Passive Voice

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ACTIVE VOICE: fokus adalah pelaku (Actor/Doer) .

Jadi, subject di kalimat ini adalah pelaku



to focus on the receiver that receives action so this kind of sentence MUST CONSIST OF RECEIVER.

Berfungsi untuk mengganti fokus menjadi penerima perbuatan (receiver). Jadi, subject di kalimat ini
adalah penerima perbuatan (receiver).


1. I eat apple. (ACTIVE)

2. Apple is eaten. (PASSIVE: apple is the subject that is a receiver)
3. Noodle is made. (PASSIVE: noodle is the subject that is a receiver)
4. Book is bought. (PASSIVE: book is the subject that is a receiver)
5. Pencil is sharpened. (PASSIVE: pencil is the subject that is a receiver)
6. A group of students have sung some songs in front of the school. (A)
7. A group of students are grouped into 5 different categories. (P)

ACTIVE (Subject as Actor/ Doer): S+V+O PASSIVE (Subject as Receiver): S+V

SIMPLE I eat apple every day. Apple is eaten every day.
PRESENT (-) I do not eat apple every day. (-)Apple is not eaten every day.
She eats apple every day.
(-) She doesn’t eat apple every day

She is beautiful. (tidak bisa diubah ke

passive karena tidak memiliki RECEIVER
PRESENT I am eating apple now. Apple is being eaten.
CONT They are eating vitamin C this month. (-) Apple is not being eaten.
Vit C, vit A, vit D are being eaten (by
them) this month.
She is writing her group project this Her group project is being written.
They are throwing balls in the Balls are being thrown.
PRESENT PERF I have eaten apple. I’m full. Apple has been eaten.
(-) Apple hasn’t been eaten
She has read 10 pages of Harry Potter 10 pages of Harry Potter and the
and the Prisoner of Azkaban. She still Prisoner of Azkaban have been read.
reads it.
The students of that college has swipe The floor has been swept.
the floor.
I have undergone three surgeries. Three surgeries have been
Ouch, I’ve cut my finger. Ouch, my finger has been cut.
SIMPLE PAST I ate apple this morning. Now, I’m Apple was eaten.
hungry. (-) apple was not eaten.
I did not eat apple this morning.

She was emotional. (tidak bisa diubah

ke passive karena tidak memiliki
PAST This time last night, I was eating apples. Apples were being eaten.
PROGRESSIVE/ The girls were swiping the floor when The floor was being swept when
PAST someone arrived. someone arrived.
PAST PERFECT Before I went to school, I had eaten Apples had been eaten before I went
apples. to school.
After she had swept the floor, her After the floor had been swept, Luna’s
mother called her in. mother called her in.
SIMPLE Wow, the apples look delicious. I will eat Apple will be eaten.
FUTURE apple tonight. (-)Apple will not be eaten.
I am going to eat apple tonight. Apple is going to be eaten.
My father is going to eat apple tonight.
We are going to eat apple tonight.
FUTURE This time tomorrow, I will be eating This time tomorrow, apples will be
PROGRESSIVE/ apples. being eaten.
FUTURE (-) Next month at 4 o’clock, I will not be (-) Next month at 4 o’clock, apples
CONTINOUS eating apples. will not be being eaten.
You can give me Anne’s book because You can give me Anne’s book because
she will be visiting my house tomorrow. my house will be being visited by her
FUTURE By 2040, I will have completed my By 2040, my doctoral study will have
PERFECT doctoral study. been completed.
(-) By 2030, I will not have completed (-) By 2030, my doctoral study will not
my doctoral study. have been completed.

a. I eat apple. (A)

Apple is eaten. (P)
b. I arrived in Jakarta. (Intransitive Verb: can’t be in passive form because it can’t be
followed by object)
c. I visit Jakarta. (A)
Jakarta is visited. (P)
d. I go to Bali once in three months.

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