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Curriculum vitae- CV

1.Personal information

Name/Surname -Imelda Sulo

Address -St."Pjeter Budi qytet Studeni",Tirane

Phone number -0677429533


Birthday -03.06.2003

Gender -Female


● Non-public high school"Preca College"Korçe 2018-2021

● High school"University of Polytechnic,Tirane Faculty of Technology and Information 2021-_

3.Personal experiences

● Translator at low office"Olta Shkelqimi"

4.Different abilities

● Languages:

- Albanian language

-English language, certificated in B2+ level

-German language

-Turkish language

-Spanish language

5.Computeric knowledge

● Using different programs as Word ,Power Point ,Excel

● Good knowledge in using Internet and computer languages (Html,CSS,C,C++)

6.Free time

● Reading different books, watching films

● Doing sports like volleyball and tennis

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