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 The computer allows you to perform many tasks very fast.
 It can process a large amount of data very quickly too.
 Inside the system unit, operations occur through electronic circuits.
When data , instruction and information flow along these circuits,
they travel close to the speed of light. This allows billions of
operations to be carried out in a single second.
 Eg:If you mail a letter to your friend by postal service , he or she receives it in few days,
whereas, if you send a mail , it will be received in few seconds or minutes.
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 Computers are reliable and accurate.
 The electronic components in modern computers are
reliable because they have a low failure rate.
 The high reliability of the components enables the
computer to produce consistent results.
 A computer never makes mistake by itself.
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 The storage capability has special importance in today’s

information age.
 Computers can store enormous amount of data and make this data
available for processing at any point of time whenever needed.
 The computer can transfer data quickly from storage to memory
,process it and then store it again for future use.
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The computer can perform repetitive jobs efficiently.
It can work in the areas where the human brain
cannot noticing the motion of very fast
moving objects.
They can also work with different types od data and
information like graphics , audio-visual characters, etc.
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 Given the same input and instructions, a computer will

produce the same results consistently.
 A computing phrase – garbage in , garbage out – points to
the accuracy of the output given by computer on the
accuracy of the input.

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 The computer enables you to create high-quality

documents and drawings.
 With just few simple techniques, you can create documents
that look professional and are exactly suited to your
present task.
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A computer never gets tired.

It never gets bored and it its free from lack of
concentration and fatigue.
It can work for hours without creating errors.

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 Most computers today can communicate with other

computers, often wirelessly.
 Computers with this capability can share any of the four
information processing operations- input, process , output
and storage- with any other computer or a user.
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• Computer sometimes eliminate manual jobs, most

notably in factories.
• Office worker who use computers do their jobs better ,
faster , and most efficiently.

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• Computers are used at various levels of decision making.
• Their use depends upon the nature of decision and the level of the
• In essential business and governmental decisions, the managers need
to take into account a variety of financial , geographical , logistical
and other factors.
• Using problem-solving techniques, originally developed by humans ,
the computer helps decision makers to sort through and organize the
vast amount of information , and thus make better decision.
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In the past, it took a long time for any news or message to
be sent.
Now with the help of internet , news or messages are sent
via e-mail to friends , business partners or to anyone quickly
and efficiently.
It saves time and is economical too.
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The information can be shared by people all around the

world with the help of a computer.
With the help of Internet , information can be accessed and
retrieved from anywhere at anytime.
People can share and exchange opinions through social
networking , news and information through discussion groups ,
mailing list and forums on the internet, etc.
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Computers have reduced the use of paper because

information can be stored and retrieved through the digital
medium , instead of paper.
Online communication via e-mails , online chat , and instant
messaging also helps in creating the paperless environment.

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