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Unit 1 Quiz: Protectors ‘A VOCABULARY Complete the sentences using the words in the box. amphibians birds fish insects. mammal_—_—reptiles. 4 Salmon are ‘that can lve in both salt water and fresh water, It ewime in the ocean tke a fish, but needs to come up to ‘3. The penguin and the ostich are examples of ________ that cant ty don't think ko ants oF tes wil ever bo endangorad. There aro just so many of them! 5 fare amazing animals. They are bom in water and are able to breathe under ‘water, but then they change and Ive on land. 6 _____ ike tures ana crocodiles ike to sit in the sun to warm their bods, B GRAMMAR Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Every yoar, monarch buttertias fly / are flying) south fr tho winter. 2 Lions (are coming / come} fom Arica, 8 Sadly, the numberof bald eagles (dectines / is dectining). 4 (Does /Is) the Earth’s temperature rising? 5 Why (do / are} so many animals becoming endangered? (© TED TALK ‘Complete the paragraph using the words in the box, vital ecological creatures greedy \uitures may nol be the most beautitul but they certainty are useful ney play an important rein the? system by eating the bodies of animals. Without them, diseases ftom the animals Could spread, and nearby waler ‘sources could be polluted. Munir Vira argues that atures are not heartless birds, but ratnera*________par ofthe naturalif eye. Unit + quiz Unit 2 Quiz: Family Connections ‘A VOCABULARY ‘Complete the sentences using the words in the box. cousins grandchild mother-inlaw niece son-in-law 1 My brother and his wife aro going on a shor trip, and they askad mo to watch their daughter. My Is three years old, so 'm going to take her tothe park and maybe the 200. 2. My wife sounds a lot tke her mother Ccals, | think t's my wile nthe 2 one. So sometimes when my 3. My daughter and my got married two years after they met in college 4 We're through our mothers’ sides ofthe famiy. Our motners are sisters. ‘5 My daughter has just had @ baby boy. He is my fr B GRAMMAR Write a sentence to answer each question, Use present continuous or be going to, 41 What are you doing ths wookend? 2 What are you going o do next summer? 3. Where are you eating dinner tonight? 4 How are you going to celebrate New Year's this year? © TED TALK ‘Choose the best word to complete each sentence. 1 Ad. Jacobs finds genealay. 2 adopted bb ecological to study. 2 He is planning the largest family in story. b ancestor © community 8 He boleves al poopie have a a weathy b worries history. © shared 162 Unt2Quz Unit 3 Quiz: Global Stories ‘A VOCABULARY Circle the correct words to complete the conversation, ‘A: Have you read The Lite Mermaid by Hans Christan Andersen? Bs No, but ve seen the move, [A: You have to ad the original stry. Some parts are the same as the movie ike the fletion / setting), but he “(gente / plot) —what actually happens ~'s vaty afferent. B: Yeah? How isi diferent? ‘A: Wel, in The Litle Mermaid, for example, the Lite Mermaid des in the enc. B: What? She's the man "character / fan). How coud sho die? ‘A: guess you need to read it and find out B: Yeah, bt m not realy interested in “ary tales / historical fltion). And youve just told me how tends B GRAMMAR ‘Complete the sentences with who, that, or whore 41 Historical tion refers to ftional sexes. are set inthe past. 2. A fantasy storys often about another word ites very different than on earth 3 Romance novels ae usualy about v0 people. fal in ove 4 Thiers are fetonal stories are often about cx. 5 Librares are great places you can find marvelous books, (© TED TALK Read the quotes from Ann Morgan's TED Talk. Then circle the words that mean the ‘same as the words in bold, 1 “Wel, wnen | asked mysel this question afew years ago, | made an alarming lscevery. ‘surprising b dangerous 2 “Loxpiained who | was, how narrow my reading had been, and | asked anyone .. what | might ad from other paris ofthe planet.” 2 limited, not very large b not very interesting 3... books have an extraordinary power to take you out of yourself and into someone else's mindset 1 hidden, not obvious amazing, incredible 4 “Discovering this .. blind spot in my reading came as quite a shock" {something you do too often b ana you don't now very much about Unitsquiz 163 ‘A VOCABULARY ‘Complete the paragraph using the words n the box. energized gentle heavymetal loud nostalgic Different kinds of musie can make us feel cortain way. A soft,’ song ‘can make us fee! about the past. A? ‘energetic song can make us feel ‘and ready to go for arun. Whether i's classical music or Cifferent kinds of music affect usin aerent ways. B GRAMMAR Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Have you heard (these / this) song? 2 There willbe (many / much) diferent musicians att 3 The concert ‘cost too (many / much) money: 4 ‘only have (afew / little) CDs. 5 How (many / much) musical instruments do you pay? 6 | don't know (many / much) country music. © TED TALK ‘Complete the paragraph using the words in the box. wonder awe Lunprejusiced When Dara van den Bercken fist heard George Handel's piano musi, she was in fit. The music was beautiful and each song was eo dtferent than the others. She began playing his musi atch here she enjoyed watching the chiar the ‘sfaces fullof?_________at the amazing music. She admire ‘way the chiren enjoyed the musio— they didn’t care or know that ‘th music was classical and not from the more popular music gon of today 164 Unit auz Unit 5 Quiz: Good Design ‘A VOCABULARY Match each sentence to the design element that it refers to 1 Feel tis cloth t's so smooth! +8 contrast 2 | ko tho rod and write soccer tear untorms, 8 tnos 3 The Japanese fag has a crt inthe mic ot ++ shape 4 The stas look so bright compared tothe dark night sky. * = # color 5 Tomake asimple face, draw a cuved ineforthemouth, = * texture B GRAMMAR Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Heung the painting {above / below) his bea. 2 Awol fin oni designed flag should have no word 8 Your noseis (in the middle /at the bottom) of your face, 4 Ho dint s00 much of the concert because he was standing (behind / In front of} someone tall 5 Many road signs are fin the shape of /at the top of a triangle © TEDTALK Read the paragraph and write each bold word next to a phrase with a similar meaning. oman Mars is on a mission to get people more interested in the designs they soe all arcund them. He wants poopie to pay attention to these designs and think about what makes them good or bad, During his TED Talk, he engaged his audience wth aferent pictures of fags as examples of good and bad design. 1 to get other people interested in something 2 a purpose, a goal to accomplish 3 to thnk about, concertrate on something: Units quiz 165 Unit 6 Quiz: Inspiration ‘A VOCABULARY Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Jaret Krosoczka's grancioarents (gave / supported) hin as @ child My granctatner (changed / encouraged) me to become a lawyer. My father (showed / supported) me tha f you work hard, you can achiove anything, Mahatma Gandhi has been a great (advice / role model} in my ie, ‘Wy frst boss (changed / showed) my ie. learned so much trom her. B GRAMMAR Rewrite the sentences as reported speech 41 “Don't wery about what ether people think My dad told me 2 “You can be anything you want to be.* My teacher said 8 “You noed to start working harder" He told her 4 “don't know wat adv jcoto ahve. ‘She said thet (© TEDTALK Unscramble the words on the right to complete the sentences, 1 Jarrett Krosoczka is an author and totallirurs 2 When an author gave him a(p) —_______about ris policemtn artwork, Krosoczka was nspired ta draw more. 8 Krosoczka foals his grandparents made a(n} classool ctfeconce in hs te. 168 Units auz

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