sculpin Cottus asper from
itats resulted in an approximately 250% day- predation by Sacramento pikeminnow Pty-
time increase in the density of medium-sized chocheilus grandis to be much higher in pools
prey fishes, corresponding with the size-class than in riffles and greatly reduced when arti-
of prey most often found in stomach contents ficial cover was provided. Angermeier (1992)
of large piscivores. The only other study from found predation rates of adult rock bass Am-
a species-rich tropical floodplain river, A. C. bloplites rupestris on fantail darters Etheostoma
Petry and colleagues (Universidade Estadual flabellare and central stonerollers to increase
de Maringá, Brasil, unpublished manuscript) with depth, whereas predation rates on pump-
manipulated predator density in entire flood- kinseeds Lepomis gibbosus did not differ with
plain lagoons of the upper Paraná River, Brazil water depth. In this case, the presence of cover
and examined effects on prey fish abundance in the experimental stream did not significantly
(density), species richness, and evenness. In affect predation rates for any species. Similarly,
630 hoeinghaus and pelicice
Harvey et al. (2004) found no effect of a 10- Macrohabitat, Microhabitat, and
fold increase in cover availability on predation Refuge Use
rates of Sacramento pikeminnow and sculpin In addition to the lethal effects of predators on
(prickly sculpin and coastrange sculpin C. prey species discussed above, predation risk
aleuticus) on speckled dace Rhinichthys osculus. may result in nonlethal (or nonconsumptive)
Predation rates of northern pike Esox lucius on effects such as shifts in habitat use and foraging
brown trout Salmo trutta or grayling Thymallus activity. Along with mortality rates, the most
thymallus did not differ between high and low frequently measured response variables in
discharge treatments in experimental stream predator–prey experiments in lotic systems are
studies by Greenberg (1994, 1999). prey micro- and macrohabitat use, including
Higher densities of predators may be ex- use of refuges from predation provided by shal-
pected to result in higher overall prey mortal- low margins or instream cover (Figure 5). The
ity but lower per capita predation rates due to presence of piscivorous fish consistently result-
interference among predators. Unfortunately, ed in shifts by prey species or size-classes into
only a handful of studies manipulated predator shallower microhabitats within a macrohabitat
density rather than simply presence or absence, (e.g., pool) or shifts from pools to connected
and almost half of those studies measured re- shallow-water macrohabitats (e.g., riffles).
sponse variables other than prey mortality or However, use of instream cover appears to dif-
density in response to different predator densi- fer among predator–prey combinations (e.g.,
ties (i.e., Angermeier 1992; Fraser and Gilliam Rahel and Stein 1988; Schlosser 1988a; Bryan
1992). As part of a larger study evaluating ef- et al. 2002; Knight and Gido 2005) and envi-
fects of resource density on risk taking by prey ronmental context, such as if preferred shallow
fishes, Gilliam and Fraser (1987) estimated water refugia are available (e.g., Allouche and
mortality rates of juvenile creek chubs in the Gaudin 2001). Studies have found increases,
presence of different densities of adult creek decreases, and no change in the use of structur-
chub and found a positive linear relationship ally complex habitats designed as cover in ex-
between predator density and prey mortality perimental treatments with and without pred-
rates. Harvey (1991) observed size-based re- ators (e.g., Angermeier 1992; Grossman et al.
sponses of the fish assemblage to variation in 1995; White and Harvey 2001), and instream
density of largemouth bass in stream pools. cover may not necessarily function as a refuge
Minnows and juvenile sunfishes less than 80 from predation (e.g., Harvey et al. 2004).
mm exhibited strong declines in abundance Predation threat from piscivorous fish con-
with increasing bass density, whereas abun- sistently resulted in increased use of shallow-
dance of adult sunfish increased slightly with water micro- and macrohabitats of prey spe-
increasing bass density. In addition to exclud- cies across studies. Within pool macrohabitats,
ing avian predators, Steinmetz et al. (2003) several studies observed prey species to prefer-
also measured fish density and body size in entially utilize deeper water in the absence of
response to ambient and increased levels of a predator, but shift to shallow margins when
predation. Contrary to the strong response a predator is present (e.g., Power et al. 1985;
of some species to exclusion of avian preda- Harvey 1991; Fraser and Gilliam 1992; Fraser
tors, no difference in prey fish density or size et al. 2004; Magoulick 2004). For example, in a
structure was observed between ambient and stream pool of Brier Creek, Oklahoma, Harvey
increased levels of avian predation. (1991) observed bigeye shiners Notropis boops,
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 631
central stonerollers and juveniles of green sun- different manner due to differences in their rel-
fish Lepomis cyanellus and longear sunfish L. ative risk of predation (Schlosser 1987b). Mac-
megalotis to shift from deeper water to shallow- rohabitat shifts may be comparable among size
er margins following the introduction of large- classes of the same species, even when preda-
mouth bass, whereas adult sunfishes that ex- tion rates differ among size-classes, if a thresh-
ceeded gape limitations of the predator did not old level of predation risk has been exceeded
alter their depth distributions. Higher preda- (Schlosser 1988b). However, some prey spe-
tor densities resulted in a more pronounced cies may not shift from deep to shallow-water
shift in depth distributions of vulnerable prey macrohabitats even when predation rates are
species. Similarly, Fraser and Gilliam (1992) high, as observed by Schlosser and Ebel (1989)
observed shifts in within-pool habitat use, me- for northern redbelly dace Phoxinus eos under
diated by prey body size and diurnal period, in predation threat from creek chub.
tropical stream pools in the presence of a noc-
turnal predator, trahira. Comparatively larger Prey Activity, Foraging Rates, and
giant rivulus did not exhibit significant shifts Growth
in its depth distribution in the presence of tra- Comparatively active prey may more frequently
hira, whereas both small and large size-classes encounter predators or draw more attention
of guppy (both of which are smaller than giant from predators than sedentary prey, potentially
rivulus) shifted to shallow pool margins during resulting in higher mortality. However, more ac-
the crepuscular period as activity of the noc- tive foragers may acquire more resources than
turnal predator increases. less active or refuging individuals, which may
When pools are connected with shallower lead to a trade-off between resource acquisition
riffles and runs, experimental studies often (with potentially cascading effects on growth,
find the presence of piscivorous fish to result reproduction, and population dynamics) and
in macrohabitat shifts by prey fish from pools predation risk when predators are present
(typically preferred habitats in the absence of (Brown and Kotler 2004). Only 16–21% of the
the predator) to riffles and runs, depending studies in Table 1 measured effects of predators
on aspects of prey body size and the predator on activity rates (nonforaging), foraging rates,
species (e.g., Schlosser 1987b, 1988a, 1988b; or growth of prey fishes (Figure 5).
Schlosser and Ebel 1989; Greenberg 1994, Gilliam and Fraser (1987) conducted a
1999; Brown and Brasher 1995). In a series mesocosm experiment to test prey (juvenile
of experiments by Schlosser (1987b, 1988a, creek chub) choice of habitats differing in re-
1988b) and Schlosser and Ebel (1989), the source availability (Tubifex spp. worms) and
strength of macrohabitat shifts differed among predation risk (different densities of adult
prey species for a given predator as well as for creek chub). They predicted that prey should
different predator–prey combinations. For choose habitats in a manner that minimizes
example, smallmouth bass are more efficient the ratio of mortality (m) to foraging rate (f).
predators of brassy minnows than are creek Based on independent measures of mortal-
chub, and the degree of macrohabitat shifts ity rates with different predator densities and
among predator treatments corresponds with foraging rates in relation to different resource
the relative risk from predation (Schlosser densities, Gilliam and Fraser (1987) found that
1988a). Similarly, prey species may respond to juvenile creek chub chose habitats in the man-
predation threat from the same predator in a ner predicted by the “minimize m/f rule.” Their
632 hoeinghaus and pelicice
findings suggest that prey may not simply op- nardi et al. 2007b; Blanchet et al. 2008). For
timally forage to maximize energetic gain per example, although guppies are often considered
time spent foraging, but also choose habitats diurnal, Fraser et al. (2004) observed increased
to minimize predation risk relative to energy foraging rates at night when released from pre-
gain. Modifications of the “minimize m/f rule” dation pressure of a nocturnal predator. When
can account for different metabolic costs of exposed to predation threat by avian predators,
habitats (e.g., due to differences in water veloc- juvenile European chub Squalius cephalus great-
ity or temperature) or the lack of a true refuge ly reduced foraging rates and increased use of
from predation (Gilliam and Fraser 1987). overhead cover (Allouche and Gaudin 2001).
Skalski and Gilliam (2002) conducted the Predator-induced changes in foraging be-
only other study examining prey activity or havior may affect prey growth rates. Fraser et
growth rates that contrasted multiple resource al. (2004) found nocturnal foraging of guppies
and predator density levels. They examined mor- to be as profitable as diurnal foraging, and that
tality, foraging behavior and resulting growth of inhibition of foraging by a nocturnal predator
bluehead chubs Nocomis leptocephalus in an ex- results in a substantial growth penalty. Simi-
perimental setting with variable resource densi- larly, decreased foraging by juvenile European
ties and predation threat (green sunfish Lepomis chub under avian predation risk translated
cyanellus). Similar to findings from Gilliam to slower growth rates than in the absence
and Fraser (1987), Skalski and Gilliam (2002) of predators (Allouche and Gaudin 2001).
found that bluehead chubs adjusted their forag- Sunardi et al. (2007b) found that decreased
ing rate under predation threat to minimize the growth of a Japanese minnow, stone moroko
ratio of mortality to growth. Furthermore, their Pseudorasbora parva, due to reduced foraging
models indicated that age (rather than body under predation threat was exacerbated by in-
size alone) was an important factor determin- creased metabolic demands of swimming in a
ing prey behavioral responses to resource and higher velocity riffle macrohabitat used in the
predation gradients. Younger, smaller bluehead presence of the predator. Unlike the previous
chubs placed more value on growth in compari- studies, Blanchet et al. (2008) did not find a
son with mortality than older, larger bluehead significant effect of predator-induced decrease
chubs with higher reproductive potential (Skal- in foraging activity on growth rates, which they
ski and Gilliam 2002). attributed to a dominant effect of water veloci-
Fraser et al. (1987) examined prey foraging ty and elevated levels of resource availability on
rate in response to different resource densities in growth rates of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo
the presence or absence of a model predator and salar. Other studies found decreased growth
found that foraging rate increased with resource rates of prey species when in the presence of
density but was depressed at all resource levels a predator (Table 1) but did not directly link
by the presence of a predator. Similarly, all other the slower growth rates to predator-induced
studies examining activity rates or foraging rates decreases in foraging activity or energy expen-
in the presence or absence of a predator under diture as in the above studies.
constant resources observed significant decreas-
es in activity or foraging rates and increased use Emergent Impacts of Multiple Predators
of cover when available (Angermeier 1992;
Allouche and Gaudin 2001; Bryan et al. 2002; Only four studies in our review used experi-
Fraser et al. 2004; Nannini and Belk 2006; Su- mental designs that allowed for testing emer-
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 633
gent impacts of multiple predators on fishes activity rates (potentially enhancing predation
in lotic systems (Rahel and Stein 1988; Bryan risk) by Little Colorado spinedace Lepidomeda
et al. 2002; Harvey et al. 2004; Steinmetz et vittata (Bryan et al. 2002).
al. 2008). All four studies measured response
variables as a function of two predators inde- Predator-Induced Variation in Life
History and Reproduction
pendently and combined using an additive ex-
perimental design. Rahel and Stein (1988) did Although several comparative studies relate life
not explicitly test for emergent impacts; how- history variation and evolution of freshwater
ever, the latter studies all tested the null expec- fishes to predation (e.g., Reznick and Endler
tation of multiple predator effects based on the 1982; Johnson and Belk 1999; Johnson and
multiplicative model. Rahel and Stein (1988) Belk 2001; Carlson et al. 2007; Langerhans et
observed higher activity rates and lower refuge al. 2007), we are aware of only three studies,
use of johnny darters Etheostoma nigrum in the all from streams in Trinidad, that experimen-
presence of both smallmouth bass and rusty tally examined effects of predation on aspects
crayfish Oronectes rusticus than in the presence of fish life history or reproduction in lotic sys-
of smallmouth bass alone. Both Harvey et al. tems (Table 1). Similar to Reznick and Bryga
(2004) and Steinmetz et al. (2008) found sig- (1987), Reznick et al. (1990) introduced gup-
nificant emergent impacts of multiple preda- pies from a population that contained pike
tors on prey mortality rates, with prey suffer- cichlid Crenicichla alta, a predator of large sex-
ing risk enhancement (greater mortality than ually mature size-classes of guppy, into a tribu-
expected) when both predators were present. tary lacking guppies but containing rivulus, a
As may be predicted for risk enhancement to predator of small immature-size classes, there-
occur (Sih et al. 1998), the two predators dif- by changing the selective pressures on guppies
fered in their microhabitat use and foraging exerted by size-dependent predation. Reznick
modes in both studies and were both effective et al. (1990) tracked life history phenotypes of
predators in independent trials. In Harvey et the two guppy populations over 11 years (30–
al. (2004), the Sacramento pikeminnow is a 60 generations) and found significant shifts in
pelagic predator, whereas sculpin frequently life history attributes as expected based on life
occurred and foraged within the available in- history theory. Relative to the control stream
stream cover. Speckled dace avoided cover in with pike cichlid, guppies in the presence of
the presence of sculpin, thereby facilitating giant rivulus matured at a later age and larger
predation by pikeminnow (Harvey et al. 2004). size and produced fewer but larger offspring.
Risk enhancement of striped shiners and cen- Fraser and Gilliam (1992) found predation
tral stonerollers in the presence of smallmouth threat by trahira to suppress total egg produc-
bass and herons was primarily driven by the tion of killifish by approximately 50% and that
smallest size-class (<70 mm), which apparent- giant rivulus modified reproductive behavior
ly were forced from shallow water into deeper in the presence of the predator, resulting in
water to avoid the avian predator and were then spatial patchiness of egg deposition and pulsed
consumed by bass (Steinmetz et al. 2008). patterns of production. Although they did not
Similarly, the combined presence of nonnative measure reproductive effort or aspects of life
crayfish (northern crayfish O. virilis) and rain- history, Fraser et al. (2004) found that daytime
bow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss resulted in a courtship activity in guppies was reduced by
significant emergent impact on refuge use and the presence of a nocturnal predator (trahira)
634 hoeinghaus and pelicice
through its negative effect on nocturnal forag- main stem). At the same time, predation risk
ing time and growth. Reduced courtship activ- also facilitated among tributary dispersal as
ity and growth may affect reproductive traits. the few giant rivulus surviving after entering
the main stem in the presence of a predator
Movement and Dispersal ascended the adjacent tributary, whereas giant
Most studies of predator–prey interactions in rivulus tended to remain in the main stem in
lotic systems are conducted at scales too small the absence of a predator (Fraser et al. 1995).
to examine influences of predation pressure on Subsequent experiments (Gilliam and Fraser
patterns of movement or dispersal across stream 2001) examined the effect of physical structure
reach or landscape scales. Power et al. (1985) in the littoral zone of the main-stem stream on
and Fraser and Gilliam (1992) examined prey longitudinal and tributary-to-tributary move-
emigration rates from a predator invasion pool ment of giant rivulus in the presence of trahira.
to pools located just upstream or downstream. Instream cover facilitated both longitudinal
In both studies, net prey emigration rates to movement along the main stem and coloniza-
adjacent stream reaches in response to pre- tion of upstream tributaries in the presence of
dation threat were high (approaching 50% in a predator. Combined with field observations
some cases) and consistently exceeded preda- and a mark–recapture study in natural stream
tion rates. Mortality and emigration rates were reaches with and without predatory fish, these
affected by body size and appear dependent on findings demonstrate that predators can frag-
the preferred prey size of the predator present. ment populations through avoidance of high-
Similarly, Schaefer (2001) found interpool risk habitats, but also increase movement of
movement of three small cyprinids from pools survivors into safer habitats, with the prob-
with a caged predator to be almost three times ability of emigration and dispersal dependent
that of the background (no predator present) on body size and affected by habitat charac-
rate. Fraser et al. (1995) and Gilliam and Fraser teristics (Fraser et al. 1995, 2006; Gilliam and
(2001) created a unique field mesocosm as- Fraser 2001).
sembly consisting of multiple experimental
Temporal Variation
tributaries connected to a shared stream chan-
nel that was an actual third-order stream to ex- Aspects of predator sensory capability (e.g.,
amine effects of predators on prey movement visual versus nonvisual predator) may interact
among tributaries and main-stem reaches. In with environmental conditions to differently
a first experiment, Fraser et al. (1995) found affect their prey (e.g., Rodríguez and Lewis
that the presence of a predator in the main- 1997), including the time of day that predation
stem section below a tributary caused a signifi- effects occur. Several predation experiments
cant shift in the density of giant rivulus from measured response variables at multiple times
the main stem into the connected tributary (a during the diel period (primarily once each
refuge from predation) due to a combination during the day and at night; Table 1; Figure 5).
of lethal and nonlethal effects. When tributary Prey response to predation often differs along
pairs were connected by a stretch of main-stem the diurnal cycle, with the direction and mag-
stream with or without trahira, the predator nitude of the response dependent on charac-
functioned as a barrier to dispersal from tribu- teristics of the predator and prey (e.g., diurnal
taries into the main stem through predation versus nocturnal predator, body size). For ex-
(high mortality of giant rivulus entering the ample, Fraser and Cerri (1982) observed dif-
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 635
ferent patterns of prey macrohabitat use during shallow macrohabitats such as riffles in the
day and night in the presence of a predator, and presence of piscivorous fish, and in the oppo-
Fraser and Gilliam (1992) observed diurnal site direction to avoid predation by terrestrial
shifts in microhabitat use of prey under preda- predators. Shifts in micro- and macrohabitat
tion threat. As discussed above, guppy noctur- use were mediated by prey body size and pred-
nal foraging rates were depressed when a noc- ator efficacy. Third, in addition to modifying
turnal predator was present, affecting growth habitat use, overall prey activity and foraging
and courtship activity (Fraser et al. 2004). Simi- levels were consistently depressed in the pres-
larly, Blanchet et al. (2008) found lower activ- ence of predators, resulting in slower growth
ity of prey during the day but not at night in the rates. In addition to these three main patterns,
presence of a diurnal predator. The only long- evidence also indicates that size-based preda-
term study we found that was able to adequately tion pressure may result in life history shifts
address seasonal variation in prey response to in prey species to maximize fitness, predator-
predation was conducted in tropical streams induced emigration of prey fish from a noni-
by Gilliam and Fraser (2001). They found that solated macrohabitat likely exceeds mortality
prey dispersal distance was greater almost year- from predation, and the presence of multiple
round in the presence of predators, and unlike predators may result in risk enhancement of
streams lacking predators, distance dispersed prey species when the predators differ func-
was significantly correlated with body size and tionally in foraging mode. In addition to the
tied to hydrological seasonality that increased trends noted above, some aspects of predator–
habitat connectivity and facilitated dispersal. prey interactions appear to be context and spe-
cies specific. For example, diel variation in prey
Summary of Previous Studies and responses to predation and the use of instream
cover and its value as a refuge differed among
Considerations for Future Research studies and species combinations.
Along with comparative and observational Several changes in experimental stud-
studies, direct experimental evidence indicates ies of predator–prey interactions in lotic sys-
that predators may strongly affect lotic fish as- tems have taken place since the publication
semblages, their resources, and competitors of Matthews (1998). Perhaps most obvious
via direct and indirect pathways of lethal and is the far greater diversity of species used in
nonlethal interactions. Three primary trends predation studies during the past decade. Mat-
in response of lotic fish assemblages to preda- thews (1998) noted that most studies used
tion pressure were evident in our review and largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, or creek
are comparable with trends from lentic sys- chub as predators and an equally small suite
tems (Matthews 1998; Jackson et al. 2001). of minnows as prey. As evidenced in the above
First, predators generally reduced prey density sections, a much greater diversity of predator–
(or increased prey density in predator exclu- prey combinations are being used in more re-
sion experiments), and predator effectiveness cent experimental studies, a trend that appears
was mediated by predator and prey identities to have been facilitated by experiments direct-
and body size, habitat depth and complexity, ed at applied issues such as effects of invasive
and predator functional diversity and density. piscivores on native species (e.g., White and
Second, prey fish moved to shallower margins Harvey 2001; Bryan et al. 2002; Harvey et al.
within a given macrohabitat or to connected 2004; Magoulick 2004; Sunardi et al. 2007b).
636 hoeinghaus and pelicice
Studies manipulating avian predation pressure semblages provides cases studies of single
on stream fishes or assemblages (e.g., Allouche predator–prey pairs at an isolated place and
and Gaudin 2001; Steinmetz et al. 2003, 2008) point in time. To move beyond this “case stud-
have also taken place since the publication of ies” status, future research on predator–prey
Matthews (1998). In addition to using differ- interactions in lotic ecosystems should ad-
ent species, recent experiments tend to include vance the following five themes: (1) linking
more diverse predator and prey assemblages predation experiments with theoretical mod-
and have on occasion tested for emergent im- els of fish assemblage structure and function,
pacts of multiple predators (Figure 3). Other (2) integrating functional traits into studies
areas indicated by Matthews (1998) as need- of predator–prey interactions, (3) manipulat-
ing attention have seen limited or no advance- ing whole assemblages and testing multispe-
ment. For example, a large-scale experiment cies interactions, (4) understanding the role
manipulating whole stream assemblages has of predation in human-modified ecosystems,
not yet been published. Studies testing for in- and (5) developing and applying analytical ap-
direct effects of predators on competitive inter- proaches that facilitate integration among the
actions among fish species also are lacking for previous themes as well as with observational
lotic systems (but see Blanchet et al. 2008). field studies.
It is worth noting that the vast majority of
predation experiments in lotic systems are from Predation Experiments and Theoretical
temperate regions (Figures 3 and 4), and the Models of Fish Assemblage Structure
tropical studies conducted to date are almost and Function
exclusively from small streams in Trinidad Connell (1975) argued that addressing com-
with very low predator and prey fish diversity. munity structure and dynamics without ex-
High taxonomic and functional diversity of amining effects of predation is a serious con-
fishes in the majority of tropical river systems ceptual error. Similarly, predation experiments
(e.g., see Lowe-McConnell 1987; Winemiller should be clearly linked to the environmental
1991), not to mention high diversity of pisciv- template in which species interactions occur.
orous birds, reptiles, and aquatic and terrestrial For most lotic systems, the environmental
mammals, means that there are literally thou- template may be primarily characterized by en-
sands of predator–prey combinations in many vironmental heterogeneity and aspects of hy-
tropical river systems. Risk enhancement from drologic variability and predictability. Integrat-
multiple predators may be more common- ing experimental studies of biotic interactions
place in tropical rivers, and indirect effects of with investigations of abiotic drivers of fish
predator–prey interactions may ripple through assemblages is a necessary step to advance our
much larger suites of species. Disentangling understanding of the relative importance of
this complexity will be no small undertaking abiotic and biotic interactions in determining
but will undoubtedly provide unique insight attributes of lotic fish assemblages and under
into the relationships between species/func- what conditions predation may be expected to
tional diversity and the direct and indirect out- play a strong role in communities.
comes of predator–prey interactions in fluvial Several conceptual models of commu-
ecosystems. nity organization are particularly suitable as
At present, the majority of experimental a theoretical basis for predation experiments.
research on predator effects in lotic fish as- Menge and Sutherland (1987) proposed a
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 637
general model of community organization that systems because it explicitly addresses the spa-
includes three primary ecological processes: tially heterogeneous and temporally dynamic
physical disturbance, predation, and competi- nature of lotic ecosystems. For example, non-
tion. The Menge-Sutherland model is a suit- lethal effects of predators on prey (e.g., shifts
able general framework for predicting the rela- in habitat use) often require a heterogeneous
tive importance of predator–prey interactions environment, and movement of individuals
in and among streams because of the emphasis among patches may be mediated by predation
on environmental stress and recruitment across risk (e.g., Gilliam and Fraser 2001). Dynamic
trophic levels. Several other models specifical- aspects of assemblages related to migration
ly developed for lotic systems are also clearly of both prey and predatory species, such as
important as theoretical frameworks for preda- large-scale seasonal migrations in tropical river
tion experiments. Poff and Ward (1989) pro- basins, may lead to seasonally enhanced preda-
posed a stream classification model based on tion pressure from migratory piscivores along
hierarchical ranking of temporal components migration corridors, or mixed-species shoals
of stream discharge (i.e., flow predictability, of “sit and wait” predators may create patches
flood predictability, and flood frequency). In of risk enhancement for migratory prey fishes.
their model, biotic interactions are predicted Temporally dynamic environmental condi-
to be important in mesic groundwater streams tions (e.g., high and low flows) often affect
and seasonally important when flood predict- patch size and connectivity, including those
ability is high. The Poff-Ward model is concep- that may serve as refugia from predation, and
tually similar to one proposed by Zalewski and mediate the effects of predation risk within
Naiman (1984). Other models provide more a given patch (e.g., Magalhães et al. 2002).
explicit spatial context, emphasizing the het- Furthermore, local assemblage resistance or
erogeneity and connectivity of lotic systems. resilience to disturbance may be affected by
Within a given stream for example (e.g., one of the presence, density or diversity of predators
the streams in Poff and Ward 1989), the model (e.g., Magoulick and Kobza 2003), and differ-
of Schlosser (1987a) predicts that longitudinal ent types of disturbances (i.e., pulses, presses,
increases in habitat complexity and pool devel- and ramps) may elicit different responses from
opment correlate with increasing importance predators and their prey (Lake 2000).
of biotic interactions. Increasing to the basin In the few studies that included treatments
scale, the influence of stream network structure consisting of some modification of environ-
on instream habitats, particularly at confluenc- mental conditions (e.g., water volume/flow,
es (Benda et al. 2004), may result in predator structural complexity; Table 1), significant
transition zones differing in the type or inten- environmental effects on the strength of pred-
sity of predation pressure (Creed 2006). ator–prey interactions were observed. Future
The patch dynamics concept (Pringle et studies should continue to explicitly test for
al. 1988; Townsend 1989; and recently re- effects of environmental conditions in preda-
viewed by Winemiller et al., in press), one of tion experiments, especially hydrologic char-
at least four distinct models of metacommu- acteristics that affect habitat volume and patch
nity dynamics (Leibold et al. 2004; Holyoak connectivity, as well as habitat complexity, re-
et al. 2005; see also Falke and Fausch 2010, source availability, and ecosystem productivity.
this volume), is perhaps the most robust Experimental manipulations of predator–prey
framework for predation experiments in lotic interactions over large spatial scales are need-
638 hoeinghaus and pelicice
ed, especially those that exceed multiple patch In addition to functional traits associ-
boundaries and measure response variables at ated with predator foraging mode and prey
multiple scales (e.g., patch and reach scales). response, quantification of life history traits
Studies testing effects of predators on fish as- (e.g., as in Winemiller and Rose 1992) of both
semblages should also extend temporal scales predators and prey would facilitate predictive
of investigation, especially to examine effects modeling of spatial and temporal trends in
of predators on fish assemblage resistance and predation pressure and effects of predation on
resilience to disturbances such as floods and population dynamics. For example, temporal
droughts. The relationship between predation patterns of prey switching by predators in re-
and flood predictability (e.g., Poff and Ward sponse to prey reproductive pulses, spawning
1989) is also an important topic that can be aggregations, or reproductive migrations can
addressed experimentally. Additional experi- be linked with measures of other functional
ments in medium to large rivers are necessary, traits such as body size and gape size (e.g., Hoe-
in spite of the associated difficulties of working inghaus et al. 2006). Likewise, predators may
with larger and more species rich systems. cease feeding during certain periods associated
with reproductive activity or exhibit dramatic
Functional Traits of Predators and Prey changes in abundance at a location as individu-
Functional traits such as body size directly in- als undertake reproductive migrations. Lethal
fluence the outcome of predator–prey inter- or nonlethal effects of predators that reduce
actions. Quantification of a broader suite of prey population density or growth should dif-
functional traits for both predators and prey ferentially affect population dynamics of spe-
would facilitate mechanistic understanding of cies with different life history strategies (e.g.,
outcomes of predator–prey interactions and Winemiller 2005), which may feed back into
may allow for results of experimental studies trophic interactions (e.g., Winemiller 2007).
to be extended beyond the scope of the par- Predation pressure (magnitude and functional
ticular species involved to other assemblages aspects) is expected to differ during different
with comparable traits (see Frimpong and life history stages (including eggs) and the re-
Angermeier 2010, this volume). In addition to sulting effects on community dynamics needs
body size, other functional traits could affect experimental investigation.
predator–prey interactions and may be easily
Assemblage-Level Experiments and
quantified or classified, such as burst swim-
Multispecies Interactions
ming speed, predator foraging mode, prey re-
sponse type (e.g., hiding, schooling, jumping Only a handful of studies on effects of preda-
from the water), and coloration patterns. Prey tion on lotic fishes conducted to date have used
naiveté in response to a nonnative predator relatively complete assemblages (e.g., Harvey
may also be important for predicting outcomes 1991; Layman and Winemiller 2004). Such
of predator–prey interactions involving non- assemblage-level experimental manipulations
native species, and the degree of prey naiveté of predator–prey interactions are urgently
may be classified such as in Banks and Dick- needed because the outcome of predator–prey
man (2007). In addition to response of prey interactions within a subset of available prey or
to predation threat, the strategic response of potential predators may change in the context
predators to prey behavior may be quantified of whole assemblages. Extending the experi-
(Lima 2002). mental scale up to the assemblage level will also
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 639
allow for testing relationships between species Studies directly assessing effects of multiple
diversity and functional diversity and effects predators on prey are a recent advancement in
on predator–prey interactions (i.e., risk reduc- predation studies of lotic fishes, although they
tion or enhancement). Assemblage level stud- are more common in studies with other taxa
ies also may lead to identification of a trait or (e.g., stream invertebrates and grassland inver-
suite of traits that are important determinants tebrates, Vance-Chalcraft et al. 2004; Vance-
of predator–prey interactions that transcend Chalcraft and Soluk 2005; Schmitz 2007). Fu-
species richness (e.g., body size, Layman and ture research should continue to develop this
Winemiller 2004), an important consideration area, with attention paid to underlying differ-
for species rich tropical systems. Introductions ences in null model selection and experimen-
of nonnative predators provide some insight in tal design. Two different null expectations,
this regard (Ross 1991), but appropriate prein- based on additive and multiplicative models,
troduction data and replication may be limiting, have been used in studies testing for emergent
and introductions are often coincident with habi- impacts of multiple predators (Soluk and Col-
tat alterations (Light and Marchetti 2007). lins 1988; Sih et al. 1998; Figure 2e). The null
Future studies should include the larger expectation from the additive model is simply
suite of nonfish piscivores that are common in the sum of the proportion of prey affected by
natural systems, such as birds, reptiles and am- each predator in independent treatments (pa +
phibians, and aquatic and terrestrial mammals, pb, where pa and pb are the proportion of prey
as studies conducted with these taxa found affected by predator species A and B, respec-
significant effects on prey fish (e.g., Steinmetz tively). This model is problematic in that it al-
et al. 2003, 2008). Functional traits of this lows prey to be killed twice, which generates a
broader suite of piscivorous species should be bias towards perceiving risk reduction and may
quantified in similar terms as piscine predators. result in null expectations that exceed 100%
Assemblage-level studies should not only focus (Sih et al. 1998; Figure 2e). The multiplicative
on the fish assemblage and the broader suite of model corrects for this additive problem and
predators, but also on spatially and temporally predicts the expected proportion of prey that
variable components of the ecosystem that may survive both predators to be equal to (1 – pa)
mediate predator–prey interactions in the fish (1 – pb) = 1 – pa – pb + pa pb, and the propor-
assemblage. For example, the role of spatiotem- tion killed is therefore pa + pb – pa pb (Soluk and
poral variation in the relative abundance of alter- Collins 1988; Figure 2e). Experimental designs
native food items, including terrestrially derived with multiple predators may increase predator
subsidies or migratory species (e.g., Flecker et density as a result of the additional predator
al. 2010, this volume), on predator–prey inter- or maintain predator density constant among
actions in stream fish assemblages should also independent and combined treatments (i.e.,
be addressed. Many piscivorous fish may also additive or substitutive designs; Griffen 2006;
consume invertebrates and switch prey with Figure 2f). Future studies should test both the
changes in relative abundances (e.g., Winemi- additive and substitutive experimental designs
ller and Kelso-Winemiller 1996; Jepsen et al. simultaneously as they test different, but com-
1997; Deus and Petrere 2003), and prey species plimentary, mechanisms and have different
may take greater risks in response to changing null expectations and interpretations (Figure
resource availability (Gilliam and Fraser 1987; 2f; see Sih et al. 1998; Vance-Chalcraft et al.
Skalski and Gilliam 2002). 2004; Griffen 2006; Schmitz 2007).
640 hoeinghaus and pelicice
In addition to continuing research on mul- environments, such as downstream from dams
tiple predator effects on a single prey species, and near fish passages (e.g., ladders). These loca-
future studies should address indirect effects tions seem to attract large, functionally diverse
of trophic interactions within stream fish as- aggregations of piscivores (e.g., Blackwell and
semblages, such as exploitative competition, Juanes 1998; Agostinho et al. 2007b; authors’
apparent competition, and indirect mutual- personal observation) and may be hotspots of
isms (Figure 1d–h). For instance, reduced emergent impacts. Furthermore, hydrologic
abundance or behavioral change in a potential alterations (e.g., river impoundment) facilitate
competitor may affect growth and reproduc- species invasions in fluvial ecosystems (Gido
tion of a focal species, or reduced abundance and Brown 1999; Havel et al. 2005; Johnson
of one prey species may cause increased preda- et al. 2008). Nonnative piscivores adapted to
tion risk for other species. Understanding the modified (stable) hydrologic conditions have
outcomes of indirect interactions will be criti- the potential to exert swift and strong top-down
cal as more complex fish assemblages are used effects on native fish assemblages (e.g., Pelicice
in predation experiments. Furthermore, quan- and Agostinho 2009).
tification of the direct and indirect effects of In addition to the indirect effects of hu-
a species should help predict the community mans on predator–prey interactions via habitat
and ecosystem responses to its extirpation or alteration, humans act directly as predators of
change in abundance (e.g., key consumer in a lotic fish assemblages through fishing (Allan et
trophic cascade; Power et al. 2008). al. 2005). Inland fisheries are typically very se-
lective (e.g., Petrere et al. 2004, Agostinho et al.
Anthropogenic Impacts and 2007a), targeting large-sized individuals, espe-
Predator–Prey Interactions cially piscivore species with migratory behavior
Experimental investigations of predator–prey (e.g., catfishes and large characins in tropical riv-
interactions expressly considering anthropo- ers; Hoeinghaus et al. 2009). Similar to experi-
genic changes to fluvial ecosystems are ur- mental studies with animal predators, natural
gently needed. Most fluvial systems have been and manipulative experiments of selective fish-
impaired to some degree, and relationships ing (mostly in marine ecosystems) have found
between predators and prey are likely to have significant shifts in assemblage composition,
been significantly modified by the altered envi- size structure, and population life history traits
ronment. Because the role of predation is pre- (e.g., Conover and Munch 2002; Birkeland and
dicted to increase with hydrologic stability (Poff Dayton 2005). Similar experiments may be de-
and Ward 1989), the pervasive anthropogenic signed to test effects of selective harvest on flu-
impacts that stabilize hydrologic regimes (e.g., vial populations. In addition to direct effects on
river impoundment, runoff acquisition, and wa- fishery species, fisheries may cause an indirect
ter withdrawal) should increase the role of pre- decrease in natural predation pressure on other
dation in structuring lotic fish assemblages. For members of the fish assemblage as a result of se-
instance, piscivore fish species richness and bio- lective removal of top predators.
mass increased in the years following construc-
tion of large dams in neotropical river basins Analytical Techniques and Applications
(Mérona et al. 2001; Agostinho et al. 2007a). Expanding the scope of future studies to more
In addition to the flooded area, a sharp increase diverse assemblages and incorporating envi-
in predation pressure may appear in adjacent ronmental drivers creates analytical and logis-
predation experiments on stream fish assemblages 641
tic concerns regarding the ability to identify emigration in reducing prey density) is an im-
causal relationships and disentangle effects at- portant distinction that should be given more
tributable to different factors. One promising attention in future research. Nonlethal effects
approach that has not been embraced in pre- of predators may play an integral role in local
vious studies (but see Blanchet et al. 2008) is communities and metacommunity dynamics
integrating field measures of environmental that is easily overlooked or difficult to identify
variables (e.g., availability of cover/space, wa- unless acting in a direction opposite of lethal
ter velocity) and one or more experimental effects (Orrock et al. 2008; Peckarsky et al.
manipulations of the assemblage (e.g., predator 2008). A fuller appreciation of nonlethal effects
exclusion) with path analyses and model selec- of predation will facilitate linking experimental
tion criteria (Wootton 1994a). This analytical research on predator–prey interactions with
framework may allow for predicting and test- field studies or analyses attempting to estimate
ing both direct and indirect interactions within the relative importance of environmental vari-
an assemblage (including species not individu- ation and biotic interactions (e.g., Grossman et
ally manipulated) using a limited number of al. 1998; Hoeinghaus et al. 2007).
experiments (Wootton 1994a). Bioenergetics As more predation studies in lotic fish as-
models (e.g., Muhlfeld et al. 2008; Dalton et al. semblages are conducted, specific null hypoth-
2009) may also be incorporated into a broader eses of predation effects on different response
experimental research program investigating variables can be tested across studies via meta-
predator–prey interactions to help scale up ex- analysis (Osenberg et al. 1999). Similar to re-
perimental findings. cent meta-analyses of biodiversity-ecosystem
Incorporating quantitative measures of function experiments (Balvanera et al. 2006),
species functional traits will also enable ap- meta-analysis of effect sizes in predation ex-
plication of analytical techniques previously periments would provide statistical rigor to
outside the realm of predation experiments in some of the generalities identified herein, as
lotic systems. For example, new response vari- well as test new hypotheses emerging from fu-
ables in studies quantifying a suite of function- ture work. Meta-analyses of predation effects
al traits of predators and prey could include on lotic fish assemblages should test for differ-
aspects of functional diversity (i.e., functional ences in effect sizes (including distinction of
richness, evenness, or divergence) of the as- lethal versus nonlethal effects) among predator
semblage in response to predation based on taxa and functional groups, among ecosystem
a single trait (Mason et al. 2005) or a combi- types (e.g., temperate versus tropical), and in
nation of multiple traits (e.g., Cornwell et al. relation to predator and prey species richness
2006; Villéger et al. 2008). Generalist preda- or functional diversity.
tors may be predicted to have no discernable
effect on functional diversity of the assemblage,
whereas more specialized predators, such as in
relation to body size or prey type (e.g., benthic, Three decades of experimental investigation in
pelagic), may be expected to reduce functional dynamic lotic environments indicate that pre-
diversity of the assemblage in different ways. dation can exert strong, and often predictable,
The relative importance of lethal versus effects on prey fishes and assemblages. Recent
nonlethal effects of predators on prey (e.g., studies have employed a wider variety of ex-
relative contributions of consumption and perimental designs and tested more response
642 hoeinghaus and pelicice
variables with larger numbers of species. Fu- Angermeier, P. L. 1992. Predation by rock bass on
ture research integrating experimental studies other stream fishes: experimental effects of
depth and cover. Environmental Biology of
of biotic interactions with investigations of Fishes 34:171–180.
abiotic drivers of fish assemblages is necessary Balvanera, P., A. B. Pfisterer, N. Buchmann, J.-S. He,
to advance our understanding of the relative T. Nakashizuka, D. Raffaelli, and B. Schmid.
importance of abiotic and biotic interactions in 2006. Quantifying the evidence for biodiversity
determining attributes of lotic fish assemblages effects on ecosystem functioning and services.
Ecology Letters 9:1146–1156.
and under what conditions predation may be Banks, P. B., and C. R. Dickman. 2007. Alien preda-
expected to play a strong role in communities tion and the effects of multiple levels of prey na-
and ecosystems. Integrating ecological theory, iveté. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22:229–
environmental variability, functional traits of 230.
predators and prey, and more complex assem- Benda, L., N. L. Poff, D. Miller, T. Dunne, G. Reeves,
G. Pess, and M. Pollock. 2004. The network dy-
blages and analyses will help the next genera- namics hypothesis: how channel networks struc-
tion of predation experiments make the leap ture riverine habitats. BioScience 54:413–427.
from “case study” to “ecological concept.” Billick, I., and T. J. Case. 1994. Higher order inter-
actions in ecological communities: what are
they and how can they be detected? Ecology
Acknowledgments 75:1529–1543.
Special thanks to Keith Gido and Don Jackson Birkeland, C., and P. K. Dayton. 2005. The impor-
tance in fishery management of leaving the big
for organizing this timely symposium and vol- ones. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20:356–
ume. We are grateful for discussions and com- 358.
ments from Keith Gido and two anonymous Blackwell, B. F., and F. Juanes. 1998. Predation on At-
reviewers and for support from the National lantic salmon smolts by striped bass after dam
passage. North American Journal of Fisheries
Science Foundation (EPSCoR 0553722).
Management 18:936–939.
Blanchet, S., L. Bernatchez, and J. J. Dodson. 2007.
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