The Best Valorant Agents For Beginners

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The Best Valorant Agents for GENSHIN IMPACT

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Are you new to Valorant and don't know which agent to play? Here are the best Valorant GENSHIN IMPACT

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agents for beginners that you can use. Discuss Readability


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Best Valorant Agents for Beginners: Key Takeaways

Reyna is the best Valorant Agent for Solo Queue if you’re a beginner.
Skye and Killjoy are the best Valorant Agents to unlock first for beginners.
Phoenix and Reyna are the best Valorant Agents for aggressive playstyles.
Sage, Skye, or Brimstone are the best Valorant agents for supportive
Killjoy and Sage are the best Valorant Agents for defensive playstyles.

Table of Contents

With now over 21 Agents in the Valorant roster, it can be daunting for newbies to
choose a starter Agent. Some definitely look harder to play, while others are a bit
more beginner-friendly.

To help the newcomers out, we’ve compiled a list of the best Valorant Agents for
beginners. Feel free to take your pick.

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The hands-down best Valorant Agent for beginners is Reyna. She has a self-reliant
playstyle and doesn’t have any abilities that can affect her teammates. This allows for
fewer team-based mistakes and no one screaming, “you blinded me!” in the comms.

Reyna is also a very forgiving Agent because of her ability to heal up if she can get a
kill, allowing her to remain healthy throughout rounds. She also has a great get-out-
of-jail-free card ability in her Dismiss, allowing her to take very aggressive peaks that
very few Agents can get out alive from.


Image via Riot Games

Next up, we have the sole Controller on our list. Brimstone is the only Controller
Agent I can fully recommend for beginners. His smokes are very easy to use. You
literally just choose where you want them to land and press a button. The rest of his
kit is also very beginner-friendly but is more team-oriented than Reyna’s.

This allows you to help your team win games even if you don’t have the best aim in
the world and don’t top frag. Your Stim Beacon gives your team a solid speed boost,
your Incendiary can be used to clear corners, and your Orbital Strike is amazing at
engaging battles or delaying Spike defuses.


Image via Riot Games

If you enjoy a more defensive-minded playstyle, then Killjoy is the best Valorant
Agent for you. She’s a solid pick in today’s meta that can single-handedly hold down
a site. She’s very beginner-friendly because her abilities do most of the work for her.

After learning the best defensive placements for your site, Killjoy becomes an
absolute beast. Just peek off of her utility, and you can easily get free kills while not
doing much. The best part about Killjoy is that she’s also one of the best Valorant
Agents currently in the game, meaning that she’s effective no matter the rank.


Image via Riot Games

If you’re looking for a more team-focused Duelist than Reyna, then the hot-handed
Phoenix is your guy. Phoenix is an overall well-rounded Agent. He has a flash, a
vision-blocking ability, a molly, can heal himself, and a 2nd-life as an ultimate. What
more can you ask for?

He may not be as easy as some of the others on this list, mostly because of the unique
curve on his flash. However, he has a very forgiving kit and not that many mechanics
to master, which still makes him a solid pick for beginners.


Image via Riot Games

Initiators are often not great recommendations for beginners. However, Skye is
probably the one exception. The hardest thing about her kit is properly learning
when and how to use her Guiding Light (flash). Other than that, her abilities are
pretty straightforward.

Use Regrowth when allies are low, use Trailblazer to clear corners and check close
angles, and use Seekers to find enemies. That’s about it.


Image via Riot Games

The final recommendation for today is Sage. Sage is one of the best Valorant Agents
for beginners who prefer a more supportive playstyle. Sage can provide support for
her team in a variety of ways.

She can heal up low allies, use her Barrier Orb to block enemies, Slow Orb to delay
pushes, and Resurrection to bring back an ally in the round. There’s really not much
you can mess up with Sage. You just have to know the proper timings, and you’re
good to go.

Best Valorant Agents for Beginners, Valorant Agents for Beginners


Tips to improve Game Sense In GENSHIN IMPACT

Genshin Impact Players Dive

Into Update 4.0 – The Fontaine

If you’re satisfied with your aim and individual mechanics but can’t rank up in Valorant, GENSHIN IMPACT

Genshin Impact Players

your game sense may be the problem. Win more games by improving your game sense Discuss Readability
with these tips & tricks.


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Key Takeaways
Game sense helps you exploit gaps in the enemy’s playstyle to read them and
win games.
Train yourself for securing rounds by taking rotating with proper timings and
peeking effectively.
Learn the importance of flanking and pushing for map control to stay ahead of
your opponents.

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
What is Game Sense and its Role in Valorant?
How to Improve Your Game Sense to Win More Games?
Understand that winning rounds is more important than frags
Know when to rotate sites
Get your Jank timings down
Understand the core of map control

Since Valorant is a strategic game, your aim and individual mechanics can only carry
you up to a certain rank. Once you enter mid-to-high elo, your game sense and
teamwork play a crucial role in winning games. If you’re looking to become a better
player, it is essential to know what you’re supposed to do in a certain situation.
Therefore, we have this guide to help you improve your game sense in Valorant with
some tips and tricks.

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What is Game Sense and its Role in Valorant?

Game sense is a broad term in Valorant that comprises a deep understanding of the
game, including its various aspects like agents, abilities, maps, timings, your role at
any given time, and predicting the actions of your opponents.

Aside from good mechanics, having a firm understanding of the game is essential to
secure wins and rank up quickly. Therefore, not only you should practice your
individual skills, but develop a strong grip on the mentioned aspects to stay ahead.

How to Improve Your Game Sense to Win More Games?

Now that you understand the importance of game sense in Valorant, here are some
tips that will help you win more games by playing strategically.

Understand that winning rounds is more important than

Build a habit of prioritizing round wins over your frags. On defense, it is best for
Duelist to peek first with the Initiator ability, get a pick, and retreat so the team can
play numbers advantage. Ego peeking and being greedy can easily lose you the
round. The same is true on the attack, once the spike is planted. You should play
post-plant rather than pushing CT spawn for kills and dying.

Know when to rotate sites

As an attacker, if you get information on the positions of all the defenders, it is best
to rotate to the weaker site. Try dishing out and destroying Sentinel utility to make
rotations easy. As a defender, don’t leave the site completely empty until the spike is
planted. It is recommended to have an anchor on one site to catch the rotating

Get your flank timings down

A well-timed lurk can win you the most hopeless of rounds. All of have to do is
activate the lurk with perfect timing. While on the attack, be sure to show your
presence on one part of the map to lurk on the other part while your team stalls. On
defense, if you don’t have information on one of the attackers and the clock timer is
just right, there’s a good chance that they’re flanking.

Understand the core of map control

Whether you’re on attack or defense, map control is the key to securing rounds. If
any enemy is making noise at one site, try pushing the opposite site on defense to
gain extra space and catch the lurking or rotating opponents. Similarly, use your
initiator utility to clear spaces and fight for various parts of the map, clearing all the
choke points and cubbies on the way.

For more rank-up guides, be sure to check out Best Valorant Crosshair Settings Used
By Pros and How to Improve Your Duelist Gameplay.

flank timing, game sense, map control, Tips and Tricks, Valorant, when to rotate

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