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Topic: Discuss your own strategic plan for the children theatre by your group

children theatre is the theatre of the children by the children although it may not be meant for the
children alone The philosophy of children theatre is to enable them learn through the entertainment.
this theatre is meant for children from 4_10 years old.

we called them children they are very young and that why they possess and behave childishly. When
you are serious they see it as play. when you play they want it more. And work need to go on. so there
are some strategic plan that were carried out in my group so as to reach our goal. they are as follow:

*CONSIDERATION OF AGE: there is a saying that says children will always behave like children but adult
will use is brain so as to avoid injuring them. We consider their age before we could even choose a script
to be use for them. for example the kind of play we are working on in our own side or for our own self.
we cannot choose it for them because they cannot fix their self in base on their age and their thinking
rate. so therefore we go for improvisation by asking them what they like to do the most and then
turning it in to a play. we find out that they think base on how small they are and also the thing they see
in their environment and this has helped us so well in the rehearsal. As one of the greatest strategy.
Another strategy used is

* HABIT OF TELLING STORIES:We cultivated the habit of telling stories because we find out whenever we
say story story they will respond with story and they are always eager to hear. So whenever we go to
their school for rehearsals we first start by telling stories then telling them that after story we are going
to work and they will agree. so after telling them story we ask them what they learnt. and different
children will stand up to give their answer to the question. So they like it so much when we tell them
story. Another strategy used is

* REFRESHMENTS: Refreshments Yoruba adage that says 'come and collect bean cake, come and collect
potatoes. that makes small children knows an elders well. once in a while we try and get them
refreshments like Bobo, caprisone, sweet, biscuit e.t.c. so as to make them like us. We believe if they
like us, they will want to do many for us. they will want to work with us. Before rehearsal sometimes we
use to promise them that if they do well we will buy something for them. so if they hear that word they
will be so happy. they will want to go extramiles to impress us. some of them will be thinking about the
things we want to buy for them and so they work hard to get it. then after the rehearsal we do as we
have said. And they tell us thank you. so we see this as a way to lure them in to rehearsal mood. it as
also help us well as a plan to strategize them in our group.

*CHILDREN PLAY: sometimes we engage in children play. for example who is in the garden, suwe, tinko,
boju boju, hide and seek etc. during this time we also play and behave like a kid. because there is this
saying that says who wanted to catch a monkey must also behave like a monkey. After the play we will
now start to use the play as an example during the time of rehearsal. by saying do you know how you
shouted that time when we were playing then do same here too. did you know the way you talked
during our play our then do same now. And so they start to do it. without wasting time.

*MIMICKING: Children loves being mimicked so much. when they copy or imitate them. they feel so
happy. we study them and know each of them behaviors. we mimick them in so many ways by talking or
speaking the way they talk or speak, by laughing the way they laugh, by looking the way they look. All
this make them laugh hysterically without control. they won't get tired of us at all. They want us to
continue mimicking them. some of them even wants to mimick us too. by so doing they feel happy and
comfortable with us. so if we bring in rehearsal they won't think twice to work with us. this also have
helped us well as one of the strongest strategy we include to our plan in our group.

*CONSIDERATION OF TIME: before we meet the children to fix the time for there rehearsal we make
sure it is fixed towards the time they have not exhausted their energy. and also the time that they will
be willing to learn. And nevertheless we don't make use of much of their time. so as for them not to get
bored. because all work sometimes without ending at appropriate time gives room to boringness,
tiredness, e.t.c. so we make sure we work with the time at the appropriate time and also make good use
of it.

*rewarding the good one: when they finish doing what we ask them to do we reward the good one
separately apart from others.

*TELEVISION STRATEGY: children love watching films. and so we used this as a strategy too. by telling
them that they are going to be shown on television only if they do well. and they are also going to have
opportunities to meet the celebrity that they have been seeing on their television in their various
homes. intact this strategy have played a crucial role in helping us with our plans. Because they all want
to show on television.

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