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AMAZING ANTS STORY Teamwork, coordination and cooperation are

major task of this amazing insects in order to survive.The primary goals of the
ants is survival, ants are amazing small creatures that part of animal kingdom
belong to the order hymenoptera. Ants are Eusocial species of the family
formicidae, which means the most important goals and objectives of their
existence is to survive. In order to survive ants have amazing skills, technique
and strategy used in survival method. Eusocial species on which ants are
belong are species of colonial animal that lives in multigenerational family
groups in which the vast majority of individuals cooperate to aid and help
relatively few or even single reproductive group members. Ants are united in
doing their task, properly coordinated with each other in doing their plans of
action to achieve their common goal. To survived and protect the colony, ants
must do their individual function with teamwork and cooperation with each
other. As a group of individual their behaviour must focus with the right
purpose and direction, guided with strong determination in order to achieve
goals. Ants as colonial animal species that lives in multigenerational family
groups in which most majority of individuals cooperate to aid or help single or
few reproductive group. Most common attitudes of the ants is organised,
unselfish and generous, every ant has a specific job they perform in their
colony, ants are unselfish because when they find food to eat they let every
ants know about the food. Ants have the spirit of sharing, ants don’t eat
anything they find, rest of the ants must eat in order to survive and serve their
colony. Ants work accordingly with each other, their movement are well
organised in pursuing their objectives. Every ants in colony know its purpose
and role and sometimes they sacrifice themselves in order to protect the
majority, for the survival of greater member in the colony they work all the
time. Ants does not get tired and most of their time devoted to serve the
reproductive member of the colony because they know it will produce more
member. Because the major social unit of their kingdom is the colony in which
they forms their nest and reproduced most of the spicy. Other behaviour of
ants are positivity and sociability. Ants are very positive and do not act
individually and solely. But instead they act according to the needs of the
colony. Ants work according to their task and function, or their job
classification mandated by the colony. Ants can become a soldier or a worker
because ant body are covered with a hard armour designed specifically to do
their job dictated by the colony they served. Amazing ants story give us life
reflection and teach us a good lessons as human being, we need to prepare
for the worst and do not assumed. Like ants that are good in forecasting and
anticipation, we as human being need to prepare by making plan and
advance preparations to executes to ensure survival when worsts comes. We
need to maximize our time and utilize full of all networks preparation of our
futures,most especially this time were facing a pandemic we dont know what
happen to us in the future we can rely only in the words of GOD by doing in
accordance to his purpose...GOD bless us all.

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