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Li et al.

BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 BMC Oral Health


RESEARCH Open Access

Longitudinal association of edentulism

with cognitive impairment, sarcopenia and all-
cause mortality among older Chinese adults
Yang Li1†, Chuan-Long Huang1†, Xiu-Zhen LU1, Zi-Qing Tang1, Yuan-Yin Wang1, Ying Sun1,2* and Xin Chen1*

Background Tooth loss may be a surrogate for systemic health and aging. However, no previous studies have
systematically assessed multiple outcomes relevant to aging trajectory in this area, and many important confounders
were not adjusted in most previous studies. This study aims to prospectively evaluate the associations of complete
tooth loss (edentulism) with broad markers of sarcopenia, cognitive impairment and mortality.
Methods Data were derived from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative
household study of the Chinese population aged 45 years and older. Multivariate Weibull proportional hazards
regression was used to assess the association between edentulism with sarcopenia and all-cause mortality. Average
changes in cognitive function by edentulism was estimated by mixed-effects linear regression models.
Results During the 5-year follow-up, the prevalence of edentulism among adults aged 45 and over was 15.4%.
Participants with edentulism had a greater decline in cognitive function compared to those without (β=-0.70, 95%CI:-
1.09, -0.31, P < 0.001). The association of edentulism and all-cause mortality for 45–64 age group (HR = 7.50, 95%CI:
1.99, 28.23, P = 0.003), but not statistically significant for the ≥ 65 age group (HR = 2.37, 95%CI: 0.97, 5.80, P = 0.057).
Effects of edentulism on sarcopenia are statistically significant for all age groups (45–64 age group: HR = 2.15, 95%CI:
1.27, 3.66, P = 0.005; ≥65 age group: HR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.27, 3.66, P = 0.002).
Conclusions These findings could have important clinical and public health implications, as tooth loss is a quick and
reproducible measurement that could be used in clinical practice for identifying persons at risk of accelerated aging
and shortened longevity, and who may benefit most from intervention if causality is established.
Keywords Cognitive impairment, Edentulism, Longitudinal analysis, Mortality, Sarcopenia

Yang Li and Chuan-Long Huang authors contribute equally.
Ying Sun
Xin Chen
Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases Research of Anhui Province,
Stomatologic Hospital & College, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, China
Department of Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health, School of Public
Health, Anhui Medical University, 81th Meishan Road, Hefei,
Anhui Province 230032, China

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Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 2 of 10

Background impairment and mortality, in community-dwelling older

China has one of the fastest growing ageing populations adults participating in the China Health and Retirement
in the world. The latest results of China’s seventh popu- Longitudinal Study (CHARLS).
lation census show that in 2020, China’s population was
1.411 billion, of which 264 million were 60 years old Methods
and over, and 191 million were 65 years old and over, Study population and design
accounting for 18.7% and 13.5% of the total population This study analyzed a nationally representative data from
respectively [1]. Comparing with the previous intercensal the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
period, population aging in China accelerated in the last (CHARLS), which covered 450 villages or communities
decade, which poses a major challenge to the health care in 150 counties or districts of 28 provinces in China and
system to ensure the health and longevity of an aging was conducted among 45 years and older population. The
society. Oral health is an important intrinsic component baseline survey was conducted in 2011 (Wave 1, W1),
of human health and well-being; however, oral health through a four-stage, stratified, cluster probability sam-
has been neglected in the current global health agenda. pling design. Considering the availability of complete
With the continuous progress of medical treatment and tooth loss data, this study utilized data from the wave 2
the massive investment of public health resources, most in 2013 and two follow up surveys (wave 3, 2015; wave
oral diseases can be prevented and cured, however, due 4, 2018). Further details are provided elsewhere [15]. The
to the irreversible aging and incomplete health protec- exclusion criteria were as follows: (i) those individuals
tion measures, the elderly often do not receive necessary who did not report an edentulous status; (ii) age was less
daily oral care, so it is impossible to maintain a good oral than 45 years old; and (iii) those with missing data. The
health level and oral hygiene status in old age. In addi- CHARLS study was approved by the Biomedical Ethics
tion to periodontal disease, there are a number of other Review Committee of Peking University (approval num-
oral diseases and functional problems that are common ber IRB00001052–11,015). All interviewees provided
among the elderly, including edentulousness. Edentu- informed consent. The research has been performed in
lism and severe tooth loss are still a major burden of oral accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The data is
disease disability worldwide [2]. Globally, about 30% of available freely at http://charls.pku.edu.cn/. This study
adults aged 65–74 have lost all of their teeth [3]. In view included 19,157 participants with information on com-
of the low utilization rate of oral health care for Chinese plete tooth loss at Wave 2 (Fig. 1).
adults [4], it is speculated that the prevalence of edentu-
lism in the elderly in China may be higher. Measurements
Friedman & Lamster [5] proposed that tooth loss may Edentulism
be a surrogate for systemic health and aging. Previous Information on complete tooth loss was assessed in Wave
studies have reported lower rates of tooth loss among 2 to Wave 4, through one question: “Have you lost all of
centenarians than younger members of the birth cohort your tooth?”, the variable had two options (yes or no).
aged 65–74 years [6]. Positive correlations between eden-
tulism with cognitive impairment [7, 8], chronic illness Cognitive function
[9, 10], depression [11], as well as cancer [12] are emerg- Cognitive function was measured from two dimensions
ing in the literature. One recent research review reported [16], the first dimension is episodic memory divided
that unrecovered patients with stage IV periodontitis into immediate word recall (0–10 point) and delayed
showed lower cognitive status, higher drug intake and word recall (0–10 point), asking respondents to repeat,
frailty [13]. Studies are needed to clarify the relationship regardless of the order, 10 Chinese nouns immediately
between edentulism and tooth loss with the components and 5 min later. The second dimension was mental status
of the frailty phenotype, e.g. low grip strength, slow gait based on questions of the Telephone Interview of Cog-
speed and low physical activity [14]. nitive Status (TICS) battery, which established to under-
Whilst reviewing the adverse effects of edentulism, stand the integrity or mental state of the individual [17].
no previous studies have systematically assessed mul- Mental status was measured from orientation, visuo-con-
tiple outcomes relevant to aging trajectory in this area, struction, and attention. CHARLS examined orientation
and many important confounders were not adjusted in through the respondents’ recognition of date (month,
most previous studies. Furthermore, primary evidence day, year), and the day of the week (0–4 points). Visuo-
largely comes from high-income countries, whereas in construction (0–1 point) was assessed by asking individ-
low- and middle-income countries, this association has uals to exactly redraw a picture of overlapping pentagons
been underexplored. The present study seeks to prospec- on the paper. Attention (0–5 points) was measured by
tively evaluate the associations of complete tooth loss serial subtraction of 7 from 100 for five times. The total
(edentulism) with broad markers of sarcopenia, cognitive
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 3 of 10

Fig. 1 Study flowchart

cognitive function score varied from 0 to 30, with higher to the suggestion of AWGS 2019, the cut-off points for
values meaning better cognitive function [18]. low handgrip strength are < 18 kg in women and < 28 kg
in men.
Assessment of sarcopenia
According to the AWGS criteria, sarcopenia was diag- Measurement of muscle mass The muscle mass was esti-
nosed if participants had low muscle mass plus low mus- mated by the appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM)
cle strength or low physical performance [19]. using a previously validated anthropometric equation in a
Chinese population [20]:
Measurement of muscle strength AWGS 2019 recom-
mends using handgrip strength to indicate skeletal mus- 0.193*weight + 0.107*height - 4.156*sex1 -
cle strength. Handgrip strength (kg) was measured in the 0.037*death_age - 2.631
dominant hand and non-dominant hand, with the par-
ticipant squeezing a YuejianTM WL-1000 dynamometer The height, body weight and age were measured in cen-
(Nantong Yuejian Physical Measure-ment Instrument timeters, kilograms and years, respectively. For sex, the
Co., Ltd., Nantong, China) as hard as possible. According value 1 represented men, and the value 2 represented
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 4 of 10

women. The agreement of the ASM equation model factors including smoking, drinking, activities of daily
and dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was strong. After living, sleep duration and body mass index; and Model 3
calculating the ASM, the height-adjusted muscle mass was additionally adjusted for self-reported medical his-
(ASM/Ht2) was calculated using the ASM divided by tory (hypertension, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, stroke
the square of the height in meters. The ASM/Ht2 val- and heart disease and other chronic illnesses at Wave 4).
ues of < 5.63 kg/m2 in women and < 7.05 kg/m2 in men Sensitivity analysis was conducted in subgroups of pop-
were considered as low muscle mass. In terms of physi- ulation without stroke or heart diseases to examine the
cal performance, the gait speed and the chair stand test stability of results.
were performed using the method described by Wu et al. Multivariate Weibull proportional hazards regression
[21]0.10 Further details about the definitions for sarco- model before and after adjusting for confounding factors
penia components in the CHARLS have been described (sociodemographic factors, health-related factors, and
previously.10 According to AWGS 2019, the criteria for self-reported medical history) were used to estimate the
low physical performance are 6-m walk < 1.0 m/s, or associations between edentulism with all-cause mortality
5-time chair stand test ≥ 12 s [19]. and sarcopenia. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs were
reported for both unadjusted and covariate-adjusted
All-cause mortality models. Statistical significance was set at two-sided
The death information in CHARLS was determined by P < 0.05. Analyses were performed using STATA v15 sta-
the exit interview status (alive or dead) of participants in tistical software.
Waves 3 and Wave 4. Considering the exact time of death
was not recorded, the median of the two follow-up times Results
was used as the survival time. The characteristics of study participants according to
edentulous groups are presented in Table 1. The mean
Covariates age of the 16 501 participants was 58.8 (standard devia-
We selected covariates that may confound the relation- tion [SD], 9.5) years, and 51.2% were women. Nearly 2/3
ship based on a review of literature. The selected covari- (66.4%) of participants received primary education or
ates should have an impact on the physical fragility, less.
cognitive impairment, and overall mortality and been The prevalence of edentulism among adults aged 45
collected in the CHARLS. Because the sample size of this and over was 15.4% (2537/16,501), with 10.1% for age
study is large and statistical power is strong, we included group 45–64 years, 25.6% for age group 65–74 years
as many covariates as possible to minimize the poten- and 44.2% for age group 75 and over. Compared to those
tial confounding effect. The covariates for our analyses without edentulism, edentulous participants were older,
included sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, being female, less educated, and had lower BMI, lower
household income, education, occupation status, marital household income, and lower alcohol use (all Ps < 0.001).
status and residence), routine physical checkup (weigh, As shown in Table 1, compared to those without eden-
height, and blood pressure), lifestyle behaviors (smok- tulism, the prevalence of high blood pressure at 2013
ing, alcohol drinking and sleep duration), self-reported wave was significantly higher among participants with
chronic conditions (hypertension, diabetes/hyperglycae- edentulism (P < 0.001). The prevalence of heart diseases
mia, cancer, lung disease, stroke, heart disease, psycho- was similar at 2013 between the two groups (14.1% vs.
logical disease, arthritis, liver disease, kidney disease, 13.2%, P = 0.257), but significantly increased at 2015
digestive disease, asthma and memory-related disease). (20.2% vs. 17.6%, P = 0.004) and 2018 (25.1% vs. 21.1%,
Details on the precision of the covariates are provided in P < 0.001) among elder population with edentulism.
the appendix. Cognitive function score declined with age during the
follow-up period in all participants (Table 2). Partici-
Statistical analyses pants with edentulism had a greater decline compared
Baseline characteristics of participant with and without to those without. The associations remained significant
edentulism were compared using χ2 tests for categorical after adjusted prevalent cardiovascular diseases, e.g.
measures and t tests for continuous measures. Statistical high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and heart disease
analysis was performed from April to August, 2022. Aver- at Wave 4 (β=-0.70, 95%CI:-1.09, -0.31, P < 0.001). Results
age changes in cognitive function over Wave 2 to Wave 4 from sensitivity analyses excluding participants with
by edentulism status was estimated using mixed-effects baseline cardiovascular diseases were qualitatively simi-
linear regression models. We ran three incremental mod- lar (β=-0.68, 95%CI: -1.10, -0.26, P = 0.001).
els: Model 1 was adjusted for sociodemographic fac- Table 3 shows the associations between edentulism
tors (age, sex, household annual income and education); with mortality and sarcopenia from the random-inter-
Model 2 was additionally adjusted for health-related cept Weibull hazard models, respectively. The mortality
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 5 of 10

Table 1 Characteristics of study participants by edentulism at 2013 in China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
Characteristics Total sample Edentulism during 2013–2018 P-values
(n = 16,501)
Yes (n = 2537) No (n = 13,964)
Age at 2013 (years), mean (SD) 16,501 65.5 ± 9.9 57.6 ± 8.8 < 0.001
45–64 years 12,271 1244 (10.1) 11,027 (89.9) < 0.001
65–74 years 3104 795 (25.6) 2309 (74.4)
>=75 years 1126 498 (44.2) 628 (55.8)
Female, n (%) 0.001
Female 8449 1374 (16.3) 7075 (83.7)
Male 8052 1163 (14.4) 6889 (85.6)
Education at 2013, n (%) 14,403 < 0.001
Primary or less 9570 1781 (18.6) 7789 (81.4)
Lower secondary 3123 314 (10.1) 2809 (89.9)
Upper secondary & vocational 1500 99 (6.6) 1401 (93.4)
Tertiary 210 16 (7.6) 194 (92.4)
Household income at 2013, mean (SD) 9377 10376.7 ± 12498.0 18941.3 ± 24766.4 < 0.001
BMI at 2013, mean (SD) 10,145 23.1 ± 5.2 24.1 ± 3.7 < 0.001
Current smoke at 2013, n (%) 13,943 520 (25.4) 3215 (27.0) 0.145
Alcohol use at 2013, n (%) 13,943 565 (27.6) 4055 (34.1) < 0.001
High blood pressure at 2013, n (%) 13,277 580 (26.4) 2434 (22.0) < 0.001
Dentures, n(%) 14,303 516 (61.8) 4020 (29.8) < 0.001
Stroke, n (%)
W2 (2013) 13,253 72 (3.3) 304 (2.8) 0.181
W3 (2015) 13,810 95 (4.5) 450 (3.8) 0.150
W4 (2018) 13,963 192 (9.4) 932 (7.8) 0.019
Heart diseases, n (%)
W2 (2013) 13,218 310 (14.1) 1451 (13.2) 0.257
W3 (2015) 13,719 425 (20.2) 2044 (17.6) 0.004
W4 (2018) 13,961 514 (25.1) 2516 (21.1) < 0.001
Global cognition score, mean (SD)
W2 (2013) 10,286 13.9 ± 4.9 15.5 ± 4.6 < 0.001
W3 (2015) 11,294 13.1 ± 4.8 14.9 ± 4.7 < 0.001
W4 (2018) 8575 13.8 ± 5.2 15.7 ± 5.0 < 0.001
Sarcopenia at 2015, n (%) 7666 131 (11.3) 242 (3.7) < 0.001
Death at 2018, n (%) 16,256 217 (9.5) 496 (3.6) < 0.001

incidence rate among older adults with edentulism was 1.70-times higher among edentulous participants, com-
19.9 per 1000 person-years (95%CI: 17.4, 22.7), compared pared with control groups (mortality: 95%CI: 1.39,
to 8.1 per 1000 person-years (95%CI: 7.4, 8.8) among 5.98, P = 0.004; sarcopenia: 95%CI: 1.32, 2.20, P < 0.001)
control group. Similarly, the incidence of sarcopenia dur- (Table 3; Fig. 2).
ing 2013 to 2015 waves was significantly higher in eden- We age-stratify our analysis by separately examining
tulous participants (28.3 cases per 1000 person years, each of the two age groups, 45–64 years and 65 years or
95%CI: 22.8, 35.1) compared to their counterparts from older. The results confirm the association of edentulism
control group (10.4 cases per 1000 person years, 95%CI: and all-cause mortality for 45–64 age group (HR = 7.50,
9.3, 11.7). 95%CI: 1.99, 28.23, P = 0.003), but not statistically signifi-
We calculated two regression models—the null model cant for the ≥ 65 age group (HR = 2.37, 95%CI: 0.97, 5.80,
is an empty model without any covariates, and the full P = 0.057). Effects of edentulism on sarcopenia are sta-
model includes all covariate—gender, educational level, tistically significant for all age groups (45–64 age group:
BMI, baseline cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respi- HR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.27, 3.66, P = 0.005; ≥65 age group:
ratory illnesses and other chronic morbidities, physi- HR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.27, 3.66, P = 0.002).
cal activity, current smoking and drinking behavior, and
household income. In both models, the variation in mor-
tality and sarcopenia risk was statistically significant. The
median hazard of mortality and sarcopenia is 2.88- and
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 6 of 10

Table 2 Average changes in cognitive function during 2013 to 2018 waves by edentulism in CHARLS using mixed-effects linear
regression models
Variables β-coefficient (95% confidence) Interval),
cognitive function during Wave 2 to Wave
Model 1 a Model 2 a Model 3 a
Total sample
No Reference Reference Reference
Yes -0.50 (-68, -0.33) ¶ -0.75 (-1.13, -0.70 (-1.09,
-0.38) ¶ -0.31) ¶
Age -0.11 (-0.12, -0.12 (-0.14, -0.12 (-0.14,
-0.10) ¶ -0.11) ¶ -0.11) ¶
Female -0.53 (-0.65, 0.42) ¶ -1.02 (-1.31, -1.00 (-1.31,
-0.74) ¶ -0.70) ¶
Primary or less Reference Reference Reference
Lower secondary 2.92 (2.78, 3.06) ¶ 3.04 (2.74, 3.15 (2.84,
3.35) ¶ 3.47) ¶
Upper secondary 4.41 (4.23, 4.59) ¶ 4.50 (4.05, 4.64 (4.17,
4.94) ¶ 5.11) ¶
Tertiary 5.79 (5.38, 6.21) ¶ 6.27 (4.99, 6.31 (4.89,
7.54) ¶ 7.73) ¶
Participants without stroke or heart diseases at Wave 2
No Reference Reference Reference
Yes -0.56 (-0.89, -0.70 (-1.12, -0.68 (-1.10,
-0.23) § -0.28) § -0.26) §
Model 1 was adjusted for age, sex, household annual income and education; Model 2 was further adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, sleep duration, body mass
index and dentures; in Model 3, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, stroke and heart disease and other chronic illnesses at Wave 4 were added

Discussion attributed to differences in the age range and ethnicity of

Based on the nationally representative CHARLS cohort, the subjects, as well as differences in the measures and
we found that edentulism was related to subsequent methods of cognitive function and oral health. Our find-
cognitive impairment, risk for sarcopenia and all-cause ings are consistent with Lu et al. [8], demonstrating that
mortality among 16,501 elderly population in China. the relationship between edentulism and lower level of
Moreover, all the association between complete tooth episodic memory and psychological integrity at follow-
loss and these aging relevant outcomes remained highly up among Chinese elder population.
significant in the competing risk model with fully multi- Certain physiological mechanisms could link edentu-
variable analysis. As far as we know, this is the primary lism to poor cognitive function. A recent animal study
prospective study to assess cumulative edentulism while observed that tooth loss in the juvenile Sprague–Daw-
studying associations with subsequent cognitive impair- ley rats will reduce the number of pyramidal neurons in
ment, risk of sarcopenia and all-cause mortality. the hippocampus, inhibit the expression of BDNF, TrkB,
Using a prospective design, our results show robust AKT1, and NR2B, and eventually lead to cognitive dys-
evidence of an association of lower education and house- function [28]. Other potential explanations include the
hold income with incident edentulism among Chinese long-term inflammatory stress pathway, which involves
adults aged 45 and above. These findings were consistent metabolic disorders, microbial-gut-brain axis, the acti-
with previous studies [22, 23], and highlighted the impor- vation of microglia and astrocytes, and inflammatory
tance of addressing “upstream” determinants of oral cascade effect in central nervous system [29]. Thus, our
health, especially for the most vulnerable populations in study generated important scientific evidence for early
order to ensure compliance with the principle of equity detection of cognitive impairment and dementia. Finally,
[24]. the non-significant associations in the middle-aged group
A growing number of epidemiological studies focused may have resulted from the fact that this group was still
on the effect of oral health on cognitive function [25, 26], relatively young and might not have experienced a signifi-
however, less studies paid attention to edentulism and cant decline in cognitive function during the 5-year study
with mixed findings [8, 21, 27]. The inconformity may be period.
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 7 of 10

Table 3 Association of edentulism with mortality and sarcopenia estimated by random-intercept Weibull hazard models
Cases Incidence Rate (95%CI), per Hazard Ratio / Odds Ratio a
1000 Person-Years Model 1 Model 2
Incidence of death at Wave 4
No edentulism group 496 8.1 (7.4, 8.8) Reference Reference
Edentulism group 217 19.9 (17.4, 22.7) 2.52 (2.15, 2.95) ¶ 2.88 (1.39, 5.98) §
Female 502 11.8 (10.8, 12.9) 0.32 (0.12, 0.81) *
Primary or less 687 12.8 (11.9, 13.8) - Reference
Lower secondary 127 7.4 (6.2, 8.8) - 0.51 (0.15, 1,74)
Upper secondary and higher 52 5.5 (4.2, 7.2) - 0.80 (0.17, 3.69)
Aged 45–64
No edentulism group 199 4.2 (3.6, 4.8) Reference Reference
Edentulism group 34 6.2 (4.4, 8.6) 2.52 (2.15, 2.95) ¶ 7.50 (1.99, 28.23) §
Aged 65 or older
No edentulism group 297 19.4 (3.6, 24.4) Reference Reference
Edentulism group 183 33.8 (29.3, 39.1) 1.59 (1.32, 1.91) ¶ 2.37 (0.97, 5.80)
Incidence of sarcopenia at Wave 3
No edentulism group 291 10.4 (9.3, 11.7) Reference Reference
Edentulism group 82 28.3 (22.8, 35.1) 3.37 (2.72, 4.17) ¶ 1.70 (1.32, 2.20) ¶
Female 287 16.7 (14.8, 18.7) 1.04 (0.77, 1.42)
Primary or less 442 21.2 (19.3, 23.2) - Reference
Lower secondary 37 5.6 (4.0, 7.7) - 0.43 (0.25, 0.75) §
Upper secondary and higher 14 3.9 (2.3, 6.6) - 0.46 (0.21, 1.04)
Aged 45–64
No edentulism group 74 3.9 (3.1, 4.9) Reference Reference
Edentulism group 23 10.6 (7.1, 16.0) 3.22 (2.01, 5.16) ¶ 2.15 (1.27, 3.66) §
Aged 65 or older
No edentulism group 168 30.3 (26.1, 35.2) Reference Reference
Edentulism group 108 49.8 (41.2, 60.1) 1.65 (1.30, 2.11) ¶ 1.58 (1.19, 2.09) §
Model 1 was unadjusted for covariates; Model 2 was adjusted for age, sex, education, household annual income, smoking, alcohol drinking, sleep duration,
dentures, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, stroke and heart disease and other chronic illnesses at Wave 4

Several previous studies have evaluated whether health interventions might lead to reductions in early
edentulism and partial edentulism may be predictive of death.
shortened longevity [30–34], mostly conducted in high- Our findings demonstrated a consistent association
and upper-middle-income countries, which revealed between edentulism and sarcopenia in both community-
small association. Our study has further extended such dwelling middle-aged and older populations, suggesting
associations, indicating that late middle-aged adults that the association between edentulism with declining
(45–64 yeas) with edentulism presented a substantially muscle strength and muscle mass over time is robust.
(7.5-times) higher risk for all-cause mortality than the However, there is emerging evidence that tooth loss is
reference population, while edentulous elder popula- associated with grip strength and sarcopenia, and most
tion over 65 years of age demonstrated no extra risk of of these studies are observational and cross-sectional
mortality. In contrast, a retrospective study among 1385 [37–39]. The predictive value of tooth loss on future sar-
elderly individuals > 75 years old from Shanghai, China copenia in older adults are still unknown. Our findings
found tooth loss was the potential predictors of mortal- help address this gap illustrating that complete edentu-
ity [35]. Compared to elder population, total tooth loss lism independently predicts declining grip strength and
at a younger age is more likely to represent cumulative muscle mass over time among participants aged 45 years
exposure to adverse oral and overall health status, and/ or older. Our findings suggest that, in addition to health
or lifetime stressors [36], where the effect of edentulism factors, oral health indicators are important consider-
on mortality is maximized. Our findings suggest that the ations in determining sarcopenia risk status and preven-
provision of routine dental care and other dental public tion strategies in the elderly population.
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 8 of 10

actions that include oral health to stimulate systemically

health and achieve the major goals of oral health in soci-
ety [43].
There are also limitations to our research. First of all,
because what we are analyzing is secondary data, we can
only choose indicators from the CHARLES question-
naire. Self-reported edentulous loss may be affected by
recall bias. In addition, the queue records the minimum
data related to the use of dentures, so we cannot inves-
tigate the potential modification effects of the observed
associations. Collecting information related to oral
health status progression and other related health out-
comes, such as dentition defects, periodontal disease, use
of dentures, oral health history, and masticatory func-
tion, should be the focus of future edentulous research.
Second, the evaluation of edentulism, cognitive decline
and mortality in this study was followed up for 6 years.
Thus, additional follow-up is necessary to better exam-
ine the associations between edentulism and multiple
health outcomes. Third, the data for most chronic con-
ditions were self-reported and the prevalence of some
chronic conditions were low. Therefore, there might have
been insufficient power to detect a significant differ-
ence. Fourth, considering the exact time of death was not
recorded, the incidence of mortality may be undermined
by absence of precise time of death. Finally, despite the
more comprehensive approach to addressing issues of
confounding compared with prior studies, residual con-
Fig. 2 Weibull random-intercept survival regression models for survival
founding from unknown or unmeasured factors still
and sarcopenia by edentulism groups during Wave 2 to Wave 4 remains possible.

The present study found that the self-reported edentu- Conclusions

lism in adults aged 45 and above is 15.4%, which is higher In conclusion, in this large nationwide cohort study repre-
than previous studies [12, 39]. According to the World senting the Chinese mid-adulthood and older population,
Health Organization Study on Global AGEing and Adult edentulism is associated with a higher risk of cognitive
Health (SAGE), the prevalence of edentulism in Chinese decline, sarcopenia and all-cause mortality, independent
adults aged 50 years and over is 8.9% [23]. Data from the of a wide range of sociodemographic, health, and behav-
4th National Oral Health Epidemiology Survey in China ioural confounders. These findings could have impor-
found the prevalence of edentulism aged 65–74 years was tant clinical and public health implications, as tooth loss
4.42%. According to the study of Khazaei et al. [40]. The is a quick and reproducible measurement that could be
rate of edentulism in developed countries shows a steady used in clinical practice for identifying persons at risk of
downward trend [41, 42], but in developing countries, accelerated aging and shortened longevity, and who may
the situation is quite different. Professional dental care benefit most from intervention if causality is established.
services are not widespread in China, and many dental Public policy and health-care system strategies aimed at
treatment programs are not covered by medicare and oral health promotion and disease prevention, as well as
are often unaffordable for many, posing a serious public increasing access to oral health services for older adults,
health challenge for policymakers. Our study will provide are important overarching goals that will improve tooth
a novel perspective for the formulation of public health retention, thereby decreasing disability and potentially
policy. The results of the present study suggest that epi- increasing longevity.
demiological studies of edentulous loss and its potential
later burden will be of great significance for clinical treat- CHARLS China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
ment planning and later strategy development, as well TICS Telephone Interview of Cognitive Status
as for the assessment of public health needs and service AWGS Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia
ASM Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass
planning. The data will also have an impact on practical
Li et al. BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:333 Page 9 of 10

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