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Name: Acal, Karina M.

Section: BSHM 3A

Choose an H&T organization and research this company’s vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
Critically evaluate and compare them with those of other H&T companies. What are the
similarities and differences? Which aspects do you like in these statements and why?



We envision stronger nations where cultures and communities are connected, meaningful
relationships are built, and lives are enriched by opportunities and experiences we make possible.


To move people, create opportunities, and broaden perspectives, enabling everyone to lead richer
and fuller lives.


Maintain its strong market leadership status by providing air transport solutions in key regions
throughout the Philippines and in select cities in Asia and beyond.


The strategic objective of Cebu Pacific Airline is to be able to grow and sustain profitability even
if it offers low cost fares, since the vision tells it so. It also wishes to improve its services and
maybe able to prove to clients that it’s not low cost and low quality, but rather a money worthy
to purchase its products.



To be the airline of choice in all markets we serve.

To be the source of pride for Filipinos everywhere.


To deliver safe, reliable, efficient, and pleasant travel experience exceeding passenger
To provide a satisfying career to our employees and adequate returns to stockholders.
To represent the best of the Philippines, the Best of Filipinos to the world.

Aims to accord customers an experience which they would remember by, through a consistent
effort to enhance service delivery and regular trainings of employees. Constantly try to improve
current systems and policies with customers in mind. Their commitment to deliver the service
expected of them and which the customers rightfully deserve is a primary and foremost goal.


-To meet the needs of the public for moving people, goods, information, and in particular for
safe and reliable travel, transport, communication, distribution, and related services.
-To offer such services at reasonable, competitive prices, and at the highest level of quality
consistent with such prices.
-To provide a satisfying career to its employees.
-To provide an adequate return to its stockholders; and
-To represent the best of the Philippines and the Filipino people to the world.

- Both Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines are H&T companies. Both share and differ in
some ways. Their similarities are that they both want to provide the best service to their
customers while also expanding significantly. Their primary goal as an airline and how
they envision their company differ. What I like about their statements is their dedication
to their chosen field and their planned ways to grow, serve, and be known. I also like how
they established their vision and mission because it reflects the services that they offer.
Despite the differences between the two airlines or the two H&T organizations, their
common denominator is the desire to provide the best service possible.
Study Questions:

1. Explain the origins of strategy and strategic management.

- The origins of strategic management have been linked to the military. The strategy comes
from the word “strategos”, which means “general”. It literally means “leader of the
army”. According to Sun Tzu, making strategies are not base to the level of education,
anyone are capable of making strategies. The one’s who has finished a degree are not the
only one who can formulate plans and strategy.
2. List the main schools of thought, and explain their premises on strategic management.
- The design school—emphasizes the importance of a firm’s position within the context in
which it operates. Focus is on conception of ideas and to design new ideas.
- The second school is planning— conceptualized strategy to include a structured, step-by-
step approach. The thought process runs towards planning the entire strategy in a rigorous
manner, so that the firm advances forward.
- The third school is positioning—strategy was still conceptualized as a formal and
controlled process, but the focus here was on competitive strategies and industry
structure. The management decides that they want to position the product at the top of the
mind and makes decisions accordingly.
- The fourth school is entrepreneurial school—pertains to decision making and the process
of strategy formation. This school of thought puts all the focus on the CEO of the
company. Most observed in small businesses which want to make it large, or even large
corporations which trust their leaders, in this strategic process, the company follows
whatever the CEO says.
- The fifth school is the cognitive school—emphasizes strategy formation from the
perspective that the decision maker’s cognition and mind drive strategy making. In this
thought process, people’s perception and information is studied. You can better your
business by understanding your customers.
- The sixth school of thoughts is Learning— strategy making is based on the foundation of
learning. The management keeps a watch over what has already happened and then forms
the future strategy looking at the past. It might look at the way things worked for some
other company, or how some other company failed. And then decide on which strategy to
implement and which one to ignore.
- The seventh school of thought is the power school—Power and politics drives this school
of thought with organizations vying for position in the markets and transactions. The
people who are in power take the decisions. These people can be your customers, they
can be your stakeholders, they can also be certain people from within the management.
- The eighth school of thought is the cultural school—The cultural school of thought says
that the company has a fantastic capital in terms of its human capital as well as its social
capital. A positive culture in the firm can give a proper direction to the firm.
- The ninth school of thought is the environmental school—the environmental school gives
most of the importance to the environment. For example – In a paper industry, wood
plays a major role. And if the wood is scarce, the strategy formulation will have to be
done on the basis of wherever the wood is available.
- The tenth school of thought is the configuration school—It basically says, that the
strategy needs to be configured. The strategy allows the firm to move from one position
to another, hence a simple set of values will not help this movement.

3. Why are there different schools of thought on strategic management?

- Various schools of thought on strategic management exist to meet the varying needs of
various tourism destinations in order to help them develop, sustain, and grow.
4. Define strategic management, vision, mission, goals, objectives, and tactics.
- Strategic management is a field of study that involves the process through which firms
define their missions, visions, goals, and objectives, as well as craft and execute
strategies at various levels of the firm’s hierarchies to create and sustain a competitive
- Vision states what the organization aspires to become in the future.
- Mission reflects the organization's past and present by stating why the organization exists
and what role it plays in society.
- Goals are the more specific aims that organizations pursue to reach their visions and
- Objectives are an organization’s long-term goals, usually greater than five years.
- Tactics are the individual steps and actions that will get you there, this means the specific
actions teams take to implement the initiatives outlined in the strategy.
5. Do you think it is important for Hospitality and Tourism companies to have such
statements as in number four question above?
- The vision and mission statements serve as a focal point for everyone in the organization,
ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goal. This contributes to increased
organizational efficiency and productivity.

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