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Name: Pernito John Nicole P.


Activity 1: In a three-paragraph essay, explain the cognitive, metacognitive, motivation,

As affective factors of psychological learner-centered principle of learning in your own
words. Cite at least two classroom situations that apply two principles of these factors.

cognitive is the orientation why because cognitive is factors of learning that need attention and critical
students and involves various strategies that one uses to learn something like speaker the only one who
transferring the learning into listener and ofcourse the speaker needs to do strategy to get the attention
of the listener.

Metacognitive for me its a classroom because when it comes of metacognitive it's needed to monitor
and evaluate the learners so on this situation the classroom involves these factors of evaluate and
monitoring. Teacher and students have freedom to speak of their own opinion and after discussion the
teacher will give evaluation like assessment to monitor the status of students if they gain knowledge or


Students are either intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation refers to a person’s
natural interest in a subject and their belief that it is meanIngful. External variables, for example, exam
results, expectations of family, forces extrinsic motivation.


1. “Variety is a spice of life”. How is this statement applicable in the selection of instructional
strategies, motivational strategies and affective strategies?

What I understand it's mean "life is more interesting and enjoyable when it includes many
different things." This quote motivate people against of their fear and the quote is can give
impact to the readers because they will think what if they escape their ordinary and go out of
their comfort zone and try to do something and gain experience.
2. “This subject is my Waterloo”. A statement most learners attribute to subjects they find
difficult. If you were the teacher, what motivation and affective strategies would you use to
alter this perception and attitude?

For me all people experience of failure but that failure is a key to open a door because inside of
the door is learning and that learning is the weapon to reach ours dreams, so why you fear to
fail. Fail is part of success, we fail we learn, we fail we stand for new version of our self. So
don't be scared of fear this is way to become strong.

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