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The Impact of Resource Scarcity on

Price-Quality Judgments

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Consumers routinely encounter situations in which they perceive that resources

are scarce. However, little is known about how this perception influences consum-
ers’ use of price in their purchase decisions. The present research seeks to fill this
gap by examining the link between scarcity and the tendency to use price to judge
product quality, and the mechanisms underlying that link. Six studies (and five
more reported in the web appendix) using multiple product categories and a vari-
ety of operationalizations of both scarcity and price-quality judgments show that
scarcity decreases consumers’ tendency to use price to judge product quality.
This occurs because scarcity induces a desire to compensate for the shortage
and seek abundance, and thereby reduces an individual’s general categorization
tendency (because categorizing brings about a feeling of reduction); this, in turn,
hinders consumers from viewing products as belonging to different price-tier
groups, and thus lowers their tendency to use price as a basis for judging product
quality. Boundary conditions for the proposed effect are also identified. The cur-
rent research makes fundamental contributions to the literatures on scarcity,
price-quality judgments, and categorization.

Keywords: scarcity, resource, price-quality judgments, price-quality perception,

categorization, desire for abundance

C onsumers often perceive that resources are scarce.

Monthly bills often remind them of limited monetary
resources, and approaching deadlines create the perception
More broadly, people regularly experience or hear about
economic crises, natural disasters, and social disturbances
(Griskevicius et al. 2013), which evokes a general percep-
that time is scarce (Shah, Mullainathan, and Shafir 2012). tion that resources in the world are scarce (Laran and
Salerno 2013). However, despite its prevalence, little is
known about how scarcity influences consumers’ use of
Hanyong Park ( is an assistant professor in the
Department of Marketing, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State price in their purchase decisions. The present research
University, 632 Bogue Street, East Lansing, MI 48824. Ashok K. Lalwani seeks to address this issue by examining the link between
( is an associate professor in the Department of scarcity and consumers’ tendency to use price to judge
Marketing, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 1309 East
Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405. David H. Silvera (dzocs714@
product quality (i.e., price-perceived quality correlation or is an associate professor in the Department of Marketing (re- price-quality judgments; Lalwani and Shavitt 2013).
tired), College of Business, The University of Texas at San Antonio, One Although no previous research has directly examined the
UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. Please address correspondence to link between scarcity and price-quality judgments, some
Hanyong Park. This article is based in part on the lead author’s disserta-
tion. The authors thank the Carolan Research Institute, Joel Saegert, and research suggests that scarcity might increase the tendency
the Dean’s office at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, to make price-quality judgments. Specifically, research
Bloomington for helping fund this research. The authors acknowledge the indicates that scarcity limits an individual’s cognitive ca-
helpful input of the editors (J. Jeffrey Inman and Darren W. Dahl), associ- pacity (Cialdini 1993; Easterbrook 1959; Mani et al. 2013),
ate editor (Chris Janiszewski), and anonymous reviewers. Supplementary
materials are included in the web appendix accompanying the online ver- and that reduced cognitive capacity increases the use of
sion of this article. mental shortcuts such as price-quality heuristics (Kardes
et al. 2004; Rao 2005; Rao and Monroe 1988).
Advance Access publication June 24, 2019

C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Journal of Consumer Research, Inc.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:  Vol. 46  2020
DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucz031


Collectively, these works point to a possible positive asso- discusses the link between general categorization tendency
ciation between scarcity and price-quality judgments. and price-quality judgments.
In contrast, we propose that scarcity decreases the ten-
dency to make price-quality judgments. Specifically, we Scarcity and General Categorization Tendency
postulate that scarcity is aversive and triggers the desire to
compensate for the shortage, and to seek abundance As Heider (1958) noted, all humans have a basic motive

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(Cialdini 2001). This abundance-seeking reduces individu- to seek structure and order in their overly complex stimulus
als’ general tendency to categorize objects and to view environment. One way to achieve such structure and order
products as belonging to different price-tier groups, and is through categorization (Moskowitz 1993), a simplifying
thus lowers their tendency to use price as a basis for judg- process of dividing the world into manageable groups of
ing products’ quality. entities (Gutman 1982; Rosch 1978). Categorization has
The present research advances theoretical understanding been shown to influence people’s perceptions, motivations,
of several research domains. First, it is the first to directly judgments, and choices (Cheema and Soman 2008;
examine the impact of scarcity on price-quality judgments. Simonsohn and Gino 2013; Tu and Soman 2014), and is
In addition, although the scarcity literature suggests that thus considered a fundamental process underlying con-
scarcity may activate its own mindsets and psychological sumer decision making (Brough and Chernev 2012).
processes (Shah et al. 2012), little is known about these We propose that scarcity is closely and uniquely associ-
processes (Roux, Goldsmith, and Bonezzi 2015). The cur- ated with this fundamental human process. Specifically,
rent research addresses this gap by identifying a new psy- we theorize that scarcity may reduce general categorization
chological process activated by scarcity: a reduction in tendency because scarcity induces a desire for abundance,
general categorization tendency. Second, this research adds whereas categorization involves a feeling of reduction. A
to the literature on price-quality judgments, as it identifies basic property of scarcity is that it makes people seek abun-
a new mechanism that may underlie consumers’ tendency dance (Cialdini 2001), a notion that has been evidenced in
to make price-quality judgments (hereafter, this tendency a variety of behavioral domains. Small budgets to play a
will simply be referred to as “price-quality judgments”). game lead participants to excessively borrow resources in
Third, this work adds to the categorization literature by terms of both money and time (Shah et al. 2012), limited
providing a multidimensional view of categorization. We opportunities to consume food trigger a focus on consum-
suggest that people may differ not only in terms of how ing as much food as possible (Sevilla and Redden 2014),
they categorize, but also in terms of the extent to which low stocking levels of apparel items facilitate in-store
they categorize. This multidimensional view may broaden hoarding behaviors (Gupta and Gentry 2016), and the per-
the understanding of consumer categorization processes in ception that resources in the world are scarce leads individ-
a variety of marketing settings. Moreover, we also identify uals to seek and consume high-calorie foods (Laran and
an important antecedent (i.e., scarcity) and an important Salerno 2013). These findings suggest that scarcity—re-
consequence (i.e., price-quality judgments) of the categori- gardless of whether the source of scarcity is money, time
zation process. (or opportunity), food, product, or general perceptions—
induces the desire to compensate for the lack and, hence, to
seek abundance.
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In contrast, categorization can lead to a feeling of reduc-
tion by inducing perceptions that fewer objects are available
We argue that scarcity decreases price-quality judg- (e.g., a reduction of 18 DVD players into three categories
ments, and propose that this relationship is driven by a de- based on small/medium/large display size). A notable aspect
sire for abundance, which reduces general categorization of categorization is that it predisposes people to think of and
tendency. Specifically, first, scarcity is an aversive state, enumerate objects in terms of the formed categories (e.g.,
and thus induces the desire to compensate for the shortage “medium-display-size DVD players”; Moreau, Markman,
and seek abundance. Second, the desire for abundance and Lehmann 2001). Because the number of formed catego-
reduces an individual’s general categorization tendency be- ries (e.g., three) is smaller than the number of individual
cause categorization creates a feeling of reduction (i.e., cat- items (e.g., 18), and because people have an innate tendency
egorization reduces many objects into fewer groups). to spontaneously quantify items (Isaac and Schindler 2013),
Third, a reduction in general categorization tendency inhib- categorization may induce a psychological feeling that fewer
its consumers from viewing products as belonging to dif- objects are available. In line with this reasoning, research on
ferent price-tier groups, which in turn lowers their basic human perceptions shows that creating categories
tendency to use price as a basis for judging product quality. among items such as by varying the color or shape of the
Thus, we organize the theoretical background section as items breaks up the Gestalt whole (Wertheimer 1938), and
follows: the first part discusses the link between scarcity thereby leads to the perception that the item set contains
and general categorization tendency, and the second part fewer items (Redden and Hoch 2009). The desire for

abundance induced by scarcity should make the feeling of re- Importantly, this proposed relation between categoriza-
duction associated with categorization particularly aversive, tion (price-tiering) and increased price-quality judgments
and thus scarcity should reduce general categorization might also hold in some other cases where a nonprice at-
tendency.1 tribute is used as the categorization base. This is because
attributes used to infer product quality, in many cases, can
serve as an “informational chunk” that represents a com-

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General Categorization Tendency and posite of information about several other attributes (Olson
Price-Quality Judgments 1976; Sujan and Dekleva 1987). For example, if consumers
How might reduced general categorization tendency in- categorize alternatives by brand, both the brand-quality re-
fluence price-quality judgments? Research suggests that lation (e.g., “well-known brands have high quality”) and
price is a dominant and salient attribute that profoundly the brand-price relation (e.g., “well-known brands have
influences judgments (Lalwani and Monroe 2005). Price is high prices”) are likely to be strengthened, which may also
also an important alignable attribute that readily enables activate price-quality inferences (e.g., “high-priced brands
comparisons between brands, and can be organized from have high quality”).
smallest to largest, and thus is more easily structured com- The preceding evidence suggests that those who have a
pared to other non-numeric attributes (Lalwani and high general categorization tendency are more likely to
Forcum 2016). Hence, people with a high (vs. low) ten- form price tiers of brands, and thereby are more likely to
dency to categorize may be more likely to use price as a infer stronger price-quality associations. Thus, those who
cue for categorizing brands (ibid.) and accordingly form have a low general categorization tendency (those who are
price tiers of those brands (e.g., high-priced brand, low- in a psychological state of scarcity) are expected to make
priced brand). Indeed, research shows that when faced with lower price-quality judgments. Collectively, we propose
a number of alternatives, consumers often categorize them that scarcity reduces general categorization tendency,
into distinct price tiers on an expensiveness continuum which in turn decreases price-quality judgments.
(Brough and Chernev 2012).
Categorization of brands into price tiers may increase Overview of Studies
people’s price-quality judgments.2 The creation of price
tiers should boost a sense of hierarchy among brands, lead- Six studies (and five more reported in the web appendix)
ing consumers to arrange those brands in a methodical using a variety of operationalizations of both scarcity and
fashion and to mentally order or rank them (Lalwani and price-quality judgments were conducted to demonstrate the
Forcum 2016). To be cognitively consistent, consumers robustness and generalizability of the proposed phenome-
may use the mentally formed price orders as a cue to asso- non and its underlying mechanism. Study 1A demonstrated
ciate brands from lower price tiers with lower quality and that scarcity decreases price-quality judgments. Study 1B
brands from higher price tiers with higher quality, resulting replicated this finding and further added conceptual clarity
in increased price-quality judgments. Consistent with this to our theoretical model by addressing two scarcity-related
prediction, Lalwani and Forcum (2016) find that people accounts: (1) naı̈ve theory account, and (2) impeded learn-
high (vs. low) in need for structure are more likely to use ing account (see study 1B for details). Studies 2A–2B shed
price to infer the quality of brands. The relation between light on the underlying mechanism by testing the full
categorization (price-tier grouping) and increased price- causal model employing both mediation and moderation
quality judgments is also supported by research on biased approaches. Study 3 further bolstered the process by ma-
information processing. The mere act of categorizing based nipulating general categorization tendency. Finally, study 4
on price may strengthen beliefs that price is a meaningful tested a boundary condition. Specifically, it showed that
variable that predicts other brand characteristics such as evaluating objects that others consider for purchase (vs.
quality (Lalwani and Forcum 2016), which may further in- evaluating objects for one’s own purchases) increases (vs.
flate price-quality judgments. decreases) general categorization tendency, and thus
reverses the effect of scarcity on price-quality judgments.
1 Note that this reduction in general categorization tendency focuses
on the extent to which people categorize. This conceptualization of
categorization should be distinguished from operationalizations of STUDY 1A: THE EFFECT OF SCARCITY
how people categorize, such as the breadth of categorization
(Liberman and Trope 2008; Ulkümen,€ Chakravarti, and Morwitz ON PRICE-QUALITY JUDGMENTS
2010) or the number of subcategories (Redden 2008). In other words,
general categorization tendency can vary, regardless of how broadly A preliminary test indicated a negative association be-
categories are formed or how many subcategories are created. tween measured scarcity and price-quality judgments (see
2 We focus on price-quality judgments that are driven by a motiva-
tional construct (i.e., desire for abundance), and thus it should be con-
web appendix B for details). In study 1A, we sought to pro-
ceptually distinguished from the broad term “price-quality heuristics,” vide causal evidence of this relationship by manipulating
which does not necessarily entail motivational aspects. scarcity and testing its effect on price-quality judgments.

Method operationalization of price-quality judgments (see study 5

in web appendix C).
Participants and Design. Eighty-seven Amazon
Mechanical Turk (MTurk) panelists (MAge ¼ 38.68, Male
¼ 45.98%) successfully completed the study in exchange STUDY 1B: THE INFLUENCE OF
for a small monetary reward. Participants were randomly COGNITIVE CONSTRAINTS ON THE

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assigned to either the control or scarcity condition. EFFECT OF SCARCITY ON PRICE-
Scarcity Manipulation. Following Mehta and Zhu
(2015), participants in the scarcity condition took three Study 1B tested two alternate accounts for the effect of
minutes to write an essay about growing up having scarce scarcity on price-quality judgments: (1) naı̈ve theory ac-
resources. Participants in the control condition wrote about count, and (2) impeded learning account. First, it is possi-
the things they did during the past week. ble that limited cognitive resources under scarcity (Cialdini
1993; Easterbrook 1959; Mani et al. 2013) may lead one to
Stimuli and Measure. Thereafter, following Lalwani rely more on the naı̈ve theory that there is a strong positive
and Shavitt (2013), participants were shown a list of 33 price-quality correlation (Pechmann and Ratneshwar
camcorders. The list included information purportedly 1992), which suggests that scarcity should increase price-
from Consumer Reports on brand name (e.g., Panasonic), quality judgments. Second, one may argue that constrained
country of origin (e.g., Japan), model number, price, and cognitive resources may instead impede an individual’s
quality (on a scale of 1 to 100) (see web appendix J for learning of the price-quality correlation presented in the
stimuli). Participants were told to review the provided in- data, and thereby decrease price-quality judgments.
formation carefully. Then, participants were given an av-
erage retail price for an anonymous camcorder brand Method
(e.g., “camcorder brand A”) and, solely based on the
Participants and Design. One hundred eighty-five un-
given price information, were asked to rate this brand’s
dergraduate students (MAge ¼ 22.26, Male ¼ 54.05%) at
quality on a scale of 1 to 100. Participants repeatedly
the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) success-
rated a total of 10 different camcorder brands in this way.
fully completed the study for course credit. A 2 (scarcity:
The correlation between the provided retail prices of the
control vs. scarcity)  2 (cognitive constraints: control vs.
anonymous brands and participants’ subjective quality
high cognitive constraints) between-subjects design was
estimates for those brands was used as the price-quality
judgments measure.
Scarcity Manipulation. Following Roux et al. (2015),
participants in the scarcity condition wrote about times
Results and Discussion when they “didn’t have enough of something” or
A pretest using 86 participants drawn from the same “resources were scarce.” Participants in the control condi-
population as those in the main study confirmed the effec- tion wrote about the things they did during the past week.
tiveness of the scarcity manipulation. Five items adapted Cognitive Constraints Manipulation. We manipulated
from previous research (Laran and Salerno 2013; Mehta cognitive constraints as part of a quality estimation task
and Zhu 2015; Roux et al. 2015) were used to check the similar to that used in study 1A. Specifically, in the begin-
scarcity manipulation. A sample item, measured on a ning of the quality estimation task, participants in the high
seven-point scale (1 ¼ strongly disagree, 7 ¼ strongly cognitive constraints condition were told that an additional
agree), was “My thoughts at this time are geared towards objective of the task is to investigate how well people can
the scarcity issues I experienced in the past” (a ¼ .77; see perform two different tasks simultaneously. They were told
web appendix O for all items). Participants in the scarcity that, as another task, they would be given an eight-digit
condition (M ¼ 4.39, SD ¼ 1.41) reported a greater scar- number and asked to perform the quality estimation task
city perception than those in the control condition while holding this eight-digit number in memory (Gilbert
(M ¼ 3.60, SD ¼ 1.26; F(1, 84) ¼ 7.65, p ¼ .007, partial and Hixon 1991; Lalwani 2009). Participants in the control
g2 ¼ .083). cognitive constraints condition were given no instructions
Participants in the scarcity condition gave quality esti- about the eight-digit number and directly performed the
mates that were less strongly correlated with the given quality estimation task.
prices (M ¼ .46, SD ¼ .50) than those in the control con-
dition (M ¼ .65, SD ¼ .34; F(1, 85) ¼ 4.46, p ¼ .038, par- Stimuli and Measures. We assessed price-quality judg-
tial g2 ¼ .050), indicating that scarcity decreases price- ments using stimuli similar to those used in study 1A. For
quality judgments. To demonstrate generalizability of this generalizability purposes, participants judged brands in
effect, we also tested it using a different one of two product categories: camcorders or DVD

players. Participants were shown a list of brands described research (Kardes et al. 2004; Rao 2005). Importantly, this
along several attributes, including price and quality rating suggests that impeded learning due to cognitive constraints
(see web appendix J for stimuli). As in study 1A, the corre- may actually increase, rather than decrease, price-quality
lation between the provided retail prices of the anonymous judgments. Thus, impeded learning cannot account for our
brands and participants’ subjective quality estimates for effect. Second, cognitive constraints increase price-quality
those brands was used as the price-quality judgments mea- judgments, and even in the presence of this opposing force,

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sure. Because this measure did not differ between camcor- the proposed effect of scarcity on decreased price-quality
ders and DVD players in either the control or the scarcity judgments is still present. In other words, the results sug-
condition (ps > .25), the responses were combined across gest that despite scarcity’s influence to increase price-
the two product categories. quality judgments through limited cognitive resources,
After participants completed the quality estimation task, scarcity’s influence to decrease price-quality judgments
we assessed their general categorization tendency using a through the proposed categorization process is dominant,
seven-point (1 ¼ strongly disagree, 7 ¼ strongly agree), which yields an overall decrease in price-quality judg-
three-item scale: “I tend to categorize things (e.g., objects, ments. Thus, the naı̈ve theory account could not account
events, personalities, products),” “I enjoy grouping things for our scarcity effect.
in mind,” and “It is usually easy for me to see similarities We further tested the mediating role of general categori-
between things.” The ratings for these items were averaged zation tendency. Consistent with our theoretical account,
(a ¼ .79) to form the general categorization tendency across the two cognitive constraints conditions, general
score. The same five items (a ¼ .71) used in study 1A categorization tendency was lower in the scarcity than in
were used to check the scarcity manipulation. Three items the control condition (Mcontrol ¼ 5.00, SD ¼ 1.35 vs.
(a ¼ .68) adapted from previous research (Chun and Mscarcity ¼ 4.61, SD ¼ 1.30; F(1, 183) ¼ 4.07, p ¼ .045,
Kruglanski 2006) were used to check the cognitive con- partial g2 ¼ .022). The mediation analysis revealed that
straints manipulation; for example, “How distracted were the conditional indirect effect (i.e., scarcity dummy ! gen-
you by other thoughts while estimating quality of the [cam- eral categorization tendency score ! price-quality judg-
corders] / [DVD players]?” (1 ¼ not distracted at all, ments) obtained by resampling the data 10,000 times was
7 ¼ very distracted) (see web appendix O for all items). significantly negative (bias-corrected 95% CI ¼ [–.0221, –
.0002]). This result further suggests that scarcity decreases
price-quality judgments through reduced categorization
Results tendency, even in the presence of cognitive constraints in-
A separate pretest using 172 participants drawn from the creasing price-quality judgments.
same population as those in the main study confirmed the
effectiveness of both the scarcity and the cognitive con-
straints manipulations (see web appendix P for results). Discussion
A 2  2 ANOVA predicting participants’ price-quality Study 1B provides a clearer account for our scarcity ef-
judgments indicated a significant main effect of scarcity fect in several ways. First, it addresses the naı̈ve theory ac-
(F(1, 181) ¼ 10.47, p ¼ .001, partial g2 ¼ .055) and a sig- count by demonstrating that scarcity decreases price-
nificant main effect of cognitive constraints (F(1, 181) ¼ quality judgments via reduced categorization tendency,
3.98, p ¼ .048, partial g2 ¼ .021; Figure 1). Importantly, and this effect is independent of cognitive constraints that
the scarcity by cognitive constraints interaction was not may increase reliance on the naı̈ve theory. Second, it suc-
significant (F < 1). Contrasts showed that scarcity de- cessfully rules out the impeded learning account by dem-
creased price-quality judgments both in the control cogni- onstrating that cognitive constraints (which produce
tive constraints condition (Mcontrol ¼ .79, SD ¼ .24 vs. impeded learning) increase, rather decrease, price-quality
Mscarcity ¼ .68, SD ¼ .34; F(1, 90) ¼ 3.39, p ¼ .069, partial judgments. Third, it enhances the conceptual clarity of our
g2 ¼ .036) and in the high cognitive constraints condition theoretical model by suggesting that although scarcity,
(Mcontrol ¼ .88, SD ¼ .13 vs. Mscarcity ¼ .74, SD ¼ .26; through increased cognitive constraints, might potentially
F(1, 91) ¼ 8.74, p ¼ .004, partial g2 ¼ .088). These results increase price-quality judgments, scarcity’s influence to
indicate that scarcity decreases price-quality judgments re- decrease price-quality judgments through the proposed cat-
gardless of whether cognitive resources are constrained (as egorization process is dominant, which yields an overall
opposed to the naı̈ve-theory-based prediction that scarcity decrease in price-quality judgments.
may increase price-quality judgments). Furthermore, con- To provide further support for our categorization ac-
trasts showed that the cognitive constraints manipulation count, we conducted two additional studies. See the foot-
increased price-quality judgments of those in the control note for the first additional study.3 The second additional
condition (Mhigh cognitive constraints ¼ .88, SD ¼ .13 vs.
Mcontrol cognitive constraints ¼ .79, SD ¼ .24; F(1, 89) ¼ 4.16, 3 One hundred ninety-five MTurk panelists (MAge ¼ 36.25, Male ¼
p ¼ .044, partial g2 ¼ .045), consistent with previous 54.36%) completed a 2 (scarcity: control vs. scarcity)  2 (objective

FIGURE 1 Method
Participants and Design. One hundred forty-nine
ON PRICE-QUALITY JUDGMENTS (STUDY 1B) MTurk panelists (MAge ¼ 36.13, Male ¼ 57.72%) success-
fully completed the study in exchange for a small monetary
reward. Participants were randomly assigned to either the

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control or scarcity condition.

Scarcity Manipulation. A scarcity manipulation similar

to that used in study 1B was used. Participants in the scar-
city condition wrote three episodes in which they “didn’t
have enough of something” or “resources were scarce,”
then chose one of the episodes and described it in detail,
explaining what they experienced and what it felt like to be
in that situation. Participants in the control condition listed
three things they did during the past week, then chose one
of those things and described it in detail.

Stimuli and Measures. Price-quality judgments were

measured as in studies 1A and 1B, except that we used a
different product category: computer monitors (see web ap-
pendix J for stimuli).
We assessed desire for abundance using a seven-point
study shows that abundance (a mental state (1 ¼ not at all, 7 ¼ definitely), three-item scale: “I desire to
opposite to scarcity), through increased general categoriza- have a lot of things,” “I desire to own a lot of things,” and
tion tendency, increases price-quality judgments, further “Having a lot of things makes me happy.” The ratings for
bolstering our categorization account (see study 6 in web these items were averaged (a ¼ .95) to form the desire for
appendix D). abundance index.
We assessed general categorization tendency using a be-
havioral categorization measure we developed.
STUDY 2A: TESTING THE FULL CAUSAL Specifically, participants were shown a set of four geomet-
CHAIN—SERIAL MEDIATION ric figures across two shapes and two colors: a) a black cir-
cle, b) a white square, c) a white circle, and d) a black
Study 2A was designed to provide further evidence for square. Participants responded to each of the following
our proposed process by adding a measure of desire for four items (1 ¼ strongly disagree, 7 ¼ strongly agree): “I
abundance and testing the full causal chain, in which scar- would not group object a) with either c) or d),” “I would
city induces a desire to seek abundance, which in turn not group object d) with either a) or b),” “Object a) is dis-
reduces general categorization tendency and thereby similar to both c) and d),” and “Object d) is dissimilar to
decreases price-quality judgments. both a) and b).” The premise was that those who have a
price-quality correlation: .80 vs. .20) between-subjects design. General
higher general categorization tendency would be more
categorization tendency was measured. Price-quality judgments were likely to categorize the given figures using shape or color
assessed as in previous studies. The scarcity main effect was signifi- (the two most salient categorization dimensions in this
cant (F(1, 191) ¼ 8.33, p ¼ .004, partial g2 ¼ .042); neither the objec- case), and thus all items were reverse-coded so that higher
tive price-quality correlation main effect nor the interaction was
significant (Fs < 1). Contrasts showed that participants’ subjective scores would indicate stronger general categorization ten-
price-quality associations were significantly lower in the scarcity (vs. dency. The ratings for these items were averaged (a ¼ .81)
control) condition for both .80 and .20 objective price-quality correla- to form the general categorization tendency score. As in
tions (Mcontrol ¼ .84, SD ¼ .15 vs. Mscarcity ¼ .72, SD ¼ .39; F(1, 95)
¼ 4.14, p ¼ .045, partial g2 ¼ .042; Mcontrol ¼ .80, SD ¼ .25 vs.
previous studies, participants’ subjective price-quality cor-
Mscarcity ¼ .67, SD ¼ .35; F(1, 96) ¼ 4.19, p ¼ .043, partial g2 ¼ .042, relation was used as the price-quality judgments measure.
respectively). Also, the overall mediation was significant (95% bias-
corrected CI ¼ [–.0247, –.0019]; across both .80 and .20 conditions).
These results suggest that our proposed scarcity effect is not sensitive Results and Discussion
to the actual price-quality correlations. We speculate that this occurs
because our account based on categorization—that is, the process of A pretest using 113 participants drawn from the same
forming price tiers of brands based on distinct categories of prices and
subsequent hierarchical processes of associating low (high) price with
population as those in the main study confirmed the effec-
low (high) quality—is primarily mentally driven rather than data- tiveness of the scarcity manipulation (see web appendix P
driven. Future research could investigate this issue. for results).

The Full Causal Chain (Serial Mediation). Consistent already have a relatively low desire for abundance, and
with our account, participants in the scarcity condition (M thus their desire for abundance is unlikely to be further de-
¼ .63, SD ¼ .44) gave quality estimates that were less creased by this manipulation.
strongly associated with the given prices than those in the
control condition (M ¼ .78, SD ¼ .29; F(1, 147) ¼ 5.57, p Method

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
¼ .020, partial g2 ¼ .036). The desire for abundance index Participants and Design. Fifty-nine undergraduate stu-
was higher in the scarcity condition (M ¼ 4.52, SD ¼ 1.65) dents (MAge ¼ 22.27, Male ¼ 45.76%) at UTSA success-
than in the control condition (M ¼ 3.74, SD ¼ 1.78; F(1, fully completed the study for course credit. Scarcity was
147) ¼ 7.78, p ¼ .006, partial g2 ¼ .050), and the general measured and desire for abundance was manipulated to be
categorization tendency score was lower in the scarcity either low or unchanged (i.e., in a control condition).
condition (M ¼ 4.23, SD ¼ 1.69) than in the control condi-
tion (M ¼ 5.15, SD ¼ 1.42; F(1, 147) ¼ 13.21, p < .001, Desire for Abundance Manipulation. Desire for abun-
partial g2 ¼ .082). A serial mediation analysis (model 6 in dance was manipulated first. Participants in the low desire
PROCESS; Preacher and Hayes 2008) revealed that the for abundance condition read that “There are times when
conditional indirect effect (i.e., scarcity dummy ! desire having a lot of things can make life very inconvenient, like
for abundance index ! general categorization tendency when you are moving to a new house, when you are pack-
score ! price-quality judgments) obtained by resampling ing for travel, or when you are choosing between too many
the data 10,000 times was significantly negative (bias-cor- choice options.” Then, participants imagined such a situa-
rected 95% CI ¼ [–.0324, –.0007]). tion and wrote in detail about the ways in which having a
lot of things might make their life worse. Participants in
Mediation Predicting General Categorization
the control desire for abundance condition wrote about the
Tendency. To further strengthen the mediating role of de-
things they did during the past week.
sire for abundance in the relationship between scarcity and
general categorization tendency, we tested the mediation Stimuli and Measures. We measured scarcity by asking
path from scarcity to general categorization tendency. The the following four questions: “I feel that I do not have
mediation analysis revealed that the indirect effect (i.e., enough of something,” “I grew up with scarce resources,”
scarcity dummy ! desire for abundance index ! general “I often think of the scarcity issues I experience,” and “I
categorization tendency score) obtained by resampling the feel I might lack resources in the future,” on a seven-point
data 10,000 times was significantly negative (bias-cor- scale (1 ¼ not at all, 7 ¼ definitely). The ratings for these
rected 95% CI ¼ [–.5791, –.0830]), confirming that desire items were averaged (a ¼ .72) to form the scarcity
for abundance mediates the relationship between scarcity measure.
and general categorization tendency. General categorization tendency was assessed via a be-
Study 2A provides strong evidence for the proposed full havioral categorization measure we developed.
causal chain by demonstrating that desire for abundance Specifically, participants imagined that they are planning a
and general categorization tendency serially mediate the vacation and saw nine vacation destination images pre-
relationship between scarcity and price-quality judgments, sented in a 3  3 grid format (nine entities; from (1, 1) po-
and that desire for abundance mediates the relationship be- sition to (3, 3) position). These vacation destinations
tween scarcity and general categorization tendency. consisted of three different types of destinations—ruins,
Furthermore, we show these effects using a behavioral sea resorts, and waterfalls—and each type had three
measure of general categorization tendency, which attests options. They were positioned in a 3  3 grid such that the
to the robustness of our process account. three ruins destinations were on the diagonal (i.e., (1, 1),
(2, 2), and (3, 3) positions), the three sea resort destinations
STUDY 2B: DESIRE FOR ABUNDANCE were in the upper-right corner (i.e., (1, 2), (1, 3), and (2, 3)
MANIPULATED positions), and the three waterfall destinations were in the
lower-left corner (i.e., (2, 1), (3, 1), and (3, 2) positions).
To provide further causal support for the mediating role After viewing these vacation destinations, participants
of desire for abundance, study 2B manipulated desire for moved to the next page where an identical 3  3 grid for-
abundance. Specifically, we predicted that, for people who mat was provided but with only the destination image for
perceive resources to be scarce, lowering desire for abun- the ruins option positioned at (1, 1) shown. The other eight
dance via experimental manipulation (vs. not lowering it) positions were blank. Participants were then asked to pick
should increase general categorization tendency and price- two positions (letters indicating positions) that could be
quality judgments. However, for people who do not per- grouped together with the shown destination (see web ap-
ceive resources to be scarce, such a manipulation is not pendix N for the measure). Our reasoning was that partici-
expected to influence the general categorization tendency pants with a higher general categorization tendency would
and price-quality judgments because these individuals be more likely to recognize the groupings (i.e., different

categories) in the original list, and thus more likely to later greater price-quality judgments in the low versus the con-
pick the destinations that would belong in the same cate- trol desire for abundance condition (B ¼ –.28 with 95% CI
gory as the shown destination when asked unexpectedly. of [–.53 –.03], SE ¼ .12, t ¼ –2.29, p ¼ .026), while at
Thus, we used the number of selected destinations that 1SD below the mean of the scarcity measure (2.11), partic-
were the same type as the shown destination (i.e., ruins) as ipants’ price-quality judgments did not differ between the
the general categorization tendency score—the choice of low and the control desire for abundance conditions (B ¼

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
the other two remaining ruins destinations was coded as 2, .13 with 95% CI of [–.11 .37], SE ¼ .12, t ¼ 1.06, p ¼ .29).
the choice of only one ruins destination was coded as 1, The difference in price-quality judgments between the low
and the choice of no ruins destinations was coded as 0. and the control desire for abundance conditions was signif-
We measured price-quality judgments similarly to previ- icant for any value of the scarcity measure greater than
ous studies, using DVD players as the product category 3.81 (B ¼ –.21 with 95% CI of [–.41 .00], SE ¼ .10, t ¼ –
(see web appendix J for stimuli). 2.00, p ¼ .05), which included 28.81% of participants in
We tested the effectiveness of the desire for abundance the experiment. These results indicate that when desire for
manipulation using a seven-point (1 ¼ strongly disagree, abundance is held low, scarcity no longer decreases price-
7 ¼ strongly agree), five-item scale (a ¼ .94); for example, quality judgments.
“At this moment, I desire to own a lot of things” (see web Second, we performed the same analyses for price-
appendix O for all items). quality judgments. A spotlight analysis using the Johnson-
Neyman technique showed that at 1SD above the mean of
the scarcity measure (4.21), general categorization ten-
Results dency was significantly higher in the low versus the control
A pretest using 93 participants drawn from the same desire for abundance condition (B ¼ –.61 with 95% CI of
population as those in the main study confirmed that partic-
ipants in the low desire for abundance condition (M ¼ 3.09,
SD ¼ 1.63) indicated a weaker desire for abundance than
those in the control desire for abundance condition THE EFFECTS OF SCARCITY AND DESIRE FOR ABUNDANCE
(M ¼ 4.19, SD ¼ 1.52; F(1, 91) ¼ 11.35, p ¼ .001, partial ON PRICE-QUALITY JUDGMENTS AND GENERAL
In the control desire for abundance condition, scarcity
was negatively associated with both general categorization
tendency (B ¼ –.30 with 95% CI of [–.57 –.023], SE ¼
.13, t ¼ –2.22, p ¼ .035, r2 ¼ .15) and price-quality judg-
ments (B ¼ –.15 with 95% CI of [–.31 –.002], SE ¼ .074, t
¼ –2.08, p ¼ .047, r2 ¼ .13; Figure 2), as in previous stud-
ies. In the low desire for abundance condition, however,
scarcity was not significantly associated with either general
categorization tendency (B ¼ –.049 with 95% CI of [–.30
.20], SE ¼ .12, t ¼ –.41, p ¼ .69) or price-quality judg-
ments (B ¼ –.042 with 95% CI of [–.046 .13], SE ¼ .043, t
¼ .99, p ¼ .33). A moderated mediation analysis (model
8 in PROCESS; Preacher and Hayes 2008) revealed that in
the control desire for abundance condition, the conditional
indirect effect (i.e., scarcity [continuous variable] ! gen-
eral categorization tendency score [continuous variable] !
price-quality judgments [continuous variable]) obtained by
resampling the data 10,000 times was significantly nega-
tive (bias-corrected 95% CI ¼ [–.1087, –.0012]), replicat-
ing our previous mediation results. However, in the low
desire for abundance condition, the conditional indirect ef-
fect was not significant (bias-corrected 95% CI ¼ [–.0446,
Next, we ran follow-up spotlight analyses (Spiller et al.
2013) for both price-quality judgments and general catego-
rization tendency, separately. A spotlight analysis using
the Johnson-Neyman technique showed that at 1SD above
the mean of the scarcity measure (4.21), participants made

[–1.15 –.068], SE ¼ .27, t ¼ –2.26, p ¼ .028), while at Scarcity Manipulation. As in study 1A, participants in
1SD below the mean of the scarcity measure (2.11), gen- the scarcity condition wrote an essay for up to three
eral categorization tendency did not differ between the low minutes about growing up having scarce resources, and
and the control desire for abundance conditions (B ¼ –.09 participants in the control condition wrote about the things
with 95% CI of [–.62 .43], SE ¼ .26, t ¼ –.36, p ¼ .72). they did during the past week.
The difference in general categorization tendency between

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
the low and the control desire for abundance conditions
was significant for any value of the scarcity measure
greater than 3.26 (B ¼ –.38 with 95% CI of [–.75 .00], SE Categorization Tendency Manipulation. We used a cat-
¼ .19, t ¼ –2.00, p ¼ .05), which included 45.76% of par- egorization task adapted from Liberman, Sagristano, and
ticipants in the experiment. These results indicate that Trope (2002). Participants in the high categorization ten-
when desire for abundance is held low, scarcity no longer dency condition were shown a list of 30 random items
reduces general categorization tendency. (e.g., chairs, fish tank) and asked to sort the items into any
number of subgroups in any way that made sense to them.
The survey software allowed participants to drag each item
Discussion into numbered boxes of subgroups (i.e., subgroup 1, sub-
The results of study 2B provide further support for the group 2, etc.). Participants were allowed to put as many
role of desire for abundance as the mechanism underlying items as they liked in each box, but not allowed to put the
the relation between scarcity and reduced categorization same item in different boxes. Participants in the control
tendency, by demonstrating that when desire for abundance categorization tendency condition were shown the same
is held low via experimental manipulation, scarcity no lon- list of 30 items, but were asked to select any five items
ger reduces general categorization tendency or price- from the list that they had relevant experience with and
quality judgments. This result provides additional empiri- write a sentence about it. Participants in the low categori-
cal evidence supporting our process account, and collec- zation condition were shown nine items (drawn from the
tively, studies 2A and 2B provide strong support for the original list of 30 items) that were preorganized into three
full causal chain. groups (three boxes), where each group (box) included
three items. They were asked to “un-categorize” the nine
items by dragging each item out of its respective group
STUDY 3: BOLSTERING THE MEDIATING and, while doing that, to think about why the particular
ROLE OF GENERAL CATEGORIZATION item would not belong in the respective group or why that
TENDENCY particular grouping would not be useful. After dragging all
nine items, participants wrote about why each item did not
To further support the causal role of general categoriza-
belong in its group or why that grouping would not be use-
tion tendency as the underlying mechanism, study 3 manip-
ful (see web appendix L for high and low categorization
ulated general categorization tendency. We predicted that
tendency manipulations).
increasing general categorization tendency via experimen-
tal manipulation (vs. not increasing it) would increase price
quality judgments for both people who perceive resources
to be scarce and people who do not perceive resources to Stimuli and Measures. In study 3, we assessed price-
be scarce. Furthermore, lowering general categorization quality judgments using both camcorders and DVD players
tendency via experimental manipulation should decrease for generalizability purposes. Participants were shown a
price-quality judgments for people who do not perceive list of 18 camcorders. As in previous studies, participants
resources to be scarce, but might not impact people who were given an average retail price for each of a series of 10
perceive resources to be scarce because these individuals anonymous camcorder brands and asked to rate each
already have a relatively low general categorization brand’s quality on a scale of 1 to 100. Participants then re-
tendency. peated this process for DVD players (see web appendix J
for stimuli). Because participants’ subjective price-quality
correlations for the two products were significantly corre-
Method lated (r ¼ .50, p < .001), we averaged these correlations (a
Participants and Design. Three hundred ninety-one ¼ .66) to indicate participants’ price-quality judgments
MTurk panelists (MAge ¼ 37.32, Male ¼ 40.41%) success- across the two product categories.
fully completed the study in exchange for a small monetary The same scarcity manipulation checks were used as in
reward. A 2 (scarcity: control vs. scarcity)  3 (categoriza- previous studies. The categorization tendency manipula-
tion tendency: control categorization tendency vs. high cat- tion was checked using a five-item scale (a ¼ .81); for ex-
egorization tendency vs. low categorization tendency) ample, “At this moment, my attention is focused on
between-subjects design was used. grouping things” (see web appendix O for all items).

Results FIGURE 3
A pretest using 98 (103) participants drawn from the
same population as those in the main study confirmed the CATEGORIZATION TENDENCY ON PRICE-QUALITY
effectiveness of the scarcity (categorization tendency) ma- JUDGMENTS (STUDY 3)
nipulation (see web appendix P for results).

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
A 2  3 ANOVA on price-quality judgments showed a
marginally significant interaction between scarcity and cat-
egorization tendency (F(2, 385) ¼ 2.43, p ¼ .090, partial
g2 ¼ .012), and a significant main effect of categorization
tendency (F(2, 385) ¼ 6.43, p ¼ .002, partial g2 ¼ .032;
Figure 3). The main effect of scarcity was not significant
(F < 1). Contrasts showed that participants in the control
categorization tendency condition made lower price-
quality judgments in the scarcity condition (M ¼ .64, SD
¼ .42) than in the control condition (M ¼ .75, SD ¼ .29;
F(1, 150) ¼ 3.93, p ¼.049, partial g2 ¼ .026), as in our
previous studies. However, participants’ price-quality
judgments did not differ between the scarcity and the con-
trol conditions in either the high categorization tendency
condition (Mcontrol ¼ .82, SD ¼ .17 vs. Mscarcity ¼ .79, SD
¼ .27; F < 1) or the low categorization tendency condition
(Mcontrol ¼ .65, SD ¼ .29 vs. Mscarcity ¼ .70, SD ¼ .32; people who do not perceive resources to be scarce), and (2)
F < 1). lowering categorization tendency via experimental manip-
Furthermore, compared to the control categorization ten- ulation lowers price-quality judgments (but only for people
dency condition, participants made higher price-quality who do not perceive resources to be scarce).
judgments in the high categorization tendency condition, in Furthermore, in study 3 we tested and ruled out several
both the control condition (Mcontrol categorization ¼ .75, SD ¼ alternative explanations (i.e., price consciousness, rational-
.29 vs. Mhigh categorization ¼ .82, SD ¼ .17; F(1, 142) ¼ ization, and desirability of products vs. experiences) (see
2.75, p ¼ .099, partial g2 ¼ .019) and the scarcity condi- ancillary analyses for study 3 in web appendix F). To pro-
tion (Mcontrol categorization ¼ .64, SD ¼ .42 vs. Mhigh categoriza- vide more rigorous process support, we further conducted
2 an analysis to show that (1) categorization indeed brings
tion ¼ .79, SD ¼ .27; F(1, 144) ¼ 6.25, p ¼ .014, partial g
¼ .042). Compared to the control categorization tendency about a feeling that things reduce, and (2) the act of revers-
condition, participants made lower price-quality judgments ing categorization brings about a feeling that things in-
in the low categorization tendency condition, in the control crease (see study 7 in web appendix E).
condition (Mcontrol categorization ¼ .75, SD ¼ .29 vs. Mlow cat-
egorization ¼ .65, SD ¼ .29; F(1, 122) ¼ 3.95, p ¼ .049, par-
tial g2 ¼ .031), providing further support for the mediating
role of general categorization tendency. However, partici- STUDY 4: OWN VERSUS OTHERS’
pants’ price-quality judgments did not differ between the PURCHASES AS A MODERATOR
control and the low categorization tendency conditions, in
Study 4 examined a factor that may increase (vs. de-
the scarcity condition (Mcontrol categorization ¼ .64, SD ¼ .42
crease) people’s general categorization tendency under
vs. Mlow categorization ¼ .70, SD ¼ .32; F < 1), suggesting
scarcity, and thus reverse the effect of scarcity on price-
that general categorization tendency among those in the
quality judgments. It is widely accepted that total resources
scarcity condition is already low and thus is unlikely to be
in the world are finite (Kotler 2011). Thus, perceptions of
further decreased by a manipulation lowering categoriza-
resource scarcity should reinforce the idea that the total
tion tendency.
availability of resources is limited—both for oneself and
for others (Duarte 2011). This should engender a simple
recognition—the more others get, the less is left over for
Discussion oneself. Consistent with this proposition, previous research
Study 3 bolsters the causal role of general categorization has shown that scarcity-induced recognition of finite
tendency as the underlying mechanism by demonstrating resources leads individuals to expend more time and effort
that (1) increasing categorization tendency via experimen- competing with others for those resources (Grossman and
tal manipulation increases price-quality judgments (for Mendoza 2003), and to be less likely to share resources
both people who perceive resources to be scarce and with others (Aarøe and Petersen 2013).

We have theorized that a perception of scarcity increases participants’ price-quality judgments across the three prod-
a desire for abundance for oneself, which in turn reduces uct categories.
general categorization tendency. Because scarcity prompts
the thought that the more others get, the less is left over for General Categorization Tendency Measure. We
oneself, individuals who face scarcity—who have a desire assessed general categorization tendency using a seven-
for abundance for oneself—should also have desire for point (1 ¼ strongly disagree, 7 ¼ strongly agree), three-

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
others to have less (thus leaving more available for oneself, item scale: “I find myself geared toward categorizing
given finite resources; Han, Lalwani, and Duhachek 2017). things (e.g., objects, products, events, personalities),” “I
This suggests that, in situations where an individual under enjoy grouping things in my mind,” and “It feels easy for
scarcity evaluates objects that are to be owned by others me to see similarities between things.” The ratings for
(vs. themselves), the individual may be motivated to do the these items were averaged (a ¼ .80) to form the general
opposite—categorize the objects more (instead of less) so categorization tendency score. The same scarcity manipu-
that others are perceived as getting less (because categori- lation checks were used as in previous studies.
zation is associated with the feeling of reduction).
Based on this reasoning, we predicted the following re-
versal effect: when individuals who face scarcity evaluate
Results and Discussion
brands that others consider for purchase (vs. evaluate A pretest using 57 participants drawn from the same
brands for their own purchases), scarcity increases (not population as those in the main study confirmed the effec-
reduces, as in the previous studies) general categorization tiveness of the scarcity manipulation (see web appendix P
tendency, which in turn increases (vs. decreases) price- for results).
quality judgments. A 2  2 ANOVA on average price-quality judgments
showed a significant scarcity by own vs. others’ purchases
interaction (F(1, 237) ¼ 8.07, p ¼ .005, partial g2 ¼ .033),
Method and a significant main effect of own vs. others’ purchases
Participants and Design. Two hundred forty-one un- (F(1, 237) ¼ 4.45, p ¼ .036, partial g2 ¼ .018); the main
dergraduate students (MAge ¼ 21.90, Male ¼ 63.90%) at effect of scarcity was not significant (F < 1). Contrasts
UTSA successfully completed the study for course credit. showed that when participants evaluated brands for their
A 2 (scarcity: control vs. scarcity)  2 (own vs. others’ own purchases, participants made lower price-quality judg-
purchases: own-purchase, others’-purchases) between- ments in the scarcity (M ¼ .57, SD ¼ .44) than in the con-
subjects design was used. trol condition (M ¼ .70, SD ¼ .28; F(1, 121) ¼ 4.23, p
¼.042, partial g2 ¼ .034), which replicates our previous ef-
Scarcity Manipulation. Participants in the scarcity fect of scarcity on decreased price-quality judgments.
(control) condition wrote about growing up having scarce Consistent with our theoretical account, participants indi-
resources (about the things they did during the past week). cated a lower general categorization tendency in the scar-
city (M ¼ 3.99, SD ¼ 1.31) than in the control condition
Own versus Others’ Purchases Manipulation, Stimuli, (M ¼ 4.46, SD ¼ 1.30; F(1, 121) ¼ 4.05, p ¼ .046, partial
and Price-Quality Judgments Measure. Own versus g2 ¼ .042).
others’ purchases was manipulated as part of the quality es- When participants evaluated brands that others consider
timation task. As in previous studies, participants were for their purchases, participants made higher price-quality
shown a list of brands described along several attributes, judgments in the scarcity (M ¼ .78, SD ¼ .20) than in the
including price and quality rating. Participants in the own- control condition (M ¼ .67, SD ¼ .36; F(1, 116) ¼ 3.99, p
purchase condition imagined that they were looking at ¼.048, partial g2 ¼ .033), which shows a reversal effect to
those brands for their own purchases. Participants in the our previous findings. Consistent with our theoretical ac-
others’-purchases condition imagined that other shoppers count, participants indicated a higher general categoriza-
were looking at those brands for their purchases. tion tendency in the scarcity (M ¼ 4.81, SD ¼ .94) than in
Afterward, participants were given an average retail price the control condition (M ¼ 4.38, SD ¼ 1.20; F(1, 116) ¼
for each of a series of 10 anonymous brands in the same 4.57, p ¼ .035, partial g2 ¼ .038).
product category and asked to rate each brand’s quality on Lending further support to our process account, a moder-
a scale of 1 to 100. The correlation between the provided ated mediation analysis (model 7 in PROCESS; Preacher
retail prices of the anonymous brands and participants’ and Hayes 2008) revealed that in the own-purchase condi-
subjective quality estimates for those brands was used as tion, the conditional indirect effect (i.e., scarcity ! general
the price-quality judgments measure. For generalizability categorization tendency score [continuous variable] !
purposes, this process was repeated for three product cate- price-quality judgments [continuous variable]) was signifi-
gories—camcorders, computer monitors, and DVD play- cantly negative (bias-corrected 95% CI ¼ [–.0444, –
ers. We averaged these correlations (a ¼ .90) to indicate .0001]), while in the others’-purchases condition, the

conditional indirect effect was significantly positive (bias- hindering tier-based thinking (i.e., price-tiering), a mecha-
corrected 95% CI ¼ [.0002, .0388]). nism that has been unexplored in the price-quality
The results of study 4 bolster our process account by literature.
demonstrating that a condition that increases (vs. reduces) The present research also adds theoretical understanding
people’s general categorization tendency under scarcity to the categorization literature. Prior research on categori-
reverses the proposed effect of scarcity on price-quality zation in the marketing area has largely focused on how

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
judgments. Further, the use of multiple product categories people categorize. Previous categorization research typi-
adds robustness to the proposed theoretical model. cally focuses on how broadly or narrowly people catego-

rize (Ulkümen et al. 2010), or the number of subcategories
people generate (Liberman and Trope 2008; Redden 2008).
Other research examines the composition of categorized
GENERAL DISCUSSION objects, focusing on how and when the same objects can be
grouped differently (Barsalou 1982; Gutman 1982).
The present research examines how scarcity influences Relatively little research focuses on the extent to which
consumers’ tendency to use price to judge product quality. people categorize. That is, individuals may vary both in
Six studies (and five more reported in the web appendix) terms of how likely they are to categorize and in terms of
using multiple product categories and a variety of opera- how they categorize given that they do categorize. This
tionalizations of scarcity and price-quality judgments pro- multidimensional view of categorization may broaden our
vide converging evidence that scarcity decreases price- understanding of consumer categorization processes in a
quality judgments, and that this occurs because scarcity variety of marketing settings, along with how those pro-
induces a desire for abundance, which in turn reduces gen- cesses influence behavior. Moreover, we also identify both
eral categorization tendency. We provide strong support an important antecedent (i.e., scarcity) and a consequence
for our proposed process and also demonstrate a theoreti- (i.e., price-quality judgments) of the categorization
cally driven reversal effect. process.
The present research has several theoretical implica- Our findings have several implications for managers. In
tions. To our knowledge, the current research is the first to many situations, managers may want their customers to
directly examine the influence of scarcity on price-quality make strong price-quality inferences. Specifically, manag-
judgments. Furthermore, contrary to what might be pre- ers of high-end stores or whose goal is to increase sales of
dicted by prior literature (e.g., scarcity limiting cognitive high-priced items should desire that customers perceive ex-
capacity, leading to increased reliance on the price-quality pensive products as higher in quality and thus become
heuristic), we show that scarcity decreases price-quality more likely to purchase those high-priced products. In such
judgments. circumstances, the mediating variables in our theoretical
We also contribute to the scarcity literature by proposing framework suggest some possibilities for using the store
a novel process driven by scarcity. Although the scarcity environment to increase price-quality inferences. For ex-
literature suggests that scarcity activates its own mindsets ample, categorizing assortments by price (e.g., low price,
and psychological processes (Shah et al. 2012), many of high price) may facilitate the use of price tiers as a basis
these processes remain underexplored (Roux et al. 2015). for judging a product’s quality, and therefore may increase
The present research fills this gap by identifying a new people’s willingness to purchase high-priced options. More
psychological process driven by scarcity: a reduction in generally, product displays that are highly and visibly cate-
general categorization tendency. Because categorization is gorized (e.g., product shelves using structured presentation
a fundamental human process that pervades all levels of with clear attribute-based grouping labels, such as large/
mental functioning (Brough and Chernev 2012), the pre- moderate-sized/small screen TVs) can increase consumers’
sent finding that scarcity reduces general categorization general categorization tendency and thereby make price-
tendency may enrich our understanding of the psychology quality associations more salient in the consumer’s mind.
of scarcity by providing a more fundamental explanation The same objective could also be attained by reducing con-
for scarcity’s impact on other human processes and subse- sumers’ desire for abundance. For example, inside the
quent behaviors. store, managers could have portraits, displays, or ads with
This research also adds to the literature on price-quality slogans such as “buy small, be happy” and “less can be
judgments. As Lalwani and Forcum (2016) note, the focus more.” As our theoretical model suggests, doing so may in-
of recent research in this area has been to examine how crease customers’ price-quality inferences. Furthermore,
consumers’ processing tendencies affect the way they our findings suggest that when stronger price-quality infer-
make price-quality inferences (Bornemann and Homburg ences are desired, retailers are advised to avoid utilizing
2011; Lalwani and Shavitt 2013; Lalwani and Wang 2019). scarcity messages (e.g., “sale ends this week” or “while
Our theoretical account suggests that reduced categoriza- supplies last”) especially for product categories in which
tion tendency decreases price-quality judgments by the proportion of high-priced items is high, as priming

scarcity among consumers may decrease their price-quality brand familiarity (e.g., people may anchor on a more famil-
inferences. iar option and adjust from that when assessing other
Conversely, managers may also find times when they options). For example, if the most familiar option is an in-
wish to reduce customers’ price-quality inferences to en- expensive brand, consumers under scarcity might be more
courage those customers to perceive relatively more value likely to lower perceived quality of more expensive brands;
in lower-priced items (i.e., lowering the tendency to view conversely, if the most familiar option is an expensive

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur user on 21 August 2023
lower prices as signaling poorer quality). For example, brand, consumers under scarcity might be more likely to
stores focused on low price, discount brands (e.g., Dollar increase perceived quality of less expensive brands. Future
Tree or 99 cents stores) would benefit by having consum- research should investigate this interesting question.
ers buy one of those low-price options rather than taking Our theoretical account raises another intriguing ques-
their shopping search elsewhere to look for and purchase tion about choice experiences. Because scarcity triggers
higher-priced options; also, any store may find itself with a the desire for abundance, individuals with scarce resources
supply surplus of a low-priced brand, and thus a desire to might prefer to keep all available options active, and thus
sell that brand and reduce excess inventory. In situations be less inclined to narrow options down. This might indi-
like these, our theoretical framework again suggests some cate that they have a lower tendency to form consideration
possible managerial tactics: (1) decrease consumers’ cate- sets. Because the formation of consideration sets makes the
gorization tendency, for example by presenting products in choice process more efficient by reducing the cognitive
a difficult-to-organize or unlabeled array, or by avoiding burden to compare all available options (Hauser and
presentation arrays that facilitate organization by price Wernerfelt 1990), those who do not form consideration
(e.g., don’t organize items in a high to low price sequence); sets are likely to experience high decision complexity and
(2) increase desire for abundance (e.g., with messages like choice difficulty. On the other hand, one might argue that
“more is always better,” “you can never have too much,” those who lack resources may simply choose cheaper
or “stock up before the holiday season”); and (3) increase options, which should make the choice process simple. So,
consumer feelings of scarcity, for example by store mes- does scarcity complicate or simplify choice? Future re-
saging (e.g., “limited time only”) or by intentionally leav- search should investigate this question as well.
ing vacant spots on shelving to imply out-of-stock
Some may have concerns with the relatively small sam-
ples in some of the studies (e.g., study 2B); however, con- All authors managed the collection of data for the pre-
sistent support for both our proposed effect and process liminary test, study 1A, study 2A, study 3, study 5 [web ap-
across 11 studies (six in the main article and five in the pendix C], study 6 [web appendix D], study 9 [web
web appendix) provides evidence for the robustness of our appendix H], and supporting data for study referenced in
effect. Further, although we tested the price-quality effect footnote 3 using the Qualtrics panel described in the meth-
in a variety of product categories, a possible threat to gen- ods section in the spring of 2016, spring of 2016, spring of
eralizability is that these are primarily utilitarian products. 2018, winter of 2017, spring of 2016, winter of 2017, win-
Future research could replicate our findings using other ter of 2017, and winter of 2017, respectively. The first au-
product categories. thor and the third author jointly supervised the collection
Although we have shown that scarcity decreases price- of data for study 1B, study 2B, study 4, study 7 [web ap-
quality judgments, one may still wonder which end(s) of pendix E], and study 8 [web appendix G] by research assis-
the price-quality continuum becomes weakened under scar- tants at the University of Texas at San Antonio Research
city—that is, whether the high-priced brand is rated as Lab in the fall and winter of 2017. All data were primarily
lower quality, the low-priced brand is rated as higher qual- analyzed by the first author in discussion and consultation
ity, or both. Our theoretical framework suggests that peo- with the second and third authors.
ple who face scarcity are less likely to view less versus
more expensive options as belonging to different catego- REFERENCES
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