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GHANA REVENUE AUTHORITY (GRA) CUSTOMS DIVISION ‘DECLARATIONGILL OF ENTRY) FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY (LOCAL CURRENCY : GHANA CEDN) INDEPENDENCE AVENUE METROPOLITAN 2ND FLOOR ACCRA-GHANA FE Eaponer & reas Ne F Regine [65 Chan | ¥OFice Codes Tatar mG GROUP Duce 7° PMD | sisiestNo: —aMAEDOGISS 09/09/20 MAZAYA BUSINESS AVENUE. 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TMAt-G-70823575952-01 ‘User Reference: IMGLI6696 No.Ofpriat:t Page No:m-2 GHANA REVENUE AUTHORITY (GRA) CUSTOMS DIVISION DECLARATION(BILL OF ENTRY) FOR CUSTOMS USE ON (OCAL CURRENCY: GHANA CEDI) Reference No z303t2008i6CH000852 Office Code: maat Manifest No: 25MAROOOISS HI /AIWH No: ‘Tuwo22g003 Illofniry(BOE)No: 7oe2887SH52 Date: 24/08/2003 Casts Response Nomage Berio Docume Deana Tele Noa Oe TROICE ‘HILOF AD 7 ART OFAN THFORT DICCARATION FORT FDOT PRN PRCRRSTET ‘GHAR STANDS ATOR ERT ASOT CERTRENTEOF ORG aa APPROVAL LETTER FROM GRA CORTON ‘GRA AEROS TR THESTRONE WIRTH CERTROOT He egCgus Con Re REACTS oe Statue: Assessed Bil No. TMA-A-70823575952-02, User Reference : IMGLIGE96 No.Ofprint:t Page No: ca

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