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Table of Contents

(Current Version 0.94)

(Click on any header to return to the Table of Contents)
0.94 content is highlighted in blue
0.93 content is highlighted in yellow
0.92 content is highlighted in orange
0.91 content is highlighted in pink


Main Quest:
Peter and the Tower
The Witch (Polyquin)


The Queen
Lady Tsarina
The Slut
Lady Garnet
The Harpy
The Mimic
The Catgirl
Elf Goddess
Other Elves
Other Humans
Shiny City

Kingdom Management
Goldy Village
Bar Management
Item/Gold Gathering
The Beach

Main Quest

Like most sandbox games, APC does have some kind of main quest. It’s still in the early
stages of development. For now, just focus on having fun exploring the world.

Peter and the Tower

Peter is your Demonic Familiar, and a friend of your missing father. He can offer advice as well
as sell you useful items. From the beginning of the game you will have access to a Tower on the
north side of the map. You can keep certain prisoners here, and will get a key to teleport to the
Tower. Additionally, this is where you will meet Hstrvx for the first time. Hstrvx is a demon who
will help you manage the tower.

Peter Unique Conversations:

Shop: You can trigger this conversation right away. He’ll explain the purpose of the Shop and
refuse to give you anything for free. However, right after this conversation, a free Slave Cuff will
appear on the shelf nearby.
Slave Cuff: If any character reaches the status where a Slave Cuff can be used, Peter will have
a conversation with you that explains the Slave Cuff. This will trigger a flag that can allow you to
use the collar if you can’t already use it. You can circumvent this conversation by using the
Auto-Cuff spell.
Other Cuff: If any character reaches the status where a different Cuff can be used, Peter will talk
to you a little bit about it. He also gives a free Lewd Cuff in this case, feeling more generous
than usual. But he does mention wanting a reward later...

Princess: After you have sex with the Princess for the first time, Peter will have a new
conversation relating to her. This will also unlock a second conversation relating to the Princess
and Queen that you can view right away.

Tower Management…

The Tower Key can now be used to warp directly to 1F or 2F.

On 1F is Hstrvx’s area, as well as lots of space for children. The more kids you have in the
game, the more this nursery area will become populated. If you wait until you defeat Meradis
before ever meeting Hstrvx, you can trigger a unique scene here. You will automatically meet
Hstrvx the first time anyone gives birth to your child, so this is pretty niche. But it is possible to
Other automatic scenes will play here when you meet certain conditions like progressing Hstrvx
Quest, after you unlock her Ending, when Sagiri or the Princess moves into the Tower, etc.

There is a basement for specific slave characters:

Slut - Some interactions
Rion - Torture, Sex, Pregnancy, Birth
Southern Girl - Basic impregnation and birth
Jill - Basic impregnation and birth
Bunny - Basic sex scene, very basic impreg/birth

You can also use the interaction in the center of the dungeon to summon all of the girls and
have them line up together. All of the girls who are pregnant can give birth at the same time

On 2F there are four doors in the tower. I have added hints to the game to help with populating
the rooms. If a door is closed you can now select the door and view a hint on how to unlock that
room. The current rooms are as follows…

Frylitia: The elf guardian. You can capture her after defeating her outside the Elf Village. You’ll
need to learn about Corruption from Peter, and get a Slave Collar to capture her.

Princess Room: Accessed by the Stairway. It’s a large open room with a pool and lots of
features. The double bookshelf will give information about Princess and Sagiri. When Sagiri’s
intro quest is completed, she can be sent to this room. Sagiri will also wander around the tower
and interact with other characters. Princess will move into this room, and also interacts with

Meradis Room: The middle room will unlock after you defeat Meradis and talk to her at least
once. She’ll move into this room in the Tower.

Queen: This is the easiest door to open and the easiest way to obtain the Tower Key for fast
warping. Simply go to the castle throne room and conquer the kingdom. If you talk to Princess
outside of this room, you can trigger the scene between her and the Queen.

Side Room: This room can be populated if you advance Voletta’s quest or Mea’s quest. The
door and book shelves will offer hints on how to recruit each woman. Additionally, when Mea
and Voletta are both in the room, a special scene will play. This scene can be repeated.

After you take over the Kingdom, you might notice that Merlin disappears during all of
the chaos. Merlin will later attempt to Reverse Summon the player and get his revenge.
This event is based on a timer. If you don’t want to wait, use the Magic Clock item a few
times and he should summon you.

If you don’t want to battle right away, you can resist the summoning. EIther way, you’ll
get the ‘Wizard’ item that can be used to teleport to the new area.

Once you start the battle you won’t be able to save your game or leave normally, but
you can summon Peter right away to help you cheat the system. Peter can let you save
your game, leave the area (and reset the battle), or instantly defeat Merlin if you don’t
feel like playing the battle. If you want to play the battle normally… Here’s how to win:

1. First, head to the left. An Arcane Clone will appear to attack you. If you try to use
magic on it, you’ll learn about the ‘Counter Spell’ trigger and take some damage. If you
dodge, you’ll be mostly okay. You can destroy the arcane crystal in this room to unblock
the gates in the other rooms.

2. From here, you should be able to follow the path to a room with water at the center.
Merlin will summon another Arcane Clone to attack you here. The best option is once
again to forgo the use of magic and attack directly. If you try to cast Blizzard, your ice
magic will be reflected back at you (in addition to the fire magic) and you’ll take lots of

3. In the room to the south you can meet Gil. He’ll tell you a bit about the area. Go right
an raid the Arcane Workshop first if you want to restore some of your stamina. Although
you can’t actually lose the battle, you will be given a score at the end.

4. Once you’re read, head to the left from Gil’s location to start the final battle. It’s pretty
easy. You just have to face in the direction that the clones are attacking from. If you
don’t react quickly enough you’ll take heavy damage.

After you defeat Merlin, you can return to the Arcane Workshop and collapse the pocket
dimension. Inside of the workshop, you can siphon away Merlin’s power and increase
your Magic stat.

Having increased Magic will allow you to overpower the Elf Goddess, as well as Hstrvx.
You can return to the Arcane Workshop using the ‘Wizard’ item if you want to talk to Gil
or use the Arcane Extractor, but this won’t be much use… yet.


The Witch lives in the appropriately named Witch’s Forest. You’ll be able to visit there from the
map, it’s the forest area on the east side. Here you’ll find some monsters who seem to live and
work around a small hut. If you have enough Magic Power you can break through the barrier
and get inside to meet Polyquin, the Witch. After the 0.90 Update, this will be possible from the
start of the game.

Polyquin will initially have some funny dialogue with Raptor but nothing else will happen until
after you insult her. At this point she’ll start talking about how hungry she is. Bring some Crispy
Chips from the Gift Shop to get back on her good side. This will trigger a scene where her giant
ass gets her into trouble, and you can take advantage of her.

If you don’t feel like doing a quest, you can select the option to simply rape her right away. This
will play a different sex scene, and update her status after you finish. It is actually much easier
to pleasure her and make her cum by doing the Rape path, because you can simply select the
option to make her cum or make her beg before cumming.

The quest sex scene has a lot of options, most of them will gradually build up her pleasure until
she has an orgasm and the scene ends. If you want the scene to go on for longer, make sure to
select the Rest option. You can also end the scene early under the Special Options tab,
although it’s better to get the good ending by making her cum.

The Lust Spell will give some special flavor text if used twice. If you do the Kissing option twice,
Polyquin will immediately cum and end the scene. It’s best to save the second Kissing attack for
when you’re ready to finish, if you want to go that route.

After you finish either scene she’ll go to a default state where you can fuck her some more or
chat with her. If you finish with the “Good” ending, she’ll unlock more dialogue options.
Additionally, you’ll be able to sleep with her in her bed to get some more unique dialogue and
scenes. She can now get pregnant if you summon her to the bed and cum inside of her there.

There is also a new Pregnant Sex scene which uses the same CG and some of the same text
as the new Rape scene, but has lots of unique text as well. And, of course, she’ll be shown as
pregnant during this version.

If you pleasure Polyquin in either sex scene, or she gives birth to your human child during the
birth scene, she will advance to the “Good” ending. Having her give birth while being pleasured
by the magic device will not count.
Magic Device: This important interaction is used to advance the Main Story of the game, and it
can be found in Polyquin’s house. After you defeat Merlin, you can bring the parts needed to
repair the Magic Device here. You can also build one from scratch by paying, or just summon it
using magic, if you don’t feel like doing a sidequest.

The Magic Device scene mostly uses images, sound, and effects rather than text. However, it
has MANY options and is very interactive. You can fuck and impregnate her, grope, brainwash,
implant her with eggs, force her to give birth or lay eggs, shock different parts of her body, slap
or strike her, poke her with needles, and shove a ‘penetrator’ in her pussy or her ass. After you
summon Polyquin to the Magic Device, you can choose any options you wish. When you end
the scene, your Magic score will be raised by 1.

Polyquin in Trouble: You can activate the scene by talking to her outside the house or going to
check the trees behind the house. In this scene, Polyquin is going to gain some EXP so she can
level up and defeat Raptor. Instead, she trips and gets stuck in some branches. Wandering
monsters (Slime, Gremlin) can come along and breed her. Once she’s been fucked enough, her
belly will grow and she’ll be able to lay eggs. You can also fuck and impregnate her yourself
while she’s stuck there.

Polyquin can now give birth to your human child. You can also make her lay eggs even if she
was knocked up with a human child because magic I guess. Her dialogue slightly changes after
giving birth the second time, a child can appear outside the house, and the skeleton guard will
have updated dialogue as well. After six births, an additional pair of twins will start hanging
outside of the house. The dialogue of the monster servants is updated as well. At nine births, a
daughter will appear inside of the house. If you want to get a high number of births quickly, you
can use the Magic Device and have her give birth to triplets repeatedly.

The other main story character to worry about is Peter’s boss, Meradis. She’s one of the
three Queens of Hell and she’s a lot more serious about the mission to corrupt the
humans and destroy the world. Her timer begins as soon as you start the game. There
are many actions which speed up how quickly she will appear. To summarize it quickly,
any time you do ‘good’ or ‘romance’ based routes, she’ll get closer to showing up.

If you spend a lot of time flirting with Kath and Cherry, holding court, and trying to
improve the Kingdom.. Meradis will show up pretty quickly. Note that Meradis appears
on the World Map, so you will need to return to the World Map in order for her to appear.

After trying to intimidate the player, she’ll go into a neutral state where you can do a few
things. You can try to chat with her about various subjects. Her attitude is fairly cold but
you might learn a few things. Additionally, you can ask for an evaluation. You won’t be
penalized for any “good” actions you’ve done, although she might remark on them.
Instead, you’ll get ‘points’ for each “evil” action you’ve done. If you meet enough of her
criteria, she’ll unlock some extra chat options.

Here you can learn a bit more of the lore about the Queens of Hell, your father, as well
as the relation between certain Demons and the human realm… There are spoilers here
so I won’t post them in the guide.

If you’ve done a good evaluation at least once you will get the option to challenge
Meradis to a battle. If you try to fight her fairly, without using your Magic Power, you will
automatically lose very quickly.

This leads to a scene where Meradis will dominate your character and have sex with
Raptor while trying to drain his life force. After the scene ends you can play an [After]
scene where Raptor recovers from his depression, or you can skip this scene if you
don’t want to be blackpilled.

If you have 8 Magic, you can try to battle her normally, although it will be a bit more
challenging. If you have 9 Magic, you will have an easier time defeating her. In order to
get 9 Magic be sure to defeat Merlin and Polyquin first.

Battle Mechanics

At the start of the battle you will summon either 3 or 5 Barriers depending on your Magic
score. Be aware that in some phases you will automatically take damage. If you only
have 3 Barriers, you need to avoid as much optional damage as possible to have any
chance of winning.

During the first phase Meradis will summon clones and attack you from multiple
angles. You need to check and see which version has brightly colored eyes and press
the correct direction to blast her before she can hit you. Left and Right arrow keys work
for the sides. To aim for the middle you can press Up or Down, whichever is more

You must Perfect Clear this phase if you have 3 Barriers. If you take damage here and
are reduced to 2 Barriers, the game will give you the option to reset until you’re able to
do it perfectly. Or you can give up and come back later.
During the second phase you will get a text based interaction with some choices,
where Meradis and Raptor fly around the kingdom at high speeds fighting each other. If
you guard her attacks you can minimize the damage you take here. If you try to fly, she
will take advantage of the open space around you in every direction, and damage you

You’ll be given the option to respond with an attack phase if you survived this long. It
does not matter which option you pick here, just go with the flavor you prefer. Serious
mode will show off your magical powers to the fullest extent. Violent mode is a bit more
bloody and descriptive. Lewd mode is a bit silly but it’s an option.

Meradis starts to get turned on because of her love for battle.

The third phase uses the same mechanics as the first phase, but her clones will attack
you faster if you don’t respond quickly enough. Additionally, you can take multiple points
of damage here, and there are more clones to deal with.

If you make it through the third phase without a game over, you’ll be given the
option to heal. If you take this option, it will be impossible to get a game over even if
you make the wrong choices for the rest of the battle. If you are feeling competitive,
don’t heal yourself. It’s still possible to win without healing. But if you lose you’ll have to
restart the battle.

During the final section Meradis will attack you using mechanics that function similar
to other battles in the game. If you have done previous battles and remember how they
work, you’ll be able to make good choices. Otherwise it can be a bit of a guess and

When she flies into the air, use the Blizzard spell like you did against the Harpy.
When she activates her Wind Stance she’ll be vulnerable to Magic, just like the
battle against Lady Garnet. You can finish the battle by nuking her with the Ultima spell.

Even if you take a lot of damage during this phase, as long as you have 1 Barrier left at
the end, you’ll be the winner. Meradis has no energy left to keep attacking and you cast
Life Drain on her until she collapses.

The coast of Bemvor will be destroyed as a result of this battle. You fly back and leave
Meradis in Horn Village, where it will be possible to interact with her further.
In Version 0.925 it was updated so that Meradis gives Physical EXP and Stamina after
you defeat her in battle. If you battled her in a previous version, the game will check for
this, and award you the EXP and Stamina that you should have received. You’ll also get
a text prompt letting you know this check was made.

After the Battle

After the Battle, Meradis will lose most of her power. Since it takes 666 years for her
power to regenerate fully, she’ll be your bitch in the meantime. You can have sex with
her or even force her to put on a uniform and go work in the bar.

* You can start the scene three different ways: Forceful, Gentle, Massaging
* If your Magic is too low, you'll cum very fast
* Taking actions will increase her pleasure but lower your stamina
* If you run out of stamina you'll cum early
* The screen will briefly flash to let you know when stamina is low
* If you do the correct sequence (Stomach, Steady, Fast) you’ll unlock some bonus
actions and get the ending where you pleasure her.
* An option to cum inside or pull out was added
* If your Magic is too low, she'll resist getting pregnant and taunt you
* If you got the pleasure ending she will get pregnant even if your Magic is too low

After you have sex with Meradis, she will move into the second floor of the Tower, in the
middle room. There isn’t too much to do in the room here, but it is useful because you
can always talk to her in this location even when she is working at the bar.

In 0.925, in addition to adding her room in the Tower, it was changed so that she kills
and replaces one of the guards in Horn Village. These combined factors make it much
easier for her to update her pregnancy status while working in the bar, and allows you to
view her pregnant barmaid content more easily.

She has a full pregnancy story and quest line, similar to Sagiri. After she gets pregnant
for the first time, you will progress through a series of events. You can choose to skip
over sections or spend more time talking and interacting with her during pregnancy. If
you want to see all of her dialogue, make sure you stay with her even when she asks
you to leave. You’ll get the option to see it again later so it’s not a big deal if you miss it
the first time.
She also has three different birth scenes. After the first pregnancy, you will get the
option to play the full pregnancy storyline again or just skip to the results. You’ll also get
options to quick impregnate her without needing to replay her sex scenes. The first birth
will use her default birth scene. After that, the Quick Birth (multi preg) and Doctor
scenes will be unlocked. She can get pregnant from her normal sex scene, or by having
sex with her while she works at the bar.

Her pregnant portrait now has a few more variants. Notably, her belly will grow larger as
she gets closer to giving birth. This will only affect her default outfit and nude status.

Bar Jobs:
When she’s at the bar you can talk to her or make her perform jobs. The more jobs she
does, the more your Bar Level will raise. Her dialogue will also change as she gains
more experience. Turning on Exhibition(Hi) will allow for more customer interactions, but
you can also turn it off if you don’t want customers to interact.

Spanking: In this scene you spank Meradis in front of the customers. You can let the
customers spank her. At the end you can simply let her go, or you can fuck her before
leaving. She can get pregnant if you fuck her here.

Coin Collector: This scene mostly involves the customers harassing her. If Exhibition is
set to low, this scene will be pretty short. You must choose to Expose her if you want her
to gain any experience at this job. After she’s been exposed, if Exhibition is set to high,
the customers can grope her and do other interactions. You can also simply have her
break free and defeat them all. If she’s been groped enough times, you’ll gain access to
an alternate finish where she cums and falls asleep.

Pregnant: If Meradis is Pregnant, she will continue to work at the bar. She moves to the
space behind the counter and helps serving drinks. You can trigger a scene where the
customers ask her to provide milk. Additionally, you can have her give birth in public.
Meradis quickly becomes very popular with the customers, especially when she is
pregnant. To get more of the customer dialogue be sure to turn the Exhibition filter on
High. They have a LOT more to say to Meradis and about Meradis in these scenes.

The Princess will appear after you have overthrown the Kingdom. Specifically, you need
to Hold Court at least one time for the Princess to show up. After you Hold Court a timer
will begin to count down. After a certain time has passed you will trigger Intro 1. Use the
Magic Clock in your items to speed things up if you don’t want to wait.

Intro 1: Go to the Ferrow Mountain. The Princess will appear outside, checking on the
status of the monsters. If you have recruited the monsters she will make a note of it.
Otherwise, she notices that the monsters haven’t started organizing yet. She wants to
investigate the person who took over the kingdom, talks about her family, and mentions
Horn Village.

Intro 2: At Horn Village the Princess will mention that she went to check on the Elves
first as well. If you did not yet defeat Frylitia, the Princess will note that the gate guard
didn’t let her in. If you’ve been breeding with the elves, the Princess will notice this. After
Intro 2 is done playing, the Princess will begin her investigation.


Report: Talk about Cherry, Talk about Kath

Investigate Bar
Talk to Kath: If you try to talk to Kath while she is the bar owner, she won’t have too
much to say. After Kath has given ownership of the bar to Raptor, she will talk to the
Princess more openly. The Princess can find out some information about Raptor, and
how many children Raptor and Kath have together. Ultimately, Kath is not a great
source of information But it’s a fun scene.

Check Workers: You can check out the women who are currently working in the bar. If
the Queen is currently working, the Princess will notice her mother. She can see her
mother getting harassed by the Mage customer and the Drunk customer. Princess will
vow to come back and rescue her Mom later, but we all know that’s not going to
happen. If Piney is working, the Princess can also speak to her. Piney’s responses will
vary based on how much you’ve made her work, if she’s given birth, and if she’s done

Check Customers: If the Bar Level is still low, there’s no problems. However, if the
customers have been corrupted enough, they’ll attempt to harass the Princess. To the
surprise of the narrator, the Princess is able to defend herself without getting molested.
She shows herself as a capable fighter and not just a joke character to lose and get
raped instantly.

[Meet The Princess]

After you Meet with her, she will STOP investigating and move to the Tower. Make sure
to finish all Investigations you wish to see before you select this option!

Once the Princess has appeared outside of the bar, you can select the option to [Meet]
her. While this isn’t a problem in the current version, keep in mind that in later versions
of the game she will stop investigating after you meet with her. The game also displays
a warning about this. Basically, make sure you are done viewing her investigation
scenes before you meet with her.

The Princess will talk with you for a bit and then get ready to attack.

Battle: The option to battle her isn’t currently allowed. You can see some unique text if
you try to select it.

Escape: You can escape for now after meeting her briefly. Playing the scene again will
cause her to act like she is meeting you for the first time still.

Charm: Using this method you can attempt to stop her from attacking you by talking it
out. You’ll get expanded dialogue and chat options. Using Charm, Blackmail, or Mind
Control will all work. This is one of those cases where you simply pick the option that
you prefer.

[Tower Princess]

When the Princess moves to the Tower, she will quickly progress through a few states:
First, she’ll give her initial impression of you. If there are kids living in the Tower, her
impression will be slightly better. After chatting with her a few times she will meet Hstrvx
in a brief scene, and then move to the Princess Room upstairs.

At any time, once Sagiri and the Princess are in this room together, a cutscene will
automatically trigger. It can be replayed using the Orb on the wall. A second scene
between the two can also be played after the first scene has been automatically
triggered. The second scene must be viewed from the Orb. It won’t play automatically.

If the Princess chooses ‘Attack!’ at any time, she will throw Sagiri away and end the
scene early. However, if you play the scene through until the end, it will trigger a special
flag. The game will remember for future reference if the Sagiri and Princess interaction
was played to the end.
The Princess ‘Attitude’ can be measured after she is moved into her room, by checking
the bookshelf on the left. The right bookshelf relates to Sagiri, so take note of the fact
that the bookshelves do give different information. This will let you measure her attitude
from 20 to 31.

By “Chatting” with the Princess, you can increase this number up to 30. Her Chat
options are Worlds, Father, Mother, Brother, Book, Sword, and Bake. If you view every
chat option one time, this will increase her Attitude to 27. There’s no particular reason to
repeatedly view conversations to raise it any higher, but it is possible.

After you have had sex for the first time, her attitude will automatically become 31. This
updates her Chat options with a new prompt to discuss ‘Sex.’ Additionally, by selecting
‘Other’ you can still view all of the old chat options.

The first time you select this option you’ll be given a prompt where you can either force
the Princess to have sex, or convince her using dialogue options. Persuade will
increase her Attitude, and can raise it as high as 31. Blackmail increases her attitude
slightly, while Threaten increases her attitude the least. If you get this value to 31 before
the dialogue section ends, she might be less resistant (unless you want her to still put
up a fight, which is also an option). If you want to Threaten her but still have her comply
instead of resist, you should chat with her a bit first before playing this scene. Declare
her as your “Lover” for a few extra points, or “Slave” to keep her points as low as
possible. If you WANT the version of the scene where she automatically resists, then
simply chat with her the minimum possible amount, and then immediately attack her or
threaten her.

Later on you’ll have the option to repeatedly view her sex scene. Additionally, you have
the option to erase her memory and even restore her Virginity status. This allows you to
replay the dialogue and persuasion sections. This is useful if you had sex with the
Queen and Princess together in a previous version of the game, and want to experience
her 1 on 1 sex scene as a virgin.

The first time you have sex, or after her mind has been wiped, she will also talk about
the Queen and you can use this information to torment her. Even if you don’t try to do
so, it will still upset her either way. The only way to avoid this prompt is by having her
“first time” be together with the Queen.
If you erase her memory but don’t restore her virginity, especially if she’s already
pregnant, this can prompt her to give some special dialogue while having sex with her.
As she BELIEVES she is a virgin, but she’s already pregnant with your child, she will
become extremely confused.

To guarantee pregnancy, creampie her. If you pull out, she will be relieved, but there’s a
chance she gets pregnant anyway (this will trigger a unique dialogue). Lastly, you can
finish her off with a surprise Anal Attack.

While the Princess can “get pregnant” in the current version of the game, she won’t
show any development on this front yet. You’ll have to wait for her to visibly show her
pregnancy and unlock further options such as birth, etc.

Princess and Queen:

Once the Princess has settled into the Tower, she will appear outside of the Queen’s
room and inquire about her mother. Note that the Queen must be in the Tower for them
to be able to meet. However, it’s very easy to summon the Queen to the Tower thanks
to newer updates. You can simply go into her room and interact with the sprite there to
bring her back from the bar, monster cave, or wherever she is.

As long as the Queen is there, and neither character is pregnant, you should be able to
trigger the scene.

The first time you play, you will get a conversation between the two. You can choose
some options to interact with them. It won’t change any results but it will allow you to
have more of a role in what you’d like to say. On later views of this scene you can
choose to replay the dialogue or skip it.

Once you start having sex you can choose to go for the Princess or the Queen first.
This won’t change much about the scene, it just plays the text in a different order. I
might like to add some more alternate text in a future update but we’ll see. Each
character has three different interactable options that will give unique dialogue for her
specific section of the scene.

Once that is done you’ll get the option for two or three endings. The Domination has you
take a more commanding role, while the Passion ending focuses more on the
relationship between the mother and daughter. If you have Virility set to high, you’ll also
be able to choose the Impregnation ending. This ending will show animated impreg
indicators, and gives a 100% chance for both to get pregnant.

After viewing this scene, the Princess will level up to her next stage if she hasn’t
already. You can confirm her Attitude is maximized to 31 at the bookshelf, and she’ll
gain new chat options and the ability to have sex without needing to be convinced. The
Princess CAN get pregnant, and the game will know that she’s pregnant, but she won’t
progress or show her pregnancy in this update yet.

Playing this scene will also maximize the Queen’s love and affection scores, so it’s an
easy way to raise her love for you if you want to do that.

You can also use Sagiri as a third method to take the Princess Virginity. Using this
method will cause the Princess to keep her resistant attitude even after her Virginity was
taken. To improve her relationship the most, use the method where you have sex with

For more interactions about the many interactions between Princess and Sagiri, see the
section below…

You can meet this young woman by traveling to the Outer Side Prison, which is
accessed by teleporting with the Magic Book found in the shop in Shiny City. Right now
this small map doesn’t have much going on, but you can at least meet Sagiri and talk to

You’ll learn that she was a Princess in Foriel who went missing a while ago.

You can currently convince Sagiri to give you a handjob in exchange for setting her free.
However, after you’re done, you have to reveal to her that you don’t know how to open
the door. Ahaha…

Once you’ve interacted with Sagiri, you’ll also get the option to free her. Sagiri offers to
have sex if Raptor will open the cage, which motivates him to destroy the door. The sex
scene has a number of interactions which will gradually increase her pleasure.
During the first time, unique lines of text will play for certain interactions. You can reset
her status to first time/virgin status on later replays if you wish to view the additional
text. Otherwise, just play the repeat variant to get through the text quicker.

If you finish without making Sagiri cum, she’ll be disappointed.

If you make Sagiri cum you’ll get a special ending. This ending also includes the option
of using magic to help get her pregnant. Currently her pregnancy won’t show or
progress, but she will make a remark about it. The game will remember in future
updates if you got her pregnant or not.

Sagiri’s interest in sex and enjoyment will carry between scenes if you do the repeat
variant, but it will reset if you choose to do the first time again. This means even if she is
disappointed, she might be closer to cumming next time you start.

After you have sex with Sagiri at least once, you can trigger the option to escape with
her. She’ll begin asking about it. You can make her wait and keep having sex, but
there’s no real benefit to doing this. Once you try to escape the evil wizard, Nor, will

Pay attention to Nor’s portrait while fighting and he should be easy to defeat.

Normal Hands: In this state Nor can’t be attacked with magic. His cloak will protect him
against any spells. However, you can pummel him for free damage. If you act passively
and wait, he’ll have time to recharge his spells.

Charged Hands: In this state, Nor will be able to cast magic. He can repel all physical
attacks. If you act passive you might be able to defend against his magic, but he also
might just heal himself. If you attack directly with your magic against his magic, you can
prevent him from healing.Pay attention to the background color of the screen.

Green: Use your Pyro magic to burn him when he creates Green magic.
Red: Use your Aqua magic to douse his Red magic.
Gray: Your Natura magic can counter the decay ability of his Gray magic.

If you somehow lose, Raptor will just rewind time and be thankful that Sagiri doesn’t
remember seeing him get his ass kicked.

After you defeat Nor you’ll have the option to torture him or leave him there. The torture
scene can be replayed later on, so it really doesn’t matter.
Torture Scene: You can shock Nor to make him suffer in pain. You can also strip Sagiri,
grope her, and even have sex with her while Nor is forced to watch. If you don’t want to
hear his dialogue, you can polymorph him into a chicken.

If you creampie Sagiri during this scene, she will get fertilized. However, her pregnancy
doesn’t show up in the game yet. The game WILL remember that she is pregnant, it just
doesn’t show. I’m saving that for a later quest with more scenes.

You will now get a Collection item for Sagiri that lets you control her behavior, check her
status, and teleport to her locations more easily.

Tower Sagiri:

When Sagiri is sent to the Tower, the game will begin to track her Zombie Love EXP.
This will determine how happy she is, and will allow her to unlock more events in future
updates. She’ll trigger a few scenes which set her basic EXP level.

First she’ll ask about her foul mouth and cursing. If you scold her, she won’t gain much
EXP. Both of the other options are fine, but praising her is the best if you want to be
really optimal. It’s easy to gain EXP later so it doesn’t matter too much.

When she talks about exploring the tower you have a few choices again. If you make
her stay in her room you will miss out on a new scene, so it’s best to pick one of the
other options. She’ll be happy as long as you give her freedom, and her dialogue later
will remember what you told her here.

Sagiri Meets Hstrvx: As long as you let her explore, she’ll disappear from the room for a
short time. If you go downstairs you catch her touring the Tower… until she meets with
Hstrvx. They’ll have a funny exchange and then Sagiri goes back to her room. At this
point you will set her Roaming settings and then she will return to her normal behavior.
If you let her Roam, you’ll get a kiss.

Sagiri Meets Frylitia:

After Sagiri has settled into the Tower, she will appear in Frylitia’s room and introduce
herself. There isn’t much to the first scene. It can be replayed by using the orb in the
room, and you can trigger a second scene where Sagiri visits again.
Phase 1: If you try to kiss right away, Fryl will react differently. Make sure you kiss at
least once during this phase to unlock the kissing bonus later.
Phase 2: You need to reach a certain Ero Level before you can advance past this stage.
Otherwise, Frylitia will keep stopping you. The kiss in this phase will change depending
on if you kissed in Phase 1 or not. If you kiss in Phase 1 and Phase 2 you will get a
kissing bonus later.

Phase 3: This section plays mostly automatically, but the dialogue can change slightly
based on various factors. If Frylitia or Sagiri are pregnant, the dialogue can be different.
If Sagiri kissed enough earlier, Frylitia will trigger a bonus kissing scene here. Lastly,
Fryl will get the option to let Sagiri stay and cuddle, or kick her out of the room.

Sagiri Meets Princess:

This scene will play automatically when Sagiri and the Princess are both in the Princess
Room in the Tower. It will reveal a bit more about their previous history together, as well
as backstory for both characters. It can be replayed using the Orb in the room.

Sagiri/Princess 2: In this scene, Sagiri will try to molest the Princess. As long as the
Princess doesn’t choose the ‘Attack!’ option, you can succeed without much trouble. If
the Pregnancy settings are turned up high enough, Sagiri will also talk about wanting to
get knocked up together at the same time as the Princess. The game will remember for
later if you allowed Sagiri and Princess to ‘get closer’ in this scene.

:Sagiri and Princess Threesome:

After Sagiri and the Princess have moved into the Princess Room together, and you
have viewed all of their Automatic Events, you can also manually view the final event in
their quest line by using the Orb in the room.

In this scene, Sagiri will help pin down the Princess and you can have threesome sex
with them both. The goal is for Sagiri to get pregnant at the same time as the Princess.
If you have the pregnancy settings turned down, the text will ignore the pregnancy
aspect of this story. Otherwise, it will be a heavy focus since this is Sagiri’s main goal.

There are not a lot of choices to make in this scene, but it is worth noting that if you go
for Sagiri first, you can choose a special ending where she makes you cum early and
you only have sex with Sagiri. If you make any other choices, you will have sex with the
Princess. If the Princess is currently a virgin, there is some alternate text, and the game
will note that her virginity was taken. This is one of the three ways to take the Princess
virginity. Using this method will NOT improve her attitude, so it can be used to take the
Princess virginity while keeping her resistant attitude.

Sagiri/Cherry: If Sagiri has permission to Roam, she will appear in the Gold House.
Cherry can invite her over for Tea. See Cherry for more information on this scene.

Normal Behavior
Chat: Give her a foot rub to gain +1 EXP
Scenes: Replay sex scene for +1 EXP, or replay the torture scene for fun
Gifts: Give EXP. More expensive is better, and she likes the Candy (obviously)

Right now her Zombie Love EXP will cap at 50/50. When this happens, you’ll get an
updated version of Sagiri. She will still be able to replay old scenes and receive gifts,
but her Zombie Love EXP won’t go any higher. She does have a Bonus EXP value that
is hidden for now.

Most importantly, Sagiri gains the ability to trigger her Pregnancy event as long as her
Zombie Love EXP has reached max. The first thing she will do is mention her
Pregnancy to the player. You can choose to abandon the quest, speed it up (her belly
grows instantly), or progress normally.

Normal pregnancy involves a piss test and lots of dialogue where you get the chance to
say nice or mean things to her. In the end, she’ll have a large belly as if you had grown
it instantly. From here she can have pregnant sex or give birth. The pregnant sex scene
is totally unique and different from her normal scenes, so be sure to view it before she
gives birth!

Sagiri can be repeatedly impregnated and give birth many times. Enjoy it.

Bar Sagiri:

If you give Sagiri permission to roam, she will visit the Horn Village as one of her
locations. You can meet her standing outside of the bar where she confesses that she
wants to get a job here. If you allow her to do it, she will move inside and start…

[Mess] : In this scene Sagiri will intentionally mess with the customers, as well as
making a mess.
[Tease] : In this scene Sagiri will intentionally tease the customers, and shows off her
strategy for making money despite being a bad employee.

[Outfit] : If you offer a Bar Outfit to Sagiri, you can change her costume and get a new
portrait. Additionally, a new scene will be added where she has sex with Raptor in the
bar. You can choose to listen to customer dialogue during this scene. If Exhibition is set
to High, the dialogue will automatically play, and you’ll also be given the option to have
her give blowjobs to customers.

Note that even if Exhibition is set to high, customer participation is still optional.
Selecting a customer once will cause her to start, selecting it a second time will cause
that customer to cum. Crooked: An adult guy with no personality, but a crooked dick.
Hero: A young Hero who can be seen in other scenes, like the ones with Resvin.

[Move] : If you try to Move Sagiri around the bar, she will simply say that she likes her
current position and doesn’t listen to your orders. This might change in later updates if
people want to see more content from her.

[Fire] : If you threaten to fire her she will beg to keep her job, but ultimately doesn’t take
the situation too seriously. Her dialogue will vary depending on what you do. In the end,
she’ll wait outside and give a half-hearted apology until you let her work again.

Sagiri is probably one of the worst employees at the bar. She slacks off constantly,
breaks things, and doesn’t take her job seriously at all. If you try to fire her she will just
flirt with you and act like it’s not a big deal. With all that being said, the Bar Level will still
increase for each of her scenes that you play. And she can be a bit amusing.

Show Off Sagiri: Sagiri is one of the characters who can be invited to participate in a
scene with the Show Off character. She will join the City Walk if you invite her.

It’s now possible to unlock the ending scene for Sagiri. Use the Chat while talking to her
in her room. Chatting with Sagiri will now add Royal End to your inventory if you don’t
already have it. Additionally, if you meet the requirements to view Sagiri’s ending, it will
give you a prompt to let you know.

Royal End can be used to check the progress toward unlocking Sagiri’s ending. It will
later be used to view other royalty character endings, but none of them have been
added yet. Once the progress reaches 100%, selecting Sagiri will allow you to play the

Sagiri will confess her love to you in this scene, but I won’t say much else about it. This
is a guide after all, not a spoiler plot summary. You can get Sagiri pregnant from viewing
this scene, if your Virility is set to high.

Noble Quest

Navigation of the Shiny City has been updated, as well as adding a new area where you
can meet and talk to the Nobles. Use the sign posts in the city, or your City Map item, to
navigate to the Noble Estate where you can speak to Lowe and Montique.

Lowe: A noble lord who is obsessed with Tits. If you say you prefer Tits > Ass, you can
join his faction.

Montique: The opponent of Lowe, Montique is obsessed with the Ass. You’ll have to say
Ass > Tits if you want to join his faction. It’s worth noting that “Curious” in Shiny City is
actually Montique’s daughter, you can trigger some text relating to this. If Curious has a
child, the Montique Grandchild will appear at the estate.

The game remembers which answer you give, so don’t bother trying to lie and play both
sides. It just doesn’t work. Thankfully, no matter which faction you join, you can get the
‘Quest’ item from both characters. The only thing that changes is their dialogue.

Once you gave the Tits Quest and Ass Quest item, use it from your ‘Token’ menu before
talking to a character and you can view a short groping scene that will give you some
faction EXP. This will be used later on. Right now, there are only a few targets.

Tits Quest: Kath, Elf Goddess, Hstrvx

Ass Quest: Kath, Voletta, Mea

Lowe and Montique can be spoken to again later, and they’ll tell you how many groping
actions are needed to complete the Tits and Ass Quest requirements. Once you’ve
completed enough objectives, the Noble lords will acknowledge the player as a good
king. This will open up options for kingdom advancement in future versions.
Note that repeatedly talking to Lowe or Montique are considered ‘good’ actions, and will
cause Meradis to appear sooner in your game.

Lady Tsarina is the third member of the noble families in Bellute Kingdom. You can meet
her in the Castle Corridor after you become King. She won’t have a quest for you, but
you can read more about her events by checking her character section.


There are several battles to fight in this game in order to unlock new scenes. Most of
them can be won instantly using the ‘instant loss’ option, but they’re fairly easy to win
either way. The battles are narratively driven instead of being typical RPG battles, and
the battle scenes are reserved for specific characters. There are no random encounters
or anything to grind through.

When you win battles, you’ll gain more stamina and physical power which helps in
future battles.

Easy Battles:
Anne- Battle is unlocked after you enter the monster cave the first time. She’ll be waiting right
outside. You actually can’t lose this one, but you don’t gain any stamina or EXP either. You can
battle her yourself or make her fight a level 0 orc. It makes no difference since she’s a weakling.
Even if you make her fight the orcs, you can still capture her for yourself afterwards.

Prince- After you take over the kingdom, a timer will begin counting. Use the Magic Clock to
make the time pass instantly. Eventually, the Prince will return and be waiting for you in the
throne room. He’s a skilled fighter for a human, but his attacks are all easily telegraphed and the
game basically tells you which option to pick. Might be hard if english isn’t your first language.
Just push him to the edge and you’ll win some stamina and EXP. If you spare him, he’ll stay
around and participate in court activities. If you kill him, he’s replaced by a generic advisor.

Harpy- Go to the top of the mountain peak and you’ll encounter an adventurer in trouble. You
can battle the Harpy to rescue him. Her attacks are all telegraphed but you will need to figure
out which options work. Smith will offer you advice after you mess up. If she’s aggressive, be
defensive. If she’s defensive, be aggressive. A chilly blizzard strikes her while she’s in the air,
and a grounded Lightning bolt can damage her when she’s flying low to the ground. She hits
HARD, so there’s little room for error, but she has low health and can be defeated with just a few
attacks. It’s possible to rematch against the Harpy, but she is easily defeated in a single attack
and gives no EXP.
Nor- When his hands aren’t glowing, use physical attacks for free damage. When he starts
casting a spell, counter him. Pyro beats Green. Aqua beats Red. Natura beats Gray. To battle
him, you need to go find Sagiri. You will gain a bit of stamina and +1 Physical EXP, so this battle
is worth winning!

Rion- This female guard can be found in the middle area of the city, near where all of the
criminals hang out. You’ll have the option to beat her up if you want to, but she has no chance of
defeating you. You also won’t gain any EXP.

Medium Battles:

Frylitia- The elf guardian is a bit more complicated to defeat but she can still be conquered with
just your base stats. She uses a combination of magic and physical attacks, and you have a
greater range of options for what to do to her. The battle is very dynamic so there isn’t always a
clear path to victory. Generally you want to do a basic attack, followed by a special attack. If you
land enough Ero attacks you can get a special ending and are rewarded with an Elf Juice item.
You’ll get EXP and Stamina as long as you don’t use instant loss on her, but instant loss can
later be used on repeats with no penalty. For more information on this battle, go check the
Frylitia entry in the guide. Frylitia’s art has been updated and she has a new CG that will show
after her battle scene in version 0.58 onward

Hard Battles:
Lady Garnet- One of the most powerful foes available in the game right now. It’s nearly, if not
impossible to defeat her with your base stats. In 0.90 her damage was lowered so that it’s
slightly more easy to defeat her. If you have 9 Magic you can also use Instant Loss on her. You’ll
need to gain a bit of stamina and it helps a lot if you raise your EXP as well. The easiest way to
defeat her is by using enough Ero attacks to make her submit. Check the character entry for
Garnet if you want more detailed info. Drinking Slut Milk will raise your Stamina, which can
make the Garnet battle a bit easier.

Merlin- When you first overthrow the kingdom youre battle with him will be easy. Later on,
however, you’ll be dragged into his Pocket Dimension and forced to endure a longer battle. This
encounter spans several maps as you have to skirmish against his arcane clones that are
patrolling the region. You can summon Peter in order to help you instantly vanquish Merlin, and
there’s no penalty for doing so. If you’ve already played this section or you want to get it over
with quickly, just summon Peter and show off your overpowered demonic strength.

Meradis- Defeating Meradis is needed to progress the Main Quest. You’ll need to check her
character section for full details on how to clear her battle.

To meet Kath, go to the bar/inn at Horn Village (on the right side of the world map).
You will get a short introductory scene which introduces her.
Talk to Kath, get her bra, and ask if she needs any help.
You can now repeat any of her ‘early scenes.’ after a certain point.
Tits Quest and Ass Quest can both be used on Kath now.

Kath has a new portrait and new pregnant portrait in version 0.60
It was mostly just changed to reflect the new style of line and coloring work that we do
on the game, since the early portraits had a different style of linework and contrast.
If you’re interested you can go check it out!

Early Scenes for Kath:

- Send her on ‘break.’ She’ll go to her room and you can fuck her there. Repeatable up
until you advance her quest past a certain point.
- Play with her behind the bar. You have to speak with her behind the bar to initiate. This
only works one time.

Kath is one of the characters who will show up in the Public Bath sometimes if the ‘Dirty’
setting is toggled on in your spell list.

Talk to Kath until she lets you take over the bar. Then suggest hiring some new girls.
You can also tease her about showing off and you’ll still unlock the option to hire other

Once you do enough of these activities you will unlock the next set of scenes. It’s
recommended to do them in this order…
1. Perform Exhibition on Kath. You’ll start groping her. After a few attempts of doing
this, she starts to tease you in return instead of acting shy.
2. Do the Anal Sex scene. This will get her a bonus point in Exhibition that can push
her past the normal limit. If she won’t do anal sex, try giving her a few creampies
first to make her happy.
3. Perform Exhibition again. If you did it correctly you will have the public breast
groping actions available now.
4. Finally, when you are ready, perform the Special Scene. This will advance Kath
to her next set of scenes and there is no going back!

You may need to raise the Bar Level to trigger the Special Scene.
Once you trigger the Special Scene, Kath will enter her Pregnancy quest line.

Speak to her again to get the Pregnancy Test event.

After Kath takes the test, her dialogue and appearance will change slowly over time.

You can use the Magic Clock to skip this, sleep in her bed repeatedly to see each
change in dialogue, or simply spend time doing other stuff to let time advance normally.

Eventually Kath will have a remark about how big her belly has gotten.
At this point Kath is in her Pregnant status completely.

Pregnancy Interactions:
Chat with her. She has semi-randomized dialogue. It will advance one step at a time
when you do interactions like feeling her belly.
If you want to see all of her dialogue then you should switch between Chat and Interact.
You’ll get different text if you do the same Interact action twice in a row.
You can perform the Exhibition acts while she is pregnant, and the breast play changes
as well. Play with her breasts enough and you’ll be able to milk her in public. Doing
Exhibition will reset her ‘chat’ status to a random line of dialogue.

Public Stripping: After a while of being pregnant and playing with her enough, Kath will
eventually start to get very hot while working at the bar. You can convince her to take a
break from work as well as stripping naked so she is less ‘warmed up.’ You may even
have her strip in public! Now that Kath is finally naked you’ll be able to view a lot of her
art naked that was always covered with pesky clothing before!

Repeated Events:
After the event where Kath strips in public an item will appear in her room in the bar.
This will allow you to replay many of her scenes with or without clothes, however you

Meeting Hstrvx: If you have progressed Meradis, Peter, and Hstrvx dialogue far enough
you will be able to view a scene where Hstrvx comes to the bar and meets Kath. See
Hstrvx for more information.
Costume Scenes: It’s possible to trigger a special scene where Kath tries on a new
costume. To access this, you only need to get the Bar Uniform item from the bar ledger.
It’s the piece of paper at the end of the bar. Once you purchased it, go check the closet
in Kath’s office in the bar. After viewing this scene you can have Kath stay in Costume
Mode and try on different outfits.
String Scene: If Kath is in the String Bikini, you can do these interactions.
* Kath can milk herself or pee in public
* You can snap her string bikini or pull on it
* You can rub various parts of her body
* You can poke her in the asshole
* If Exhibition is turned on, the customers can also do actions
* The customers will throw coins at Kath
* If you let them keep throwing coins she will accidentally “strip”

Pregnant Sex: After you unlock the Repeated Events, you’ll also be able to unlock the
new Pregnant Sex scene by speaking directly to Kath in either location. This scene is
also repeateable, and can also be played with clothes on or off. Involves options for
lactation. You also get Slut Milk for playing the scene. Enjoy!

Birth: After you unlock the Repeated Events, she should be able to give birth soon by
selecting the [Special] option. If you have the Miracle spell turned on, there’s an
animated birthing scene you can view. You can also skip it if you’d like. Cherry and
Sylvia will show up to remark on the situation, and you can name one of the twins. After
that, the new kids will appear in the house and in the village. Kath goes back to “normal”
after a short time passes. After the first time Kath gives birth, you’ll get the Ideal Mother
item to your Collections.

Twins: After giving birth, Kath will spend some time in the village. You’ll get options on
how to raise them. The first conversation relates to what you should do about Lock and
his schooling, followed by a cutscene inside of the house. After this, Sunny will also ask
you for some advice. You can influence her personality depending on your response. If
you select ‘Neutral,’ she will choose her default personality.

Stage 3: Once you finish the twins birth storyline, skip the storyline by avoiding
pregnancy, or subdue Kath with mind control in order to skip her early scenes, she will
end up in the “Stage 3” behavior mode.
In this mode Kath can be freely moved between the bar and the house. You can adjust
her outfit settings at your discretion. There are 3 new repeatable sex scenes with unique
flavor text that is different from her earlier story scenes. You also have an option to view
a scene in the house before having sex with Kath: Kath’s Cooking, and Sleepy Kath
have been added to the menu.

If you skipped the Twins storyline earlier, Kath will automatically get pregnant with the
Twins as her first pregnancy. After that, repeated pregnancy can be triggered. If Kath
has one child you’ll be able to view a short story scene where she gives birth. There is
also a multi preg option which leads to a birth scene more focused on quick animations.
Skipping birth scenes is also possible to speed things up.

Hyper Pregnancy: If Repeatable Impregnation is unlocked for Kath (she has already
given birth to the twins), you can select “More” during her pregnancy confirmation. This
will cause her to enter a unique Hyper Pregnant story/quest line with a ‘bigger’ portrait.
There are several scenes that slowly unlock the progression of this state on the first
viewing. On a repeat view, you can skip through these scenes more quickly. Notably, if
you go through the Hyper Pregnancy route, the game will count more than Kath’s usual
limit of 31 children. Instead, she can count up to 101 births by going through this state
several times.

Hyper Preg Actions: Milking, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Handjob and other misc actions are all
available with Hyper Pregnant Kath. You can repeat most of these actions as many
times as you want until you’re ready for her to give birth.

Kath’s Affection: Replaying Sex Scenes with Kath, or taking her on Dates will cause her
Affection to rise. You can check the current level from 0% to 100% by using the Ideal
Mother trophy item associated with Kath. After her Affection reaches 100%, you will get
the [Family Love] ending item and be able to view Kath’s ending.

Kath Date: You can take Kath on a date to the city, she’ll move around randomly for a bit
and then stop at the Gift Shop. Your dialogue won’t matter too much, but if you choose
to grope her in public afterwards it can cause her Exhibition Level to rise. If her level is
low, she’ll be more reluctant. Kath will get pregnant during the Date if you attempt to
impregnate her.

Once Kath has 5, 9, and 16 of your children this will cause new kids to appear in the
Horn Village, in and around Kath’s house. The Ideal Mother item can be used to view
the total births, but it stops counting around 30.
3+ Kids Scene: When Kath has given birth to three or more of your children, she can
appear upstairs holding a baby. In this scene you can have sex with Kath, showing a bit
of unique dialogue and an alternate CG variant.

Bed Scenes: Whether Kath is pregnant or not, you may trigger one of two unique
scenes when sleeping in her bed. The game lets you choose between having Kath join
you to cuddle at night, or waking you up in the morning with some dominant sex.

Bath Scenes: Kath may sometimes appear in the Public Bath if you have the ‘Dirty’
setting turned on. She has a group bathing scene with Cherry, and you can also do a
solo bathing scene with just you and Kath. I highly recommend you turn the Exhibition
filter on ‘high’ for the most impact in this scene, there’s a lot of dialogue from bystanders
that gets filtered out otherwise.

Beach Scenes: Kath is one of the characters who will appear on the Beach map. She
has a unique bikini portrait, and her level of tan can be manually adjusted by the player
or she will gradually become more tan as you spend more time on the beach. The first
time you visit the beach, a scene with Kath will automatically play where you choose
your own bathing suit. By choosing [Bikini Grab] you can trigger a playful scene and
even have sex with her on the beach. She can get pregnant during this scene.

To trigger the “Flashback” scene with Kath, simply go to the house to the right of the bar.
Raptor will mention something about returning home. If you go into the living room you
will get the Flashback automatically. You may repeat this scene at any time, even when
Kath is pregnant, by examining the couch.

Stuck in Window:
To trigger the “Stuck in Window” scene, you just need to go and inspect the window
outside of Kath’s house. The event will only appear after you’ve progressed her quest a
little bit. It can’t be triggered while she is pregnant.

If you want to view a special threesome scene with Kath and her daughter Sylvia, check
out Sylvia’s quest line below.


Once her Affection reaches 100% you have the option to view her ending by using the
[Family Love] in your trophies. Right now, only Kath’s ending is available. Later on you’ll
be able to view Cherry and Sylvia’s ending through this trophy, as well as a group
ending with the whole family.

In Kath’s ending it will talk about how you continue to rule over the kingdom while
keeping Kath at home to raise your children. There’s some heartwarming vanilla stuff at
the end.

If you play with the incest filter, Mea is your aunt who lives in Shiny City. She is not
Kath’s sister, but rather the sister of your missing father.

You can meet her by going to the city map and visiting the apartment building she owns,
on the west side. She also lets Cherry stay in one of the rooms for free. If Mea is not
your aunt, she will still be the mother of one of your childhood friends. Her daughter is
Voletta, a student at the academy.

Mea had sex only one time, around when she got married. Since then, her ‘husband’
has been separated and she barely ever sees him. She’s a sexually frustrated 40 year
old milf who is quickly susceptible to teasing and flirting.

After flirting the first time, you can spy on her masturbating and touching herself.

From here, the teasing menu is unlocked. The way Mea is structured, you have options
to ‘tease’ her. Once you complete teasing, you’ll be able to have sex with her. Right now
there is only one teasing and one sex option available, but later on this will be expanded
to allow more mixing and matching.

After you have teased/fucked Mea at least once, she is vulnerable to the Ass Quest
item. Retrieve it from the Noble quest area if you haven’t got it already. To trigger Ass
Quest scenes, simply use the Ass Quest token from your inventory and then talk to

Additionally, you’ll get the ability to send her to the Tower. She occupies the branch
room, sharing it with her daughter Voletta, and can have a unique scene when both of
them are in the room together. You’ll have access to repeat sex scenes, pregnancy,
birth, as well as a Roaming permission.
When Roaming is turned on, Mea will go back to the apartment building. When it’s off,
she will only stay in the tower at all times.

Apartment: Teasing, Sex Scenes, Alternate Pregnancy Announcement

Tower: Sex Scenes, Birth Scenes, Voletta Scenes

When Mea gets pregnant she’ll take time off work and leave the apartment. Her
pregnancy announcement will be different depending on where you talk to her when she
announces the pregnancy.

Mea appears in some of Cherry’s questline scenes, particularly after buying the Gold
House. It’s worth noting that if Mea has been impregnated by you, she will appear as
pregnant in those scenes.

If you have viewed the scene where Mea and Voletta speak in the Tower, it’s possible to
replay this scene using the Orb in the back of the room. Additionally, by using this Orb,
you can unlock a scene where you have a threesome with the mother and daughter.
You can’t trigger this scene by talking to either character, you must view it by using this

The first time you view this scene there will be lots of dialogue and introduction, but on a
repeat view you can choose how much of this introduction to skip. During the actual
foreplay and sex you can choose between Mea and Voletta.

If you choose Special twice, you’ll get a different text. Every other option will display the
same text repeatedly. Both Mea and Voletta have a Special interaction so be sure to
check them both, twice each!

If you focus too much on one character, you’ll be given an ending specific to that
character and you will impregnate her. If you switch between the two of them enough,
you’ll get a bonus ending where you can impregnate both at the same time.

When a character is ready to be impregnated you’ll know it because she will give a
special reaction and dialogue without letting you make a choice, announce that she’s
ready to get pregnant, and then go back to the character selection. You can use this to
make sure you get the bonus ending.

If you somehow pleasure neither of them, you’ll get a failure ending…


Mea’s daughter, Voletta, is a student at the Bellute Military Academy. If you play with
Incest on, she’ll be your cousin. Otherwise she is just a random student who you are
familiar with.

Meeting Voletta: You can find her in the Alchemy Lab and briefly chat with her. If you
point out that she is not an Alchemy student this will allow the conversation to move
forward. From here you can advance to the Rape Path or Drug Path.

Rape Path: Things quickly lead to a stripping and sex scene without the player needing
to take any complicated actions.

Drug Path: Voletta will request an easily obtained item, Night Whisper. If you give it to
her you can make her become horny. She’ll regret having sex afterwards, and the next
stage will still be similar, but the CG and the sex during the first scene will be slightly
more consensual.

After you do either path, you’ll get a Collection item that allows you to reset her status,
or go visit her in the BS Lab.

BS Voletta: Once Voletta is in the BS Lab, you can keep interacting with her to break
her further, or even try to Charm her. Say nice things and give her gifts to raise her
Affinity to 10, or treat her like shit to make her Affinity reach 0. You can get her pregnant
and force her to give birth during this period. After this, when you Check Status, you’ll
get the option to send her to the side room in the Tower.

Tower Voletta: You’ll have access to repeatable versions of both sex positions and CG,
with alternate flavor texts. Voletta can get pregnant and give birth many times from here.
Additionally, you can have her quickly deliver from the Collection item or just by talking
to her. If her mom (Mea) shows up in the room, they’ll share a scene together, and they
can even have a threesome with you. For more details on the Mea/Voletta scenes,
check Mea.

Punish Scenes: These can be accessed by selecting Punish from her normal menu. It’s
listed under the Sex options. There are also alternate ways to trigger these scenes with
more context such as talking to her in Goldy Village.

Anal Punish:
Voletta has an “Anal Level” that will increase when this scene is played. Her first time
she will be in the most pain, but she can get more used to it later.

A large amount of interactions are available in this scene but you don’t need to pick any
specific options. Feel free to tease and punish her however you want. At the end you’ll
get the option to cum inside or outside, with the option to aim for different parts of her

Alternately you can keep punishing her even more. Pain will play additional text, piss
will cause her to piss herself. Lastly, if you do the ‘Crush’ option at the very end, you can
completely break her. Once Voletta is broken she will no longer respond to the player.
However, you can change her back by using your magic.

Facefuck Punish:
This scene plays similar to the Anal Punish scene. It has a lot of options that allow you
to do many things, but you can do whatever you want without worrying about how she
will react.

You can do additional punish options at the end: Pain, Piss, and Crush. Like with the
Anal Punish scene she will become completely broken if you Crush her during the final

Silent Voletta: In this state Voletta will only appear in Goldy Village and in the Tower.
She is completely silent. A slight variant on this text will play if the Brutality filter is set to
the highest level. You must use your magic to change her back to normal before she will
talk and act normally again. In order to break Voletta and make her go silent, simply do
any of the Punish scenes all the way to the end and ‘Crush’ her.

Silent Voletta: If you choose any of the Crush options during the Punish scenes, Voletta
will show a portrait variant after she has been broken. Her facial expression relaxes and
her eyes turn gray. While she is in this state you can also do new interactions with her:
Slapping, Striking, Touching in various places. If you strip her clothes off you can also
have sex with her. Repeat any actions to build up to an orgasm, then choose to cum
inside or outside. Use the Fast Thrust option to finish more quickly.

Roaming: If you allow Voletta permission for Roaming, she can appear on various
maps. Her behavior and dialogue will change depending on if she is pregnant or not.
Additionally, Voletta’s attitude in the tower will change. She’ll be happier if you allow her
to roam, and more miserable if you keep her locked in the tower.
Current Locations: City (Near the shop), Academy (Outside near training yard), Bath
(Right side near the separator), Goldy Village (Left side of the village)

Note that she has unique chat options and a unique birth scene in Goldy Village. You
must allow her to Roam if you want to view these scenes. In general, allowing her to
Roam will give you more Voletta dialogue in various places.

You can fully reset Voletta using her Collection item, and replay her route from the
beginning. This will allow you to see all possible paths. Be aware that you will not get
back the resources spent to seduce her on the Drug and Charm path.

To meet Cherry, go to Shiny City. It’s the big city right outside of the castle on the world
map. None of her events are based on a timer. You can do everything all at once if
you’d like. However, it does cost money to keep Cherry happy. It is advised you do
Kingdom Management before starting with Cherry, that way you’ll have a source of

1. When you meet Cherry for the first time she will immediately drag you on to the
first date. Buy her whatever she wants. Answers which make her laugh are the
best. Try to kiss her at the end if you want, or wait and let her kiss you first in a
later scene. She will only reject your kiss if you do a really bad job on the date.
2. The answers for a perfect score are: Doesn’t Matter, At least I’ll get to look at
them, Alright, You look good, Oh so it’s a date, If you’re nice, My years of
torment… (this one is the least obvious correct choice, but it makes her laugh)
3. If you got a perfect date and kissed her she will trigger the next date immediately.
If you did not get a perfect date, she will start asking for gifts from the gift shop.
Once you buy her gifts she will kiss you. I actually think this is a much better first
kissing scene, personally.
4. For the second date just go with her to the park. Be honest with her at all times to
keep her happy and, of course, buy her whatever she wants.
5. After the park she’ll start talking about the Visual Book. It’s an item you can buy
in the shop. Once you buy it, offer to give it to her. If you bring it to her and then
say it’s not for her she will get sad. Don’t do that.
6. Cherry invites you to her place for the ‘real’ second date. The outcome of this
date is a little less important but you can get a Perfect Date if you just continue to
be honest with her and pay for whatever she wants.
The final question has three possible outcomes.

If you try to lie, she will get upset and kick you out.

If you truthfully say you will try something she will still kick you out, but you get a nicer
ending with a kiss.

If you truthfully say that you won’t try anything she will let you stay. You get a kiss and a
cuddling scene, and this is required for the Perfect Date. Even if you didn’t get a Perfect
Date, the game will still remember if you got this scene. Basically, getting the cuddle
scene is more important than getting a perfect date.

Cherry will start to appear in random locations on the Shiny City map.

Overall, the most important thing to remember with Cherry is to always be honest with
her and buy her whatever she wants!

“Random” Cherry:
Once Cherry starts to randomly move around the map, you have a few options. You can
Chat, Gift, or Date her. She won’t go on any dates immediately, but she will accept Gifts.
She takes anything from the Gift Shop except for flowers! The amount of EXP needed
depends on your performance on the previous date.

After you give enough Gifts, her Chat dialogue will change. You can go right to Cherry
on Top, or check out some of her other dates. These involve teleporting to a new
location and then fooling around a bit. Cherry won’t get mad no matter what you
attempt, but there is a limit to how much you’ll get away with. Just try to do whatever
you want and see how it goes.

Teleport Dates: You can take her to the remote jungle of Bemvor, or the capital city of
the nation of Foriel. Although you’ll spend the day “Shopping” you won’t lose any gold,
so feel free to play the date without any worries. You’ll also be able to repeat these
dates, although the dialogue still makes it seem like it could be the first time fooling
around so bear with that for now.

Cherry On Top: After you do the Teleport date and fool around a bit, Cherry will invite
you back to her place. There’s nothing extra you need to do to unlock the first sex scene
with Cherry. When you finish, you’ll get the Collection item based on whether Cherry is
your sister or not. This scene is currently repeated, but Cherry will always act like it is
her ‘first’ time, so keep that in mind. This is an incomplete game, after all, so be patient.

Gold House: Buying the Gold House will require having 11,000 K saved up just for the
down payment. However, this will make Cherry happy, and she’s best girl, so it’s worth
it! You can bring her along for some added dialogue with the realtor. Once you get the
house she’ll give a pregnancy announcement and start to show. If you want to see the
nude version of her pregnant portrait, go talk to her in the bath.

Home Life: The interior map of the Gold House has been opened up and mapped out at
this point. Cherry will move around inside of the house, Sylvia can come to visit as well
and you’ll learn a bit more about the house. You can replay Sylvia’s scene by using the
orb in the 1F of the house.

Sagiri Visit: If Sagiri has been moved to the Tower and given permission to Roam, a
transparent indicator of her status will appear at the kitchen table. Using this item will
trigger a scene where Sagiri comes to visit and has tea time with Cherry. There are a lot
of chat options to explore and you can interact with both characters by either listening or
talking. If you choose to ‘Poke’ Cherry, this will trigger a sequence where she tries to
lecture you. You can continue to poke her during this scene, interrupting her dialogue or
waiting until the end when she is finish and poking her a lot all at once at the end. Either
way, if you poke her enough times, you can trigger a scene where she tries to punish
you by sitting on you. If you choose to go upstairs, the scene will fade to black and you’ll
have sex offscreen. If you choose to remain downstairs, you’ll get a unique sex scene
where you do it while Sagiri is watching. Cherry can get pregnant during this scene as

Repeat Sex: If Cherry is currently not pregnant you can have cowgirl style sex with her
as much as you want. This scene is different from the first time having sex with Cherry.
If you interact with her enough times you’ll be able to make her cum and get the good
ending. “Chat” with her to see if she’s ready to cum, and be aware that you need to kiss
her to get her to reach the final stage where she’s ready to cum. If you got the good
ending once, you’ll be able to skip to it later even if you play the scene quickly.

Cherry Impreg: This is a special pregnancy focused scene where Cherry’s goal is to get
pregnant from the player. You will be allowed which CG you want to display during this
scene. In 0.94b it can be used to preview a CG that will be used later on for a full scene,
but isn’t currently used for anything else. It is HIGHLY recommended that you try playing
this scene with Virility setting to Low and High both. If you play this scene on Low
pregnancy/virility settings, Cherry will have a lot of unique dialogue, and she will cancel
out your spell to get pregnant anyway.

Lazy Cherry: When you select [Scene], this is one of the options available. In this scene
you can get a view of some of Cherry’s home life habits. After she refuses to take care
of herself or do anything, you can accept her invitation and spend the day in bed taking
a nap with her. If you stay in bed, you’ll get the option to play [Waking Up With Cherry]
afterwards. If you force her to go to the Bath, you can view [Cherry Bath] instead.

Waking Up: When you sleep in the bed, or after viewing Lazy Cherry, you can get a
scene where Cherry wakes you up and has sex in the bed. This has unique dialogue
and text from any of her other sex scenes, so be sure to check it out if you haven’t
already. There is some pee fetish stuff in this scene but it can be skipped by simply not
selecting the pee options.

Giving Birth: Cherry can now give birth as many times as you like. Once you get the
Gold House, you simply need to impregnate her while having sex and you can view the
birth scene again. Her daughter, Lucy, will appear upstairs and Cherry can also be seen
holding an infant baby.

Lucy: If you speak to Lucy a few times you should be able to trigger a scene where her
and Cherry have an argument. There isn’t much point to this scene. It’s just there if you
want to view it.

Sister Endings: After unlocking the Gold House, you should get the Family Love item
from Cherry if you haven’t got it already. This will allow you to view the Sister Endings.
There is a Normal version and a Pregnant version, and they are two entirely different
scenes. Make sure to view both if you are interested.

Cherry also hangs out in the Public Bath in the castle all the time, and you can trigger
Bathing scenes with her after you have gone on her first date. If you’ve viewed ‘Cherry
on Top,’ her behavior in the bath will change.

Cherry Bath: Once Cherry has reached her “Love” state (this happens around the time
you buy the house), additional Bathing scenes will be unlocked. You can Look at her
body as much as you want, but the text won’t change. By Washing her you will take the
lead and can do various actions focused on Exhibition and Bathing fetish. If you Wait,
Cherry will approach you first. The text in the Wait scene is similar to the pregnant bath
scene, but works if she’s pregnant or not, and has more/variant text.
If you follow the instructions in the Bathing section, you can get Kath to appear and do a
group bathing scene. The dialogue for the group bathing scene doesn’t reflect whether
you’ve had sex or even if Cherry is pregnant, so keep that in mind.

:Cherry, After the Gold House:

After you buy the Gold House and you meet the conditions to unlock her ending, there
are several new Cherry story scenes that you’ll be able to view. They must be played in
a specific order, but you might simply find them randomly.

1 : After unlocking Cherry’s ending, go to Coral’s Shop at any time. You should
automatically trigger a scene with Cherry and Mea. Using the Orb in the shop can be
used to view this scene again. After you view this scene, a timer will be started that
controls all future Cherry events.

2 : After enough time has passed, a new automatic event will play in the Gold House
where Cherry reveals she has spent 8,000,000 K on a special dinner. If you want to see
this scene faster, you can go to the Gold House and use the Magic Clock to trigger it. A
new Orb will appear in the house to replay this scene.

Queen Cherry

After you buy the Gold House, it is possible to summon Cherry to the throne room by
going there and interacting with it. Cherry has some interactions with the Advisor, and
can give speeches to the women in the court. Additionally, if the Queen and Cherry are
both in court at the same time, and they’re both pregnant, you can get a special botezuri

Note that the Queen will be banished if you let Cherry win in the end, but you can get
her back by using the Collection item, so it’s not a big deal. You can also repeat the
scene as much as you want.

If you have seen enough Hold Court scenes, there will be a set of repeatable options
you can view from the Advisor. These repeatable scenes have a small amount of text by
default, but gain additional text if the Queen or Cherry is present. I won’t spoil any of
Cherry’s actions or dialogue, but the general rule is that you should choose to listen to
her advice if you want to hear what she has to say (obvious)

Sylvia is your cute little sister, unless you have incest turned off. Then she’s just a
childhood friend. When you start a new game and leave Raptor’s room, she’ll
immediately confront you. It doesn’t matter what you say to her.

Note: Sylvia’s portrait set was updated in version 0.92, and all of her CG were updated
in 0.925 to match the new portrait more closely.

A few conversations with her (she hangs out near the statue on campus) will reveal that
something is not quite right. To advance her quest, you’ll need to go to the city and start
interacting with other characters.

Once you have flirted with Blondie or the Tired Lady enough, you’ll trigger a special
scene where Sylvia comes to threaten the respective woman, trying to chase her off.
This will put a delay on that character’s quest line (it’s easy to resolve, thankfully), and
open up a chance to talk to Sylvia a bit more about your… history. She has some pretty
far-fetched (and comical) reasons to believe that Raptor is actually her boyfriend, and
she’ll do whatever it takes to monopolize his love.

After this conversation, Sylvia will start appearing in her room back in Horn Village. It’s
the big house near the bar, she’s on the first floor. Talk to Sylvia in her room and you’ll
have the option to trigger a Special Scene… where Kath appears to tease and molest
Sylvia, as well as triggering a threesome. If you want your first time to be with Sylvia
alone, you should skip the Threesome for now.

The Threesome scene has five possible endings.

Choose Sylvia: If you favor both characters enough, you’ll get the option to choose
Sylvia at the end. She will act smug and triumphant after “winning.”

Choose Kath: As with above, if you favor both enough, you’ll get the option to choose
Kath. Sylvia will be a bit disappointed if you choose this.

Sylvia WINS: If you ignore Kath too much, Sylvia will take matters into her own hand
and declare herself the winner.

Kath WINS: As with above, if you ignore Sylvia too much, Kath will take matters into her
own hands and dominate the end of the scene.
Choose Both: If you favor both characters equally enough, you can also select the
option to creampie them both at the end. This leads to the best overall ending,

If you replay the threesome scene while Sylvia or Kath is pregnant, it will still act like it is
the first time. This IS NOT a bug, I left this in so that the scene could be replayed. I’d
rather have people complain about the characters not showing as pregnant, vs having
people complain that the scene can’t be replayed.

Sylvia on Campus: On campus, if you’ve progressed Sylvia far enough, you’ll unlock
access to her ‘Lewd’ and ‘Special’ options. Lewd will allow you to play her solo sex
scene, or the threesome scene with Kath. Special relates to advancing her main quest
and pregnancy events.

Sylvia In Control
This sex scene features a set of choices that can determine which ending you get. If
you don’t score enough points you won’t be able to get the extra text at the end, the
x-ray cumshot, or pregnancy indicators.

The good choices are the ones where you are more direct, the bad choices are the
ones where you say nothing or hesitate. The scene was updated so that you can get the
Good Ending by making at least one correct choice on replay views. Additionally, a new
CG will play during this scene which works for normal or pregnant sex.

Sylvia on Bottom
An alternate option to have sex with Sylvia, your choices will determine your ending in a
similar way. For Sylvia on Bottom you want to pick options that involve praising her
directly, touching her body, and making her blush. If you succeed, you’ll get extra text at
the end and pregnancy indicators.

Sylvia Attacks
Have you ever wanted to get dominated by Sylvia? Well, this is your chance. You can
try to resist or fight back in this scene, or let her do her thing, but for the most part Sylvia
will be the one who controls the outcome of this scene. During the final phase you can
change her face between normal and yandere expressions. If you try to pull out, she’ll
stop you and continue the scene. If you end the final phase too quickly, you’ll get a short
scene where you cum early. Perform at least three actions to get the full ending.
Pregnancy Sylvia
After having sex with Sylvia for the first time, she can trigger a short quest line that
involves her becoming pregnant and delivering the child. Simply talk to Sylvia each time
you want to advance this quest. If you have Virility set to (Low), Sylvia will automatically
advance to ‘Basic Sylvia’ mode.

If Sylvia has given birth: Her daughter Lumia will appear in the house in Horn Village.
Lumia has two different dialogues and will alternate between them. Additionally, the
bear in Sylvia’s room will change to say that it belongs to Lumia instead of Sylvia.

Basic Sylvia
In this mode Sylvia can replay her sex scenes, become pregnant again, and give birth
as many times as you want. If you skipped Pregnancy Sylvia before, but you decide to
get her pregnant later, the game will properly detect this and allow you to view all of the
Pregnancy Sylvia scenes in the proper order.

Chatting with Sylvia will trigger a dialogue that can be viewed in full or skipped. She will
cycle through her available dialogue pool whenever you try to Chat with her.
Additionally, you can Skip dialogue and she will move on to the next option.

Current Chats: Vitoria/Holiday, Cherry/Chores

Affection: Sylvia has an Affection value which the game will track. It can be viewed by
checking her Trophy. If the Affection rating does not show yet, you need to advance her
quest a bit more. Right now her Affection won’t do anything but it will raise by 1
whenever you play one of her normal scenes. Don’t bother trying to grind her Affection
right now, since it will be much easier to raise it later when new scenes are added.

Sister Endings: After you get the Family Love item, this will allow you to view the Sister
Endings. There is a Normal version and a Pregnant version, and they are two entirely
different scenes. Make sure to view both if you are interested.

Roaming Sylvia: Sylvia also has the ability to show up in other locations to interact with
other characters. These are mostly just short, pointless scenes but they can be fun.

If you’ve unlocked the Gold House and spent some time inside with Cherry, Sylvia will
show up to check out the house and pick a fight with Cherry.
If you’ve learned about Hstrvx being your sister, Sylvia will show up at the Tower to
investigate. She will try to prove that she is more of your sister than Hstrvx is.

Hstrvx is the Tower Keeper who can be met at any point in the game. She’ll take care of
your Tower, as well as watching over the unrealistic number of children you can have in
this game. She has a pretty nasty attitude and doesn’t get along too well with Raptor. Of
course, this won’t stop you from fucking her anyway.

- When you meet Hstrvx for the first time in the tower you’ll get a CG of her lounging on
the couch. If you meet her in the Cafe, you’ll get a bit less. Either way you are given the
Tower Key which lets you warp back to your Tower at any time.
- If any character in the game gives birth to your child, and you haven’t met Hstrvx, she
will appear and introduce herself.
- If you defeat Meradis before you ever meet Hstrvx, and go back to the Tower, you can
get a more unique scene that is different from the normal first time meeting.
- If you have 11+ total kids in the game, Hstrvx can give you some dialogue about the
bodies of human women. If you’ve done this mostly with one character you might have
noticed her body type permanently changed. Hstrvx will offer to sell you the Mother’s
Charm that will set the body type back to normal.
- Hstrvx will also react if you talk to her while holding the Slut Milk item. She’ll accept up
to 3 of them as gifts. And, once she has received all three, she’ll actually give you the
Mother’s Charm for free. It’s better to do this rather than buying it.

Once you advance Hstrvx to this level you can do some sexual stuff with her like
stealing her clothes and having sex with her. Although her attitude doesn’t really
change. Here’s how you unlock the special ending of the sex scene:

Taunting: Doesn’t matter, do what you like here. If you’ve talked to Peter about Demon’s
and Love before, the dialogue for the taunting can change when you accuse her of
enjoying it.

Next you’ll be given a menu of how to act. Don’t select the Finish option, this will end
the scene early. You can go back and forth between the options as much as you want,
the text will change a bit, and it can be fun to find the right way. The fastest way to get
the special ending is: Hard -> Gentle -> Steady.
If you’ve had sex with her once, you will also unlock the ‘Side Position’ sex scene. You
can replay both scenes as much as you want. The Hard -> Gentle -> Steady strategy
works for both positions, but her dialogue, flavor sex, and art are different.

Her dialogue will change after you’ve had sex with her, and it’s also slightly different if
you’ve gotten the Special Ending or not.

If you’ve raised your Magic Power, you can also impregnate Hstrvx when you get the
Special Ending. See information on Merlin in order to raise your Magic Power. Once
Hstrvx has been impregnated, her belly will get big pretty quickly and her dialogue will
change. An Orb will appear in the Tower 1F that allows you to repeat her older scenes.

Art updates have been added to Hstrvx and, in addition to changing her range of facial
expressions, also make her body more closely fit the model of her portrait. Additional
text was added to these scenes as well, which make better use of the new CG frames.

At first, Hstrvx is annoyed and will throw a fit due to her pregnancy cravings. After you
get some Cursed Candy (can be purchased from Peter, use the Demon Feather to
return to him quickly), her mood will improve… a little bit. Pregnant sex with Hstrvx will
become available.

Once you advance her dialogue a bit further, you’ll be given the option to have Hstrvx
give birth. A new portrait has been added and she can even be seen holding the
newborn child. You can also perform Tits Quest actions on her at this point, including a
titfuck scene with a newly added CG.

After you dominated Hstrvx using your powered up Magic score, you will unlock a sex
scene that gives the player a lot more control. You can switch between positions,
perform many different interactions, choose how to finish without being penalized.
Additionally, Hstrvx has semi-random dialogue that plays during these interactions. To
make her piss herself, choose [Special -> Ero Shock] when given the option. You can
immediately make her pee, or Double Shock first and then make her pee. The outcome
will be slightly different.

This scene was recently updated to use her new CG sets which have many more
alternate frames. You can add or remove the pipe from her mouth, and she can also
drop it or break it during the scene. She has more facial expressions. Additionally, it’s
possible to switch her back and forth between positions and do repeated interactions
now. Like with her older scenes, new text was added her as well.

Don’t forget that you can also view any of her older sex scenes by viewing the ORB on
the first floor in the tower.

NOTE: If you have made it this far in Hstrvx Quest, you will likely be given her Collection
item. This item can be used to view both her Slave Ending and her Bride Ending. If you
do not get the item, you simply have to keep playing her repeatable scenes or interact
with her some more. Playing Hstrvx scenes will build progress naturally toward
unlocking her ending.

Impregnation: Hstrvx can now be repeatedly impregnated by playing or replaying any of

her scenes, after she has given birth for the first time. Basically any time you get the
creampie ending where the game talks about Hstrvx being impregnated, it will actually
happen now. For more information about how to impregnate her, if you can’t figure it
out, check the information from any of the previous scenes.

Pregnancy: Once she is pregnant she will first give an announcement that she has been
knocked up. After that, she’ll have a larger belly the next time you see her. You’ll get the
option to have her give birth, viewing the original birth scene or a new repeatable
variant. Additionally, if you choose to have pregnant sex, you’ll see a pregnant sex CG
and get a new scene.

If you get a good evaluation from Meradis, you can learn that Hstrvx is actually your
sister, and has to do with your missing father who went to try and impregnate one of the
Demon Queens. This will prompt a new conversation with Hstrvx, as well as a follow up
scene where Sylvia can show up at the tower. Try talking to Hstrvx a few times to make
sure both scenes trigger. You will need the Incest flag to be turned on, otherwise Hstrvx
won’t be mentioned as your sister and none of the new events will show. Peter will now
have a conversation with you about Hstrvvx being your sister.

If you defeat Meradis without talking about Max or Hstrvx being your sister, don’t worry.
Hstrvx will actually talk to you about it herself the next time you go back to the Tower.
This gives an alternate version of the scene, and will even advance her quest a bit if you
haven’t done so already. Additionally, if you defeat Meradis without ever meeting Hstrvx
a single time, you can go to the Tower and trigger a third variant of this scene which is
totally unique. It’s difficult to get this version because Hstrvx will always introduce
herself after any character gives birth to your child. You must avoid having anyone give
birth and focus on defeating Meradis as fast as possible, then go and meet Hstrvx.

Final Quest: If you’ve unlocked her Endings and gotten her Collection item, you’ll gain
access to the final set of Hstrvx scenes. The first scene will play as soon as you return
to Tower 1F, where Hstrvx tries to kill you with a special device. Viewing this scene will
set a flag that allows all of her future Final Quest scenes to trigger. When those scenes
are added to the game, if you have already viewed the Tower 1F Scene, the game will
remember your progress.

Beach: Hstrvx is one of the characters who can appear on the Beach. She has a unique
bikini portrait. You can manually set her level of tan, or she will become more tan as you
do more activities at the beach. Additionally, by choosing ‘Outfit’ you can steal her
clothes and mess with her.

:Beach With Goddess:

Talk to Hstrvx on the Beach and select the VS Goddess Scene.
This will trigger a very long, complex interaction that branches between many different
options. The Beach scene with this two girls is like many scenes all contained in one, so
be sure to explore all of the interactions until you are satisfied.

Start : The girls will argue for a bit and taunt each other. You can skip this section on
repeat viewing of the scene.

Choice 1: If you pick either girl, it will cause the scene to end early with a bit of unique
dialogue. You must pick Sample or Show Off for the scene to continue.
Sample : This will allow a Threesome scene. If you try to Finish without doing anything,
the girls will both taunt you. If you pay more attention to one girl, you will get an ending
for that girl. Hstrvx has priority over the Goddess in the event of a tie.

Special End : If you spend 8+ turns in the Threesome scene and make sure to give
each girl enough attention, you can get a special ending. You must have Impregnation
settings to high in order to view the special ending. The Stacking options will sometimes
give credit to both girls. If you want to be super safe, just pick every option once. This
will give you more than enough credit.

About Pregnancy: The girls will never appear to be pregnant at the Beach. If you have
the right amount of magic, and you impregnate the Goddess or Hstrvx, it will update
their status in their normal location. Most importantly, if you view the Special End, this
will trigger a flag that allows a special scene to be viewed (Not added to the game yet,
but your save will remember this).

Show Off: The girls will taunt and flaunt for the people on the beach. If you have
Exhibition settings turned on, you can summon people to watch and get dialogue from
the bystanders. At this point, several additional choices are given. Picking the FFM
option will redirect you to the Sample scene, but with people watching.

Sexy Pose: Choosing Sexy Pose will cause the girls to compete, which involves
attacking each other and damaging members of the bystander crowd. Exhibition High
will give more text/dialogue in this scene. There’s a Hstrvx and a Goddess ending.

Gangbang: You will only be given the option to view the Gangbang if you summoned
Bystanders AND you have Exhibition set to high. Even still, it’s completely optional. The
game will cycle through five sets of text, with each set having either two or three
options. You can play the scene as long as you like. Every 3 turns you’ll be given an
option to end the scene. There’s no wrong choices, so just pick whatever interactions
you want to see. Note that there is one guy who will try to impregnate them, but this
cannot happen. He simply gets bullied by the girls and made fun of.

If Hstrvx is revealed as your sister there is a scene where Sylvia visits the tower to
harass her. Additionally, after viewing this scene, if you go back to the bar there’s
another scene where Hstrvx and Kath will meet.

Hstrvx can also meet with Sagiri and the Princess when each of them moves into the
Tower. Notably, the Princess is the only character who successfully intimidates Hstrvx.
She makes a note of plotting her revenge against the Princess for later...

Piney can be found in the Bar/Inn at Horn Village, on the right side of the world map.
You won’t be able to do anything with her right away, but once you gain access to the
Bar Management, she will be available for hire.

- Recruit Piney by threatening her or using slut logic to convince her. Piney is a minor
character and so how you treat her doesn’t matter as much. You can get a blowjob from
her or send her to work right away.
- Talk to Piney while she’s working in the bar to see her interact with customers. After a
few times you will get the option to increase her Slut Level. Make sure you are ready to
view a scene when you do this.
- To increase her Slut Level, you’ll take her into the back room and perform some sex
and exhibition acts with her. You can fuck her in front of a customer, let the customer
fuck her as well. Raptor and the customer can both run a train on her in any order you
- The level of the Bar will increase, and Piney will return to work. She now acts more
flirty toward the customers.

Piney should be able to get pregnant after any time you have sex with her and cum
inside of her, as long as enough time passes. Use the Magic Clock if you’re not sure. In
version 0.66, her script was udpated slightly to prevent any issues with saves from older
versions of the game not flagging her pregnancy timer in very niche cases.

Once Piney levels up to this point, you can send her to the back room and make her
have sex with customers for money. If you choose ‘Any Customer,’ the game will cycle
between them so that you see every customer once. You can also choose specific

Poor Customers: Lurker, Student, Vermin

Rich Customers: Tourist, Orc Chief

Piney doesn’t enjoy having sex with most of the customers, and will frequently think
about the player instead. You can make a lot of money by viewing these scenes and
also degrade her further.

The Collection Item, Bayside Girl, lets you move Piney between the back room and
working as normal in the bar. You can also cause new customer interactions while she’s
working in the bar.

She can also be moved behind the bar once her work experience is raised, and work
this position more permanently. From here you can trigger a special Spanking scene
where the main character and customers can spank Piney.
After she has been spanked two times you can advance to the next stage; A public sex
scene where the player and other characters can have sex with Piney at the bar.

If Exhibition is set to ‘Low’ there will be no option to include other characters, the game
will only process Raptor’s sex and spanking actions toward her. If Exhibition is set to ‘Hi’
you are still given a choice to allow or deny other characters in the scene. There are
several random villagers who can get involved, as well as a Princeling character; If the
Queen has given birth enough imes, the Princeling will be revealed to be one of the
children of the Queen.

The Spanking/BarSex scene follow the same rules of pregnancy as her prostitution: The
game will remember if other characters have had sex with Piney, and she can get
pregnant with your child or the child of a random customer, so keep that in mind. If you
creampie her first, the child will be yours (the game does keep track of this)

Pregnant Stuff:
While Piney is pregnant, there is still two jobs she can work. Advertisement and Drink
Service. Both scenes can excite the customers and have the potential to lead to some
pregnancy ero scenes. Piney can give public blowjobs and even do a special bukkake if
you want. You get coins after viewing these scenes. Although it’s not like money is an
issue in this game anyway…

It’s also set up so that you can skip the ‘working’ flavor text and go right to the ero
scenes to save time on repeated viewings.

After Piney receives a creampie, she has the potential to become pregnant. After some
time passes, Piney will appear in the central floor of the bar and announce her
pregnancy. She can show off her body to the customers or take time off work to give
birth. She has children that can potentially show up in town after giving birth. The game
tracks who can potentially be the father, and the event/dialogue can change based on
this information.

A: If Piney has never had sex with anyone other than Raptor, it will be clear that Raptor
is the father.
B: If Piney has been prostituting at all, the game will display dialogue that reflects this.
There are two potential outcomes, whether Raptor is the dad or not, but either way the
game makes it sound like it could be anyone.
C: If Piney has had sex with Raptor and the Shy Boy during the earlier scene, but not
had sex with anyone else, there’s a chance that the Shy Boy can be the father.

It’s also worth mentioning that if the Shy Boy is NOT the father, but no one else is
identified as the father, he might still volunteer to take care of Piney and her kids --
depends on their earlier interactions. I plan to add the option later to scare him away or
get rid of him if you don’t want him lurking around acting like a simp.

If you don’t like how this turned out, you can Reset her sexual history from the menu
while she’s working. This will make it so Piney has no history of prostitution and you can
make Raptor the sole candidate to be the father, as well as starting over with a fresh
batch of children.

The Collection Item, Bayside Girl, can be used to quickly deliver new children without
viewing the birth scenes.

The Queen
She is one of the most malleable characters in the game. Her personality is a little
defiant and resistant at first but she can quickly be forced to take on any role that the
player chooses. You meet her by going to the Throne Room in the castle to the north.

Here is a rough outline of how her quest can be advanced:

Throne Room:
1. Firstly, if you want to capture her quickly, just pick the Capture Option. This will send
her to the Tower right away and make the process of taking over the Kingdom go much
2a. If you choose to do the Throne Room scene there are a lot of different paths and
options for what to do. Breaking her is easy. Just treat her as roughly as possible during
the scene. If you ditch her in the end she won’t appear in the Tower, but you will get a
Collection item that will allow you to torment or capture her later on.
2b. The options you pick during this stage can now increase her Love and Lust levels.
These won’t be visible for a while, but it will make them start at a higher value later on
instead of starting at 0. Use your common sense here; Making her feel good will
increase her lust and love, being violent toward her will not… Kissing will gain lots of
Love points for later use.
3. Making her enjoy the sex is a bit more difficult. I recommend playing with her thighs
as much as possible before initiating sex. Go with the Gentle options every time. It’s
mentioned that the King has a tiny dick and they’ve only had sex once, so she can’t
really handle the rough stuff yet. Do the missionary position if you want to kiss her.
Ditched Queen:
1. If you ditched her or exiled her, don’t worry. You can still mess with the Queen. Use
your Collection Item to go and find her and have some more fun.
2. She’ll be found in Shiny City. If you got her pregnant, she complains about having to
raise your kid.
3. You can get her pregnant again, and/or take her back to the Tower now. While it’s
possible to repeat the cycle, nothing else will happen until you bring her back to the

Once she is in the Tower you’ll have the option to coerce her for the first time if you
haven’t done anything yet. If you already did stuff in the Throne Room, she’ll
immediately go to her basic Slave Queen state.

If the Princess and the Queen are both in the Tower, you can play a scene where the
two of them interact. If you have a threesome with the Queen and Princess, this will
raise the Affection and Love stats of the Queen to the maximum level. This can be used
to quickly fully charm her if you desire.

Children: Several of the Queen’s children can show up in the tower after she gives birth.
And while she’s in the tower, she can also appear on the first floor holding a newborn
child. She’ll have some remarks to give depending on how many times she has been

Charm Queen:
To access this path you must Kidnap her first.
Once she goes to the Tower, do NOT rape her or threaten.
She will resist your attempts to Chat. Keep trying anyway.
Talking about the Queen will actually prolong the conversation,
Talking about yourself will cause the conversation to advance
You’ll get the option to [level up] her status, do this.
You can also choose not to level up right away
(this can be used to view all of the chat options until you’re happy)
When you come back, her mood will slightly improve.
This path currently leads to a dead end,
but later it will be used for a more romantic quest line.
If you Rape her, you can break this path.
Breaking this path will go to Slave Queen.

Slave Queen:
You can chat with her or have sex with her repeatedly. If she gets pregnant she’ll enter
the pregnancy state.
You can also send her to the Bar if you’ve unlocked Bar Management.
Once she is pregnant you can have pregnant sex or make her give birth.
A new animated birth CG was added to her event script
After she has 10+ kids she will remain in her plump state but won’t be able to get
pregnant anymore. Buy the Mother’s Charm from Hstrvx to return her to her skinny

She’ll also sometimes appear in the Public Bath if you have the ‘dirty’ setting on, and
you can grope her and embarrass her in public.

Public Birth:
If the Queen is pregnant you can use the sign post in Shiny City to trigger a public birth
scene. This scene will have additional NPC dialogue if you have Exhibition set to high. If
you don’t want to listen to all of the people talking, set Exhibition to low. If you have
Miracle turned on, you’ll get her animated birth CG. Also, in the full version of the scene,
you’ll have options to interact right before she gives birth. If the Queen has 2+ babies,
you’ll get extra dialogue.

Bar Queen:
Position 1: Interacts with customers.
Position 2: Will talk to Kath if she’s there.
Position 3: Can be forced to work as a Whore. Customer: Frog (Titfuck, Sex, Creampie)
You can advance her position by talking to her until she reaches Position 3.
If the Queen is working in the bar when the Princess comes to investigate, the Princess
will also make note of this and trigger a scene.

Note that her Whore EXP is finite. After she works enough jobs, you’ll stop getting Bar
EXP and money from having the Queen replay whoring scenes.

Throne Queen: You can send the Queen back to the Throne Room if you’d like, allowing
her to sit in on audiences while you Hold Court. In addition… It’s possible to cycle
through her outfit here, and she will get mad if you make her strip in public. Two
different Public Service scenes are available from the Throne Room.
Public Service (BJ): The Queen can get taunted by a variety of characters and give
blowjobs to members of the Court. You choose who participates in this scene, and you
can have her just blowing Raptor while the other members taunt her, or she can suck
around 6 or 7 different dicks. Her mood gradually deteriorates as the scene progresses.

Public Service (Gangbang): This scene will obviously involve having other characters
fuck the Queen, so keep that in mind before choosing if you’d allow that or not. You
CAN trigger the scene, have characters molest the Queen, and stop them before having
sex each time. Every time a group has sex with the Queen her behavior will slightly
change. This will also affect how she acts at the end of the scene. There are mentions
of pregnancy, exhibition, and some rough scenes depending on your filter. She
won’t/can’t actually get pregnant from any of the characters in this scene no matter how
much they talk about it. If the Incest flag is turned on and the Queen has given birth to
enough of your children, there is a mention of one of the Students being one of her own
kids that she gave birth to after being captured by you. Due to the Timestop Force, the
child grows up very quickly while the Queen is still roughly the same age. Playing this
scene is one of the ways to unlock her Corrupted/Enslaved state without needing to buy
or use a collar. If she is fucked by enough different groups all in one scene, and her
mood ends up getting broken down at the end, she’ll become Corrupted.

Monster Lair: If you send the Queen to the Monster Lair, she will get fucked by some
Orcs automatically. From this point you can increase her Corruption level and integrate
her more fully into the cave. If the Queen is not yet Corrupted, she will become
Corrupted without needing to use a Slave Collar on her. Additionally she’ll gain several
new features while in the Monster Cave.

Monster Queen: Once advanced to this level the Queen can now lay eggs, give birth to
orcs, beasts, and humanoid monster babies. She can also be fucked by several
different Sagamin as well as a Beast type creature. This is one way to unlock the Beast
Cave access. Doing Monster Queen scenes can increase the power level of your
monster cave. You will still be able to send the Queen back to the Tower after giving her
to the monsters.

If the option to send her to the Throne Room doesn’t appear on the map, make sure you
collect your taxes at least one time. This can be done from the Prince or the Treasurer
in the Throne Room.

You can call the Queen back to the Tower very quickly if she’s not currently in the room.
Use the transparent Queen indicator to do this.
While the Queen is in the Tower, you’ll have options to adjust her state by selecting the
[Love/Lust] menu. You can also change her costume from here. When you try to Chat,
the game will check if she has Corrupt 3 or Charm 3. If she does not, you can adjust it
by having sex with her. You may also use Magic from this menu to instantly Charm or
Corrupt her!

Once she is ready, you can follow one of two paths.

Corruption: Use a Slave Collar (may require talking to Peter), or send her ot the monster
lair and have the monsters break her mind.
Lust: Get to Charm 3 and then use a Lewd Cuff on her (may require talking to Peter)

You can also get a free Slave Cuff and Lewd Cuff by talking to Peter anyway, so it’s a
good idea to go back and do this once you’ve adjusted her Charm/Corrupt level.

If you turn on the Auto-Cuff spell, this process will be even more convenient. You just
need the Cuff in your inventory while her level is adjusted properly.

[Corrupt Queen]

The Corruption menu is like a ‘gallery’ feature. It can be accessed when talking to the
Queen when she’s at the Tower, Throne Room, or the Bar. It lets you play any of the sex
positions you’d like, and have repeatable sex scenes -- switch between positions -- and
finish however you like. The people in each location will respond, so if you make her
have sex or act like a dog in the bar, the people in the bar will have comments. Make
sure the Exhibition flag is turned on!

Once the Queen is Corrupted, she can also get pregnant and give birth an infinite
amount of times. This includes the option to give birth any of the public spaces by using
the Corruption menu. The Corruption menu uses the new animated version of the birth
art, as well as unlocking a new option for an animated version of pregnant sex with the
Queen. The older pregnant sex scene with still images and more focus on text can still
be selected.

Lewd and Love: The Corrupted Queen can now gain Lewd and Love EXP depending on
how you treat her during sex. These values max out at 20.
Increase Lewd: Based on how you treated her in earlier scenes. Can be earned by
replaying sex scenes and changing positions.
Increase Love: Based on how you treated her in earlier scenes. Can be earned by
giving gifts, or finishing sex scenes with a creampie.

When Lewd is 20, you can use a Lewd Cuff to transition her from the Corrupt state to
the Lewd state (think of this like making her fall more for you and be less forced to obey

When Love is 20, you can attempt a Confession event. This will get the Queen to admit
her feelings for you and accept her position as your love, rather than your slave. See
more about the Confession below.

[Lusted Queen]

Right now this state is VERY similar to the Corrupt state, but keep in mind that the
game does track which personality she has, and they are achieved by different
methods. For example, you can treat the Queen gently and try to pleasure her in the
early scenes, and then get her to the Lusted State. In previous versions it was only
possible to abuse her and corrupt her by breaking her will. In future updates, the Lusted
state will cause her to behave even more differently, so be sure to access this feature
and keep her in the Lusted state if you’re interested to see that.

You can also attempt the Confession event if her Love reaches 20 while in the Lusted


This event is used to transition the Queen from the Lusted or the Slave state, to a
Loving Queen status. If it fails, she simply continues on with her current behavior. You
can try as many times as you like.

Touching: Touching her body will quickly raise her Ero level, and lead to the Queen
being raped. This causes the confession to fail. Giving a headpat can help a little bit, but
not very much.

Chat: Chat options will typically get her ready for a successful confession, but there are
some sneaky options that will raise her Ero level and can lead to failure: Body and
Horny. Praising her other attributes is good, but asking questions is the best way to get
a successful confession. Asking the same question twice can also lead to more
extended responses.
If the confession succeeds you’ll get an option between having the Queen confess to
Raptor, or Raptor confess to the Queen. You can view both options before committing to
one. Then you’ll get a wholesome vanilla sex scene and her state will be changed.

[Loving Queen]

From this status she can replay her vanilla style sex scene, as well as get pregnant and
give birth to children. She does not have many chat options or other activities yet.

Remember that her Slave/Corrupt status represents almost 2 years of development

work, while the Love Queen material has only been worked on for about a month. I did
as much as I was able to do, but please be patient. It took a lot of effort and work just to
get it to a point where the Queen can transition between states easily.

Her Bookshelf and Collection items will also change, and you can use her Collection
item to break the Love status and return her to a Corrupt/Slave Queen. This will allow
you to access all of her other materials and not be stuck in the Love path.

Lady Tsarina

Lady Tsarina is the member of the third influential noble family in Bellute
kingdom. After you become King, she’ll appear in the Castle Corridor. You can
interact with her a few times and you’ll get a Collection item that lets you
influence her behavior.

Starting in the new update, the Collection item can also be used to reset her
status and change her route. If you reach the end of her route and you want to
replay, or you want to see her other scenes, use the Collection item. It will
completely reset her status, and you’ll need to unlock the Social upgrade again.
However, this will allow you to completely view each route from start to finish.

Ally Tsarina:
If you act friendly toward Tsarina, she will initially distrust you. You can win her
favor by leveling up the Social status of the kingdom to the maximum level of
20/20. You do this by interacting with the Prince or the Treasurer and focusing on
the development of Social programs. After this, Tsarina will propose an idea for a
new plan that will cost you money… if you pay her, the Social level of the
Kingdom will rise to 21/20 and you’ll get even more bonus funds when focusing
on this program. Additionally, Tsarina will be willing to have sex with you. Make
sure to cum inside her if you want to get her pregnant. You’ll have to reset her
status to make her return from pregnant to normal, since she can’t give birth yet.

Enslaved Tsarina:
In this state, Tsarina will obey your commands. Rather than paying to upgrade
the social welfare of the city, you can force Tsarina to bankrupt her noble estate
and pay for the program herself. She will happily obey you, and permanently
unlocks the upgraded Social option without you needing to pay for anything
yourself. She can also be fucked and impregnated, with unique dialogue that is
different from her other states.

Enemy Tsarina:
In this state, Tsarina will act more bitchy and resistive toward you. You can
verbally abuse her and make her give up by mentally breaking her will. She can
also be fucked and impregnated, with unique dialogue that is different from her
other states.

While she can now be impregnated in any of her routes, none of them progress
past this point. You’ll need to reset her if you want access to her sex scenes
again, or to change her behavior.

The Slut
You can meet the Slut on the streets of Shiny City and immediately get the chance to
mess with her. She has two encounters and three possible endings depending on how
you treat her. Turn on Exhibition to get lots of bonus content with her.

Note that in Version 0.90, some minor changes were made to the Slut. Her default outfit
has changed, and her portrait variants are slightly different in some scenes as well.
Remember that you can use the Collection item to reset or change her status, even if
she’s currently in the Dungeon. Use this to move her around and view her new outfit
and portrait variants if you’d like!
Trickery 1: Get her to suck your dick and if you resist cumming you can even fuck her. If
you do it in the alleyway, some people will wander by and see her. Taking this option will
automatically get you the Trickery 2 ending.

Mind Control 1: Mind blank her and choose what to do with her. You can fuck her and
dump her somewhere to be found by others, teleport her to different locations, and even
bring her out to the plaza to parade her in front of people and initiate a gangbang. Her
personality in this state will be very dull, but it opens up options for different mind
altering magic on her in the second encounter.

After the first encounter she will disappear for a while. You can use the Magic Clock to
advance time if you don’t feel like waiting. It’s in your Token list in your Magic/Items

Assuming you had any intention of getting her pregnant, when she shows up the
second time she’ll mention how she got knocked up and almost lost her job because of
having to care for the kid. You can now torment her even further.

Trickery 2: If you tricked her the first time, she’ll show up a second time demanding that
you owe her. Simply trick her again by saying you’ll give her a surprise. The surprise is
that you’re going to pump her and dump her again. If you’re going the exhibition route,
the guys who recognized her last time will show up again, and you can pass her around
before she learns that she isn’t getting anything from you.

Mind Control 2: There’s a lot of different options here, and the two different endings will
depend on how you play it. I’m going to go over all of the possible outcomes and how to
get there.

Fuck Crazy: Pick any of the first set of options and pick Fuck Crazy when given the
option. This will lead her to become a hyper slut who is obsessed with sex.

Mind Break: Pick any of the first set of options and choose to turn her into a mindless
doll. This goes even further than Mind Control 1 and heavily relies on ‘limp’ fetish and
her being totally empty headed.

Public Birthing Machine: Take her to the alley first and have sex with her there. If you
are trying to get this kind of scene I’m going to assume your Virility setting is already on
high. You’ll get the option to Hyper Impregnate her, causing her to grow immediately. If
you let her go at this point, that’s the end of it. If you take her to the plaza she’ll initiate
the normal gangbang scene and also give birth in public.

Teleport Options: Choose to fuck her on your own, but still take her to the plaza. There’s
also an option here to do it without mind control if you want to hear more of her own
thoughts and reactions to what is going on. At the end of the plaza scene you’ll be given
the option to trigger the normal gangbang, by giving her to the crowd, or to teleport her
away somewhere. The teleport options are similar to the Mind Control 1 ending, but all
of them are more extreme.

Slut Part 2…

After you’ve viewed the above interactions, you can use her Collection item to either
reset her status OR advance her to the ‘final’ stage of her quest. At this point you will
decide exactly where she ended up… and unlock new interactions in those places.

Neutral Endings
Prostitute: The Slut becomes a prostitute. You can continue to mess with her pretty
much the same as you did in the past. There is now an option to pay her 100, 1, or 0
after sex.

Normal: The Slut gets a somewhat happy ending where she returns to a normal life
after everything that happened. There is potential for Raptor to keep messing with her
and maybe ruin her life again, but no direct options to do anything yet.

Bad Endings
Public Slut: In this version her brain never recovers, and the villagers continue to use
her as a sex object. You can interact with her here, but she doesn’t have much dialogue.

Monster Nest: The Slut wanders into a Monster Nest by accident, unlocking some new
egg laying scene. There will be more content here later as well.

Dungeon Slut:
Once you get to her “Ending” states, you’ll be able to send her to or from the Dungeon
to most other ending locations and states. You can use the Collection item to control her
more quickly, but you can also use the Dungeon as a sort of ‘holding’ area while you
move her between other states.
While in the Dungeon she can keep her default annoyed personality, wipe her mind to
make her act stupid and unable to talk, or reprogram her brain to make her enjoy being
a slave and treated like shit.

Upper body interactions will allow you to play with her breasts, get a blowjob, and other
service options. Lower body interactions will let you fuck her ass or impregnate her, as
well as other bonus actions. She can be quickly impregnated and give birth through the
Manage menu, but you can also do more detailed pregnancy and birth scenes by
having sex and selecting the full birth options. When she’s been reprogrammed into her
Slutty mode, she’ll have different dialogue, and a lot more dialogue, during scenes.

She’ll appear in the Line Up which can be accessed by selecting the pillar in the middle
of the Dungeon. You can view all of your prisoners together, check their pregnancy
status, and play scenes. This includes allowing Hstrvx to spank all of them, or having all
of them give birth at the same time.

You can also use the Collection item to change her between the Neutral and Bad
endings without needing to replay all of her content. If you want to see everything, this
makes it very easy. Enjoy!

Lady Garnet

The Knight Commander of Bellute Kingdom spends most of her time at the Bellute
military Academy, where you happen to be a student. If you’re feeling up to it you can
challenge her to a battle.

Losing: Most likely you’ll lose your first battle, especially if your stats are still low. After
losing you’ll get an option to play some femdom scenes with her.

How to Fight:
First thing to do is to pay attention to her text so you know what is going to happen.
In version 0.74, visual indicators were added to make this battle easier to play.
In version 0.90 her damage values were mostly reduced to be less punishing. The battle
is still difficult but not quite as hard. You still MUST Defend when she is using her
special attacks, but she won’t drain your health as quickly when doing normal attacks
and actions. Additionally, if you have 9 Magic, you can trigger Instant Loss and get
some special dialogue before having sex with her.
Wind Stance -- She will block physical attacks, but is weak against magic attacks. Use
magic to slow her down. [Wind Icon]
Cascade Stance -- She will power through magical attacks and counter you. Must rely
on physical attacks to break through. [Star Icon]

If the game mentions that her sword is glowing, or she takes a stance with a clenched
fist, you should DEFEND. She’s about to unleash a special attack. You’ll see the sword
icon light up when this happens. She’ll never do a special attack two turns in a row, so
you’ll always have a chance to land a good hit after defending.

Clothing Destruction: After you land an attack, you’ll notice the screen will ‘pulse’ with a
pink light. Whenever this ‘pulse’ shows, you can do a Special attack of your own. The
icon of her shield will be broken when this action is possible, so pay attention. Destroy
her top and then her bottom to expose her clothes. Then you can destroy the rest of her
outfit with one more attack. Make sure you do this when it’s safe, otherwise she will
blast you with her Light Blade or her Physical Boost. Remember that she can still
counter you with special attacks! It might be better to Defend for a turn.

Ero Attacks: After her clothes have been destroyed you can use magic pulses and
shocks to increase her horny levels. This will generally keep her in a state where you
always get the ‘pulse,’ and you can quickly unleash a combination of Ero Attacks on her
as long as she doesn’t drain your HP. When the Shield icon changes to a Heart, you
can attempt other actions safely.

Finisher: Once she drops her guard, the Ero Attack menu will keep popping up on its
own. From here you can do a combination of Groping attacks until she falls over.
Alternately, if you drain her HP, she’ll lose for that reason.

After the Battle…

Little white glowing circles will appear near the Academy Gate, as well as inside of the
Academy 1F building. Use these to summon Lady Garnet and embarrass her in front of
the other students. You can also have sex with her by talking to her directly in the
training yard.

The new sex scene has a number of choices but there’s no “Correct” choices. Just pick
whatever you would prefer to do for this scene.
Pregnancy: After you cum inside of Lady Garnet, she can now become pregnant. If you
have normal Virility settings there’s about an 11% chance. With High settings she will
always become pregnant. After becoming pregnant you can have some interactions
with her as her portrait changes.

Garnet can give birth to your child, as well as an option for having twins. Additionally,
her dialogue and main quest will advance slightly past this point. This will happen
whether she gets pregnant or not. Lastly, you’ll gain the ability to repeat her sex and
birth scenes, access to exhibition scenes around the campus, and you can replay her
battle scene.

A Collection item was added for Garnet. It allows you to check her status, instantly warp
to the scenes where her Exhibition scenes take place, and make her give birth instantly
when she’s pregnant without having to view a full scene.

The Harpy
To meet the Harpy, just go to the mountain peak during the spring or summer maps. You
can choose the season when you enter, so there’s no waiting involved. The man at the
top, C.W. Smith, will be in trouble because he climbed to the top twice in one day
without resting or bringing supplies with him. The Harpy has been waiting for him to die
so she could eat him, but she’ll attack when she sees Raptor since he is “more

Defeating her is very easy. Her attacks hit incredibly hard, but her moves are very easy
to predict and counter. If she is aggressive, fight defensively. If she’s being defensive,
you need to be aggressive. When she is low to the ground, use Thunder. When she’s
high up, slow her down with a Blizzard. Smith will also shout advice and encouragement
during the fight.

Harpy Nest:
After you defeat the Harpy, you’ll unlock the Nesting options. You can have sex with her,
as well as inviting Smith to have sex with her as well. Alternately, you can send him
away for being “creepy.” After sex, the Harpy can get pregnant and go into a special
state that allows you to view some unique birthing scenes.

During her first time, Raptor will learn that she’s capable of laying eggs as well as giving
birth to human children! On repeat views you can choose to watch a version of the
scene with less text but more animation. Additionally, more eggs can be laid depending
on how much you fuck her before triggering the birth scene.
After the Harpy has laid eggs, there’s a chance she may show up at the tower in a funny
scene where she delivers one of the eggs for Raptor to take care of. If you’re having
trouble getting it, just make sure you have her lay eggs a few times as well as checking
the nest in the mountain.

The more times the Harpy gives birth, the more you’ll start to see new children appear
in the Mountain Peak area. Once all three child characters have arrived at the Nest, the
Harpy will unlock some additional dialogue options. She’ll ask about whether you want
to stay and help her raise the children. You can answer however you prefer.

The number of Harpy children can have an influence over a scene that happens during
the Hold Court section of the game. The scene will happen even if you’ve never met the
Harpy before, but the dialogue will change if there are more Harpies on the mountain.
Additionally, if you see this scene BEFORE you battle the Harpy, it will slightly change
the dialogue before the first battle. Regardless, you must go to Court enough times until
people start complaining about the Harpies. This will unlock a new set of bonus scenes.

By using the Orb on the mountain peak, the Harpy will wait for you to come visit her.
You’ll get a choice of how to approach her first, but this doesn’t affect the outcome. It’s
purely for flavor/roleplaying purposes.

If you tell the Harpy you’re okay with the attacks, you’ll immediately unlock new bonus
content after making her happy.

If you ask the Harpy to stop attacking people, she will become angry. Her normal
content will become locked until you resolve her mood change. You must battle her in a
rematch. However, she’s very weak, and can be defeated with a single attack this time.
After you defeat her, her status is unlocked and you’ll unlock the bonus content.

Bonus Content:

Reward - This path isn’t done yet, so it’s been locked for the time being.

Punish - This scene naturally follows the previous battle against the Harpy while she is
angry. However, you can choose to play this as a scene after you’ve defeated or
scolded her, making it work well for any given path. You can select to use your fingers,
your penis, or a stick to interact with her ass or pussy. Probing or fucking her ass will
upset and hurt her, and if you put the stick up her ass it will end the scene. You can also
use your fingers to tease her pussy, and even fuck her, which can lead to a fairly good
ending. If you put the stick in her vagina, the scene will end. It’s concluded that the
punishment is effective, but due to her bird brain, she’ll probably forget about the
punishment and go back to misbehaving again.

The Mimic
The Mimic is a new character who will appear in version 0.62. You can go to the Witch’s Forest
at anytime, without needing to defeat Merlin or break the Witch’s Barrier. There’s an area to the
left which is known as the monster grove.

If you examine a suspicious treasure chest here, the Mimic will pop out. She will tease you and
try to entice you to come closer, so she can trap you. However, if you actually do it, she’ll get
scared and hide inside of her box. Battle and sex scenes (and pregnancy!) will be added in
future versions.

The Catgirl
The Catgirl, named Rico, is a new character who will appear in the Monster Grove. To get there,
simply head to the Witch’s Forest and head left. There’s a sign which points the way. You can
modify her behavior by talking to her a bit, but eventually you can get to the same point. If you
tell her you’re evil, she’ll get mad, but this also leads to more dialogue.

Once she is curious and thinks you are funny, you can take advantage of her innocent nature by
making her give a blowjob. How you treat her has no effect on things. Look forward to more sex
acts with her in the future!

Well, Monster Hunter Anne will appear in the Mountain from the very beginning of the
game. She’s easy to find, she stands right outside the cave. She’ll warn you about the
Monsters inside. After you befriend or subdue the Monsters, she’ll try to challengge you.

There are a few options for how to handle Anne, but everything is straightforward and
easy to figure out. Pick the choices for what you want. You don’t need to jump through
hoops to make it happen.

If the Orcs battle Anne, you can give her to them immediately, or Raptor can have sex
with her in the cave.
If Raptor battles Anne, you have a few options between sending her to the Tower,
punishing her with some light domination tactics, and having sex.

Whatever you pick, it will be possible to send her to the other location later if you
change your mind. And you can veiw the orc battle scene and then keep Anne for
yourself, if you choose not to let the Orcs have any fun.

At the Tower, Anne’s actions are pretty limited. She becomes very submissive and will
do whatever Raptor requires of her. You can fuck her ass, impregnate her, have
pregnant sex, and even make her give birth. She does not get her own room in the
Tower and instead works as a servant in the kitchen.

Monster Play:
Orcs: If you leave Anne to the Monsters, she will be added to the Cave map as an NPC
there, with a group of Orcs around her. Glarr will get a special dialogue if he is the first
character to ever have sex with Anne, so keep that in mind. She can have some orc
birthing scenes, and will also give birth to any orcs before leaving the cave if you try to
bring her to the Tower.

Some changes were made to this section, but they mostly have to do with how stats are
tracked behind the scenes. This was done to prevent an extremely obscure glitch where
in the small chance that you have Anne get impregnated by Orcs before you ever
impregnate any character in the game yourself, the game will think that Anne’s orc child
is actually your child. This is now fixed. Additionally, if Anne is given to the Orcs, an orc
child named Glor will appear outside. In previous versions Glor would disappear if Anne
was moved. He is now permanent.

Sagamin: You can also pass her over to the Sagamin breeding area, where her status
will become even worse. Anne becomes pretty heavily mind broken. Repeated egg
laying and birth scenes can quickly increase the strength of your Monster forces. She
can also be fucked and interacted with in a variety of ways while in this state.

Anne’s status can be FULLY reset at this point. If you really wish to see everything you
can have her first time be with Glarr, and then reset and have her first time with Raptor.
See how her dialogue changes as she reacts to giving birth for the “first” time, no matter
how many times you want to reset. Etc.
Her Collection item has also been updated so you can move her back and forth
between the Cave and the Tower without needing to fully reset her status.


Check the forest to the south to find the entrance to the Village of Elves.

The Elf Guardian will try to prevent you from entering the Village of Elves since she can
smell the demonic influence coming from you. Unfortunately for her, she is nowhere
near strong enough to stop you. Even with base stats you should be able to win this
battle easily.

If you drain her HP you’ll get a short, default scene and a message about how to get the
special endings. You don’t even need to bother doing this. Just go for the special
endings right away.

If you alternate between Normal Attacks and Ero Attacks you will eventually get a
message that she is vulnerable to Ero Attacks. At this point you can spam Ero Attacks
until she gives up and becomes a slut. You might lose a lot of health at first but she
becomes less likely to attack as you destroy more of her clothes and use more Ero
Attacks, so by the end she won’t even be fighting back. You can make her piss herself
till she faints from pleasure, or just focus on regular groping.

If you use Instant Loss on her, you’ll get the special ending for defeating her with more
forceful methods. You won’t get any stat increases for doing this, but you can repeat the
battle so it doesn’t matter too much. Another way to get the defeat ending is by
alternating Normal Attacks and Brutal attacks until she becomes vulnerable, and then
spamming Brutal Attacks until she can’t fight back. Honestly I wouldn’t recommend
doing this unless you’re into more violent stuff. This is why I included the Instant Loss
option to get this ending without needing to go through all that.

It’s very useful to get the Ero Ending and get the Elf Juice for later use!
If you don’t get it from her, you’ll need to get it from other Elves, and some of
them require the Elf Elixir before you can fully unlock them.
You can now get the Elf Juice from Ridley, and it’s even possible to skip the
Alchemy quest by purchasing Elf Elixir from Ridley. For this reason, it’s less
mandatory to get the Ero Ending.

Frylitia and the Tower: If you defeat the Elf Guardian by a Special Method, you can also
take her back to the Tower later on. This is accomplished by a short series of steps.
1. Go back to your dorm room and talk to Peter till he brings up the Elf Guardian. Use
the Demon Feather to get back to your room quickly if you don’t know how.
2. You’ll need to buy a special collar from Peter in order to bring Frylitia back to the
tower. If you have little money, you can quickly get some by doing Item Gathering.
3. Go back to Frylitia with the collar and talk to her. It’s as easy as that.

You’ll get her Collection item which allows you to warp to her room, and this unlocks a
new scene where she takes a bath after the battle. The bathing scene is repeateable
right now.

Frylitia in the Tower:

You can do a special bathing scene with Frylitia when she first goes to the tower, or you
can skip over it. After this you’ll have the option to offer her gifts. If she’s in Slut mode
you should give her a Spicy Novel. If she’s in Slave Mode, you need to give her a Fancy
Fruit to increase her horniness without her realizing it.

After this she will start to show signs of being pregnant, but this depends on your game
settings. If you have Virility set to low, Frylitia will simply go to her default state. If Virility
is set to “Hi” you’ll get a few special scenes where her pregnancy develops more
gradually over time and there’s more focus on her first pregnancy and birth.

Once she’s in her default state you have repeatable options for blowjobs and sex. You
can also choose to sleep with her in the bed after sex, which increases the odds of
having twins or even triplets. She can have multiple pregnancy for her first time, so be
sure to go for that option if you want to see it!

In version 0.83 she was given a new variant scene that allow for alternate text and CG
to be displayed. Additionally she has a CG that shows during pregnant sex and while
giving birth. The new scene is called ‘Laid Back’ and it does have some interaction
Laid Back:
Phase 1: Choose Defiant for (+0) points or Slutty for (+3) points. The Defiant route is
harder but will play more resistive text, so it’s up to you.
Phase 2: Select Face, Tits, or Touch to get +1 points. You can keep doing this until you
reach 2 points. If you picked Defiant, you should need to get two points here to get the
good ending later.
Kissing Bonus: If Kissing (Hi) is turned on, you’ll automatically get +1 Point. An extra
kissing text will be shown after the first phase.
Phase 3: If she says it hurts you need to change the pace. If she says it feels good
there, you need to keep the same pace. Picking the right option will give you an extra
Good Ending: If you got at least 3 points by this time you can make her orgasm and get
the good ending. If you have obtained the Good End at least one time you will always
get the option to do it later, even if you skip most of the text and choices on replays.
Instant Preg: If your Virility settings are high and you got the Good Ending, you can
make her belly instantly grow. There are other more basic pregnancy options.

Her pregnancy and birth options can be repeated as much as you want, causing new
kids to appear in the tower and elf village maps. Although the game will stop counting
after 9 children, you can keep impregnating her and just ignore the counter.

After Sagiri moves into the Tower, she can go to Frylitia’s room and interact with her.
Simply enter the room when Sagiri and Frylitia are both living in the tower. You can
replay this scene by using the Orb in the room, as well as advancing to a lesbian sex

You can challenge the Elf Goddess as soon as you get into the village, but she’s very
likely to smash your hips and defeat you with ease. You’ll have to raise your Magic
Power and challenge her to a rematch. See details on Merlin to raise your magic power.

If you have 9 Magic when you meet her for the first time you will get a special scene
where you can win her over with your charm or brainwash her. Either way, you can use
this to skip the process of repeatedly challenging her and building up your power.

Once your Magic Power has reached 8, you can unlock a variant sex position. Choose
between Cowgirl and Missionary. Additionally, you’ll be given options to use your magic
during sex. If you succeed at this you’ll get a special ending and you can knock the Elf
Goddess up.
She can be impregnated multiple times and you can check the number by selecting
‘Status?’ when speaking to her. Her belly will grow after checking her status and opens
up new chat options and the ability to strip her.

You can have pregnant sex with the Elf Goddess, with a decent amount of options. If
you select ‘Multi-Preg’ at the end you’ll be able to get her knocked up with additional
children even if she’s already pregnant.

The Elf Goddess is also capable of giving birth during a public scene. Make sure to
change the Exhibition spell to suit your own preferences, because it will impact how the
scene plays out!

If you get your Magic Power to 9 after interacting with the Elf Goddess regularly, you
can dominate her more fully. This will unlock a new submissive sex scene, change the
dialogue and flavor text of her cowgirl scene, and advance her to her final state.

The CG Set for the domination/submissive scene was updated. The original version
used a small image of the Goddess in the center of the screen. We felt it was better to
properly convey the size of the Goddess, so she now takes up a large portion of the
screen. Additionally, the main character will appear behind her during sex, to help show
the size difference between them

It’s not currently possible to play the Missionary Sex scene again after you progress her
to this state, but it will be implemented with alternate dialogue, similar to the cowgirl
scene, in the future.

Monster Cave: If you’ve completed all previous events on her path, you’ll get the option
to send her to the Monster Cave. This isn’t needed to progress her story, and doesn’t
unlock any additional content other than scenes of the Elf Goddess in the Monster
Cave. For that reason, you should only do it if you want to see what happens.

Village: The Elf Goddess will disappear from the Village, leaving it without a protector.
Monsters will move into the Elf Village and can be seen in many locations. Talking to
them will give +1 Monster Power each. You CAN send the Elf Goddess away, get all of
these +1 Power bonuses (you’ll hear a chime each time you gain power, so you’ll know
when you’ve already got it from a specific monster), and then send the Elf Goddess
back to the Village right away before letting her get raped by any monsters.
Arrival: She’ll remain in the main cave area for a while until you talk to her. At this point
you have the option of sending her back to the village before anything bad happens.
However, once you select the option to give her to the monsters, there is no turning
back. This unlocks the Main Cave and Beast Cave states. You can view an alternate
version of her CG here, with monsters instead of Raptor shown.

Main Cave: Here she can be fucked by two different orcs and two different Sagamin.
There aren’t many interactions in these scenes so you just pick who is going and then
read the text. At the end of the scene she will show as pregnant and can give birth
immediately, depending on your pregnancy settings and which characters had sex with

Beast Cave: There are many slimes who can have sex with her here, as well as a Squid
Monster. The slimes each have a unique personality and interaction. The Squid Monster
enters a looped state where he can perform several actions until you finish the scene.
At the end, if the Elf Goddess was fucked enough times, she’ll show an inflated state. If
pregnancy is turned down, this will display as a scene where she is full of slime and
cum, and then expels it. If pregnancy is turned up to the highest level, she can give birth
to some monster children here.

Overall the Goddess attitude in the cave is that she has already given birth thousands of
times and is not too impressed by the monsters. She is waiting for Raptor to come back
and enslave her, since she feels more excited to be dominated by a powerful wizard
rather than being left with weak monsters. You can choose to send her back at any time.

Beach: The Goddess is one of the characters who will appear on the Beach. You must
progress her Quest in order to unlock the Beach. Here you can manage her bikini
settings and her level of tan. She will also tan naturally by spending time at the Beach.
By talking to Hstrvx you can view a special scene where the Goddess and Hstrvx havy
many unique interactions.


At this point there are a number of elves you can interact with, and those interactions
can change based on a few things. First of all, you’ll want to get the Elf Elixir to open up
the most possibilities.
1. Go to the academy and talk to an elf named Kirin
2. He will ask you to collect ingredients for him
3. Snowpetal can be bought at the store in the city
4. Elf Juice is obtained from Frylitia, or you can buy it from Peter (expensive!)
5. Fancy Fruit is bought at the store in the city.
6. Slut Milk can be obtained from a few sources. The easiest way to get it is to hold
court and make sure the Slut Rancher likes you, and gives you a gift at the end. You
can also buy it from Peter. It’s not -too- expensive.
7. Depending on how the mixing event goes in the Alchemy Lab, you’ll get a number of
Elf Elixir.

Alternate: There’s a guy named Ridley who hangs outside of the Elf Village. If you buy
the Elf Juice from him, he will leave. However, once the Gate is open, he sneaks into
the Village. If you buy the Elf Elixir from him here you can skip the Alchemy quest
completely. On the other hand, if you do the Alchemy quest, you can level up Ridley’s
quest without having to pay him money for expensive items multiple times. The Ridley
path is better for players who prefer to use Gold Synthesis and other ‘instant win’
methods to progress through the game quickly using their broken magic skills.

Elf NPCs…

Some of the Elf NPCs can be sent to the Breeding Ranch, or are useful for collecting
other ingredients. Check ITEM GATHERING for notes.

Garden Tender: Currently has no full scenes.

Forester: Find her on the north side of the village. She’ll act stingy at first, but you can
use mind control or just convince her to let you touch her. She thinks you won’t be able
to make her cum. Use magic to unlock her full options quickly and easily. ‘Touch’ menu
will allow you to challenge her fairly. Don’t try the Kiss option too early; she will slap you
and end the scene right away. After she says ‘Is that all?’ you can use the Mouth option
to move onto the next stage. From here, repeat actions until she cums and you will win.
Make sure to strip her to make her cum,, but view the pre-stripping options first if you
want to. After she cums her attitude will change. She’ll also tell you about herself, and
reveals that the Cattle Gal elf is her twin sister.
Quiet Elf: Near the pond. If you mind control her you can get a handjob or make her
strip. After stripping you can have sex with her. She’ll remain confused even after.
Flower Girl: West side of the village in the flower grove. She will give you some
dialogue, at which point you can dominate her through physical or magical force. Make
sure to take away her flower in order to unlock more options. She can do exhibition
actions and pissing, but only when under mental control. Physical/Mental domination
give different sex acts!
Druid: North of the flower grove, by herself. She acts mean toward the player. If you try
to mind control her she will pass out, allowing you to play with her limp body. You can
give her the Elixir while she is passed out, or you can wake her up and convince her to
take it through various means. See ‘Slutty Elves’ below for more…
Cattle Gal: As soon as you enter you’ll meet her. She’s friendly and easy to dominate,
giving in to mental domination with ease. You can make her strip, suck your dick, and
even take it up the ass. You’ll need to convince her to drink the Elixir to unlock further
actions, but she’s really dumb. It’s easy. See ‘Slutty Elves’ below for more…

Wild Elf:
There’s actually a lot you can do with her before you get the Elixir, and she’s one of the
characters you can use to obtain the Elf Juice for free! I’ll detail the steps of her quest

First, either talk to her or attack her right away. If you try to talk she’ll just keep
antagonizing you and you’ll need to attack eventually. You can talk if you want to see
her dialogue.

Second, you’ll trigger a sex scene. Feel free to explore the options. Having anal sex or
fucking her from behind won’t advance the quest, and they can be repeated for a while.
She’ll get mad after you’ve interacted with her, but that’s it for now.

Third, when you’re ready, select Vaginal Sex and the Missionary position. From here
you’ll have a few extra choices to try and make her cum. You only need one correct
choice. The correct choices are ‘Breast Play’ and ‘Press Legs.’ The rough options can
still be selected, just make sure you pick at least one of the correct choices. After that
you can finish however you like.

You’ll get the ELF JUICE item at this time, which can be used in the quest to make the
ELF ELIXIR. It’s a very useful item that is worth over 10,000 K! It’s much better to get it
here rather than buying it from the Demon shop.

Fourth, after this scene it’s possible for her to get pregnant. It will happen faster if you
have Virility set to high. Otherwise, just replay some of her scenes until she mentions a
‘weird’ feeling in her belly.

You can talk to her about pregnancy, taunt her, and make her belly grow to full size.
Making her give birth and get pregnant again in this location is possible. Or you can
send her to the Breeding Ranch. Be warned that once you send her to the Ranch, she’ll
be there permanently. Make sure you’re done viewing her normal scenes before you
send her to the Ranch!

Slutty Elves:
Once an elf takes the elixir they change into their slutty form.

Druid: In this form she can be enticed to do sexual studies. You can have her play with
herself, strip, join the other elves for some group play, and even bring her to Shiny City
to let the humans grope her.

Cattle Gal: You can fuck her freely once she drinks the Elixir, as well as inviting Kirin
along for some group play. The guy deserves a reward for helping you make that Elixir.
Once she gets pregnant you can proceed to open up the Elf Ranch nearby. The animals
will be cleared out and you can put her inside the pen. Make sure your Virility is set to
high to ensure the best results. Once inside she will be able to repeatedly give birth and
get pregnant, and children will start showing up around the ranch. Special art of the
Cattle Gal (sex, pregnant, birth) can be viewed once she goes to the ranch!


Flat: She lurks around the Village map, mostly complaining about how she is
depressed. If you want to have sex with her you just need to use mind control or a bit of
assertive action. After sex, she’ll continue to complain, but you can force her to work at
the bar with a bit more pressure. This gives options for new vaginal, anal, oral, multiple
penetration, pregnant sex, and pregnancy scenes. Having sex with customers will
cause her to earn money. Have her take a pregnancy test to make her belly grow. She
can take time off work to give birth or do a public birth if you want, and her children will
appear in the village!

Jillian: See the details in Kingdom Management for how to unlock the Jillian scenes.
She is an enemy soldier who can be captured when you Hold Court in the throne room.
You can send her to the castle or keep her in your Dungeon to view more scenes. After
you choose her fate, you can change it using her Collection item.

Bunny: If you Gender Swap the captured Knight during the Monster Event 2, he will be
turned into Bunny. If you do not do the Gender Swap, a biologically female at birth
character named Bunny will move to Shiny City. Right now you can’t do much with
Bunny, but you can change her fate/origin by speaking to her at the Tower Dungeon,
Shiny City Cafe, or Monster Lair (depending on where she is). Female Bunny and
Knight Bunny are TWO DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. They just happen to use the same

Knight Bunny: Knight!Bunny who appears in the Tower Dungeon can be impregnated,
and gives birth. She will also line up during the Dungeon Line Up event where you can
force the prisoners to all give birth at the same time.


Signposts around the Academy can be used to quickly travel between locations. You can also
use the Demon Feather to travel to the world map or to the academy.

Study Hall: A study hall has been added to the first floor. Lots of guys lurk around here
with various dialogue.

Alchemy and BS Labs: You can meet Voletta in the Alchemy lab, and interact with her
further in the BS Lab. There’s plenty of students in the BS Lab. Additionally, Alchemy
shops have been added all over campus for easy access to common items.You can
purchase ingredients from the Alchemy Shop to view the alternate start for Voletta’s

Doctor Office: The Doctor Office has an entrance outside and inside of the building. In
addition to visiting the doctor you can use this door to move between inside and outside.
Inside of the building is a Note that has students writing down their reasons for visiting
the Doctor. If you examine this note enough, you’ll get the option to view information
about Sylvia. The Doctor has a portrait now, and she will appear during the scenes
where some characters (Sylvia, Voletta) give birth.

Kirin: A male student (friend) who can help you out with advancing the Elf NPCs and the
Village of Elves quest. If you do his quest or Ridley’s quest, the other person will
automatically advance.

Green Eyes: This Academy student seems to have a serious attitude problem. She will
berate and insult you, as well as all men in general. If you let her talk, she’ll keep
repeating the same stuff. If you challenge her, however, she’ll advance her dialogue.

You can fuck her after this. If you take her to the room, Peter can potentially get
involved. If you leave her outside, other stuff may happen. If you don’t want anyone else
to do stuff with her just make sure to ‘stick around’ after you’re done for a little while.
Once she has been raped, Green Eyes will be forced to drop out of school and move
back to the village. The dialogue of her parents in the village will change to reflect her
status. She can get pregnant and even give birth, but after this you can only do
repeated sex and she won’t get pregnant again yet. You may fully reset her status if you
want to replay her story.

Shiny City
I’m going to run down the characters really fast and what you can do with them.

Coral: Not much right now, but if you use the Shop a lot she will have a weird flirting
scene with you.

Peasant/Bimbo: Various faceless peasants will show up around the City map and can
be harassed in various ways, including pregnancy. If you turn one of the girls into a
Bimbo and get her pregnant, she will show up in the Item Shop later.

Mommy/Tulip: This variant of the peasant character appears in the new market area.
The first time you meet her you’ll be given the option to customize her appearance and
give her a name. You’ll also be able to change her appearance later on when you feel
like it and rename her between playing any of her stories. More dress and appearance
options have also been added over time. After you customize this character you’ll also
be able to choose a storyline which reflects her backstory and behavior toward you.
Right now, only the Hopeful Mommy story is playable.
o Hopeful: This woman has been trying to get pregnant but hasn’t been successful yet,
while all of her friends are already having kids. You can be assertive toward her or
wait for her to invite you. Either way, you’ll get the chance to fuck without much effort,
cum inside of her, and don’t have to take responsibility. There’s an option to watch the
progression of her pregnancy from seeing her pregnancy test and her belly grow to
two different sizes. Afterwards, when you meet in the market again, she’ll be carrying
your child.

Inky: She appears near the park, on the south side of the city. Doesn’t have much to say
at first. If you interact with the gamblers in the city, you can trigger her to act. She’ll
move to the gambling area and confront the player, accuse you of winning too much,
and threaten you. If you’re having trouble just cheat repeatedly until they stop playing
with you, then use the magic clock. As expected, this doesn’t end well for Inky. You’ll
have the option to creampie her or pull out after having sex with her. Inky can get
impregnated and give birth as much as you want. Several children will appear around
that part of the city if Inky has enough kids.

Show Off: This girl appears in the Castle Bath. She seems to be annoyed that the guys
are mostly peeping on other women, and wants to show off her body. You have the
option to chat with her and she’ll even let you wash her body. After interacting with her
at least once, the guards around the city or in the castle will mention a ‘flasher’ has
been spotted. Go to Shiny City and look for red orbs on the map (One is in the empty
lot, the other is in the alley near the store, the last is in the park). Investigate each of
these to view an Exhibition scene and advance the Show Off quest. After you view all
three scenes you’ll get a collection item to replay them.

Show Off, Level 2: After you complete all of the Show Off events, you can talk to her
again in the bath to view a special scene. This will cause her to appear in the bath and
the horn village bar permanently. When you talk to her in these locations you can play
City Walk, an exhibition scene where you go streaking. You can also invite Sagiri to join.
More exhibition scenes will be unlocked here later.

Soldier/Rion: A new female soldier will appear outside of the high crime area, near the
middle of the city. She will try to be nice to you, but you may provoke and attack her if
you wish. There are options to beat her up or take her down more quickly without as
much of a battle. The brutality settings will greatly affect the kind of text you get here, so
keep that in mind. Once she has been defeated you’ll have the option to show her
mercy, send her to the monster nest, your personal dungeon, or leave her for the
citizens to have sex with. After a female soldier has been defeated, and her fate is
decided, she will be replaced by a new female soldier in a few days. This should allow
you to send different soldiers to each of the possible ending states. If you send a soldier
to the dungeon, a prisoner named Rion will appear there. If you send a soldier to the
monster nest, it will unlock the lower floor of the monster cave, and a captured soldier
will appear there.

Rion: The female soldier who appears in the Dungeon will have the name Rion, and has
many new interactions. You can abuse and torment her until her armor is destroyed.
After that point you’ll get the option to have sex and impregnte her. She appears during
the Line Up in the Dungeon by selecting the pillar in the middle of the room. This will
gather all of the prisoners together to play special bonus scenes.

Tired (Resvin): This tired looking lady has been in the game for a while, but she was
missing from the guide. Sorry about that! Anyway she shows up at random locations in
the city. If you talk to her she’ll try to play ‘hard to get,’ but she quickly caves in and will
let you do whatever you want. She appears to be a single mother who doesn’t want
anymore kids, but… you can still cum inside of her if you feel like it. Unsurprisingly, this
can lead to a Pregnancy plotline. You’ll have several options between ditching her,
taking responsibility, and how you interact with her while she’s going through this
pregnancy plot line. If you skip the pregnancy, you’ll still advance to the next level. Once
the pregnancy plot is finished you’ll have the chance to offer her a job working at Kath’s
bar. There are multiple ways to get her to work at the bar, and it will partially depend on
how you handled the pregnancy. They can be summarized as forcing her to go,
convincing her to go, or using Mind Control. But there are more variants depending on if
you ditched her or helped to look after the child. If you want her to have twins, you need
to “take responsibility.” Resvin becomes a potential bar worker to add more scenes.
After she works at the bar for a while you’ll get a unique dialogue, a chance to upgrade
her demeanor, and also be able to view a scene where she wears glasses (unless you
reset her).

Blondie: An awkward girl who is worried about being a virgin at age 25. She has a plan
to give her virginity to a ‘cool, safe’ guy. Well, that’s not Raptor, but you can still fuck her.
At the end of the scene you’ll get an option to give her a facial or cum inside of her. After
some more interactions, her pregnancy will start to show and you’ll get a choice on how
to handle the situation. Once she gives birth, you’ll see her true character revealed, as
she starts to talk more about receiving welfare for having kids. She’ll even give a special
line if you developed the social programs in the city above the maximum level. At this
point you can repeatedly fuck her and impregnate her, but every time she gives birth
she’ll just send the kids to live with her relatives...

A young woman obsessed with Demons. She can be a bit pushy, and will keep trying to
approach Raptor.

She has four Lessons which can be viewed in order: Public Stripping, Blowjob, Sex, and
Birth. All four scenes include options for coercion or mind control. Turn on the ‘Exhibition
(Hi)’ filter if you want to get some extra lore and reactions from the people who see her
doing stuff in public!

Her child will appear in the city map after born. If you choose to ignore/ditch her, she’ll
have the baby offscreen. Otherwise you can view the birth.
Tired Lady: You can talk to her a few times, learn her name, and gradually get her to
open up to you. After a little while she’ll agree to fuck Raptor. She asks you to use a
condom and not to cum inside, but you can still do it and get her pregnant.

Corruption Events:
New events will appear when your Corruption reaches a certain level. If you’re not sure
about the level, check the Corruption Pin in the clothing section of your inventory. You
need to become King and hold court in order to most effectively view the Corruption
content in the game.

6 - You’ll find a woman getting fucked in public by some of the local Brutes. They mostly
appear near the empty lot where the gang members hang out. If you join them,
Corruption will rise rapidly. You can also chase them off and fuck the girl yourself, or
rescue her. But if you rescue her, Corruption will go back down.

8 - You can find unconscious victims in the northern part of the city. You can teleport
them to safety and have the doctor attend to them. This can lower the corruption and
cause the victims to stop appearing. You can also fuck her, giving the choice to have her
stay unconscious or wake up during the act. If you do this, or leave her there, corruption
will rise.

10 - The woman getting fucked in public will no longer act like a victim. Instead, she’s a
willing participant who has become corrupted and enjoys getting fucked by strangers.
Break up this activity to lower Corruption levels, or encourage/join in to raise Corruption.

11 - The public sex acts will start to appear near the shops and the park, rather than
being restricted to the empty lots and hidden areas.

12 - Unconscious victims can be found in areas with more foot traffic, showing that the
spread of criminal activity is moving away from the areas where crime was previously

12 - Additionally, when Corruption reaches this level, some of the children who appear
in the city will gain modified dialogue. This shows that the corrupted adults are starting
to have an influence on the children and the kids are learning to be more corrupt as

Kingdom Management:

First, take over the Throne Room using any method you wish. You will get the King’s
Crown and gain access to Kingdom Management. There are three ways to manage the
Kingdom right now. Taxes, Courtiers, and Monsters.

Nobles: The Prince will talk to you about the Nobles if you spare him and ask for his
advice. The game is tracking how the Nobles feel about Raptor, based on your ‘Hold
Court’ scenes! Additionally, you can speak to some of the main Noble Lords.

The Prince: If you spare the Prince he can speak to you about the Nobles, help manage
the Taxes, and participate in some special scenes. He will also comment on the status
of his mother if you send the Queen back to the Throne Room while he’s there. He can
(and will) participate in the Queen throne room sexual scenes if allowed. If mother/son
incest is your thing, this is another option.

Courtiers: This one is the most straightforward. The Advisor will appear as soon as you
become King. She is the only woman in the room. Ask her to Hold Court and she’ll invite
people to come and speak about things relating to the Kingdom. Honestly, just say
whatever you want. There is no ‘right’ way to play this game, and the fun is being able
to rule over the Kingdom with absolute power. A portrait has been added for the Advisor
in version 0.62.

Hold Court (Final): Once you have viewed all of the Courtier Scenes, the Advisor will
offer repeatable scenes when you decide to Hold Court. These scenes have a small
amount of text by default, but gain additional text if the Queen or Cherry are present.
Having both the Queen and Cherry in the Throne Room will lead to very full scenes with
lots of interaction from both of them. Currently the only available scene is Crush Boy,
where someone comes to ask for advice about his crush that he met at work.

Captured Soldier: If you hold court enough times, you’ll be rewarded with a captured
soldier from an attacking enemy force. This scene allows you to torture and tease Jillian
in order to learn her name, and then will lead to her being raped by Raptor and/or the
members of the court. You can choose between four endings for Jillian: Keep her as a
tower slave, give her to the Nobles or Soldiers, or send her back to her country with a
bastard in her belly. You can change her final status and replay her scene by using a
Collection item, and Jillian will persist on the map when she is sent to a specific location
(Tower dungeon when sent to the tower, castle hallway when kept in the castle, etc.)

When Jillian is in your Dungeon you can impregnate her and make her give birth. She’ll
also appear during the group Line Up scene in the dungeon by selecting the pillar in the
middle of the room.

Harpy Attacks: A member of the Court will come and complain about Harpy attacks.
This will trigger a flag that will allow you to view more Harpy scenes later.

Merchant: A new scene has been added where a Merchant you helped out in a previous
Court scene will come back again asking Raptor for more advice. The advice you give
him here will influence later events (not implemented yet)

Taxes and Development: After a while of being King, the Prince will show up to avenge
his mother and father. You can duel him to slightly increase your stats, and he is a
VERY easy opponent. If you don’t want to waste time, pick instant victory. If you spare
the Prince he will help you manage the taxes. Whether you spare the Prince or not, the
Treasurer will appear and you can manage taxes through him.

I won’t bother to explain the Taxes here because honestly they are very straightforward.
Just tell the Treasury what to focus on, and then come back later to get free money.
Starting in version 0.69, you’ll get money from focusing on development even after a
program is at the maximum level. Additionally, each of the three programs will reach the
max level much more quickly.

Corruption: One of your jobs is that you’re supposed to be corrupting the Kingdom.
When holding court, your options can influence how much Corruption is occurring. You’ll
also get a Corruption Pin that lets you see the current Corruption level. At this time,
citizens can appear on the map (on the left side of Shiny City). Giving them advice is
one of the best ways to influence Corruption currently. You can raise or lower it. If the
corruption gets high enough, these citizens will be replaced by Brutes instead. Chasing
the Brute away will return the Corruption to normal. Once the Corruption level is high
enough, the members of the court will also change their dialogue and begin to act more

Goldy Village:
After you become King, a new icon will appear on the south side of the map. If it doesn’t
appear right away try doing things like holding court, collecting taxes and see if it shows
up. This icon will take you to Goldy Field. However, if you have enough money, you can
rebuild this area into Goldy Village

The female portraits and outfits in Goldy Village have been updated again.

Sign Post: The sign in the middle of town can be used to check the Human Level,
Monster Level, and Total Level of the Village. This will influence how your Village turns
out later.

Wood House: This house has several interactable objects. Once you rebuild everything
and you’re happy with how it looks, you can use the Orb in the center to allow a family
to move in. If the farmer moves in his wife will join him. If you want a Monster village,
select the Slime option. The Slime and his son, Kid Slime, will move in. Either way the
village level will increase. Talking to the members of the families will unlock some more
dialogue. If the Farmer family moved into this house, you can alternate between talking
to the members of the family. By talking to the wife, there’s a subplot where you can
impregnate her, and this causes up to 3 children to appear around the home.

Northern House: After clearing the rubble from the northern of the two stone houses, a
nest will appear outside near the garden. You can conveniently collect eggs from here
without needing to go to the monster nests or the harpy nests. The house itself can be
converted into a Cafe or a Gaming Lounge. The customers who appear will be slightly
different depending on which you choose. The boy near the southern door will gain new
dialogue if Norma has opened the library in the southern house.

North Plaza: There’s a northern plaza outside of the northern house. Once this place
has been built, a new NPC will appear. See Gulfer/Scorp below. No other villagers
appear in the North Plaza yet.

Erisa / Shop: Directly connected to the North Plaza is the Shop. This place can be
cleaned out and when you use the sign outside you can get Erisa to move in. You’ll
have the option of the Human or a Monster shopkeeper, which changes MANY things.
The Human shopkeeper will be interested in buying Monster items from you, and sells a
variety of items for very cheap. The Monster shopkeeper is interested in buying Human
items from you, and sells rare items but no common items. Additionally, Erisa’s
appearance will change from a female monk to a female demon. Human Erisa is clumsy
and submissive. Demon Erisa is sly and assertive. By using the sign outside of the
Shop, you can reset the status of the shop and get the Human or Demon version of
Erisa to move into the Shop depending on your preference. Both versions were given
additional dialogue in 0.925 to expand their character even further.

Southern House: You can build this house into a lab or a library after customizing the
windows and clearing out the rubble. After a while a character named Norma will appear
in the lab/library. Her dialogue will update when time passes, so use the Magic Clock to
speed up her quest or come back every so often to see her say new things.

Norma 1:Eventually you’ll get the option to play a [Money] scene where Norma asks
about Money. You can make her keep working for free, offer her money, or offer to have
sex with her for money. Sex involves foreplay, anal, and vaginal options. You can
choose to leave her without paying even after sex. Norma’s chat dialogue will change
depending on whether you fucked her and whether you paid her (with or without sex).
Unlocking her later quest options will require you to give her money at some point, but
you don’t have to do it now.

Tent: On the left side of the village is a spot where the Tent can be rebuilt. By setting up
the Tent you can cause the Traveler to move in. Additionally, new random ‘Campers’ will
show up in the Village. The Male Camper will buy Eggs from you, while the Female
Camper can be fucked (oral, anal, vaginal). Setting up the Tent will increase the village

Greeter: He appears near the sign when the Village Level is at least one. You can talk to
him to learn the history of the Village as well as his dreams for the future. Later on, if the
Monster Level is high enough, he will be replaced by a Monster character.

Leta and the Garden: If the Village Level reaches at least 2, the garden in the middle of
the Village will start to show some weeds. These can be replaced with flowers of your
choosing. Planting flowers will raise the level of the garden but this doesn’t do anything
yet. Leta will also show up and you can learn about her backstory and goals, but she
has no other interactions yet.

Gulfer/Scorp: When Gulfer appears you’ll be given the option to chat with him. You may
get rid of him if you don’t like him, and he’ll be replaced with a generic monster named
Scorp. If you want to keep Gulfer around you can level him up and decide if he will
focus on work or focus on trying to get with women. If you pick either version of Gulfer,
you’ll get a Elf Juice as a gift afterwards. If you pick Scorp, you’ll get a Visual Book as a
gift. The ‘Work’ path will allow Gulfer some opportunity to focus on flirting on the side,
and if you tell him to focus on ‘both’ he will default to the ‘Work’ path for now.

Neve/Grip: Another human/monster duo. In this case, you don’t get to choose. Neve will
show up once the city level has increased and talks about wanting to build a peaceful
village where everyone can coexist. Unfortunately, if the monster level of the village gets
too high, he’ll be replaced by a monster named Grip who seems to think the humans
are careless.

Voletta: If Voletta has been allowed to Roam, she can show up in Goldy Village. She will
insult the player as well as mock the Village. When she does this, you’ll be given the
option to execute some of the Punish scenes (Anal, Face Fuck) and you can leave her
in a Broken state. Voletta also has a unique birth scene if you select the Pregnancy
option while she’s in Goldy Village.


This one is a little more complicated but not much more so. In the mountains to the
south of the world map you can find a cave full of monsters. Overpower them with your
magic and they’ll join your side. You can tell the monsters how to behave. The Knight
who comes to court will comment on the status of the monsters, so it’s up to you if you
want to set the monster behavior first or let him come ask you about the monsters and
then go to deal with them.

Once you’ve taken control of the monsters you can battle Monster Hunter Anne outside
of the cave, though it’s not much of a battle. If you give her to the monsters they can
use her as a breeding slave and increase their power. Or you can keep her for yourself.

The Queen can currently be sent to the Monsters as well. When she lays eggs or gives
birth, or when she fucks a new type of creature for the first time, the power level of your
monsters will rise.

Once you have the monsters on your side, be sure to talk to the Chief and the guy
beside him. The orc here will let you set the “Raiding Level” for the monsters which is
important for later scenes. You can also change it with the Monster Skull item in your
After some time passes, the monsters will capture a girl from one of the southern
villages. In version 0.62, the Southern Girl was given a portrait. You can see her clothed
and naked form in the monster cave, as well as in the tower. If you told the monsters
NOT to capture any prisoners, this can lead to some comical outcomes. For example, if
the monster raiding is set to the lowest level, the orcs will explain that this crazy woman
just wandered into the cave hoping the monsters would capture her and have fun with

Ultimately you can sell this girl for money, send her to the tower, or leave her with the
monsters. The monsters will use her to increase their Power, but this is a one time
increase and she won’t continue to increase power like you can do with the major
characters. Regardless of which choice you select, you can always teleport her to your
Dungeon later on. This will allow for pregnancy interactions, and she can appear in the
group Line Up of all of the prisoners in the dungeon. Theoretically, the best option would
be to sell her to the brothel and then take her back after you get the money…

After the Southern Girl event is done, the second event can trigger. In this scene, a
captured enemy Knight is interrogated and tortured. If you wish for Gender Swap
character to exist in the game, you can choose to transform Knight into a female
character. Send her to the Dungeon if you wish to view impregnation and birth scenes
for the Knight. If you do not wish for the Gender Swap, you can execute the Knight or
set him free. If the Knight was not swapped, a new character named Bunny will move to
Shiny City.

You can also check the power of your monster forces by talking to the Chief or by using
the Monster Skull item from the menu at any time.

A Supply Chest was added to the Monster Cave. You can now boost the Monster Power
by donating money, which works very quickly and doesn’t require you to have girls
being raped.

:Lower Cave:
To unlock the lower cave you must either send Slut to the monster pit, send the female
soldier to the monster pit, or have the Queen advance until she is brought to the beast
breeding area. Once this area has been unlocked you can view events relating to any of
those scenes. Sending the Goddess here will unlock the Beast Cave if it hasn’t been
unlocked already.
Slut: You’ll see a scene of her laying eggs. If you don’t have access to the monster cave
yet, and try to leave, it may play the event where you are confronted by the monsters. If
not, you can simply leave by using any of your warp items.

Queen: The Queen will show a variant of one of her scenes where she is being fucked
by beasts.

Soldier: There’s a female soldier in Shiny City who, if defeated and sent to the monster
cave, will trigger a soldier to appear in this location. She has been webbed to the wall
and is turned into a breeding/egg laying slave. Be aware that the Brutality filter will
greatly affect the text of this scene, and set it accordingly to your limits. You can quickly
generate eggs in the nearby nest by playing this scene.

Ways to build up Monster forces:

Done K to the Supply Chest (Lots of points, but expensive)
Give the captured woman from the event to the monsters.
Let Anne give birth to several orcs before moving her along.
Have Anne repeatedly lay eggs/give birth while in the breeding area (Sagamin)
Send the Queen there and have her interact with monsters (Lots of points)
Elf Goddess currently doesn’t increase Monster Power by much, but you can increase it
by talking to the Monsters that show up in the Elf Village.

Once you build up monster forces, something can change:

At 16 Power, war spider scouts will be sent to various maps.
At 20 Power, human patrols will appear to investigate the monster threat.

After the War Spiders have appeared, there’s an option in Horn Village. By talking to the
Spider there, you can have them take over one of the homes and turn it into a breeding
nest. This will permanently increase the Monster Power, even if you revert the status of
the nest.

Bar Management:

You’ll need to have sex with Kath at least once and talk to her a bit, and she’ll give you
control over the Bar. From here you can slowly convert it from a regular pub into a sex
club where slutty girls will entertain depraved customers. Or I guess you can run it like a
normal bar.
To increase the Bar Level, it’s pretty straightforward. Recruit new girls and get them to
do acts in public in front of the customers. A Ledger will appear on the bar which tells
you basically the same thing and allows you to check your current level. When it gets
high enough you will be rewarded with some funds. After this happens, the bar will
passively generate funds that automatically go into your wallet over time. It’s a small
amount but it happens automatically. Pretty good stuff.

When you first meet Kath, you can use the Enslave option to skip her scenes. This also
gives you full control of the bar right away. This is useful if you want to skip the plot or if
you’re replaying and want to get there quickly.

Here are some specific actions to increase the level quickly and efficiently:
- Recrut Piney to get a +1 Bonus
- Several of Piney’s other scenes give a +1 Bonus at a later point. Just keep advancing
her quest and scenes!
- Recruit “Flat” to get a +1 Bonus. She’s found right outside the bar.
- Additionally, you can get up to +3 extra bar levels from playing her other scenes!
- Do anal sex with Kath in the bar to get another +1
- Send the Queen to the bar. It has a +1 while she’s there, but it goes back down when
you send her away.
- If you play the scene with the Harassers and the Queen, you’ll get a permanent +1 as
long as you don’t chase them off.
- When given the option for Kath’s breeding scene and pregnancy test, you’ll get a +1
for each if you do them in public.
- If Resvin is recruited, her prostitution scenes will increase the Bar Level up to a certain
point. This should increase again after you upgrade her personal level (just have her
work until her dialogue changes).
- Allow Sagiri to work in the Bar. You’ll also get +1 for viewing each of her scenes for the
first time.
- If Meradis is sent to work at the Bar you’ll get a +4 bonus while she’s working there!
Apparently she’s very popular…
- Meradis can gain EXP by working Jobs in the Bar. This will also raise the Bar Level, up
to 10 times! You can gain multiple EXP and Bar level in the same scenes, but there are
some limitations to how much you can gain all at once. You’ll know she is at max EXP
when she starts to talk about ‘corrupting’ the humans and going along with the tasks at
the bar.
- Meradis has extra bonus scenes that will show behind the bar when she is pregnant
and still working. She’ll gain a slight bonus from this event that is separate from her
normal bar EXP. Even though the bonus is small it’s still worth viewing, since these
scenes are very good! Turn the Exhibition filter to the high setting to view interactions
and dialogues between the customers and Meradis.

Harassers: There are certain NPCs marked as ‘Harassers’ who have more vulgar and
aggressive dialogue than usual. This setting can be turned on or off by using the Bar
Ledger. Additionally, if the scene is left on, you can actually chase these guys away
during the scenes (or even kill them). So it’s up to you if you’d prefer for no mean
customers, to let the mean customers harass the girls, or to enjoy blowing them up with
magic every time they act out.

Resvin: She can be recruited in one of three ways. You also have the option to change
her behavior by checking the notice posted near her in the bar. Once she has been
recruited, you can fuck her, impregnate her, and make her give birth as much as you
want. Resvin has two potential customers:

Boy 1: A young customer who is a bit shy. If Resvin has enough children, and the incest
filter is turned on, there’s a little bonus dialogue that implies the customer might actually
be one of her sons...

Boy 2: A young customer who is assertive, rude, and will insult Resvin and call her old.
He can still get his way, or Resvin can get mad and throw him out. The amount of
money he will pay depends on the actions (titjob, blowjob, thigh fuck), but he’ll always
treat her like crap and insult her in the end.

Each time Resvin works, has sex, or gives birth, she’ll gain a little bit of personal EXP.
After a short amount of time you’ll get a unique dialogue and an option to change her
personality. If you accept, her personal level as a worker will increase and yield other
benefits -- including a Glasses special scene.

Piney Customer List:

Lurker - A guy who likes to watch but can’t pay. Unless...
Student - A student without much money. Give him a discount?
Vermin - A complete loser who offers nothing. You can force Piney to fuck him anyway.
Tourist - This guy will pay top dollar and is easily manipulated.
Orc - Even an orc raider’s money is probably good here.

To make Piney into a prostitute, simply keep advancing her scenes until the option is
offered. You can recruit her immediately after taking over the bar.
Piney Other Jobs:
Bar - When working at the Bar, you can trigger a Spanking and Public Sex scene.

Queen Customer List

After Queen is moved to her third position, she can start to do Whore work. She will
gain money and increase the Bar Level every time she does a job, until her Whore EXP
reaches max.

Frog: Currently the only customer for the Queen. She has lots of funny interactions and
can even kick him out. Has a titfuck scene where she dominates him, or a sex scene
where he takes the more dominant role. If Frog is able to Creampie her, the game will
remember this happened.

Bar Costumes…
After a few levels, you’ll be able to gain a Bar Costume by purchasing them at the bar
ledger. This stack of papers at the end of the bar lets you manage various settings and
buy items relating to the bar. There’s also a free costume that will appear behind the bar
at level 20+

You’ll need the Bar Costume in order to move Meradis into the bar and change her
outfit. This WILL require you to advance the Bar management quest at least to some
extent before you can send Meradis there. There’s currently no quick/easy way around

Right now, you can use the Bar Uniform item to trigger a special scene for Kath. If you
check the closet inside of her room/office at the bar, you’ll have the option to get her to
try on the new outfit. If she stays in Costume Mode you’ll be able to view up to three
alternate costumes. Additional scenes will become available later.

Other Customers: When the bar level exceeds 10, you will get some bonus scenes. The
mage who sits at the bar normally can be harassed by some annoying female
customers. The guy who hides on the right side of the bar will present you with a list of
all of the workers. This script will be used later on so I can have the Princess
investigations run more smoothly (as she checks which girls are working in the bar)
Item Gathering
A great way to quickly secure funds in this game is by gathering items. There are a few
items that are freely available and you can earn more money than you need, very fast.
Grinding is not much of a thing in this game.

Slut Milk: Can be obtained very consistently in version 0.30 by playing or replaying
almost any scene that involves pregnancy or birth. The best examples are the Slut
scenes, Kath’s pregnant sex scene, or the Queen’s pregnant sex or birth scenes. You
can also go to Shiny City and look for a woman wearing a hood. She appears in one of
three random locations, with her exact position being slightly different at times. Milk her
to obtain a free Slut Milk instantly, and see a short animation. When Slut Milk is in your
Inventory, Milk Drink will be added to your tokens. Doing this option will take one Slut
Milk, but you will permanently gain +1 Max Stamina. This can be done up to 30 times,
and makes some of the battles like Garnet much easier.

Happy Egg: Mostly obtained from the monster nest or the mountain peak, the eggs that
can be picked up from various nests are generated by all egg laying scenes and can be
picked up at any nest once the timer is ready. There’s a man in Goldy Village who will
pay a slightly higher price, but only buys one egg at a time. The fastest way to sell these
is to the vendor in Shiny City, because he lets you input any number of eggs to sell in a

Elf Breeding Ranch: There are several activities you can do to make money at the Elf
Breeding Ranch. The first thing you must do is unlock it. This requires a few steps: First,
talk to Kirin at the Academy (he’s right outside the main building). Collect all of the
ingredients he asks for. To get the Elf Juice you can either buy it, or get it for free. Get
an Elf Elixir for free by talking to the Forester Elf, or defeating Frylitia in battle with the
Lewd method. Once you have the Elf Elixir, use it on the Cattle Gal. She stays near the
ranch, right near the entrance of the Elf Village.

Elf Milk: Playing scenes in the ranch will slowly build up the supply of elf milk. It can be
collected like normal Slut Milk. Additionally, if your Slut Milk supply is already full, you
can directly sell milk from the ranch without having to go anywhere. Convenient!

Elf Slaves: The game will track how many elves have given birth inside of the ranch.
Over time, the population of the village will rise and you can start to sell some of the
slaves once they have fully grown up. Send Wild Elf and Cattle Gal to the ranch for
breeding. When the Slave Merchant shows up you’ll get the option to customize and
name your elves, or sell them quickly for profit. Either way you’ll get the same amount of

Snowpetal: If you go to the mountain pass during the Winter you’ll find Snowpetal
growing in two different locations. It’s a small map. If you don’t see them, go to the
Spring/Summer map and cut the weeds. This will allow new Snowpetal to grow.

More About Eggs: Nests have been added to the Harpy (Mountain Peak), as well as a
nest in the Monster Cave for the Queen and for Anne. You’ll get one free egg from the
Harpy nest. After that, the nests must be refreshed. Playing any egg scenes in the
correct locations with these characters will refresh the number of eggs. This number is
shared between all nests, so you can conveniently pick them up anywhere later. The
Queen and Anne nests will only be visible if they are in the right spot in the monster
cave. Lastly, a nest will tell you if there is a reason why you can’t currently obtain any
eggs. You should always be able to figure out why the nest can’t be looted, and find a

There’s a new Cafe in Shiny City that will have no customers at first. The man there
speaks like a nigerian scammer, he’ll be pretty easy to recognize. Luckily, he won’t
scam you. Just bring him Slut Milk and Snowpetal to get your cash.

If you sell enough items, Hstrvx will show up in the Cafe and begin helping out by selling
her ‘special ingredient’ for the tea. You won’t be able to do anything with this yet, but
Raptor can try to take some of her money.

Alchemy Chests were added to various maps, as a way to quickly buy some common
items. They contain NightWhisper, Snowpetal, Sunpetal, and Elf Juice. This prevents
the need from having to go to the shop every time you want to buy something, if there is
a chest nearby.


In order to access the Beach you MUST meet ALL of the following conditions:
The Bar Level is above 3 (Interact with Kath at least a bit)
You MUST have at least met the Elf Goddess and interacted with her.
You have progressed Hstrvx to a SIGNIFICANT extent, to the point where you can
replay her scenes.
The first time you go to the Beach, you will automatically get a scene where Kath
interacts with you. You choose an outfit for yourself at this time, but it doesn’t actually
change or affect anything. It’s purely for roleplaying/player choice.

Currently Hstrvx, Elf Goddess, and Kath will appear on the Beach. You can adjust their
level of tan and mess with their clothing.

Characters on the beach will naturally become more tan over time as you do more
activities at the Beach. You can also manually set their tan level to make them as tan as
possible, or remove their tan if you don’t like it.

Talk to Hstrvx to trigger this scene.
Allow for FFM Threesome.
Allow for Exhibition/Showing Off.
Allow for Gangbang (Requires Exhibition High settings, optional)
Fetish List


Kath: It's part of her quest line. Keep doing stuff with her until she gets pregnant. There
will be an option for a public breeding scene, but the private breeding scene is currently
locked. After some time passes you’ll do a pregnancy test, and unlock interactions like
feeling her belly and things like that. To unlock pregnant sex, you need to do her
Stripping event first. These will all happen in order if you just keep talking to her. She
now gives birth to twins, and you can name one of the children. She can now repeatedly
get pregnant and give birth after delivering the Twins. Kath now has Hyper Pregnancy
with a unique quest line and progression, separate from her normal Pregnancy events.

Sylvia: Sylvia can have pregnant sex, give birth, and get pregnant repeatedly.
Additionally, the first time she gets pregnant she will trigger a unique quest line that
resolves in her giving birth for the first time. Her daughter, Lumia, will appear in the
Village after her first birth. A new CG has been added that is used for her pregnant sex

Cherry: Cherry can get pregnant, gives birth, and will be seen holding the infant child.
She can do breastfeeding and has new dialogue relating to child care and family life.
Cherry’s daughter, Lucy, will also appear in the house. And Cherry can get pregnant
repeatedly. Her Ending event will make several references to pregnancy, impregnation,
and she can even get impregnated by viewing her Ending scene!

Cherry Impreg: A special scene that can be viewed after buying the Gold House and
progressing in Cherry’s quest line. This scene is unique because it will always focus on
Impregnation. If you try to play this scene with “Low” settings, Cherry will have unique
dialogue, and will even break your spell to force herself to get pregnant. For that reason
it’s actually recommended to try playing this scene on “Low” in order to get additional
pregnancy related content.

Sagiri: It’s now possible for Sagiri to get pregnant if you max her Zombie Love EXP.
Sagiri’s daughter will appear in the Tower and confirm that Sagiri is capable of giving
birth to human children. Sagiri’s ending will have her talk more about pregnancy and
giving birth, especially if she has children with you. She can be impregnated again
during her special ending scene. Sagiri will also have pregnancy focused dialogue
during her threesome scene with Frylitia, remarking on Fryl’s pregnant belly and
thinking about her own pregnancy as well.

Mea: When you cum inside of Mea, you will trigger a ‘pregnancy’ chance. It’s around
20% for Mid, but 100% for High settings.To confirm the pregnancy you may need to
view a pregnancy announcement scene. In the Tower, go to Status and have her take
the pregnancy test. In the city building she’ll announce it on her own when you talk to
her. She has a quick birth option and can give birth as many times as you want.

Voletta: Voletta can get pregnant and give birth repeatedly. Her birth scene has multiple
variants that can be tested out on repeat viewing. She also has a variant birth scene
which plays if you make her give birth in Goldy Village.Her child will appear in the
hallway on Tower 2F.

Slut: A random character you can find on the streets in Shiny City. You have an option
with how to fuck her in your first meeting, then she disappears for a time and comes
back. If you came inside of her, she'll mention that she had a kid. You can then do stuff
with her again to get one of the possible endings. There is pregnancy and birth content
in her mind control, public slut, prostitution endings. And an egg laying scene in the
Monster Nest.

Queen: She has a roughly 9% chance to get pregnant during any sex scene with her.
She can go through pregnancy and give birth, and even get pregnant again multiple
times. Her and the Princess can be impregnated at the same time during the
Threesome scene. You need to Corrupt her in order for her to keep getting pregnant
infinitely, and this also allows the option for public Birth events. She can now give birth
to many types of monsters in the Monster Cave, including egg laying.

Princess: She can be impregnated together with her mother during the Threesome
scene. She now has a solo sex scene where it’s possibly to impregnate her. If you pull
out, she will be relieved, but there’s still a chance she gets pregnant. If this happens,
she’ll give a unique dialogue. If you get Sagiri and the Princess to interact, you can view
a scene where you impregnate both of them at the same time. However, the Princess
won’t currently show any signs or progress in her pregnancy yet. But the game WILL
remember if you impregnated her.

Garnet: Lady Garnet can now repeatedly get pregnant and give birth to your children,
including an option to have twins.
Anne: If you give her to the monsters she will get pregnant. Although she doesn’t show
right away, it will happen pretty quickly. After some time passes (use the magic clock if
you want), you can view an Orc birthing scene. This cycle will repeat infinitely. If you
send Anne to the Tower, she will give birth to any Orc children she is carrying before
she goes. Raptor can also impregnate Anne by cumming inside her during any of her
scenes, and she can give birth to your children once she is in the Tower. You can also
have pregnant sex with her. Like with the monster cave, this cycle can be repeated. The
scene and dialogue changes based on where she is giving birth, how many children she
has, etc. etc. Reset her status if you want to try different things.

Tsarina: This noble lady appears after you become the king, in the castle corridor. She
has different quest lines, but all of them will allow you to impregnate her if that is your

Piney: Can get pregnant now, as well as having potential children that will appear in
town after she gives birth. There is a complicated amount of information that goes into
her pregnancy event… so check her character section for more detailed information!

Flat: Similar to Piney, she works at the bar and can get pregnant either from the
customers or from the player. Also has options for giving repeated birth and pregnancy.

Harpy: The Harpy has a lot of egg laying and pregnancy events that can be very easily
unlocked and viewed. Go to the mountain peak and defeat her quickly. You’ll be able to
see her lay eggs and give birth to human children, and there’s special dialogue and
flavor text all about “nesting” with her. It’s great if you’re into the more lovey dovey
pregnancy stuff.

Frylitia: She has a lot of pregnancy content now including pregnant sex CG, six
different variants on her birth scene which allow her to have twins or triplets. She also
has a CG for giving birth if the option is toggled on.

Polyquin: The Witch has a lot of dialogue relating to her pregnancy risks. She can also
be fucked by monsters and lay monster eggs by triggering her scene outside of her
house. She can have your human child, with repeated pregnancy and birth events. In
some scenes she may try to block your impregnation attempts, depending on whether
or not you pleasured her. However, you can always use your magic to make sure she is
fertilized even if she tries to block it. Additionally, the Magic Device can be used to
implant her with eggs or impregnate her, and make her repeatedly give birth and lay
Magical Power: Once you raise your Magic Power to 8, you can impregnate weaker
Demons as well as magical creatures. This will allow you to get Hstrvx and the Elf
Goddess pregnant. The Elf Goddess has special pregnancy dialogue, pregnant sex,
and multi-birthing options with CG. Lady Garnet can also become pregnant, and you’ll
probably need a boosted magic score to defeat her. Check the details for those

Hstrvx: In addition to her original pregnancy quest line, she can now be repeatedly
impregnated and give birth many times. She also has a new pregnant sex CG which
can be viewed any time she is pregnant.

At Magic Power 9 the Elf Goddess will become even more vocal and enthusiastic about
pregnancy. Additionally, this level of Magic Power will allow you to impregnate Meradis
even if she tries to resist.

The Elf Goddess can be impregnated and give birth to monsters if sent to the Monster

Having 8 Magic will also allow you to impregnate Hstrvx and the Elf Goddess together
at the same time. This can happen by viewing the Beach scene with both characters.

Meradis: Meradis can be impregnated by having sex with her in her normal scenes, or
by having sex with her while she’s working at the bar. The first time she gets pregnant
she will have a full storyline involving her pregnancy and birth. After this, you can skip
the full storyline. Also unlocks two additional birth scene variants.

If you go to your spell list and turn Virility to the highest setting you will get a 100% of
inflicting pregnancy during possible pregnancy scenes. The text also changes to be
more descriptive about impregnation, etc.

Dungeon: All of the characters sent to the Dungeon have impregnation and birth
scenes. Slut, Rion, Jill, Bunny, and the Southern Girl. Additionally, you can line up all of
the girls to check their pregnancy status and play bonus scenes. This includes having
all of the prisoners give birth at once. Some of these scenes are a bit more basic than
the narrative and art driven scenes for the main characters, but this is an area
specifically to contain minor characters.
City NPCS: The girls in the city have pregnancy events that are partially implemented,
to various extents. These interactions will be expanded on more in the future but
generally if you can fuck a random girl in the city you can probably at least see her
pregnancy portrait for now. The most completed pregnancy event for the random city
NPCs is the tired lady, also known as Resvin. You can view her event all the way
through pregnancy and birth, as well as options for helping and taking responsibility or
ditching her to deliver the child offscreen. She has additional repeat pregnancy and birth
once she is recruited to the bar! Blondie now has repeated pregnancy and birth events
as well.

Mommy: This character is heavily focused on pregnancy. She is found in the Shiny City
Market. Her current quest line allows you to impregnate her and then view the
progression of her pregnancy, from taking a preg test, to seeing her belly grow to
different sizes.

Academy NPCS: There’s an NPC named Green Eyes who can be knocked up and will
have to drop out of school to raise the child. You can go meet her again in the village to
see how things turn out.

Elf Ranch: This quest is kickstarted by talking to the Cattle Gal in the Elf Village after
you make her drink the Elf Elixir. Follow the steps detailed in the Elves section. There is
repeated breeding and birth events here, but it does take some effort to unlock them!
The Cattle Gal even has some special art once she goes to the ranch.


In the Bar:
Help Kath working behind the Bar, grope her, and even fuck her in public. You can get
the customers more involved but Kath is really against this and it will upset her.
Trigger anal sex to fuck her ass in public.
The Breeding event has a public variant where you knock her up in public.
You can have her take the pregnancy piss test in public as well.
There are Exhibition actions you can perform on her as well.
If you do the Solo Scene in the bath, the people in the bath will have reactions to Raptor
and Kath fooling around in there. It’s worth checking out if you’re into that, and the
scene can be done whether she is pregnant or not (with only some minor changes)
If the bar level is high enough you can unlock Costumes for Kath. Using the wardrobe in
the office in the bar will allow Kath to change into various costumes. View the hints in
game if you need help setting it up. While she is wearing the String Bikini there is a
unique exhibition scene that can play.

Sagiri also has a Costume and Costume Scenes now. She has multiple scenes to show
off, tease, and mess with the customers. Raptor will also have the option to fuck and
even impregnate Sagiri while the customers watch. If Exhibition is set to high, you can
have her give blowjobs to customers during this scene.

Meradis will trigger some Exhibition dialogue when she is first sent to Horn Village. If
you use a Bar Costume, you can also make her go inside the bar and change into a
barmaid’s outfit. She has a Job scene where you can spank her in public, and one
where the customers will play pranks on her. They can also grope her and do other
things if you allow it (requires Exhibition set to High). Meradis is extremely popular with
Horn Villagers, and even moreso when she is pregnant. She has additional scenes of
working and giving birth at the bar.

Once you recruit Piney you can see the customers tease her in public.
You can also trigger a scene where you can share her with a random customer.
Piney’s behavior after this will become more open with the customers, and this can
escalate to the point where you have the option to whore her out in the back room
There are currently two characters who can pay to have sex with Piney, and there are
additional customers who wait out in the hall and watch the action
When Piney is pregnant she can do public blowjobs and bukkake while working.
Piney received a new job where she can be spanked and fucked while tending bar.

There is a Mage character who works in the Bar. He can be seen using his magic to
harass Piney and the Queen in public if you allow it. To see the Queen being harassed
in public you need to have the Princess come and investigate the bar.

Once again, Flat is very similar to Piney.

They have a similar type of events as they are both bar workers.
She has lots of public scenes and can even get gangbanged in the alley behind the bar.
There’s also an option to make her give birth in public.

Shiny City: A sign post outside of the shop can be used to trigger Exhibition scenes.
Right now, it’s only used for the Queen to perform public birth.
Many of the peasants, soldiers, and minor NPCs will trigger exhibition scenes now as
well. Explore the city and talk to people outside if you want to find some exhibition
content pretty quickly.

The Queen can be fucked in public when you first capture her.
If your Exhibition setting is on high, the people in the throne room will get really involved
in taunting and degrading her.
After capture she can be sent to the bar to work as a bar maid there.
Since you can control what she wears, you can strip her naked before you send her to
the bar. This will affect her dialogue and text.
The customers there will harass her. You can join in the taunting and even let the
customers grope her if you wish.
You can also send the Queen back to the Throne Room and make her give blowjobs to
members of the court, strip her in public, and let the people there taunt her.
There’s now a public gangbang scene in the Throne Room as well.
She’s also a candidate for Public Birth scene, using the sign post in Shiny City.

If you use the Ass Quest item on Mea, a person can enter the building while you are
groping her.

The Slut character has lots of exhibition involving public displays, stripping, gang bangs,
sharing, and even the ability to teleport her into places while she is naked and
vulnerable. Her new Public Slut and Prostitution endings have some exhibition flags.
Check her entry for details.

Show Off has her own unique Exhibition quest line with 3 scenes. She can be found in
the Castle Bath, and will go around the city performing Flashing events after her quest
is triggered. After you view all three scenes she will level up, and you’ll be able to repeat
the scenes. Raising Show Off to Level 2 will also unlock new scenes:
City Walk - Streaking. Can invite Sagiri.

Lady Garnet can be summoned to different places around the Academy map after you
defeat her. In addition to viewing her normal sex scene as a public sex option, you can
also make her give a blowjob to Raptor and a random student.

Some of the Elves have exhibition events. Most of them have at least one or two
exhibition flags if you have the filter set on high (like receiving comments from stripping
or sex acts in public). Additionally, the Druid and Flower Girl have some very group
oriented scenes where she shows off in public. Forester can masturbate in public if you
use magic to control her. It will also reveal in her backstory that she was known for
masturbating in school all of the time, and would frequently get caught.

Curious NPC has public stripping, blowjob, and sex scenes as well as an option to give
her birth in public if you want. Blondie will also gladly have sex in public while pregnant,
and take her pregnancy test in public as well.

Increase the Corruption level in the city can result in more public sex acts being
committed by the random citizens. Become King in order to influence the Corruption by
holding court and other activities.

By playing through the game (Hstrvx, Elf Goddess, Kath) you can gain access to the
Beach. There are Exhibition scenes here, including the ability to have Hstrvx and Elf
Goddess put on an Exhibition show. If you want to view a Gangbang scene here, that is
also an option.

There are several bathing scenes that can be unlocked in the game now. Some of them
require the ‘Dirty’ setting to be toggled on in your spell list, so keep that in mind.

Frylitia: Once you send Frylitia back to the Tower, you can immediately trigger a bathing
scene if the ‘Dirty’ setting is turned on. Her behavior will change depending on how you
defeated her.

Castle Bath: There’s a public bath that’s been added to the castle, and with this comes
new scenes. Show Off will appear in the Public Bath, complaining that no one will peep
at her because her tits are too small. She’ll offer to let you wash her body, but it’s only to
make herself feel better.

Cherry: As long as you’ve met and talked to Cherry outside of the bath before and
cleared her first date, you can trigger her Bathing scenes. She has one default scene,
and then three scenes that can be viewed one at a time by selecting different options.
After you have viewed ‘Cherry on Top,’ your bathing scenes with her will also change.

Cherry Love: After you’ve unlocked her Love state, she gains even MORE bath
interactions. Specifically, if you choose the ‘Wash’ command at the start, you’ll get a
path that focuses more on exhibition, the reactions and dialogue of other people when
they notice you two in the bath together, etc.
Kath: If the ‘Dirty’ setting is turned on, Kath will sometimes appear in the bath. You need
to have both Kath and Cherry advanced to a certain point or Kath won’t appear, and
even then it’s only about ⅓ of the time. When Kath does show up, just talk to her. This
will trigger a scene where you can bathe together with Kath and Cherry. Kath also now
has a Solo scene (recommended to turn ‘Exhibition’ on high)

Queen: The Queen will also appear sometimes when the Dirty setting is on. You can
grope her in the bath and embarrass her in public, but not much else (yet?)

New Art in Version 0.94

* Polyquin's idle portrait was updated
* Mea's idle portrait was updated
* Sunny and Lock have updated sprites
* Lucy and Sunny now have different sprites
* New variants were added for human child sprites
* New variants were added for elf child sprites
* A new CG Set was added for Cherry: "Cake"
* A new outfit was added; Bride Dress (Hstrvx)
* Elf Goddess beach bikini portrait and tan were added

* Meradis, Hstrvx, Kath, Elf Goddess, and Queen got updated sprites
* Meradis and Queen match their portraits more closely now
* Some bikini sprites were also added for the beach map
* Queen's base portrait set was slightly modified (shading/coloring)
* Small fixes done to Sagiri's pregnant portrait set
* A modified version of Cherry’s CG is used for a new scene
* Bikini portraits with tan lines were added for Hstrvx and Kath
* A new CG for Princess was added; SideSex

Sylvia’s portrait set was redone to match my original designs
Also is more consistent between her various states
Her CG Set still need to be updated to match the new design
Elf Goddess Portrait Set received some color corrections and minor edits
Additional frames were added to her Facedown CG Set
Orc, Sagamin, Slime, and Squid vs Elf Goddess art was added
Several new portrait variants for Meradis were added
Her size can now gradually change during pregnancy
She also has a pregnant portrait for working at the bar
A Hyper Pregnant portrait set was added for Kath
A Wedding Dress portrait was added for Cherry

Hstrvx CG Sets have been updated with new frames and fixed art
Elf Goddess CG has added frames, size was increased
Meradis pregnancy portrait and outfit were added
Princess/Queen threesome CG Set added

New CG for Elf Goddess (Prone)
New CG for Polyquin, 3 Variants (Basic, Pregnant, Magic Device)
New CG for Meradis (Prone)
New outfit and portrait updates for Slut.

A new dress set was added for minor NPCs
Leta was given a new dress from this set
NPCs around the City will have more diverse designs
Additionally, Mommy/Tulip has more options now

Tsarina has a new CG
Hstrvx has a new CG
A new portrait set for minor NPCs was added, with 5 variants
An additional set with 4 more variants as also added
New clothing options for minor NPCs was added
New pregnant art and pregnant clothing for minor NPCs was added

No new art

New Facial expressions were added for the Queen
Some fixes were done for Voletta

Variant faces were added to the elves, for more diversity
Voletta has a variant face for when she is ‘broken’

Cherry’s portrait set was updated
Sagiri has a new costume portrait
New CG Set was added for Sylvia (Cowgirl, Pregnant Sex)

Frylitia has a new CG set
Includes sex, pregnant sex, and birth art

Doctor now has a portrait
Meradis now has a CG (Cowgirl)
Cherry’s cowgirl CG was updated

Sagiri Pregnant Portrait
Queen Portrait was adjusted
Princess Portrait was adjusted
Bunny was given a Portrait

I don’t think I added any new art assets since I mainly worked on story scenes.
Don’t blame the artists for this. They are working hard.
I just haven’t added any of the new art in this version.

Glasses for Resvin Portrait and CG
Princess Portrait added
Princess Sprite added
New CG set for Sylvia: Missionary

Elf Goddess Pregnant Sex
Elf Goddess Pregnant Cumshot
Elf Goddess Birth

Kath holding the baby
Kath’s slutty costumes: Black Lace, Too Tight, String Bikini
Kath; Cowgirl with Tits Out
Lady Garnet Battle Screen
Lady Garnet’s Ass In Your Face
Lady Garnet Bent Over and Fucked

A new CG was added for Mea

A new CG for Voletta
Cherry’s portrait was redone
There’s a new variant with Cherry holding the newborn child
Queen now gives birth to orcs, beasts, and lays eggs
Queen can get fucked by Sagamin
Queen can get fucked by Beast

Hstrvx CG minor edit and fixed to display properly
Tsarina portrait added + pregnant portrait

Pregnancy test indicator
Hstrvx titfuck CG
Pregnant portrait for Elf Goddess (Nude/Clothed)
Sex CG for Sagiri
Sex CG for Inky
Updated Blondie CG
Updated Resvin CG

A pullout cumshot indicator was added to Green Eyes sex CG
The CG for Queen's Birth art has been updated
Animation has been added to the Queen's birth scene
Added a special animated version of pregnant sex for the Queen
Voletta now has a pregnant portrait
Voletta has a pregnant variant of her sex CG

0.64 Art
Sylvia pregnant portrait
Generic human pregnancy belly
Enemy Soldier variant of generic humans
Minor touch up for Hstrvx portraits

0.62 Art
Some art assets received minor edits (template characters, cattle gal)
Advisor has been given a portrait
A portrait set for the female peasants was added
A “Bimbo” variant was added for the female peasants
The Southern Girl was given a portrait as well
Aunt Mea has a pregnancy portrait now
The Catgirl and Mimic both have new art

0.60 Art
Sylvia’s portrait was slightly adjusted
Kath got a new base and pregnant portrait
Anne’s CG was updated to include egg laying scenes

0.58 Art
New title screen
New portrait for Raptor
New CG for Frylitia
New CG set for Green Eyes
Some new frames for Polyquin’s CG

0.56 Art
Queen’s portrait was updated to match the new style
She also has a new portrait where she holds a child
Hstrvx’ portrait was updated to match the new style
She also has a few more poses, and can hold a newborn child as well
Polyquin has a very dynamic CG set that was just added
She can be penetrated normally, fucked by a slime, and lays a lot of different eggs
The human NPC “Flat” also has a new CG set
She can be fucked vaginal, anal, and orally with multiple penetration

0.52 Art
New impregnation indicators
Pregnancy portrait for Lady Garnet
Voletta has a new CG
New outfit for the human template NPCs

0.52 Art
* Sagiri has been added to the game, and has her own portrait
* New human NPC Template Art was added
* Green Eyes has a new Portrait
* Flat has a new Portrait
* Show Off has a new Portrait
* Inky has a new Portrait
* Some new outfits were added for the new NPC Templates

0.50 Art:
* Creampie will appear after Kath Missionary sex
* Creampie will appear after Goddess Missionary sex
* 2 new internal cumshot indicators added
* Internal Cumshot will appear during 'Hstrvx-Front Facing'
* Internal Cumshot will appear during 'Hstrvx-Side Facing'
* Internal Cumshot will appear during 'Resvin-Hotel'
* Monster Hunter Anne has a new CG (Sex, Preg, Birth)
* Anne's Tower scenes have been updated with the new CG
* Anne's Cave scenes have been updated with the new CG
* Curious NPC has received a Blowjob CG
* Curious NPC has received a Vaginal/Anal CG
* Wild Elf has added CG for her scenes (Sex, Preg, Birth)
* You can view her new CG at the Elf Ranch while breeding her

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