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Alynna I.

Palma Grade 6 -

Persona Planetaria

Mercury is the planet that I chose to represent myself because it is named after
the messenger of God. Who could travel very quickly from place to place. This is where
the planet Mercury named after because it can travel the sun for a short time. It is the
closest planet from the sun. Mercury doesn’t have any moon or rings also the smallest
planet in the solar system it is just bigger than the size of our moon. Mercury revolution
is just about 88 days. It is the most crated and solid planet in the solar system but it is
not the hottest planet, Venus is the hottest planet. Mercury has a molten core and
wrinkles called Lobate Scraps.

Mercury and I both love to travel, I love exploring the country and enjoy the
beautiful sceneries. I always believe that life is short that we must enjoy and live our life
to the fullest. I often travel to Singapore where my parents are based so I also enjoy the
places and sceneries there. I spent most of the school vacation in Singapore. It is short
time but I enjoy the time and the moment I spent with my parents. It reminds me how
fast the mercury revolves around the sun. It is like my time spending with my parents in
Singapore because I have to go back before the school year open.

Mercury also reminds me that I am the youngest and the smallest in the family. It
also reminds me that I am the closest to my mom which is represent the sun and the
light of our family like Mercury which is the closest planet to the sun in the solar system.

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