Module 1 Lesson 1

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Module 1: Forming the heart and Mind of GMRC Teacher Good manners & Right Conduct


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to

1. examine different views of the self,

2. identify strengths and areas for improvement and enhance acceptance and appreciation of self.



You are about to take a journey, and like a good traveler, you prepare the things that you need to successfully reach
your destination.

This journey will lead you towards self-discovery, understanding, acceptance. and fulfillment.

The best way to start is to know what you have, where you are now, how far have you gone, how far still would you
want to go, and most importantly, what you need to get there.


"An unexamined life is not worth living"


You are about to start your journey and your first stop is taking a closer look at yourself. You will be making an
inventory of your strengths and limitations and since becoming yourself is not a process that you do alone so you will
compare your self-assessment with a friend.

Acceptance and appreciation of your self-discoveries will lead you and bring you closer to your goal. Now, let your
journey begin.



On a whole page of bond paper, draw a human figure. You are that figure so make it look like you, your hairstyle, your
eyes, nose, shape of your face. Also, you may include the clothes you love to wear, favorite accessories, shoes and
pieces of jewelry so they would reflect the real you.

Next, divide the paper into 2 by folding it at the center. On the left side of the paper make a list of your characteristics
both positive and negative by writing them on the part of your body whose function relates to that characteristic. So
for example, open-mindedness is written near the head, dancer near the feet and so on. Fold your drawing in such a
way that the left side is concealed and only the right side is seen.

Choose a partner and exchange drawings. On the right side, write the characteristics that describe him in the same
manner that you ask your partner to describe you. Writing them on the parts of the body that relate with the trait in
terms of their functions.

Are your self-descriptions mostly positive or negative?

Are the descriptions of you given by your partner similar or different from your own descriptions of yourself?

How do you feel about these positive and negative characteristic traits you discovered about yourself?

What do you plan to do after knowing your traits and characteristics?

What significant insights have you gathered from this activity?

At this point, how do you see

yourself as person?

After taking a closer look at your traits and characteristics you are now aware of what you have and what you can do
and use them to reach your goal.

Your description of yourself tells you how you perceive yourself as a person. The way you perceive yourself affects
how you feel about yourself and these are manifested in your behavior. If you attribute positive traits to yourself, you
will feel good and will also behave in pleasant ways. In my case, if I believe I am a lovable person, I would feel good

and happy about myself, then I will be more open and free to relate with others thinking that they would love what I
do. But, if I think I am not lovable, I would feel insecure and refrain from associating with others because I believe I
am not lovable and nobody wants to be with me.

In reality, we all perceive ourselves positively or negatively at one time or another and sometimes there is a greater
tendency for some of us to have negative perceptions of self especially those who have self-esteem issues. Sadly, it
colors our outlook in life which in turn manifests in our relationships with others. What is important is that we don't
dwell on it but we move forward, maximize our potentials, grow as a person and also contribute to enriching the lives
of others.

Now, who do you want to be? According to Leo Buscaglia, "We have the right to be ourselves and all we can do is
claim that right." This sounds exciting and we all would just love to claim that right. However, you may have some
tendencies to succumb to society's standards of what is good and appropriate and many times you find yourself short
of these norms making you feel inadequate or uncertain about yourself. The challenge to you is to acknowledge your
real self, the unique self that is not identical to anyone in this world. The self whose characteristics are organized in a
distinct way that marks you as different from all others around you. You may have limitations but as the famous
Helen Keller once said: *I learned that it is possible for us to create light and sound and order within us no matter
what calamity may befall us in the outer world." Take note, God can't be wrong in sending you into this world to fulfill
His purpose. Thus, knowing your positive qualities and using them to the fullest for the enrichment of yourself, of
others and His kingdom is the true essence of becoming the person that is You.


To deepen the process of looking into yourself, go over the statements and carefully analyze which of them is most
applicable to you by checking the box provided before each statement.

I am usually taken for granted.

I don't think my outputs are really appreciated.

I find it challenging to meet the standards of my teachers.

I can't say what I really think and feel or else others might get hurt, or I ge punished.

I should keep my feelings to myself or else I may hurt other people's feelings so they won't like me.
I can't say anything critical about my parents or family members or else I will appear ungrateful or disloyal.

I must not speak for myself or else will come across as pushy and inconsiderate of others.

I should always think of other people's needs before my own or else I will be self-centered.

I must keep other people informed of all my accomplishments or else they may not recognize my value.

I must be perfectly competent, adequate, and successful in everything I do or else I cannot think of myself as a
worthwhile person.

I have to please others and satisfy their expectations or else I am a failure.

(You may add other statements which are not in the list but they also affect you.)


There are four techniques to correct our distorted visions whether about ourselves or other things. You can challenge
yourself to adopt these techniques and get a renewed vision of yourself.


It is a statement of truth we tell ourselves to replace the error in our false thinking and distorted attitudes.


Distorted statement about the self. "I have to be available to everybody who asks for my help otherwise I am unfair?

Countering statement: "I am very willing to help, but I just don't have the time."

Try your own:


It is imitating a person who acts the way we want to act. We think, identify with, and act like that person. I remember
how my teacher refused a request in a nice way.


My favorite teacher would usually say "I would be very happy to do it, but my schedule has been filled up since last

Or: "I hope it's not urgent, but I can be available.

Try your own:


It is risking beyond our comfort zones to try new and more satisfying ways of doing things. Caution must also be
made that stretching should be done in If it's a gradual manner. If it's about refusing something, start refusing
somebody who is requesting for the first time or somebody who is not yet very close to you. Then do it with friends
until you get the art of doing it graciously. The risk of doing it abruptly is you might get overwhelmed,

Or experience

rejection resulting in a strained relationship. Think of a situation that applies best to you and try this technique.

It is reflecting Or meditating as to how God is communicating with you in a particular event of your life. For example,
instead of becoming defensive about negative feedback, you can pray for the gift of openness and humility to accept,
learn, and grow from it.

Try writing your prayer here:

Give your learning/insights about yourself by completing the sentences below

1. I discovered that

2. I am happy to know that

3. I am surprised that

4. I believe I can

5. I appreciate

Now, imagine your mind has two buttons. One is switching for negative selt-talk and the other is for positive self-talk.
If ever you catch yourself functioning with the negative, make an effort to switch on the positive. Try your best to be
at the positive side as many times as you can.


Watch and reflect on

Youtube the song,

Remind Me Who lam by: Jason Gray

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