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pu TEXT BOOK OF PHARMACY PRACTice Give objective of hospital. cure and este service, 3) i wide in-servi Answer Deere dl ide training fOr profestionsls 5) ice o Protect the human Provide technical personnel- continuing education in all discipline professional LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Define hospitals and classify it with example. Answer Refer article 1.1 and 1.4. 2. Describe in brief history of hospital. Give its objective and function. Answer: Refer article 1.2, 1.3 and 15 3. Explain Hospital Organization. Answer Refer article 1.6. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1, The word “Hospital” originated from a. Hospitale ‘Latin word b. Hospice ©. Asclepieia d. None of above. 2. Public hospitals are owned by ——. a. Government b. Private Entrepreneur 4. Public ‘was concentrate on a particular aspect or organ of the body, a. General Hospital. b. Teaching-cum-Research Hospitals © Special Hospitals . Allopathic hospital HOSPITAL AND ITs ORGANIZATION Admitting services Accounting Department 5. Patient care services are also called ag b. Public health services Allied health services Nursing services Administrative services, Answers v » » . = - ate ‘ aape tat ee an a et wi & a — ee aur ae OE aoc —— ; = oe ——— a pis Se eo a ee Amswer: - Refer aacie 25 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The objective of hospital pharmacy is-—— =. To teach hospital phamnacist about ethics of Hospital Ph . b. To ensure the availability of right medication at ee | c. To attract greater number of qualified pharmacist in the hospital d& Abteabove HOSPITAL PHARMACY AND ITS ORGANIZATION was worked as a first lady hos h a. Miss N.S. Gayatonde eee aaa b.Miss S. N. Gayatonde. c, Miss V. K Gayatonde d.None of the above ‘The Christian M 3. Mumbai ledical College and Hospital was started at ~~~ b. Vellore ¢, Delhi d.Bangalore The ward pharmacy is controlled by —-——- a.Satellite Pharmacy b. Medical officer c. Nurses. d.Pharmacist. The American society of hospital pharmacist was formed in ~---* a. 1942. b. 1945 ¢. 1947 1941 Answers wr Fr OF PHARMACY PRACTICE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Secondary pharmacological effects are ls called as————— a. TypeB b. Type c. Typec d. TypeD 2, The term "idiosyncrasy" a. idisyncracia b, idios cc. krasis d. idiosynkrasia 3 The tem ————— is exposure to that substance originates from Greek word —-—— an adverse response to a foreign substance resulting from previous d. None of above 4. _ Graves disease is categorized as. Hypersensitivity reaction a, Typell b, TypelV c. Type-V d. Typell - drugs causing toxi ‘a. Barbiturates b. Corticosteroids c. Quinidine d. Succinyl choline 6 Alcohol increased the analgesic activity of Aspirin due to a. Antagonism b. Addition c. Synergism d. Allof the above city in Glaucoma. Answers iF PHARMACY PRACTic, . 2 jarmacist? in community phi . of records are maintained, although y, maintained Answer: ries those type format of records eek Ee basic ideas of establishing @ record. Records may Be Scat Aas the pharmacist to itor the drug usage of each mem). Si it kinds a4 information abou! ‘associated with drug interactions A 7. How patient’s records are _ - To include patient's nd amounts of drugs being taken 4, of family. It provides basic cag average patients, whic i hi eu iso serve in economic PUTPOSES, 88 SOU individual's idiosyncrasies to drugs. ore deduction ofthe patients. information for insurance LONG QUESTIONS ANSWERS 4. What is the role of community pharm ‘Answer: - Refer article 4.8. 2. Give an objective of layout design article 4.3 and 4.4. irements for the establishment of drug store? jacist? and plan of an ideal retail and whole sale drug store. Answer: - Refer 3. Whatare the legal requ “Answer ~ Refer article 4.6. 4. Define community pharmacy and give the scope of community pharmacy in India? ‘Answer: Refer article 4.1 and 4.2. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The objective of hospital pharmacy is a. Toattract minimum number of customers. b. To decrease the sales of store. ¢. Toreduce the selling expenses d. Allthe above 2, The license for retai i isi The license fo etal drug store should comply with provision of Drug and cosmetic act —— b. 1940 c, 1941 d. 1942 COMMUNITY PHARMACY 3. The licenses for the rest 4 issued in the form- cted sale of drugs are those 5 4. 20A &21B “respectively me *Peified in Schedule C1 not iaX are b. 20B&21A c. 2A&2A d. 20B&21B, — is the proc me ony identification»! 28518"Ing of code symbol or a number to a particular material for ‘a. Coding b. Decoding Stocking d. Advertising For stocking, drugs are stored in——____ a. Taxonomical order b. Alphabetical order ¢. Numerical order d. None of the above. DRUG DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN HosPiTaLs MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS a ystems in general use f ee ateeaae medicines for In-patients in hospital. b, Floor stock system, : © Unit dose system, d, All of the above ~~-—-——-~-aystem, where the physician writ dual the obtains the drug prescribed from any adleabaes eee i ee a. Floor stock. b, Individual prescription order. c. Unit dose. d. None of the above In -systems, medicines are dispensed to inpatient in free form without taking, any cost from patient. a. Unit dose Dispensing. b.Charge Floor Stock c. Free Floor Stock d.All the above. Selection of drugs in Charge floor stock system was decided by a. PTC b.Hathi committee c. Administrative committee d.None of the above. ‘The advantages of Unit dose dispensing system i —————— a. Time consuming. b.Patients are charge only for the dose they received. ¢. Accounting becomes difficult. d.None of the above. Answers HOSPITAL FORMUL ary MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS The first scientific " a Vdlor maptial formulary in india was b. Delhi etched ta Y008 op —__ «Mumba d Bangakwe 2 The potential benefits a Therapeutic of « formulary system are——_ b Economac ¢ Educational All the above 3. The list of drugs used in the hospital is called as———. a Satellite pharmacy b Hospital formulary cPatc d Bed side Pharmacy ———— prepare the hospital formulary i aP&TC toon So aga b Satelite pharmacy ¢ Chet pharmacist 4. Both P & TC and Chief pharmacist 5. Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee composed of —————which will prepare the hospital formulary system. Drug and cosmetic act 1940 aera pharmacy act 1948 and Drug and cosmetic act 140 None of above. Answers 24 ab aa Be 6b @Y TEXT BOOK OF PHARMACY PRACTicg. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The basic principle of TDM is to measure-———-~ a. Patient's blood drug concentration. b. Limited role in drug toxicology. c. Patient's urine drug concentration. d, None of above. 2, aneneeeeiruig having a narrow therapeutic wind a. Methotrexate. b. Phenytoin. ¢. Theophylline. d. All the above. drug shows steep dose jow in TDM. response curve in TDM. a. Lithium. b. Phenytoin. ©. Digoxin. d. Theophylline. 4, drug is required for Ca Gentamycin. Amikacin, Digoxin. Tobramycin diovascular diseases in TDM, aoce 5, TDM process consists of a, Decision to request drug level. b. Biological sample. c. Laboratory measurement. d. All of the above. 6. Incarlier days TDM services began with: a. HPLC. instrument b. GSC. c. HPTLC. d. Column Chromatography. Answers MEDICATION ADHERENCE LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Describe Medication adherence and classi Answer.~ Refer article 81,82, 83and a4) © Te? © 2. Explain pharmacist role in Medication adherence? Answer: - Refer article 8.5 and 8.6. - f Medication Non adherence. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The petra method of measuring Medication adherence is ——-— z ; z b. MAS. c. EMMS. d. None of above. 2. consists of questions addressing multiple reasons for non-adherence. a. b. MMAS. c. MAPS. d. None of above. 3. Medication adherence is used to-——-——--- a. b. c d. Decrease patient safety. Increase health care costs. Improves long-term therapies and outcomes. All of above. Answers 2,6 3. ¢ . an information terview: js to obtain ive the goal of medication BSD drory intervie swer - The goal of medica! tient. jew? that may assist in over all care of pa sicatic inte: ; isto ion. gication history nedicati 3. Which information is commonly record medicines 2 F 4) Currently or recently P’ remedies: 5) Descrip a awe ip Alternative of radidonel Ty adherence {9 Ee medicine, 6) Medicines found to be ineffective adherence aids. : : history interview. f medication ce 4 Ei son sources in imerviewiNG POvedication vials / ra + Ralls into ene) Family oF caTBVET. OT orug programs informa i cy. Medication list. 5) Community P! LONG QUESTIONS ANWERS ee, 1. What is medication history interview? Explain its g°® Refer article 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3. F Benin i history interview: 2. Explain Interviewing process in medication Answer: _Refer article 9.5. f 3. Draw Comprehensive Patient History Form. ennwon, Refer article 9.6. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Interviewing a patient in collecting the data medical history is called -—--—-—- a. Medication history interview. b. Community Pharmacy c. Medication Adherence d. TDM 2. The information gathered in medication history interview is————-—-——. .a. Document on allergies b. Document on adverse reactions c. Document on drug interactions d. All the above 3. cD sources are used in medication history interview. b. PTC c. DPIN d. None of above. Answers ——__ 18 a 24 $e on aspect: of reactions and al st treatment and ¢ L 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTions The secondary objective of Conmasly & San Scere hag i anh Bain” by descrip: Topriate treatment, intervention, Y describing the Change in patients overs health status after © Describe the role of oT the 4. Conduct an economi dine management ofthis condition, The legal requirement, rman ere management intervention, a. Time of payment Price are. b. Place of Payment © Mode of payment Medicines ic evaluation of 5 involved in pa d. All the above. act will fix the maximum sale price of the bulk drugs. a. The drug price contro} order, 1987 b. Drug and cosmetic act 1949, Pharmacy act 1948, d. None of above, ————-——- Process of assigning a code number or code symbol to a particular material for easy identification, a. Decoding b. Stocking ©. Communicating d. Coding The numerical method is also known as —---—----- a. coding system method b. sequence system method ©. block system d. decimal system Answers PHARMACY AND THERAP; EUTIC co) MMITTEE 6. What is autonomic stop order for Answer dangerous drugse 1) All drug orde 5 for narcoti Boal es automatically discontinued aft, sedatives, loses, b) exact period of time, c) attendin, nu sedatives, hypnotic, anticoagula “8 Physiciay (pro re nata) and standing ord : therapeutic committee in consultat apeutic sultation wi administration. 4) In India, this system are is not practiced except for hos aoe Mumbai. ™medical staff and ree PRAY and : “Automat Tecommend the hy pitas like Christian Meda eno? Ofder for Dae = in Medical Col lege, Vellore or Jastok Hospital, LONG QUESTIONS ANSWERS 4. Describe in brief purpose and fu: peer nction of P& TC and how P &TC ensures drug safety Answer: - Refer article 11.2, 11.3 and 11.8. 7 2, Describe role of P &TC in ADR and eme: Answer: - Refer article 11.9 and 11.10, 3. Describe role of P & TC in Drug utilization reporting revic product Answer: - Refer article 11.12 and 11.13, aii a 4, Write a note on agenda and policies of P & TC in hospital. Answer: - Refer article 11.6 and 11.7. ' gency drug list in hospital. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1, In USA, ~~~ has recommended use of P & TC in hospital. a.JCAH b. AHSP c. FDP d. None of above 2, ——————«alled as driver of all committee use in hospital. a. Hathi committee b. P&TC c. Antibiotic committee d. Animal ethical committee. 3. The function of P & TC in hospital is a. Note review adverse drug reactions b. Develop policies regarding drug safety. c. Increase duplicatigti of drugs d. Allthe above. 4. A————is called as secretary of P & TC in hospital. a. Nurse b. Physician Chief pharmacist a. Ahospital administrator 5. eres irrneving int TC PrP YY a, Joint secretary b, Secretary Physician d. Nurses ‘a. Physician Desk Reference b. Drugdex c. Drugs 4. Hospital Formulary. Answers 6. For evaluation of drug een text taped $7 hospital. PV TEXT BOOK OF PHARMACY. PRACTICE arm Asawen «Mane Drug-lnformation Persons t in Drug Information C he a ‘enter? Piieiaay ai should be “ready to go” for information all the | hweding the knowled; at interface of vast amount knowledge on onsi ie tee et provide proper. 7. Why Poinon ¢ TmMer’s status, but accordingly with informer’s status. Anaiven peiclttol center was estabtished in hospital? to tikenallin TIGL centers were established for two reasons Prevention, able in assessing and treating poisonings.2) Mud iw Toxleovigtlance in poison information centers? = ‘oxicovigilance is an essential function of poison informal Process of identifying and evaluating the toxic risks existing in community, Measures taken to reduce or eliminate them. Analysis of enquiries received by ce the identification of those circumstances, populations, and possible toxic agents mo involved, as well as the detection of hidden dangers. The role of a centre in toxico alert the appropriate health and other authorities that the necessary preventive a measures may be taken 9. Give the long form of following ; a) MEDLARS :-(Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval system) b) DAWN: (Drug Abuse Warning, Network) © CLAUDE- (Computerized Listing of Abnormal d) NLM- (National Library of Medicine) 1) To provide To assist wit tion centers. It and & 1 And Unusual Drug Effects) LONG QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. Explain history, need & objectives of drug information services? Answer: - Refer article 12.3, 12.4 and 125. 2. Write in brief about drug information service? Write information and drug literature evaluation? Answer: - Refer article 12.2, 12.6 and 12.8. 3. Write a short note on drug information center? Answer: - Refer article 12.9. 4. Write a short note on poison information services and give its benefits? Answer: - Refer article 12.11. 5. What are the skills required for drug information? Answer: - Refer article 12.7. 6. Explain how computers help in Drug, information retrieval and storage. Answer: - Refer article 12.12. anote on sources of collec MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 4. First DIC was developed in University of Kentucky, USA in. a. 1970 ‘b. 1963 c. 1960 d. 1971. pRU! |G INFORMATION SERVicEs ted by aut a, Secondary hots Without any evajua; b. Primary OmYY a second party ig ¢, Tertiary d. Other. is the e: a xample of a. British Medical Journal b. Text books, c. Medline. d. Dictionaries, 4, Poison control center was estab, a. To provide rapid access ty Theat b, Not assist with poisoning prevent, ™ valuable in assessing and trea ion. ascessin «Not manage with the poisoning Cases d. None of above. 5, The concept of Poison control i pecan! Fol Center was initiated in —___ b. Chicago in 1953, c. Chicago in 1955. d. Chicago in 1956. 6. The long form of MEDLARS is a, Medicine Literature Analysis and Retrieval system. b, Medical Literature Analysis and Reinformation system ©. Medical Library Analysis and Retrieval system d, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval system. is a microcomputer based retrieval system that used a laser disk at the site for storage of data. a, MEDLARS b. MEDLINE c. NLM d, MICROMEDEX. 8, Medline database is produced by —----—-——---— Pritnary so UIE Of drug ; 6 information, ting poisonings. am a. MEDLARS b, MEDLINE c. NLM d. MICROMEDEX. Answers ee = 5. b 6d b Sia 4a 4 a < PY_TEXT BOOK OF PHARMACY PRACTice Explain steps involved in Patient Counseling? Give its benefits, Answer: - Refer article 13.10 and 13.11. What are the steps to become counseling pharmacist and give function of Patient counseling? Answer: - Refer article 13.12 and 136, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS as is verbal communication used in patient counseling, a. Proximity, b. Eye contact. ©. Speed. d. Facial expression, The quality of good counselor in patient counseling is ———-——-—"" a. Bea good listener. b. Be flexible. c. Be empathetic. d. Allof the above. The process which provides medication information orally or written form to the patient is called as a a. Patient counseling. b. TDM. c PIC. d. Clinical Pharmacy. The benefit of patient counseling is a. Serving patients and their well being. b. Improves patient compliance. c. Formation of trusting relationship with patients. d. Allof the above. Answers

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