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Pediatric Reports 2016; volume 8:6395

Is there any relationship Italy), we studied 5 consecutive patients diag-

nosed as having MP-related extra-respiratory Correspondence: Dimitri Poddighe, Department
between extra-pulmonary diseases. Such a diagnosis was made upon the of Pediatrics, Azienda Ospedaliera di Melegnano,
manifestations of Mycoplasma exclusion of other concomitant diseases and Via Pandina 1, 20070 Vizzolo Predabissi (MI),
pneumoniae infection and infections in children showing only a significant
Tel.: +39.347.7241851.
titer of specific IgM against MP (>10 AU/mL), in
atopy/respiratory allergy presence of a negative IgG specific serology E-mail:
in children? (<10 AU/mL). Serum specific IgG and IgM
Key words: Mycoplasma; atopy; extra-pulmonary
against MP were measured by a chemilumines-
Dimitri Poddighe,1,2 Gian Luigi Marseglia2 cent immunoassay (CLIA) performed through a
1PediatricUnit, Melegnano Hospital, Liason® XL analyzer [DiaSorin S.p.a, Saluggia Contributions: DP conceived, drafted and wrote
Milan; 2Department of Pediatrics, (VC), Italy].3 As shown in Table 1, all children the manuscript; GLM provided important intellec-
received a first-level immunologic work-up, tual contribution to the paper.
University of Pavia, Italy
including blood cell count, serum immunoglobu-
lin measurement, complement screening (C3 Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten-
and C4) and lymphocyte phenotype. tial conflict of interest.

Abstract Received for publication: 1 January 2016.

Revision received: 9 January 2016.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common cause Case Report #1 Accepted for publication: 11 January 2016.
of respiratory infections in children, but some-
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
times extra-pulmonary diseases can be

Patient 1 was a 7-year-old boy who presented Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 License (CC BY-
observed. The immunological mechanisms to our Emergency Pediatric Department because NC 4.0).

involved in these extra-respiratory complica- of high fever, persistent headache and vomiting.
tions are unknown. Here, we report a small case As neck rigor was observed, a lumbar puncture ©Copyright D. Poddighe and G.L. Marseglia, 2016
series of Mycoplasma-related diseases including was performed: the cerebrospinal fluid resulted Licensee PAGEPress, Italy

5 children who developed: i) aseptic meningitis; Pediatric Reports 2016; 8:6395
to be sub-limpid, showing a significant pleiocy-
ii) urticarial rash and pericardial effusion; iii) doi:10.4081/pr.2016.6395
tosis, but both bacterial cultures and viral
pleural effusion with severe eosinophilia; iv)
genome research (with particular regard to her-
Stevens-Johnson syndrome; v) multiform ery- pesviridae) were negative. However, as the par-
thema. Interestingly, all children were moderate- ents reported some episodes of upper airway interstitial pattern of lung inflammation associ-
ly to highly atopic, as a common immunologic inflammation during the previous weeks, thus ated with a very mild pleural effusion.

serology for MP was evaluated, demonstrating a Unexpectedly, the most relevant finding of the
high titer of specific IgM (>27 AU/mL). Whereas

blood count was leukocytosis (WBC:

the initial therapy with ceftriaxone and acyclovir 11750/mm3) with severe and absolute
did not lead to any improvement, actually the

eosinophilia (5750/mm3). The clinical exam

Introduction administration of intravenous clarithromycin revealed no clinical signs of proliferative disease

rapidly improved patient’s clinical condition. and blood test presented normal values of cellu-
Mycoplasma pneumonia (MP) is a common lar turnover parameters (LDH: 456 U/mL, b2-

cause of respiratory infections in children. This microglobulin: 0.9 mg/mL) and of liver and kid-
infectious agent can cause bronchitis and pneu- ney function. A wide diagnostic work-up for
monia. However, there is evidence that MP Case Report #2 infections and autoimmunity was performed:

infection is often limited to the upper airways particularly, no autoantibody was showed and
and patients can have mild respiratory manifes- Patient 2 was a 13-year-old girl having urticaria stools examination did not showed intestinal
tations, which are often misdiagnosed as viral (which responded to anti-histamines and steroids viral, bacterial or parasite infections. The only

illnesses.1 Indeed, the main clinical evidence of only partially), diffuse arthralgia and dactylitis-like significant serology was related to MP, through a
MP infection is sometimes only extra-pulmonary transient fingers edema. Therefore, the patient very high specific IgM titer (>27 UA/mL). The
symptoms involving skin and joints in many received several diagnostic investigations treatment with clarithromycin led to a complete
cases. However, the involvement of other organs including heart ultrasound, which showed a peri- resolution of both symptoms and laboratory
(e.g. central nervous system, heart, gastro- cardial effusion greater than 0.5 cm. Eye examina- abnormalities: indeed, eosinophilia gradually
intestinal system, eye, etc.) is well described.2 tion did not show uveitis and autoantibody panel decreased to normal values (500/mm3).
Here, we report a small case series including 5 was completely negative; however, serum IgM
cases of extra-pulmonary diseases, which were against MP was present (20 AU/mL). After therapy
shown to be associated to an ongoing and/or with oral clarithromycin was started, a ready clin-
recent MP infection, after an appropriate diag- ical improvement occurred. Case Report #4
nostic work-up.
Patients 4 was a 10-year-old boy who was
admitted to the pediatric ward in order to receive
Case Report #3 intravenous nutritional and hydration support,
Materials and Methods because of the onset of severe ulcerative mucos-
Patient 3 was a 10-year-old boy who was eval- al lesions involving lips and oral cavity, in addi-
In the period between October 2014 and May uated at the Pediatric Emergency Department tion to the anal area. Such a clinical picture was
2015, among all children being admitted to the because of acute onset of upper abdominal pain, diagnosed as being Stevens-Johnson syndrome
pediatric ward of Melegnano Hospital (Milan, vomiting and mild fever. Chest X-ray showed an with prevalent mucosal involvement. After an

[page 4] [Pediatric Reports 2016; 8:6395]

Case Report

extensive infectious work-up, there was no some individuals, namely atopy, and/or the coex-
other significant finding than a high titer of Discussion and Conclusions istence of respiratory allergy might predispose to
anti-MP IgM (15 UA/mL). The clinical condition (or might be involved in the pathogenesis of)
gradually improved during the therapy with clar- Several studies have linked respiratory MP extra-respiratory diseases related to MP acute
ithromycin. infections to asthma exacerbations and there infections. Of course, although the method used
are some evidences that MP might elicit a Th2 to measure MP serology showed a good reliabil-
immune response in the bronchial system.4-5 As ity,3 serology diagnosis of MP infection should be
regards MP-related extra-pulmonary complica- cautiously considered and comparative studies
Case Report #5 tions, although those are supposed to be will be required to support this preliminary
immune-mediated/autoimmune phenomena, observation.
Patient 5 was a 6-year-old boy complaining of the immunological mechanism –or mechanisms
the acute and sudden onset of a mildly itchy, but – is unknown.6 Here, through the description of
diffuse skin rash. That was diagnosed as being our case series, a potential association between
multiform erythema. Whereas viral serology, this category of reactive diseases caused by MP References
including Epstein-Barr virus and and atopy might be highlighted.
cytomegalovirus, were negative, a significant A tendency to IgE production during the acute
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ic work-up was performed for all these patients ing the first year after mycoplasma infection.9 detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG
and, interestingly, we observed a significant However, in our case series, we could observe a and IgM antibodies in human serum/plasma
increase of serum IgE levels for age in all of much greater IgE elevation in these children specimens. At 21st ECCMID / 27th ICC 2011,
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patient 2: house dust mite and Alternaria spp.; All these observations might raise the specu- have increate specific anti-Mycoplasma

patient 5: grass pollen). lation that the predisposition to produce IgE in pneumoniae IgM but not IgG or IgE-values
independent of history of respiratory tract

infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013;32:599-


Table 1. Immunologic parameters in patients with extra-pulmonary disease related to 5. Ye Q, XU XJ, Shao WX, et al. Mycoplasma

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Parameter Case #1 Case #2 Case #3 Case #4 Case #5 factor for developing allergic diseases.

Blood count, µL
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Leucocytes 6100 11500 11750 9950 8200
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Neutrophils 1700 5300 1700 3300 6100

Lymphocytes 3300 5300 3600 4900 1500 57-60.

Monocytes 500 600 350 800 500 7. Nagayama Y, Sakurai N, Kojima S,
Eosinophils 600 300 5700 800 <100 Funabashi S. Total and specific IgE
Basophils <100 <100 250 150 <100 resp[onses in the acute and recovery phas-
Immunoglobulins es of respiratory infections in children. J
IgA, mg/dL 143 162 155 181 93 Asthma 1987;24:159-66.
IgG, mg/dL 810 864 1011 1030 688 8. Koh YY, Park Y, Lee HJ, Kim CK.
IgM, mg/dL 87 104 82 108 56 Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients
IgE, UA/dL 848 168 900 431 1028
with micoplasma pneumonia: implication of
Complement, mg/dL tendency toward increate immunoglobulin
C3 110 147 172 153 126
E production. Pediatrics 2001;107:39-46.
C4 31 27 39 23.8 24.5
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[Pediatric Reports 2016; 8:6395] [page 5]

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