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1. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan? 16. A- Hello, what ______ your name?

A) What’s your daughter’s name? A) is B) are C) am D) be

B) What’s your daughter name? 17. ______ name is John.
2. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan A) you B) I C) she D) my
A) What’s he’s job? 18. And my ______ is Johnson.
B) What’s his job? A)surname B) my
3. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan. C) she D) I
A) He has two brothers. 19. My name is Lisa. ______ Lisa Peterson.
B) He have two brothers. A) My am B) I is C) I am D) I
4. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan? 20. ______ name is Apple.
A) Her brother, Dan, loves football. A) his B) she C) I D) we
B) Her brother, Dan, love football. 21. ______ Ann Apple.
5. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan? A) His B) she is C) you D) we
A) Their parents have a house in town. 22. “Where ______ John from?”
B) They’re parents has a house in town. A) are B) is C) am
6. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan? 23. “______ from the US.”
A) We likes our English lessons. A) I is B) you am C) he is
B) We like our English lessons. 24. ______ are you from? Japan.
7. Qaysi gap to‘g‘ri berilgan? A) What B) Who C) Where D) When
A) Our teacher work hard. 25. Where ______ you ______ ?
B) Our teachers work hard. A) is / from B) are / in C) are / is D) are /
8. I _____ two sisters and a brother. from
A) is B) are C) have D) has 26. ______ from Spain. I’m Rodriguez .
9. My sisters__________ both very pretty. A) I’m B) He’s C) You’re D) She’s
A) is B) are C) have D) has 27. Pierre is a French boy. ______ from
10. My little sister, Rosie,__________ only ______ .
ten. A) He is / France B) His’s / French
B) is B) are C) have D) has C) His / France D) He / France
11. Our house__________a big garden. 28. Lisa and Max are Americans. ______
A) is B) are C) have D) has from U.S.A.
12. Our parents both__________ jobs in A) There B) Their C) They are D) Their’re
town. 29. I ______ 22 years old,
A) is B) are C) have D) has A) is B) are C) am
13. My school__________ 20 classrooms. 30. But Andrew ______ 20.
A) is B) are C) have D) has A) is B) are C) am
14. I __________ a lot of friends. 31. Mark______ 19.
A) is B) are C) have D) has A) is B) are C) am
15. We__________ all very happy at school. 32. But Brian and Denis ______ 26 and 28.
A) is B) are C) have D) has A) is B) are C) am
33. “What ______ this?”
A) is B) are C) am
34. “It’s ______ umbrella.”
A) is B) are C) an
35. sugar
A) familiya B) yaxshi yotib turing
C) ko‘richguncha D) shakar
36. surname
A) familiya B) yaxshi yotib turing
C) ko‘richguncha D) shakar
37. I'm sorry
A) men tushunaman B) ma’zur tuting
C) aminman D) qiziqarli
38. I'm sure
A) men tushunaman B) ma’zur tuting
C) aminman D) qiziqarli
39. I see
A) men tushunaman B) ma’zur tuting
C) aminman D) qiziqarli
40. interesting
A) men tushunaman B) ma’zur tuting
C) aminman D) qiziqarli

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