Homework 2 Пичев О. 103

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Unit 8 Ex 5

TWA 369 do not acknowledge further transmissions, on track approaching

glidepath, check your minima, commence descent now at 500 feet per 1 per
minute, Tsay sayagain 500 feet per minute. Check wheels down and locked. On
glidepath, 5 miles from touchdown,tum right 5 degrees new heading 275, I say
again 275. 4 miles from touchdown, slightly below glidepath, below glidepath
100 feet, adjust rate of descent. 50 feet below glidepath, turn left heading
270, 3 miles from touchdown. TWA cleared to land. On glidepath, 2 miles from
touchdown, coming back to the glidepath. On glidepath, 1 mile from
touchdown. On glidepath, ½ mile from touchdown, approach completed.

GAD 6 miles from touchdown, turn right heading 260.Turning right heading
260 GAD.GAD closing from right, turn right heading 270. Right heading 270
GAD.GAD do not acknowledge further transmissions, approaching
glidepath.Check your minima. Commence descent now at 500 feet perminute. I
say again -500 feet per minute. Check wheels downand locked. On glidepath, 5
miles from touchdown. Turn right5 degrees new heading 275 s. S4 samilles
from touch-down, slightly below glidepath. Below glidepath 100 feet, ad-just
rate of descent, 50 feet below glidepath. Turn left heading 270, 3 miles from
touchdown. Coming back to the glidepath,tum right 2s degrees new heading
272, I say again272, on track, 2 % miles from touchdown. GAD cleared toland.
On glidepath, heading 272 is good, slightlyabove glidepath. 2 miles from
touchdown. On glidepath,1 ¥% miles from touchdown. On glidepath, 1 %
milesfrom touchdown, rate of descent is good. On glidepath, milefrom
touchdown, 3/4 of a mile from touchdown. OEE glidepath,
1/2 mile from touchdown. On glidepath, 4 mile from touch-down, approach
completed, out.

Unit 9.1 Ex 8
What is the RVR at touchdown? 750m
Which is the best RVR out of the three parts? 850m mid point
What is the main reason for the visibility deteriorating? thunderstorm
What is the reported speed variation? Wind-shear 25-30 knots
What is the height range of the reported wind-shear? 800 feet
Who made the wind-shear report? TWA 361
Unit 9.2 Ex 5

Hold over WXT due to local thunderstorm, expect further clearance 15.
Request heading 045 to go around the CB's 30km ahead of us.
Cleared to circle the build up at your own discretion.
Thunderstorm moving across ahead from right, turn left 30 degrees and track 25
miles will take you well clear.
We were striking in the cloud, left aileron seems to have been turned off,
passengers are rule right, request radar vector.
We have been caught in extreme severe turbulence, number of passengers are
injured, request divert to your airport.
We have been extreme thin moderate icing, request weather route ahead.
We are encountering sever icing in cloud at this level, d-ice system seems
inoperative, request emergency descent.

Unit 9.2 Ex 7

GBD we have an indication of thunderstorm ahead of us, request

clearance to avoid it by the right.
GBD can you detour the weather from the left?
Negative. There are build-ups on my way at the left sight ahead.
GBD roger, cleared to circumnavigate the CBs by turning 40° right, track out
35 miles.
Cleared to go round the CBs by offsetting 40 right and track out 35
miles GBD.
That’s correct.
GBD cleared out of CBs now, closing back to the course, BKT 05.
GBD roger, report BKT.
Wilco GBD.
GBD we've running to severe turbulence, some passengers on board
have been injured would like to divert to WTX for landing.
GBD roger, cleared divert to WTX, any information I can relay to WTX?
Please advise that we need first aid and ambulances.
Ground GBD we have a hydraulic problem, green system has failed, we have to
return to the apron for check.
GBD taxi back to gate 2 via C and P. Caution, aircraft skidded off at the
Ground GBD request taxi back to the apron due electrical fail-rue.
GBD taxi to gate 2 via taxiways C and P. Caution, aircraft skidded off

Ground GBD we would like to return to the apron due oil leaking.
GBD roger, taxi to gate 2 via C and P, do you need ground maintenance?
Affirm, please inform our company base that we need a ground engineer.
Roger. Caution, the aircraft bogged down at the intersection.
Traffic in sight.
Ground GBD we cannot remove the warning of type of configuration, there
must be something wrong, we have to taxi back for check.
GBD roger, taxi 2 via taxiways C and P to gate. Caution, there is an aircraft
skidded off near the intersection.
Roger. Traffic in sight.
Ground GBD we have an abnormal EGT indication on left engine re-quest taxi
back for check.
GBD roger, taxi to gate 2 via C and P. Taxi with caution, aircraft bogged down
the intersection.
Unit 11.2 Ex 8

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY AFR 966 intercept distress call from DLH
124, DLH 124 has fuel emergency with 15 minutes endurance, request landing
priority. The aircraft’s position 15 miles east at 9000 feet.
AFR 966 roger MAYDAY, break, break. DLH 124 cleared ISL runway 21
approach. You’ll be number one.

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY UAL 248 number two engine on fire, we have
to divert to the nearest airport for landing, advise which one is available,
position 40 miles west of CTK FL 290.

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY TWA 216 wheel well on fire during gear
retraction, we’re retutning. Request emergency assistance, position 8 miles
north at 5000 feet.

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY HAD 571 emergency descent to FL 100 due

cabin decompression, heading 190.

CCA 981 request immediate descent to 3000 m due to pressue problem.

CCA 981 stop descent at 4200 m traffic at 3900 m, QFE 1012.
CCA 981 descending to 4200 m and maintain, request further descent when

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