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1 - VISUAL CODING surface of the eye, which is lined with visual

 How far an ant sees, or how far you see, depends
 Light from the left side of the world strikes the right
on how far the light travels before it strikes the eyes.
half of the retina, and vice versa. Light from above
You do not send out “sight rays.”
strikes the bottom half of the retina, and light from
 Ibn al-Haytham below strikes the top half.
- an arab philosopher
- observed that when you open your eyes at night, ROUTE WITHIN THE RETINA
you immediately see the distant stars. He reasoned
 In the vertebrate retina, messages go from the
that if you saw by sending out sight rays, they
receptors at the back of the eye to bipolar cells,
couldn’t get to the stars that fast. Then he
located closer to the center of the eye.
demonstrated that light rays bounce off an object in
all directions, but you see only those rays that reflect  The bipolar cells send their messages to ganglion
off the object and strike your retina. cells, located still closer to the center of the eye.
 When you see a tree, for example, your perception  The ganglion cells’ axons join together and travel
is not in the tree. It is in your brain. You see back to the brain.
something only when light from the object alters your  Additional cells called amacrine cells get
brain activity. Even if you did send out rays from your information from bipolar cells and send it to other
eyes— and you don’t—when they struck some bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells. Amacrine cells
object, you wouldn’t know about it, unless they refine the input to ganglion cells, enabling certain
bounced back and returned to your eyes. Similarly, ones to respond mainly to particular shapes,
you feel something only when touch information directions of movement, changes in lighting, color,
reaches your brain. When you feel something with and other visual features.
your fingers, you don’t feel it in your fingers. You feel  One consequence of this anatomy is that light
it in your brain. passes through the ganglion, amacrine, and bipolar
cells en route to the receptors.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF PERCEPTION  The ganglion cell axons join to form the optic nerve
that exits through the back of the eye. The point at
 You see an object when it emits or reflects light that
which it leaves (also where the blood vessels enter
stimulates receptors that transmit information to your
and leave) is a blind spot because it has no
 René Descartes
- believed that the nerves from the eye would send FOVEA AND PERIPHERY OF THE RETINA
the brain a pattern of impulses arranged like a
picture of the perceived object, right side up. In fact,  Fovea - a tiny area specialized for acute, detailed
your brain encodes the information in a way that vision.
doesn’t resemble what you see.  For perceiving detail, each receptor in the fovea
 The brain codes information largely in terms of which connects to a single bipolar cell, which in turn
neurons are active, and how active they are at any connects to a single ganglion cell that has an axon
moment. to the brain.
 Law Of Specific Nerve Energies  Midget ganglion cells - the ganglion cells in the
- by Johannes Müller fovea of humans and other primates.
- Müller held that whatever excites a particular nerve  Many bird species have two foveas per eye, one
establishes a special kind of energy unique to that pointing ahead and one pointing to the side. Hawks
nerve. In modern terms, the brain somehow and other predatory birds have a greater density of
interprets the action potentials from the auditory visual receptors on the top half of their retinas
nerve as sounds, those from the olfactory nerve as (looking down) than on the bottom half (looking up).
odors, and so forth. Conversely, many prey species such as rats have
most of their receptors on the bottom half of the
THE EYE AND ITS CONNECTIONS TO THE BRAIN retina, enabling them to see up better than they see
 Light enters the eye through an opening in the
 Toward the periphery of the retina, more and more
center of the iris called the pupil.
receptors converge onto bipolar and ganglion cells.
 It is focused by the lens (adjustable) and cornea (not
As a result, the brain cannot detect the exact
adjustable) and projected onto the retina, the rear
location or shape of a peripheral light source.
 In short, foveal vision has better acuity (sensitivity to COLOR VISION
detail), and peripheral vision has better sensitivity to
 Visible light consists of electromagnetic radiation
dim light.
within the range from less than 400 nm (nanometer,
 In the periphery, your ability to detect detail is limited
or 10–9 m) to more than 700 nm.
by interference from other nearby objects.
 We perceive the shortest visible wavelengths as
VISUAL RECEPTORS: RODS AND CONES violet. Progressively longer wavelengths are
perceived as blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.
The vertebrate retina contains two types of receptors:
 We call these wavelengths “light” only because the
rods and cones.
receptors in our eyes are tuned to detecting them.
 Rods - abundant in the periphery of the human  Many species of birds, fish, and insects have visual
retina, respond to faint light but are not useful in receptors sensitive to what we call ultraviolet
daylight because bright light bleaches them. radiation.
 Cones - abundant in and near the fovea, are less
active in dim light, more useful in bright light, and
essential for color vision. Because of the distribution
of rods and cones, you have good color vision in the  Thomas Young
fovea but not in the periphery. - Young was the first to start deciphering the Rosetta
 Although rods outnumber cones by about 20 to 1 in stone. He also founded the modern wave theory of
the human retina, cones provide about 90 percent of light, defined energy in its modern form, founded the
the brain’s input. calculation of annuities, introduced the coefficient of
 People vary substantially in the number of axons in elasticity, discovered much about the anatomy of the
their optic nerve and the size of the visual cortex, eye, and made major contributions to other fields.
largely for genetic reasons. - Young recognized that color required a biological
 Both rods and cones contain photopigments, explanation. He proposed that we perceive color by
chemicals that release energy when struck by light. comparing the responses across a few types of
 Photopigments consist of 11-cis-retinal (a derivative receptors, each of which was sensitive to a different
of vitamin A) bound to proteins called opsins, which range of wavelengths.
modify the photopigments’ sensitivity to different  This theory, later modified by Hermann von
wavelengths of light. Helmholtz, is now known as the trichromatic
 Light converts 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal, thus theory of color vision, or the Young-Helmholtz
releasing energy that activates second messengers theory.
within the cell. - According to this theory, we perceive color through
the relative rates of response by three kinds of
cones, each one maximally sensitive to a different
set of wavelengths. (Trichromatic means “three
- How did Helmholtz decide on the number three?
He found that people could match any color by
mixing appropriate amounts of just three
wavelengths. Therefore, he concluded that three
kinds of receptors—we now call them cones—are
sufficient to account for human color vision.
 According to the trichromatic theory, we discriminate
among wavelengths by the ratio of activity across
the three types of cones.
 Your perception of color depends on the frequency
of response in each cell relative to the frequency of
other cells.
 The nervous system determines the color of the light
by comparing the responses of different types of
 Long- and medium-wavelength cones are far more
abundant than short-wavelength (blue) cones.
Consequently, it is easier to see tiny red, yellow, or response by that cell usually means yellow, you
green dots than blue dots. perceive yellow.
 In the retina’s periphery, cones are so scarce that
you have no useful color vision.
 Visual field - the part of the world that you see  The trichromatic theory and the opponent-process
before you can identify the color. theory cannot easily explain color constancy, the
ability to recognize colors despite changes in
 Stare at an object (in figure 5.11) it under a bright  If you wear green-tinted glasses or replace your
light, without moving your eyes, for a minute. (The white light bulb with a green one, you still identify
brighter the light and the longer you stare, the bananas as yellow, paper as white, and so forth.
stronger the effect.) Then look at a plain white Your brain compares the color of one object with the
surface, such as a wall or a blank sheet of paper. color of another, in effect subtracting a certain
Keep your eyes steady. You will see a negative amount of green from each.
color afterimage, a replacement of the red you had  To illustrate, examine Figure 5.13 (Purves & Lotto,
been staring at with green, green with red, yellow 2003). Although different colors of light illuminate the
and blue with each other, and black and white with two objects at the top, you easily identify the squares
each other. as red, yellow, blue, and so forth. Note the result of
removing context. The bottom part shows the
squares that looked blue in the top left part and
yellow in the top right part. Without the context that
indicated yellow light or blue light, all these squares
look gray. For this reason, we should avoid talking
about the color of a wavelength of light. A certain
wavelength of light can appear as different colors
depending on the background.

 Opponent-Process Theory
- proposed by Ewald Hering
- We perceive color in terms of opposites. That is,
the brain has a mechanism that perceives color on a
continuum from red to green, another from yellow to
blue, and another from white to black.
- Part of the explanation for this process pertains to  Similarly, we perceive the brightness of an object by
the connections within the retina. For example, comparing it to other objects. The object in the
imagine a bipolar cell that receives excitation from a center appears to have a dark gray top and a white
short-wavelength cone and inhibition from long- and bottom. Now cover the border between the top and
medium-wavelength cones. It increases its activity in the bottom with a finger. You see that the top of the
response to short-wavelength (blue) light and object has exactly the same brightness as the
decreases it in response to yellowish light. After bottom!
prolonged exposure to blue light, the fatigued cell
decreases its response. Because a low level of
on the X chromosome, a man has only one or the
other. However, because women have two X
chromosomes, some women have one long-
wavelength receptor with serine and one with
alanine. Those two versions of the long-wavelength
receptor differ slightly in their responsiveness to
light. Women with different versions of that receptor
make somewhat finer distinctions between one color
and another, compared to other people. Because
some women have two types of long-wavelength
receptors and others have just one, women’s
 To account for color and brightness constancy, performance on color vision tests is more variable
Edwin Land proposed the retinex theory (a than men’s is.
combination of the words retina and cortex): The
cortex compares information from various parts of SUMMARY:
the retina to determine the brightness and color for
 You see because light strikes your retina, causing it
each area.
to send a message to your brain. You send no sight
 Dale Purves and colleagues have expressed a
rays out to the object.
similar idea in more general terms: Whenever we
 According to the law of specific nerve energies, the
see anything, we make an inference. For example,
brain interprets any activity of a given sensory
when you look at the objects in Figures 5.13 and
neuron as representing a particular type of sensory
5.14, you ask yourself, “On occasions when I have
seen something that looked like this, what was it
really?” You go through the same process for  Sensory information is coded so that the brain can
perceiving shapes, motion, or anything else. That is, process it. The coded information bears no physical
visual perception requires reasoning and inference, similarity to the stimuli it describes.
not just retinal stimulation.  Light passes through the pupil of a vertebrate eye
and stimulates the receptors lining the retina at the
 The axons from the retina loop around to form the
 Color vision deficiency - colorblindness
optic nerve, which exits from the eye at a point
 Color is in the brain, not in the light or the object called the blind spot.
itself.  Visual acuity is greatest in the fovea, the central
 Color deficiency results because people with certain area of the retina. Because so many receptors in the
genes fail to develop one type of cone, or develop periphery converge their messages to their bipolar
an abnormal type of cone. cells, our peripheral vision is highly sensitive to faint
 In red-green color deficiency, the most common light but poorly sensitive to detail.
form of color deficiency, people have trouble  The retina has two kinds of receptors: rods and
distinguishing red from green because their long- cones. Rods, more numerous in the periphery of the
and medium-wavelength cones have the same retina, are more sensitive to faint light. Cones, more
photopigment instead of different ones. The gene numerous in the fovea, are more useful in bright
causing this deficiency is on the X chromosome. light.
 Women with one normal gene and one color-  People vary in their number of axons from the retina
deficient gene—and that includes all women with a to the brain. Those with more axons show a greater
red-green color-deficient father—are slightly less ability to detect brief, faint, or rapidly changing
sensitive to red and green than the average for other stimuli.
people.  According to the trichromatic (or Young-Helmholtz)
 What would happen if people had a fourth type of theory of color vision, color perception begins with a
cone? Actually, some women do, in a way. The long- given wavelength of light stimulating a distinctive
wavelength cone shows genetic variation. At one ratio of responses by the three types of cones.
point in the protein, most genes code for the amino  According to the opponent-process theory of color
acid serine but 16 to 38 percent of the genes vision, visual system neurons beyond the receptors
(depending on people’s ethnic background) produce respond with an increase in activity to indicate one
instead the amino acid alanine. Because the gene is color of light and a decrease to indicate the opposite
color. The three pairs of opposites are red-green,
yellow-blue, and white-black.
 According to the retinex theory, the cortex compares
the responses across the retina to determine
brightness and color of each object.
 For genetic reasons, certain people are unable to
distinguish one color from another. Red-green color
deficiency is the most common type.

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