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Subject - Eastern music

Title - VARNA

 Varna is defined as the manner or mode of singing

 Varna are for kind.
 While singing or playing all the said for varnas are performed clearly.
1. Sthai Varna - To sing and play one and the same note
over and over. ( S S S S , G G G G )
2. Arohi Varna - To sing or play the notes in the ascending
order starting from “ S” upwards upti “N”. ( S R G M P D
3. Avarohi Varna - To sing or play the notes in the
descending order starting from “ N” downwards upti “S”. (
4. Sanchri Varna – When the sing above three Varnas are
sung together it becomes Sanchari Varna. ( S S R R G G ,

Asanka Dhananjaya Liyanaarachchi

Eastern Music Department Music Faculty
Sri Lanka Technological Campus

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