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Physical Geography

1. Italy

2. Southern Europe

3. 116.374 square miles

4. Austria, France, Holy See, San Marino, Slovenia, and Switzerland

Cultural Geography
5.The coast is where most of Italy's Mediterranean climate can be found. Inland, it is mostly cooler
and wetter yet normally more smoking throughout the mid-year. The north of Italy has more of an
Alpine climate, with a lot of snow in the winter, while the south is hot and mostly dry.

6. 59.11 million

7. The Italians are Italy's predominant ethnic group, making up 95% (more than 60 million) of the
country's total population. Albanians, Romanians, Ukrainians, and other Europeans make up the
remaining 5% of the population, or 2.5%. Africans (1.5%), and a few different minorities (1%).

8. The official language is Italian. Also, they have different dialects, like Tuscan dialects, Central
Italian dialects, various forms of regional Italian

9. The capital is Rome. Some of the main cities are Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo, Genoa,
Bologna, Florence, Bari, and Catania
10. The food is excellent, the people are friendly, there is plenty of work if you are qualified.

There is a shortage of housing in many areas in the larger cities and an abundance in rural

areas. The cost of living is reasonable. Fuel prices are high but sustainable

Political Geography
11. June 2, 1946

12. Italy is a Democratic Republic

13. The President is Sergio Mattarella, and the Prime Minister is Giorgia Melon

14. There is a total of 340,885 men and women with the official status of active military personnel,
of which 167,057 are in the Army, Navy and Air Force.

15. The allies are the NATO countries and EU states. Their enemies are Germany, China, Russia and

Economic Geography
16. 2.108 trillion USD

17. coal, zinc, potash, marble, barite, pumice, asbestos, fluorspar, mercury, feldspar, pyrite, natural
gas, and crude oil reserves

18. The euro

19. Italy's two main exports are precision machinery (18%), metals and metal products (13%). Crude
Petroleum ($31B), Petroleum Gas ($30.5B), Cars ($26.2B), Packaged Medicaments ($17.6B), and

20. Germany (13.1%), France (10.3%), the U.S. (9.5%), Switzerland (5.4%), and Spain (5%)

Hello in Italian is "ciao"

The Roman Empire had a long-term impact on governance, the arts, and architecture.
Following the fall of the Roman Empire in the 400s, Italy became a divided country ruled by
foreign kings for a lengthy period of time.
After 1300, the renaissance, an era of tremendous artistic achievement, arose in Italy and
expanded across the rest of Europe.
When Napoleon Bonaparte took the region in the early 1800s, he unified most of the Italian
peninsula under one authority for the first time.
Napoleon annexed the area to the French Empire.
In 1861, the majority of Italy became an independent country for the first time under the
constitutional monarchy of King Victor Emmanuel II.
Italy's flag (created by

One major difference between Italy and Spain is that Spain is almost twice the size of Italy

Currently, Italy is facing a big problem related to economic inflation

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